HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-27, Page 4WILL „#n' I lA�� T —AND— TUE WING, AM TIMES, JANUARY 27, 1893. ani out: present ae well es our future will be 4iesure& I•r is Said Viet His. Ilolitieas, Pope Leo XIII, hath Issued the following; decree: "We strictlelorbid anyoue, whether bishop or peiest.''either by act or threat, to exclude from the saoranieuts,at unworthy, pareuts wbn choose to send their children to the Public Schools. As: regards the children themselves, this enactment applies with still greater force." TORONTO NaW$ : Fine spun arguments, decisions of privy councils, appeals and counter appeals, all or any of these will leave the Manitoba sohool question just where it stood at the outset. The issue simply is, shall the people of Manitoba do as they want to or not ? The whole spirit of our democratic government demands that they shall, and no matter what tem- porary obcok may be administered, the ..1. 3 111 ,CIII1 r }people must in the end win. The right of the people to govern themselves is now so firmly established that any government which ventures to tamper with it will find itself suddenly involved in a fight for life. Ir xs understood that, in connection with the recent action of Scotch impor- ters and breeders respecting the cattle believe in taking down the tariff wall so trade, Canada will formally apply to the that our industries will be injured. In clos- ing, he said : "As a man of honor, I con- sider it my duty to tell you that I shall not go back to Ottawa xs a supporter of the Goveruneut, but shall sit on the cross benches. If you wish I will baud in my resignation to the Premier." (Cries, "Never, never.") DRUGGIST., GT, G. N.W.TELEGRAPH CO., app. Brunswick. House V ugixam, - - Ont FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1893. EAST HURON REFORMERS. The annual meeting of the East Huron ,storm Association was Held in Brussels t friday last. President Hislop acme est tbo chair. Every municipality ex- tpt Hullett was well represented. After number a short addresses on business atters, the following officers were elec- d for the currant year: President, Mr. Hislop; Grey: first vice-president, Mr. so. Thomson, Turnberry; second viee- esident, Mr. Thomas Strachan, Grey; ,:eret%try-tretteerer,j , IL Kerr, Brlteeels' seireeen Were also appointed for the rious municipalities in the riding. In ii evening a public meeting was held, rich was largely attended. Rousing eecbes were given on the leading ques- els of the'day by Dr, Macdonald, I.P., . Thomas Gibson, M.P. P.,aud others. st Huron has no intention of retrogra- r,but expects to continue loyally sup Ming Sir Oliver Mowat and Hon. Wil- li Laurier.. in tate Northwest, and that at the present seseiou of the Hoose be would ancve that the olauseen the statute to that effect be resoindeti. 'The Goverument bad no right to coustitai'te itself a judicial tribunal and Nay that the Fish of the people of Manitoba hall not be considered in the Separate s School cquestiau. Ou the trade questtott, be diel not believe in the great bulk of the people being tweed forever to' foster 'en - feet industries." These, lndnstries had beeu protected for thirteen years, and it is time they were able to take care of them- selves. They were only to be given a start. It was never intended to be per- petual,and the time has come for a change, and when lie went back to Ottawa he in- tended to say so. The policy he proposed to advocate was a fitmor basis between manufacturer and cousin -tier. He was opposed to free trade. He advocated a preferential tariff with Groat Britain of 10 per cent., and to reduce our tarriff to tbe country that will give us free trade. Cleve - laud halt promised his people frs trade, and Canada 'should do uothteg to interfere with the new Governmeut. He said that reciprocity in trade and reoiproeity i11 tarriff was his platform, but he did not Board of Aarioulture before the opening of the season for the withdrawal of the prohibition. A strong hope is. cher'-shed that President Gardner will