HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-03, Page 1WINGHAM Tin VOL. XXI . ---N O. 1096. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1893. $1 A YEAR IN ADVAN No doubt you have heard that all kinds of cotton goods wore expooted to advance in prise. Such is the case, they have, But we wore prepared for it and our stock of White Cottons, Grey Cot- tons, Cotton Sh:rtings, Cottonades and Denims is full and complete, all bought at the old prices and you are to have the full benefit,, prices just the same ns be - before. We have a few odd furs left, they are going at whatthey cost us. We are selling Boys' and Men's Overcoats at nett cost, and will give you underware down low. Tboro are quite a few remnants different kinds we will not say what they are worth, we will make a price to suit you when you see them. We still have a big demand for that 35 cont Tea, 3 lbs. for one dollar, 5 .lbs for one dollar and fifty cents. 20 lbs granulated sugar for the dol?ar.. 22 lbs of coffee sugar for the dollar.. 24 lbs at brown sugar for the dollar. —Cash, for good butter and eggs at R A. Graham's market grocery. Tell me, ye intry winds, That roup about us whiz, Will not t1d kind of weather fill Our bone with rheumatiz? —Dry wood is ' ry scarce in town and as high as $2.25 per ord has been paid for twenty inch woo . —Men wanted to cut saw logs and wood. Apply. to MCLEAN & SON, Wiugham. —MY. Wm. Culbert of Listowel, repres- enting Stone & Welli *ton, nurserymen, of Fronthill, Ont., was • nvassieg the town this week. —On account of a snow plow getting off the traolt,the C. . R. train due here at 1.35 p. m., on Mon, ay, was delayed several hours. —Oysters in the hell, first in Witigh•un, direct from Baltim re, at eicleelvie's Star rest urant, A fist t mile sk n the rine here, t ji' tween Ii. Bond, of of Turuberry, for ' 4t.! —On 1ilonday e ._. " Wroxeter young pe After partaking of a Hill's restaurant, th home agrin. Try the Ecli ery. Beat royal mi per eouud. ing;ace will take place s .(Friday) evening, be - his town, and S. Elliott, J a side. ening last, a load of ple visited Wingham.. oyster supper at R. y retur to their ORR & HISCOCI{S, Direct Importers. The BrAR, Jan. 19th, 1893. Marriage Licenses Dined by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vio- toia street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. LOCAL NEWS —Try'Myers' Royal spice for horses and castle at, Griffin's Grocery. —A. masqu ade carnival willbe held the rink on tiesday eyeuing next. —Banana first of the season, at Mc- Kelvie's Ste restaurant. —A recen nvention is a cradle which rooks by clos work mechanism and at the same time pl ys baby tunes. —The tha settled the enc of Tuesday ni again. --Meuey to oan, at a low rate of in- terest on real estate. Apply to ' Du. ' Loween. ace entered upon its k. The Bee is a good e are pleased to know las found it a financial v on Saturday and Sunday ``w considerable, and the snow lilt has made the roads good —The Atwood fourth year, last w local paper, and that Bro, Pelton success. —Mr. W. H. Wil doeteaching of vocal ai music. He has cla For particulars, cal place of business, n eap coufectiou candy for 10 ceu T C Sreatere —The Canadian Ke -rel Gazette,publish- ed by H. B. Dono n, 58e 'Victoria at.. Toronto, the official organ of Canadian Kennel Club, is a we conducted and very interesting journal for all dog fanciers. Send for a sample o py. —At the last reg ar meeting of Anchor f Hope Dodge; I. . G. T., the following officers were elected or the ensuing term : Geo. A. If ewton,C. T Mrs. Geo. A. Newton, V. T.; Ed. Sherman Chap.; R. Rogers, •M•; H. B. Elliott, P. C. ; John Dodds, F. S.; Miss E. Rush, Treas. J. Tennant, S.; Miss M. Wilson, G.; Miss °Donald, R. S. —My