HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-10, Page 4THE WO W:T TIMES, FEBRUARY 10, 189 3,
would think of putting a tariff on corn
(wheat./ The (.Toronto Star, in referring
to the matter says: e'There aro some in (Supp'e01ea' al to h et x, a z s r: /,art j
moi;, Canada wb'o ling the delusion that in re- Below is given a summary of the reports
ttirlx for a miserable reduotieu in the submitted by the reapestiveesmTeitte , and
Cenadisn tariff ter British goods the ll Conan' CominielielleV Ansley :
Mother land will put an iailtest upon i tun COMM' 'inilLisrxtnit's BEron'O. and 1lfessrs. Rata, Terrance and Cax ap
�i> i i'.orei#n ;rain tied admit colonial grain
r il,.I' G • 1 free. but lad dovethi114iit in Great Bri-
st^u tarn would have the temerity to propose
I inorealsilig the (,rice of bread hi exchange
-- -- I for the doubtful advantage which a
T.G.� ,$.,TELEGRAPH GO, !reduction in the Canadian tariff would
# Avg• W. confer on the British exporter.
Tete Acton lit rob Press has inaugurated
app. Brunswick House the pay -in -advance system in regard to
its subscribers. On the 2nd instant, the
t- AN 12
small, but so far as linewn the majority fn
favor thereof was ?22,
(teen ANI, rumen ('OMM1't'1'i:',
The Road and Bridge Connnittee ratified
the work of Mr. Ainsley. A new bridge
Lvas recommended to be built et Bayfield,
Ingham, - - - Out
q.",".th1gi t1:
Quarterly services oP l'.,elgrave Montt 1
were held in Sunshine ., Saorament and
love feast. In the afternoon, the pastor
preached to tits
; (, Sabbath. School from
the words
Stabbi, we know thou art a
teacher r ore £rola God."
Tin report and tinea sal statement of the pointed to locate it,
County Treasurer was read and referred tot The following oph nion of Mr. Garro eel
the Finan°o Committee. The report shows county soiioitor, respeotfng section f3 tel
that the receipts fie the year, less County 1 of the eoesolida,ted xnunicipa)• aV.il vas iced:
rate,. amount to t3,P5, and the disburse• You will note, to 11x t�ith, flier filet:
meets to $27,844,57. Ti- o receipts aro made statute only Rxpies to bridges built after
up of the foliowiza'„ (toms: Pedia,.s' licenses, / April 7th, 189u, and of MO feet in length
$550; Auctioneers' licenses, $408; Registry , or over. In the ease of bridges which do
office, £922; Interest, $1,185. The die. I come within the statute, there is, of 0,,onrse,
burseinents were as follows : Administre tlx: further questiou whetherbouertxl
Um of Justice, $1,500.27; Inquests, $32,40; 1l)nblin is interested ee , +uo
the awns
t le
ip.A youhg lad from the Orphans' home
at atratford,and orginally from England,
aged 1,5, Banged ltintself on Monday
Morning last, Zoe had /seen working for
Me. d'olif /:tile; township of Morris, about
five Miles from Winghaxn, Mr. roe had
a rope hanging tram beam in the buil
over a tarp in the fioiar for the parpose
of lowering teed down int° the lower
part of the9liifu: The laud bad tied a
rope areintl its peel£ it1.*,a attached it to
nese rule was put in force, and Kr.Tail a:co^x t, 1;2,044.20 ; jury eecount, The act seems' ,raiz a hook o1' the others +;•ope and stepped
Moore thus refers to it; -- 'To day we putt $:3,9$6.371 Bello; ltllltxage neat, $2,028.02; shi will' ra anticipate that the town- into tho 'trap hol€a. His legs were free
b p o, °lielpeil in a bridge (natter where and ite toitld to ly have saved himself
bad ire 8a'wi5?,led, Mr. Roe found the
body lettliteing at noon. The boy bad al -
write been cheerful and happy and seem-
od eottented with his home, and Mr -
Roe says he had always done his work
and made no complaints. Mr, Roe is
one of the most respectable farmers in
into forco the system requiring all sub-
scriptions to bo paid in advance. With -
out partiality of any kind we have dis-
43 continued every paper not prepaid. The.
