HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-27, Page 1• HE VOL. XX.I._- N0. 1095. No doubt you have heard that all kinds of cotton goods were expiated f; advance in prioe. Such b the case, tl}_,•. have. Bnt we were prepared for it and a our stock of White Cottons, Grey Cot- tons, Cotton Shrtings, Oottonades and Denims is full and oompleto, all bought at the old prices and you are to have the full benefit, prices just the same as be - before, We have a few odd furs ]eft, they are going at what they cost us. We are selling Boys' and Men's Overcoats at nettccst, and will: give you underwire down low. There are quite a few remnants different kinds we will not say what they are worth, we will make a price to suit you when you see them. We still have a big demand for that 35 cent Tea, 3 lbs. for one dollar, 5 lbe, 4- for one dollar and fifty cents. `1 20 lbs granulated sugar for the dol ar. 22 lbs of coffee sugar for the dollar. 24 lbs of brown sugar for the dollar. —Dr. ikiacdo, eft for Ottawa --Tile Star cry all over th. mendous demon --Tile latest f ot a rosebud wi button, to fasts the1 lapel of the WINO -HAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1893, ld, M. P. for East Huron; on Monday last, lmanao of Montreal is j e continent, It is in tr•e- 1, and no wonder. ,a is a eellalgicl imitation i a stem made as a collar in thebutton-hole t npol oat. —ilia.. Join,'Sue;i, will offer the batauce of her fir uitrre for sale et once, without reserve, by private sale. Apply at be resicleuee. The annual i eting of the Wingbam ranch of the Up• •r Oanada Bible Society will be held In th Methodist church, on Tuesday evening February 14th. -A number o the members of the So s f Scotland of t e town drove over to Luck - now and Bruss; s, on Wednesday evening, to attend the B rns' anniversaries in those plan a. The C. P. ' . now has a daily freight ervice to Win tam. This will be highly appreciated by he business Igen slang the line from Oran eville west. Were a pas- senger coach at ached to the freight train, it would be a gi at convenience. ORR & HjSCOCKS, ! —We learn ft kola, paper, th Direct Importers. The BEAR. Jan, 19th, 1893. carried off a mother competito be pleased and lighted to learn making icer ma Marriage Licenses Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. LOCAL NEW:.- -Bananas, EW:: —Bananas, first of the seasun nt Me- Kelvie's Star restaurant. -RemembeRev. Dr. • Dickson in th Presbyterian rIktarch, Fab. and. —The Dontnion Parliament met on Thursday, 26fla inst. —Cash for good butter and eggs at R L Grahams market grocery. j —Mrs. A. C. Strathdee and family left for their new orae in Brantford, gn Wedt nesday. • : —At the ns ting of the Cotittty Coun 'on Tuesday, Ir. Jos. Griffin, Reeveof A field, was ale ted Warden of this county. "Keep T sday evening, January 31st, clear, so th you can attend the excellent • concert to given by the EthelArmstrong Company. —Mr. Ja Bryan, editor of the Lucknow ,Sentinel, •h s been honored by his nruniei- cal celleag es in the county of Brace by being plan in the Warden's ohab for this year. --Money to loan, at a low rate of in- terest, on real estate. Apply to Dn, Towage, The twenty fth annual convention of Huron Count Sabbath Sehool Association was held at yth on Tuesday and y Wed - a large of thi week, There was a r e attendance, d the meeting was a decided success, 5•V will endeavor to give;. full report next ek. —One of t best of the fashion maga- zines, so the dies say, is "Toilettes," pub- lished in Ne York. It is neatly gotten up,. the plates be 1g most excellent. Anyone wishing to s bscribe will address the'r'oilj ettes Pttblisl 'rig Co., 128 'vest 23rd New York. —An old toholor, who forgets that he yen was boy, delivers himself in this ashioni—" at boy has half learned the bitterness of ife when he first tumbles to the truth tlic there is no fun in hauling a sleigh up ilii five minutes in order to enjoy himself glial g down for thirty seconds." —Ladies, 1 vo your garments made by i,1iss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite the Queen's hotel, Latest stvtes, good work, always first-class fit. —On W ednesda this town, received the death of his b vanston • Illinois Evanston, i information reed ' crossing the rail\ ifterneen last, o hltd ii wheel o' was pitched a d feat. When p lir which 'coed' death on Tire klrotvn to t 'tying bee s0611001 he 0 —4am prepared to pay the highest cash' price for all kinrla of fowl, delivered to me • At my butcher site,. Fowl must hedewed Alla well dreseeti. • "Cates LI Wu.ttltis. Mr. W. 0, Stuart, of he sad intelligence of ther, Dr. la. Stuart in on Tuesday, From the d, it appears that in y tragk, on Saturday Chicago p ex r es struck uak his carriage and the Dr. Once of about twenty ked up he was unconscious, ion he romained until his ay. Dr. Stuart was well old residents of Winghain,lte a former teacher in the public m a Grandin; North Da- Miss Seraph Blackwell .1 overah the heads of six s. 'Mr. E. W, Groves will •rdwich people will be de - hat their junior teacher is across the line. —G P R trains for Toronto and e leave Wingham at 6,35 a m and 11.20 a Via W G ck 13 Division. and at 6.45 a m and 3.50 p in, via Clinton ai.d Guelph. Good connections by 'all traiur}a,_ On Monday .st, Mr. Patrick Troy, f West Waw osh, brought a large load of pork to wn. The load contain- ed ,21 . hogs, t e aggregate weight of. whii:li was 5145 and was sold to Mr.;,k Burkholder a $5.40 per hundred 1149 The proceeds of the lead amounted to 34'32,1$, a shoe nue; sum for one load of ;pork. —At the las regular meeting of Malt - and lodge, No. 119, I.O.O. F., thefotlowing of Moore were nstaIled : P. •G., ''John F. Groves; N. G., W. T. Sheffield; V. G., Wm. Mainprize; R, `,; Geo. Duffield; P. S„ W. A. Johns; Tre s., W. F. Brockenshire; W., R, Allan; I. C , W. Deyell; R. S. ISI: G'., G. Tervit; L. S. . G., P; A. Miller; R. S, V. G., W. Hough L. S. V. G., R. Green; R„• S. S., T. G. Elli t; L. S. S., R. Hill; 0. G., Neil McGrego ; Chap., M. Robertson. For first-class tailoring and eheap gent•.' furnishings. try Webster & Co, Remember the place. only two doors north of the old stand and between ROSS' book. store and Patterson's jewellery shop. —The Wingha 1 correspondent of t Clinton News -Re ord says : Our Win Ilam correspond_ tt to the Clinton New Era seems to be ery much troubled about our eldef's salary. He also seems uneasy as to whom our :'ing night watch will ba: We think it • vould be well financially for both these gen einen to try and have Mr. Corresponden el 1 p ante to the offi,e of Mayor and they w. Id be able to live in luxury during his : ' ]ministration. ,' essr's. R. 'I and Jos. Golley, th elected for No. 1 wa with a notice by Mr ing them to reaignao to unseat them, hal tions on Wednesday formal' y in regard ward. M:r. Geo. ?it ed 1 a seat as Conn. W tmcleretaud a Town Council is oa evening to take acts signations, rdsman, Wm. Johns Councillors declared •d, having been served Geo. McKenzie ask - he would take action lea in their resigna- There was seine le - o the election in that mule has also resign- llor in No. 3 ward. peoisd meeting of the ed for this (Friday) in regard to the re- -The annual me• Press Association wil and , Puld V Februar a onto, itx,the Board of ISrograrnt xe promises listing and; profitable 1 the Association, Th Joseph Howard, jr., greatly adcl to the inte eeesiolls, tuna his wide duce will be of umbel who attend. The ail this a working meeting the committee is sltowi There will be three len 1'n o t half -pe o all an a 6pening day afternoon ; the see, nd, Friday morn• ing; and the third, la • day afternoon. On Thursday evening the annual dinner will be held. ing of the Canadian be held on Thursday 9th and 10, in Tor - rade building, The ne of the most inter- eetinge ever held by attendance of Ur. f New York, will est of the business nd practical experi- cd value to thnse 1 has been to make and the sticeess of by the programine. Mess sessions : the 1 1 one tl Ioak T .urs• C Th urs. —We are sorry to outit is confined the house through illness, / earn that Ur. Jas. — Oysters in the