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The Wingham Times, 1893-01-27, Page 5
THE WINGHAM TIMES, JANUARY 27, 1893: JOHN G RAI'PH'S IG WINTER SALE Still going on and will Continue up to Feb. 13, 1893. Now is your chance to get Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Velvets, Flannels, Tweeds, CCarpets, Ready Made Clothing, HARNESS AND COLLA. Ravine; bought out the Ambler klarneeti Buc,iness and 1,tarted in Mn de t i t am prepared LO furuish the puhlfa with everything usually kept iu a linrues,e shot, sorb as IKEA VY, LIG FIT and 'I'RAOIi._ II ARNEt5S, N r'1 s, DUS PERS, WHIPS, °URRY COA108, BRUSEI•ES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, clic,. tae. • I make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction. Give mew(trial and I will use'r'ou right. G-. .._ ..N" :EC v 111 "M M. PATTERSON, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consisting of ' WATCHES CLOCKSSILVERWARE Hats and 'Gaps, at cost. PLUS Oak finished and leather O Pam wau 6 91 A 1' and Jewellery of all kitlds.anRd latest designs. l BIG BARGAINS :From Now Till Christmas. DEti •�, FTC( . �.. 7 fw 4� :are `doling this 'as syr+ ourqstock��gis too large arrive i�ttr� /'ywill E�11 �OpC1F l,Uti illi f 1' Cfl$h al,l) \L'N C;III -ell a? CIIP,'+U tri 47ve us ■'c4o•+'-e room .6.o.i Sprrn7) (rt�ioods, @7o ar i e J'tiJ".-.Ita, n " Hl`eilpei' RepairingPolnaptlae ]Helie aa.ndl Satisfaction 171t'H InH N Cilli :SALE PRIC: a' SR CASH ONLY .' (Com early and avoid theush to JOHN. GA.LBTEC S. Mortise other Audiitorabar ithe Reeve. The -ap- 'The :acidly •electetl unembers) of the' poatatment of an Assessor was delferrr d -Municajpal'Council, namely, II. Mooney, till next meeting' of Council. 'Reeve; C..A.glowe, Deputy -Reeve, and ; A petition Of -Jas. B. Tierney autl'15 'S. Caldllielt,'C. eo. Kirkby and Jas. Proo- other ratepayers, asking the Council to tor, Councillors,•met in the Township take steps 'towards the formation of a Hall, Morris, January 10th, 1893, pursu- new .union school section on the southern, ant to statute and subscribed the neces• . boundary, con. I1, 'between East Wawa-. -s iry dedlaration of office acid qualification. nosh )and Titillett, received and laid'aver; The Reeveocoupie:l the chair. Minutes in the meantime 'Tor further considers• of last meeting for 1892 were read and tion. 'passed. , The Clerk was &instructed to notify the, Moved by'C• A.41-Iowe,seoonded by Jas. trustees of V. S.'S•°No. "5, and S. e5..i17o, 'Proctor, that W. Clark be appointed 10, regarding 'the matter before (neat Clerk at salary of 8130 -Carried. meeting of Council. Movedfla>.y tCaltlliick seconded by Geo. ' The following debentures were passed' Kirkby, that Richard Johnston he ap- and signed, Viz.: W.i1.•Jefferson, Donny ;pointed Ae)c'litor-t0acvied. The Reeve ' brook, repairing' a road scraper, $3:50 .appointed Chas,lloOlellancl second Audi- . Wm. J. F'enwick,'fora dog wrongfully' tor. assessed 2n 1892, 8%; 'Benj. Witmeu,buald- Moved by cCxeo. .I�ir.kby, seconded by ing a culvert, Sideline '33 and 31, cot:5, Jas. Proctor, tbat Jobu Watson.be reap- $i; Messrs F. Anderson, Robert Shiell !painted Assessar•at .a salary of ii80--- and the Clerk, for .'time making out +Carried. statement re tow'ndh:ip bridges for con my Moved by C. A. Howe, seconded by s. , council, 53 ; P. Porterfield, services as ICaldbick, that Geo. Hood, W. J. Johnston Clerk in 1892, 580, postage, etationery,4e, and