The Wingham Times, 1893-02-10, Page 5• re gill are • that 11 BEL is ion al- as IoW he neW I1 WIN(T-IAM TIM 1 T Still ()lug on. and will Cont .nue . , to eb. 139 oW ' your cban.ce to get Dress Goods, Prints 1Viuslxns, Vel ' ets, Flanf is, Tweeds ar ets, Ready Made 0 Hats and our stook is too lar for Spring Goods, to S AOR CAS the rush to, JOHN GAL We are doing this a give us more roo ,SALE PRIC Come earls and avoid 11M,.X:rarivr rr 'HARNESS :._.. AND OLL " .`-.. er •-Harness Business and stacked in his bid ktaUd, Having tont out the a publiewith every tines uandlly irtet in a harness r• elnd, ala furnish the l such as HEAVY, LIGHT az TB ,CIS. IIAR,NE$S, DU• W111.PS, CURRY COM.OS, I3RLSRES, SWEA..T COL•LAP,S,_ TRUNKS, VALISES and s B.A.VELLIN G BAGS) 893. othing, Caps, at cost. e and it will arrive soon, ONLY. 'IT' S. 1 make all Cay own Collars guarantee satisfaction. `Give me a trial anal will use you right. ,-T M. PATTER.SO-N, — WATCHES, CL11I S, SILVERWARE, 11 'kinds and latest dent„ WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 1 of Christmas goods, ceneistling of 1 have just received a full supply It A 7 xi W ins. and 0ewellery of al tt>= Y ' BIG BA.RGAINS From. N'oW Till Ch.riStmafa Ml goods bought fur cash andwe can sol1 as cheap at the p est an i'rottro )illy Done and $/ttasfiactio>t . Guaranteed eg aai,A13"- M. PATTERSON. ,A13" -Clive me a coil. -~'=' " " -NOTHING LESS IT WILL -----"":777--..---7-71--, SATISFY ( vNUTJLD YOU. ()air finished ana leah1lar P riu cs, Cud Glass tots, %Air Davis. Cite $6,500, and when it was opened about unprovided for. Bev. Mr. 0-.........,—...--7---„., = " I jeweller stolen from tpl( $1;700 ,vas still uup' greene. thea of one nark d awBl armed J • y brought ')efnrs to the congregation vaptur0 .issuers were morning Felly appeal hen gut armed p 111on11F(y ut - to pe out this incumbrance, The gang of mashed I Police Nla;;tst daylight robbers, which during (aeror;e Bennett, wll ty half •last five week, have commit 1 rl1'-.'1tV to t„ ,]eW •coupl•e )f daring; robberies in jewel- €,pleaded guilty sea boldin. u'p Church Street i;'tr” (Sl F't'lh holding n( 'Norris Stre t l . r, i of stare,. and anal) pt°w with reckless' a a bane;, and dually 'to two ;jewellery roliberi s pmt ' audacity, toouorned f box of the stolen,. Archers, who are the most1Qdlsp not jeweller one of tete burglarize+d• looking of the crowd, 5tlFe.. they have sinus guilty, but detectives say A11 were stores with a note o£ defiance to v vdencP to eort'viet tient. re, have ,111 mornbeeing in jail since t ec.ti The et week. d e at w outing nlornlFan la ' remanded for a early *- ,an,* is ,;oulpte.e •• PAY YOU BEST f eji Y IN THE END. l — {+le7tl a3id%®e D Clever, Energetic Young should write for oUYfor o Shorthand and TBpe vritu,;,', who intend to qualify positions in Agues o both catalogues of both departments of / ^ rate on pleaded and there in awd in tt, the luster, } • store robberies when subscriptions oamehealmount reached evidence I1a,111Idt the g e r3 •Feud overwhelrnuig. The captor man, Inspector o the work, •prinoipnII , a ,rot t1,; \ Acting Detecti,we Due.can. ° :, ,ltl;i specimensto of school work stn his luspea Alan, some days "alga that put him terata for•theiCanadian e)Ishiblt at the World's Fair. They number six sat the watch inregard ilivito a nguin the ast hey commercial forms >pan named ed tic deft, g in :tile I •showing penmanship, anal. drawing,,ancl are all the work of A , ball lie frequenting, Cllr-ee nihil Nest 'habit of the.ri nti ti ec house, I a pupil of S. S. No. 3, West gess- ,L+ . t3losandex, pupil who' is but la -shadowed then, to he «vel•* brotllitrs. :Wawnuosh. The boy, his who lived ears of .age, bas artistic genius, denotes. `rwo of .thein Y r very clever. alias nd2, e)', nand coloring being named I. aged is worthy of It proves tlzo article. Save. together, nge(1.