HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-27, Page 10WINGHAM TIMES, JANUARY 27, 1893. Ioiiowing isf*pm the Fergus News - Pit 411e Ethel rmstroug Co. gave etrrellexlt entertai anent in the town Iraa'gtes, on Frirltt` evening. Mr. 0. uann, who is a old favorite here, qustaincd his hi;•1 reputetior; at both iano and tie viola. Brits Alda V. eon's drarriatie roe; dings were excep- Ily well rendere 1, And site is an elucu- tt au. high order an Itouching emotion - Mies DeGxeeAeS singing elicited applause tend a h,r rty encore, al - fie her first appcitran e with the Co'y n Fergue, and cons juently she was t her best, as there li;td not been any '[unity of herlprac tisieietheraecompani- Tite leading featurl of the concert, ver, wts the violin pl ring of little 1 Armstrong. She is i‘more than a igy; she is e little •[:tis of such astoii- g ability as tits never bCeti equalled by etre of her age in Car t,da, and the g'h wed power with vv leis she plays .s wonderful as the tone, este and per - finish of tallier efforts. he entertain- , w,es altogether one of tit ' tnoiet pleas - hat we have had in Merge. for several s, And efforts :are being ma e to get the to return here before a ring. Prof, ries engaged the above company to fee concert in the Townlia ,Wingham, i eestlay evenin4 next, Jau ary 31st. Confirmed. e favorable impression produced on rat appearance of the a •eeabie liquid remedy Syrup of Figs . few years ago n more than con;irm dby the pleas- perience of all who ht e used it, and :cess of the proprieto and maim - era the California I.ig Syrup Com - Tixrx Mr. `.Uaviu t in to Manitoba., f veru ruue1i ellemore is $atiNlitd with Outt as fine a oouutry as ti of •tni'riea ell thing errs• vho returned froth tt w weeks ego, le not of that country. Ile io, believing it to be ere is cm the continent considered. —The attuu try t umber of the Lake Magazin ', which he just been Naused, is undoubtedly 0110 of the best ever present. ed to the public. 1? on beginning to earl it is full of matter w' rich is not only inter- esting and amusing, . et instructive as well. A well written arti e on Mexico, with se., cope,uyins illd4rati ns, occupies the first pages ; then nom a stirring article on Woman Suffrage, rum the well known pen' of Katherine 9cKenzie; a political article by I .carp, eating in a masterly way witli the quest ou of the day, Canada and niperial Fed ration, and a number of sh rt poems, stc res and sketches, chief amour which is "T le Girl in Canada," by Stuart Livingston and "A North-West Sketch" by Margu.rite Evens, completes the contents. The Lake Magazine is pub- lixhei!,hv The Lak- Publishing Company, Torou'to, for 15e, a number, or $l 50 a year. t. Il 131 evale A utri her of peo ,le frons here attended the opening of the Methodist church in Gerrie, last Sunda Mies Eipma. 4 Mrs. CUt'tihN, of married slat W Alex. efeFser. Mr. antl'Mrs. J wlso have; eeu vi left on Mienday District Lodine M sting. I they will erode fo quarterly meed g of District will return home Mr. No, 24, ,Independe Order of Good , ed 1 S11faa ars, was held at Bel_ ave,on'the 16th returned rt#rta. th btismitag�,,Kr, nd was well atten'ed, considering in Hensel'. ather and roads. B orts from vex - Mr. A. 7acitNo edges were given, sh ar'sbip reported 789. nted and 16 not. itttee was instructed to efor a month's campai Mrs. Hitchoox. B ,rand Superintende es, was present and lige to refrain from e '3g, drinking or profan CA. motion was unanir 4g members to suppo audidates at Domi ;s. Votes of thanks lance the Bolgrave entertainment a the • delegates. Art; au in the evening, an ott. The next meed rtiss, only daughter of , e boundary lite, weal esday evening to Mr. Ii Burgess, of Manitoba, ug here for some time, l other points, where iellensllotime, when thee 11 and sister Aggia have it visit to Mitchell. artley is visiting friends has received the sad in- ing progress. telligeuce that is daughter, Mile•Ed, en lodges were Leech, of Detro' , is dead. It is only a he Executive few