HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-03, Page 4EDIT
P -
t tine Trele- ! MoLean, of Blyth, wllioh WM followed
delegates from my t" ov
1 condition of military itnpotence took place
moved that this Comml ins tic,
between. ro
(' t of Now ever to hew the interest on all Comity
pending between the two c
hoped. and 0xpeetec1 that tlto interchange the settlement of the sane, that the Trees,
of views which then took place will be user is hereby int ctea 1 to bend, of the Comity
productive of beneficial restate, and lead to mortgages into the
an amicable adjustment of those (1 To ENons, I Sollicitor for itotion by ecti and Beaooln,to expend
•. p
•• u r
• t Lit
•, commune A I 6
• m r ewe
�` TRADE is
1 art
't ltl CQ
The statutes of 18e7 relative to tDepart-
ment of Tracie and Conuuetice and to the
office of Solicitor General having been
brought into force, the appointments were
made wllioh were contemplated by these
CantuaaC( '
x yell
10 Q
ulfx t.all
larrears • n elftr ea
ul i in a l
, year 11 .,, „ over v over
> side �os
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t rrlt Ymortgages 3
> her
n. hwere p
d t11 a
equestions ledcu tl
i t the
f d an
fin 1
o .
g ' ith the Gntvartt semlllan ountrios It is ted, and i p
rule w
amts and equipment ill scathing tones.
I He says they are worn out and worthless,
and suggests that 1nanY pieces of the
artillery be sold for scrag iron,
military body. Ile likewise criticizes
DRUGGIST.'. A materloc of the directors of the Western
Dairymen's Association was held1 in Lon -
idon, last week. There was. a full attend•
_— —
lance, It was decided, in view of the in-
•,, i�i W torest in dairying and the demand for
AAs. H Sill . TELEGRAPH CO information on daisy r
l . ' • topics in Western
Ontario,' to hold four local coltventions
about the 1st of Maras at 13rantford,Ripley,
f tiro artier neglect to attend to
ops. Brunswick House
� Stratltroy and Chatham, where Professors
- - Ont' Robertson, Fletcher, Dean and others may
`]g1cl,YYl, I be expected to address the meetings on
Ipractioalsubjects. Theselocal conventicus,
, together with the meetings, will be attend-
7 W. Wheaton, who
ed by the Secretary, • •
,4t ' i Ill �i A 11' it L b s has already addressed 30 meetings of dairy-
4 Ei
. I men in different points Western Ontario
-veins G. Brave, the eminent American
wean, died at Washington, on the 27th
nary, in the Gard year of his age.
Ottawa Citizen says that Canada
during the last two months, and has meet•
ings arranged for nearly every day till abort
the end of February. They will over the
western district pretty well, and will no
doubt stimulate the dairymen to greater
zeal and earnestness in them business and
induce them to improve the quality of the
goods they turn out and to produce their at
a lower cost.
the U
around t
r anon
referrr flowers s best c
referred to Exeoutive Committee. The Class Worn,' wee one
Salton taught a lassoo to
Committee afterwards reported in favor of ! e ce lei rotes on "The Harmony of tbe
the motion.
A nation that applicationbemncle to the txospels," +thicu was well received, and as
Dominion Government to be allowed fis to I to I ahr coming a. tymber rof schools
r 1 o will,
CANAL Tort's, place the McCarthy and Scott Act
i to be regretted that the Government the credit of the County sinkingfund
cl ares. Ylor's address on "Teachers' Isr-
dd lost
In -
of the United States were unable to accept account, was carried after amendments tarot in Pupil fu and out of School, was
a thoughtful paper by Mr. James
of Walton, on dam—lone." Mr,n1 lS
out a capital paper, oma fully po
iuted tile duty of the Sunday School to Missions.
Mr. Smillie advocated giving all collections
ivade by Sunday Schools to the above
purpose. To this some objection was
to ken.
Rev. G. T'. Saltols'0 address on 'Normal
w1l(o«a31, February 2, 1803
Corrected Ly P. Beane, Produce peeler.