Iiet e1' stibseiptions unpaid is not large,
but includes Members of parliattneut,
Lunatics andindigents, ftl,838.54; Salaries, 1 Niall h' idne £Orate part of the county
oto., $4,507,30; Continganaie=, $941;4; ! th"',:onghfare,butwhere the bridge is purely
Stationery, etc., 17280.((7; Crown witnesses, local in it uwe'the township will still bear
$$227.40 ; Collegiate Institutes, $4,01. ,,46 ; the burden, If there is a dispute, them
Court House supplies, $802.55 Division will be arbi`tr^a'i:.0 if the parties can not
Court Jury Funds, $49.70; r.e airs, County agree.
I think the statute o stemplatesrelieving
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1893. 1 county councilors, Justices of the Paige j Buildings, $500,51; p
I and others in positions of honor and $G,4I7 86, Tho ty ...vomits and B es,
" t treat, so that we have made no clistiuc- bounty anew
-ebonture liabilities of the a township which has an unnsaal number (this section, and feels the shock very
f ,zlxso solo; Mo J11L>;nrr, Q, C., London,has i exit to $282,700, and the assets of bridges to maintain, especially where
1 tion, We knu4V of none whose papers to moot ,• mush.
ea appointed County Judos of Haldi aro discontinued who are unable to pay,' YD. -nose liabilities amount to $172,155. such bridges are repaired for more than
d.Cannty, in succession to Judge I and :,o not doubt the intention of the ,county has now invested in mortgages, purely
socal ils not) exzoraaed 'distin. It is ctly in the
1"0 401 bp
.act, but I can imagine no "other meaning
and I can not conceive of any intention to
make the county liable exceptfor something
of a county nature; for instance,where lend-
ing roads through the county, used by every
one to go from one point in the county to
the other, gross rivers, it would seem fair
that ,e whole county should build the
bridge,but where the bridge is only for local
use, the reverse ma d be the case. But
there is the right tit have the (natter refer-
red to arbitration in every 0555.
TILL: L'.U.OU'S xt roa'r
Stated that there are at present 14 psis.,
pe”, resigned.
majority to do so, aur? of course xutlat, at- $ , '
i A L'uovXi:ulai convention c tba young tribute the failure to do so to a eersi eft 1
corxTr coslazlssloxur's a> ro1iT,
eopie's moieties of the Baptist Uh arch, or neglect:' Mr. Ansley, County Engineer, reported•ill be held in Woodstock oil the 30th having erected five bridges in the county
nil Slat of 'March next. Tia eonsequetice 01 `rite" scheduling of ; during the year, and two an the county
Canadian cattle ley Greac Britain, the' boundaries, viz, : one over the :Aux ';Sabi°
TirD Grand Council of the Royal'!'ew-1 American ,autiteerities have been seized' river between the townships of Stephen and
ars of Temperance will "meet in Galt w
i p McGillivray, and one over a brunch •of the
ith the ;idea that in order to refect
turing the week commencing Feb. 20th, i th'eii elate from pleuropneumonia it is Maitland between the townships of Grey
d will be an session four or five days. + necteneary to prohibit' the importation of and Elmo,. These are all good, substantial
Sauce the last general election, death ;Canadian cattle. In pursuance of this cedar bridges. Th
is wails at the south -
as removed six members of the House idea Secretary Rusk has issued an order west end of the Maitland bridge have been
+f Commons, Sir John. Macdonald, Mr. 1 providing that all cattle entering, the extended; a wing wall at the Egmondville
haoust, Mr. Burdette, Hon. Alex. Mac- 1 Utited States from Canada must under- bridge has also been erected. The County
enzie, Dr. Leger and Mr. Armstroutt. Igo 90 days quarantine. It is further , bridges and approaches are in very good re -
oilers, one of whom a is female 75 years of
-.Tam date for the bye -election in Toron- 1ordered that all moat cattle imported pair at the present time. The bridges on
age, coming from isafNiagara, and 'committed
aofor the vacancy in the Ontario Legis- : from the Dominion of Canada must bo the Lake Shore road between Goderich and as
a vagrant by Mayor Doherty, of Clinton
eeture, caused by the death of . he late N. i entered at the port of Buffalo, which is ,' Bayfield have been examined11Lnd none wereO
ae of the melee is insane, one awaiting
:ir.. Bigelow, has been flied. Nominations 1 designated as a quarantine station. i found to bo 20 feet clear between the abut- trial for perjury, one confined for want of
