The Wingham Times, 1893-02-10, Page 8ndort Fres Press Nays : "In ne- on wall a resolution peesed at the 'matting of tee County Coeucil to els- the bylaw requiring all pedlars in the to be lu+eased, high Ctaistabla hats issued .instructions; to all conn- ta,hlee to demand from ell pedlars ottom:era a sight of their licenses for • Anyone foiling to produce a proper- tied license of late date is to be emu - :end prosecuted under instructions Ii;la Constable." Were the law en - the sante way in this county, there d not be so menu pedlars hawking through the county. Why should Very person travelling through the ty vending s figgod s pay for theprivilege le e. ineem tradesmen lose ninety sales ose pedlars, who contribute nothing to znth of the municipalities in which sell, --- LW/seer ti'1ngkala- e following is the report of Lower gine public school for the month of miry, The he ma ks r are basad on dill- ce, punctuality and good conduct. names are pet in order of merit, Orth o1ass:—Allio King, J•e 7, Luka Ring, Minnie ie Beckett, Narral Morris :douald, Thomas Graham, d Frank Rill, gird class sr,—Jennie Dey, Robert Mable Halstead, James Carr, ilton Graham. ird class jr,--James Lockeridge, e Martin antEadie Welsh. and Class sr. ---Jahn King, Ida ook, Minnie Campbell, Annie Pat - r, Birdie Johnston, Julia Linklater, Macdonald, Nellie Graham, Jennie ell, Fannie Gilmore. gond class jr.—Geo. Ansley, Benson kshank, Egerfou Wellwood, George ', John Potter, Maud Netterffeld, e Johnston, George Campbell, h England, Annie Graham. al Class.—Melissa Findlay, Verona #et, Rhoda Elford, Chas Peckett, Nereus, Lieizie Pettex and Annie TUE WING A. : TIMES, FEBRUARY 10, 1893, toto L'anada its 1855, settled in Elora, and the iirat 1853, s tl >ai next hie nd ! The C,orouer'8 Jury, in the ease of C,on resignetiou takes effect. The congregation' stable Iu tr the of Chatham, r grnour a Ilessr. ver i „ dote u IOrd ' behaved lout e andat ' liu finding andn 1 so adi four rni f u i I in tl of Y ie matter 1. the prismors guilty of anurdee, nett ely, a, retiring e2losvauee. One t[lauseud dol. 1 Alexander, George, William, Henry and lana is prOrrtised, payable id three instal- k Leuieel FreernRu, negate, in Jun°'93, '04 and 05, ; I tun now beginning to pub this question l t In Kelso City, st mining town in British to myself : "Shall we meet in Edgn es t'h? GolurnUia, the cost of living may bo esti Fry T would far rather my body were mated from the following : Board, IRO A fr znn stiff at the foot of tv Sootc'11 naartyr'c 1 week ; eggs! 750, a dozen ; butter, per monument than be borne forth from a I pound; bacoU, 27e.; ham, 3'00, ; hair etit, felon's cell in Goderich jail. 73c,: rtio e, 50e„ and everything else in W. Lithgow; CulrOSs, Among the Alps we are about snowed. .0 ;itld, AGENTS WANTED. w an i ndy agents everywhere.crcit oldofg for Tho thiparalteleI American it 1 Counts and Weiyts• Aptly to MADAM STGVF;YS, 0 . AFent, 7.17 Mao Herd Street, Montreal, Canada, WIN -GRAM FOUNDRY JAS. D tWRAY ct 00. Areeet4eterer3 of Land Rollers, PIows, Gang 21 we, etc, f General Castings in I<ro ud t rasa fur Welted to o er Plow Points reduce 35e Ptah C iVn eesraox--In, Wingltaln, ou the 4th Liberal discount for le ge quantities, ash, in. Some of the sideroads are blocked fust„ the wife of 11 r. Williamson; a lough• JAS. }2IIRR y ter,e: CO, up, and the frost has made its way' into I Wiugham, Ont. the cellars and root -houses, , January, the Ri eltofGMr,e,ou 7a.mes- Sather. --__ Mr. Sam. l3irchall has bought several !land ; a dthe wi r. polo You Forget lots of fat cattle in the neighborhood to i (j it ! ,p IVIAI ETED, be delivered in May for the British # 'R'PE> cox—leteter,Is*raenee-•y t the residence i market, of the bride's pareuts,xby the Rev, Mr. 1 Your money buys more now than it Mrs, an d Mr, Robert Caslick frons New,Crow1, Mr, Edward Pelton of Ind' head, would thr r bridge, fir , nuitaUa, to Mies Susie, • cep in certain linea. n , e at present visiting at his • lanais DZe to Mi eau, si IVbit Iter a Mr. Your life etre be mad 1 father's Mr. Geo, ' bi (1T tan ee wnoks fa Cas Rett s, E IiI• o_, ax> s—At Teescvttter, on the 1st r vel Ur. Neil AToKinnon, of the 2nd con., is Gust, by Rev, J. tiorcorall, lair. L d '0 d bargains us in 73oota yt v lars on desirable .sig Moil- Iaicl up with a sato I>ack,haviu; accident- Kiug, of Culross, to Miss i4lary JaneShoes, rubbers, Linklater, daughter of Mr. Wm. Thyme of Kinloss, I Overshoes. Rubber andend Seeks, Trunks, ally wrenched it. an, LorneSdence f tee bride' Mitchel!, at the j figures sto convince you that tit our uteri- Mrs. l+, Crowe, who has been very ill+, residence of the bride's fattier ou the let tion to matte the mouth of February the John Cur is rapidly recovering, est, by the lieu Mr. CoII B9 Ch best in our sellime experience: A ;god another of our young anon fromutewart, f S . oith to liras H> Mc1N]JQQ, • SPRING IMPORTATIONS. tt RON-0111)11t$S3 600D0t It's rather early to exhibit, but not for 1 `. 11. cIndoo, who is always first in the held with new Goods. We are almost through with winter 00 g ds, our good value sold them. . melee pleasanter by the That is our way of ' are g o'e• usciousness that you are dealing iu rhogetting ahead of •v best a1:cl host economical we4y. We shelves are now loadedtimes; our II save you loan dollars with new goods; our stock is larger, more varied, more co .plete than ever before; ours is indeed, average attendance for the month Wfa, HARTLEY, teacher. Eelrave. Thanes Burney is nicely recoveriug. ave is now without a shoemaker, %rs. Madden having moved to lad will occupy the house of Mr. ger. •, Rrkiue has retueued from resbyteriaus iu tend building anew urcn here. Nolle too soon. Sec. Nixon will move to her new resi- on, Wander who will occupy the e krlcves ? ,ve Branch l3ible Society held its _meting bere on the 1st iustaut. 11t business was transacted and 'tory retained. The Rev, J. R. elected president for the co:Mue- r. Chas. McCrae was the retiring Mr. BBengougb, who has been 1e in connection with this branch Tette user, .1r. W. E. Erskine is Mr. McJlollantl still keeps 4.: eoucert, under the auspice rave, No. 48, Canadircr, Or Wrs, will he held in the Forest ave, me Monday evening, F h, Mrs. Murray Dixon St, Andrew's church, Terve ''.ax, of Torooto, the greatest nein artists, have been secure n4sion, as well as the celebrat 5'{Tethodist Sabbath School O ltd Prof. Hawkins, pianist, !gIffr. Chas. Hamilton, of Blyt 'oat chair at 8 o'clock p, m, A 11yp,,ulrl atteud, as this will bo tl 90690n+ HEI a (firs to A)1. I'poa91tion attained and the un ante and approval of the plea 1 it remedy Syrup of figs, a !lent Laxative known, ilius ue of the qualities on which it r ilea are abundantly ,ratifyiu nia Fig Syrup Company. itig, .r, , 1 axles c eaf , Emma, daughter of Mr. James Davis. and acquaintances. Some of these are Born—Boas—At the residence of the Michael King, from Dominion City, Musgrave, Mr. Robert A lust, Bod, too Mis