stock of fancy groceries is coin plete. b'resh English peel, new nuts. figs+, dates, currants and pure spices, at Yates' grocery, • —The editor of the Forest Free Press has been the victim of ood thieves. This is what he says: The ree Press will pay 5 forte conviction of the editor's wood -pile man who would nean enough to cut a reward of e parties who raided th Saturday night. The steal from an editor is his own hair. —We understand tl is has commenced the man, johns and Golle well as instrumental 1 ward, have been eery ses for boys and girls, the object of disqualif and see him at his rat milers for that ward ar the post office. will take place at God 'a few weeks, unless t seats before writs are —The nibbler is the store, runs his fingers then goes to the cheese and las a matter of co crackers, and perhaps his mind to buy a guar feet and builder, of eaten up the profit of n one day last week, amount. These Ohara n hall building. A ing to business men. It in that town this —For first-class tailoring and cheap ebstch pleased with our IememberlEhle�placetonl y`two Co, r &to h 1 its appointments. of the old stand andbetween Bbook- etore and Pattersou's jewellery shop. lei MT CONGREGATIONAL —The monthly G spel Temperance WerragAm.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. See - meeting, under the au ices of the W. C. vices each Sunday at 11 a. it. and 7 p. m. T. U., on Monday eveni rg last, was fairly Sabbath School and Bible class at 2.30, well attended. The oh 'r was occupied by Christian Endeavor on Friday evenings Mrs. (Rev.) Hughes, an the following pro- in Church vestry. All made welcome gramme was splendidly =led out,after Prayer Meeting every .Wednesday the opening se vices : eleution by mem- at 8 p. m. ie:res free. Strangers wet' hers of the 'inion ; se ction by the or- ry 5th. Morning —Ladies, have our garments made by Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite the Queen's Hotel. Latent stylus, good work,always first-olass fit. ---Conductor Warms ey, of'the London, Huron and Bruce, was off duty for some time, sufferin from a brbken rib, having slipped and ell at the Exeter station. —Mr. McCrae, arch Tilsonburg, was in to looking over our to new town hall is to Mt year. He was very m town hall building in --I am prepared to pay the highest cash prine for all ktnda of fowl, delivered to tee at my butcher shop. Fowl must be drawn and well dressed. Tnos E WAL:u.u. --Fifteen thousa d dollars are placed in the Dominion estit 'ates to bo expended on Goderioh Barber. —A good smart boy wanted at once, to learn the prtntitt;t business. Apply at TIMER OviICL, streets of the town by haviug the pitch —A number of th have been levelled holes ploughed in, —Several druid vened during the have all been rep g assemblies have con- ast few weeks, and they ted as most enjoyable. —Fon RALE,-' treated honey, bailey in comb and beeswt x. Prices on application. T. �.. SALTER P. . box 129, Wiugham, Ont —"Ma," said newspaper roan's son, "I know why edit. •s call themselves "we." "Why ?" "So': the man who doesn't like the article will hink there are too many people for him o tackle." t Messrs. Herds - Councillors of No. d with notices, with ing them as Conn - The investigation •ioh in the course of ey disclaim their sued against them. an who enters a every sugar barrel, and cuts off a slice, se must have a few efore he makes up er's worth, he has ore than twine that ers are very annoy - —The Rev. Goderioh, has pointment of Huron, lately the Bishop of -Auc•ion ti household ilii on 9 turdav, —Messrs. J. Block, ',the p' have placed a trance to their • ark Turnbull, Rector of leolined to accept the ap- ral Dean of the County of ffered him by his Lordship uron. e of 'a large quantity itu're,oretbe market rem 're, ebruary 4th, at 3 o'clock. 