HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-10, Page 6,-enr1011.. 4 0, 1893, g1, lin, onFarming.; iia play there any more I bre Dxydlin, Minister inister of Agri.' And I wilt keep my tltarlitg 'AIa,ttdie Mars in Ontario, glue an interesting j flown her uJl.dreit 1 said the first od irletrilctive address at the Fitt woman earnestly. You know Willie ook show at Gtlilph lust month. In .and. Maud were playing, in her parlor er c,ou so ol:his reuniters while toilette. to -day slung with her suubnosed brats. g upon tate sad failure of our time to I Let's Out her at the 1100ial party next veli the young people ou the farm he 1 tvtaelt, eh I 10110l e. ,� -' Is it tekes them away Some IS wilt at once auawrr, Toe en1011 ed . .10tiou. T tl•, not want anyone to not make her so much work in the Ill nle that, because 1 do not think 1 future. Maybe it's just as well. Don't. Don't think that daily virtues are un- noticed. Don't bang the theories that hang fire at every r fact. Don't try to settle the problems of life when you have the blues. Don't think any amount of wisdom in the conduct of life will prevent your feel- ing despondent at times. Don't always be trying to explain. The majority of your mistakes are never no- ticed unless you call attention on to them in this way. Don't imagme you are insulted when people neglect you. The most of them aro so wrapped up in their own affairs that they do not think of yon at all. And one uaroftil, kindhearted, child- lctving hausewiftt will 'lever know now why the children of the neighbors do. is truce. Da yen await to stay that a tan can ltoeoew too intellet:tnal•--- ut ttoo l e t learnto think el i It ism a th uri "bores is nothing in t- net of itself to UM him from the farm, It is be - tense theme is toe cnuulz labor en the arm': Not a bit of it. b•znzs of you ay it is; but it is not. If these young isolate are gating to succeed itt any lino If business there tuust be labor cone iected with it; and uo it is. not were a'bor whish drives the young men twat'.. There are twothings, to my Hind, whielt leve a tendency to do this. Glee first. is rt also sentiment pervade .ng the entire community that fanning s a poor. mean business; it is felt .all brough the ;chop'system.. The little 'allows gee hold of it sometimes in their ewah homes, and later among their tornrades at school The second one is that farthing is a non 'paying busi- a Fee, or iu other words, labor withont !sward; and these yours, mete say they +ill not stay in a business where there nothing; in it. Tho fact is, prosper - y on the farm makes the sturdiest led of men, and the loveliest woolena ity nen seek them out to preside ger their elegant lodes. But eon - ;ant Inbar, year out, on the farm, thee, any reward, gives jos soured tsihands, tired, lirokezz-hearted moth- s, and d'agusted children who are and to go into the city or town to and lire by their wits. I have covered that it is a far easier thing a boy to hoe a row of potatoes •In there is - ten or twenty cents et fend of it than it is without. The does not hurt. and he does not so lar get tired. - ou old men are ex - y the same, if you go on without emit any of you will grow weary in 1. doing. So, to Bone hack to my it, the advanced. farmer is entitled be best price his products will tg, and if there is any class of pee - elle ought to have the hest result eir skill and labor it is those who ev agricultural pursuits. I hope glee the day when these defects be remedied, and in the truest the best titan will win. The Advertising ood's Sarsaparilla is always within Ands of reason because it is true ; it appeals to the sober, common sen- iinkiug people because it is true ; s'always fully substantiated by en- euts which, in the financial world e accepted without a moment's ion. general family ecornmeud Ho , Locating 17 mucous 1IOLI A.NNOT SETTLE. people who heir houses, :athartic we confi- ne PILLS. Blame. I •C0NVi+ RS 1 TION A .i:ail y1ATTER. are nut clean said the first if, said the second, taking a a, Old the first woman. 1 gaped ;Flyaway the other day just as sweeping the floor. She wade finder the table and in the the room, .`ver swept in the corners, eh ? 