HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-10, Page 2THE ,W INGHA.NE TIMES, FEBRUARY 10, 189 3.
'01 ; .-ee •
11' voice
The Kilkenny Cats,
i t.1114 �q� f I take the consegneuces
They poulticed her feet and poultieed her
wife in time, You will not 1 'Tett Vasco, slid said gently, her ,
I broker, n,y little, girl cannot bG happy Everybody 111;6 heard of the fatuous, Ancl blistered her back till 'twee smarting
a {e i' you. She Brants to come cats of Kilkenny, and red,
t t He turned away, and I.veruaont, without y
Tice tonics elia;irs pain -killers and salves,
list the child ;rife from his v (Though „)
pow++rfut situs to the floor. But she flesh, t sly iso •
they gllatie cc The )per woma,itltpughtsho 1
ctuul; to Mut, saying, to Iter soft, sweet
voice ;
re 11::t; flews. 1 01+, pupa, papa, what shall I do for
for the flaws as you go on through you 1
Olive , ho said suddenly, would you
a when you Eula them
II", lr'1ai11iiT Alby 10, 1693.
back and live with you always, Mtty "leach cat thought there was one cat too grundn,w declared it Baas nothing
He mined with a voicelessly asto T
• '.t'hee ucratolhpd and they bit, I 1 d•,
have begun, until you ]rave given it at le
a fair trial, and proven whether or no y
are capable of mastering that whiolt you
have undertaken.
There is another important feature too
many, , but "naives. often disregarded. Look not upon the wino
quarreled and iia must
certain cup, for in its sparkling depths lie ruin
Bleater little T1 Y 1 y 10 " iia cued perhaps death. "Let rife Papp of father, of
extending his arms, ATill, exceptfng their tans Till "Favorite Proscription the pp
figura ahead from the m, tows by the And some scraps of their Mils, I to try. mother, of some loved ogle, Como between
dour and nestled iii them, so611itab. Instead of two cats, thorn wa'n't any." I No wonder its praises sd loudly they speak; your eyes and the rising cup."
You don't, love are? be questioned. Not everybody kilo we, how,-ve.r, the Slie grew better et once, and was well in la i Lay a good foundation, so that when you
incredulously, holding her close,. true story uf tht. cars, Ill 179S or i week. I comp to mature years you will be respected
Yes, 1. do; ) do ; but if you hadn't lnpoetnnttoriaii differ shout even suI The torturing prows and distreeeinlz ;because of your integrity. Improve now
sent me awayfrom you, I'm afraid I ifnpc)rtnnt dates a:; this—Kilkeiny Tile
whiuh aceoulpauy, tat lthegoldenmoments; shunthospthingathat
,shootllid never have found it out. was garrisoned a rebellion
by I3cf.o'dierrs 1 tilelle,cartairt forms of female wealcnesateil the the meddling with shun make yell!ossa
So the old pain and K1Utrt, tyel'ti during a l'ehellion 111 Ireland. One �ytelde ilei) male t0 Dr. I?IeLLH'i Faye lillan.. Be honest, true, kind-hearted, and
swallowed up in the ove�whelming joy, night sumo of the soldiers amu:td I Arita P . seeker' It tai 1 ll veer'- though you may never win fame and plaud-
--New York News, themselves by cruelly tpi(L; the tails tarda perfectly harnlless,jtand adapted its of the world, you will have what is
go and live with Wit ligan away from
ild kind to be somewhat blind .I us all. to save mamma and me
;for the virtue behind them, and Georgie and Fred, freta is great
nldiest night has a hint of light
ere in its shadow's hiding; a trouhle 1
• by far to look for a star i She darted front the room and over-
s spots on the sun abiding. i took Vance Whitney at the avenue
:at of life runs ever away i gate, She was breathless with ruun-
oeom of God's great ocean; :lot;, so that she cora d not speak, lint
othrforce'gainst oriver'scourse ' Beized his hand, an drew hint uure-
' vo
ak to ulcer its m tion. ! sietan• 1 back to bei' father,
tea coxae on the be rse— n y t uI c udttions 1 Vance
mink at the trial before you ; I ' Yen steep y P
I •
at the storm t;th your puny: demanded, as he eneered the library
, scram,
d and let it go o'eyou. " With u will -
will never adjust itself In j, y
h 1 life � The du
I roust, if elle will. go you
[[ gl • Ii remout said, brokenly.