act in accord with the tenor of his statements, and ad- mit that Canada's freedom from disease has been established by the failure to discover any further case whatever in the large number of beasts most closely ex- amined rinse the outbreak in Dundee las/ Qctober, T»E organs ot the marufacturers de- nounce those as disloyal who say that Canada is being impoverished- by high taxes an 1 restricted trade. To be "loyal'' in the eyes of these monopolists wo should all declare that we are prospering and that the High Tariff has made everybody rich. But this would be lying. Surely it is more loyal to point out the errors of the government and to seek for reform 1 than to allow the country to be ruined SOUTH HURON REFORMERS. without making on effort to save it. ' Every loyal subject will seek to secure he annual meeting of the South Huron the best laws and to get rid of all uujust ?orris. Association was held in Bruce- ones. The honest reformer is the most s, on Monday last. There was a large loyal subject. ndance. The following officers were tett: President, John Hannah, Sea- To ENCOURAGE the growing of apples ; James Snell, vice-president, Lon- in North York, Mr. Moloch, M. P., has perp secretary, F. Fraser,Brucefield; ' offered, through the North York Far surer, Geo. Forest, Brumfield. John : mere' Institute, $200 to be distributed in Millan, U.P., was present and deliver- 7 prizes to competitors in North York, on Ii address on the questions of the day. the following terms: There must be at following resoliitic..s were adopted: least 100 competitors. let prize, 850; 2ad, Coved by Geo. Mur,1i• seconded by S. f2 i; 10 prizes of $10 each, and 5 prizes of �lii e: That this convention desireto ex- a5 each. The trees are to be one or more of the following varieties: Northern Spy, isitsunshaken confidence in thepollcy , Ili administration of Sir Oliver Mowat, ' Baldwin, Greening, Spitzenburg, King int for a longer continuous period than Tompkins County, Golden Russet. Rox- tgrieuced by any other statesman, has borough Russet, Ben Davis. Each com- yed the support of the people of this Petitor to plant at least fifty trees, of aineo; to assure him that as long as which at least twenty-five shall be of the b#.dministration is characterized by same variety. Trees are to be planted in st integrity and a desire to do justice the spring of 1893,and the judging will be i kji"classes, so long will he receive the •done about September, 1894. 'eon support ot the Liberals of this A LATE despatch from London, Eng - ;e. 1 land, says it is positively asserted that teed by M. Y. McLean, seconded by the Right Hon. John Campbell Hamilton n,raser: That we, the Reformers of Gordon, seventh earl of Aberdeen, will 14h Huron, believing; that the per-' succeed his Eccollency Lord Stanley as li' nt prosperity of Canada can only be 'Governor-General of Canada. Lord tls?sed by repealing all class legislation W olseley's name, which was mentioned r thus securing to each individual the in connection with the position, was do now adjourn to meet againinTeeswator town hall on the last Saturday of January, at 2 o'clools p. m.—Carried. Aram Antusost, Secretary. The C'.oat,, l met in the Towle hall, Tees - Moved by H. McKay, seconded by P. Kuntz, that this Council, along with the Treasurer, act as a committee of the whole and wait upon Teeswater Council to see wlnl,t action they iutend taking respecting water, Jan. 10th, 1803, as per statute, their debenture account, for whiolt Cinlross Members all present, when the necessary is liable—Carried. declaration of qualification of oflice were Finance Report—The following account duly made and subscribed by Joseph Wel- were ordered to be paid : Alex. McKenzie, wood, as Reeve ; Henry MoKey,as Deputy. for two culverts oil boundary of Culross and Reeve; Peter Kuntz, William Reid and Kinloss, Culross sliero, $3,50; Ii, IIaldenby, Joseph Johnston, as Ccunoillorce: The 05 yards gravel, $4.55; A. G. Stewart,prit- Reeve then took the chair, The minutes ing, $13.50; J. Moir, letting contract of of