HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-03, Page 5THE WINGI-IAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 3,1893?
Still going on and will
Continue up to Feb. 13, 1$93m
Now is your chance to get
Dress Goods, Prints,
Mslins, Velvets,
:Flannels, Tweeds, Clothing,
Carpets, Beady Made
Hats and Caps, at cost.
We a
ie doing this as our stock is too large and it will
give as more room for Spring Goods, to arrive soon.
Tiaviug bought out the Ambler klaruess 13ut•iniess tout strati d ire los t kr rt: i,
um prepared to furuieh the public; with everything ueuelly Isi:pt lu it hareese h1 1
Buell as
'BUNT'S, VAL1S14;S lu tl
T'RAY ELL INBAGS, ,ve , ae.
Come early and avoid the rush to
(Intended for last issue.)
Mr, Joe. Welwood, our Reeve, ''is sway
to Walkerton this week to try the reali-
ties of his office.
Mr. Thos. Wilson, last week, solei in
Wingham, a fourteen months said pig
which dressed 477 pounds, and which
netted him within a few cents of forty
Mr. Alex. McKenzie is home from the
west, being away about a year and a half.
He reports the weather colder there than
here, but not so stormy.
On Sunday morning last, Mrs. F.
Crowe presented Frank with another
Miss Kate McKinnon, of the Queen's,
• Wingham, is visiting her parents on the
2nd con.
Mrs. F. Porter, of Goderich, is visiting
at her sister's, Mrs. Robert Marshall.
Teeswater News : We are sorry this
week to record the death of Mr.Lawrence
Meyer, which took place at the residence
of his father, con, A., Culross, on Satur-
day last. On Monday of last week he
at a sawing -bee on his brother's
While attending the funeral of the late
James Sharpe, Mr. John Laidlaw hacl the
misfortune to have one of his feet severely
crushed wpile turning his sleigh around at
the cemetery.
The patrons of Empire Association, No
407, P. of I., appear determined to take
advantage to the fullest extent of the bene-
fits to be derived from the contract system.
The meetings are held weekly and after
every meeting orders for goods, varying
in amount from ten to fifty dollars, are
sent to some of the various firms with
whom the Grancl Board has contracted.
The association numbers more than fifty
members, and the members aro still in-
Mr. and Mrs. M. Cosford, Miss Maud and
Mr. Allen White, of Peel, are visiting at
Mr. Frank Scott's.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, of Culross, were
New %'cords in Our Language.
Few persons realize how slang has ' who intend to qualify for
worked its way into, our language. The
words " bosh, " gibberish " and " bam-
boozle" have almost a recognized place
in our vocabulary, while " sturdom" (a
prison), "chive" (a shout) and " cooter "
(a sovereign), which were brought in at
the same time by Persian and Danubian
gypsies, seem most barbarous expres-
sions. This is only another example of
the influence that may be exerted by
the whim of a few. It is the same sort
of a whim that dropped the words "gal-
livant," "flabbergast," "gab," etc., from
elegant words and relegated them to
the realms of slang. These' words have
theyac strange
ebe found in the verce y,b stand
pany among the most careful old Eng-
lish writers. The rule works both ways.
What is slang to -day may be thorough-
ly proper to -morrow, and vice versa.—
I make all my own Collars and guarautee satisfautiou•
Give me a trial and I will use you right.
WI NT (-1- .I
1 havo just received a full supply of'Christmae goods, coierietttls of
and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs.
BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christmas.
A.11 goods bought fur cash and we cell sell a: chose at ;he ilial l o' and
Repairing Promptly Done and Satisfaction Guarantee
me a call
M PA'rl ER;:ON.
• - � � ,'���
Clever, Energetic Youni:; Men and Women
Oek finished and leather
CtIt Ean
Anfl hntiri$
positions in Boolt•l:coping, Shorthand end Typewriting, should write fcr
catalogues of both dol artmcnts of
Central Telephone Exchange
We have the
Inside track and
Can give you
Every line we sel
For less than
of C$ATHA:I, ONT., established 1876, This institution otthe her .neer glom,tIm.Idess Canada. uior slwrthw d r 9� xi pe �� oyos—r'
school In advantages
and vastly heparin? to any i Canada the best and larcc,t rtaff of u0' V n Ji�u� 31 1 y.7
These „re the adt•anta{;os we offer to ?gorse of bnslness training!, the best.+ntt,,
• The two heat penmen
stab Ends of Thought.
Religion is no Sunday affair.
