The Wingham Times, 1893-01-20, Page 6,otorrlee- iTrEOICt ED,•h-••A ver tn• etvt'tat toot* prone here 00 resat, as the Ottuadiau Order of FON ha ye sonlpteted tliQF eirectien Neely line bete!: blomt, lit Gast town, MIAs t.ttet tt ,uu dedicated the Como* nom's rood~, its the block, rle, with the anti gonitis, etc., 00- av the whole of the second flat, high eeoretary, Brother Thal. �l0, Id i3rautford ; John Neelande, t tr .t:ut~� m' ra t.r (t '4'4.11Al.l ltat r ; D. ;a r ! ,. r o ht chaplain, a r on, 1x.1 l p luta c f i� r t�hlttu r, t-ieildet(tun, member of the Ex'. vet eointuii tee for Wilireehureh ; evelmft;.„, .; Harriston, and many vfai;tite; ,trtEmren atmsistrd the "f+ ttr.'tuhi rY, .a' the m tet iuteresi- cm'-v.1)10,1y. Most .onthusiastio utast; were given sly the high :tatli'mers tants others, making one irm et notable evente in time his - of the order in Gerrie. THE WJNG}JAM TIMES, JANUARY 20, 1893. ttarinere to the low ita.ml.. When th things were taken lute considerate it was of the utmost imuportence t. every farmer ahauld bt+ ail enthttet. in his profession. The first thing do was to -mime the home ettrnoti There was no spot on earth that site lit' tlla:te More •cornfortul.le to, dwell emote than the fern Tial 'fart should have a place for overythu and et;Nrytiting iu its piece. Ord should eheracteriee Ins doings. tf spoke ka vhsn e l h said that !: P at wee h duty as s e u of e t farmer h r t to. y I wait tris childlea companions rather then show thetas that lie was. their superior in every respect. The first thiug farmer Ahouicl do after he got a cot foitablo house and a nice wife was provide himself -with a library of a ricultursl works, Think of th stn that it took to bring the English race the American trotter, tiro Shire bore! of Eiegiaud,the Clydesdale of Scotland and the Percherott of Prance to titer present form. It required the great amount of skill and Study, and tl farmer ott'e,ht to draw the attention his sons to eurh things 'if they we going to become farmers, But in th connection he desired to say that was for from hint to say that eve boy brought up on the farm should a farmer. Th"rc were seine ba endowed with talent fur outer pr fensions and pursuits, and for, would a pity if they should continue on tl fartta--uat because the keenest intelle ,gas nut required 00 the farm --I, because different talents were require to make a thoroughly successful mi ister of the gospel, a successful lawyer a.r a successful doctor. And wha sotne young amen leave the fare wee beeaust, the home was not what should be. Whenever he went to home where the boys were not et oourtmged to improve their time an mental gifts, ha said those boys we not receiving the treatment to znak them enthti iastic farmers or bin them to the farm. Hew many of til fariners were constitutional grumbler They that had left the old country t escape from tate iron hate of tyranny, and had now no one to exercise that tyranny on, frequently exeretsed it o their sons and daughters. He held that farhera should take their sons an daughters into their confidence. Ta them to see the animals, and tell thein about them and why they bough theta. Let them not be always gz'utn ling and saying that farriers were hewers of wood and drawers of water. Do not point to the hooses of the lawyer w3 or the doctor and tell them o the very fine times they had. It wa ,aid appearances were som€titres de et-ptive. Little did they know of th sleepless nights that the professiona man had. in the profession of law there wr=re. few McCarthys, Blalins, or 3lowitts, but they had a weold host of lawyers eking asst a miserable existence. (Applause.) They were not shown that the farmer was the most inde— pendent man in