last meeting were then read and con- gravelling, $2; J. Moir, examining repairs firmed. on bridge, cons, 14 and 15, $2 ; John G. Moved by Joseph Johnston, seconded by Scott, repairing bridge across Teeswater W. Reid, that Welwood and McKay be a river, cons. 14 and 15, $17 ; John G. Scott, committee to appoint the standing com- repairing gravel road, con 15, $1; Irwin mittees for the year 1803—Carried, Jackson, 485 feet cedar, $1.85 ; George Mo - The report of the committee to appoint Evers, election expenses, division No, 5, the standing committees for 1893 was as , $10 ; L, McKay, election expenses, division follows : Roads • and Bridges—the - whole No, 2, $11; Robert Watson, election ex - council, Welwood chairman. Finance— penses, Division No. 4, $10; Chas, Button, Kuntz, Reid and Johnston, Reid chairman. for Municipal World, $5.50 ; Rowsell d Schools and education — Welwood and Hutchison, stationery, $B.04,. Kuntz, Kuntz chairman, Printing—Wel- Moved by .1. Johnston, seconded by Wm. wood, Johnston and Malley, MoKay chair- Reid, that this Connell clo now adjourn to man. Petitions and by-laws—Welwood, meet again on the 11th :f February, at the Kuntz and Reid, Kuntz chairman. Assess- hour of 10 o'clock a, m„ in the Town Hall, ment—The whole council, ,Welwood chair- .Teeswater—Carried. man. Wtr. BUTTON, Clerk. Moved by P. Kuntz,seconded by W. Reid, The annual meeting of the Culross Ag - that the report of the committee to appoint rieultural Society was hole in the town the standing committees for the year 1893 ball, Teeswater, on Tursday week. The be adopted—Carried. -auditors' report was received and from it Moved by H. McKay, seconded by P. the following figures are gleaned : Kuntz, that the Township Treasurer pay Cash en hand from 1801 $234 67 Mrs. Taugher the same quarterly allowance Received from all sources 1892.-345 11i as last year, until further instructions— $5711 83 Carried. Paid out for prizes and espensss$244 20 Moved by Wm. Reid, seconded by Joseph Johnston, that the salary of the auditors 5365 54 for auditing the Treasurer's books, they The officers elector? for 1893 tare as fol having also to look over the Colleotor's roll lows : President, Samuel Kirltisud ; Vice- for the same year and that Alex. Adamson President, Ales. McKee ; Secretary, t?. 11. Kirkland ; Treasurer, Win. Little: Dirac - be appointed auditor—Carried. The Reeve tors, Was. Ballagh, Hugh Gillies, Wm. appointed John McRae as the other Audi- tor. Jarvis, S. D. A. A. Stobo, Wm. \iofhat, Moved by H. •McKay, seconded by P. John Chaprieue Guo Priugle, George Mc- Kuutz, that By-LawNo.1, being a By -Law rvsrs,•C.bas. Siseie ; 1utlltors, R. L appointing Auditors be now read a first Little, A. G. Stewart, The question of Mr. McRae read a detailed statement of the Pp g ` securing suitable grounds ,,.led spent i ut to receipts and expenditures of the Company second and third time, passed, signed and building for e: ltibitimt purposes was i�r- for the year ending 31st December, 1892, sealed. --Carried. buliditrod egl and a ibitioittee Was. appointed and reported as follows: Moved by Wm. Reid, seconded by P. Kuntz that the salaries of thepaid officers to make full inquires regarding the mgt. We have made a carefulinspeetion of the co ter. The following is the mmittee : S affairs of the Company as shown in the for the year 1893 be as follows : Treasurer, Kirkland, Ales, Rae oo Little. R. L. Secretary -Treasurer's books. We find that $100 ; Clerk, $100, for all the duties :equip• Little aud A. G. Stewart. at the audit of 1891 there were 494 mem- ed by statute and council -; Assessor, $60 ; bars; at this audit there are 501, being an collector, $50, and that the printing coin- , mittee have noticesprinted andput u Real Merit. increase of 37, At audit 1591, the total p :Land characteristic of Hood's Sar.