Genius drives; talent ]S driven.
Discovery is the pain of wrong -doing.
• Hypocrisy is oil with pounded glass in
visiting at Mr. Walter Rntherford's last it.
week. You dein bet on the wage of a dog's
Mr. Jas. Stewart, of Stony Mountain, tail.• What man can do and has done wo•
II Manitoba, returned to his home on Thurs- ; man wants to.
I d taking with him his newly married. Each of us, no doubt, is a crank to
was home coin ay'
farm, and after returning wife. We wish them.success and happiness the man we think a crani?.
through life. The heart has nothing to do with the
planned of being sick, and rapidly grew I making of "society "laws.
worse despite every effort that medical (,mite a number from here attend the re -
forth and on Saturday The wise man may be above his fel•
skill could puts viva. tneetinge held in Ebenezer Church at low men, but he will not look down ex
morning he breathed his last. Deceased
was about 24 years of age and was well
The first iron casting made m
known and much respected in Culross
and surrounding district, and his death. i VPiarton•
What is supposed to be the largest load I America, a kettle, cast at the Saugus
will be felt with the deepest regret by I of logs over brought into Bluevale was I Iranworks,in 1682, has been presented
all who knew him. The bereaved family `drawn in by D. Patterson, with Duff d to the Foston, a lice of Lynn by S, E. Hudson, of
theheartfelt sympathy of the en-Stewavt's team, from Grey, a distance of 1 Hudson tate or
present. •
Miss Hattie Anderson
visiting at I —
,First As:tevican Casting.
al descendant o oma?
:sinal owner of the cast-
ire community in their affliction. I eight miles, on Tuesday. They were two(
in„.Thomas Hudson owned sixty acres
The Directors of the Culross Mutual Fire I soft elm logs measuring 2,200 feet.
ny inet in ei,o town hall i
berg all present. President in the chair..
At a meeting of the official board of Brus-
The minutes of last meeting were read and
sels Methodist church, held the other day,
adopted. applications
the members refused emphatically to re-
Reid—Kirkland—Pkat all app ' lease Rev.G. F. Salton for the coming year,
for insurance be now laid before the Diree- believing that in the interest and welfare
foie for examination—Carried. of that church he should remain for another
Little—Reid—That having examined ten ear• As Mr. Salton had 'been invited to
applications and found them satisfactory Itattenbury Street Church, Clinton, this ;January 18tL,
the President and Secretary are hereby in- I action will of eourao,provent his acceptance Bower
re tare and issue policies fort the wife of
Btructod top 1 of the invitation,
Little—Kirkland—That the Secretary get
600 copies of the annual statement of the
affairs of the Company printed and mailed
to members—Carried.
Reid—MBKague—That policies No 1766,
1805 and 2021 be now cancelled and that
the Secretary notify the holders of said
policies to that effect --Carried.
Arm4trong—IV.IcKague—That this Board I the championship of America and t
do now adjourn to meet again in Teeswater i stake of $L000 or :62,500 a side.
town hall, at 2 p• m. on the last Saturday The Provincial assets of Quebec amount
in February.
Atte. AIIA\IseN, Secretary. Ito ,020 580 09,71, n excess lof liabilities over
11' nickel', twenty-three years of I assets of 5623,641,346 28.
age, died tit the Toronto Insane asylum
Teeswater, on 28th January, 1893. Mem-
ofa land on the westerly bank of the
Saugus river and sold it to the iron
works company. He claimed the first
article made and received this kettle,
andh a .as half been
centue centuriesVed in perfect through
FINN --in Brussels, on January 25th, the
wife of Itir. Henry Finn ; a son.
-In Brussels, on
Mr. R. N. Barrett ; a son.
Yrrrz rt—Tu Brussels, oil 8.I,.,itu y daughter.
the wife of b1r. J. 1. i'epp
IACQuz'.s—ht Iiiuloss, 011 January 28th,
the`wife of Mr. Eli Jacques; a sur.
GItAIsGru—Bit0wNizn—At the residence
of the bride, ou Wednesday the 18th Inst,
by the Rev T E Higley, Mrs Eliza Brown•
lee, of Blyth, to Mr William Grainger, of
Wane—Sem-me—At St Stephen's par
sonage, Gerrie, on the llth January, by
Rev W F Browulee, Mr Orlando Wade to
Miss Sarah Strout.
t11ASON—SIFralinn—At the reeidonco of
bride's father, Clinton, on the 28th Janu•
William u , ary, by Rev A Stewart, Mr lV Mason to
ou bliss Mary, daughter of Mr James L Slieto
Triday from inflammation of the bowels. I for the education department by Messrs. I b •d.
