HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-20, Page 8^� THE 1'W INGIIAlr. TIMES, 0) Ali` �.li,'ARY 40.). 1893. . l ruwia. •od that Aman shonlcl be A hrripturai stittsettent made as ago and. ell, down the ages Sad daug#';tterti•;of Adatn have 'sng'itt hue with the . example of Kt parents. Last Wednesday wauhelorllon lost one its mem- la Dr. Milto'. Citvannuh, of this it Kiss Fa nie Et1+e1, second ''loft Rev.., Kerr, were united ire at the /4tentel residence, Ox street, B ussels, The care- « :1..:;;"s-:. ;w by Rev, J. L. Kerr !ty Rev. W. 1 , Kerr, father and at the bride, ; espeotively. Miss rr, sister of the bride, was the 10d and Rev A. H. Renton the ton. The bri 1 e wore a becoming gray, faille, silk, with orange s too The vedding gifts con- sillerware furnitpre, pictures, and tea ::ts, tindery, mirror, ,., lamps glassware, &c., &c. hodist Su day school presented Mrs. Cav nagh, (both of whom an teae ers for years) with a «I anal berry dish in a silver flyer : star dish and spoons he gu:.ts were Dr. and Mrs. a:oaf 1ytb; R. Kittson, wife hter, of Wingham ; 0•E• Turn - rat rd; R. S. Pelton, editor of od r; ee ; Rev, G. F. and Mrs. and Mrs. Paul, of Brus '. E. and Mrs. Kerr, of ; Rev, A. H. Renton and of the bride in this place. 'nty of railway connections ther-,persons from a distance • After supper the evening tly passed and the company t a seasonable hour after ex- eir best wishes for the happi- rosperity of the contracting ntario Beekeepers. tario Beekeepers' Associationheld al meeting in Walkerton, last er routine business, a very able "How I prepare bees for outdoor d care for them in the spring," d by Mr. Wm. Evoy. About ;es were present, and au interest esisr. followed on Mr. Fvoy's ad4 he ollowing officers were elected F A. Gemmill, of Stratford den A. Picket, of Nassagweya : W, t . Brown, Orchard : J. K. Alm. to ; M. B. Holmes, A. P. Athena ; Allan Pringle, Selby ; S ; indsa ; W. Couse, Streetsvillel" ers, P • of ; F. A. Bose, Balmoral ; , Woo. stock; B. MoKnight,Owen oho Me ers,Stratford; A. E.Jones,4 .R. S ith,Bracebridge; auditors, teside, ittle Britain, and Thos. Oakw••d. The reports of the, on offices show a large increase ership a d a constant gain in the of the ociety. They also report crop a omparative failure last Mor B. The trustees of S • shine church in- tend putting a baeruent under the church, also a new r.of and replastered and painted next s comer. Mr. Charles Con y is visiting friends in this vicinity at 1 resent, On Saturday eve , ing a social was tibia at the residence of r, Thomas Wilkin- son, where the roll t wing programme was well rendered ; strumental by Miss Wilkinson ; solo by Miss. Blank, of To-, ronto; reading, by A. Russell; recitation, by M. Findiater; natrumental by G. W. Wilkinson ; son , by Robt. Russell, of Detroit ; quarte e, by Messrs Miklejohn and Whiteman d Misses Findlater and Wilkinson; reang by Willie Russell, of Duluth ; Instru ental, by Miss Black, of Toronto, (From An ther Correspondent) Mrs. Frank ell, 3rd line, is visiting her sisters, M =. David Cruickshanks and Miss Violet Bone, in Toronto, this week. John Mason 3rd line, had the mis- fortune to lose valuable milk cow, on Tuesday of 1a: week. Milk fever is supposed to ha = been the cause. Messrs Reber and Andrew Sample, of Brussels, have rested a shanty in Rich. Armstrong's swmp. They are now busy felliug the fores, beauties and learning. the mysteries of acholor's hall, Miss Ada To nshend, of Goderich Township, is visi ing her aunt Mrs. Wm Cochrane, 3rd lin erable th