HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-27, Page 7• The Hog and its Value.
An inthreeting subject ptesenteci id
the Western Dairyman's Association
was 'the hog and ite value w conjunct-
tiot with the dairy, breeding and feed-
ing r eingedbacon fur the L radon
ma t. M. 13 Oasawsnr general
4 mauryer of the Peeking Co.,
was the author of the paper, viltich
was certainly among the most Yalu.
able presented to the coliveni ion, Mr.
Oasswell represents; the new English
Pork Packing company, which ieto
be shortly opened and for which a
splendid building is no At er
• in London at the cost of overr.$40,000.
The establishment of this imlustry is
of great importance to the fsriners
'Western Ontario and the, principal
advice regarding the breeding of hogs
for the Exglish unwires which was giv-
en by Mr. Oasswell was earnestly
listened to. The coinpnt.y which 40
represents is largely interested. in
Denmark and Ireland, tied it is conii
dently expected that if the Canadian
venture proves successful the sante
firm erect several other packing
houses in the provineri. Among the
most important points iu Mr. Oasis
well's excellent address were as regards
breeds, For all the various breeds of
boars always select the largeat',, and
best developed young SOWS. Do not
breed front them until they are at
least six months old. Regarding the
selection of boars, Mr Oaawell said
the white Yorkahire middle size lists
always given the best results, and the
quality of the bacon suits,- the English
market the hest of all in length, style
and thickness of bacon. Au to feed.
ing, Mr. Croswell strongly adv istql the
farmers not to feed with 1 ndtan corn
or niaize, as it tends to wake the meat
extremely hard, coarse, and dry, and
the fat that slieuld be siren and white
beeomes yellow, oily and rank. • The
finest pork is tnade by feeding hogs on
barley, rye auti pees, as green fonds,
and boiled potatoes, strimined milk rind
wheys Jr.:1Onaawell gave a awaking
illustration of the profit whish dairy
farmers might make by raising Ings
and using their skinned milk, batter -
milk and whey to feed 'ham.
D. L. (level), Toronto, Travelling Pas.
Banger Agent, 0. P. R, says : Anti -Dan-
druff is a perfect remover of Dandruff -its
action was nntrvellous --in my 'ovn case a
few applications not only thoroughly re-
moved excessive dandruff accumulation,
but stopped failing of the hair, made it
soft and pliable end promoted n. visibia
I don't think that •Oharley loves me
any more. Why ? I see by the
paper that violet, are $4 a bunch
and be keeps on sending ins, chryiians
Any= TO MOIllintS.— Are you uistureed at night
and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and
crying with pain of Cutting Tooth? If so send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup" for Children Teething. • Its value is incalml-
able. It will relieve the poor 'little suirehir
immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no
mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhcoa,
regulates the Stomach and Beirels, cures Wind Celle,
softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win -
slows Soothing Syrup" for children teething, is
pleasant to the taste and Is the preseription of one of
the oldest and best Male physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a
bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mao Wtsst.ow's
Soon:turn Sr am, .oui !clad
.A. divorce lawer likes a domestic
broil done brown,
6 This world-renowned Soap stands at the
head of all Laundry and Household Seam both
for quality and extent of sales.
Used according to directions, it does away
with all the old-fashioned drudgery of wash
day. Try it ; you won'tbo disappointed.
SUIVACITIM SOAP has been in use in
'Windsor Castle for the past 3 years, and its
Manufacturers havo been specially appointed
£arta 1 Oda 1114401
A Thankless Man,
Ho was one of those men with a please -
tread -on -the -tail -of -my -coat expreesion,and
as he plunged aortas Woodward avenue he
would have been run over by an electric
car if a more peaceable awl bigger,, citizen
had not seen his clanger ard pulled hint
• Take your stands off sity coat eollar, sir 1
How dare you stop me like that? and
squirmed around, striking out wildly.
Hold on, man 1 Want to get run over,
that you're so rash? If it hadn't been for
nee you'd have gene under those wheels, so
you would.
I'll thank you to mind your own busi-
ness 1 I know where 1 am going. 1 had
plenty of time to arose, sputtered the wrathy
And I say you had not. I measured the
distance with my eye, and you couldn't
have done it.
111 thank you to keep your distance, sir.
I insist upon it, there was no danger. You
took tb• most unwarrantable liberty with me,
sir, that'a what.
Did, hey ? cried the stranar, patching
him up again by the coat collar which he
had just released. Now here's another
9:lei:Aria car coming -it is just about where
the other was -over you go, if yen don't
ask my ,pardon in a jiffy for nob letting you
gat killed. Quick! Say the word.