At the annual meeting of the share-
holders of the Belmore Cheese Co. the
following directors were elected: Messrs
Peter Tariff, W. Lucas and G. G. Sang-
J. G. Gaudaur, the Orillia sculier, has
issued a challenge to row any man for
chore, the best autres m shorthand and typewriting, best the bet 3y O, �1'l. do not
gems, the best equipments in every respect, the recent for Piecing its students in the eget pat ing conung-r- yjl
?:Ouns in the rooms
ivopies. a �® 9 a c our
Our college to the limit of $8 00.000oodtboard itoitplleasant thomt es for undies railway faro ogenti $2, 50. For 9
oat n distance to the e ""1 �- yti�
tnlo;;ues of either departmqut, address, D. hteLACNLAN, Principal. I ••n..� magic �a, zil
ants: DLit
Hero B!ow
But everybody likes to buy in the cheapest market.
It will .say you to visit! us this
month. The season of stock tak-
ing is at band, whin there is very
little business going except that
which is forced. The jingle of dol-
lars is more pleasant to us than
looking over a splendid stock. Will
we •have the pleasure of hearing
some of your dollars jingle ?
Te t Setts,
� --. Y;.; Setts,
:L; a l e China,
Tea Pots,
Salad Bowls,
Fruit Setts,
C.Cuspa Fires,
Biscuit Jars,
Plower Pots,
Cups and
Fancy Plates,
Wine Gla,sses,
Tea Pot Stands,
Cake :2 to:'9
Celery Glasess,
You will be
The loser.
The China House.
We will if you dive wisdom a
chance to step in and influence
you. We won't spring that old
cheinut on you, "Big reduction to
reduce stock." We simply offer
you a chance to get some rare bar-
gains if' you want them. Low
prices on everything. Be sure to
conte and see what we can do for
Spoilt Ratio of ill Wool Blaokilrosktinisliali
The text book on agriculture, prepared'
On Oct. 27th last he swallowed a knife,
fork and spoon, together with a fair-sized
triangular piece of <glasF. He felt no in-
convenience from the articies, in Inc
stomach, and for the past three mouths
has been wont to finish amusement for the
1 atiente by jumping Up and down to
use a jingle.Inflammation,
Mills and Shaw of the Agricultural College,
itis been enthorizcd for use in the public
schools in the State of Oregon, and it i
probable that it will bo introduced into the
iluelic schools of several other States.
it is stated that the French Government
wilt shortly send p eommisaion to Canada
Montt—Knot -0n Wednesday. January
5th, at the residence of the bride's par
eats, by the Rev, W. H. Watson, Me. Wm.
Moore to Miss Maud, dan htor of M.
John Kirk, all of Wingham.
Our prices are lower than any
other house in the trade. Visit us
and we will convince you of' this
fact. We give you a reduction of
ten per Cent. off all your cash pur-
chases in all lines except groceries.
We give you 20 lbs. White Sugar
for $1 ; - 25 lbs. nice Brown Sugar
for $1, and several other drives.
other p MeivtN.-•In Culross, on the 22nd Jaatt-
however, \Viii secs vin, Melvin, daughter of r
ea for the purpose of buyinguichot 1n the I gad 9 years and 18 days.
finally eat in, and at the and be died soil. 1 Sudbury district. The French Admiralty, Giunteas-•Iii Clinton, on the 24th Jnuu-
curios The cage edi, excited , mid
1 it is said, will adopt nickel steel armor for :try, Percy .john, son of 11r Joh Gibbing -
curiosity among medical men, and a cost bar Warship.aged 21 years and 3 months.
mortem examination :vas 110d, a
We are showing American Car-
pets in beautiful patterns at 30 per
cent. less than you can buy Cana-
dian goods.
You remember how we cornered
up the print market last season.
Since the raw cotton has advanced
from Go. to 13c. a pound, but we
bought early and we can give you
the same quality of goods as we
gave yon last year at the same
price. The patterns are all new.
We can't replace then: when they're
Courteous Treatment, Lowest Prices,
Nobbiest Goods, at
• •fie PEOPLE'S i,•,
(CIF f l4N' ' lle,ba Nt38.)
C tzar ► , sold d
COUsCSh13 . * .
for Pr
Nr '--4 it tttintlen%ilh'en to
t'•'a:4.'‘.s 1 .') EInbs.