HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-10, Page 7Billy Forfeiture of Confidence, noir of hoots at a time, Mr. McSwat came home tire" There are 110,000 speeies of flower - hungry, and impatient, and found that his supper waeu't ready or likely to be ready for an flour or more. If there i$s one point on which iljr, eSevat, is inflexible and lulcompris- ling it is meals. Now you know well onougli,I oleelie, 1e said, throwing his evereoat on the lounge and walking up and down the room, that I don't like to be kept wtlit- ing for my atipper in this 'way, when a man hos hem working hard all day. Di11iger, exclaimed Mrs. MeSwat, in n nrokoli vol; e', dou't reproach iue. T have had something else to think of, ped I didn't speak to Sally about sup- r till a few minutes ago, ? have lead such a shook—you don't know ! What is the matter? Any bad news from the relatives? No, not Had a quarrel with the neighbors? No. It's --- Aunt d'erusha taming? T'11 tell if you'll give a chance. T3illi� ger, said Mn. 1fo,S"wtlt, wiping her eyes, it's Billy! Billy who? Billy the canary. Oil it's the canary, is it ? If he's got away I think I can stand it. That For Colds and Sore Throat, bird, madam, has cast the in cages I1{S —We use Hagyard's Yellow Oil and feed and medicine since you first in our family for colds and sore got him three year's ago, about six- throat and it is excellent. My sister had teen dollars and— asthma since childhood, but ou trying He hasn't got away, B-13s1liger! Yellow Oil for it Cha soon was nsoured. Ont. sobbed Mre. McSwat. It s -.--it's allot that ! ' For Editorial Purposes. Is he dead ? N -no I No What then? t Billy has---has—has laid an eag 1 This to Meant For You. It is truly said that oue half of the world does not k how the other half lives lug plants on the globe. In Queen Elizabeth's day dudes wore Shoes three feet long. The telephone has been known in, Itedia for thousands of years. The dyeing of oue piece of linen, re- quires 18 distinct proeeases. There is more money spent in eggs than flour in the United States. The highest average speed attained by railway trains ill England is 51 miles en hour. New York city's annual produetion of tnanuftictured articles is values; at $700,000,000. The weight required to crush n square inch of brick varies from 1,200 to 4,500 pounds. The average daratton of lives in the United Status is 49,0 for tnechanicsl and 52.1 for lawyers. It is 'estimated that last year A.ri- zona produced $3,000,000 in gold, $2,000,000 in silver and $5,000,000 in copper. Threo hundred million eggs are used in the United States in making albumen paper used in photography. THE W I GfHA r.1..IMES, FEBRUARY 10, 1893 A Stuart Gnarl Yahoo to the Boys, 4 16 year-old girl V4505!V4505! n lecture to the young shun ill a Lincoln tenuity excliauge in thio rglsition t Wily do you young hien of thio vicinity do so much loefiut; ? Go to work 1 Push ahead 1 J. ale hilt a yoll;2f; . girl. 1 have olotbe�d myself and got !none)? in tile {sank and only 1fi ',yore tile. I lay up more nsollny',vel'y year of my life than any young wan "ithiu a radius of threo .miles; of my home. When they get s chart they go to a dance and go home a dollar out. 'e1y fathsr is able, to suppert tui,, but I choose to support myself. 1 advise ell girls to eta clear of these lnaiin;; boys, Give them awide berth and never marry a man sinless Ile i4 .able to slip - port you, told town* pet your erne through the handle et it ram jug: 8i110 asnese Cured. GLN'L1;:1n;N,-1 hau: ve ,ed 13urdoek Blood Bitters for biliousaees and anti it the best remedy for this complaint. I used several other remedies but they all failed to do me any good. However, it re- quired only two bottles, of 13, 13. 