hbmil, first in Wiugb'um, direct from Baltimore, at Mulaelvte's Star restaurant. —masers, R, 0, Sp rling, Reeve, and W. P. Lt•oak e i• e ash te, Do t y t••R eve, are attend• ing the County Coun il, at Goderich, this we r 'e •,Inderstand ie merchants of the own intend starting he early closing sys. tem on the let of Fe uary. On and after that date the stores s ill close at 7 p, m. —A move is being acle to establish a arge joint stook fo dry and implement anufactory in toe 1. Those who have !the matter in hand lieve our townspeople are disposed to take tock liberally in such an enterprise. —Try the Eclipse for cheap coufection- ery, Beet royal mixed candy for 10 cents per round, T C Seanarec. Ms•rizonzsr Cxtrnoir, WiNcare —.Rey S Sel-. lery, B D, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a to and 7 p m, Sabbath Scheel and Bible Class at 2.30 11 m, Geueral prayer meeting every Wedneedtty eyening at 8 o'clock. Young Peoplea' Prayer Meets, every Thursday evening at 8 obloclte. Sunday, January 2 b. Merniug: lay. J. W. Pring will occult theulpit, Evening ---The pester, subje t : • 'iV ic•ei e .,Ls insufficiency of . orality." —The annual•nee ting of the Wingham resbyterian churo the 16th inst., when were elected for the ers—D. Sutherlan Webster,. (secretary) A, MoKague, Thos. 1 Urias Sherk, J. W. I Prof. Scott, leader; 1 McQuarrie, 'organist taker, i ,. ---M stock f y stoctk nn Y araceries is eoln- pieta, —inial* gnklisb peel, new nuts, lige. •d,thet ctien me and 'pare apices, at Yeactia arouery. --A Grand Chris to Endeavor rally of the Local Union of Christian Endeavor will be held in th Presbyterian church, Wingham, on Feb. 2nd—Christian Endea- vor Day—the na 1 day of the society. The speaker of the ening will be the Rev. J. A. R. Dickson, P . D., of Galt, the late Provincial Preside' of the Christian En- deavor. Everybody welcome. Collection will be taken to d fray expenses. The songs and solos hymn 1 will be used, —FOR RAM—Extracted honey, honey in comb and beeswax. Prices on applicetion. .T. R. SALTIER P. 0. box 120, Wingbam, Out was held on Monday, the following officers netting term; Manag- (chairmen), A. W. A, Ross (treasurer'), enclorson, D. Pringle, gib and T. H. Ross; isses McIntyre and John Gray, care- Monday morn o'clock, the fire alarm it was found that Mr. dance, oe Patrick stre firemen responded pr was ex iuguished befor done. The property Sun a.re Insurance damages were assesse, r throng h through their g t; 1 hilt, on Wednesday Ias call prompt payment. • —On Monday evenii McIlwain appeared be W. F. Brockenshire, Chief Bullard with bei orderly on the 19th ins evidence, he was fit twenty-one clays in jai Thos. Groves was a same gentlemen, at charged with being dr and also with ass HO was lot off with a fi each case or twenty-fiv. labor. Jas. Durnion, with being drunk and carne time, was dischar —Fern Lodge No. 19 at a meeting held on Mi the following officers for Mrs. ,Jas. McCreight, W Fleuty,1). M.; Mrs. Soli Miss Lizzie Plenty, Ree Mutter, Fin. Boca Miss Treas.; Miss Maggie illu Mnigie Johnston, Mrs, J Ilieberb Aikens, Mrs, A, D. Rush, Com,; Miss Liz T.; Mrs. R. Atlanta 0. T and Miss S. Webster, and Native of the meeting, a niember;i feel tliankful,was to that dge of a hauls= Thos. Netterfiold, Deputy. past year, la last, about 6.30 as sounded, when John Elliott's resi- was on fire. The aptly, and the fire much damage was s insured the htl ompany, and the at 9170 and paid gent, Mr. S. You - That is what we last, Mr. Samuel ore the Mayor and J. P., oharged by g drunk and aft, - After hearingthe a $7 ane costs or at hard labor. Mr. o cited before the the same time, nk and disorderly nit and battery. e of $5 and costs in days in jail at hard las was charged disorderly, at the ed. Lady True lilacs, 1 iday week, cleated the ensuing year: M.; Miss Louisa Davidson, Chap.; lr Sep.; Miss Minnie Lottie Watcher, i ns, 17. of (1; Miss lin Jackson, Mrs. . Webster, Mrs. i t ie Campbell, I. c Mrs.lfeCreight ors. Apleasant W d for hi 11 h w c the he presentation. Bible by I44rs. .! lateen of the w •••Men