paper b ing of di the repor reported An Old Friona. Mr P 13 Flannagan, formerly with .1 13reauan & Oo, tanners. Wingham, now of Remover, write:, to C B Wilhumr , saying : "Please send me by express two bottles more of Heathfield's Healing Balsam. I find it the best cough medicine I can get. We would not be without it in our family, It will cure any kind of cough or cold and gises immediate relief. I recommend it to all my olci Wingham friends and cannot speak too highly of it." Sincerely yours, P. B. FLANNAGAN. For sale at Williamr:' Dtug Store, at 50e per bottle. o was taken up in dis- Mr. J. K. Darling on association, and in con - of the foul brood inspec- a good many cases Rouse or Refuge Vote. Bossing re the figures, asfar as rely k.•wn, concerning the Industr vote ; at the places -ith a eta no vote was taken : FOR. AGAINST ,,.,. 151 393 154 22 ..i'..... 2 17g ; • 393 28 319 101 298 06 298 525 .. 609 29 93 300 `• '273 349 212 459 23 35 ZW 4,4,4,4,. h.. , 73 158 .. 307 51 ;. I41 117 „ 191 123 305 38 70 4318 3063 of Refuge •te in Bruce. volt. AG. '.C`own . . 52 7 18 . . 702 00 ..... ,. 137 G1 ..... � 133 13 75 12.1141 0 55 goo �...•,. .. 137 71. .4,41100404 I. ... 4/`J 12 ....11........ ... 150 mai', ....... .... ... 577 80 . ........... ./ 180 mal. ...11......4 .. 75 805 �, 85 305 • 120 270 ▪ 25 315 204 485 485 2i3 w&OWS. 4140 p...... ' ...:, . 4 0,04 Doi ( unot1LL-In Mor he wife of Mr. 11 daughter. ELLIOTT -ILL East mit.. the wife of Mr. sot,. JEwIr- In Morrie wfeofMr. M.L.Je DREW -Li Wiugh he wife of Mr. Wm. • BELL- In Wiugha e wife of Mr. Wes LexotrAN-tm Win ybe wife of Mr. Lot ru.) HOFFMAN -In W Otll, the wife of Mr BltIeaors In Win the wife of Mr. Art1 ter. MA B ROWN- M ILI.ER at the residence of Rev. T. Davidson Brown, of Wroxet second daughter o PATO;(-RINTOuL ride's father. E uary 11th, byRev. G. Patou, to Miss ter of Alexander East Wawauosh. TIHOMPSON -OL fust., by Rev. residence of the Thotnp,on,•of Ui vor•, of the town CACANAGH-•ISE the bride's pa by the Rev. J. W. E. Kerr, Mr. S,, to Miss Faun of Rev, J. L. Ket Btlertmr-DAY Mitchell, on the Dewdney, hest Davis, London, Burrett, M, D.. to Marie, second selnor proprieto 'When. W rct t r i. x -` he Meihodist the Rev. G. Tur Wiglttmau, of second daughter Wawauosh, Out t; r ,.,t.4. 440 topj. N. is. on the 4th fust. W. 0arnpbell ct a awauosh, on the 1st oho Elliott, jr , of a on the 2nd inst , the it of a daughter. 1, on January Gth, rew, jr, ; a dgugh- , on Jaauary 8th, y Bell ; a sou, ham, ou January 8th, man ; a 1011, (Nt111 nehau t, on January John Hoffman; a sou. katn.ou January 10th, :r Brisbois ; e daugll. I n. In Morris, on 4tb itat. he bride's parents, by B. A., Mr. Leouard r, to Nils): Maggie T., Inspector Miller. At the residence of t Wawauosh, on Jan H. Geddes, Mr. Wm. essie, youngest daugh- Riutoul, Esq, bath of 1aa-Ou Wednesday, 4th A. Newcombe, at the ride's mother. Mr. S, E. Springs, to Mise J. Oli- rip of Grey. a -At the residence of :uta, Brussels, on llth, Kerr, assisted by Rev. Milton Cavanagh, D. D. o Ethel, secoud daughter . both of Brussels. A -At Trinity church, 10th lust, by Rev. A. D, r, assisted by Rev. CauGl1 ere of the bride, 0. II. ly son of the town Treas. daughtor of J. E. Davis, to the Advocate, all of oHT)1AN-On 23rd, ult., at arbonage, Winnipeg. by of Grace church, Wm. Riviere, Mau. to Belle, f Henry Wightman, East BALLANTYIE- ; ITCHELL-At the resi- dence of the bri e'e parents, 451 Princess street, Loudon, . n the 10th inst., by Rev. M. P. Falling, twisted by Rev. R. Ayl- ward, Mr. Josep Ballantyne, Brussels, to Miss Jennie Y., -Idcst daughter of Sr. Jhon Mitchell, ndon, At St. 