Thos. Laidlaw .be appointed do act for 1892, 54, expenses •of 'last Inuniei 4 along with the Reeaie and .Clerk .as a election, X29 ; George 'Taylor, part salary Board of Health-Carried.i as collector of taxes, 1892, 540. Council Moved by Jas. Proctor, seconded, by 0, . then adjourned till Thursday, 9th of A. Howe, that Dr. IvLeAsh be appointed , February next. Medical Health Offleer-(Carried. I P. P03/11311;11IETAD, Clerk. A cc:mmunicatioa from James Craig, respecting Toe nseip Engineer, was read! Whitechurch 'and' filed. A commenieatioia from W. J. A very sadaccident.oeeurredin Mr. D. Trough, re inccme tax, wars read and filed O'Callaghan's bush, on Friday last. Moved by S. Cadbick,seconcled'by Jas. ;Messrs. James Sharp and Heatur McKay Proctor, that the Reeve be instructed to ;+were engaged in taking ,clown a tree. have piens and specifications for a new When the tree fell, it 'came in contact bridge over the river at the Stone school I with another one, anti the result was house prepared, and that the con- i that the first tree broke in the middle, tract for building the same be tet by t and the lop part fell back over the stump sealed tenders at the Township Hall, on beside which the two ,axemen were Feb. 13th -Carried. standing. As this is quite an unusual Moved by Geo. Kirkby, seconded :by S thing for a tree to do, especially a green C.tldbick, that the following accounts be one, the men did not withdraw far from ordered to be paid : .John Mooney, Cop the stump. The tree -top fell upon Mr. lector's salary, 585; R, Youill, repairing Sharpe killing him instantly. The sk,uli oulver., 51.50; W. H. Kerr, printing, 54.- was terribly battered in. Mr. McKay 50; Lewis Bolton, Engineer's fees, 504; had a very narrow escape, but was not W. Clark, , nomination expenses and' hurt. The dead body of Mr. Sharpe was T11e Y. M. U. A, have laked up rooms ill financial statement, S8 ; H. Mooney, at once removed to his home,from which the second storey. preparing financial statemeut,$2; Misses' he had gone to. his work about three The farmers of the surrounding country Elford, charity, 58 ; JohnMason, balance hours previous, The sadness of the ac ora making good t a + of the sleighiug.by of job on sideline, 5521.42; T. S. Brandon, eident has east a gloom over the com- bringing in an abundance of wood. This commission on railway debentui•oO;'tt. munity, as the deceased was much re - is a paying as wood is a hikh By-laws Nos. 1 and 2, 1893, were read and spaded by those who knew him. His price in town. passed. The Council then adjourned to household, which has been so sadly and • meet again on Feb. 13th. sorely bereaved, have the sympathy sortx. W. Centile, Clerlt, of the entire neighborhood. NIenonsoN-In Lett tad, en Jauuary 218t, The Whitechurch Creamery Company tl wife of M. K. Ni:holeou ; a daughter. East Wawancsh• sent as their delegate, Mr. Win. Martin DauanoND--In Wini;hacr, on January The Municipal Council for the Town- to the creamery convention held i 20th, the, wile of air Taos. Drurnrooud; w r3hip of East Wawanosh, met in the Harristion• Ho reports a splendid con- I daughter, Council room en Jan, 10th, pursuant to vention, many of the chief dairymen of statute, the members elected being Thos. the country being present. H. Taylor, Reeve ; Robt. Shiell, Deputy - Reeve, and Messrs. Donald Patterson, owls i• ! 