Will be made on Tuesday, February 21, ; There was not the slightest necessity for ; n�ents,e:seept those which are already main -
sureties, one tinder for assault and
nd polling will take plum ui Tuesday, : this action on the parr. of the United twined by the county. Improvements to the ties, remaining nin sentence
as snultan d
?eb, 28th, e 1 States Government as there is no pleura- ' the amount of $0,01(0 were made since June. their ages $snoring from 37 to 70 years and
TIM legislative council in Quebec was pneumonia in Canada, taut a limited He examined the bridge at Grand Bend, five of thole totally unfit, mentally or
pearly voted out of existence, last week, number of cattle aro now sent to the and finds that it spans the Aux Swuble
physically, to earn a living. The report
beizig only saved by the casting vote of i United States, andaii far as that market river oil the boundary line between .Huron called attention to needed repairs and fm-
;he speaker. Hail all the menxber4, been lie concerned, thi 'lirder will not injure and Lambton. It is a wooden bridge and proved sanitary to needed
repairs and city
present, it would have been cari+ied tot Canada much' But it will likely effect the timbers are very much decayed, and it for which was endorsed by Dr. Shannon,
bafish this costa tb the' us in another direction, however. At should be rebuilt as soon as possible. The jail surgeon.
y appendagebridge is of one clear span of 130 feet be-
rovincial government. (present }Y' ship from seven to (f -ht p
p ' million „Glotlaxs' worth of cattle to Great tweelz the abutments. The abutments are 0EiltAx a 05100k: A0At:1. 1 the Brussels Driving Park Association, the
Mits. fl'Cotieon, , fe of Pbeen C nnor, �ar,sasof stone and with a little addition would be Mr. Green, o£ Wingbam, addressed the 1 following Dr ora were elected for the
of Trioity College, has been stituto i batdhe edilnthe past by tradetheexcessive suitable for an iron or steel superstructure, council on the subject of Graham's bridge, current year : P. Scott, Bell, Samuel
t:airman of the Collegiate Instituto ; r and ho recommends that an iron bridge be At a previous meeting of the council a current, lent Graham, Jas. Bali, Frank
'Beard, Toronto. It is sate elect
is ' ar es for space on vessels following constructed, provided the county "of Lamb- motion was passed granting $300 to assistx
ii St. Lawrence route and by whichVanatone and J. D. 'Warwick, V. S. P.
;1tlici first woman to ever be elec ci tithe ton will be agreeable to pay ono -half the in the erection of a foot bridge on the site of Scott was re-elected President, F. S. Scott
;' cattle for England have been mainly sent. b the old Graham bridge, near Win ham, on
,such a position in Canada as pr sl ng expense. Hall s bridge, oil the Lake Shore $ g was appointed Secretary and R. Graham,
¢ fi So Iong, e ape er, as our ship and Now ; road in Goderich township,shoulcl be rebuilt condition that •the councils of Turnberry Treasurer. The finances are in a satiafac-
oifxcer of a school board. I I York wore open to shippers cattle
Wetlearn that entitfona are sty" (reale- I could be soot that way and thus us freights early this season. A cedar bridge on piles and Wingham would each give the county a tory condition.
'dtion, to be presented to t1lntario via the St. Lawrence were kept down. would be suitable. Bayfield bridge should bond absolving the county from all further
'Government, urging upon ft Zai body the 1 The closing of these American ports to be rebuilt this coming summer, The old claims either for mantenance or damages , ietlaxld•
desirability and import nee of 1 ;r,ediate' our cattle will force all shipments• to bridge shoixld be used until the new ono is should snob a bridge be oracted. Mr. Green One of those little things, which have
legislation for' therohibftion of the Great Britain to go via the St. Lawrence constructed, as it would bo a difficult place explained that the council of Wingham of late so frequently occurred, took place
liquor traffic to t full extent o proy'n- � hereafter and exporters will thus be at to make a deviation road, and the new refuse to glue such bond and lienee the at the residence frequently
of Mr. James :oak place
tial jurisdiot r1 • ; the mereay of those controlling this bridge should beyerected at some other grant from the county can not be availed of ghan, of Whited ut'eh, on Wednesday,
AT a cant Conservatives i Ottawa, route.