wanted to nut saw logs and wood. Apply to MoTaa Ax & hoe, Wiugbaut. —The town was "u utter darkness on Thursday night of ] st week. Water could not be got for the 'filer, something being wrong with the pu ps. The electric light serviceit 1 Win ha has beenr - 1 g fi st a ass in the past, and the eople ehouid not com- plain when a mss ap occurs. —The next mol : lily Gospel Temperance meeting, under 41 auspices of the W. C. T, U., will be bald in the Temperance Hall, on Monday avenin next, January 30th. Rev. S. Sellery, B• • ., will deliver an ad- dress; and a progr 1me of music, etc., will be rendered. AU re invited. Silver col- lection. ol- l ectioi1. —From returns ent.the.Seoretary of the West Riding of Hu on Agricultural Society, it is learned that t' e Turnberry Agricul- tural Society has 1 2 Members and a bal- anee of cash on ha d of 9p212.22, and East Wawanosh Agricul ural Society 1613 mem- bers and $80.20 cas 1 on hand. The West Riding Society has a membership of 385 an deficit of $2° —On Wednesd: ruggist, of Wro.• daughter of Mr. W were united in the Rev. Mr. Davicispn, residence of the ber of invited guest nested the cerenlon dinner had bean p couple left on the 3, honeymoon in Detr, planes. The T. retie life and happiness. last, Mr. Jas. Fox, ter, and Miss Lonna, 0. Stuart, of this place, ends of wedlock by the of Wroxeter, at the fide's fathers °A num- wete press and wit- . After ao sumptuous rtaken of, the happy 0 train to spend their it, Bay City and other oins in wishing long 141IRST t UONGR• GATIONAL (JUUROii, WINGUAlu,--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser. vices each. Sunday at 11 a, re. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School and Bible class at 2,30, Christian Endeavor on Friday evenings. in. Church vestry, All made welcome. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday it 8- p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel- come.. Morning s jest "What we shall know by and b ." To young people: "A young mipaionar ." Evening subject: Ezra VI chapter. S 8 Lesson ler Feb- ruary 6th. • —One new mem er was admitted to Anchor of Hope odge, I. 0. G. 'T., on Tuesday evening la , and after the regular businessdtad been ne through with, the following program a was rendered : In- strumental music, Miss S. aloCreight; dialogue, "Trouble 'n a Mormon Family," by members of ti lodge; duet, Misses Houghton and Jo nston; reading, ,hiss S. McCreigbt ; Seidl •'s drill, by members of the lodge ; remain Mr. M. Blackwell ; in- strumental music, Miss S. McCreight ; re- citation, Mr. Jas. oby; farce, "A Haunt. ed House," by mei berg of the lodge. *Ohoiob New Teas. Wholesale—Gordon & Malutyre are in a position to supply families or societee with new teas, at jobbers prices. Now is the time to seoureyour teas. • Curl • g. n Friday last; th- final draw in prim- ry fo • t e Western rco competition t W stet Ontario y p rio Tankard, was played 'n the rink here, be- tween Lucknow and Ingham, and result- ed in favor of Wing m by d shots. The following is the scor wINOn,11I. auceezOW. D. Sutherland, S. Corrigan, W. Vanstone, W..7. Allen, Dr. Macdonald, T. W, Allen, F. Patterson, skip. 2 J. Banter, sldp,.14 0. Xnechtel, J. aloPherson, A. Mitchell, Geo, S. Mair, J. Neelands, E. Murdock, J. Dinsiey, skip .... 1 Dr, Tennant,skip.24 Total.. 3 Total 38 —The amend= to to the Municipal Act passed at last s• sion;require auditors o perform the folio ing additional duties : i st,To report u n the condition - tand p r aluo of the securit .s given bythet ea n •- v g o a s i r, report should' sl w a cash balance, if. ny, duo from the t easurer to the muniai- ality at the date c' the audit, and where such balance is ilei ,sited, and what secur- t exists that the tine will be available y vlion required for to purposes of the muni- cipality, They al: • request the treasurer o give them an order upon the bank or ompany with w ioh the money of the unicipality are ith whom the tr 1 t orizln: cult at ill Or treasurer to etails thereof t reesuror does no suint twenty-fo ]niaeed frons