$1 aacl:20 respea tfullyv (1 pa mansh'P one The p i the ay Pat appeared a in the bush rlv. soul third name .Norris, lvBennett, the I a• ni, tu,r a hornless row. The farmer ask wiser., lie wall • West Wawan.os'h• less 'them ha an n entad •during the $2;000, which was augur day by 145 collections at the three ser- vices. J3ecause a young woman seas fit to wear suspendert it is no hoason Bur Raying that she is a gailus r 'talo Express. A story is being told at the expense ot a newly arrived Irishman. Pat hired with a farmer and one morning„ they started for destis to skid nation ion the long -1 s. When near their ter suddenly remembered that ag,flh udI n orretuen when tPatuok volunteered to eo. to return 'alcant farmer asked was him if and Patte knew assured what aim cant hook ghl familiar with', that he was thoroughly •al l ours elapsed and, HAMILTON DI,G STOR'B, Central T m has rece:i+vocl the first Telephone Exch. Mak 0 istake We have the lnsid.e track a Ca:. give yo very line we 'For less than / i I • established ]Si G. This institntim, is the peer of any bu°i''ess cnifoao ors 51. school in esta the Bast suite t ranula„ u, Canada, the hast and larrost stats of , srhaol in America, nuctvastly he taro liest l oticourse of bnsnll of the ess nd lunin the bast paying; shorthand of C you r6A.Wd not Y.i teachers, the best colon °u cti7ts in every respect, tit, hisfare ot students comm„ I -^X ® ,•g,,. the best eq 1 1 We pay the railway t qa gents 50, For • HATHA o best C C These ..ra the advantages we and typewriting, th • t record for placing its students Our college l•urftof 111.00. of roans•_ nage feet of space. foss nous ru the business world. t•'-'3 118 } ne rooms occupy over S000 square 1 board in pleasant homes for ladies a dEs \Dinner c 1Setts, ca as a nes ofc to tha I catalogues of artier department, address, U. 7 roiti with the mu'13.0(1 malt o Wroxeter. ed blot "Faith, the f;at'tg, was aged o. , + tt sir, enterprising cow when Pat replied, tester oftile lace the ocher (leteetives laughed scar entelrp• one about p l lo+t o£ worked Messrs.'f 'Gibson Bros., at tillekllas suspicions, Yesterday he I sawmillers,are getting their yard well filled. E IUat'si tiFttpl only tiat his case along. 1 thou; ht he had sufficient evidence lied with S. I l warrant, f wo s get out a ben.rc with cthe document and accompanied by another officer lie went to Bennett's (louse. Bennett opened .the toorilandd ,refused auwissio 1 unless they 110 the warra0t. The detective produced warrant. Bennett asked to be allow• e,1 to put on his coat first was in, his shirt sleeves). The hen detective e£ rhe laying in a largo cEelvie is .._- —. _-• . od• and intends to run the ,fused and put hin',,. then signs in the Not other officer. The ielvesbedr o 1 nr In 1,et1tlet t'•5 bedroom . was I interest]. 11 and instructive sermons in the began. , loaded, Methodist chum i,on Snnclay last. Mr. B - found a 52 -calibre revolver, and in the pocket of au overcoat lying 7. Davis, M. P. P., North York, who .on a chair, was found a coil of ropy to have been here to speak ill binding the did not appear because tits trains were siniilur to that used aei r also cotton first victims of the g r• g Tipp blockaded north of Toronto. This was great disappointment to many. However, wroo thea .similar to that Used 'n thgagging c l bed ;1 ,them. On the floor ander shots. 1VIr. Woodworth maw lip the cloficfency• were several enormousslung News Items. 