The Wingham Times, 1893-01-27, Page 6THE WINGHAM TIMES
JANUARY 27, 1893.
Empire's onslaught on
McCarthy, and flow completely
is under the thutnll of the Goy.
smelt, the bail quotes some figures
rt t4. how numb, pap the Empire receiv.
Tofu the goveemineut for the two years:
rag Mit June, 1891• It says: --The
it or•f onerea's report tolls the following
one story relating to the distribution of
ertiaenheuts during the past few years:
1888 -85. 1800.91.
John Sun.....,. ,.,,,,$1441 $12U3
oailtan Spectator ,1700
lifeet Herald.
edon Free Press 711 4lri
sttreal tlazetto 1089 121.4
ronto 1'lnlpire 11109 4 720
will be observed that while the self-sup-
rtinl; press. lifts lost advertising revenue
an the Government, the 1•apacions organ
s multiplied its receipts until it has
evert nearly 4100 a week. Every paper
s suffered that the Toronto concern
Wilt gain. The majority of Conservative
iters eau live on their merits, but wo are
irpelled to administer meliciue it must
t chloroform -in increasing closes to the
efortuhhate affair. Aad the worst of it is
int when the paper relives it is only to
Protestant Conservative.
What Good roads Mean,
I They would make it pueaillle for the
v high,
• t ► t f. of the a t e
•t tilt t3 1nt
farmer 0 >, „
est market, no matter wuat season of
t he year.
They woutd saves him days and
weeks of time which he wastes every
year wallowing through the dfsgustin'r
I.tahollifies tier tietteihtltties of the °retitle.
Mire of dirt ru11dC expense in l It causes 411 »greeulah•
torpor, during !
tl1«y would la.�llett the expwhich thought tontit ues lucid and the
keeping beesee in working ordert and capeuity for work is not d'uli, ishcd,
vaetl lees horses would be required in ite • r'ibes and
y :Such is the ate meth n xe L
the country to perform the farmer's, which c)tuaes it to be sought, for by 80
ro would require lees expense to I tlltllyntlieiu a he
a whole tobectm is harmless
Ytl'i 11t111iueittiil la ort,C-
keep them in repair that' d) the dirt ; o +
IlI 1 Merit.
the characteristic of Hood's Sarsaparilla
:lit is mauifeeted every day in the re-
icI u.ble curer this medicine accomplish -
Druggists way : Whim we sell a bot -
of hood's S!trsaparilla to a new cos-
er we are sure to see hi•n backlit a
weeks after more, -proving that the
d results from a ttial bottle warrant
lulling its use, This positive merit of
acre Sarsaparilla possesses by virtue of
reculiar Combination, Proportion and
(meas used in its proparetiou, and by
lel) all the remedial value of the ingre
nee aged is retained. Hood's Sarsapar-
"le time Peculiar to Itself and absolute-
iueijetallecl in its power as a blood puri.
, end as ti, tonin for building up the
ilk and weary, and giviug nerve strength.
TobaQCo and the Nerves.
T1I1.1 S Ik U1 i r. WEED.
The at:t.iutl rlt 1011140m Olt theuer
'u cous
eyete1s weal: and N% holly t+pt 01tt1, l t
doe's not pill t•e sleep blit minks and
Traits of the True Merchant.