Manitoba, Joseph Charters, from Mon- Sarah Ross, both of McKillop, tana, Robert Simpson. from Brandon, Fenn—PAEpDL VILTP—At Kingsbridge, on Manitoba and Edward Kine January 24th, b I%ev, I'sther Dixon, M, F' , from Gage- town, Michigan. Miss Kate Kinesis Prendevil ef x oflAshfieI Dak,, to Bfiss Katie alto home from Michigan with her brather, What the others carne home for _ DIED. Ktomay not be certain, but it is no longer in Refer, a,ed63 year's on the 21st alt., John doubt what was the mission of Mr. Ed. King, If he has not gone over to the majority, he has taken the sipe of those who believe that union is strength On distant points aro home seeing old friends Ann, beloved lN fe of4N Iliano tn Brat 84 years. men's Laced Boots., ed Idea's Laced Roots,tives, Men's Gaiter Boots , Men's Overshoes„ Men's Wool Lined Os•erehoes Men's American Rubbers lifen's Socks and Rubbers Men's Long Leather Boots ., Men`s Felt Boots.. svenien's Laced Boots Women's Laced Boots . • Ladies' Buttoned Boots Ladies' Fine Button ' Ladies' Do11go10, Button or Lace Ladies' Overshoes, some Plies Ladles' Fins Oxford LarBea Sh)ltlere ry 2nd, 1 Obrrdren'.s Slippers w171 aged [ feii'sr8lfgte ,e tis Boy,.' solid Leather Boys' Long Boots Glottises --In Clinton, on the 91 :lnasday last he was happily married Percy John, son of Ur. John Gibbings, to itiiss Hayes, of Kinloss. Ve^•y many aged 21 years and 8 months, friends were invited to to iu the even- I Bu1,Tox —In Teeswater, on the 25th ult., in and an exceedingly enjoyable time' Elizabeth Bayley, beloved wife of I1R r. lug over, the amusements of the occasion Cguaras-1u Teeswater, on the 30th alt, r0 An + O William and was realized by those present. Tea be- + John Buutou, aged 67 years and 8 moulhe, proceeded in an agreeable Annie Bertha daughter f W'r' greeab2e mannas and Emetic:, N. Cousins, aged 4 years and 7 even up into the small people continued --as a great poet once Somensee—In Brusseleeoil January 28th, o said --"To chase the glowing hour John •o all hours the young months. Boys' Rubbers Boys' Rubbers for Socks • - 0 lbs good Japan Tea •' 12 Ilse Tea sittings 5 lbs good Black Tea •' 20 ibs best Granulated Sugar 8 lbs Pot Barley 20 lin Bird Seed Canned Peaches, 2 for 4 Cans Corn Peas or.Ton1atoes S Sardines S lbs Starch 4 Packages Corn Starch • • 2 bottles of Pickles %Sash Boards - Brooms P411s 2 250. Bars Soap .. • TERMS CASH. 25 std feet," g s with Somerset, aged 77 years and 6 t flying The large number of hand- months, some presents showed the appreciation. Boss—At Kincardine, ou Sunday, Janes in which ry 29th, Tamen W, third son of the bride and bridegroom were ua held, The ouo * p Moss+ of Ayr, formerly of Bruescls,H aged • Y 6 couple intend leaving 30 years and G mouths, Y next, and 1340=1'T—it) cu the 31st alt they will carry with them the very best George Lacrett clerk of Lseter village, wishes of all who for Michigan on Wednesday " es nor *s 1 Exeter,, knew thein. aged fit years and 6 mouths. WELL WISMOR, The Bost Offer Yet. We have made arrangements with the publishers of the "Family Herald and Weekly Star" that we are i11 a position to offer' the Times •'Faulrly Herald and Wee,r- ly Startegether with .lie great Star Monte ac from now Man 1st g." 0uary 1894 for 81.7.55, The price of the •arnily Ilereld nud Weekly Stet." is $2,00 per year and the AImanac 25 cents. This is a grand offer and should be taken advantage of by a iarger number of cur readers. This offer t to new sub,erillorn a,.i well as OM cue+. Gorrle. the f Our village was unusually stirred on Wednnca s of dor ors' eb. 010 ay evening, the 1st inst„ on account of a wedding of an unusual char- acter. The happy couple were Mr. G. F. Gilliland, of Flaradale, county of Water- loo, and Miss Martha, eldest daughter of Mr, Richard Graham, 10th con, of I3ow- • The new Methodist chore JBefore GORDON es na "A DRESS EDS BOOM DF PROMINENCE". •• 3.5 •• 125 ., 100 •• 1 00 •• 50 ,. t'' We urge an early selection, as best styles go 25 hist. Also our standard .. 