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The Wingham Times, 1893-01-27, Page 9
THE WIN:•XI.JAa7 TIMES, JANUARY '.27., 13)3a The dog and its Value, I An iUtirresting subject utesented at the Weetere Dttiryrnnn'e As„ ociation was 'the hog arid itsv,ilu(tcot�u t o - tion wjtll tilfi dairy, breeding end feed- intl r' singed bacon for the L Tilton In It, r E Oasswell re erel Dia Ivl , t7 , , mana„et of the (71tt,ariitttt Paukintl (Jo„ was the author of the paper, Alliek was certainly among the meet vain. able pr'ese'nted to the convention, Mr, Oasswell r'epresaute the new English Pork Pariking cowpony, which is to be shortly opened end for which a splendid building is un a being erected in London at the cost of over $40,000. The eslablishtnent of this industry is of great importance to the liruters of 'Western Ontario and the principal advice regarding the breeding of hogs' for the Ex;litlh market, which was giv- en by Ml'. Oasswell wins earnestly listened to. The Comex,) which he represents is largely interested. in Denmark and Ireland, and it is confi •dandy expected that if the Oatnidian venture proves successful the same firm 'twill erect several other packing houses in the province, Among the most important points be '1r. 'Jasi- well's excellent address were as regards breeds. For all the various breeds of boars always select the largest', and best developed young sows.Do net breed front thein until they are at least six months old. Regarding the selection of boors, Mr Oaswell said the white Yarkebire. middle size has always given the brat results, and the quality of the bacon suits the Euglieli • market the hest of all iii length, style and thickness of hnyon. Au to feed- ing, Mr. Oasswell stronely advised the farmers not to feed with 1 when corn or maize, as it tends to matte the meat extremely hard, course, and dry, and the fat that should be firm ant white becomes yellow, oily and rank. ' The finest pork is made by feeding hogs on barley, rye. nut. pons, as gree) foods, and boiled potatoes, skins ined milk rind why. Mr.Orutawell gave a striking illustration of the profit whit:h dairy farmers might make by raising hugs and using their skilntnl•d milk, butter- milk and whey to feed diem, ' D. L. Caves, Toronto, Travellins Pas. sanger went, (3. 1', B. says : Anti -Dan- druff is a perfect remover of Dandruff—its action was marvellous --in my' o wn case a few applications not only thoroughly re- moved excessive dandruff accumulation, but stopped falling of the hair, made It soft and pliable and promoted a •visible growth. I don't think thee.0herley loves me any more. Why ? T ser by the paper that violet't are $4 a bunch and he keeps on sending tie chrysan' themums. Auvrcx TO MOTHERS.— Are you =turned at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incal_ul• ablo. It will relioto the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about It. it cures Dysentery and Dlarrhota, regulates the Stomach and B3owels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to tho whole system. "Mrs. Vin. glow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best male physicians and nurses In the United Status, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Man W INsnow's SOOTHING aral:r •a"d ta)rr nn nhhar Mod A divorce lawyer likes a domestic broil done brown. This world-renowned Soap stands at the head of all Laundry and Household Soap, both for quality and extent of sales. Used according to directions, it does away with all the old-fashioned drudgery of wash day. Try