HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-03, Page 7SL%CU U.I XDJ , Tust room f not too much room I took he , all snug and waren; Tenoned() e her hair's perfume And of the nearness of her arm. T shake the lines out, free and gay, !',7..1.); sleigh bells chime, and we're away. Across the crisd, suo glittering snow, Leaving behind the uley et,:eet Its garish glare and noise, we goer' Into the darkness, still and sweet, And here and there a household gleam Flits by us in a flying dream! Flow speed the horses gaily driven 1 - The sweet bells clatter slovery mirth And every star is white m heaven, And every field is white on earth. How dark the brightness seems 1 -how bright The darkness of the winter night 1 We race the open road like wind - But, in the dim and shadowy laces Our wild pace slakens, and I find One hand enough to holcl there in And., somehow, when I try to speak, My words are kisses on her cheek. Ah, life is fair in many ways, And full of dear enchanting hours! .And love is sweet in summer days, Mid blossoming paths and sylvan bowers No 5, }lunette, and from ratepayers of But let me chose, all bliss above, A sleigh -ride with the girl I love. S. S. No. 5 and 10 of East Wawanosb, against their respective councils, were referred to Educatirn Oomtnittee. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL submittedIlta* the foilowineas the list of Standing (Front the God.rieh Star.) i Committees for 1893: The county Council began it Jan- Exioueive -Masers. Milne, Kay, nary session on Tuesday, January 24, Girviu, Kennedy, bparliug, N. H. All the members present except Mr. ' Young,, McPherson, 11cErvin, Scott. Stuart,of West Wawanosh. The first I FRANCE. -Messrs. polling, Proud - business was the t'lection of a warden I foot, Ferguson, Beacom, Malloy;. for 1893, and on motion of Messrs.! Woods, Broekenskit•e, Beane wise, Mo McMnrehio and McDonald, Joseph ; Len 11 Griffin, Reeve of Ashfield, was unani., I EQUALIZATION -Messrs holt, Cuok, Huron and Perth councils for dannthtt to his farm through the chantiulg of a watercourse, Special Committee. On motion of Messrs. 111. Y. Me- Leau and Holt, Rev, Dr. the of (Jod- elech, 1)r. Slaw of Clinton and Dr. Smith of Seaforth, were appointed on the respective Collegiate Institute boarur, On motion of Messrs. Tee+lor and Sllep lii.di,Wtn. Coate, of Clinton, was appointers alltlitor for the current year, The following wore {:tested as a Cour. nlittee to strike standinr committees for the year : Messrs. McM'archie, Girviu, Proudtoot, Kydd, Oo•,k,'`11Qi line and Cox. ••emeet trusted neighbor. Thee oulv The Council then adjourned until 10 the eeieple fauto rf'tv.rd to rllirr Hood's a. m., Wednesday. Sar•rraErnd"ijlalets riot.e,siv,-ty• vv: h o truth and reus0u, �. SECOND DAT. -NY DNESDAY. 111 THE WINGHA.M TIMES, FEBRUARY 3, 1893. tive committee to examine loans au mort- gages matte by the county, and after an ex- tended debate it was carried on a division. The usual motion to appropriate the sum of t 8,000 for boundary line improvements was referred to Road and Bridge Coru- mittee. A motion to empower the clerk to pro- cure copies of Ontario statutes for tlto use of the respective municipalities was ref trod to Executive Committee, Council then adjourned until 4 p. m. 7'710 'Testimonials Published 011 helialf of 11 ,o i'r N'41'ti'iptwr- illa are as relrahltt :1.11r1 w t, tit). )n,r , anti. deuce its if they 0.41110 1'ro•n r•+u.' b ..r ;cul TRADE Sas .L 8. rilAl .'I`A TABLE, Canadian racalie Railway', Council resumed business at 10 Consti� i:rtioi., and it ltrouble•; with the digestive nrg,tur and th ,fiver, 03.0 oar'cl by o'clock and Minutes being read and 1:IocD's Prete, confirmed the following comtxtnnica- tions were read and referred: Some mon lire hr;tut!,,r • I'.,r'I r ittt- Appeal' ' from ratepayers of S. S. Inility thou ether-. of of clothes. 