little boy once dstilled "salt" as
Staff that snakes potatoes taste had
en yeti, don't pct tiny of it On I
b delightful definition seggestrs t.liut
at not to do is as important a gnos
in developing success as the,
saran of what t de; end muse:este
), that the tie_retie(' qualities in a
chaut's equipment may he as tee•
ary to consider as hlel positive ee
ements, '
et us uatne, then, some of these
table negative methods of the pro-
ntnrchart, cntltiniug ourselves; to
sal charltut^'h'istice, and ignoring,
he preseht prnu/ ical details
lli does net ltreteud to know any
4, he 00W/rye the tin pr',Niul1 to
'a:stonie:r 1Iiat he ahsur;,s wisdnin
that cuetolner : for he k.low8
to will ills! argument is to lose the
Tiley would affJrd ready oommun
t► is i- the -iniad, but it may lutve a tuisehieve ! cation with the outside world at all oils n'ilueu. e 7 u the Itealtli and ma'
times of the year. 'cause serems oeseases. We should
- They would spare the farmers many 1" advt$e 1fV011q t" use it and shou'd
, children from
Xatl()118 and nervous f 5t1'itllld, i doing eo. In taking up this part of the
They would be free from dirt in '� '^ u „ - c+l ' wi• 1'
try to keep women mid
V 6'
summer, and mud ruts. in fall, winter ; ptmraln and t1t11llatuhg its t
and spring. 1 teaahors of all grades the society
against the abuse of toliecea hard per,
They would bring every farraiitg' f'ntned reel so-teico but, it has tried to
community into closer social relations. "'mot
its ends by exaege1 has s that '
They would make- an evening drive a
0313 only enrnproualee it,—Science -
a pleasure instead of a vex.:ttioa, as it i motet illy,
is now. •
They would do away with the rib- 41. vommorolnl iia n's Grip.
surd poll tax and supervisor system in i
places where it is still in use. I hard lou' looked for a prepalation
that would keen ley bead clear of Dau -
They would be, in short, the best ! druff, but always failed to reoeiye any
Possible investrnent to the taxpayer if ; material benefit until a friend reeom-
hunt and eared for by the national ! mended Anti.Daadruff, which I used with
government and paid for by a national ; D�udt offwitht
fect success.
es It not my removed the
hree alicatious,butstop•
tax. t pod the annoying hotline of the scalp awl
Ail this they woulddo unless ex- rendered the hair soft and pliable without
perience goes for naught.—Rural , leaving an appearauce of a dressing being
11'orld.used. It uow occupies a permanent posi•
tien in my grip. It Is pleasant to use and
-- with pleasure I recommend it.
141;lot 1)ursgne to strangers He
,)t fathom the stran'iter's i)untl,15s
Evutce anti Alas possibly close the
to a good buyer.
dues 110t boast Of his extras te-
eThere are more 01e1) of ECU-
oal habits in the world than
thrift. fools, and it le always well
to the good opinion of a good
does not interrupt ; does not
does not call people cranks who
tee with hint: for he knows thut
body, ill: nding hitueelf, is rt
to sonnet degree.
is 1105 fussy lino demonstrative
fortes 0f pelltenees; and the:r-•lu
r1 that he i$ well-bred.
is not angt'nernus 671 his 0On1- RIIRO?x,srxs i 00230 Ira DAL—South cat -
en competitors. He t'ecogr,izes American RhouinaticCure of Rheumatism It would be colder than icoburgswhen I'd
it 6,f t1:t111ui!!'J with faint prams and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 start out, an' pretty soon I'd be stamping 1
point that eer):PS fit coin -lotion days. Its action upon the system 1e re my feet and swinging my free arm. Then
rifted of the lisatnee that such D
muce tarkahe cauble xudse o
lrrfytinsteerlous, It rem
uitnediovesaatelyt I'd watch the windows along the street.
disease l
ltiwntis lnrv!ti•nl et the 1(wel 1.14)11 1 disappears. The first dose greatly bene- 1 That's what imagination will do for a
,.sue from assured prosperity. fits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholm's fellow, sir. It's true as gospel; an' on the l
drug store. • ! upper end of lay run, where there wasn't
Both the lnei.hocl and results when.
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
anti. refreshing to the taste, and acts
gentlyyet promptly= the Kidneys,
Liver and Dowels, cleanses the sys-
ys-tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substan ces, its
Many excellent qualities commend
it to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes to
try it. Manufactured only by the
A (;are for Abscesses, Piles, Fistula, Representing H. Corby, wholesale liquors.