it; yonwon'tbe disappointed. StThTLiq•HT SOAP has been in use in 'Windsor Castle for the past it years, and its manufacturers have been specially appointed SOAPMAI•�'1e RS TO TEEM rammer A Thankless Man. Ile was one of those men with a please- tread-on-the-tail-of-mycoet expression,ane ashe plunged d across Woodward avenue he would have been run over by an elcctrie bigger itizen car moreatltl er Q 1f b a agg had not seen his danger and pulled him back,. • Take your hands off my coat cellar, sir 1 Flow dare you stop me like that? and Le squirmed around, striking out wildly. Hold on, man ! Want to get run over, tliat you're so rash? If it hadn't been for me you'd have gone under those wheels, so you would. I'll thank you to mind your own busi- ness ! I kliow where 1 am going. I had plenty of time to oross, sputtered the wrathy mate. And I say you had not. I measured the distance with my eye, and you couldn't have done it. I'll thank you to keep your distance, sir. I insist upon it, there was no danger. You took a most unwarrantable liberty with me sir, that's what. Did, hey? cried the stranger, catching' him up again by the coat collar which he had just released. Now here's another electric car coming—it is just about where the' other was—over you go, if you don't ask my ,pardon in a jiffy for not letting you gat killed. Quick! Say the word. I—I—I—much obliged, I'm sure, sir, as the other made a motion to throw him ; you've saved my life—now—as the oar went !I by—if you ever dare— But he was given a lift that landed him on the opposite sidewalk, and as he . stood I there shaking with rage the big citizen 1 walked off laughing over his first attempt as a life saver—Detroit Free Press. To -Day hood's Sarsaparilla stands at the head in the tnedioiue world, admired ill prosperity and envied in merit by thousaudis of wuulrl-be competitors. It has a larger sale than any other medicine. Such suc- cess could not be you without positive merit. Boon's Pir.Gs cure constipation by re• storing the peristaltic action of the alirrteu• tary canal. They are the best family ca- thartic. . He Forgot to 1ernember. Mr. Wiggins went about hisbusiness duties all day with a little scrap of red ribbon tied around his finger. Men looked at it and smiled, but asked no questions. They had been there themselves. But a woman` he met -one of his wife's friends had more curiosity or less know- ledge about that peculiar bit of ribbon. Oh, Mr. Wiggins, what aro you wearing that ribbon bow on your finger for, I should like to know. It's a help to memory, said Mr. Wiggins ; my wife tied it on this morning. I thought maybe it was a kind of new decoration ,said his wife's friend. No, indeed. She wanted me to remem- ber to bring her something vary particular- ly, and in order to impress it constantly on my mind, took his plan, answered Mr. Wiggins with a troubled expression. Y -e -s, I see. Now, you won't mind tell- ing mo, as an old friend, what it was she wanted you to remember. My dear madam, said poor Wiggins with a weary smile, I would bo only too glad' to tell you if I knew it myself. You see,I have entirely forgotten what she wanted me to remember,; that ribbon must have driven it out of niy mind.