4i not. Isn't it awful 1 efcl, said the second woman, Ok heaven that my house is ti a pin. tell you what I saw Mrs. [weep in her stove, went on Oman ,Just as 1 called.she in the stove taese things, IX the lloor of r one e OOnlC ;d spools, a lot of fuzz, Romp Igo, some old hairpins,a box iffy, some nails,a dead bird, some canary bird seed, a ix battons, hatchet, pins, 01p wick, coal, chest, dirt, sotnee broom straws, thrre 'a' piece of eabbage, a knife 'o lumps of sugar, two old in, ring, a padlock and a of f;eaters, a lead pencil, two 11 dozed tacks, three dead v'l.roaeleeolne rieo,sameles ere books, a etnve'polcer, a broken hobby horse, nd old glove and som,', knew t hitt she Was a e, Tho you know what ted tl:e second woman, phasis. Ott do lett my t1ear little Wit- 1 It Sermons in Sentences. The gate to 'heaven is not a toll gate. Childish simplicity is God -like power. One is net ready to live until he is ready to die. God deals not with appearances, but with realities. To be a servant of God ono meet be an enemy of sin. Those only live who lore ; all other life is mere: existence. Stronger power than love can never be exercised by man. The same wind that brings a cloud will hear it away again. D istance does not lend enchant- ment to Mao view of the Cross. The most agreeable thing some men ever do is to make their exit. _ Some men are prouder of their hum- ility than others of a new suit of clothes. The perfection of God being infinite to beeonte God•like means iefinitc growth The best credentials for a candidate for glory are the marks of righteous conflict. Real beauty is just as dazzling in a celico wrapper as it can possibly be in silk or satin. Lovely Woman. Heaven will be no heaven to ma if I do not meet my wife there. -Andrew 3acksnn. Remember, woman is tnost perfect when most womanly.- gladstone. Earth has nothing more tender than a pious woman's heart. -Luther. All I am or can be I we to my angel mother.-Abrahatn Lincoln. `S'otnen treed not loulf at those des to them to know their moods, -How ells. r Disguise our bondage as we will 'tis woman, woman rules us still. -Moore, Even in tho darkest hour of earthly ill women's fond affection glows. - Sands. ItUEUilIATI$tx CURED INA DAY. -South American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism mud : Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re markable and mysterious, • It retnoves at once the cause of the disease'ttnmediately disappears. The first dose greatly bene- fits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholm's drug store. We Have All Seen Them. People who are never satisfied. People who are proud of their humility. People who are always grumbling. People who are always crying out for a change. People who always tell you just how you should have done it. People who talk all the time and never say much. People who never say much and yet speak volumes. People who say a groat deal and do very little. People who say little and do a great deal. People who look like giants and behave like grasshoppers. People who Iook like grasshoppers and behave like giants. People. who have good clothes, but very ragged morals. People who have an idea they are re- igious mainly because they are bad. People who wouldn't kill a chicken with a hatchet, but who try their best to kill their neighbors with their tongues. Wllliaus' Royal Crown Remedy. groateet euro en sa , tth •unrar , 6 lecotl to etre general Nervous Debility, ketnnAtlgm, Neuralgia, Paratyeis, etc. Stub Ends of Thought. The man who thinks he is tool is really not much bettor than the lean who thinks lie fa bad. No man ever bought this way into heaven by leaving his money to the needy after he has started that way. How many more of us sorrow for whet we leave not clone than rejoice for what we have done. The highest church steeple on earth is not as near heaven as a sack of flour loft. Put out your hand before you put up your prayer. The cold h whiter tl e oft c � int the tval•trier our hearts should be. Don't wait for somebody else to show you how to do right. There are sermons in socks, prayers in potatoes, benedictions in bread, consolation in coal, ]iallelujahs in hams, Christianity in clothes and salvation in soup for the needy and euffering in the freezing cold of winter. Let your rightlt hand know what your left is doing and pull together. Angels' crowns are made of the souls of good women. Do you believe in corporal punishment for stupid school children? Yes, a spank- ing always makes 'em smart. The officers of the grand Lodge, A. 0. U. W., have completed their reports for the year 1892, for presentation to the Grand Lodge at its meeting in Toronto, this month, On December 31st, 1802, the membership roll contained the names of 25,859 men fo good standing, notwithstand- ing the fact that the new Grand