I -I -I -much obliged, I'm sure, sir, as
the other made a motion to throw him ;
you've saved my life -now -as the oar went
by -if you ever dare -
But he was given a lift that landed him
on the opposite sidewalk, and as he . stood
there shaking with rage the big citizen
walked off laughing over his first attempt
as a life saver -Detroit Free Press.
To -Day •
flood's Sarsaparilla stands at the head in
the medicine world „admired in prosperity
and envied in merit by thousands of
would-be conapetitors. It has a larger
sale than any other medicine. Such suc-
cess could not be won without positive
Hoon's Purls cure •constipation by re.
storing the peristaltic action of the Mimen.
tary canal. They are the best family ea -
Which _side ? Rev. 13. the
evangelist, took oeussion int he of his
meetiege to s'efer 10 the li Inor quer.
t.on as fo 1.ws : 1u onld like to give
it little to Elliot, on tent! erttnet•,
it mild like to make it Aso plain that
everybody el,uld understand. Some-
times a person will insult nut by ask.
ing me whielt aide of the temperance
qurrittion 111111 on 1 \Vhitli side iitri
? Welt, y •ii ge 10 i lie drunkards
mid thieves and burglars i.ud gamblers
tiil maInott• keep 3 tool the of
the acoustic' stufic and find our which
did** thee ni 1,, tti..t ht n tit me
down mi rho mit. t. ". AR 1.11 0
Clown to the Y; reteltott hotel where
ilia poor. wenn-to , it itts than a ido
It, mite wpm bee •s' -r-, 1 eat, ,,rphatitail
babe at her breast, 1/.1' he t's lloiit
dripping am ay deop.hy drop, par soar
ear 'Iowa close to Itt r heat t. ,nit hear
which side slitis on, i,tiit i le•ii pot toe
down eu her hide, \\ lv i it ,.hgt
these aecursed CNA L 18 day
Because nem a 01.-1/ 11i,, ;pal 1 hat
fevers had./4. should
come here to-doy and take ohs t your
fairest and 1,riglitrst childrsis
making a few passea rive, ir i on‘ert it
lilt° alt id.01, tie whale eminutunty
would be after bile, :i;ioiotis of dol-
lars would nor inane': yon to license
hilti 10 (10 seen n hhiIii f be 20111,1 an
it 111,. ten noon ,t • '1 it (nil) a
question ,f.ii‘ i y. ars, fir II 1,41,1y len
ur t a r uty, ena y/rt will ellew hin, to
do that very thing and for (tidy a pal,
try few hundred dollars.
English Spavin Liniment reinove,s ali
hard, soft, nr calloused Lumps and Enarn-
isbes from horses... Blood Spavin, ('lurbm,.
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney. Stifles,
Sprains., Sore and swollenItt Oitt, 1)onglim.
etc. Save 550.by time of one brittle. War.
ranted by Obieholm's drug store.
His overcoat be saw for sale,
He gazed at it a minute,
Then with a stab, he murmured, -
"Alas, x am not in it!"
When a person considers himself EMS
'0lt ili 0. tlinn.nuiri' IIP
ards the others es u; hers
thertie. • . g P
TraveraThis overcoat seems pretty
He Forgot to Hertienaber.
• Mr..Wiggini: went about his. business
dutioil all day with a little scrap of red
ribbon tied around bis finger. ..Men looked
at it and smiled, but asked no questions.
They had been there themselves.
But a Niroman he met -one of his' wife's
friends hacl more curiosity or less know-
ledge about that peouliar bit of ribbon.
Oh, Mr. Wiggins, what are you Wearing
that ribbon bow on your finger for, I should
like to know.
• It's a help to memory, said Mr. Wiggins ;
my wife tied it on this morning.
I •' thought maybe it was a kind of new Teachfq, -Are there any classes in
decoration ,said his wife's friend.
No, indeed. She wanted me to remem-
ber to bring her something very particular-
ly, and in order to impress it constantly on
my mind, took his plan, answered Mr.
Wiggins with a troubled expression.
Y -e -s, I see. Now, you won't mind tell-
ing me, as an old friend, what it was she
wanted you to remember.
My dear madam, said poor Wiggins with
a. weary smile,•I would bo only top glad to
tell you if I knew it myself. You see,I have
entirely forgotten what she wanted me to
remember; that ribbon must have driven
it out of my mind.—Detroit Free Press.
tuiltt arcaind the chest. Tailor --
When yon have.t4ken the money out
of your pocketbook to ray for it, mu, it
will fit all right
Our ['own Druggi,rs asiv The
I Pain Killer sells 3 he Lest •rny
eine they keep ! during the lord times
of the • past year nr 3tv. t here were
none too poor to pay their "qna, ter"
for a bottle of this indispensable family
rnedieine. Be sure and get the genu-
The Dark Horse.