3loutrelel. An;;. 4111, My head Waft literally frill of "t tndyttff and nothing applied gave visible relief )t111• til using Am ti. Dana ruff. a few arip1 nisi :4011' of which has so thnrou_rhly retnoved tyle dandruff there is nota grain to be fried. W. li. O'itEGAN, Ry. 11ei1 (ilei Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Soro !l,liroat. Sold by ell Druegists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Piaster will give great tads faction. --25 cents.. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Toon., ss `t Shiloh's Vttalfzer `A"AVI'D 1111( .LII'2 I mask/era the he tremed7foradebilltztcdsllsteua I ever wed," For Dyspepsia Idler er:tiidnoy troutbllol iite. Price Z5o�ts. (� sited 0 see SAC 't;.. `av � Y•« P $ 517 ., � ��iCrWt�J �•f.1-i`I;::� Cis t�.• 5'u"8 EON' Have you. Catarrh? Try this Remedy. IcWi1( Positively relieve ar c, Lure. y au Price 50 ets. !Phis Injector for ;IA suPeorsCui treatment is urnished..reo, Iltonrmi.iir, S tiloh's } c r „dice aro gold On I1 ;, .... _ ... t. rt L-'- 1 Tr d d' follows Trains arrive an !Pur1 >.s ts : To General Merchantsta, nd Boot and Shoo Stores, in cennection with mV ieeather Business I keep full stock c! SFIO��' DRESSING, Hathaway, 1Vhitmores, Zanonl, French Dressing', Eclipse, Bixby's, Perfect kid, etc, in 10, 15 and 20e sizes, by the gross or dozen. Jactptot's French Blacking and Gray's coma , waterproof. L O EJ u Leather, Horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, 4:o• Cotton and Rifle, In elllengths. Button fasteners and sett, cork soles, &e, . 1.14A.Vnie naltn•n:A 5:505.01,...,. ..4orTermite .••..••..5:8Tta,rut 2:00 p. m t! - 2:00 Nut 2:00 p. m For Tecswater. . 2:011 10:55 p. in 1 it 1015 • f PyA tw.;la f'rX"E'CT „DT ; ,t'^t,,7"Sf". —T I M E TA BLE.-•— LSAvr4 wbN0aA11. ASnitr A,• 1rt.Wtr,t3r 0:85 e.m.Toronto, Q 1e1p11,Palmcrsten tko. iPi',l•.ni 11.10 „ „ ,. 10•'`2 ,. ,.:LO p.m. " ' " Clinton, '• 7: r merstga,,Mixed 10 400.10. r.t� " i'al (%;45 n. m..... ;LoudOn, 0C ........11 -co 3:5op.m. " 'j;Sup.ut 11:20 a.nh,....... iiirieardhre, eke ., 0:35a.ru. 3237 p.mIl:-0 10.02 $1ia5p,ni ROE LE.t.ATHE, • i Sinton A1rna, hal and 111 andrylezzonia Kip and Calf ; I also native kip nil upper. .Spanish and slaughter 1 sole t is without doubt the very :best of the • many remedies for Pips, note In tho market. Read endorsements; Lop'11' N, Ocr., May bth, 5002. I have examined tc.nnposition 01 fitrong's l'Ite• Ione and used it,e5or external nod internal piles with the best r flits, 4, D. O'meou, M. D. Loxnoc, Ocr., April 25th, 1802. 't �• that after tiling I hay ct�easurc iu st.ttl t., f o,u) } Rtronq. `Pilekone one weak, I !experienced what I bniipVo to be permanent relief, after being troubled oath -bleeding piles for about three years a. N. Ilus'r. PI31C'1 $sl -•For sale by Druggists, or by mail on I call that seta mr+ fi bud , xa,,Af, I role iigt prrcn. �T- STOWS, Manot3cturing Chemist, told hire to divide 7-13 LIvfer''lI. said the schoolboy when hr 5 ;cher\ w x 184 DesDAs S'rnes•r, LONDON, ONT. For Colds and pz}o Throat. SIRS, ourire use agyar of Yellow HA LTD ® B in family for colds and sore �@'i; sister had SIIF7 011 Cox, \IrJlurehie, E11bBr, McDonald; throat and it is excellent. My 1 to mously electe4, and took the chair , asthma since childhood, but on trying ,l with a brief and modest speech, Watson, Kydd, Sheppard. I Yellow Oil for it she Boort was cured. A -���i �,t�t Communisations were teed rind re• ItoAD AND BRIDGE -Messrs. Ratz, MISS Llzznc CHIAPELLII. Baldwin, Ont. ferred as follows • , Graham, Gibson, Torrauce, Oliver, I HARNESS t5EATHER, Best brands on hand in oak'and hemlock. Specie s took for traces in oak. Patronage solicited. Prim,:eguaranteed. A posts card will secure quotations or a call from my travel er. W. J. CHAPMAN, Tanner and Leather Merchant, WINGIIAM CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN a CO.. 301 BROADWAY, N3cW Yotir. Every patent taken by patents is brougAmerica. before / • the pubite by a notice given free 0i charge la the Ndatifio AMtViCrill Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly inipiatrated. No intelligent year;man should be witho t it. Weekly,93.00 a ri nomnis, 361 Briadway New e city. FOR THE :;EST VALUE Good Old Times. Jos4hine Street - Winahaln, Ont, From the County Council of Elgin, HOWt-r, Turnbull, Taylor, Orniukshank, i respecting railways being compelled to EDUCATION•—irleasrs Mooney, herr, It is well, as an old deacon weed to J. l I 1 icy p., IIALB1'r,U, I 4. IV. -- IN 'l_! R D U R,E D CLOTHING t Scor', m Mount Forest. Listowel: build culverts over natural water- 1 McKay, Shieil , Chambers,' Geiger, i sa). to count up our e.8• I8 ,t a• _ tourers. Special Committee. ;�m t2 Ontario °entity Council, ask - lug so operation in getting certain amendments made 111 the Drainage Erratt, Evans, Dew's. Act. Seine reference. WARDENS -Messrs. Saunders, Iiydd, From Wentworth County Council, 1E1 Oox, Milne. SPac1AL-1lesaro do rk,' Bol ins, pared t.' his father or grandfather. It GO TO slenally Stu,lrc, stud 01,1,3 15 5.110 may 1 ire ' 117 -I1- D posits Received and Interest COUNTY P1tc.,PERTY.-11lesdte i�aniid- 1 Wall ECunoInlSL cowparen thy' prest-11 t allowed. yrs, Specimen, Sht-reitt, A Young, condition of the farmer with the Bond old times, Rrioney Advanced to Farmers and De,pitr '111 the milk ahuut the herd- f Business Men, chips of the farmer, he is a. lou', colo- Ou long or short time, 00 endorsed notes regarding market fees. Seine refer• he doubts, est huu bout up the t once, Belt, Girviu, \1CIi eau. From the Priaonrrs Aid. Associa- , Ou r.uiiun of iyhcite. McPherson eentleuian') deY book of forty year* 41 tion, askiug the usual grant, towards i and Proneifoot, M. Y 'ieLean and the ago and note the prices then. their work. Executive Committee, I O.:uoty Clerk were appointed on the A bight! of wheat would buy three.) From County Council of Grey, ask , Bovril of Criminal Audit. , fourths of a barrel of salt ; it will no ing co-operation in i;f'ttinr4 certain I (J.1 In0rinn of Messrs. Torrance anal buy two barrels. amendment'; under vet:. 533 tt of the � 51eL'ali, ilfessrs, B•tird of Stanley and A bushel of corn would buy ser ,1 Munieipxl Act of 1892. Sp"01:1 (lora- 1 Cittelesrin of Seaforth, wire appointed and une half pounds of sugar ; to -day mittep. on the t.oar•d of Ca nnty Examiners. it will buy twtelve and three fount Reso!utiou of the united c"nurtee of Thr reports of th•• Cuunty Treasurer poutith. Northumberland and I)gr•lt,ilrl, in rr'f- and 1140 ,tailor wet. read and referred den pounds of butter bought tltirt stance to eh nriging tee ;ntnb'r of t„ n't• threeiand une third yards of colt county con nai!lore special Com- mittee. From Domitiion Alliance for the total snppreawi'i'1,15f r.1.