50 •• 50 •• 20 .• 20 25 •• 25 •• 50 • • 7x1 •• df, •• SO •• 1 00 •. 1 00 •• 1 00 •. 1 00 Flannels,Shaker Flannels, very best bleached lor Fancy unbleached Twills and plain 2 l -4 wide Shee - ings. Carpets in `Tapestry, Brussels and Wool, bqualities. Linens, Towies, Nakens prices. 25 dozen men's fancy Cashmere Hose, a wool, for 25c., worth 40c. Just " opened u goods; also 50 dozen w p,llew 25 'extra fine quality ribbed omen nds and children's :. :: 1 20 Hose. The activity in this department. poinlain ts to 25 the success of our efforts; qualityand price are the . " 25 levers, at 25 25 25 or, M. H. MCINDOO'S. See Our 50 & 75c.'Shoe Counter -_' it iGEO* ' BLY't'H. oINTY Are determined to cear out ; ance of their 50,1 icll of center of attraetion, it being the as ace d, selected for the plane Performance of the ed ceremony. There was quite a emigre - r. i gation assembled to witness the event, of , and just before the six o'clock bell begau le I to ring, the party entered the church, 17 The bride and bridesmaid, who were at - ie I tired in cream cashmere with orange j, blossoms, etc., carie in on the right aisle and the groom and groomsman, on the ii left, both meeting in front of the altar, '' where the pastor of the church was in s- waiting, and the organist playing a 8 wedding r „ march. The usual ceremony ' being over, amongst hearty ., church tut• tions and the ringing; of the church bell, e Press,— I left Crawford Moor It in October, 1838, and after Sew months, made the ac - 11 . Middlenniss, at the S©s- ort the itfouud, :I left far ft 2, to u.et as tutor. While rel at the dieveptiou of 1843.1 dinburgh and matriculated tege,. nano mere meeting,' tbo I remember aright, was tt ( ,e Eat. Andrews' like myself t of teaching as a profession, oI with a to;ty .ideal of I might ece0lnplistr. A series, through no fault of mine, I ,10 A frieu,l, a tried one, had a 1 411 ter `ie in Ltsetvade. It t 1a=i5:t when I heard the Laesuileed free Church, U `iNage, Ile Witte , s .fit: DB' bal- oc1 taking, and in order to effect a speedy, clearance, will give a 9 CASH DISCOUNT OF 1St INT Ir. Thin of it Ten cents returned to you out of evr Mr: Ja.nies Leach cavo forward and on tY behalf of the trustees re ey dol are Every ar. presented the ( c...e in our shop is marked i n plain bride ride %lith a handeome Bible in tai . to the lager prices of being the first marriage solemnized in the church,•-- "` '• 9 Vulette• I ' d o 3 n • yluovaia prevailing for all. kinds of grain, r 1 ° Y s u At the debate in the Foresters' Flall,lto,l• ; prices + correspondingly day last, on "Ivssolved, that our present" b low so, connection with Great Britain is preferable : above li with the discount, to political union with the United yt t '{ 'y, very good arguments' tld, .,cheapest s in r u . i %a la( j, there were some a es," advanced on both sides but the affirmativ© ® side was victorious. Tho udn • T. C ouites, R. Shaw, R. L. Sic vaart and T.Vir• Fraser. Mr. John Burgess was