'your whims to the atter; • sin aft! ruoun was bright, the
es must go wrong ur w o e i .
J rue ruses bangin tan as vivid clusters
better. t,a they had that naoruiilg a week l,e•
t I ^
sooner you know
to fight with the ie. ite, i lore, a hen Olive 3]+,erautout had pelted
neer at last in the restle, what is the: use of gettingem a so fat y..
man shapes into G, d's plan 1 Velum \V hit nt.y with .l helm. but
t P you work hard all week tend have to
atter shapes into thd,vessel. I Olive herself, as she came out ruder when
their droopittg freekance, end entering get up early,—and on. Sunday,
of cats together' and thruwieg the tee the delicate organizatibn of woman. IU
sate and ' aro.' I ti l t 'better, an unsullied name.
d ��.1 r nus .----
-aeral poison of
e ntaiu the
o , r
auirnals erects a clothes;, Ina to t It allays end subdues to nervous
Au Lacer entered the" room to stop symptoms !touts ,1ud ralievt•s /the Pal" ac, ( 7tartnvetl'sBronchialBalsauf tvillmlrnanyCon h
• or Asthu,a.
this inhuman sport, n
who saw him Comilla;'
slash with a sword and
N v l
and organic
Not only sa e y ht cold, B onchets ^
which 13, bu prompt
not contpnuylrtg fuhcitonal �}a g ,
est trace, but prompt and certain enttou in b trembles. uluetrtulteH ptyllted 011 bottle The Hungry Little Boy.
the euro of disease may be confidently re- tr
naturalliae oa from the use sohie unrivalled c u , all arried out for Mother (severely—Johnny, where is that
specific for Dysp psia, Constipa- tall' of both ^ntrf 1 h.� at., escaped � piece of ea t t
tion and Bad Blood, Headache, Bilious.9 I1 i little boy
nese and all diseases of thef)]tomacli, liver,
bowels and blood, 11
Getting all he can �ou o 1 .
the soldier
vo a grant
t the
ti i ke I left liege hon I wen ou ?
mit of th" window, t)nt jthe bloody Johnny—I gave it to hungry toils had to Le acCUttltt8c for. The Facts for the rlo'as. !mamma, and, oh, ho was so glad to get
t nieit•wi.tea stealer e, ho !tad ent the n ,elation of �1'iterica il.crtttats it.
1my you dear,
t f -t feline Icuut u')utly replied to alit, o(lieer's .- 000 pal -inns a clay. I Mother—Colpo toaims,
Wife (drowsily).—
wrapper, end faithfully
malty yours.
It ie Sunday question (ti that the ultra had G .voured t' For every foot of .stature a elan deer angel. Who was the little boy?
da , 1 v petit other, with abut exemption of ti,eily hula, and the story wasthoughtto be 1 should weigh twenty -s.- pounds. I Johnny—Me,
so ;mod that is was: pe'r'petuated in Among. 200,000,001 of the world's
verse. At least that is 'he story told I population slavery still Txists' ALL+sneLls. February' 7•—There is a good
in explanation uf thel, well-known 1
As a gulp, the 1«�nGltl of the face is deal of excitement among the re is ars of
L'Itylwe. _--.—�- t' the same its the lenvth u the luttzd' • the local lodge of Railway Trainmen over
thewaitittg carriage, was driven away
CE'S REVE1i GE. to her future honte,'s• the grand gloomy
house in which Vaepe Whitney lived
to see hiss L ter, said —had changed yr e.Y much in that
'hit -nay to the sealant who short week. Site iii ked pale and ill,
his impatient rt at the poor child, and ther were great, dark
p' r eyes.