the cuntutunity. If a young Instil had taken a deep liking oee and improving the quality of their opt, goods, Wken any country Bete the Gat naive of trending a goof. article to the aA;t 1 uglish market, it was Marc to destroy to that !home, Ue wante.d to say a vrotd ve, to the farmers laite3 Teo erten the nisi children. had nota niwe place to ploy in The tin -et rootuy w.re ltcpt for twiner .hint Jane or Uncle Jtrhu-•-(leufiilter) tg - whiene.er they visited them, "'ins Order per amusement and instruction was e not given their, at home. Hee had n r it objection .. to claiming a I u lot s ' u u a it WA a 1l, e at the borsht under the parental eye but he would not permit hie childro s to go to malls mndiseritninat' ly. Ther a were many worse fortns of atnnsemeu n- than dancing. He had very littl. to sympathy with the farmer that con) g- not get down on hitt knees with tdr study children when they were young ant t', arouse them H� would feel voungei se and would hind the cilildran to hien. , It was became this parental syrnputhv it was often neglected that some ;sting st tae spent their eveniegs in the grim- e ery. Ile would say trdvisedly that of there wap no means of inetpusing the re presence at home of the boys and is making homy agreeable like cultivat- it ing oneself thoroughly. They got too ever much phyeicial end not enough mental ke cultivation, • The man was not half a boy man unless he was cultivated all o• round. The farmer should be an in- line trlligent man. Let hint train his tit boys to write a politica} history of ct their country, and let thorn and llim- ut self study teat history and make tlrefn- d selves acquainted with the institutions min of the country in which they lige, and , when the young men went out from at home they would take pride in their �l attaintnrnt, and Ipok back with effec- t tion to the home where they received a that iustruetion. They would be able r• to take their proper place among their d fellow -non when they Went out in the re world (Apj Eattse ) d meal Merit. e Is the characteristic of 13ood's Sarsaparilla and it is manifested every day in the re - sl tnurkable cures this medicine accomplish- () es. Druggists say : When wo sell a b -t- ! tle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. to a new eus- 1 touter we are sure to see lire bask in a few weeks after more, •--proving that the it . good results from a ttial bottle warrant ontinuing its Use. This positive merit of d : Hood's Sarsapar'ilia possesses by virtue of Take tarns` Royal Crown Remedy, greatest euro en guaranteed to cure general Nervous Debility, LaUslat. Neuralgia,: Paralysis, do, • D•luevate ;e Misses Ross, of Wingham, were vire et M. Hugh Ross' last week, December 29th, Miss Nellie Collie, gest daaghter of Mr, John Collie, was id in marriage to Mr. James Stewart, °coney Mountain, Manitoba. The ony was: witnessed by a, large gather - t friends. The bride was attired in a travelling dress. They received nu- ts presents of value and usefulness. est wishes of the community go with « Susie Collie has returned from n, where she has been for some xe Misses. Robertson have returned their visit to Stratford. `. and Mrs. James Burgess, of Turtle stain District, Manitoba, are visiting r John Burgess'. ii H. Burgess and daughter Maggie, of Sound, spent New Year's here. ns Bell Xing is visiting her sister, Mrs, 'ss, of Owen Sound. J. Gardiner has returned from his tto Chioago and Battle Creek. . Cowan, of Michigan, has been re- g old aoquaiutances here last week. srs. Bailey, Messer and Duff are at - g the high school at Listowel. J. W. Duff returned to the Business 'go at Stratford on Monday. (Iker Ard has gone to Listowel to at- 4tiglt school. �:GBoardering