The oxpression, "the dark horse,"
which has been used so mach in polis
ties, owes its origin to a novel,
The term originated in Disraeli's
not el, "The Young .Duke," and may
be found at the beginning of chapter
An importent race discussed m the
third • chapter was coming ofl, and
titre was the usual rivalry and 'let-
ting. There were sever.il favorite
horses, and each owner (and eao'i
friend of the owner) was sanguine,
sure that his world triumph,.
There were more than 90 horses and
yet the start WAS 12 nil'. 13111 the ressltt
. . The fatal retnembrance
overpowers tity pet). . , . The
sI feverite wits !lever heard of, the
second favorite was neer seen after
the distance post, all the ten to 'wit-
ers were it) the rear. mid a dark horse
which lied never been thought of,
rind which the careless St. jams bad
never even observed in the list, rushed
past the grand stand in tre,
utnph, The spectators were ainlOst
too surprised to cheer. . , . (3011«.
Othe the confilsion.
Rut:well's Bronchial Balsam Will MVO any Cough
Cold, lironenitis or Asthma.
A Dreadful Mistake.
Propriator--Dian't that man order ten-
derloin teakt'
Waiter -Yes, sir.
Proprietor -Then you've got the wrong
• knife. Always take a razor edged knife
with tenderloin steak. Don't forget to re-
inentber this hereafter!
a • repula 10 (Mrs
two. 'Two Yes'm, them wot's got
the pull and them tvnt ain't.
When th----------1,., family has
a golden heart she's a daisy,
tiVhat the wide world is. • .r
pends very aineli 1., wilt•• 11).11 art -to '
L.. /
OuresVonsurription, Oetmhs. Croup, Sore
Threat. Sold by alt Druggists on a Gunranteo.
For a Larne Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Perotia,
tauter will give grist satisfaction. -25 ceot0,,
Mro. T.El.FlaWlzinS,Chattanooga.Tenn..Strst
4; Shach's Intel -tar 4 1.1.4.-V1.71). 2IrY z
/cur acid." ForDyepopsia, er or manes,.
cubic 10 excels. Price -75 cts.
E E V'
lir.voyouCatarrh? TrythisItomedy. 3t will
.,-,4itively relieve and Cure you. Price 50 eta..
Injector for Its successful treatment is
1 ti ruished free. lire:member, Shiloh's Remedies
iuct sold, on a guarrauce to give satisfaction.
For over indulgence in Eat-
ing or Drinking • it is a Specific
For Salo by All Druggists
'And Wholewsle by LONDON
DRUG CO., London Ont.
Josephine Street - naham, Ont.
J. A. IIALEiTsn, I J. W. Scow,
mount Forest. Listowel.
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,*
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
Agents in Canada—The Merchants' Bank
or Canada
Office Hours—From 9 a. 111. to 5 p. In.
Mrs. McOsnry raised .• '"
qrtoite 0. bin Wilily, VI re:41 rpliy ? ;
Mrs. irrphy (with seri le)--Stiven 11,141:4
— o
policemen. Mrs. AI •Oetnys ' •
F IOUS ( 311 ( i ir tr..% enror
train car on wet /1,iy) --is 11- Non,11'n
ark gaup Pass-netts—All 'hitt
the doitkies; step ill, se!!
The Mammoth. Cheese.
Oct ewe, Jim. 21 --Prof Rober.iten,
Do n ion Dairy Cioniiiiissioner, re-
turned from
states tons reopivpd ao order
from 33, leading MIL:link nierrliont to
purchase 513- (nom 1..oth ,•ne ‘viii -It
is to form the of the Canadian
pyramid git, (Thio after 111,,
vi r. The eiTored ill recoup
the department for all the exp neas
oisnnfnetntang 3 o, Ttie in-
tending 1.18i'vb.ii4it' tt/ 381^
Whit the 0113 1.3' free of ex;.ence to the
depart•illent witn..ot 1 1(1 the
public 111 every eh v or ,*0 it iiiir,3,1t1
pelt/108e in (+teat Britain and Ire
lattrt. M Wool t.1, •Oisti !id
$15,000 in ad vertism.: It $1,1 hal .r
cheese in the world.
Riraas Talmles euro indigo don,
• `• Irsg-i;ot.7:1fr, vi,tnes ofthe rine
the soo•lhing .and errpeCtal'ar.t
Otlic.: pectoral nerbs and br.rirs.