7G . t
Maurpper 1001bs, • If 73t
Fail Wheat per bushel, fa
the suggestions made by my Governmel
on the subject of canal tolls, and that the
President should have thought it necessary
to impose exceptional tolls on Canadians
using the Sault Ste, Marie canal which has
so long been free to the people of both
countries. My Government, while ready
to consider in a friendly spirit any proposals
which may be made by the Government of
the United States have caused efforts to be
made to hasten the completion of the Cana-
dian Banal works, which will soon afford to
the commerce of the Dominion a nigh -
way within our own country.
Measures will be laid before you for the
improvement of the Franchise Act, for the
amendment of the laws relating to the civil
service and the superannuation of civil
servants, for regulating the admission of
evidence in causes and mutters under the
control of the Parliament of Canada, for
extending the system of voting by ballot to
the North-West Territories, and for sim-
plifying the laws relating to lands and land
transfers in the Territories.
Gentlemen of the House of Commons :
The public accounts of the past year and
the estimates for the ensuing year will be
laid before you without delay, and I trust
it will be seen that ample provision may be
made for the publio service without increase
in taxation.
Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate:
Gentlemen of the House of Commons
I have every confidence that all these
matters will receive your best nttentiou,a
that your deliberations will keep in view
above all other considerations the welfare
and stability of the country.
Hon. Mr. Laurier, leader of the Opposi-
n A DISPATCH from Winnipeg says Latly u
s not wantprohibition and that if the
al Commission should report in favor few days ago representatives of the lead-
robibition,it feels certain that parlia- ing temperance societies and prohibition
t -would not adopt the report. leagues 1 waited on Attorney -General
To. Ontario Legislature will not meet Sifton, and,after pointing
ut to him feeling thee
the beginning of Marc]), owing to the overwhelming prohibition t on
that the legislative chamber in the
Parliament buildings will not be
,Meted by the contractors until that
an contending that the vin e
the plebiscite bad shown such to be the
case, the leader of the delegation candidlyd
put the question to Mr. Sifton,
Ton to
at present all lene way at the approachingsteps do the nsess sestend taking
sion the direc-
�n 5 to 100 per sent., nay, more in so?"
Ins, said D'Alton McCarthy at Stayner. tion of a ps rohibitive
repliquor y was law
The ot
you, know what this means? It goodsmyou a surprise to the delegation, in fact, a
t when you buy $10 worth of Y I set -back they had scarcely looked for.
X20 for them. I Mr. Sifton stated that the government
'alto. Ottawa correspondent of the To -1 had done all that the temperance people
I o News, in discussing militia matters, had asked of them, that is, they bad
lees the following reference to the given them all the opportunities afforded
st r of Militia, Hon. J. C. Patterson I bythe general election of finding out the
tit e 5
other for West Huron : The presenfeeling of the people in regard to prohi-
isterof Militia, Patterson, is just
bitten. Beyond this, however, the goo-
ing on to the points of the game. He eanment could do nothing. It would be
pea as little of military matters as the useless for the government to introduce
lady who explained that she Lada aprohibition measure, he pointed out,
lin the, militia who was "a corporal or because, if passed, it would not be of the
c ottndrel," she didn't know which
• slightest effect. The provincial govern-
s lk[r. Patterson, seems 'willing to went bad no power to prohibit the manu-
s facture of liquor in Manitoba, in fact had
Moved by Mr, Torrance, seconded by Mr, t highly beneficial.
Kay,that the Warden attend at the Clerk's Mr, Day, ofDeertPark,
splendid M . Gray,
office on the first Monday in each month to ' of See -forth,
sign orders and for general business, and at two o'clock p. m. to the children, wbioh
that no orders be signed in blank—Carried. I were well received. Mr. Gray took as his
'•A Bag with Holes." Mr. Day at-
The reeve of Brussels made application to text,
have Sarah Lee put on the list of County I tended to the Question Drawer in good
Wards. The application was referred to i elnape,aud indeed mealy a copious question
the Finance Committee. I did he answer.