'The detective saw nothing more notice- It is estimated that upwards of eight' able, save a nit t of hemp splunged p ap- his an sfur bort hood. .land pulled feet of snow hrive fallen at Owen Sound out hands into it, hexamined it and it I! from Nov. 5111 to Feb. lat. great canal pro - pro ed Iden. FIexam des- I It is estimated that the g arse. canal the crovrt identical o in number and lit up a handful Brie will cost at least ,0500,000,000. .cription with one of the stolen articles, posed to run from •-,ak0 Sup Another s, lock' brought lockets ;.dud rings, and the From the results of the a Qibra t mon of chains, Wk ser 11a S of fro property. Bennett trent, lest week, it is probable that the ` bucket was found to contain a lar.tt the Canadian n,soen quantity of stolen l p taken to i rate to Chicago an] return during the and his wife and baby were the jail and after reporting t°• ylrad- I World's Fair will be a fare and a -hal , i tickets good for thirty days. A single fare quarters ILnd yetttutt further assstance, . round A strong body of officers made for lite and sue -ting oed for will eteuldnysl for course p;etl to trip tickets, g houses of the these ,tyle." scall fouurl 'yam.", with ,t `• the rate has not been definitely fixed. 5teelicattr,They,cau. otem — ., sleeping in he, they 1nrule revolver, which however, Huron Items. had no chance of using. Masks and sandbags Mr. Geo. Taylor has purchased the 100 wore found in their tined ITucker,Morris, at a tve reasonable figure. The House oceepiedby iie acmes IT. 5u . goon, Bayfield,o the property y and was Wan, took lire Sauday morning burue,l to the ground, said to bo fully in, sired. The fire was'caused by a defective ol)ilnney. Most of the household effects were lost. Lose 011 1101180° X1110; household effects, 5300. asst The new Methodist ehuroh, Corrie, and stacks of ' novels farm of Mr. W. stock o is worth, as soon.a woolen mill;for toll it:' the season opens. Another addition to the Mechanics' In- stitute library of 300 volumes, 01al>ing at one of the best libraries in elle county. Seaforth• • Mr. Woolworth, superintendent of dins- • th-West, gave two very) tltFlbles, Novo of toe the floor and four laude any attempt at resistance. were of Bennett The wife, and hang the three allowed. to go home, When accomplices baro bean arrested. A second visit to Bennett's house to -day ,liscovares Ft. n3e "alter tfirstotrobbed, hm. id) t it I l' of snow outside the hidden in a hasp e odd and hack floor. The valise anal lily of the found to contain a large S• 1IIBE 001i 'TUX a But „ .;;din I \ t y i\Tthlet E 3tt I` :able China, Tea Pots, \Salad Bowls, \Fruit Setts, vervtody likes to buy in the cheapest ,nacicet. big , lint e _ _ _ I u t Jars, _ ._.---•-----•--•-•-- -____- Pots ive wisdom a Flows We will if you give i,llill lce , c 1,1 will l,ay you to visit', us this month. r1l1e season of stock tak- iri is at hand, when there is very little business going ehcept lthat which is forced. '1 he jingle of elol- lars • is more pleasant to us than looking over• a splendid stoclof heaWilwe have the 1some of your dollars jingle.? chance tostepIn aiyou 1' e w 't sprin r tlhat oil aBin• redo 'tion o , eips 1 n ^, . che nut on von, n rti) . i'airS Stock.' We situp y Offer reduce you 0 chance to get some rare bar- gaine if you. want them. Low prices on ev,er•ything. Be sure to come and see what we can do for you. htiall'op b tsgods a _____--- • Our prices ate lower than any other house in the trade. Visit us and we We will. lyouca reductioof n of is fact. giveY ten per cent. off all your cshAnes. chases in all lines e s.ce t grocer We give you 20 lbs. White Sugar for $1 ; 25 lbs. nice .Brown Sugar Ifor $1, and several other drives. \NttRM1 TINES" I A YEAII 113 ADVANCE. We are showing American Cal - pets in beautiful patterns at 30 per cent. less than you can buy Cana- dian goods. You remember how we cornered up the print market last season. Since the raw cotton has advanced from Gc. to 13e. a pound; but we bought early and we can agivs ae you the same quality of gave yon last year at the same price. The patterns are all new. W e can't replace them when they're gone. Fancy 'late Wine Glass Tea Pot Sta, . Cake Pates, Celery Glas $zc., You will b The loser. W. "T'.. ■ The China Courteous Treatment, Lowest Prices, T 'obbiest Goods, at T. A. MILLS, THE E .1. have BIGGEST Icd 3 SGRT Wtnghar a.. Confectiooe iu t Give us a call. tinges. T.