HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-20, Page 74
Gems of Ought.
Gratitude is the soil on which joy
To live long it is necessary to live slow.
Life, however short, is made still shorter
by waste of time,
When men speak ill of you, so live that
nobody will believe them
Tie lives long who lives Well ; and time
Misspent is not lived, but lost.
1± 18 to live twice when yen can enjoy
the recollection of your former life.
The path of duty lies in what is near,
and men seek for it in what is remote. •
0, banish the tears of children Cootin.
ual rains upon the bleeeoms are hurtfnl.
Some ince pride themselves on being
firm, when really thoy aro just stubborn,
There aro more that wear crape 1
their sorrows, than saekcloth for their sin
" All the. rarest hues of human life tak
radiance and are ritinbowecl out it tears.
The two great movers of the human
mind are the desire of good, and the fear
40per cent., and of the total amount of
butter only iper cent,
Part of the imports of butter by Eng-
land, in 1891, are as follows
Denmark 880,211 cwt.... .441865,042
Prance .535,190 " 3,038,003
Sweden., .... . 234,987 " •• • • • 1469487
.440,539 " , 770,400
Germany 115,509 4' • • . • 015,791
Australasia.. , ., 54,418 " 270,880
Canada 0,273 187,308
Total— ....£11,591,183
In 1800, the average price per lb, paid for
cheese in Canada was 9.9 ots, and 9 Os. in
the United States; while the average price
per lb. for butter was 17.2 as. in Canada
and 14.1 Os. in the United States.
It is estimated that in 189e there were
sent to England from Canada 1,700,000
boxes of cheese, which if valued at 20 per
box, will bring a grand toted of 210,000,000
into this country in hard cash to be die
or tributecl among the fanning community,
o Sore Throat,—'The best mire/ Ws
}MOW of for sore throat is a gargle of
of Peis.ailler end water—it acts like
of magic. Big Bottles twice the quantity
in the old style.
Sometimes the 'narrow way,' lies throug
the crowd, and not away from it into wi
A, frank, open mind will be always read
to listen, to consider, and, if truth pei
mits, to be convinced.
Islo evil dooms us hopelessly except th
e we love and desire to continue in, an
make no effort to escape from.
h •
Poultry Pickings.
There is no idl's season in poultry
y raising.
Do away with all of the unprofit.
able fowls.
e Spanish and legberns are the bust
a foragers,
The eggs f?otii fifty hens will pay
.• for keeping them.
Love is a fire, but you have to keep put
ting ,on . fresh chips to keep it going. I
you don't 'somebody else will.
The first of all virtues is inuocense ; the
next is modesty, out of the world, she car-
ries away with her half there are in it.
The thoroughly great men aro those who
have cloud everything thoroughly, and who
have have never despised anything, how-
ever small, of God's making.
An early ,sign of coming success is found
in the lad who, when he fails in doing a
thing, makes no excuse, but simply works
at it until he succeeds.
Spaces, nciiei for Croup.
GEN Tian' , have a little boy of
5, whose greatt•st trouble s,tha croup
and 1 tied that fingyard's Yellow OH gives
reronorarliding it to
the public.
L I PALDWTN, 0/1,1t hind, One.
Canada's Dairy Interests.
A. few fignres concerning Canada's dairy
interests may be interesting :
In 1891 there were estimated to be in the
Province of Ontario 80,000 lunch cows,
817 cheese factories, and 89 better factor.
The estimated capital invested in dairy-
ing in the Province in 1891 was 2175,000,-
The total value of the dairy product—
cheese, butter, milk, and, the residuum of
the factories—wao 235,000,000.
In 1860 we made of cheese 074,730 lbs.,
-valued at 2123,494, but in 1881 this had in-
creased to 106,202,140 lbs., valuecl at
508,800, The butter product for the same
years was in 180d, 10,448,789 lbs. valued at
22,094,270, and in f801 only 3,708,101 lbs.,
valued at ±‚602,175.
Of the total amount of cheese imported
by Great Britain in 1891, Canada supp]ied
4\v, Rx &Eau Roy,,,
\\1\a\cess to her Male 'ICJ/4A,,
Cure for Weeds,
Bulletin 85 of the Ontario Agricul.
tnral Colle,ge is devoted to the jpet
of woods and the modes of destroying
them, The first advice is to study the
growth Weeis are classed as ani.
tnsI,liieunistls and procennialsti An.