point whereit,mibht be considerably shorter and Ile now leeks the county to make the February lst, where a number of the
Mast week¢ 6 is said that the decision arrived ` and accommodate the traffic as well. grant unconditional. Zetland and Whitechurch people assem-
r Tits report of the Postmaster -General The Road and Bridge Committee reeom-
5t in ,#{oferenee to the Manit a school
p TUE =MITE COSMITTER. bled to pass a pleasant evening and to
for the year ending June 30th, 1892, was mended that in the event of a foot bridge
question was to carry this ne appeal toThe Executive Committee .reported re-
witness the of Miss Susie,
resented to Parliament the other day, being erected on the site of the Graham
'tire yCoue Court of Canada,(a : , to the p commending as follows : That the usual bridge, this council she old the bonds daughter of marriage iVdof Mi glzaxi and
Privy Coun0fl of England$ necessary.keep It shows that the number of offices in- grant of $10 he made to the Prisoners' Aid Mr. Ed, Pelton, son eofs Mr. John Pelton,
i The Government seem to be axis iousto keep creased from 8,061 to 8,2$3 during the Association; that the tender of Mr. Me- of bridge,
Turthatrry and"the parties interested. of this place. At about seven o'clock in
questionp b i ear, while 614 miles have been added to Giilieucld This recommendation was adopted, the
': the out of politics as long at os- Y y, of the Goderich Signal, for the the evening, the said two occupied the
the mail routes, The manual mail travel only change from the conditions attaching
{ sihle. county printing be accepted; that the Boor and the necessary ceremonies
has increased from 27,152,543 miles to grant of $300 be not made to the township to the former grant being that the parties performed by the Rev, ere Crowle, wereof
THE Minister of Militia has decided 2 interested Furnish a bond, instead of the
$,46.384 miles. Ontario of course loads agricultural societies ; that the usual grant Whitechurch; after which all partook of
non the corps of active militia whichevery p3,060p of $95 b made to the Eazt rind Westtown of Wingham. The report as amend -
of 1 in department. She has est v, Huron the bountiful repast that had been's()
i; will assemble for training in camps of offices; Quebec 1,486 ; Nova Scotia 1,481; ed was adopted.
; Teecl ere Associations; that the salary of_ carefully provided. The Friday following
it instruction during the coming drill New Brunswick 3,123; Prince Edward the Clerk be not increased to $800 as asked the motion of Messrs.Proudfoot and IVI
the young couple, accompanied by Miss
sr season. The dates of training will be Island 339; British Columbia 187; :Mani -for by , Ida and Mr. Stanley Pelton, set out to
lc g tabs 406 and North-west The rose Taylor;Miss Violet Bono is home from Toronto
notified hereafter, The following are 206.g that no action be taken an the mo- visit friends in Atwood. They intend
1 the corps designated: --Military District revenue from the Postoffice Department tion of Proudfoot and Rollins to procure on a visit to her parents. calling on all their friends before leaving
r- 11/47o.1,at London -•-First Hussars, London last year was $3,512,611.02, an in- plans for a proposed House of Refuge. Mrs. Frank Beit has returned from her for their home in the West. Both are
4 Field Battery, 25th, 26th, 28th, 30th and ermase in the last year of 3167,723.3;. The The report was amended so as to reeom- visit to her sisters in Toronto.
is 33rd Battltlions,�+ Miss Mary Sisson is visiting Moeda
highly esteemed by all who have had
6 exponcliture in the same Period was ax,- mend the granting of v?300 to the agri- the pleasure of their acquaintance, and
' IN As attempt to injure the Canadian 205,085,26, an increase of $185,24�i.32. cultural societies, when it was finally and acquaintances in Hallett.
I+ T',tci_c end Grcnd Trunk raliwa s the There are now 112° woney order otiicep Mrs. Ferguson, sister to Mrs. John they will be greatly missed when they
o ey , , e /opted, taste their departure. We wish them a
United State:, Secretary of the Tfcasary, in the Dominion, of which 560 aro in On- Budd, returned to her home near Glen-
srltcLu cooz:izrT,t) . safe and happy journey through life, as
message surfs. This is an increase of 40 over last baro, Man., last week,
takinghis cue from the Prositlent's messy The Committee advised that no action well as to their new home.