Feale le, Out.
aud Sores of eve1 y description.—The , `
very satisf•ictory results arising from ; in Euterprise.
the nue of this invaluable Ointment, Tho city 'editor of the Western Wind sat
when the tiei:t have been suffering at his desk gloomily, and it was near mid -
from any off the above disorders, have night.
induced the 'Medical Profession to in-
Well, he exclaimed petulantly to thele.
tr it into the hospitals and their porters in front of hint, haven't any of you
private practice,aud in many instances got any copy?
where the sufferer was considered in
Nobody had.
curable, Holloway's Ointment, in Isn't there anything at all occurring in
conjunction with his Pills, healed the town? he asked.
most desperate cases. Tu y are also
No No, sir, replied the head
unequalled for the cure of scrofula is dead dull.
s urvy, and all diseasesthing of the skin, Of coarse it is, of course, of course,
and the cures they effect are not tem • growled the city editor, and no wonder.
porery or imperfect,for b: their purify•
ing powers they 1)ring ataoul a guar- Every man of you hes a loaded revolver in
yentas and most beneficial ehan�N ill his desk that hasn't bean fired at anybody
the whole system, and enable it, with for four weales, and still. you claim to be
renovated powers, to resist. the ap- efficient newspaper men. You fellows from
proach of ail fu tore attacks of the same
reporter ; every-
The Scottis . Hogmany.
A satisfactory explanation of the
term hogtnany, used by the Scots to
designate the last day of the old year,
has (never yet been given, bu: there are
two suppositions which are quite plaus-
ible. 011e is that the terns •hogmany,
is derived from "egeieenot' or 'hogg
night,' the Scaudina>,•iau name for the
night preceding the feast of ynle,
when animals were sacrificed,the
word 'hn;;g' meaning to kill
other dertvation is from the Preach,
'au gue rneuez,' •to the mistletoe go,'
referred to the Druids' cuet0ru on New
Year's Eve of collecting the mistletoe
from the oak, aid after consecrating
it dtst-lhnttug it amort;; the people of
the. i -nals. by whore it was prized be -
cense of the many virtues ascribed to
the east have got too much education and
not enough enterprise, and unless some-
thing occurs in the next ten days I'll dis
charge every ono of you and employ com-
petent men, eve21 if we do have to pay
then salaries. Mind that, now.
Perfect Satisfaction.
GrxTL,oaax,—I have fotuld.B. B. B. an
excellent remedy, both its a blood purifier '
and general family tuedieine. T was fur a ;
long time troubled With sick headache Itud
heartburn, and tried a bottle, which give 1
me such perfect satisfaction that I cave
since then used it as our family tnediciue.
Fl. BAlrlyi, North Bay, Out.
Row Be Kept Warm. •
Yes, at times it's pretty chilly on the ,
front end of a street car, lie said as ho gave
the reins a shake. Tain't so bad now,
though, as it wee two or three years ago.
when I was driving a night -car. Whaw
but it was oald sone of tho:ee nights.
How dict I keep from freezing ? That's
what lots of people used to ask ale, an' I
used to tell 'em all the swine thing -Just by
chin the windows along the line.
is not insensible to the elven-
e'Iven-keeps of iu wait s'luiety leaders
ally le the '711:51er Sex. He
the value of this potent medium
1e oat --F0 tunny things, that it,
be safe t; state, cotiiprel'newer
eeerii,ing the true merchant :111
Unlike the trite mill. --Key
to Piper Pio eel a Pork of
1 P' iperg," vra ' a Line (It a iiter-
:seitse, 1ihet the children used
iS4 iwieriay1 they can prattler,
p1'riecr, Pai)th':s8, P,)Nt+►•fol
las of Pierce s Pleasant Purge
Vets. I.t. will impress at fact
1!1 leas nsefnl to know. These
Care sick hea.ldchP , bilious
indixestir'n, constipation and
ash. Liver and bowel trots riot+,
tiny, st,ger"c0aterl pills, easy
and, as a laxative, one is stufi.
is.doi 1. No more (;roans
from that old drastic
-- - ;any I'd cool off so quick I'd catch 1
Polities is a shrift', like the struggle' cold. Yes, sir; I've caught many a cold;
wherein the survival of the fittest i; ' that way. -Judge.
said to be the outcome, but some re -
Rebecca, Witkin.on, of Browusvelley
formers briny to mind a certain wo•
Ill l., v•tys: "L 114.1 130.0.7 in t1 111.,tresse,
Irian villa stripped her small fo150n0, L'!1I)ittjn'1, for three ye Les from NttrvonI
turned ilii'.,) bacon, with a steamboat nest, Weakness of the tltotnucil, DvspeNaoa
captain wltn protnised tint to rare and Iudigestion until toy health vote et's.