11,i.l'aFE07 CURE FOR
• • cpu.•%?...,z, ANL COLDS
sthtssc. Bronchltis, Sore Throat,
• an.,1 all ani
. Obt,tinate courrhs which
• other ive:.--,riee trleid proraptiy to this
' "1'j piay syrup,
• f.rf:Ztr.e 17.1;1:r V:01'..^.* Pk:7:
Jac! ac he
ere the kid -
1: :y8 etre in
7,obiye. pinDao gd
1.4o:1;pt relict."
;.1. "75 per dent,
ofir.ltd lostte4tes:by
n C-nifght Ca well
; 'try to have a
• boalthy•eity
• without sewer -
:7.1:M, as good
:ea/th when the
• aclireys are
•Intiged, they cut
Tiro 'mast offer Stet
We have 333:4 '10 arramainients with the
publishers of 1110 1011(it‘tilly1 3,}11tiztil tmio
rlialli d
Weekly Star" thitt .11i
Offer the Trona "Faintly Hifi ald and Wee.c.,
ly Startogether with .be great Star Almon
ac froin new until 1st of .Taini.try saps for
81.75. The price of the"Family Herald and
Weekly Star" im $1.00 per year and the
Almanac 25 count. This is a /natal offer
and should be taken advantage of by a
larger number of our readers, This offer
to new subacribere as well as obi ottea
the scavengers tJ
of the system,
"Delay is 5
dangerous, Neg-
lected kidney
troubles result
in Bad Blood, fp
Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, and
the most den- a.
gerous of all, 0
canadian Paolo Railway,
To General Merchants atitl Boot and Shoo Stores,
in connection with my Leather Business 1 keep
full stock of
Hathaway, Whitmore s, Zenon!, French Dressing,
Eclipse, Bixby's, Perfect ete, in 10, 15 Am 25e
sizes, by the gross or dozen. Jacquot's French
Blacking and Gray's climax waterproof.
S 7.7
in Leather, Horsehide, English Hip, Porpoise, &c,
Cotton anti Wile, alllengths.
Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, '
Simon Alina, Ind anti 111 and Meszonia Kip and Calf;
also native kip nd upper. Spanish and slaughter
Best brands on band in oak and hemlock. Spoo1s.
stock for trace ii in oak.
Patronage solicited. Prieese,uaranteed. A poste
card will scours quotations Ora call froM my travel
Tanner and Leather Met chant,
• \VnionAn
Trains arrive and depart aa fellowel
5:35 a. in ...... ....For Toronto 1188 1*. m
2:00 p. in :: 1:00a,
2:00 p.m . . For Teeswater.. ......
10:55 p. ni ., 10:55 .
(2-4.41,,e4*37.) TIR,"0" Iv -g.- ..anr
4118,a wl'so—um-1. TIME' TAIBLe.—
(1:311 a.m.TOKinte Guelph PaininnitOn oe.ts:a71,.it
iaro Pj11. ::. it * II ' •
10.02 "
li:1:: 4211:: oaa': '.11: ...... p.al.inios:itdoe101:11,/rillati°..x:e1;.1..... .......z1)a.
8:50 p.m. ti 7:50 p.
180:.807213..111, Einear:1414e, 40 .. ., . lek.f.sil::,13,
..--..,..-- DESIGN PATENTSq
For information kind free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America
Every patent taken out by us is brought befog
the public by a notice given free of ;Marge In th
gdtutific qkuttvizati
2 z
Largest eireulatio of any scientific paper 'nth
world. $plenclinly' Illustrated. No intelligen
man should be Id bout it. weekly.. S3.00
year; $1.60 six mon,hs, Address 'MUNN ,So 80
puBLisuEns, 381 Broadvray, New York City.
-1----il----7---------------7--- t
Chdap for KASE..
AT --
VT E. 13
t. oyes., t
All intending purchasers of stove i for th
winter will save money by buying from'
Having bought a very large variety of
Blights Disease, (;) S meek
Diabetes and
The above
diseases cannot
exist where
Dodd's Kidne'y to
Pills are used.2
Sad ly all denten; e teat by mail on receipt
1 price so rents. per box or six for $2.5o.
Pr. L. A. & Co. Toronto. Write for
Kidney Talk.
Itch on human and horse a and all ani•
wads cured in 30 Initiates by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. War.
motel at Chisholm's drag store.
to choose from
Every stove guaranteed against breakage a
to give complete satisfaction.
1.tni3Octohot 8th 1801.