—Detroit Free Press. The Dark Horse. The expression, "the ,dark horse,” which has been used so ranch %n poll, ties, owes its origin to a novel. The term originated in Disraeli's I nate!, "The Yuuttg .Duke," and may be found at the be'giuuiug of chapter five. An important ritee discussed in the third ohupter was conning oft, and thtre wns the usual rivalry and lie, - ting. There were several favorite hurtles, 1111(i noel' owner (and 04.0'1 friend of the owner) was sanguine, sure that his would triumph. There were more then' 00 horses ani yet the start was stir. But the resole! The Patel retnenabrance overpowers u1y pen, . . The tit et fnvo'ite wns lever heard of, the second favorite Nuts ntiter seen after the distitnee post, all the tern to "Wal-. ers were in the rear. and a dark horse which had never been thought of, and which the careless St. Janes had never evert observed in the list, rushed past the valid stand in swarming tri". uinph. The spectators we're almost ! too surprised to curter. . . . Gone ceive the confnston, Cold, Bronchitis nihAstl i�mime wilt euro any slough a. A Dreadful Mistake. Proprietor ---Didn't that man order ten- derloin steak? Waiter ---Yes, sir. Proprietor•••• -Thou you've got the wrong knife. Always take a razor edged knife with tenderloin steak. Don't forget to re- member this hereafter I ee \4'11101 ride? Rev, 13, F. Mille, lite evaneeliet, took neck ion 11t otie of bit 1u,'etieges to refer to the li tier quote, tem illi fu 1 we ; 1 trnnld like toti r3 6 a little s, 1'll,n0 oo tem!. eremite et d 1 ttmild like to make it 'So plain that ever) betty ct•uld understand. Same time's a person will insult lite by tisk- itig lfto which side of iht' temperance question .1 Rill Ou 1 \V LI 1111 side urn 1 'on? Whit, y .n ::r, to the drunkards and thieves and I•lirl;hlri, hurl gall:biers and saloon. keen: 1v, n"l Il tin• ilial."t•s of the accused stuff, Itud field out which t}rde tl'ev )tie.' , ,,, met tie m 1. et ale clown on 1 he title t e. As yeti + o toren to tate sretcllt'it hnrel where ilial• poor., wolllnn, thin than ntiltiw- , 11, sits w1'li her .,,,.r.t' 1'1:ul tit ptnulCCII h'sbe to her breast, her heti, t'n I•lo.rd dripping auity drop -1.y drop, put your ear down clone t o ht r heal t, :lid hear whish side she it on, ',MI it „ put the down un her side,. \\ by its it a' lint these. tiec'ursed ,utlinu= ex, t 10 day '1 ljecla(1-ie ine'11 a lis -nip in, god that. favors hnrh•s, S', 'p.'' + ,n 1.1 , h'inld coals Itore to -flay rind taiga ..',e t your fairest tied i•righiset etn!rtr,•ii, nee by staking ii. few prirt•es twirl it t onv„rt it into an id.ui, the whole rnlumnudty would be itfler two, J;ii'iuu of dol- lars wuulrl not. induce yon to lieemse hint to do ell.'In n t''i''t: it' ie• _'rtuhl do it iu,r< trill 1 1;1 11 11 ,, a•'1 11, i, uul', a queetioti ut•11rI, y. ere, Of' 11 a.41.Iy len er tarnty, 'itol y'itt will Allow hila to do that very thing and for only a pal- try few hundred (Idlers. English Spaviu Liniment relnovas rill hard, sort. or calloused Lurnps an.l 131e112- ishes from horses.• Blood spavin, Chubs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney. Stifles, Sprains', Sore and swnlle i'Phroar, U,nrwhs, etc. Save S50,hy use of one bottle. War- ranted by Chisholm's drug store. His overcoat be saw for sale, He gazed at it a minute, • Then with a sial, he murmured, - "Alas, I am not in it!" When to person 0onatders himself as 'one in a tI111114e1 bra naturally r"_ dards the others ns teplters. Travers—This overcoat seems pretty tight arntind the chest. Tailor-- When ailor-W hen you have t'lcen the money out of your pocketbook to ray for it, sir, it will fit all right Our ['own Druggi-,.