33 to cure mo completely, and 1 cab reconitniaud'it to all. Yours truly, Wu.RonlNsoN, Wallas}; urg, How He Bore Pain. Late ono :•veiling a mail was slated in the receiving,, room of ons of the dispensaries in the lower part of the city. He was talking to a young sur- geon who hail charge of the room, and the conversation tuned to the subject of the courage shown by youug folks The visitor was in the composing as compared with that of adults. rooa of a primeval newspaper and ob. It's al) bosh, said the •visitor, about served the foreman cleaning the forms. a child's standing pairs i tt,'r than a What's that you have there ? he man. Vv by it stands to soil-- asked, Hello 1 said the surgeon., What's Lye,' responded the foreman. this? EIe ? queried the astonished visitor. it's me. now o , c Comparatively few of us have perfect Lys', I said, responded the tore- The vi.,itor turned and saw t.vp health, owing to the impute condition of plan, barefooted urchins, one about mak, our blood. But we rub along from day to Oh, eh, excuse me, begged the vista and the other perhaps a year younger. day, with scarcely it, thought, unless forced to our attention, of the tbousandd all about ne who are suffering from scrofula, salt rheum and other serious blond disorders, and whose agonies can only be imagined. The marked success of Hood's Sarsaparilla, for these troubles, as shown In our adver- tising columns frequently, certainly seems to justify urging the use of this excellent medicine by all who know that their blood is disordered. J very claim in behalf. of Hood's Sarsaparilla is fully backed up by what the medicine has done and is still doing, and wheu its proprietors urge its 'merits and its use upon all who suffer from impure blood. iu great or small de- grees, they certainly mean to include you. News Items of Interest. New Zealand has 62 large creamer- ies... England has faetory in the Nvo British India ° opium shops. A ton of coal feet of gas. The season's $1,500,000. The Moscow Greek rllureh cost $40. 000,00. • Seven hundred Columbus biograph- ies are extant. Queen Qictorla's ditling room furni- ture cost $100,000. The Emperor of China orders 200 the largest needle rid. hoe 10,417 licensed yields whale nearly 10,000 catch is worth 1 BY SPECIAL ROYAL APPOINTMENT There's Nothin Like IT 1DOES AWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS D OilLET Suuiiglit WAt3AN RV * WT80UI' TRYING• REEU51 Oli';:,..P IMITATIONS ter, I thought they only used that for editorial purposes. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft, or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 550 by use of one bottle. War. routed by Chisholm's drug store. 'Waking Money at Last, Very original tuan—•very original Weed, he said, in commenting on an acquaintance. Be has souse of the cleverest ideas itnaiinahio, Regular genius, joke ? Yrs; indeed. Ile writes well, and gets some of the most unique conceits you ever heard of. His work will at• track attention tiny where The elder game in carryin;; lain cotn- pution, whom he carefully lairs or, the lounge. Then hi, rinsed himself and said : Me and Daf.iuio 're uewbr,ys and just now he stepped on a' busted bot- tle in de pork and cut his foot. And yon carried hies all the way from the Park hereon your boos:1 ' Yep The doctor has washed the 'blood, from the foot acid disclosed a deep, raged cut about three inoses Ioug. He earefnily washed and dressed -it and (rase about to thread his needles to take a few needed stitt10 s, when the patient spoke for the first time. Are you going to sots it, :too' Yes, my little elan i it, veal heal! ac: wit11ot1t tt, And like other ad;niuees, 1 euppoee Oh -h•11-11! he has had a hoed time of it 4 Well, 1 should say so. Many a He lay back and after one half supnrei:s- time he has not bad money anon= h to ed groan, the tears which trickled down his buy what he needed to eat. But his cheeks Mono told the story of the pain. The struggles are over and he has a ser- Isole of the foot of an ordinary Now York tainty now. newsboys is not a very easy thing for even' What particular line, he says. He'sI the sharpest needle to pierce and the pain writing advertisatnent for a new brand I of the operation was much increased. While it was going on a member of the New York Fire Patrol entered and seating himself in a shair.waited with evident impatience for his turn to arrive. The sewing finished, the foot was bandaged and the young Styrax took up his burden. How far have you to go? asked the elec- tor. Over to Oliver street. It was frilly a half mile to Oliver street, but the youth tool: up his burden cheer- fully. Well, sir, whet can I do for you? said the surgeon to the man. The patrolman was a