l , ., were
Lester lnuus:ol� and to rings hour. the 6
and the parlor, e had not Vallee. Whitney lea leer into the house
alt. Tee door swung noise- with stately and ceremonious pohte-
d Olive Lester came shriek- gess, as though she ;bad already been
aid' him. r: the wile he meant he • to become.
aetcc•d eagerly to I treat her. Have you learned i already to hate
lrauk from him,egvering her me, Olive 1 he asked!'
her bends, ` I don't Irate you, ir, the said,timid-
1y little Olive, lie &~aid, try- ly liftine her soft ty is to his ; I'm
.e her hands kcal leer face. only juet sorry for you, and -1 tn—
I wrenching Rattail away i afrni
_ -- 7013, fou.
7'm not your live aur He was touched. ` Olti and tender
nee; I—? don't-- I metuu
uries pressed �on hire in a flood.
live ? j 1 , You are complete t ,istretss hi re,Olive.
love you. I thought I did I i{ +nt tt lonely, sad Irian, but I mean to
e. L have promgised to ba 'tiny to stake you lit?ppy.
Dotet blame n,e, Vance— rHe kept his weird. Every indul-
so at ane. t • l goner—every gra1i(ication thtat moneywife have you �p1romised color the most watchful kindless could
mended almost *timely. I procure for her, Olive h}pct. She saw
her awn family, toe„oftei1 us she (these,
;hatigh never in tlirls presence of her
etrange guardian, glad she .grew In
time quite at home to the grand house,
which her coaling seemed to fill with
sunshine. t,
Ws Oliverew older and recognized
slowly ..,•llie t that fate was to which she
wee des,,tiited she t raw silent and shy
and,ancotumuuicativq, even with her
mohher. tt
het eighteen she writs as much love.
” , her mother,httd
tree is lovelier
whose stew's are
It was another June' afternoon when
l f. Vance Whitney sou ht her presence
' t 4z the pretty boudoii . She expected
xim. e
She lifted the sills black eyelashes,
Id dropped them as in quickly at the
sight of him not noti Ing that he looked
like a man who had t passed the night
0 watching, .
Olive, he said, t !ting her hand
mured sowethiteg very low,
tght the name..
Te ulmust my wife, Olive, he
passionate whieper, and he
tend. I nay forgive you,
r will forgive him.
t inttaut Olive was alone and
titney was hurtling down
timbered that int icing, as he
rnest .Evremoi d�'s spacions
t ten years frotu hat day,his
tn, with au irot
ercy ? God kn
ea to doitiu
ary and ruin in
e ntercifn
sake yo
crate be.;uiline,
r sarcasm, as t
is pocket, be left the room.
as descending tie steps of
a outside a showr of rose
ng in a fragrant avalanc
and a laugh awe. t as t e
mocking bird, ur;led oft
Where among th blossoms.
tt•cterk loots ova head, and
you have nothing to do— It
Husband — Yes, on Sunday .1 have
nothing to do, and I want all the time
I can get to enjoy it.
grip upon tt ,fie'r than (elite Leste
been, as a moss rote
than its plainer sidte
unsheathed in yelve
die save
ife and
her sage,
• u mstu
r ed at
ADVICE TO Mo1•nras.-Are O
and broken of your rest by a sick child shficring and
crying with pain of Cutting Tenth? Ifilso send et
once and gots bottle of ` Atrs.WinalOi}\'s Soothing
Syrup" tor Children Teething. Its valu es inoaldul-
able. It will relieve the poor lite sufrerar
immediately. Depend upon it, mothers there is no
mistake about it. It cures Dysentery a 1 Diarrheas,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cure Wind Colic,
softens the Gums, reduces Inaarnmatio?). and gives
teething ie
tone and energy to the whole system. } Mrs. Win.
pleasant to the taster and is the prej crip�lioi of one of
the oldest and best emelt physicians and nurses in
the United Status, and is for sale by fall druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty: awe cents a
bottle. Be sure and ask for ' iia i Wirst.otr's
SOOTnr\n SUM. .'•a take, no other kind .
from me,
ance said,
resting the
The Cause of His Troi}ble.