-•s say vitt Pain Tillie r sells t h• 1•t"Nt of •.ny mledie cine they keep during tho tuned tunes of the •pliat year or awn, there were none too poor to Ray their "gnat ter+, for a bottle of this indispensable family medieiue, Be sure and get the genu- ine. Teacher -Atte there any classes in a • rt'pttli is like unix 9 Itoy--Only two. `Two 1'. Yes'm, them wot's got the pull and them ,vat ain't. When the flower of the family has a golden heart she's a daisy. What tIIH wales worl•.l it 2./.‘"1.11 pends very eincit 0:1 whet•• 1112 aree.0 it. • Mrs. Alr,(;aury--An' ye''vr' raised gnoite t1 big tainity, 11rt3.4I1irp'iv 1 Mrs, Murphy (with Isri lel-•_Seven policemen. Mrs. AI (i,lfl'v, • Facetious Gent (,i."nr to t'nt;•r tram car no wet dev)—ir, 1h'• 1t'ah's a ark quite fol!? P•i.;.t'IIte•'--•All %n' the r1.n111ies; eters •••mss The Mammot't Cssee3e. A LEADING ENO LIJif AiGlLC'IAN'1' 0FFhlt1S To PURCHASE IT AFTER T1I1i FAIR. Ott..wrt, ,Ian, '21 —Prof tLldo r„sen, Dotmitnon Dai t;y Com 10 issto tier, re- turn ed ftvrtu li,u;:ht„u ye'trr•I'.lay 13t, states the. 'ill lins received at, order from tt !ending P;u:;tieli merrh:utt 10 purchase the mlllenl,lntlr ••11,' •t', +vitt'II is•1ii`f'trm 'lie -648e of iirt+ Conitllr'ttt pyranii'i Yet Lillie ,, -til, 1fter 111,. hi•1' Il+ t'. The 1.rb•t' 1 fi':'red •. ill recoil the il'''parto'et,t for all tale expint”, .if llIInn fatty; etu„ 1!1, .•t,ea•i1 The i0- teIt I1,t,t pttreirese1' umlr'rttt,4 to ex- Hihit the eht ee,. frets ok eg;'euce to the depftl'tlnenr ,lint wit'e,13t at';1i" 6n tura public 111 (hitt. chit V or . 'I 11 lier4,0t! potetew ill Ote;t i?riteiu 101)21 Ire lean, A14 e'''n tr, 1t•a mill •,',sr) ,,i, eel 6'15,000 ill Kdvertinine 11 145 !halo. e"'st cheese in the wnl•Id, Itil'alin Tabules cure indi40'tion, Tho Rost Oirur 'Stet. We hove made Arremeenlettts with the publishers of the ' hl"mly lh'rrtIrl and Weekly Star" that w" .111' fit 10 pusitinu 10 offer the 'tis "Family not 13,111 and WJere- ly Startegether with le great Strtr :hued ao from now until let of .hrttn',.ry 11801 tor $1,75. The price of the""Family herald e;ud Weekly Star" is $1.00 per yew: and the Almanac 25 cents. This is tt grand offer( and should be taken advantage of larger number of 001' readers, 1'hts offer t to new subscribers He well au old once SHED' CUR Cures consumption, Coughs, Croup, Nero '.Throat. Sold by alt Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back, or Chest Shiloh's Porous, electpi: gwi11 givegreat satisfaction,-25 pceaatII. .e^,�`Jfell LLOd'k9P a i AQ.U�Cr C::,tT 1 a.-0. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tenn., emy:i ".r hflott'3 Vitaliser 'SAVED MY LIFE. 1 onsfder'itt1te bestrcmr(v foradebtlltated s,ratfin X cvcr used.') For Dyepcpsin Lit or or Nidney :a ouale it excels. Price 75 cls. 0"4 ILO CATARRH 'tR E hi E i14 1 t rvo you Catarrh ? Try this Bomedy. It will 't litively relieve and Cure you. Price 50 eta. '.hie Injector for its successful treatment is )uroishedfren lirmomher,shiloh'sitemedlos no sold 0n r cult oteo to give satistection. For over indulgence in Eat- ing or Drinking, it is a Specific For Sale by All. Druggists ..And Wlnotetalo by LONDON DRUG- CO., London Ont. HALSTE &SCOTT H1 -MMES. -FRS_ W'trhain, Ont, Josephine Street J. • A. IfAI SrID, 3. W. SCOTT, llfount Forest. I Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Easiness Men,' On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. rtiouey remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada—The Merchants' Bank of Canada Mice Ilours—From 9 a. in. to 5 p. m, A. E. SMITH, Agent, g DR, e WVp D'S i,..;:, , t Se © ofthc Cine nt'tr.t Ole oo:.ti:t1Ip and a:cpecterar-t otiiw: pectoral herbs aid barks. 1 i+c:reiPGOTF COLDS' t9],3 .