1'. DEANN, Auctioneer. Cline & Co., of the S tone neer hardware iterahants, e new sign over the en - lace of business. — Walkerton snow plow. T added a horizon take the round o become ridged in has an improved style of --Mrs. rs. F. Burn for sale. See her et column, —At a special Council, held on Fr , consider the resigns , Johne and Herdsma 1 Warcl, cotnmunicat these gentlemen, ask resignations. On m ried, they were permi resignations, and the y has a house and lot] vertisoznent in another. meeting of the Town ay evening last, to ions of Messrs,Golley, , Councillors for No. ns were read from g to withdraw their ion • made and car- ed to withdraw their ouncil then adjourn - ed. —The superstition being unlucky is put i the new United State one side there are n tions of the number stars, 13 letters in t eagle's beak, 13 margi wing, 13 tail feather the shield, 13 horizo heads in one claw, 13 in the other claw an the two words bout the number 13 ,to multiplied test in 25 cent piece. On less*than 10 repeti- 3: There are 13 e scroll held in the al feathers in each , 18 parallel Imes in tar bars, 13 arrow eaves on the branch thirteen letters in dollar.' '—The anniv with tlttt,Win_ will be held on Sunday February, 5th and Oth. sermons will be preach a, in. and 7 p. m., by R D. D„ of Hamilton, known a an eloquent speaker. .On Monday ev me ug will be held i hurch. Tea will be vices in connection •esbyterian church nd Monday next, The anniversary on Sunday, at 11 Mungo Fraser, gentleman well and instructive ning, the an the basem erved from oice programme al music will be u tter the direr- hich, Rev. Dr. lar leotnre on his uding Egypt and that Rev. W. H. Rev. A. Y. Har- inisters of the ring the evening, ons will be rend - and members of a 111 the old triangle has been ' cnolo . After the tea,a al knife -bar, designed to of vocal• and instrumen those sidewalks that hay renderer} by local talent, the oentre. tion of •Prof. Scott, after Fraser yell deliver his po travels in the East, inc Paleetino. It is expecte Geddes, of Whitechurch; ley, of Bluevale, and the town, will be present. a number of choice select ered by the Quartette 01 the choir. — G T 11 trains for Termite and east leave Wingham at 6.35 a m and 11.20 Op. via W G & B Division. and at 6.45.1}.•ine and. 3.50p m, via Clinton and Guelph... Good connections by all trains. —Mr. John Gree was at Goderich, the County Couno over the south b near the salt bloc —Ten persons i county wards at til County Council, ,m are now county $2439 to pay the co these poor people fo ,' of Lower Wii)gbazn, st week, and addressed 1 in reference to a bridge nch of the Maitland, e placed on the liet as recent meeting of the king 28 persons who yards. It will require city appropriation for the year 1893. • -It was decided,Iit the recent meeting ail, that the Warden petition of the Domin- he Ontario Legislature �. to the electors on the nor traffic. of the County Coro' and Clerk sign the ion Alliance asking to submit a plebisoi' prohibition of the li —Capt. Wiggins the Salvation Arm command here for i have been transfers Meston and wife, o; new officers here. tnd Lieut. Keller, of who have been in ao past six mouths, d to Goderioh. Capt. Goderioh, will be the METHODIST CCERROIi?, WINGIIAic—Rev 5 Sel- lery, B D, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2.30 p m. General Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Young People's Prayer Meetiug every Thursday evening et 8 o'cloolt. Quarterly Ser. "The Blessed. life." Evening, Sunday, February 5t vices. Morning subjec uses of the Christie. "Regeuerattou. " -At the last campment, No. 47 ing officers were term : John Gro S. W.; T. T. Elli. enahire, Trees; V Dodds, J. W. -w-Worthington opens with a dos J. A. MaoKnig Young; A Fair Him." When a relative of the so member of Brig though not a favo sicleredatractable 'Ttah's struggle general amnesty j by President H eases a tinieII into beautiful r..! t -at photographs, admi text. Subscription once for Wo'tiiingt per year. eating of Minerva En - I. 0. 