on Consumption, a (leu at cold is neglected it generally de- ` to eand111011 bouroering ou consuntp• . No other i- e rot ledv wall so quickly 'r; and. cure eases of this dangerous sDr. Wood's :Norway pine Syrup, he no other reuted3. possesses such t curative powers as does this prince •toral remedies. Morris. Wednesday evening of last week „tarrmagt' ce emuuny teas perforated t v. 1.tivs Davidson, B. A., of 1. etuirt ut the cotnwotliotls resi- efof Ltuenve Inspeetor Miller, en MV r Leonard Brown, of Wrox- and Miss Maggie T., second ter of the host. Miss Aggie , sister of the bride, was the f grid, anti- Mr.'Toa. Browu, t't, to the groom, was „roornsmari, were about uiuety guests in gfnce who greatly enjoyed mhe silty of Mr. anti Mrs, Miller, dding gifts were numerous, use. costly and bespoke, with no un sowed, the popularity of the "id groom, Tile eveuiu'' was p with games, music and social xr h.le therun people young I P took a • "tripping, the ligut frautastie " 3 It. rem. Tuesday the c ow:puny ted atter wishing happiness and .city to 141r. and Mrs. Brown. was only one opinion expressed sit for tiptop enjoyment there's ,ee like John It, hurler's. annual 1• -port for 1892 of Mor Fly Grey elmeet factory eho;ve•d : pctnnds of milds received,878,002; scrods of cheese mode, 7 (9,827 ; se poimda milk to umme t,oulid �, 10 3e1; alter'agd Cost of draw - 'r uailon, a 0 10 tttilfes ; average received for cheese, af9,a7'; per • uttulber of patrons sending fr f rAitl CER, ON F«;1,34xX1' G'r, '�u ADDRESS i,Y THE lir#i•IIIIi:R ;WOlr Sotrrir IIUaoA''. 1 John McMillan, 't 1. P for Seem was received with ap- Thier was an age of campeti�' far raeane ()Trailways, telegraph l tthip lines,' the stations of the *tete, at it were, brought nearer ', We Matti to ce repeat with ee . All time things bttd rru the produce of the `a g ; the Ieouliar Combination, Proportion and i Process used in its proparatiou, and by which all the remedial value of the ingre t i clients used is retained. Hood's Sarsapar- b-; ilia is thus Peculiar to Itself and absolute.. e 1•y unequalled in its power as a blood puri, fier, and as a tonic for building up tbo weak and weary, and giving nerve strength. f! ea` it is a singular fact tial politica: a' partite; are generally p r,,f nerally defeatorl h; canoe i t11ey do not learn mme feet as the peu- ti 1 t pie who do the voting, for any profession let hit- not lee hmncl- ered. it was often the promptings of nature that urged the boy to study some profession. It was said that the farmer's was a life of labor. Well, it wes a life of labor, hut lie • stood a living example Sof what cou.d be done in rorty years of hewing his own way. He was now in his seventieth year,arrd was still able, to perforin a,aood day's work. (Applause.) HOW many boys were tempted to'leave the farm on account of the improper cone'uct of their father ? He held that every farmer sh'tuid be a geutlen an. He wanted to see every young man brought up on the farm eap.tble of taking the public platform. Get them to take an interest itt agricultural societies, bring them to farmers' insti- tutes, and let there study keenly all the gond literature they could get A farmer would not succeed if it was only on tee strt•ugth of his arm and physical labor that he relied. Ha must 1st' a business man, tnazst calcu- late what the markets of the world are likely to requite, and roust consider what improvements be can make to put rho best produce of every kind on the market every season. This was something we oust do in Canada, if we were to retain our proud position in the ; ng:fell market, Pepectelly with respect to cheese, °oncet'ning the fntte•udug of cattle for the English market, the larger the number