+apuriila risks carried by Company amounted to that applications for Treasurer, Clerk, and it is manifet.ted every fiery to the re - $647•,050; at this audit the risks amount to Assessor and Collector will be received and inerkable cure% this medicine accumuh,b- $706,977, being an increase of $58,029. Weappointments oracle at Next; meeting of es. Druggists say : When we sella bot - council. -Carried. tle of Hood's Sarsaparilla to a new ells, found correct vouchers for eveey expends- tomer we are sure to see ht n backlit a ture. We saw deposit receipt on bank for Moved by Joseph Johnston, seconded by few weeks atter more, -Troy' lei th,t the $70, and found the cash in hands of Tress- Wm. Reid, that the Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, Johnston,Kuntz and the Township Clerk be • Cuiros's. The annual general meeting of members of the Culross Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany, was held in the town hall, Toeswater, January 7tlt, 1803, Peter Clark, Esq., President, in the chair. The minutes of last annual meeting having been read, Messrs. Ross and Smith moved they be adopted—Carried. The Chairman then re- quested the Auditors—Messrs. Watson and McRae—to bring in and read their report. WINGIiAIW hlABKJiTS. Wiaell.tu. January 20, 1883 Corrected Ly P. Peons, Produce Dealer. 8 1 75 to 04 t0, 58 to27 te 3054 tg 18 Iter' 18 to. 17 to 1 75 to 0 00 to 40 to 25 to 49 to >a to 5 to 8 25 to Flour per 1001bs, belt Wheat per bushel, Spring " Oats, • Barley Peas, Butter, tub do Rolls, Eggs per 408. Wood per oord, flay per torr, Potatoes, (Chickens, Ducks Turkeys Pressed hoes urer —$729.27— to c$rrespond with the balance required in caih book. We saw and are hereby appointed Board of Health that the premium rotes in custody of the for the year, 1898, with Dr. Gillies as Treasurer corresponded with the amounts Medical Officer for the Board.—Carried. entered in policy register. Moved by Joseph Johnston, seconded by Signed, - Roar. WATsoti, Joseph Welwood, that By -Law No. 2 be o Join.-McRAL. read a first, second and third time, passed, It was then moved and seconded and signed and sealed.—Carried. unanimously carried, that the auditors' re- Moved by P. Kuntz, seconded by H. Mc - Port as now read be adopted. Kay, that William Lowery, Pathmaster, The Chairman then called for nomina- make use of any timber that is on new tions for two Directors, instead of Samuel road opposite lots 22 and 25, coneessi.ms 14 Kirkland and Andrew MoKague, who retire and 15, for improving road, by either mak- by rotation at this date. Messrs. Dunbar ing use of it or selling what is not required and McKee moved that the two retiring for road, by giving eight days notice of Directors be re-elected. No other nomina wino, and the council will give a grant tions being made, Messrs. Kirkland and according to the amount of gratis labor put MoKagne were by a show of hands unani- on.—Carried. mously elected Directors for the`ensixing Moved by Joseph Welwood, seconded by three years, No other business being Wm. Reid, that the Clerk send to the d ¢, to make the beet use of his abilities brought forward because of his continu brought forward, the Chairman declared e*Fair field, se e therefore desire to ex ed associations with the loading Cana- the meeting closed. illi our unswerving faith in the prinel- diens in England and by the belief that rd'btfree trade, and we commend the he would gladly go to elanada. But, it hie being made in that direction by has been understood in official circles mediately after the annual meeting; Sec - vi ,on.Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberal that the Earl of Aberdeenhas been the 1'etary in the chair. The Chairman having E in Parliament, and we urge that nominee of the Cabinet and esPecially requested the members to sleet their elrest not until Canada enjoys free the choice of Mr, Gladstone. It is also President, Messrs. Kirkland and Arm - 114't, for we oelieve that it is only under stated that the Earl of Aberdeen and his strong moved that Peter Clark bePresident } ,a policy that this country can pros -countess look for another term Of rest- of the Company for 1893—Carried. Cir ever enjoy economical govern- , dence in Canada with much interest. Mr. Clark having taken the