chair- Calx early and get : f rst rcho' c. lieu. Mr. Hartley gave an address at the ea -meeting; held in the Presbyterian cheroll, 'Hingham, on Monday night. Mr. Fulton Timtnins is home from bind- • ay, GORDON& 1VMINTYRE r• RING. S S 0 0 8 buying public. We submit to youthis week the greatest value ever offered a 25 pieces Dress .Goods worth 150. a yard, for 8c. for 30 0 pieces Dress Goods worth 50c. a yard, 7 pieces ,Dress Goods worth 85c. a y for •50c< ,rd, These last two lines are double width, high class Snitinas, Just consider.• for a moment : Goods of this class being you at 15e. and 25c. per yard, ordinary width. Don' b offered them.. These prices will move thein quick. I! r•ecil7g• Yours truly, ,be Popttlar Boo IS HEADQUARTERS FOR More Gildt t r ts!FYI ' A large stock of Christmas Goods has just'. en received, suitable all patties, old or young., Christmas tak,Ie for +;,, COIlSI9tiXl of , TOYS, PHOTO ALB:i7MS SCRAP ALSO Vl ITING L LS h ,TOILET SETS, PLUS)i GOODS, CHINA. VASES, XMAS (A RDS, L'DIES COMPANION(in plush of wood), VIOLINS, OGA.NS, CELLULOID MOUTH OS,[OY" laOOT(S; HANDSEtGHS, PORRIDGESETS, J3.1ANNOTE'S, BIBLES, FANCYMIRRORS (band painted) A. ALS merge Assort= of of , ,. ,,.to Gn9istitl; 01 Leirura Hours, Suudny at Homeh i I three a, larger ,stock this }'ear than fiver before and Own, fie" r W, desire to call and see it before j)urcllasin(r elsewhere, as itsn trouble uble to show ,goods, O tl? C"Rcinetu Pface 130 Josephine street, Wing,laarn. 131110.88 AS LOW' AS THE l' OvYPST. 'bet' file . . The . nehWr House, ise. A L , , S. pn Company. t l' 4lninI()T P press C'cln 7 atld G, `.1. Fele ;i's VOL. XX. Na doubt you kinds of cotton got advance in price, S, heve. Bet we ware aur stock of White tons, Cotton Shirtin f.Denims is full and at the old prices and full benefit, prices j before, We have a they are going at wh; are selling Boys' ant xrettcost, and will down low, There are c different kinds we wi are worth, we will m you when you see tin We still have a big 35 cent Tea, 3 lbs. for for one dollar and Oft 20 lbs granulated 22 lbs of coffee saga lbs of brown sugar f OR The 'Been, Jan. 198 Itlarriag0 Issued by .RAMC PA toric street, Winghar •.required. LOCAL good second hat It Iy to, Messes. Moore 13 "the Lower Wingham —An assembly w am Hall, on Tuesd —Mr, and stirs, J tertained a large n evening party, on —The minutes of cil, which appear i al be read by every r, eI --Meeey to loan. 'threat, on real estate. —The well-known , 'Company will appeo Saturday evening, an orated play 'The BI —A load of th corps of the Salvati Wroxeter, on Tuesd ied by Major Baug in a. t, -Tho skating r cNanglrton, of Br "Turnberry, whicie. the rink here, on,. paned until the 21 v}:?? —The next pu111 T. U., of this plat evening, Februar annual meeting, work will be read. be given next voek —Ladies, have y, Miss M• J01111st00, G . the Queen's Hotel, work, always ilrst-el r Tho fire 'i'ir " itfteinoon about 2 in Mr. A. E. Sim E. King's store, to out o th0 street l done.Fortunate' brie do were not re n Tuesday ow card meeting, the officials and several ' Mr. ',Ethos. Bell, the an oyster supper at After full justice h • t'es, a short time w RIM etc. —I ern prepared price for all kinds o at my butcher sbof and well dressed. ----No action has 1 (3+rogatiou of St. Pa W. Hughes' resig eel some time ago. t0 go to England cannocti0n with th poets to b absei case he is granted 1 Milne, itis ( 3'ctei iteceptanee of his t likely r)0 taken ate ii:i3 evening next,