Lodge of Manitoba took 1,214 members from Ontario jurisdiction. The increase in members for the year was 2,303, a most satisfactory shawing. The cash received during 'the year amounted to 445,0u3, and out of this beneficiaries wore paid 1$400,115. The ap- plications numbered 3,442, representing $7,084,000 of insurance. Tlie total insur- ance in force is$53,298,000. Tho beneficiary fund has paid out $2,210,000 since the or- ganization of the jurisdiction. The total deaths in this line umnbered 1,103. There were 10 assessments during 1802,being only the second year in the history of the Order when there were that number. The aver- age annual assessments for 13 years has been $13.90, or $0.98 per $1,000 for insur- ance. Scrofula,whetltot•hereditary or acquired, is thoroughly excelled from the blood by Hood's 5arsaparilia, the great blood puri- fier. The Strap Book, There are people seen eating lamb chops who look disconsolate because they cannot eat the bone as well as the meat. It is the man who understands the greatest number of things that is the most tolerant of those he doesn't un- derstand. Don't be discouraged by mistakes. The most successful men in the world would do lots of things differently if they could do thorn over. Great pleasure and comfort can be given au invalid by changing not Only the position of the articles of furniture iu the room, but the pictures. We are pleased with the compliments of the flattor'er, •because we wish to be. iieve than trne; hut we despise him because we know that they are not.- Good •Houser;eepin. Three of Thom. .A. proud parson and his man, tiding over a common, saw a shepherd, in a new coat, tending his fleck. The parson asked, in a haughty tone, who gave hila the coat. The same people, said the shepherd, that clothe you -the parish. The parson nettled a little, rode on for some distance murmuring. Presently he sent his man back to ask the shepherd if he would come and work for him, as he wanted a fool. The man returned to the shepherd, ac- cordingly, and delivered his master's mes• sage. Are you going away, then ? asked the shepherd. No, answered the man. Then you may tell your master, replied the shepherd, that his salary won't main- twin three fools 1 The monkey -wrench is not so called on account of its fancied or netual roe' semblance to Dr. Grrner's Simian friends, or because it is a handy tool to monde'y with, but simply brxcanse it is the invention of one Charles Alorlelty 1 now of Kings county, New York. . Although the world has pretty a arly 1 lost track of Mr.Mnncky (1105 :lionkey)' it seems to be a settled feet that he told his patent for $0,000 and in vested ' she proceeds in tt Ilornestefd in the above named county and state. The Ulan who has confidence in him>; self is often taken in bey just that kind of a game. ONE: E JOYS Both the method alpd results when , Syrup of Figs is take I; it is pleasant and refreshing to til taste, and acts gentlyyet ithe Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, el -apses the sys-. tent effectually, dispes�colds, head- aches and fevers and i'tires habitual constipation. Syrup f Figs is the only remedy of its lc lel ever pro- duced, pleasing to the este and ac- ceptable to the st macprompt,in its action. and truly bel ficial in its effects, prepared only fm the most healthy and agreeable stt' sten ces,its many excellent qualiti commend it to all and have made It the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for ale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist wl o may not have it on hand will 1irocure it promptly for any one wiles wishes to try it. Manufactured of 11y by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. de... but aTersy dv .Now end dna CtRE clay- 1hroit 5r TIE' Ea 110 1E,ALTIL Unlocks alt CO clogged, avenues of the Bowels, Ifidnoys and Liver, carrying off gradually without 'Weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors o£ the secretions; at the sante time Cor•> rooting Acidity of the Stomach, Curing Biliousndds2,yonopsiae. irieadaehes, Dizziness, rf.eaa thn..rn, Constip .tion, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- allee, Salt llhouri,Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Flattening of Silo lIettrt, Ner- vousness, and amoral Debility Balt those and Ineuy other similar Complaints BLOODto the h'(,appy in:.,,a. de of ,,'II iDOCI BLOOD BITT 2 ", 70,^If'Jt1el: .twarra" •7 pI Ali Ql i t5.,a..., ,r , F^ . 1} 11.��11A4.iv 4:n v a7 rr .. .: sJ. .