.; to Congress, the other day requested the year, The number of roistered letters be taken in reference to the circular from Ernest Campbell, an old 3rd line boy,
Secretary of State to require the Uni:ad passing within the Dominion decreased Wentworth eouncil,asking for the abolition but now oi' Gaylord, 111icb,is back renew-
' States conetde in Canada to persolu.liy from 3,29`2,000 to 3,280,700. Lettere and of market fees, In reference to the appli- tug aequathttnof Ethel, has bought the
seal car,/ coatLining merchau(liso deet( :ed past cards ine:eased in number from 32,- cation of W. W. Cooper, I. Buchanan and
for tho United States and which is trivia- 878,100 in 1891 to 33,038,044 in 7892,1 X. Atkinson, for appointment as county 100 acre farm of Win. Bokmfer's, south
portedyle f.
alder the eonsul:tr seals ,.nt g e,it wasgtoIt There were 147 casesof registered letters students for the Aieultural Collohalf lot 22, con.5, for the sant of 82800,
IS east/ that it will be impossible for the being tampered with or lost, a decrease recommended that W. W. Cooper be ap-Mr. Bekinierpaid b2550 for this farm.
some two years age, He intends having
consuls to do this work, of eight, Thirty seven were recovered;' pointed, provided G. G. Connor, who was
of Ilei there was na evidence to account ; recommended in January of 1£;02, does not au auction sale shortly.
for discrepancies and 21 wore made good : take advantage of his appointment. That
by oflicGee responsible, It is announced' no action be taken concerning the proposed
The officers of the Young Men's Conser-
vative Club, of this place, are : President,
Sas. Moore; Vice -President for MArris, W.
R. Mooney ; Vico-President fol.: Grey, D.
Robertson; Recording Seo., S. B. Wilson;
Corresponding Sen., R. L. Taylor; Treas-
urer, Geo. Broker; Executive Committee, J.
D. Ronald, 3. Irwin and T. Farrow. The
Club will meet every Friday evening during
the winter.
The Sons of Scotland, after all expenses
were paid, had about $30 left as proceeds of
the Burns' concert.
A large glass front has been placed in
W. iioddick's shop, Turnberry street. The
partitions inside will be removed and racks
arranged for his stock of wall paper, dm.
A Guild and 'Mission Society have beep
organized in connection with 5t. John's
church in this place.
A reception service was held in the iMo-
thodist church, on Sunday morning htst,for
the admission of the new members in con-
nection with the present revival services,
Upwards of ono hundred parsons have de-
cided to lead Christian lives. The meetings
are still in progross,arc well attended every
night and the good work is still going on.
At a recent meeting of those interested in
W J GIiAiIX 11It?�1#Jib '5 ,,-E,!
Wlnan s. hubruary 8, D'5
Corrected by 1', Deans, Produce (Peeler.
Flour per leo lbs, • St 1 78 to ti . 2 od
Fall Wheat per bushel, 04 to
ypring „ • e� o 80
80 to G80 to, G
18 to 18
• 1 7r, to 2 80
c00to eto
40 to.
40 to 0
Y to 10
x4459 0 to 4.
imw.esd liege , 800 to 8 IQ
Butter, tub
do (tolls,
4od per cord,
Ray per ton,
IT. G. LEE, Piratical Batelle$,
Has opened etcher 88op in the stand.
opposite is urea bakery.
Fresh d cured meets always on baud..
Give him a call.
H. G. LEE,
The part rslil leretofore existing bet wrin1hcs..
Priendshl and obert Willson, ag black „nilihsand
cutup ,ak s, under the Mauro of I<tien dship .50,,
is this d soh•ed by mutual concert trTfleusi• .
nese will continued by TIioe teriondahi p, who will
Par all the liabilities of the firm and is authorized
to collect all rho assets.
AIi partials indebted to the Teaslate 13r, (lull:'
u, must call and
settle before tho 1st et ,March,
I105BRT ►VIL80N,
Winghem, 0th February
The undersigned errors for sale the boos nd lot
situated on Scott street, next to the t ceirienco a
Mrs. F. Burney, for pale. The house c ottfns si
rooms down stairs and a large upstairs, `. • it pil b.
ed and fixed off The property will be s•,id r)Aheasy
terms by applying to 11113. H, 0170:4 la,
Scott Street, .