'Stephen's par - n Wednesday, Jan. 11th, rownlee, Mr. Orlando rah Strong. DIED. FARauLt. -Iu 0 [rocs, on the lith 1893, Edward F: swell, aged 70 yrs , 11 months, ,S+Mr'tH-- In Lon n, on Jan. Gtlt, James Stnicb, late of ray township, aged 83 years. and G mont s. on the Gth inst., Verus, u Long, aged 4 years, 11 lrich, on ru.eday, 10th Snuyd, beloved wife of Jas. "' WA1m-STaos son e0', Gorrie. by Rev, W. 1?. Wade and Miss Watch this space next week. J. J. HOMUTH & SON. LONG -In Grev only child of Jol months 7 days. TATs' -In G itr rt., Elizabotl Yates.. M. H. Mc1N 00. GLORIOUS FINISH. Endig a Year's Phenomenal Success by the. Leading Dry Goods Nouse GORDON eh cI�'CYRE Are deterx i]ed to clear out the bal- ance of their Cho1de /tow Teas, itt AI! WL\ i/ �l 0 J Before stock taking, and in order to effect a speedy'', clearance, will give a Whelesale-Gordon & McIntyre are 1n a pt.:..►t.ea to supplyfamilies or societsf with nets teats, at jobbare prides. Now in the time to eeeureyour teas. CASH DISCOUNT OF 11 JE:2°1E Think of it. Ten cents returned to you out of every dollar. Every ar- ticle in our shop is marked in plain figures, and owing to the low prices prevailing for all kinds of grain, our prices are correspondingly lour so, with the above big discount, you may have the cheapest goods in Canada. Call early and get first choice. GORDON, & McINTYEE, In consequence of the very large trade we have had during the pasttwelve months we have concluded to make the first month of'93 a stunner and start the year, break- ing the record of all oateis.: And,therefore,° will sell our very large stock ofFurs,Dress. Goods, Suits, Overcoats, Carpets and Lace Curtains at unheard of prices, making specially easy terms. In short, everything in the way of prices and terms will be in the buyers' favor and to a generous public, to whom we are very grateful for our great: success, we tender this opportunity. M. H. MCINDOO. GEO. E. KING. 3:113,-R1SSG0073S We submit to you this wee11: the greatest value ever• offered a, buying public. 25 pieces Dress Goods worth 15c. a yard,, for 8c. 10 pieces Dress Goods worth 50c. a yard, for 30c. 7 pieces Dress Goods worth 85o. s, yard, for 50c. These last. two lines are double width, high class,Suviitings. Just consider for a moment : Goods of this class. being oiieredi to you at 15c. and 25c. per yard, ordinary width. :1)0,11'1, nrit seeing them. These prices will trove them quick. Yours truly, a -Tr, L_ 3EI�TG_ ThePmu1ar Boo 'Store J". IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Holiday Presents ! A lame stock of Christmas Goods has just been received, suitable for all parties, old or young, consisting of TOYS, PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP AL131JMS, WRITING DESKS, TOILET SETS, PLUSH uOO])S, CHIN A. VASES, X11 A'S CA RDS, L.' DIES COMPANIONS (in plush or wood), VIOLINS, MOU'V H. 0 LIGAN S, CELLU LO 11) MOU'I' 1-1 ORO A N 5, TOY BOOKS, HAND SLEIGHS, PORIkITh E SETS,' BLANK NOTES, BIBLES, FANCY MIRRORS (hand painted). A Large Assortment of ANNUALS, Consisting of Leisure Hours. Snud;ly al Home, Boys' Own, &c„ r&c. I have a larger stock this year thall ever before Dol) desire the public to call and see it before purC110' ins, elsewhere, ns it is no trouble to show goods, ?DICES AS LOW AS TETE LOWEST. ar emember the Place ---130 Josephine street, Wingham, ALEX. ROSS. for ])orninion Express Company and 0. 1'; ih. Telegraph The Anchor House.ge CanrpAanynt.