An applioation to have JeanetteBradley, I The eveuing session was addressed by
of Colborne, placed on the list of County I Bev. Mr. Shilton, of Clintotl, the subject
Wards, was referred to salve Committee. - i being • General Knowledge of the Bible
A. .notion to raise the County Clerk's essential toeffnoiePut Su crit. Seatty bee. ye also
Teach -
salary by $200 was referred to Executive i tip Day,
Committee, the report of which was unfav- addreeeed the ineetiug at some leegth, and
orable. ! aeked the parents' hearty co-operation iu
Council then adjourned to 3.80. The , Suuday School work. The meeting was
Council resumed at 3.30. oue of the most successful ever held lu the
Balance of Finance Committee's report history of he County Convention. The
read and adopted, In the report a large President for the ensuing year is, Rev. Mr.
number of accounts were recommended and Hughes. On the Executive Committee
the following made wards of the county :— will be : N. II Young, J. S. McKinnon, W.
Margaret McLean, of Aslifield, 180 per M. Grsy, James Scott. W. H. Kerr, and
annum; Mr. and Mrs. Walter, of Goderich, 13,11eQuarrie; no theIc e mess Committee,
i t e,
$180 per annum; Margaret Fletcher, Wing- ;John Wilford, .I
ham, $90 per annum; Wm. Duncan, Turn- Gray. A feature of the Convention the
berry, $100 per annum; Jeanette Bradley, the si,:ging, Oaring the session, by
Colborne, a80 per annum; Wm. Dunn, union choir, cousisting of the different
Goderich tp., $90 per annum; Wm. Collins, choirs in town. The place of next rneet-
Goderich tp., $75 per annum; Jane Knight, ing was left to the handle ,.f the Executive
Goderich, $90 per annum; Sarah Lee, Committee. -�
Brussels, $90 per annum.
A motion by Proudfoot and Rollins, that East Wawanosh..
the Clerk advertise in two Toronto dailies A PLEASANT SURPRISE.- On Thursday
for places for County House of Refuge, was evening of last week, about fifty of the
referred to Executive Committee. Said young people of Calvin Presbyterian
Committee mended that no action be church assembled stand took possession
Oats, •
Dntter, tub
do .tolls,
Eggs per dos.
Wood per cord,
tray per ton,
Geese -
Dressed hogs •
'1 00
G»8 e a 10
80 t 324
i 6
64 7
48 1.
17 to 47
1 76. to 200
0 00 to 0 20
40 t25 o 60
0 10
6 to 8
800 to 82.
The undersi
situated on S
Mrs. 8'. Bur
rooms do,'
ed and
ed offers for sale the house and lot
yttforrsale.soTshouse .e8rltil ns six
y„ stairs and a iarge up it+trs, well paint-
ed off The property w tl he
soldson easy
applying to Scott Street,
illustrated Catalogue of Ladies
l'r xs reported that the total number of to prevent its mportation.
ivalties to the vessels in Canadian
tors and to Canadian vessels abroad
year. was 122, representing s tonnage
17,073, compared with 260 vessels of
00 tonnage the previous year. Tho
ount paid in bounties to fishermen ot
3 Maritime Provinces was '5156,891
ing 1892. In 1891 the amount paid
s 5156,891. Last year 108 United
rtes fishing vessels took out licenses
dor the modus vivendi, paying 513,410
brefar, compared with 98 vessels
Iola paid 811,098 the year before.
,o#'ortorrro Evening Star:—"The effect of
si'import duty is to increase the cost of
as produced in the country, with the
,{lilt that the mummer pays a higher
nice , for home -manufactured articles
n he would do it free competition pro,
d ; consequently the difference be -
the existing price and the price
eh supply and demand would create
er a system of free ports is a tariff
not to the government but to he
ufacturers. This form of taxation is
rent that a careful calculation proves
as much money goes into the pockets
he manufacturers as into those of the
ei'nment�, hence the abundance of
lionaires in''PIi protectionist coun-
Al THF meeting of the Western Diary-
Slssociation in London, Hon. T.