0. F., the follow - stalled •for the eneliing es, C. P. ; Jas. Cochrane, t, H• P. ; W. to, Brook. J. Slioffreld,Scribe; John s Magazine for February edly interesting paper by t, entitled, 1'I3righam ketch by Ono Who Knew oy Mr. MacHnight, as a tilled • "Iiropl ,t," was a am Yoltng's household, ed one tts he was not con. dung "paint." In view of • sto.tehoocl, and the again," and the; uenedretiou, pro' t grated to Mormons Bev. E. W. Ilibghes. a.' Isom. this article pose - UnUROit cheatra; recitation, by Miss MsKilvery quartette, by Mesdames. icier and Con- nery and Messrs. Stever on and Flouty ; mouth organ music, Mis Cora.Newton recitation, Mr, T. C. Grel m; instrumen- tal music, Misses Sperling ; uartette, Mes- dames Elder and Conner and Messrs. Stevenson and Monty ; acl cess Rev. S. Sellory, B. D. ; selection, by le orchestra. The meeting was then brough to a close by sig1 ing "God be with you '11 we meet unced by st : and the numerousOpelt as Day. n, reproduced from It is given to every physfciou, the form - ably supplement the lila of S3.00tt's Emulsion being uo secret ; taken at the 'I'*m:s but no suacessfttl imitation has ever been Ii s Magazine, 42.60 oftereit to the public. Only years of ex - s patience land study Call produce the best. come. Sunday, Febru subject: "The Most Evening subject: Chapter, S. S. lesso Lord's Sipper atcloso vice. -•-Wingha n Tent, No. Ineets•in Bell's hall, on tl Thursdays in every inn regular meeting, the fol4oi installed by Sir Kt. Past for the year 1893; sir Kt. MoDonogh; 'Sir Kt.Coni., 1 Lt. Coin., J. Lawson ; Sir Stuart ; Sir Kt. 1:! F. K., Kt. Chap., A. Wait ; Sir Chisholm ; Sir. Xt. Serj., M Xt. M. at A., T. Notterfial M. of G., W. W. Gray.;, Six G., G. I'hippen; Sir Nt. Se Sir Xt. Pia., A. 1St. Irwin. Precious Gem." )hemiah Pirofr for Feb. 12th. morning sar- —A fair but highly ap greeted the Ethel Axingpany, Tuesday night. T of a very high glass, Eth ing the principal attrac ished violinist and for h The other numbers w Miss De Greer has a v and good appearance. bens well. in finished st Jackson, as an elocuti average. Her numbers ceived, especially "Our is the style Miss Jackso dr. 0. G. Telgmau, as his part in " first-clas quality of the concert the house. Prof. S credit for bringing the should have more sym the music -loving peop over thirty of the subs chase their tiokets opened. K. 0. T. M., first and third til.. At the last ng officers were om. Chisholm, 1st Com., J. M, .J.Neil; Sir Kt, t. lt, II., W. 0. Adams ; Sir it. Phy., Dr. J. Bell; Sir ; Sir Xt. let 1. 2nd M. of •eciative audience ong Concert Corn- ea programme was 1 Armstrong be - on. She is a fin - r age is a wonder. •e hell rendered. •y pleasing voice he sang her num- le. Miss Alecda V. nist, is abose the were all well re- hristtnas." This should cultivate. pianist, performed style. The high hould have filled tt deserves great ompany here, and thy and support of We understand ribers failed to pur- hen the plan was u The drawing f r r for the Bray and N ed as follows : Hughes Knechtel Neelands Dhisloy--skip Taylor Hanna W. Vanstone McKenzie—skip Griffin Nichol Dr, Macdonald R. Vanstone—skip. Mina, nks in the competition �elends,medals result - McLeod Sutherland Kent Patterson—skip Orr E. Dinsley Dickinson Inglis—skip The first match in played on Tuesday Kenzi.e',s,z•ink and Pat suited iii 4favor of P e shots, th scores being One Wednesday eveni M tween