7'r.ii, , Mr :11eYandler ,vlewver to Miss David Robertson and Walter Scott, I The annual meeting of the Howick i Emily Auu +:urns, all of Morris. Councillors. Having duly subscribed find signed the declaration of qualifiea- tidu and of office, the Reeve in the chair, Minutes of last Connell meeting were road and passed. Resolved that P. Porterfield be reap- dent 'Edgar vacated the chair and the I Dain. Mr.tRobert Deachman. yaiter the bal- lots were counted, it was found that Mr. Wm, 11eKercher and Major 'Baine were elected. The Direclora appointed Mr. ( Jas. Edgar President ane Robert Doug- lasWico-President. From the Directors' and Auditors' reports for the year 1892 we glean the following : During the,y.ear 699 policies were issued, granting insur- ance for 8693,139. Theroare 2900 policies in•force, covering insurance for 54,237,- 150, beiug an increase of 187 policies.and 8314,525 in the amount issued over .last .year. The available preiniu w not capital .alter deducting all asseesments levied ,thereon,,anlounted to $191,218.25. 'The dosses paid have amounted to 57,024.70 this amount includes $2,06:)paidite John Curtis, Wallace, on loss of Deo. 21st, 1891, the,total losses being:85,624. 70. lThe assessment levie 1 amounte 1 to 88,323.35. All debts.and proved claims against the ,company have teen paid, leaving a cash (balance of 52,078.70. Seaforth• lVtr. W. E. Willis returned to his home in Wiugnnm after visiting friends ,and welatises.here.for a time. He Alas stunted toteach music here on Monday of each week, Those .wishing a first•t 'lass teacher ,should.secure shim. The eltating rink is crowded Friday, ,baturda'y .and Monday evenings how, by Itovarn.af ,that e,port. The cc,ciees take ,l)os-,esstiru ot'u.er• eyeuiugs. 1,1r. E. 4... <Or,uwfoed, classical dm,.ahtcl ru the •Uolleg ut,.,.,ix on duty again„ alter iw attack of the ;grip. Ve ate glad to see hired are, i,d The Royal 2laet)p1ars in. this lnleae held a `•13+,1 (ander iu .Iiidd's hall, 011 1lru day Mrs. liuAtdimur took part In a yeowl) coue_rt held it Oartlnu's hall. on Monday evening of this week. Miss Richardroii„who was visiting friends here, returned to her home in Listowel on the early train Monday. 'l.he stores in the new brick block ou ibo east side of Main street are all taken up. MARRIED. MEOSEIL--Ccli'r s --In Morris. att the residence of the bride's mother, on 'Wed. 1 nesclay, mum 16th, by the Rev. J, W. Partners' Mutual Fire Insurance Com- the cheapest and M PAT PERSON. IT WILL PAY YOU BEST INT E END. NOTHING LESS SHOULD SATISFY YOU. Clever, Energetic Young Men. and Women w110 intend to qualify far positions in Hoak.• ,a Sing, $ho•'thanrl and Typewriting, should catalogues 01 both departments of write for ; of CtIAT13AJ1, ONT., established 1570, This institution is the peer at any business college. or ahu,tha: d school in America, and vastly suueriot' u, au) +.thee School of 1311.: 1:1nd in Uaeaua. These ..re the advantages we orie•: Phe two heat penmen in Caluida, !It,: hest and lar••est staff Central 'l ei'p;lone Exchan We have the Inside track ick and '. a � give you Every lino we se 3 o less than )mi.. competitors, teachers, the hest course w shorthand and typewriting, the best course of bit 0 training;, tL.