chair,Meesrs that Mr. Little and Reid costs awarded by Judge Galt, and if not, moved tryand prevent anyappeal byBryce until 1 Tim annual revert of the ;17inister of p Pp Y } for the fiscial year ended June 30 elt�ws The Secretary minutes o roar be incurred if Judge Galt's judgment Arm. Aeoesox, Secretary. The Directors met in the town hall im- 1'99 00 a 28 56 16 18 17 2 000 40 30 60 10 e 8 50 LADIES. SEND P011 Illustrated Catalogue of Ladies Specialties. ADDRESS — THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE good results from .5 tistl hottlr, warrant continuing its use. Tits positive Ins: it of Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses ley virtns the reculiar Co tobwatiu11, Pr ,partite, ,.nd Process used in its preparation. r,n l by which all tbe remedisl value of the itr:;re- dients used is retained. H,+ol's H'n••,a,nar- illa is thus Peculiar to Itself an 1 ahsolute• ly unequalled in its power as a blood puri- fier, and as a tonic for building up the weak uud weary, and giving nerve streee 11 Editorof the Municipal World to send to the municipal officers of Culross Township each a copy for the year 1893, the same as last year, and that a cheque be issued in favor of the Clerk for that purpose.— Car-ried. Moved by H. MoKay, seconded by P. Kuntz, that the Reeve communicate with Blake, Lash &- Cassals, re the Bryce law suit and whether Culross cannot get the bo Vice-president for 1893—Carried. Culross is assured of costs awarded or that Jnrtueou the frel7itelltlatleA w Ciuttda 1t1DITOTtIAL NOTES S t thenread thef previous monthly meeting, whirl: were o1 fined on appeal, and also for an ex - that the total number of convicts receives n i t Toronto on Tuesday, was attend-' 1 1 t d b President d Z' > Provincial Preform Convention, 19 QUEEN ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT. Mention this paper " TIMES " SUBSCRIBERS. X111 parties who have not paid for the "TIMES" for the years 1801 and 1892 are requested to re- mit the amount at onee. We need money and hope this notice will be sufficient, and that; a general response will be the result. R. ELLIOTT. REAR FOR SERVICE. T re undersigned will keep for service oa the i•ritniscs, Park Lot 48, Win_y,ham Town Plot, a Chas. 0: White Roar. Torins-75 cents at time of service with privilege of returning or 51.25 If not so paid. iYM. CAMPBELL, Pro Meier, • TW() KINDS OF OUSTOMERS. KIND BUY PROM THE City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can get goods that are right and up to the times. ANOTHER KIND ARE - RnsuMATleir Cuuisn IN A DAY. ':ionth - American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cure, iu l.te 3 11 -- d It t' tl } ays. s ac on upon re AVM en) is re markable and mysterious/ Tt removes at once the cause of the dtbease immediately disappears. The first does, reat]v heue- fite. 75 mute. \Verrs.i,ted'at Cltisho141'9 drug store. 1sc1 ip , -� SBC- > r scepter , ane signed y tin planation how Meesis. O'Connor ct• O Con the year was 387 as compare( with p a o during t y p 1 • f her4of 300 P'rovin odelegates, e 'rrangrom al Arrangements 1 411 the previous year, it decrease of 27• rsAr nstrong-•-Reid-'that all applications tY. The tiutntier rliscbsvgecl was 408, as; cam• for insurance bo laid before the Directors made for perfecting the organize-, pared with 510 in 1801. The number re. f the party,and addresses clvi'rveeecl for examination -Carried. If mu•uru•+it) all the 1•emtmrt,arlss on June y r Richard Cartwright, Sir Oliver �'Reid-Little-That having examin- ed 1592, WaS 1228. of whom 26 were r t, and athere. The greatest en -eel five applications wail found them sods - $t females, all of them being in Iiiutytou. factory, the Presidents and Secretary shall "siren and beruiony prevailed. There were 14 deaths during, the year, of , 0. W. Ross,11Minister of Educe- which nine were hi Ks ugeton. There were as returned from his four tnee tits seven escapes,two from Kingston, one from greatly invigorated in health, Dorchester• two fr^1n ;Sianitebe anti two nt a considerable length of time