r. R. Vanst rinks was played favor of . r. Inglis' rinit Dinsley' rink got the b; ie competition was est, between Mc- erson's rink, and re- tterson's rink by 7 0 and 13. g, the game be- re's and Mr. J. W. which resulted in by six shots, 3. M s An old r•, end. Mr P B Flannagan, "formerly with 3 Brennan & Co. tanners. Wingham, now of Hanover, write* to C E Wilhama, saying: "Please send me by express two •bottles more of Heathfield's Healing Balsam. I find it the best cough medicine I can get. We would not be without it in our family. It will cure any kind of coug'n. or cold and gives immediate relief. I recommend it to all my old .Wingham friends and cannot speak too 'highly of it." Siucerely yours, . P. B. FLANNAGAN. For sale at Williams' Dtug Store, at 50e per bottle. Per •naffs. - itlr. Geo. Kerr, of reelnore, is visiting friends and relatives n towu this week.. Mrs. S. M. Smith, .f Listowel, is visit- ing et the residence f Mr. J. D. Sills, this •week.. Mr. A. B. Gre ,Peterboro Iron Brid friends in town last Miss Lizzie Bis troit. Mr. John. Leslie, Winnipeg, Manitoba, is in town visiting h s parents. Brussels Post : r. James MCLauchlin and wife and Miss tlaggie MoLauchlin, of tvingham, were cis ting in town this week. Clinton New Er - Mrs. Mathews has gone on a visit to f fends in Wingham. Parkhill Gazette Miss Ida Musgrove, of Wingham, has c me to town and will re- main with her bro her, Dr. Musgrove L.D. S., as assistant in is office practice. Mr. Alex. Rgbe son, and wife, of Col- borne, spent Sum y with Mr. John Long,of this place. Mr. McKenzie, days is town this relatives. Mr. Wm. Cul few days in town Miss Barbara was visiting frien this week. Mr. Cozens, of last week. Mr. John Lenn a few days in to' Mr. and Mrs. visiting Mrs Hu T. Carruthers, eat. Mr. John Aik Sunday with his Mr. Walter Sa town on Monday Mr. and Mrs. place, were visit this week. Gratiiyin . to Ail. The high position ttained and the uni- versal acceptance and approval of the pleas- ant liquor fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, as the most excellent laxative known, illus- trate the wane of the qualities on which its success is based are a.bundautly gratifying to the California Fig Syrup Company. Trio t3lolt We are pleased toate that Master Geo. Sills, son of Mr. .T. DIS*tis, who has been. confined to bed for t ` r °,st few weeks with a severe attack of bil us fever, is new con- ve escent. • dIrs. Dr. Towler, w o leas been prostrat- l kr •. with inflammatory 1 t' .tre pleased to say,in But little hope is h ery of Mr. Geo. Bisbee liver and kidney trout months. Last week, of the familyeetere sur ing very Incl! tVorse. Mr. Gerrande.l'ethi again, wo are glad.to fined to his room f weeks. Mr. John Loomis, who .has been ill for some time with sciatica is able to be out again. aides, foreman of the e Works, was visitingx eek. eo is home from De- dents as this f along the journey that they do not lowing is the add To Ma. A. IINLAN DEAR Teem= ity of thanking yo you have taken We have ever foun and anxious to the value of the le taught from Sabha our carlessness a caused1 you annoy wonder whether were doing any go you kindly to for. and attribute to youth. We would small token, not fo as a memento of have spent togeth pray the Great Ile he would bless y Master says, "Co on behalf of your eta f Ashfield, spent a few eek, visiting friends and en pleasant mile of life; the pity of °our oftener. The BS: rt, of Listowel, spent a his week. McKinnon, of Ashfield, s and relatives in town o take this opp or the kindly in our spiritual w you kind and obli press upon our ons as they have h to Sabbath. No indifference has ice and ndyouwouldo our earnest endea ; but we would t the errors of the he thoughtlessness sk you to