fillantyne said the most important
lection confronting the dairy interest
-day was the question of paying aecord-
tca butter fat. In the only case in
tern Ontario, where the Babcock
otter was used and the fat paid for, the
r had told him that tainted milk
d blowing curds and all that sort of
ing were now unknown, and he would
l -{Milk of going back to the old eye-
, the cheese from this factory this An application to have Wm. Collins not I 1"
r mold at a higher price than had any Measures have been taken to carryinto I
n Pe
n la's
effect the agreements arrived at with the I Vm, Dunn,of Goderich townsllip,pla���cggd on dress on "The Relation of Yonne p
er chee?e he know int, 11? cents. ; y the list of County Wards was refaced to Societies to the Sunday School,"
t United Stites on the subjects of the boon- The lost apeaker during the eveniug
session was Bev. J. Ifeudersae, of Heusail,
Hie subject was. "The Greatest Nce(1 in
the Suuday School World." It IA teed-'
lean to Ray that the reverend genlemau did
justice to his subject. and impressed Most
sit of
riecea t
l is hearers the Y
on n
being fully eonseorated to the work, and
being baptized with b"
• On Wednesday the sessions were held in
the Methodist church, and were opened by
a prayer and praise service by Rev. A„
Mention this paper
All parties who have not paid
for the "TIMES" for the years
1891 and 1892 are requested to re-
mit the amount at once. We need
tnouey and hope this notice will
be sufficient, and that a general
response will be the result.
ommi ee recom taken. of the residence bf Mr. Adam Robertson,
The undersigned
f their ntemiscs Park Lot 46, tim,h
rr timed will keep for service on the
7.30 r. n. The Object o premises, '• au, Town Plot, a on_
for the evening. ter White Azar. Terms -75 cents at thus of servtbe
Report of Road and Bridge Committee, visit was to give bliss Robertson a more with privilege of return1i1V1o, 9I.25CAUto Llso paid.
r Pro arietor,
tion, being absent on account of illness, the I read and after considerable discussion and tangible token than more words of that
House adjourned till Monday. i amendments had been moved, was adoptod. appreciation of Ler services at the organ,
On Monday the House met, and the ad-
Judge Toms was appointed arbitrator in so willingly, f cheerfully, and faithfully
dress in reply to the speech from the throne 1 ease the township of Morris forced an arbi- rendered in the past. The secret of
being moved and seconded, the Honi. Mr. \.tration before the June session. their together in such a manner
Laurier criticised ..the speech in an able Council then adjourned. was imeeting known when Mrs. D. Simpson
address, and concluded by moving- the fol- was
no power
That power rested solely with the Do- Pooling amendment : "We feel bound to
minion government, and, in a word, the represent to Your Excellency that in the
platter was now out of the hands of the present condition of the people of Canada,
is, i could substantial reduotious should be made in
provincial government, that ' t
take no further steps towertls the desired
the taxation which presses so heavily upon
the great bulk of the community, and we
regret that in the speech, graciously deliver-
ed from he throne, Your Excellency was
not advised to hold out promises of redo -
dons to the oppressive duties now imposed."
Sir John Thompson replied to Mr. Laur-
ier, and after speeches by Messrs. Cart-
wright, Foster and Mills, a vote was taken,
the Government being sustained by a ma-
jority of 50 in a house of 153 members. The
division Was a straight party vote, the
motion being considered as a want of con-
fidence in the Government.
Several notices are on the order paper for
reductions in the tariff, and some for plac-
ing of several articles on the free list,
The estimates for the year 1890-4 were
submitted on Monday evening.
Parliament was formally opened on the
26th tannery, and the Governor-General
read the following speech from the throne :
Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate:
Gentlemen of the House of Commons:
In meeting at the commencement of
another session of Parliament it affords me
pleasure to congratulate you on the con-
tinued progress which the history ofthe
past year unfolds with regard to Canada.
The increase in t1 ade as illustrated by
the exports and imports during the period
for which the official returns have been
prepared has been most gratifying, and
that increase has continued down to the
present time, with promise that the volume
of trade during the current year will exceed
that of any year in the history of the Do-
The revenues of the country have likewise
so provided for all the services for which
Parliament has made appropriations and the
operation of Government railways has been
to ;s burdensome as regards the difference
between income and expenditure than has g_ laid Grout
been the case for a long term of years pre -1 regarding the want of a bridge near Win it menus of isnprnventent,
viously. ham, and the great inconvenience causedRev. s ofr. Higley :ave words of welcome
nata[IG1tATi0N. thereby.