ofile have been deposited, or surer lies kept an ac - or requesting th ank eb iibit art account of the snail auditors, If the comply with the request bourn, he may be dia. i1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE firs Mr, Jahn Maodoiv the guest of his brot Saturday and Siend: i last. Rev, Mr, and rs, Fitzpatrick, Underwood, were in own tike week. Mrs, Jos. Jaime', of Luokuow, wa visiting silents and r datives in town Illi week. Mr, Peter A. Mille is on an extende visit to friends itt Sta a, Mise A. Gillespie, o 13Iyth, was eallin on friends in town thi week. Mr. Leo, Hand, of clph, has taken a situation with Mr. W. Martin, barber, of this place. Mr. Hill, of D1il h, son of Mr. Tilos. Hill, Lower Wingha. is visiting hie par- ents and friends in to n. Miss Annie Talbot, .1 London, is visiting friends in town this •ok. Mr. 3.. Hayes, of eetroit, was a tran- sient visitor in town • . Wednesday last. Mr. Tory Gibson, • Walkerton, has tak- en a situation with" A, Sebastian, bar- ber, in town. Miss Annie McDo.: Id, of Marnoch, was visiting friends in to n this week. Miss Aggie lifcLe: n, of this place, was• visiting friends and relatives in Lucknow this week. Miss Belle Ellison of Belgrave, was visit- ing friends in town is week. Mrs. Jae. ilegley, : f this place, was visit- ing in Blyth last we: Mr. Walter Tayl. attended the Now Hamburg Poultry how, on Wednesday and Thursday of las week. Brussels Post : •s. W. H. Willis and son, of Wingbam, at visiting in Brussels this week. Miss Thursa Ge ry, of Brussels, was visiting in town this week. j f d, of Stratford, was taken up oboe nate. er, Dr, Macdonald, on dime report byoAl j McLean, that t ie -matter of Waterwork's 3 of f lease and the r atter of the Town Hall in- ? serauoc be rate red to the Hxecutisre Coin- s ]mittee—Carrie• s ' The report f the Striking Committee , was then read a follows : Executive Com - d j mittoe, 'Mayor Gordon, Reeve Sperling, Deputy -Reeve 1 . F. Brockenshire, E. C. g I Clarke and Geo. IcXenzie. ttee, J. H. Hiseooks, J. S ke, J', 3. Homuth and e Executive Committee be 1 clause—Carried, x. Dawson, seconded by J. An Old Friend. Mr P B Flannagan, formerly with 3 Breauau & (]o, tanners; Wingham, now of Hanover, writes: to 0 L Williams, saying "Please seed me by express two bottles more of Beatbfield's Healing Balsam. I find it the best voile!) medicine 1 caa get. We would not be without it in our family. It will cure any kiud of cough or cold and ghee immediate relief. • 1 recommend it to all my old Wingham friends and cannot speak tee highly of it." Siuoerely yours, P. B. FL►t,Nsoax. For sale at Williams' Ding Store, at 50c per bottle, Town The members elec for 1893, mot i11 the Monday, January 1 the declaration of q as follows : Mayor, R. C. Sperling ; D Brockenshire, and C ouncil. f the Town Council ounoil chamber on h, and subscribed to lifieation and office, M. Gordon ; Reeve, puty-Reeve, W. F. 'minors, Wm, Johns, Jos. Golley, Richard 1 erdsman, J. 3, Ho. meth, Dr. Towler, A x. Dawson, Geo. Mc- Kenzie, ,John MaLea : , J. H. Hiscocks, E. C. Clarke, John EI er and J. S. Jerome. The Striking 1 St k 1 Com lttee was appointed ed g nl and the Council ad • urned to meet on Thursday evening, Ja mazy 19th. The Council met o Thursday evening, :Tanury 19t1i, purer: nt to adjournment Members present, 11 , yor Gordon, Reeve Sperling, and Connell .rs, J. S. Jerome, E. C. Clarke, Alex. Daws n, John EIder, J. H. Hiscocks, Geo. MCKen ie, John McLean, J. 3, Homuth and Wm. Johns. Communications w e received from Messrs. W.C. Stuart an John Foster, ask- ing for the position of •sessor. Moved by Jos. Golley, seconded b John Elder, that the Assessor's salary f r 1893 be $100— Carried. Councillor His ocks informed the ill intended to app CEUOM.. some eoityZitaints by M S. You - Council that Mr. S. You ply for the position of A Mr. Geo. McKenzie lai against the assessing don hill. Moved by E. C. Clark ., = conded by 3. 