Tiro York County Couneii, at a recent
(Meeting, decided to petition the Minister
of neation praying that the rules and
regalatious of thel:',dncation department
1)0 80 amended that the standard of en-
trance examinations to high schools
should Le raised; that little book work
in Public and Separate schools slxoulct be
The roads running north and south
are in very bad condition, owing to last
that letter cards will soon bo issued and.; reduction of County Councillors. That we Friday's storm. Before the storin, a
that the size of the post card ie to beeeo•operato, as proposed, with Elgin county, young lady counted the pitch holes from
incren:,ed. Twenty cent and fifty cern in compelling railways to make previsionWalton seven and one-half miles north,
stamps are also being prepared. During', for culveitseon natural water courses. With 1 and gays there woro am. if that was the
the year, the list of postofiice savings ' reference to tate appointment of a referee case then there will be as many wore
banks had 8 new offices added to it, mak- i for the trial of actions for damages against now.
mode more general,in ordot'that children it o i all. The total /lienee at the municipalities for null -re )stir of highways, On Thursday morning of lust weak,
requiri'ig only 1t good common school tag t, n 1 i t t. l b 1 1
edu(;ativn would be enabled to obtain ft 'credit of depositors was y:32,298;101,G8. 'the rc:cwiunend co•opbratioli witlF other 1 the spirit of lv;:rs, �;rte. Brown passed
ri eat( schools, e ena of doing twin i The withdrawals for the year exceed the municipalities, but when tho damages across the river, at the good ago .of 84
i deposits by nearly $201),000, and the aver- ' claimed do not exceed $200 would recon- ; years and a few months, Deceased hsid
to attend (fit b school, with its increased age deposit
unit to filo credit of each do castor mewl that the Gainity Judge be the referee. been ailing for same months and death
(islet to parents. is now$201:21-'-an increase of 35.80 on The Committee recommended that the i was not unexpected. She leavesan aged
TOES preferential trade fad received a the year. , Local Government submit the question of husband and a i'autily of eight tc incur$(
wvero shock this week, When Lord Sails. ,,,_... -_ _:_. "prohibition to a vote of rine people. The ; her loss. The funeral on Saturday was
bum in a speech at Liverpool, raid that A. Wooda:oe1( titan has been fined 659 tad committee /$rated in reference to the House! well attended, considering the state of
so public man in Great Britain Wilt) costs for belling diseased moat. of Industry 'vote that it wss,temeewhat the roads.
5+ feeding it i it with
g XIII g
,Scott's Emulsion. ft is remark-
able how
Of p'ulo Alorvvogl1arl Odd I,ivo
Oil and L ynoghasphitos
will stop a Cough, cure a Cold, and
cheek Consutnpt[on in its earlier stages
aaiveli as all foams of Wasting DiseatO>3,
Scrcfaa Rad Bronchitis. 11 is stun f
a* palatable ad anitle,
Prepared oflt brScott & Same, Seilevllle.
Illustrated Catalogue of Ladies;
Mention this paper
All parties who have not paid
for the "TIMES" for the years
1891 and 1892 are requested to re.
mit the amount at once. We uoed
money and hope this notice will
be sufficient, and that a general
response will be the result.
�. ELLIOTai'.
The undersigned will keep for service on tho
promises, Park Lot 40, Winghatn Town Plot, a Ches-
ter White Roar, Torras -75 cents at time of service•
with privilege of returnhn; or 51.25 tf not so paid.
W14. cAn1PBELL,
Pro agister,
l I1e1D
ROT F110111 TAE
City fruit & Confectionery Store
Because they cess get goads that are
right and up to the times,
But they aro taking up to the fact that
1 can give them goods that will
please them, Full lines of
Fruits, Oysters1Confectiouery,&c, '1•
Agent for Parker's Dye Works. i
Canned goods of every description al-
ways on hand and my prices aro ae IoW
1 as the Iowest.
Dont forget the place, opposite the new
flank of Hamilton.
a ',
Co 't
Dress G
We are
give u
'Capture of t
The gang o
•last five weel
'coupl'e of dttri
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detectives, lit
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Most of tl
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