months sure: . her mister, Mrs. Win. • ake arrange- 'Leech, died. M aaeksou has the syrnpa- n in the des-' thy of the neigh i rhood ;in nis bereave.. s. Scott, Tor- roent, ' of Juvenile The I. O. G. 1 of this place iuteud ave the Jnven- securing the me t:es of Mrs. Owen Hitch. then gambling, cox to help the t- nperence workers. ty, to 20 mem- l Ou £V.ouriav e ning. Feb. 6th, a debate ously carried, will take place n the ,Fore,ters' hall. only temper - Subject : "Resol ed, that our present con- ien and Local vection with Gr= t Britain is preferable re given Mrs. to Political Uuio edge for the The afiirinative hospitality !The by Messrs ntertainment the'uegtttive the a lecture by a will be held i portedmus. by Messrs y 10th with the United States." de has a captain, sup- . eathoru and Duff; ou aptain is R. Black, sup- i McCracken aandTim• ' Watch this space next week. J. J. HOMUTH & SON. Y e,ve made arrange tents with the l =form. !re of the "Fat ly, Herald and To t1,e Editor of the urns. 1 itttr" that we ar. iu a pvmitiou to ben,_ At the Pr'=ou Reform Ooufereuce Troia"Faintly . erald and Wee-- ! 1 gether;with .he reat Star Almau held in Toronto o• December 13th linneti— Inowuntil let of January 1894 for which asatteud:dbyspeciallyappointed' re e�.eAey� ed to clear out the f�a,l- eprice of the' aridly Herald and delegates from1 the larger church ..84. tar" it 61.00 er year and the 1 orgauizutiuns of 25 cents. Th is a grand offer rld be taken a vantage of by a thirty-two other bite bodies, including • [umber 81±' our eaders. This offer the Dominion Te i ierauce Alliauoe, the subecrihers e • well as old ones. i Womau's Christi. rTeinperance Union and the Provincia. Society of Christian Glgls, I Endeavor, I was re ; uested, as Secretary r , I 1 r, a haudsotn° 10- 1 of the Prisoners' i.1l Association, to call 1 II i devoted to the en -l ' 1 I the attention of the members of the County n young ladies, will: Municipal Councils to Che fact that the'' onths on trial to ` recommendations 'f tie Ontario Prison s at once with the_ Couimissio ers were fully endor• 1 j;, e f ore stock taking, g, and elfi▪ n order lve Canadian young sed by the Confer,„ce, Among the re- IiI ercnt families, and commendations are the following, viz: Ito effect a speedy clearance, Will to cover expensas of M. H� McINDOO. "THE WAY TO DO ITS Most stores determine to hold a clearance sale, and then sit up at nights thinking over the old fashioned problem, How to get a crowd into the tores without losing money on the goods, That used to work years ago, but nowadays they find it out of date. In our wide awake town we make an honest, legitimate profit in the proper season, and when the new goods arrive, we are ready for them. That's the new way, M. H Mclndoo's way. sc I 3 � i11 E now, on Tuesday",T e U The Best Offer et. • The County • •uncils and Prison , anadit, as well as from; ance of their Free to 1a Owti Pap :rated jcuru t of C'ana. k for three 1forwarding address of Oases in di icent stamp a ,.,D DRESS GOODS AND THE SILKS. More business in this department than we ever had this time of year, we did not expect, nor hope for, even though the goods are handsome new styles. To follow up the success of the last two weeks we offer bigger values than ever. The newest silks of the coming season are in and, rushing out ahead of time at lower prices than later in the season. We are having great success with them. We give thanks and go on with the good work. it i4sue of Ot Gi Is Own Paper how yon c secure one of the lt,Iegant prizes without expense: - 1200.00 seal-. tin jacket, made to pall gold wat. t with Catelaine r'charm, a silk ress pattern, five °ser tea service, genuine diamond gnoise ring, n elegant work welry casket, metal and plush 'a tss and silver nk stand, silk and liandkerc id boxes, hand Over with beve ed edge glass, tber articles s itable for our friends. `the names of you g ladies now, e run send sample •opiee of this rlicetion. You will e delighted Sin,![_ to -day and a' stress. Our 'Taper, Toronto, On ,14 :i roxeter• Aran Order of place intend, idol rt en February tee- has been sue esaful in Agnes l;owes teacher of 1. Every County combined, should so that the County as such. 2. Every county contribute to the es tenarce of an Ind needed. 