• Iola ar• traffic. .4Special Committee • From J Buchauy.u, J. AO:irtsnn and W. W, Co0per,mal:ing npplicatiou Err the coulr y etu,lentail,p 'at ilia On- tario Agricultural Co 1540, Special Committee .A. statement of Divieinn 0 ,nrt sup plies 'lent froin ;ire Canute i a••rle'e office, and t.lie report of the in•wuranue Committee were reel and ordered printed in the minutes Letter front Idington t5c P„lituv,roli- oitors for \V J. Carpenter, of Logan township, elitinti1ie rlalnutee& front BY 3Pr,CI»»ti.L TO OPPOINTtY,Ei:-+T, �Y,;� L'-�1=?, P.2AJM8TY SO'.P NMA.BZ:1:3 %g 4:. T=i10 QTJ"yG 3 O (t Q (t ® A • I �`oU wish your Linen to b3 Whit as Snow?, Wight Soap will do it. aster 1 w '1nnac8o uUNLXC+HT i> i,: •,arfectiy pure, ur.1. aur•e,ius no J.njuri- unuueale to injure „tionryour clothes or your mends, Greatest ear;: is cxercieed in its r:iltnufac•t-ur'e, and i t n el..r,it+:;• tr. so appreciated 1:•• :1'o ;labile that it has 5:,:, 11 1 gest b.On of any Loup in' the World. How Can you test this5 If you. have never tried SUNLIGHT SOAP, ask those who use it 'what they th,nk of it, then try it for yourself. The re- sult will lease you, and your clothes will bo washed in far less time, with Less Labour, Greater Comfort, and will be whiter than they have over boon b"fore, when you used ordinary asap. Is That not rho best way to do- cide the matter 1' First by enquiring what the oaperiento is of those who already rise it. Secondiy, by a fair trial yourselff. 'You aro not committed in any way to use the soma; all we ask is : Don't Delay, try it the next Washing day. 001n1 t ,.erre cloth then; now it purchases forty -erg ill.essrs. Cook and Howe moved to suite 81,0 third yards. atn••n•d a !notion passed last year, by cheese ware wog h authorizing the Executive Cotmnitte.o i twrnt five Ten pour is of pounds cof nails t to seepage the mortgagee 1ir�ld by the: cheese now pays fur fifty-fourpoun of nails. A good fleece of washed wool groi tan years before the American war would buy one fifth of a barrel of sa t, three and two thirds yards of Cottn cloth or tett pounds of earls. To -da hie one pentad of wool will pry r. three fourths of a l•.arrei nt sing, e Treasurer and report on the bathe to the Council. This caused a long de- bate, the present regulations being that only rare warden, treasurer and r•iet•k examine end decide en applies" tions for loans, but the amendment wail lost on a division. E'l,e County Property Committee 11113 11181 rnctrd 50 consider some other pounds of xn ;'r r,elx and one !act' :are invites of heating the Court House and of cotton elute and tweary•two ported ra110 thereon to the council. 'Tof alls The reports of Inspectors Tom and 1Tg,)aest: li,ue +s 14,114 11114ori on N,:, tee referred to Education Com Yerle O1, y pewee But .t- a ttrnt4•.r.ti tr0 *1111 that of the County Engi-` fact, he 'civet re.11ned 111rtniti, 71!01 l osi to Rrand and Bridge Coraitnittee, t.LU3w'priuf;,- I Inn ;nein; ul:t.rkei. Applications were filed by the respective F,r:igilts were 1ii;;b, nod w!u'rt the reeves to have the following persons pelt 0 )81 of brer;;iu„ erudite, toth , New on the list; of county wards: John S. and Yotk marker; ;is tieducte freer New Mary Walton, of Goderich; William Dim- York price for furttl produce,gi's't the can, of Turnberry ; Margaret October, of Winghahn ; and Margaret McLeau, of Ash- field. Referred to Finance Committee. n 11 le is n Y A letter regarding the defective condition of the closets was read and filed, and re- quisitions for supplies for the jail and ad- ditional office furniture for D. McDonald, were referred to County