He had two plasters on his'..face, one
on the back of Ids head, (lie arm, was
in a sling arid he limped. .
You look as if you lead been run
places palled a pecular case that happened in Graven- •
and thirty hurst. It appears that a member of the
iierieaa . lodge named Samuel Murray was disabled
} while engaged as a brakemen, and for
t 119,000,000 several years lay helpless at his home in
nils lying tine Graveulhurst. He had last all the power
1 pennies get of his lower limbs and had all the symp-
toms of kidney eomplaiut coupled witb
• Ila se of his nervous system.
� late co
s � a comp p
,: His case was given up by seven or eight
d '1'e•uult
Don'ts for Mothers. .
Do not allow light to fall upon the
face cf tt sleeping itifunt. k,
Dc not .allow babied to gaze at a
bright light.
Do tot sena children to school be.
fore the ache of tee.
Do tot Allo children to keep their
eyed too long t.11 a Brat' otjeot ut any
t1 l' 1 L segrers bile `in quality or I Grand Division. The strange pal
ettt to stud
one time.
Do gift allow tit
by artificial light.
Trainmen Excited.
Tuere are se venty-ttv
St. Etiennne ill Fraud
Kington in A
called Washington
Tittle tire in America
of the leg red copper pet
used aoinewhero. Few
back to the mint.
HOLLOWAY'S On TMENT1;AND PILL%— prominens doctors, and the Gr
'Railway paid him his tote,' disability claire,
Dyspepsia, ,I tturesult o1 a cliti tout- Hia total disability claim was passed by
plaints are the results Olj: a tli:turdnred the local lodge here, and sent on to the
t f the
too ranch aver, tt• tint p
yk q y incapable f d''�, food. ' thing comes now. Murray has been cam-
. to health and
Do not allow theta to u�;e boo
with .mall ' type.—Ladies' 14 Hot
natant ince able o ipbting UOt . -states that
lis ])igestist requires e free elm «f healthy he does not want the nlouey, while the
ne bile to insure which Hollnway'e Pills lodge membere hero claim he is entitled to
end Ointment have long; set famous, it and should have it. Murray Wag cured
Journal. fan•ps•lipsiug eery mime mediuwe. byusinegDoddsIiidneyPills.
t?ood, irregularity of livii a, climates,
and of her :•arses are cons anti), throw- A. etranger,when dinintt at a foreign
through a planing will, was the re. season when cru; hs are so prevalent, itg t he liver ittte disur er, but that , hotel, was acuosted by a detective who
mark he was greeted with. asp effectnt,l remedy, itnd one easily fm urtaut ors;uu can, under all cir- (said to giro
1 feel so, he replied. obtatitlrtl,.is Perry Davis' Vegetable I eun,stances; soon tie re/mimed -and I Beg your pardon, wt' are iii search
Been culling anyone rt !far i; "Pain -Killer," Itis 110 nen rostrum, healthily adjusted l,y Holloway's Pills 1of an escaped convict, and,as r. platter
No. vended by nnkuotvu sigents, hut has and Otntment,whtoli act directly upon' of form, you will oblige us with your
Try to kick a tramp out ofethe back stood the test fc.r over tiff years; and its vital secretion. The Ointment I passport.
yard ? those wile used the atttul't, internally
No. L • or externally, will eau,,i ct with it
Wife leave a pail of water on the grateful recollections of it worthy in.
6tait'8 ? ventor.