3. Provision oho efficient classiticati goals, police cells latter should have female prisoners. 4. All able bodi supplied with sten or other suitable e by the Inspector of 5. Provision i,h detention of rhildr altogether from th The Prison Re urged the co -opera public in the forma oresters prisoners' Aid Aseo ing their and county tuwus 0 rd next. discharged prisoner are supplied with s tione, and to advitu d Literature 1 Dr, Burns' a like eharaoterits , Hamilton. Miss Bowes, the Prisoners' Md nger here, is; without ex- government. t elocutionist in Canada, We bespeak the co- a„•tt's favorite comic, will secular and the retigio ki%0 rsutne selections. important work. igh Secretary, trantford, A, 1! and deliver an address, • t will contribute to the eu • or group of Counties' staliliah a poorhouse, • give a goal shall not be used of tba,P:•ovince should 1 ablishmeut and stria' School, School, where Id be made for the u of prisoners in the ne lockups, and the matron to care for d prisoners should be to break, wood to cut, ployment approved of prisons. ld be made for the i under arrest, apart goal or police cells. ors Conference alms on' of the Christian on of Branches of the ration in tall the cities the province, to aid to see that prieouers ted religious inNtruc- such other work of ay be entrusted to ssociation by the oration of both the 9 ;tress also in this tespectfully, . Rossnttuon, Secretary. t Subscribe for the 7,'istt. CASH DISCOUNT OF iri NT FP 10 1EZ 40 .10 NT • AINIMMINIMINO Think of it. Ten cents returned to you out of every dollar. Every ar- ticle in our shop is marked in plain CI.ADT1:1-ialksTer Be it understood that this house will sell suits below their real value until every man knows that we are headquarters for fine suits. figures, and owing to the low prices prevailing for all kinds of grain, our prices are correspondingly low so, with the above. big discount, you may have the cheapest goods in Canada. Call early and get first choice, GORDON & McINTYRE, The Anchor House. NEW WHITE GOODS Extremely attractive opening prices to en- courage early and liberal buying, to force recog- nition, to prove to the few who may not know it, that here is the place and now is the time to buy White Goods, at M. H. MCINDOO'S. GES. E. KING. 1D.�:ESSG0073S We submit to you this week the greatest value ever offered a hnyiu g public. - 25 pieces Dress. Goods worth 15c. a yard, for 8c. '10 pieces Dress Goods worth 50c. a yard, for 30e. 7 pieces Dress: Goods worth 85c. a yard, for 50c.. These last. two lines. are double width, high. class Suitings. Just consider for a mordent : Goons of this class being offered to you at 15c. and 25c. per yard, ordinary width. Don't nil arcing; them. These prices will move them quick. Yours truly, GEJO.. gi_ Y I1 fG. mleammagil Ppn1ar Book '1are IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Holiday Presents ! A large stock of Christmas Goods has just been received, suitable for all parties, old or young, consisting of TOYS, PHOTO ALi3UMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITING DESK`;, TOILET SETS, PLUSH GOODS, CHINA. VASES, XM AS CA RDS, L1DIES COMPANIONS (in plush or wood), VIOLINS, MOUTH. ORGANS, CELLULOID MOUTH ORGANS, TOY BOOKS, HAND SL1+jlGl1S, PORRIDGE SETS, BLANK NOTED, BIBLES, FANCY MIRRORS (harul painted). A Large Assortment of ANNUALS, Consisting of Leimurt' Hours, Sunday ret Rome, 130y5' Own, Kc,, &e. I have a larger stock this year than ever before and desire the public to call and see it before purchasing elsewhere, as it is no trouble to show goods. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LC,l'WESP. antemember the Place -130 Josephine street, Wingham. ALEX. ROSS. Agent for Dominion Express Company and C. P. It. Telegraph Company.