of ex - Wired } 1 •C l it Allt ttals G that t t a cold he placed the bettor the prime t'eceived by every dottier in the country. Thousands of dollars were lost in Canada het:Ruse farmers did not feed properly. (Hear, hear.) Ile said advillebly that the mar had to examine into these dein„s, aud it was the eavlug of a tjuarter of a cont here and a half cent there that narked the difference he. torten. profit and loss, It web in suck small items that the tanners could do reit steal in cheapening produtmtion War Woe( iirai;ed. ‘A/HAT greater eilenmy of mankind than V V disease, and what nobler work than to fight against this death dealing enetny of humanity. The most successful war against disease is being steadily carried on by Burdock Blood Bitters fir dispepsia, constipation, bad blood, biliousness, etc., canuo t resist its power•, i The great problem that f lieu° to deal with, said the 1reeper of the imhe- cite asylum, it: to find sons+- oceupation for the people under my charge. Why lint Set them inventing college yell:, asked time visitor. —Hen wanted to cut Raw logs and wood, i Apply to MOLnAN & Sox, i Win glum/. Teacher : In the sentence, 'The sick boy tonus hitt medicine' what part of spare)! le loves ? Johnny : It's a lie mum. An Opposite View—if you would % succeesfui, said old b'edgely to his son, you ' t t u5 bt•' n t upt r' • ewith t to ythe alatvl t. That's alt right, replied the young merit, but the first thi' g the dawn does is to get t.reke, 'Truly litocarrmnended GEaTLIMEX, —I can truly roeemmend Hagyard' Pectoral Balsam for alf coughs and colds. Less than one bottle cured my brother of a severe cold, Alm Menne. Tnoatreo;r, Vasey, Ont. 1 tem Willing” tc wot'l( with n11 who labor in any wey for the prutnotio+, of this cause of temperanee, hut I advo- cate law for the tempter, and for the tempted love a,rd sympathy, 1 gave been u prohibitionist all my life, her 1 um nevertheless a morel sulsiuniat. I rejoice that we are falling into our rightful position. At one time tetany 6'tn q t 1 most of sue ur t r P , rr p ralicP tulv,mc.rtt•;; were unlearned and urlt'dueated mcil. Now we have Dr. I3ichnrdsotm, Sir Henry Thompson, nand Sir \Viii;nor Gull to light our medical battles f,ni' ug. We have bisbnp4 and n.mb'idy knows how neatly 0all0n8 to do time theological part tot art The gl'errt Obie,nt is ft) destroy the fort, end 1 do I a•+te how it is (lona, whether by it fnusket shot or u hundred-aud-mtixtyn four pounder. Let tis strike stands and work together. a. B. slough. v' 1 ..r d Both the e Syrup of 1 and refreshing gently yet Liver and tem effectually, . aches and constipation. only remedy d.ueed, pleasing ceptable to its action effects, prepared healthy and many excellent to all and popular remedy Syrup of bottles by Any reliable have it promptly to try it. CALIFUR tar zi .0?71.3sviL:.- .s .'S .ui' if�"(+ i �A n il Rt1r"° : asL g,AL;0. method and results who: Figs is taken; it is pleasar to the taste, and act promptlyonthe Kidney Bowels, cleanses the sy dispels colds, heac fevers and cures habitue Syrup of Figs is tb of its kind ever prc to the taste and at the stomach,rompt i and truly benefciat in if only from the mot agreeable substances, if qualities tom mend have made it the mot known. Figs is f:: e:' i in 7ri all leadi_a t....iggist druggist who may nc on hand will procure : for any one who wish( Manufactured only by ti 1A ‘FiG SYRUP CO fi i'. nSdJT,'".rio, CAL, . _. ... .. _...7. :.r:11.3:, Id. f ° fry 5a t i 's'. 1 lli cases or` ,1+ A' 1, d, s., .t(.,,,,,-..\ n qtr a •'> rl i''"'`tl jf�3' a w Y IS +'✓ . f d n `CSO rte/ Lt Tr; RAttg}vyq il! At 1N 14,4 r +k. mil i .tc'( Cur! eri4 EI.,ABns a('0uIW, kis . . rn ct and ates 'Bowels, removes front Scrofulous 'Regt.I Liver the Secrettons,'Purifiesthe 'Bloodshot purities the worst the Stomach, unlocks all Imo, at'Pirrtple to Sore. .li 6 • .v..