•E.ifw: «; :tWJ ;,»o::.,?nit +n Eronehlai^ Sere i•hro"tl and all ''1I-II'.6tl T , BRONCHIAL an,. F ;1 `a I;3e':;i 311.Ob.tiuuteconr'hswt:!ch other i.'n ,_ri% yield prouptl'y to tide asset platy syt;rp, • pa,zIct :er.,. r..r.t tor_. ,1",1 17.? C.ITTL1_. • 1. 001.0 INV A,t :>,'•V Gr'^.Tt.. R➢t!^usuarrdcurAx. �•AdTLemsfaN,lKt St: CWlOM4dnsAmo MR4UO i• TRAM - SALE i To General reland Afq tants Tcat and shoe Stores.. In connection with my Loather Business I keep full stock of SHOE DRESSING, Hathaway, Whitmore 8, Zanoni, French Dressiest., Eclipse, Bixby's, Perfect 1tid, etc, in 10, 1;, and Cie sues, by the gross or dozen. Jacquot's French Blacking and Gray's climax waterproof.. In Leather. Horsehide, English Nip, Porpoise, &e. Cotton and ltifte, in all lengths, Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, &e, ' u; : , mac/rache ere the kid - :y a id-.ya are in t, I1bie Dodd's s Y 1 ey Pills give t : o -),pt relief." "75 per cent. e,r of disease is ft -It caused by oveordered kid- net's, "!blight as well try to ,have a • ;roalthy' oity without sewer- age, as good ,'ealth when Me ridireys are ,logged, they arts the scavengers of the system, "Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, @l! Blights Disease, • Diabetes and Dropsy," "Ths above diseases cannot exist where Dedd's Kidney Fal Pills are used."' 14 tld by ell drnlcrs or sentby 'nail on receipt unit 10 cents. per box or six for $2.0.1):, L. A myth A. Co. Toronto. Write Kir1, "k coi,-.1 Kidney 'alk.. Iteli on human and horses and all atli- tnals cured in 30 neintttea by Wooltnrd's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. War- rantel at Chisholm's drug store. SHOE LEATHER, Sinton Alma, bal and fit and HHiezzon's. I£ip and Calf ; i also native stip nd upper. Spanish and slaughter I sole HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands on hand itt oak and hemlock. Specie, stock for traces in oak. Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed, A posta card will scout's quotations or a can from my travel er. VI. j. CHAPMAN, Tanner and Leather Merchant, Oftnladian Pacifle Railway, TI1\Ui TA131.Ijii. Tr d:•s arrive and depart 18(0101)8: LEAVING mum GJGa.....,. FarToronto lto 6: 5 R. 2:00 p. 'at10pr 2:00 p. m For r; eeswator 11:0(1 ' 10:65 p. m " 10:55 ' r" -"4.A, 11.fI)'F2r-c.7.L`TIC .Snirl • —«-TIME TABLE. ---- tIAt'N 1t'IN011Ah6 ARRIVE A7. WINltl (1:35 a.tu,T0ronto,Guelph,l'almcrstonF, c 15137 It. Il:'so 4,t, 0 101'2 , S:51)1),211 " " C1i11to11, " 0 7:10 " Palmerston, Mixed ......111:41a (1:41 a. in.... London, so , . 11:r0 " 3:120 pen. ,e 7:50 p. 11:SOa.nt Kincardine, Am .. r:31 a• 8;37 p.m 31:20 ,. 10'02 a p 7.1h p. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRiCHTS,. etc. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 801 BROADWAY, Niaw Your. Oldest bureau for securing patents fn America; Every patent taken out by ns is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in tbt aultvican Largest eirculatton of any ecicntrf, t paper ini th, world. Splondidl illustrated. i\o intellinen man should be wi out at. Weekl 153.00 : y ani SUEElis 3Q 1 hroadwayeNow York U ' 1 FOR THE BEST VA: IN lit ORDERED GO TO 1 tl ESTEB'S! a HATS, CAPS, • '1 COLLARS, ChOap for sHnRTsa KAS131,, W Ea.BST°.IJIL•'S' Si;( toves toves,St veE All intending purchasers of stover for th if winter will save money by buying from:' D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK S -117 to choose from. Every stove guaranteed against breakage a to give complete satisfaction. D. SUTHERLAND. 1 tn,, October 8th 1801.