Miele complete the 'yah of their slags
tensei n Single year. When auttriale
are prevented from ripening their seed
from any farm from year to year, the
time must come when that ohm of
weeds will he completely destroyed.
They will be destroyed in a singe year
but for the fatt that many of the e
because of the oily coming in %Odell
they are enceted, have great power to
resist the influences of decay, helm.
tin y tnit re,nain 1n 1 110 boil foe years,
end yet retain their vitality. 'rite Int1.
letm is a 0110 to fertners and
gardeners, and as it can lie Mid free
for the asking it al.ould be widely (dr-
calated. .A postal card with your aii•
dress sent to the oaliege will get you
a unity.
Catarrh in the Head
Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood, and
as such ouly a reliable blood purifier can
effect a perfect cure. Flood'e Sarsaparilla
is the best blocal,puriiIer, and it bas cured
many very severe cases of catarrh. It
gives an appetite and builds up the whole
Hoop's Prize act especially upon the
liver rousing it frozn torpidity to ita natur-
al duties, cure constipation and assist di,
Miik and wheat make a good reed o
for soling chickens.
Money can often be made by feed-
ing cIo'ap wheat to poultry.
‘Vbeti you begin to fixtten, push the
fowls as fat as possible.
When the stop laying, give 8
then) n. start by changing feed.
Select the pullets that look like
These are the ten conimuncleuents
the model dairyman, according to
'be Pacific Rural Press ;
'0) Feed up, breed It p, aud weed our
our herd to a SO0-pound average
(2) Oommence the dairy seasenit
(8j Feed every day, all the cows
ill consume without wasting, of a
ell balanced ani)n.
(4) Give the cou,s Intl advantage
the best pasturage at your OMB 1118.1.1d.
(5) Let the cows dry up tit the be,
tieing of the summer seaso,i when
o feed does, that they may begin
ilking in good condition in Septeina
your hest hens did at their age.
In selecting a number, try to have
them as uniform as possible •
IN ever . ROset n rooster far Breeding
with a drooping or "ewe" neck. gi
GRA tar will aft; etually destroy ail 'tb
kinds of vermin in the poultry house, be
D. L. Caveu, Toronto, Travelling Pas (6) Never let a cow get poor.
Ranger Agent, C. P.Rays : Anti -Dau- (7) M I
milk fur about ten inonths.
(8) Raise calves in the 'barn on a
well balanced ration adapted to age,
andhave thrift ready to wean w
&tiff is a perfect remover of Dandruff—its
action was marvellous—in my o:sni case a
few applications not only thoroughly re-
moved excessive daudruff excumulation,
but stopped falling of the hair, made it
so andpliable and promoted a. visibl
a law to meg your cows in
e the grass itt at, its hest in the spring.
(9) Feed your cows a heavy grain
ration at the time of year when. butter
is highest end yon can get blisk pay
for your feed.
(10) Save all your butter by itn.
. proved appliances,
Popular Similies,
As wet as a fish—as dry as a bone.
As live as a bird—as dead as a stone..
As plump as a partridge—as poor as a
As strong as a horse—as sleek as a cat.
As hard as a fint—as soft as a mole.
As white as a lily—as black as a coal.
As plain as a pikestaff—as rough as a bear.
As tight as a drum—as free as the air.
As heavy as load—as light as a feather.
Cures (JOIOVIIMption, Coughs, Creep, Sore
Throat, Sold by all Druggists an a Guarantee.
For a Lam° Ste, Back or Ghost GhlIeh's Parent,
Riaater will give great satisfaction,—as ...t.
a.+. 8. liawkitis,Chattatoon, Tena..stiyai
`,$latolVelritatko• 'S'AVED ,ZTY
evcr vacd.4 gorTh,opTia Lis or or Fattneg
uvulae it meals. Price 5 010.
1 La Erg CATKR f41
0,,II,tgitna;',,,;47,4tfir • 11 ir,t, [FE.
/1s.veyou Catarrh 1. Try. this Br:reedy. 'trill
litvely relieve d'id Cure you. Price 60 ets.
'.1.1112 Injector tor it I suvroisfill treatment:1e
orniabod. frre, osn' c, Stillok's Remedies
gold (i: ..r • v, .3-1.1151‘40t4i444
is without donbt fthe very best of the
many remedies for Piles, now in the
market. Read endorsements:
Loans, OT., May 551t, 1602.
I have examined the composition of Stron's Pile,
lona and used it for external and internal piles
with the best results. 0. WiLsoa, M. I).
Lonox, Osr., April 25th, 1E82.