magnificent specs inen of physical mauhoo 1, tall, broad anti muscular. Well; you see, I was hitcbin' up the hosses and they started and threw mo down. I fell on my hand there, ho added, as he held out the member. It was con- siderably swollen. To find the cause of the swelling the doctor began to run his fingers along the injured part, but he had hardly begun when his wrist was seized in a grip like iron. Hold on there, dos, that hurts 1 Of course it does, but T have to find out what's the matter. And he tried, and again tad. now do you think I can fix your mould when you won't lot me find out what's the matter with it. 1 know that, but I can't stand it, he be- gan. . flol.d this arm a couple of you, said the surgeon tbtllc attendants, who had come in, attracted by the noise. Tho man's arm was scold and it was found that the linnd had been merely s:trained. of soap. Pin-Moiusv. . dere is your pin -money, Maud, said Uncle Hugh, as he handed his neice a bright silver dollar. 'thank you, uncle; I was just wish- ing for some spare change, and Maud's ,ryes fairly weaned as she took the offered money. Uncle Hugh, when yon give ino money to spend just, as I please, why do you cell it pin -Money ? Maud ask ed. Well, my dear, .l will tell you the origin of the term pin -money. Pins wero introduced into England by Catharine first, wife of Henry VIII. They were not, however, the well- known small -pointed instrument such as we llse, but were made of gold, sil- ver, ivory and brass, many of them tlreiglaing; six or eight ounces. Sueli `(spine as those were worn in the hair 4tnd used en different parts of the clothing to fasten folds or drapery, and were (pito ornamental. Thus, you see, the first pins were much more useful to ladies than gentlemen. The Spaniiall mailltfaoturers were permitted to sell their pins only during the0htiet- uras holidays, and in that way gentle- men began to give the ladies of their respective families mune;, at Christ- mas -time with which to buy pins. At first they were very expensive, costing as we have now to pay Inc a valuable piece of jewelry. However, after pins tied become common and cheap, gentlemen• continued the practiee of ;.living their wives, daughters, and sisters money to buy pills; in that Way the term pin -money originated and it is now applied to an allowance made to ti, lady to buy any small articles l ke may treed or desite, T am glad you told loo all about it, 'ineiss ,laid Maudt and JC thaolc you very much.—ll#rporso Young People. lie was prevon Maiso i+to Mistake. e. MAHI: iso mistelto when buying' e. rem• edy for dyspepsia, hettdaohe, tonus• patiou or bad blood, be sure to got the kind that cures. 1311rdock Blood I3ittets. "it is an excellent remedy for hettdaohe." --0. illaokett ltobincon, Pub. Canada Pres- byterian. VursXf Costsnualitlort, Pougfas, Croup, Soro Throat. field be ell lsrugticte.one Guarantee. For a Large iiide,13nrk erChest Shiloh's Porous .?1oater rill Sive lrc .t €atisfectiau,-e$ cote, S iIILO°il"w, 'ii`d°ALEIZ " S lira.0.ti.T'lavri sus Claattnnoogs,ti'onn..says 1 "Srf'a'.'.i Z%t ' ,Nr-, 4.'V�G''la 2113" 61VA.1 X sO',tsictet til>elv^'rcrrGecip,forcLashctttcttedgnstsre, . evarsprif," lor3)1 ;ep'io,Lirczoxz;ittlae5' - xqnbppo:'t��exc�ar3, 3'.lee 1aota, TA X3aveyouCafarz ? yth 3Ite moo... 3tzcfll pnaitivtl a ,blit z c ,3 tufo » knee rO stag 4'bis Xn su t to se 1 r ' �r ..•1 . e 0ucnt ie furaisacctie 3e. ' : •t 'r 5•hileh'oltemediee t51 0 50115 54:ra5,Il• • .,�;fa. ., •..,.SArietloa, t•.Trr,�r:r.,;.T^.Y±.rP.f!:7'ri^12�fi'r.`rfS:a:�`..ati:?7 1 Application painless end easy. Relief ltrtue;liate. This preparation ?ills a great and long•feit watt amoint those wlm suffer from piles, 0 is a remedy et the highest merit, effeetinz• and reliable, and has more than met the auticttn,tinns of those physicians who have used it in their practice. cttxsoxz 15 A rosrriva cuss when other treatments fail to relieve, Testimonials furnished. Price 41. For sale by druggists, or by mail on receipt of price. w, T, S•ranso, Manufacturing Chemist, 144 Dundas strut, London, Ont. HALSTED & SCOTT Josephine Street - - Ont, J. A. Hersi'co, w. Scorn, Mount Forest. I Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowed, Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, Ou long or short time, on endorsed cotes or collateral security. Salo notes bought at a fair valuation. doney remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada -.-rho eXerchants' .Sank of Canada sauce Hours—From 9 a. m. 1;o 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. it i in the lung -healing virtues ofthe Pitts :i,i^ect witlz the soothing and expectorant „c_: ::tics of other pectoral herbs and barks. t', PERFECT CURE FOR .t .�vi�si5tMo Ar• ND OOLDE toa_soness, ,A.sthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Crc?v.p and ail THROAT, BRONCHIAL and i '.,'C,DI UY.�•.r~.EsSF'B. Obstinate coughs which resist other remedies yield promptly to this p pleasant piny syrup, r� n-'soj. iiS 1117 :sin LIDO. p1125 6QTTt.. ', GOLD !iY OLL DGe GO,6:4. 61a.t. N Y:MTZ I` MXTI6M,AOgiO 5:01,:7.1.4 OCM1vi z9 1,, a HAVE YOU •,,s "Backache i:t J05CUas the kid - >w r` ,net's are in trouble. Dodd's i Kidney Pills gine gsonspt relief." Fri 75 per cent. of disease is (! first caused b r, J•r.' y G.l ch,sordcred kid- f'J(s, ' plight as well } 'try to have a t healthy city without sewer- ' 0c30, as good lre,rlth when the 1idney.s are `• clogged, they are +old t,y alt dealers orsont tw snail on recap t the scavengers of the system. "Delay is dangerous, Neg. lasted kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." "rhe abase diseases cannot exist whore Dodd's Kidney Pills are used," ,1 , C i•f4 x so cern,:. per sax ar B1X 'Wfnrrits4.(,o. l:r, i,. .1 ;imizh .0 Co. Toroflta. for , .'.4,nic,r"-ri Kidney "'alk. 1 a�l eo tnTrllol'7„:"at$i:Vt RE,41,` a1V i' CIJU58 WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough syrup, Tastes cloud, t3se r3 ltl time 8001 by d101 gists Mtti G .•try,` 0.1N k4 - C'I: TRADB SA To General Dierehants and hoot an Shoo Storey, in commotion with l»y Leather auslness 1 keep full stook of SHOE DRESSEN J, Hathaway, 'Whitmore s, Zanord, French Dressing, Eclipse, bixby's, Perfect Iiid, oto, in 10. 15 and 25c sires, by the gross or dozen. Jacguot's French Blacking and Gray's climax watcrproaf, in Leather, Horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, &o, Cotton and •Rifle, in all lengths. Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, ,Sso. LE &TR EK, Canadian Paolo Railway. TIDO” TA13Lf:1. Trains arrive and depart t,i foltowa t mleariso asawnes 5:35 a. in.,,,,,....1orToronto .,..,,..,,iS01a.1a, 2:04 p ci 5 5:00 p,tu. 2:00 p. le............. Vol. O'eedwater 2:00 ' 10:15 p. :a 0, , 10:11 0AYs. IvINCJiASt ARRIVE AT 1413HtiAA 5:35 a. m,Toronto,Guelph,Pal,nerston, &o, 3:3ilr.rn 1:'20 " .. w 41 10 (2 c, 5:50 p.m. " " Clinton, " 7:15 " .,,.,. Palmerston, Diixed 10.40a.m, 0:49 a int..,.,..... London, &c ..,, .,-Wen •. 5:50 pan. " 7511nm 12:20 a.m... .... Kincardine, Ago .. - 0 34a•rn. 3:37 p.m •t 11 20 ,• 10'0°. 7:15pass .. .,2222, __,...._- _—___, limon Alma, bal and til and Sfeseoota Ilip and Calf ; also native kip nd upper, Spanish and slaughter I sole, HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands on hand iu oak and hemlock. Spools took for traces in oak. Patronage solicited. Pricesguaranteed. A poste card will scours quotations ora coli from my travel er. - W. 1. CHAPMAN, Tanner and Leather Merchant, WINGIrAas Scientific Americas Agency for CAVEATS,. TRADE MARES, C OP$JYCNRiCPATSNTl1'S, 6tp $, For information and free 13andbook write to MUNN .5 00., 361 Baomowr, a:-, Nitry Your - Oldest bureau for securing patenta.in America. Lavery patent taken out by us is brought before the public byanoleeOren reser gbarge tri the NNientkAiA2YntriWan Largest etrculetion 02=7 scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly. 53.00 a gear- $1.50 sig months. Address i12UNbi £c CO„ P(JaLtsrfbr.s, 361 Broadway, New Tont Citi., FOR THE BEST VALUE IN ORDERED CLOTHING, ---GO TO. WEBSTER'S HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, Sze, Cheap for gT— W Ji B SS T E R' S „rw Stoves, toes, Stoves All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from', D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND 000K S- - °V" - to choose from yea*ery stove guaranteed against breakage an to give complete satisfaction. D N .ar'EM1UJAND alta, 04clitbot 31,11 1841, {