11. Hiscocks, that Mr. S. ouhill be an ap- plicant p- plicant for the position o Assessor—Car- ried, The Council then took ballot on the ap. poiutmont of Assessor * he first ballot resulted as follows : S. Y nliill,15; Stuart, 4; Forster, 2. Second lel . t, Youhill, 6; Stuart 15; Forster, 1. Mr. t ohu Vorster's name was then witlidrttwn nd the Council then took a vote on Si Yet till and W. 0. 11 StuartT o ballot esuit, d 6 to 6,the d Mayor then declare11r. 8 Youhill Asses- sor for 1893. A report was read ram to Executive r Committeee the `Vita. verge Pump House. ` Messrs. Die inson olid 11Iorton'a opinions were read to the C• moil with ref- erence to the matter. •ved by L. C. Clarke, seconded by J. H. Iiscoaks, that • Finance Comm Jerome, E. C. Cla Reeve Spading. Fire, Water and + ight Committee, Geo. McKenzie; John a Lean, Alex. Dawson and Dr. Towler. Property and Ce. etery Committee, T. J. .11 Homuth, J, H. His oaks, Alex. Dawson; Wm, Johns and Jos Golley. Street Colnnlitte> W. F. Brockenshire; E. C. Clarke, John McLean, Jos. Galley, Alex. Dawson, Court of Bevisi n, W, F. Brodkenshire,, Wm. Joluls, 3. S. + erome, Dr. Towler arida Jahn Elder, Pubhc Worsts C mmittee, W. F. Brook- enshire, E. C. Clar e, John McLean, Jos. ! Golley and Alex. • . wson. The Committee , commended I 'e be printed contain g the name :f ; the. ,members of each committee. Dr. Towler, second:. by W. F.. Br enshire, that the re 'ort of the Strilcn Committee be adopt. as read --Carried, A number of accou is were then ordered< to be left over till th > next meeting of the Council, By -Ealy, No. 205, a thorizing the. Mayor and Treasurer to bo row $2000 from tl;e Bank of Hamilton, un it the taxes for the year were collected, s then read three times and passed. Moved by W. F. Br• kenshire, seconded by Dr, Towler, that Vanstone be ap- pointed auditor—Carrs :d. The Mayor then app.'uteri W. 0, Stuart the other auditor.. Moved by T. McLean, 'seconded by A. Dawson, that J. B. Ferg son here-appoint- ed ere-appointed Clerk at the same sa ry—Carried. Moved by E. C. CI rice, seconded by ,7w H. Hiscocks, that Joh Dickson be reap- pointed Treasurer at t e salary --Carried. Moved by J. H. Rise, ars, seconded by 3.' S..Jerome, tbat Jos. B • lard be re -appoint'- ed Chief Constable, salary ame as last year—Carried. Moved by A. Dawso , seconded by John McLean, that Jos. Co' i be I!e-appointed"' bell-ringer at the same alary—Carried. Moved by J. H. Rise. ks, eeeoudedbylg C. Clarke, in amendme-.t, that Joe. Coad be re -appointed bell-rin1 r at tl-e same sal. ary and that he ring th • bell at 7 p. m: required—Lost. By-Lawj No. 206, a pointing auditors, was then read three tint s and passed. Moved by R. C. Sparl ng, seconded, by John Elder, that Messrs B. Ferguson, Wm. Ito • risen, D. Stjtlier_ land and John Hannbe the Board of Health for 1893—Carri.d. Moved by Jos,Golle G le , secondeld by Wm. Johns, that , Dr. T' wler be 'appointed Medical Health Offio:. for,1$93--Carried. Mr. A. H. Musgrov was rresent and asked for the use of 41 3. Town: Mall for the East Huron Teacher ' Iitetitute on the evening of March 2nd Moved by J. a is Hi: •cotes; seconded by E. C. Clarke, that the T• ehers' institute have free use of the hallo the 2nd of IVZiii Carried. D.M, ais Q k a. Moved by 3olm Eld Sparling, that les Moore and John Corgi viewers for 1803.•.-0ars proved by A. Dawso Honnitil,that the Collo ed by the 4th of Febrn Moved by 3. S. jean 1-1. Hiscocks that Tim ilightwatcbman for 181 the name as last year. The Mayor suggeste r'en't of a nightwatclt 'committee to report a' :Moved by J. McLea Dawson, that the ma mn ni htwatali m a be ref g tive Committee—Cur The Council then ad Net that Scott's Steulsian do stomach as other cou on the contrary, it im strengthens the stom immediate and pronou 7 r, seconded by It. C. 1'. Deans, Wm, 1. be appointq;l fence ed. , seconded by .1. r7 tot's roll be return- ry—Carried. e, soo:?nded by .1. Irwin bea appointed sated dVties and eel/ir y Withdrawn. that the app0artt• an to referred to a next meeting. seceilul ed by A. ter of appointing a rred to the Execu- d. nttrned, Kind. s not debilitate the h medicines do; teat revel aigeation mad eh. its effects ars ved,