I llad been 1 ''S 'Y an111ita,o1,, Wltll+>tit
flow'', 3118 river In order to kecur0 pat-
,utrntt at deck t »
Coming et•ioau tv6lrvir.d, which duce me mora goad
bosh was passing, she cried, "wily, than day 3•i0 w,, th of (tont/
at 1 avec dal
r ' w in m ufN. w7»aid rerlvise every wealtl
captain, ou w )u t let that fellow plow y Y
us, will yon 1 Aiadam, I agreed )lot person to use this valuable .and lovely rem-
d " ► t bottle •+711 rnuvuaae
C n 1 del t8 )1 r1v 1 reltef. 1 bought on0b)ttle of Saudi A30 -
' " Never mind that don't let. a trial ) 3 y
to rant. lvete t
them ivet a'1('ad." "To tell you t1'0
truth I have trie.i t1 beat, but 'f can
get nn Exeter unll'sa I put oil or fat in.
to the fnrntive•" H;t'•ert'r you any nil
board ? There 1s your hht,.00 in the
cargo, madam." "Yes, s0 there i4,
now yon Jost heat the ul.l.boast 1f it
tales every pound of it."
Eagieon61*8 Liberated.
Warrat:tsd zit Chiehclln'x drug store.
A4 1uGstlonof Moral 1 tJIp,nIibility,
�T 1111e (kat breakfast) ----You call t help
what y00 ,iru46111, 0.11 you, 111a211111a?
Hits mother -No, Willie.
Then if you drsatn you're havil.' a fight
you ain't to biome for it, aro you?
No, but if you have been a good boy you
are nob likely to have such dieteens.
Still they are not wicked, are they, if you
f ended
eery avis'
Clubbing .ileacs.
The weekly Empire aua premium the
Conservative members of the House of
r t Cl Tines from uow till the
Commons, anti the 1 n s
eud of 1895--$1,75.
The weekly Globe and 'friss frena now
tilt the eud of 1.8911—$1.75.
The London Advertiser, weekly and
Times from uow till the end of 1898--$1.50
The Loudon Free Press, weekly and
T31nls from now till eud of 1803-131,75.
The Montreal Weekly Herald and the
Ttzes from now till eud of 1'898-181.50.
The Montreal Witness, weekly and Tfnnte
from ucw till the end 1803-61.75,
Reduced rates with all other mctrc
petition weeklies. This is a grand oppor
tunity. Subscribe at once and reneivo the
balance of the year free.
Tile Titles and the "Family Herald and
Weekly Star" and the Star Almauac, from
now until the 1st of January 1804, for
giros Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff
and TO11iO.SOl•Fa Notation. Open for emengonlents
for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderato.
Apply at
24 Shuter St, Wing11an1
-AT 'rltl.-
Subscription price, $1 per year, in advance
Spaou 11 yr. l-0 No I S int 11 mo
0118 Cuiniu 300 00 3353001 ti20 Oe v6 00
lliialf 1,-33 00 00 00 12 00 0 60
�l0 00 2 00 7 0
Onet50013' e6 00 18 00 I 2 00 I 1 00
Loga1 aid other coma advertisements, 8e. per line
for li1•st insertion, and Oe. per lino for each subsequent
Loonl notices 100. pe...tle for first htsertIon, and
eo. per line for each subsequent hlscrtict, No local
notice will be charged loss than 25c.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations,
and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 linos:
nonpareil, 31 per mouth
Rouses and Farms for Sale, not oxceodiu0 8 lines,
31 for iliet month, fico. per subsequent m1011511
These terms will be strictly adhered to •
Special rates for lo adrertisennente, or 'fol
longer periods,
Advertisements and local notices without specific
dirootione, will he inserted till forbid and charged
accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be
paid in advance '
Changes for contract advertisements must bo in
the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appea,
that week
Pa01Ril4TOR AND PueLI8n16N
TNCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 11111
Rends, Circuiars, &c., &e., executed in' the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short
notice. Apply or address
Touts Office, 1t•ingham,
On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six
per cent, payable annually. Any portion of t11e
principal may be repaid at any time the borrower
wishes. All expenCea pard by the County. No
person except the County Auditors allowed to see
Imortllagea or to 'know to whom money is loaned.