No.Theman's; Alvice.
Well. what is the matter?'. • Clergy
I tried to step a family quarrel in Sir, he said, as 1' stalkkel • into the
the dela fiat. -Life.
Coughs and Colds. --At this
gently; li
But she drew it awaS from him.
He shut his es a
d his
face whitened ay little. }When hetwent
aping at him tit ugh the on
eyes, black with nniachiev- )- have learned to to
d sparkle, two eerie dimple
years ns I ettlieve manta never lover
verliowirig still wi h roses
d started a little
is face, and dro
g in a voice as
ad been :
ry--1 thought it
'Vbitney gazed at -
ke a pian in a trau
rued, and ewiftly
to the library, 1
vremort still sat,lihis head
lie table in the a tremity
pair. Vance paus d in the
tad looked at him. Iii`
he said, there is oite condi- 1 ti, try as she
id ! I will fergive tins wrong would not to.
they deeper ono you did me � They were surprised ttbmewhat at
e you in these
clergyman's mtudy, you art the man
who tied the knot, 1. believe.!
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Bro usvalley 1 bit your pardon, s+til'. Ike clergy -
Ind., says : "1 had been in a ,#intresse,
coniitiou, for three years froueNerwoud man, looking up fruw, his sermon.
nese, Weakness of the Stomach, Dvsp nsia You performer( the marriage c ere=
Indigestion until my Health was •i1e. tot, for tae, didn't you ?
end I t teeny
r had been docto ne constantly South
Ai Yes, certainly, Mr. Willing -3 \Vhat
relief. 1 bought one bottle of South, Air
ericau Nerviue, which doue me more good' tiuuy 1 i.sk
than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did ", then yen know what the rights of a
in my lite. 1 would advise every weakly huslmud at•e ?
person to use this valuable end lovely rem- shh ,•s itI a ,ones, way.
edy." a. trial bottle will convince you. And Liter. itis of a wife+ ?
Warranted at Chisholm's drugstore. ^
Of course.
A Sure Romovef'. WAIL, now,sir, said the caller, draw -
Mrs. Queasy—I do wish \(.,I knew ire u chair up to the eler?ytmn's desk
some way to remove frecklesiray hus- and taking a seat, has n+ wire a license
band baa them so bad it neo titles me to tortue her hnshand 1
Certainly not. •
If she makes Itis life �tliserablo lie
has redress, uf c•. raise ?
Yes, but 1 ahnnld ttclvisite—
Never mind your arlvie now. We'll
come ee that litter, Myatt,,{ wife com-
to be seen on the street with
Mrs. Shockem-e-There is
will surely remove them.
Mrs. Cent•asy- -What is tha
Mrs. Shockeut—Arsenic,
e thing
pray ?
ensu betore Till lardy I thought 1 row to Got a "sunliant" Pidture.
othing could make me yield you. But i
h 1 les wife 111y `Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap Bra piejrs (the
Scott St., Toronto, and you will j,ecelve
had never seen me. post a pretty picture, free from a' ver isiug,,
at the n
ped her
weet asie
will not have a eve a large wrapper) to "Sunlight
Bnos. Ltd., 43
ild, you are as fat a thoughyou I ' b
as papa. He put a sealed cavi• and well worth framing. This s au easy
0 pretty I hand, directed to Erne P t way to decorate your home. )e seep is
Sud- I and staid, the carriage teat the best in the market, and itl++well only
traced g cost lc postage to send in the t.i'appers, if
hands, and he left her. you leave the ends open. rite "
which Free from the hateful address carefully. .
she tniartnured, dashing ti
her eyes anti wondering,
her heart sink so. Now
dear, dear (Tome.
But she cried all the wit
ope in her
+ vremont
s your corn-
e tears flour
`what made.
or home—
Ihome to see her, but };lad,: and petted
her story with varied eootieens. Ernest
your child. Evreittont, as lie droppcdt. upon the
Can you cook ?