Property Com- mittee. A letter from 'Turnberry asking the Council to assume a per centage of the cost of bridges in said township, was re- ferred to Road and Bridges Committee. Application for grants to the East and West Huron Teachers' Associations were referred to Executive Committee, After referring a number of accounts to Finance Committee, council adjourned until 10 a. n1., Thursday. TIMID DAY--THMASDAY. Council resumed at 10 o'clock. A letter regarding the claim of Mr. Carpenter was referred to I.toad and Bridge committee, ne were applications from the townships of Grey and Stephen asking the county to essumo a percentage of cost of bridges over 100 feet in length. A inotion by Messrs• telirt.tnt tido 00 10 lnowi+l tnalltitle orIfetwan and Turnbull irnstructing the p county engineer to examine the bridge 1; self-1ainrit•r. 111i101 east of Zurich, in the township of let 11'+ have 11') more of sut/ll geoid ilf y, with a view to having it added to the old titles. list of county bridges, was also referred. TelaiderS _ wood, .. .... .__...mow or collateral security. Salo notes bought ler a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. New York to the store at u701,:li he' tredect was erliled to the prhm of Was really it iriori• than half as well on" ten yeers lp. war sLS our figures 'wool,* iinatp For ins( iinee,iit 1 857 it 00s1 twenty• from Chicago to New York ; in 1891 tAnitg, 'egg t 114 ti hi cents. Surrounded iry these condi:Ione, life en the farm was hard indeed. allico and Kentucky jam; had to do for Sunday garments, and tin otecart in whielt to rrcle to church was the height of etyle. Luxuries for the table were amolst was 11 prinee'y diet. '171)0,4c yero days of herd titnes,when and boom' it by hand. 110 toiled eittle and late, saved and scrimp8d, and received less return for a week of hardest mil than the farmer of 1 892 retie, ves for n. single day's HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS,' CUFF3, &c. Agents in. Canada -The merchants' Bank of Canada 011lce Hours -From 0 a. In. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. • 3 Applications. ,;r It takes only this to thorcughly vemove Dandruff, stop itching of the Powlp, make the heir soft rind pliable, lu feet, ei Messrs. Saunders and MePheveon. re- Aeti-teandruif perfect hair tonic; -all Cheap for KAKI, i AT C 1 W. E B S T E I 'C.� r S toves,Stoves,Stoves rum lit tile. lung -healing tues of the Pine '..ad with the soething and expectorant • of other pectoral herbs and barks. "....`...114 'DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which .:,•cv.,) nod a31 THROAT, BRONCHIAL and :••••sist other remedies yield promptly to ads tti • pieasant piny syrup. All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from'. ' Moans tde kid- of the system. "Delay is n trouble. odd's dangerous. Neg- lected kidney a of disepe 18 Dyspepsia, Liner prct ca ised by Complaint, and gerous of all, ght as well Blights Disease, try -o have a Diabetes and ;1.:1 hoa thy city Dropsy." •:',"1, with ut sewer- "The above el as good diseases cannot '0 th when the exist where nays are Dodd's Kidney § ek, ged, they are Pills are used.' So I by all dealers or seatbytuallon receipt gryt,r,. so cents. per bog ot Six fee ev.So. bor,k 11.1 Kidney Tat. Ire's Iternaly for Catarrh the no 1, neatest to Ilse. nod chrsutest, AM= Alan id by droggets or rent iiy mail. fee D. SUT ERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK S "NT choose from Every stoveguarau • I. against breakag and to give complete satisfaction. sole Ootebee 8th 1801;