Apply to II M. HOI.511553
Godori-h, Aug. 851)1802. Co. Treasurer.
' a1,ll.C.6L,
3fember College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
-Coroner for County of Enron -
Office tip -stairs, next to Air Norton's office, R Ing-
ham, Ottt.
0)+elan Ilonsa.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 0 5, in.. or at
Residence, Diagonal Street.
Ilonor Graduate of Toronto University, and
Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of
()Weaned Residence—Conner of Centro and Patrick
streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune,
Wll:ounat • • UxT
1 �s1 II
FTC "ty,,:e `+.d ti(• b �t BA1tBISTEll, SOLICITOR, iter,
Private .,nd Company funds to loan at lowest rates
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town
and !arm property bought and Wold
:11)11 1)e cony need (het QFFICE—BoavorBlock trl\eIIADI
I+ the finest Wali Finish known.
fat -t t0. b -Ale
Unlool:s all the clogged avonuea of the
Bowels", Kidneys and Livei', carrying
off gradually without weakening the sys-
tem, all t110 impurities and foul lament
atilt) secretions; at the same time Cola-
i°eetiIg Acidity of the Stomach,
daring ?dilialu.sness, Dysnepsia,
Headaches, Dizziness, Reartburn,
Constipation, Drynessofthe Skin,
D1op0,7r, D11nneS`d of Vision, Jaun-
aundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro-
fula, Flutlerin^' of the 110ai't, Ner-
vousness, and Ger-Oral Debility ;all
these and 111a1hy other similar Complaints
yield to the hapi:,y itiliaonco of BURDOCK
Z o'r ,4_I a L) rE; ,asntry a.
is the best i11, the world.
) F + J' T"1'` slf'i.V
lsii Y�wlr 1° r,n»it, 11s .
NERVERVE tt n' n tBA15S lute t mew.**
celery tial cure Ahs rvtudk cress
Many tubo have been Cnnfzue3 t0 their can't hell) it ? Nervous Deign Lost Vigor
Trailing Use ; _ re•eroree
Win; ham,
1Vingham Out
H. W. C. MEYER B. C, 1 E. L. CICKIf•1C11, E.
licitors for Bank of llantilto', C,mmksiuuo'a tot
talking affidavits for Alauituba. Fame Toe!) and
Village property bought and sold, Morey (private
funds)loaned 014 n,ottiru{;u ccomity at. 6;i per cent.
Money MI ebted for piivate 1•0)seee, upon the best
mortgage et:amities 61'ithot.t a14y 02,5011s0 to tl.c
lender. Lauds for sale in Manitoba to a the Neth.
Otticc—Bent's Block, 11 in;,htni.
Is manufacturing Celluloid Plater,
" Vulcaniteplates of the bestulatotiel
Lt' a us rhuep as they can Le got in the
' Dominion. A11 work warranted.
Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric.
ity or Vegetable Vapor.
'Page NOTICL.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents
OFFICE: Al the Beaver. Block, opposite tin
Brunswick Ileuse,
Sole An'cauts for abnve. Wm. H. YViacdonald, L. D. S,,
Crowston Lamn,
We wish to inform the people of Wing-
hani end surrounding country, that, as
we have purchased the Steam Pump
Works lately owned by Mr. H. Claris, we
are prepared to supply all ltincls of
PROP.Et1L 1 OliS.