St recoiled from the look of flames the little paper to Which he had Yes
saner with which Everniont wrongfully,atd to stick lasting punish Can Yes.
wash ?
Ina. intuit, put another's net e, drew his ares, I can wash,
at little Olivet 1 Man, i child to hint and kissed he • sadly. And scour 1
rubbed on the skin penetrates im-
modiatorlly to the livif,� Whose blood
and nerves it rectifies One trial is
all that is per,ded ; a :ore will soon
Money in Mica �viuses.
A Kingstvu paper saye that Canada
is forture•tte ill .Ihe possession of the 1
mica 'ultning industry told thert' is
fnouey ahead for her in it. A. factory
is to be started i11 Ottawa or Perth to
prepare tl.ie article and !tend it to the
States. To this aright lis' added that
some of the most extonsitve end vetlue
aisle mines to be found tin Ontario
exist in the township, rtf Methuen,
county of Pete; bore, t bout thirty
miles north of Cantpbellfod. Mica in
let g:' sheets sever to t+ elvt. iuehes
square neve been remove front the
rock, and it is pronounced' by expert
judges of the mineral tole a magnifi-
cent attiole, being altnol as clestr as
Be a Man. 1;
What the world needs to-dt
aro nodie its. every sense of til
Do I look like a convict 1 I
Possibly not. In any case sI shall
require to sae your passport. a
The stranger, feeling annoyed, pre-
sented the officer with a bi11 of fare,
and the latter commented
Sheep's head, neck of mutt
Very good, he observed, th deserip•
tion tallies. You will plet{e come
along with as. — Dundee ``??,,Weekly
o read :
n, pig's
y is mon who
i word. These
plains that 1. don't shave 4ten enough.
men do not appear upon tho world's eta
suddenly but conic up brand through t}.4
The man who robs the poor robe
Goa. E
In Christian life no mail can live
higher than he looks.
You can drink or let F,t alone, eh '1
Well, suppose you try lett,;ing it alone
for a week for au experilu .nt.
Oil, tllat'p 51 HLitttll tuatara•.
own exertions, to the highest
It is, sir 1 la it 1 Just witit 1 L told noblit
her that that was my effii r, and thrid y •
she taurglit the children to' cry when I f Young lads, do you realize
1 ld say that `twelve and sixteen years of
kissed teem so that she c
my rough chin hurt them
That hardly showed as
Wait a minute! Piaster
forming your character for lif
Christian--- 1 you grow the more discretion
in I and in a few of the minorpoi
I found them playing with'tne cylinder . be a change, but in the main
of a broken music box. 1 theeame. Those, habits whieh you thought
1pinilacle of
'tat between
go you are
The older
ou will have
its there may
you . will be
} ! t t Yoa know
jl ( toIIIc touch so trivial, perhaps you though not of them
She Could not Plr.
!! his sweet.
sample of
how that
Certainly. I at all, will have become so Moven into your
A scary is told of a bash ul young I Wen, shoed taught ihom to call it , nature that you will find it a> 1 impossibility
Georgie swain,who called o to break loose from them, Hand you will
heart to propose. Here is li al y, ' , 1 d t ook regretfully batik, wishi(Eig that you had
the conversation \\ art �t Pitt ^ jI t taken more heed to your w4ys.
Miss Addie, can you 1110 I The first step is obedieutco—obedience in
floor ?