In Manitoba and the North-West Terri- Report of Executive Committee being to delegates. and Rev. Mr. Hughes, of
tortes the increase in immigration has been send, I.1
decidedly encouraging, both as regards the
number of persons who have come from
other countries and as regards the number
of homestead entries made by settlers of all
Huron Sunday School Convention.
and Mr T Q u T O
read tbe following address
Dalgarno presented Miss Robertson with
The twenty-first annual Sunday School a handsome gold watch and a beautiful
Couventiou of the County of Huron was plush case. Tlee following is the address:
held in Blyth on Tuesday mud Wednesday To Miss ROBERTSON.
of last week. The first sessions were held flEAR FRIEND,—We, members and ad• I,
in the Presbyterian church, Rev. W. F. hermits of Calvin church, representing
Campbell, Pb. D., acting as President, ow- others
iu presenting as lig you withhave.
hiel watch
ung to the absence of Mr. W. H. Kerr, who pleasure
leas re i yue, as your
From the Clinton wows -Record.)
An application from Howick that the
County assume charge of the township
bridges 100 feet wide was referred to Road on ilei to elicoursge and Improve he Itch ou human and horses and nil ani•
and Bridge Committee. Davis Sunday School Staff." Mr. /Vila°» rug -1 mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Accounts from Signal and G. N.
were referred to Finance Committee. , seated as one- method a more friendly 1 St&n6elra0� 1i��, r1iT,ryn�t•`�� h��1r� sls. � ar-
Mr, John Green addressed the Council I spirit mmeug teachers and officers, and
tress on Normal School work as ----- -
., well as many
was attending the County. Council, A
goodly number of delegates arrive ink into our".
t which rig was in thoughts and feehugs and wishes to be
irieudte of the many happy minutes pass -
d by the U When the ulterclnauge of
10:28 a. m. trafu, it w ,ic i a b d and cherished fol life were
waiting to convey them to the Tresbyteriau
talked over. We sha11 miss you at the I
church, where they were billeted to the Organ in chnrcb, Sunday school, and
different homer; in Blyth. Christian Eedet,vor, and we have only to
The first session opened at 1.30 p. m.,
conclude by praying that the Master of
Assemblies tray tend us around the throne
with devotional exercises, after which Rev, of the Lamb, sin ling die Sou; of Salvation
A. L. Russell, of Exeter, gave au address by His blond to the Glory of the Father.
ou ..Some Features of Intermediate Sun• Signed ou behalf of the Conae 5L\rp e.N,
day School Work." Ti's subject wet' I J• MENZIES,
handled in excellent style, which showed , J, DALOARE .
the speaker to be well up in Sunday ' January 26th, 1893.
Soiled mutters. 1 Miss Robertson, though taken cont -
M E R S.
City Fruit & Confectionery Store
Because they can got goods that are
right and up to the times.
The subject on the programme to be plately by surprise, replied in a few well
Bruce -la -moo ore words, after which the company
taken up by [rev. J. H Simpson, of ch , n
field, was baudled by Mr. W. N. Gray, of I betook themselves to games, singing and'
Seaforth, owiug to Mr. Simpson being un- I social chat, till near
to attend to the•
when a halt was ca ,
inner man, for which the young ladies
had made ample provision.
avoidably absent.
'I'bis was followed by Mr. D. D. Wilson,
of Seaforth, who gave a rousing address
'ilber moved, seconded by Deacom,ln
amendment, that $3O0 be granted to be
divided between: the different Agricultural
Societies•—Amendment carried.