from 13ritiell 0 demui,ta. Outarie treele rte and in Bath, England, and a from far the beet showing of the provinces, prepare and issue policies for same -Car - tied. Kirkland•---Little--That Alex. Adanson be reappointed Secretary -Treasurer of the Cotnpttny for 181:3, duties and salary to be the same as formerly -Carried. traveling is German cities;. He as the prison population of Kinston ole- Little•-Kirkltud -That 1$tssrs spelt nd, lied the German school system creased 54, =.vhile `.itere was me lucre ase to Haldeuby mull Button be reappointed agents n r t i , :' each f the other u.ket tt a re . many excellent feature there- earl o p f ,r thy. Company, each in their respective oils. D'Ar,Toat dcC..Atrrnv,1). P.. a,idreos.ett dietriot, their remunerations to be the sante A Free Press: V' a can best his constituCnte et St:ayner on Weans'pilay. as formerly; also, that Mr. William Smiths Zrmt ftneexation by destroying the A .pond deal of interest was token in i1n Mr..irelti'aiid Gordon, Mn. John McRae laolicy, which is the greatest deliverance on the ,lus.Ations of the d:tv. as and Mr. Robert Wraith, be fico inspector's tit it in existence. it makes more the Toronto Empire bed tried to read leen for It1;1:3--Carri`.d. hetet than all other influences out of the party because he op)-oseri the : Aravitreng-4t iKa ae- TIstt the mull - for, by restricting trade and tariff. Mr. 1Vt•:(leetily said he 'could not tree aeceeent5,aniotmting tee 05011,2)0 paid the people, it Create l discon- sup( ort the Gouernsueut. to twitting two , ..-Carried. way with the national policy, l�engauges and tehoolsof differ'en't •Y`eligiont0 Melt goo' A1'nYstrong-,-That this I`30M' nor bill. us with an account for services: rendered after we employed them to trans- ' ]� /r"Y >jj T Ls j o j�.T act our business, and whether we can col -1 �d 1 d.J 1 j '� led all of said account from Bryce as per judgment given—Carried. Moved by P. Kuntz, seconded by Joseph 1 ,rohneton,thet the Reeve communicate with O'Connor t1i O'Connor to have the joint' Weak Children will derive strength and acquire robust health by a persevering use of the great Food Medicine SCOTT'S account of Calms and Loutit particulariz- ed as to the proportionate share to be paid by Culross, so that wo Han pay it—Carried, Moved by 11. McNay, seconded by Win. Reid, that the Reeve engage the town 11511 from the -Corporation of Teeswater for the year 1893 o11 the same terms as last year if tthey aro willing to tomtit to us—Carried. Moved by Wni. Reid, seconded by Joseph Johnston, thea the account of J. .1, Stephens be laid over till next meeting of •council Carried. Moved by Wut. Raid, se on led by Peter Rentz, that the Printing Committee get tine; hundred mid fifty contractors' notices printed for the use of eleuneil- -C sussed. "QA.VTiotee'—Beware or sabstitatgs. �ienuine preparedbySoott k Bowne, Belleville. Sold by all druggists., • 50e. and $1.00 rI 1 IN 1 is without doubt the rery hest of the many remedies for Piles, no 1n the market Rend endorsements: PAST ASLEEP But they aro waking up to the fact that 1 can give them goods that will please them. Pull lines of Fruits, Oysters,Confectionery,&c. APPLES RV THE BARREL. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Canned goods of every description al- ways on hand and my prices are as low as the lowest. Dontforget the place, opposite the new Bank of Hamilton. ROBT. HILL. TENDE 7 S WANTED. Tenders will be rote oil by the and till the 1st , Brie o House, in S and specifications can b the undersigned, lot 17, c or any tender not neoesser SAIiMIVAYS PA erection of a No. R; Morris, Plans nen at the residence of 2, Morris. The lowest •accepted. Sec -Treas. BIuovale P. 0. THE ECLIPSE " 1 have the BIGGEST AND CHEAPEST AS- SORTPENT. o1` Lnsor� tttT., 31a} bth, 102. 1 have exan»neti tltt c„np,eitin., ot,ltronq'd 1`d•+• 1 bate crud used tt fur c, turnal Hud inernal riled ;1011r:.;) NJ •'sans. , ll, t a P wit., i,c nc��a��r algid Ftu i •• hlr r r [,;1:6. a,,r.t t ' y tlttrunrr'hph!a•ruduiu nt•tNq; irtt sut•r:r.;n ttion:;