I have »moll pleasure in stating that atter using
Strong's Pileken° one week. Ilexperienced what I
bailey e to be permanent relief, after being troubled
with bleeding plies for about three years
E. If. nun.
PRIOG $1—For sale by Druggists, or by mall on
receipt of price.
W. T. STROH, Ma nuta during Chemist,
184 lisspAs STRUT, LONDON, ONT.
H _A-1\1-1Sr_ HJS
Josephine Street • - Mrham, Ont,
J. A, HAISTHD, J. W. Scan',
Mount Forest, I Listowel,
Deposits Received and
Money Advanced to Farmers arid
Business Men,
Ou long br short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuatiou, 'Money remitted to all
parts of Canada, at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col
looting Accounts and Notes.
Agents in Canada—The merchants. Each
of Canada
Office }lours—From 9 a, m. to 6 p. m.
excellent remedy, both tisit blood purifier
Gssindistnii.-1 have found 13. 13, D. an
'Perfect Satisfaction. 0,
and general family medicine. 1 was for a 1 •
long, time troubled with siok bawler:lie and
heartburn, and tried a bottle, which give '
As steady as time—uncertain as the since •,,,, 12 88
nie such perfect •satisfaction that I nave . „
As 16t as an oven—as cold as a frog.
d it as our family , 4 V: 14
B. BAIDBY, North Bamediciy, Ont. .!
As gay as a lark—as sick as a dog.
An honest mein will keep a watcher
Ripans Tabnles rolieve
Exercise is the only stimulant th• :
ClOCS not leave is desire for inore,
13ronehial Baleain Will cureany Coug
Cold, Bronchitis or Asthma.
lila WORM indeed • be a dull wort
• if we. knew for certain just what tva
As slow as a tortoise—as swift as the wind. , busier then a thier
As true as the gospel—as false as man-
As titin as a herring—as fat as a pig.
As proud as a peacock—as blithe as a
As savage as tigers—as mild as a dove.
As stiff as a poker—as limp as a glove.
As blind as a bat—as deaf as a post.
As cool as a eucumber—ai warm as toast.
Relar.oca Wilkinson, of Brownsvelley
Ind.. says: "I had been in a dietresse,
condition, for three years from Nerrond
nesS. Weakness of the Stomach, Ls/seem-Mt
and Indigestion until my health wan gene,
I had been doctoring •comitantIy without
relief. I bought one bottle of South Am.
oricau Nervine, which done me more good
than any $50 worth of doctoring 1 ever did
in my life. 1 would advise every weakly
person to use this valuable and lovely rem-
edy." A trial bottle will convince you,
Warranted at Chieholmet drug store.
A Word to IVIothers,
Mothers, in their fondness and solicitude,
for their daughters, often err greviously, ;
Why will not mothers know that to invite
and possess the confidence of their daugh• !
tees is to secure them from evil? Xever
make thorn afraid to toll you anything
never make them ashamed of the natural t,
desire to have attention from other sox, : s
Admit the liking for it as belonging to I
youth—to your past yoathaffbut at the (
same time enforce the judicious timing of , t
it; and, above all, encourage a frank avowal
of, and sympathy with, their youthful pro., b
serenees. The exchange of confidences on i
this point only strengthens the bond of 5
love between mother and daughter. Many 0
a young girl now lost to herself and society b
would have been saved by melts eourse. f
Harsh rebuke of those natural feelings is 0
like pruning all the leaves end buds and
..; A ftt
A, •
• s. 405:V. •.4‘119a, :1!•! • •.!
• :. Ohmn.l.:te ces,,•;
" • ara •,' von •. •
d ..nt ;-.vipiny gyn.-. :1 1'
!goitilt to happen twenty fool. hoar
01.0 4V 1, .,,••
• el .1:
''' 1.1).1*". •
1!!,•.! s.. e:;por ••• • . •
tV.:42.1.', .bP.ebs
English Spavin Liniment retnovee all
' hard, soft, or calloused Lampe and Blom
isbee front horses, l3lood Spavin, Clurbs
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles:
spsaiaa, yore and swollen Throat, Uoughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of olio bottle. War
rauted by J. 11. Chieholna, druggist,
In politics the vanished gennerally
get the "senile," that is, the things
that are no longer of any use.