•'s53��a NERVE, 13EANS NERVE BEANS aro a new i8ir, coyer, that cure the wogs, eases of Nervous Debility Lost Thor end Ektlimlt Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind ceased b ovu•work, orthe re or « .e of youthThis Remedy ate. solutoty cares the mast obstinate earde w5_es all other TRRATMffiHTs have failed ease to relieve. gold bydtt►d. glob% at . 1 per eeks' Or . G r 3 p 1' ke tic for R or sent by haft oe receipt of pried by nddreieetaaf TDB JAMBS MISDICINE1 CO., Toronto. Ont. Write for pamphlet. Seed ti4-• W ngham by A. i., SAt.Wf0N Clubbing gattie. Tho weekly 1kttpiro and ,preneium the Conservative members of le House of Commons, and the Toms fr now till the $1 end of 1893-- 75. 4i 7.'heweekly,Globe and Ties from sow till the end of 1843-81,75. The London Advertiser, weekly and Teems from new till the end 41893-01,50 The London Free Press, weekly and Toms from now till end of 189 -01.75. The Montreal Weekly H'eralt and the Theles from now till end of 1893�'� $1,5Q. The Atoutreel Witness, weeklytnnd Trains from now till the end 1893-$1. Reduced rates with all oth r trlctrt petition weeklies, I inafsa r I oppor g pp tuni.ty. Subscribe at once and reateiye the balance of the year free. The TIMES and t to h I'am'1 t Y IIs, aid and Weekly Star" and the Star Alma+, from now until the 1st of ,',auuary 71891. for 51.75. ii PROF. SCOTT, ? MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN�, CH gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, hotli and Tonio•Sol•h'a Notation, Open for entre for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms n Apply at jin Staff �entente derate. SIRS. II. MORIiow s, 2d Shuter St, } ingham JOB PRINTIN titj, INOLUDING ?hooks, Pampille'ts, Pos lrs, Bill Beads, Circulars, &o., Ste,, executed i the best style of the art; at moderato prices, an on short notice. Apply or address. R. ELi.IOTT, Tints Office, 11 nataln. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the principal may bo repaid at any time the borrower wishes. All expenses paid by the County. No person'excopt the County Auditors allowed to see • mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to WM. HOLMES Gedorich,iAug. 8th BOR. Co.1ressurer. TRY IT ON O, BARRISTER, ,SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate intoreet. No commission charged. Mortgages, tow and farm property bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block WINOftett —IS PUa3LISIU1D.-. EVERY FRIDAY MOIININ 1 --•dT vett•-- TiM�S OFpt, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAA1, ONTARIO. Subscriptieupricc, $l per year, in advance, �_ _ _ ADVERTISING RATES: Space .TI. i y r .II 0 me l 3 rno 1 1 ono One Column SOO 00� 035 00 I b20 00 ti0 00 *HalfI 35 00 211 00 1 42 00 6 00. Quarter " 20 00 12 00 One Inch 6 00 3 00 7 00 2� 1 0000, forfl Lestine toion, and8� per linoforeachsubsequent. insertion. Local notices 10c, peg .,no for first insertion, tut 5o. per lino for each p a subsequent 25e, cr. No foes notice will be charged less than 26v, Ad vortisontenta of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations,, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding s lint% noupareil, SI per month Rouses and Panne for Salo, not exceeding 8 linos, 40. for lust month, 50e, per subsequent month These terns will be strictly adhered to Special rates for lo advertisements, or fel longer pellet's. Adverti1 directions, will Ice is nsetted till forbid local ntices landutchargee'Dd accordingly, Transitory advertisements tndv laid in meats meat bo� 1 advance es for contract in the office by Wednesdays noon,sintontsorderttosat rpv t that week R. ELLIOTT PROPRINTOR AND PIJI.18I1ESt DR AIAC1DONALD, — �'— JOSEPHINE STREET, 14'13;e11aal, • • _ ONTARIO.. Y)6 T B. TOWLER, M.D.C.M., Member College Physicians' and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron - ham, Up•staire, next to Mr hforton's office, Wing.. ham, Ont. OPP1ci Ileum -0 to 12 a, ta., 1 to 6 p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. i1AIt• J. A. MELDRUM, lij I•Ionor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Pityifaiana end Suraeons of OnEarl o. Office and Residenee-•Cernerof Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. R9NauAN • '2) VANST \O E and he e011 V need that AL1uthe Ia the finest Wall Finish known. RUBBER PAINT is the best in the world. J. A. CLINE & eCO, STONE BLOCK, Wingham, Sole Agents for above. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. �WING n OFFICE, - MASON'S BLOCK 1�TG 'C! INV A J•`=•d Opposite the queen's Rotel, wingham. Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. • JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT wixettaar, 0 N J. A. MORTON BARRISTER S.o , W nghanl Ont IS/,i BYER DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C 1E. L. DicgipSGN, S.A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Elc., Etc., So- licitors for Bank of 111mllton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. harm, Town and Village property bough', and sold, Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 6 elwest.a ope • r � o per cent. Invested for private persons, upon the beet mortgage securities without any expense to the louder.' Lands for sale to Manitoba and the North - Office -Bent's Block, Wingham. i J E �TISTRY.-- J S. JERO ME, Wlsor i,,,, ••axe"• .;.`,4 Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, j asVlcanite cheapas they can of ibe gotnin Othe Painless exttaotiel, of teeth by the useominion. All work Electrte- ity or Vegetable i'aleor. TARN NotioN,-I win extract teeth for 26 cents each, OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick IIouse, STEAM PUMP INORKS, rav,sieo & Tam, PROPRIETORS. We wish to inform the people of Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as we have purchased the Steam Pump Works lately Owned by Mr. H. Clark, we are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lift, Force& Iron Pumps And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. As we have a long experience in the business we guarantee all our work, and if notesatisfactorywill refund the money. Wo also deal in ALL KINDS ghLlil WINDMILLS. l3 'Soft water cisterns made on short notice. • Orders by mail promptly attended to, OROWSTON & SHOWERS, Winghatrz, FOR SALE, Lot No. 8, and tho E.% of Lot No. 7 11th Con, Turnberry-150 acres; 90 acres cleared; well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on time. Apply to M. C. CAMERON, Or Goderioh, V.11. MoPEEl ON. Glenfarrow P. O. KTARrp• rte DEANS, in.,. WIIiOIIAe1, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY,' Ole' HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges. Moderate. JOHN Cl'7RBIJi WINasw,x, O NT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER POE TUE COUNTY oat IIUiON. All orders left at the Tints office promptlyattend ted to. Terms reasonable. �'AM1Cs TueanERsoN, LIONNsntD AUOTtoNIep5 P011 COUNTIES 1015011 AND Bina Y. All sake attended to promptly and on the Shorten: NotiCo, arrangements can be evade atthe Charges Moderate and Satiefnetion Guaranteed. Ali heeessary . ' huff' stiles Wzxouanr _ __ Oxe• ']fills. GODFREY & MCASII, — ti ai. B. Toronto, Members College Physicians midi Sttrgeoge. Ontario, BELOR,�w1M , - - ONTAaee. money to Loan at Notes.. rinTotes Discounted tea AV REASONABLE tiATS Money advanced on *Mortgages A 61} per cent with, privilege of O s paying tote cnel of.any year. Note, tend aeeoutt'tx roller at l.'„�tCA,1v%n. ,�itplg, cont. • • Forfeiture Mr, MeSwat cam hungry, and impatient his.supper wasn't res ready for an flour or u If there is one pan liPcBmat is inflexible ing it is melds. Now you know well ne said, throwing; his lounge and walking u room, that I lik k ing for my supper in man has been workiu Billiger, exolaimec in a braked voice, do I have had eninethim d I didn't speak to er till a few minut had such it shock -y What is the m news from the relati No, nol I'iad a quarrel wit No. It's -- Aunt Jeruaha co I'lt tell if you'll g;i ger, said Mrs. Nio.. eyes, It's Billy 1 Billy who? Billy the canary. Oh it's the °snare got away I think I bird, madam, has and feed and medi got him three yes teen dollars and - He hasn't got sobbed Mrs. Me.. not that 1 Is he dead ? N -nod No 1 What then 'I Billy batt --baa This to No Itis truly said that does not know bow tl. Comparatively few health, owing to th our blood. But we r day, with scarcely tt to our attention, of tl us who are suffering rheum and other se and whose agonies The marked success for these troubles. a tieing columns frog to justify urging the medicine by all who is disordered. lives Hood's Sarsaparilla what the medicine doing, and when it merits and its us from impure blood. grees, they certainl • News Iten -.New Zealand les. E gland has factory in the Ivo British India Opium deep's. A ton of coal feet of gas. The season's $1,500,000. The Milscow C 000,00. Seven hundre iei are extant. Queen Qictor tare cost $100,( The Emperor ,e et, e+, its 1 BY SPECIAI Them IT eeStiti E 130111 111 AR BAC SOR REFUSt