� •'f ` DYSPi PSIA. CONSTIPATION. SALT RHEUM. HEART DIZZINESS, RHEUMATISM t h ✓.• Ir AR, T; ,Yl.. �. ,,{tY.,.Si FX£1at!, CUR MS BILIOUSNESS: HEADACHE SCROFULA. BURN. SOUR STOMACH PkCDP SY,' SKIN DISEASES , dd BEANS MUM{ IMAMS ars a new Oil: eetsry that cure this worst sato* at Nervous Debility Lori Visor sed roues i11eea. restores tiaa hotly'or Wed sensed by wort -work. or Ow monk cess• corset of youth. This Rmrisdy air eo utety emit the noes 0W/sotto hear when all ether 'IIlAA�Matm 'here felted wets to genera. Zola br'drag. aitrtd at y1 petOr sex for ev tint frail en reeeipteltwit*beddrucitigT AM4MxDICIW1 00..5lerooto,Orem; Wea.Zorit,o*iptdea semhhow, N9lrghent by A. It. RAlti!LTOIt 8 8 t c 3, Clubbing xtatims. The weeklyiampire and pretnium the Oouservetive members of the house of Commons, aud the Tram from now till the end of 1883--$1.7v, The weekly Globe and Trans from -tow till the end of 1691-61.7ir, Time London Advertiser. weekly and Telles from now till the end of 1$r38 ---11I,50 The London Free Press, Iveekly and Thum irons now till end of ],893—Slat, The h e 'lion m tmeal Weekly e geralds and tie Y x m Tr > .Esfrom nowtill endmll of 2808•—ff1.50, 1� T tm Alontreal "i'Vitness, weekly and Trues from now till the end. 1893--X1,75. Reduced rates with all other wit tot petition weeklies. This is a grand oppor tunity, Subscribe at once and receive the balance of the year free. The TIMES and the "Family Herald aud Weekly Star" and the Star Almanac, from now until the 1st of . anuary 1804. for $1.75. PROF. SCOTT MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERiAN CHURCH giros Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff anti Tonto-Soi•Fa Notation. .0pen for entragements for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply at AIRS. II. ,MORROW'S, 24 Shutcr• St, Winghatn JOB MUM INCLUDING Books, Painj$oiets, Posters, 13111 Heads, Circulars, dto., Ste., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address It. ELLIOTT. Times Office, tt'ingham, COUNTY Pe ITNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the principal may be repaid at any tine the borrower wishes. All expenees Pard by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to WM. HOL MES Goderi .b, Aug. 8th 1852. Co, Treasurer. TRY IT ONCE, and be convinced that Alabastile Is the finest Wall Finish known, RUBBER PAINT is the hest in the world. J. A. CLINE 8 coy STONE BLOCK, n:,eratri , Sole Agents for above. WINGHAM STEAM PUMP NORKS, Crowson nowon, PROPRIETORS. We wish to inform tbo people of Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as wo have purchased 'tbe Steam Pump Works lately owned by,Mr. Clark, we are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lie, Force & Iron Pumps And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. An we have a long experience in the business we guarantee all our work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. We also deal in ALL KINDS OF WO MiLLS Soft water cisterns made on short notice, Ordersmail tail ro by mptI attended t . p y o CB.OWSTON Se SHOWERS, Winghattm. FOB., SAL A Lot No. 3, and the E. ?; of Lot No, 7 ; llth Con. Turnberry---15O�notes; 00 aeros coaxed; even fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orchard, cheap, ou time. Apply to '14, C. CAMERON, Or. Gtederich, WM. Merl-1E1/80M Glonferrow P. 0. fi l f �..' ingO —I8 rola szn p-. FXBR' FRIDAY t•1OBNING —AT Tlrlt—. TIMES OFFICE, Jp. SEPHME STREET `YINGI3Al11, ONTARIO. subscription Pelee, $1 per year,1n Graf laPO4 ADVERTISING RATrs _._ s 1 yr. p U Ioro, I 1 set IU. 1 11170 OneColUtntm 