AMICK TO MOTIIEREJ.—..krO you instiirood at night
and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and
crying with pain of Cutting Tooth? If so send at
gnvi•Upl'tliorCibtlilbrettitiTghinti.rallVstil6iiseviss ri
i1wttl re: joor itte
eli: DVedgIIheg.
thers Is 110
mistake aisut it, It cures yeenteryanil1la
regulates the Stomach and Bowolt, cures Vind,
softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives
to»e and energy to the whole systein. "Mrs. Win.
slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is
he United States, and is 1,er sale by all druggisths
tielh°111 he "°t1'11' 'rtiVi;tfiv,1,%`,18,
0 . tiro an, as or , v'
°ordain Bruen 0.11r1 take ntt other kind
Mr. D. Stewart, Chief Fish and
Tama Warden for Ontario, states that
he tittle anima' commonly called the
cotton titil, and generally supposed to
it a, rabbit, is not 15 rabbit at all, but
it reality a hare, thnil as such is pi:D-
ented after Dem:Wier 15. This,how-
ver,dusis not prevent the animal froro
eing allot at by farmers and ethers, if
mind damaging crops, fruit tress and
titer property, because the law pro.
ides clearly and distinctly that any
Masai er bird found destroying salty
o killed at sight for so doing.
FOUNDED ON WRIT blossoms from a young plant, lest stray in. a
• seets should invade it.
t •
••C 7,4,1,091,k,V4
e 4
a.9 "Bac has he the scavengers
meqns the kid- of the system.
3 neys are In "Delay is
cp trouble, Dodd's dangerous, Neg-
kidney Pills give !acted kidney
....)t relle. f " troubles result
"7o per cent. in Pad Blood,
•4'3 of disease 18 Dyspepsia, Liver
first caused by Complaint, and
itg d'sordered hid- the most dan-
gerous of all,
‘ Plight as well Brighte Disease,
r• eyeatto hyhaudeltya vOlociphstie.tnee and
' wit/7O111 Settiet-, "The abbe e
zge, as good diseases cannot
iprtith when the exist where
':ifiney.s are Dodd's Kidney
,o7ged, they are Pills are used,"
'11 hv ot ;.^ r orsenthyinailoit rooalpt
Vitenihnee..';1,(...:2L..11CT'o'croneto.ix Wrc'tri$te2.ft
14.. • '!4", .•
iternedy toe Catarrh Is the
' Rest. Easiest to lht iao, rul'fioupt,A
sold by druggists or sent by mull,
lan, ID, T. Racemes. warren, ee,
To General Merchants and nOOt and Shoe Stores,
st of
1;1 coiTzltion with Loathet ilusiness I keep
nab.. Bressinc,
Eclipse, Bixby's, Parfet NiO, ole, in 10, 13 and 280
sizes, by the gross or dozen, ..Jacquot'a French
stacking and Gray's cilium: water roof.
• ••••••••
10 Leather, Norseidde, Rngltsh 15l Porpoise, tlic;
Cotton and Rifle. in all lengths.
Butter fasteners and setts, cork les, 4e,
Simon Alma, bat and 18 and Monteath, Hip and Calf; 1
also native hip nd upper. Spanish and slaughter t
Bost brands on hand in oak and helulock. Specie,
stock for traces in oak.
Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed, A poste
card will secure suotations ora Coll 71'011/ my travel
Tanner and Leathe#
Canadian Pacific Bait
Trains arrive and depart eafellows;
6:36 a, In
2:00 p. ni
:POO 0. In
10:66p. in
0-12Z.,4%.• DT= TIW.t.T.WIC
- TA131.g.-----
was n.m.Toronto,ousiab,ealmerston, &a. ad
15:20 41 ' ICP4
2:50 p.in, " " Oijntou4
786 " estinerston,,Mixtut ...... Ifiat
035 5. • ; 1401111(); 411 . • • nal
3:50 paii.
11:20 um ........ airionreitip, $re ..•.
5:27 p.m 41
10'02 "
Scientific AM*
For information and free Handbook write t
Every patent taken outby us is brought
the publics by a notioe given free of charge
Oldest bureau for securing vat anta fa Ati
kvientifir niter
Largest circulation of any scientiflo paper
world. Splendidly inustrated. No nitol
wan should be 'without it. Weeltiy.
veer; $1.30 six months. Address 9,8(3130
Vosiosnzas. 861 BroadwaY. New York.
Cheap for KASH..
AT -
13 S T .E
Stoves- Stoves, Stove
All intending purchasers of stoves for th
winter will save mOney by buying from:
Having bought a very large variety of
• to choose from
Eve* stove guaranteed against brea age an
to give complete satisfaction.
13 tsho.October Eitit 1801.