An application that Jane Iiniglnt, Goder-
fch, be placed on the list of County Wards, 1 "Aims in Sunday School Work,' which
was referred to Finance Committee. 1 was followed by Rev. ?,tr, ,toss, of Brno.
i se . , who gave a pointed and practical ad-
Wiugbem, replied during the evening
Mr. Houston, M. A.. of Clinton, although
not on the programme, gave a splendid I
address during the evening, session, on
e sooner the makers In every vaso dart' of Alaska, boundary line in Passame-
opted the tett, paid for mills t c" ay,
quoddy B, and the prevention of destruc-
riling to the test,, th the better• tive methods of fishinand the preservation
Acott-GrNRftL Ht1n11Fitb7l'y commander and increase of fish life. With regard to
he Militia in Canada, in Is report to
went, describes the military de.
care of Canada as useless, and criticizes
militia from the headquarters stall
i tuwa to the lowest rank. He urges e that a satisfactory conclusion of the
organization of the staff with the ! sib.
five authority centralized in his ! clisens ion may yet be reache1.
reciprocity in wrecking and towing a cor-
respondence has taken place which indicates
that privileges are demanded. for 'United
States vessels in Canadian canals which
wore not anticipated, but it is not ilnpos-
racist, tree adds that until this is . CANAna )Ni) NL•'wPOrlondam.
there will continue to exist in ( During the mesa tt friendly conference
Finance Committee.
A motion 'by Proudfoot and Woods, that
the Special Committee inquire into the vote.
polled for the County House of Refuge was
Council then adjourned till 10 a. in., Fri-
nom 10 A. U.
Members all present except Mr. Stewart.
A letter from D. McGillicuddy relative to
stationery supplies. wee read and referred
to I:xeeutive Committee.
]car. Kay, seconded by .lir. McMurchie,
is another
name for
and yields
But they aro waking up to the fact that
I can give thorn goods that will
please them. Full lines of
Fruits, Oysters,Confectionery,&c.
Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites.
Inip0vertsltc(Z and 4tnpnte blood le al-
way* ejj'ecfvelp restored ie v(gorat'e cot t-
d{tUo t bu this wangle -it'd toned!).
Gbttphey Cofde and att itpasttne .Dirteaaes.
Almost (td palatable «r 1'tfUk.
Prepared only by Stott & Donne,1teller11io.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
Canned goode of every description al-
ways on handl and my prices are as low
as the lowest.
Dont forget the place, opposite the new
Bank of Hamilton.
1 hat's the
Confectioner arid fruit
in town.
Give xis a 0,41.1. Prices to suit the
Dress Goods,
We ai e doh
give us mo:
Come earl:
(intended for last is
Mr. Joe. Welwood, our :
to Walkerton this week tc
ties of his office. - ,
Mr. Thos. Wileon, last
Wingham, a fourteen s
which dressed 477 pount
netted him within a few
Nil'. Alex. McKenzie is
west, being away about a:
He reports the weather co
here, but not so stormy.
On Sunday horning
Crowe presented Frank
Miss Kate McKinnon,
• Wingham, is visiting her
2nd con.
Mrs. F. Porter, of God(
at her sister's, Mrs. Robe'
Teeswater News : We
week to record the death
Meyer, which took plae
of bis father, con, A.,
day last. On Monday
was at a sawing -bee o
farm, and after returni
plained of being sick, a'
worse despite every eft
skill could put forth, an
morning he breathed hit
was about 24 years of 1
known and much resp(
and surrounding distri
will be felt with the
all who knew him. Tin
have the heartfelt syr
tire community in heir
The Directors of the C
Insurance Company mot
Teeswater, on 28th Jant
bers all present. Presit
The minutes of last .nee
for insurance be now lai
tors for examination—C
Little—Reid—That h
applications and found
the President and Secre
structed to prepare and
600 copies of the annua
affairs of the Company
to members—Carried.
1805 and 2021 be now
the Secretary notify 1
policies to that effect—
do now adjourn to now
town hall, at 2 p. m. o
in February.
William Tucker', tut
age, died tit the Toror.
Friday from iuflamn
On Oct. 27th last he
fork and spoon, tool
triangular piece of g;l
convenience from tl
stomach, and for ti
has been wont to fini
other patientn by jun
cause a jingle. It
finally set in, and at
denly. The ease he
ouriositY mining mei
mortem examination