Pierce's Purgative Pellets bods for years by rheumatism, lame idol% N -no, 1 suppose not. Did you dream BEANS vt..xn... bf body or mina e.reei•
by tlTU'•NOrk. br two,
erre'/ Or tee•
Gtlfes as they Ree perfect ill Anel kidney complaints, have been lib/lett- last night you were doing so wicked a thing owed et youth. Thin ltanted:eh-
ed from their sad prisons by the wonder. as fi„intim; I soluteti' cores the meet Obstinate oases when all ether
1f ful regulating and pnrlfyine action of Y'p 1 Au' it retold ea Alone you gold to � a t r hewifetle xf))r retleoYrwerie1.4 lwait ea
Burdock Blond Bitters which armee out sari hew I iiv.!:'7 gni' ve11..-)..4...) freckle• rooeivtef rrseeb�eeatnaTltlta'Aarir� IDICI”
1lJAar'al Crown 0.trr 'timely, :er. test std r e. ' ' iiv.!: ` ', ' t, 100.1 Toronto. Ont. Wales foetgetphlet. 11.1.116*
the acrid oison from the blond and re• Easel, r.) l•f,)r-n,,tlr• I3nb tifa, )1 ford till It Aghast by A, L. I4AMILkUlf
cert tai"ca•04Cgoral Nert:,!tsI3�1)ilft�, p 4: • 1
1Mexral,ttl6, Peralywie, etr•. kens health to the en//tad. he ectulde't steal ill), dog-oii flint.
Wooden, Lift, Force & iron Pumps
And attend to the wants of the public
in anything in the I' line. MC"
As we leave a long experience in the
business we guarantee all our work, and
if not satisfactory will refund the money.
We also deal in:- avg:,i"pi
,e. ''Soft water cisterns made on short
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Lot No. 3. and the B. ?•z of Lot No. 7
11th Con. Turnberry---ilio lace; 90 acres
cleared; 'well fenced; fremo house and
other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on
tilde. Apply to
Or Gotlerieh
G1elrfarrOW P. O.
Opposite the Queen's IIotel, Winghnm.
Will visit.Gorrio let and 3rd Monc1ays
of each month.
1V1Na)lAtt, 0831.810
p. llI Ates. Ja., WiSOltADr,
Ole 111.11ION.
Salus attended in any part of the CO. Charges•
JOHN CUR1tIle, WIsoneet, 08e.,
All odes left at rho TIDMBM °Bice promptly attend
ed 50. Te1-u18 reaso)able,
LlcexsRD AUCTIOxr,RR eon 002)83235 HURON AND
All sales attended to promptly and of the Silorteem
Chm•gcs Aloderatu and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A11 nevem* arrangements can be glade at the
Thies ('11100
51'13.011AM ONT- -�
•Tits. GODFI1EY & riicASII,
M. 12, Toronto, 31e41111ers College Physicians and
Surgeo's, Ontario.
BICLORA1'R 014TA1120
Money to Loan on Noted.
Notes Discounted
Melee ativancad on etort3u'is a 53 per cont with
privilege of paying at the end any year. Notes
and accounts *oersted.
Wale IliolNDOO.
0/ ries.-..0taver l[lsok, wfnptten, 'Ont.
The Ho.
An iutev'esti
the Wester',
was 'the hog a
tie with the
in(, r binged.
Ma It. Mr.
ktlantt;;er of tl1
Was the autll
was certainly t
able presented
Cass well rept•c
Pork Packing
be shortly 0)
splendid build'
in Laudon at t
The establlsl111
of great ilnpor
'Western Onta
Advice re'gardit
for the Exglisl
en by Mr.
listened to. 1
represents is
Denmark and
dandy expecte
venture proves
firm \will erect
houses in the
most importer
well's exoellen
breeds. For s
boars always
best developed
breed froth t
least six mont
selection of bo
the while Yo
always given t
quality of the
market the toes
and thickness
ing, Mr. Oascu
farmers not to
or maize, es it
extremely hart
the fat that sh
becomes yellot
finest pork is 1
barley, rye ant
and boiled pots.
whay; Mr. 0$
illustration of
farmers might
and using thsit
milk end whey
D. L. Caveu,
saner Agent, 0
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