accept its fntrinsio value, the pleasant hours , and we would. .attire: Church, t u aud:yotu'p until up higher" Sig s, zzIE ELLIOTT, 5Ie MANU L, RY MCILwAIN. Teeswater, was in town Me DEAR Truss,. correspondent, is tie one of close on a Caruwath, my us. was village schoolm' a Biggar school boy. use then seemed sot boys to flirt lens or nt 141r. Clark is a case it wan a teacbtug school time iu the sixties, I h much taste and feeliu a well, whose perennia the thirsty Houle; •f m the ruthle t, diver tett et ere r. Clark, my an five of Newbiggi villages Studd eatrish. His fat er all the time I The school boo ehow to encouS. with the mus point, for who Newbigging, so and him recite w a piece of his atilt flow had gladde ity generation le sgbsoiI arse I pure wet es. Long) ;.: Thont x, of Morris, is spendiug n this week, with friends. ughes, of Toronto, are es parents, Mr. and Mrs. ower Wingham, at pres- ns, of Luoknow, spent merits in town. Its, of Goderioh, was in G. Sperling, of this g relatives in Seaforth razing fore hie thne•arel ming had charge of the vouu were brutally murders• The - est Offer Yet. We have made arraugemeuts with the publishers of the '•Family Herald and position to weare ina Weekly Star"that� won by Baldwin in about .twenty mint offer the Trans "Family Herald and Wee.- It is to be hoped that Ge rge will keep r reurna laza, is, we ly Startcgether with le great Star Aimee I fair way of ao from now until let of January 1804 for good record. 5 out for the recotty P $1.75. The price of�the"Family Herald anal Miss G. Salkled;of God,rioh, was nisi a: idtd, in the Yprn house, situated in a to ely mikes' ho from the village, if my memory be n y 'he devoted etrti-� nut the de His el t i !mess. teem death. Wheu lying in t e coudeneet the gibbet with its daugl ng.te their waking though - .an ++ . dreams, Mr., Thomson isited sthens diverted their minds fro the gibbet to Cross. With your kiod eeve, I mean with Newbigging arose a startingepe Ltructo IR fault. With pie harvest vacation in fen petrators of the foul weee in time crowned..., murderers were trice' Blyt Mr. Alex. Calder, who rested in Grand Rapid ed with embezzlement Millen, of Blyth, was t before the Judge et Go cution failed to establis the prisoner and he was It is said that Mr. Caldet ings against Mr. McMill the arrest and prosecuti The next horse and held on Tuesday, Feb, 7 Revival meetings 'ar Methodis church. was recentl y Mr. John ied on Bata rich. The p any crime ag threatens pro n. being Itela in Seafor On Friday evening, rink was the scene of race between G. 13aldwi Mr, Devine, of St. Thorn for the championship an emery 27th, ery interest of Seaforth, s. The race e medal and who has been ill of e for the pest eight io absent members moiled home, he be. Weekly Star" is Almanac! 25 cents. Thia is a grand offer i and should be taken advantage of by a Miss A. Gray was vi at Mrs. Clark's this wee ineger number of our readers. This offer Blyth iaSt NYOOk. t tO new subscribere OS well es old ones. t is able to be around . . A. PreSent e, after being eon- eAt the entetteinment of the teacliers, was csiied into one of the of young ladies, who a handsome plush and iroilers aria buffs, ac chosen words, bi possible to hear all th Mote° New Twig. ponition to supply families or noeietne t., A, Inglis ; with flew teas, at jobbers prices. Xenv is the titrie to secureyour teas. Ion, ing acquaintances in tov, ela in the Baptist Mr. L. Thornson,of Z r„ A. ireland, one visit to friends in Setfo urprised by being Mr. W. eirey wee el. stries by his class I on xond„3„ last i Miss B. Gallaway is itpaniod by an aa, I a severe attack of the " ging were re last week. land, paid a fl th on Tufts*, linton bud ouvalescing minundern tee remain ftti is