Papa's chin.
e l - sit., musts n i
' till I' through. To.tlrty one
of thele ;Int up on my lin e, passed 11:s
little hand twee my chin,
Papa's mnstc box. Now,
you a9 a Christian roan a
who tied the knot, r$hut
Got shaved, replied tp
� Ohiuu o Tritium., ittl he returned to
Kew is the'r
In this the seasons
asthma, bronchitis and of
lun'stomplaiuts, it is ev
wit 1 a bottle of De. Woo
Sy up which effectually
that vet
• s and y
ly. @ Pilate '2+r and GOes. S ' by
Why, yes, of course 1 c
Atard, what is It you ask 1 Suddenly shay lifted h
y pretty darling done that I eyes, dim with tears, herr little hands
wish to harm her 1 1 extended itt entreaty : e
tp his ovule as be spoke, I Papn, mamma. 1'tii oing back.
ild who bad descended from Conte with the and tell ¢tits what I
ra roof, sprang into them. Bever, never can. !
r li
. lone
i iris
• sat n
d \ 111 Ila. t
r ilea \ t V
' fire rice
11r +o t Vaned ma
harm 1
net ,,
aid itt a law vitiee. Mary, just as hr had sab ever since he
? saw the last glimpse of live entering
tft ud hopeless, Isis
trdly see gird
e bad been a
r beau 1.1
other thildre —1 have the carriage ----his at
nor child. Give alma this eyed seeing only vacancy
11 in my desote to horde, to Mrs. Evremont eouid 1
.:ttrrfwll�, as you could ; for tears ; his desolate 1
her to ate, to be my .living reproach to her.
Well, can you cut woo
I have cut wood, too.
Did you ever hoe ?
Pick cotton
cotton, also.
Yee, pick
Oars you plow
No, I can't plow..
Well, then, 1 eafr p
tae. :tie got her. •- At
w for bath of
nta Oontitittir
1 Ripon; Tabules cure indigestion,
;and called it
the little things at well ail in the greeter
Mrs. IL D. 'hest
of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia
OfOther L�edietnes Fabled
But d Bottles of Moil's Sarsaiiarlila
sir, I ask of i ones—obedience to those Hylic hay° author• I
d as the: man l ity over you whatever thdxymay be. Cbed- ,alt 13 with pleasttho tlhat? tell of the great
hall Ido 1 , lellee to the youth is v�+diat the 1)ritnary benetlt T derived from Iiootl's S ars;fparilla+ ,
e Clergyman school is to the sohola}' tiro foundation, i Per a years I have been badly ateleted with
Ins wort.---
the steppingstones tall` future knowledge,' tV rii�Q
usefulness and }iltogrf#y. I breatctl g out with rumling sales during hot
t' n11:Iet n)olttbs. I have snlnealines act Deet:
The next rung in t e ladder of life is : 1 Ole to use my limits for two months at a time.
'Tear Clod and keep.•; is commandments."
f coughs, olds, Then when the ovi)) days como,and trials
or throat and and temptations rose heavily, you will
'sNorwaypPine!have sufficientst engel to overcome temp -
re., all suclh els. j tation and the clings with which you taro j awr�ili�;l 'lItol 1C•lya one fodsi 1 eaIn.meTnittttk y1
d let
t end 1 e
n C1a18, �aChIninfalfn ova
p 1 eav t
l e of z
p c {s
0) reae.,d bC y
Id rail drug• i vi tory will 1p you to gain Homo other.
Have an, 11n in life. Set up a standard
0 ;and try to •each it by all possible means,
to ' provided ley are legitimate. Have perste-Clinical Street, Cornwnlil4, I'4, e.
1e'veranee leooDtg Iy1Lt.i1 cnrOlivc' illa,eoustipa•
Do 11 throw up anything which you fres, Untoasllose, ja+tudtct, tic! ban
te. 7at.
Bel tg induced to try Lood's Seus:uteriltn. I got
one hotete last Spring, commenced using it • telt
tl">r t(hiringtthe sulimier, bottles
ast able to do may
),dit:.ewarlc, and
Walk 'two PAI.ilex
`lien you find a soap that is pur
an .suits the skin, continues to us
it. 'Frequent tellanges are bad for tl
c npb'xion.
6 Hood's 'Sarsaparilla
Pour betties has done more for inn than.$200
worth of other medicine. 1 think it the hest
blood purifier known." Mus. iii. 1), 'WttST,