300 00 300 00 1040 00 00 (Na Balt r' 36 00 20 00 12 00 6 quarter 1' 80 00 12 00 7 00 4 Co 00 Ono loch 6 00 9 0000 I � 2II 1 too forfit tinsu tion,andSe.pe lithe foresu hsubs went insertion, Lo50. per linol e for eacs hsuhsait/mi110 to h,ac i'tieri . ilon'and local notice will bo charged lora than 2.5e, Advertisements of Lost, Pound, 0trayed,Sitnatiotte, and Business Ohlmcos Wanted, not exceeding 8 limy nonpareil, `y1 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 linos, 31 for dint month, 50e. par subsequent month These terms will be strictly millet ed to Special rates for lo advertisements, or fat longer directions, Advertisements wlll} a ineurt d ocatill not orbidcs t Iandu charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes i tonttI ote byRedesdtadvertisements noon, order must be that week U. ELLIOTT • Lungs mos AI;D Pt`DI, mma T ►R bIACDONALn, �•l JOSEPHINE STREET, W1204UA14_ •, - ONTARIO. W II. Tt1WLI•.li, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of IHuron— Oflice Upstairs, next to Mr Morton'e ott:ro, wing. ham, Ont, Ousels Nouns —9 to 12 a. m„ 1 to c p, u,., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. TNIt. J. A. Allarat1•inl, if Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Wilco and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, forurerit occupied by Dr, Bethune. 1 1He11AM • . • h lANSTOTE. BARRISI R, SOLi(,'l:oli, }.y,., Private sod Company finds to loan It lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and !arm propevtm bought and //old OI F10E—Seaver Block R'tvelrOOi J. A. MokTON BARRISTER .3m , Wingham nut A/1E17ER n DICKINSON,S _ - __ H. W. C. MeyEi Q. C. 1E. L. Ctcftu.acrl, EL BARRISTERS AND SOL1C17(.1mi, L.te., Etc., So- licitors f or Bonk of Ihamiltou, Caunt.iruiencrs for taking affidavits tar 11tu,11(.6u. kale , loran and Villugo property l.t,ucbt and rake. m.ancy (private funds) s) loaned ouu 3 Per cent,. Money eared for britt t e put scats, ��umo..i. gthe butt mortgage securities without ail)eal.cnse to the lender.' Lands for aide In 84,11ittma,m, 1l,0 North. .rest. Office—Rent's Bh ek, 113u,. In nl. }1 ENTIST1t1.-_ J 0. J1tttOal,E, 1; Ilial) Ad1, >s Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite tc, ht • tea ut 1 thth• chtl, m atonal as clump us thin cart be got in the Domif.iolt. All mot% marinated. Pandest: extraction of teeth by the use of Metric. ity or Vegetulile vapor. Taxa IVUT,ca. -1 1ri11 txtraet teeth ft»• i6 cents each. OFFICE : In tho 13eavtr Block, oP1 mite the Brunswick House. W m. a Macdonald, L. D. S. DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S $LOCK Opposite the Queen's Iiot.J, Winghaur. Will visit Gorrie let and 3rd Mondays of each month. i'OHN RITCHIE, GENERAL GENERAL INSURANCF: AGENT WIN011.01, ONTAAm p131418, Jn., thiol ,u , LI(IENSIOD AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNS " OF HURON. bind es attended In any part at the Co, Charge* JOHN CtillItf + , Weimar, ONT., ... LICIINSLn Attorroxnan Bon Tlrrt. coVNTT ok' stilton. A11 order a loft at the TIMES office promptly attend es to. Terms reasonable. TA5t1;S IILNDSRSON, I1e13131iND Atte osann FOR COeNTira iruaol,Y Apb RnucF, An sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest Notice Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All »eressary arrangements enn be made at the Toms' elliee tvixattnat -` Ost 1)11S. Gut)FitEY LI AWASH, M. 11. Toronto, Members Colol.•e Ph31510ar4 and Surgeons. (h,tario. 010..e1173313 • Mottey to Loan on Dotes. gates Di a3O0u11ted Atr REASO tIAtittE ItAtiVS Money advanced en Xtortg*fico a 6} per pent with privilege et paying fat iha sad gt hey year, 11 acrd moments eellettted. >?fOBtX' Oystret.- •/kayo , Nook,i't'trresisto mt On.f. Oos. �Iitlr%