• hest sail,. • •, sty of moms, the best equipments in every respect the best recon; for playing its stnd.;hts in the b st pa, i. -W You do na positions in tilt, business world. Our college rooms occupy over 8000 square feet at sp,tt:e. tee my the railway fare of students , male•. ft'0111 a da;tanet to the limit of ..5.00. rood beard in pleasant huules fur ladies at $2, gents $2 50. For catalogues of either department, address, D. veLdUslLAN, Prioeipsl. a) Tie -71 Bat Bekw. .:co k .at iy�our'�•�, .. , 1 tdJJ, ...^' .t,.?..Js.1t�l�v.i. � 1 t r 1• But evtriybod,y like.), to buy in the cheapest Market. it will pay you to visiti us tl)as month. The season of ,trek tat:- in<� is at halo;, who n there is very little b+lsir.ess going except that which is forced. 7'he jintrrle ofdoi- lars is more pleasant to us than looking over a splendid stock. Will we have the pleaenre of hearing dame of your dollars jingle? ��'t• Ltill i1' you give wise loin r( chalice to .tell iii and intiut:nee \roti. We wen'. spiiu+g' that ()Id t'Iir',ihtlt oft soli, "Big leall1'iit,ll tis l:e lut't: Stta:k." Itis simply ('tle, yell ft chance to get Stile tale bHl- itilts if you want them. Low price, on everything. Be sure, to emus: and dee what we can do for you. 4uiallirgi of All Wool 91aL3Drns:lcods65c,aci, Our prices ale lower than any other house in the tl ade. Visit us and we will convince you of this fact. We give you a reduction of ten per cent. Off all your cash pur- chases in all lines ex.eept groceries. We give you 20 lbs. White Sugar f'.ir $1 ; 25 lbs, nice Brown Sugar for $1, and several other drives, ox- Sxu.tttz Tti Vin;+lulu,, at the pany was held in the town hall, Gerrie,' er ©� bTre of I Le o ), of Wrs oxeter, s, Dibr rale. ' on Friday of last week and was largely ' Fos, druggist, of Wroxeter, to Miss Louisa, ' attended. After the reports of Directors , daughter of W. 0. Stuart, Esq, of Wing. and Auditors had bean aceopted, Presi- • barn, meeting appointed John 1?rain, Esq, of ! Orau'etta:r-A. TeesHttter, on the 14th 1 I time. Mary A ,daughter of Joseph Olheisor 1 Herriston, chairman. 7116 Chairman ' c l months ea(' d.tys, then called for nominations to fill the ar''' ? positions of the two retiring Directors, 1 ut Messrs Wm,, 1V1cliorehor and Robert ( Iter on human and horses and all ani. bels oared i30 rmuutes by Woolford's Scott. The retiring Directors were I Sanitary Lotion, This never fails. Wet - nominated, no Wore also ;4 Major Laine and ra (ted at CJliisli6lm's drug store. pointed Clark at hes former salary of 580 per nnum• Moved by 1i1r, Shiell, seconded by Mr. 8(ntt, that Sas. W. Bono be appointed til+cuter on behalf of the Council -Car- ried, tiCnt, i obineon was reappointed the We are showirl;t American t'ar- pets in beautiful patterns at 30 ter feint. less than you can boy Cana- dian goods. You remember how we cornered up the print market last season. Since the raw cotton has advanced from Go. to 13c. a pound, but we bought early and we can give you the tialne quality of goods as we gave yon last year at the same price. The patterns are all new. We can't replace then; when they're gone. Courteous Treatment, Lowest Prices, Nobbiest Goods, at T. A. MILLS, Wingb,an, tst'�ttile China, Liak-L,a Pots, t:;z...adBowls; _ r it Setts, Cusi doires, 1 .' j scuff- , Jars, ,Plower •'a!'er Cups and -�f' fi f c -Niles Plates, Wine Glasses, Tea Pot Stands, Cake ilates, Celery Glasssg Sze., You will be The loser. W. T. YATES The China House, W nglui 711E PEOPLE'S (OP PENN'A. EiINE OWNER%) CANADIAN OFFICE) IIAMiLTOIV, Q Coal in Car lona sold &red Consumers. Ala intermediate profits. Write for Prieto. Special Attention Given to * etteg and Cinbt