HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-20, Page 5TUE WINGIJAM TIMES, S, JANUARY 20, 1893.
Starting on Saturday, Jan. th
and Continue for 30 Days.
Dress Goods,
Musli vas,
Cottoi a es.9
Ladies Furs,
Kid Gloves,
Mantle Cloths,
Hats and Caps,
G loves,
Men , and Boys
Ready Made
A Babcock Success.
o u
The annual meeting of the sharehold-
ers of the Elm Cheese and Butter
Manufaoturing,Co,:was held:in'the •fac-
tory on Satutrdlay., January 7th. •On
motion, Mr. Jacob;Bray wascalleU to;the
ch air :
J. W. Wheaton, Secretary of .Dairy-
men's Asssciataon ,of Western ,Ontario,
being present was requstec1 to address
the meeting. On :rising he •stated that
he came perhaps more for!the .purpose
of acquiring infotenation :than ;imparting,
. any, as the factory ,enjoyed the proud.
reputation of being one of the best man -
nisi factories in the Prrov.iace, .and in
fact the first and ,only factory which
had adopted the .system of paying for
for milk according to .quality. In ,rho
o: course of his remarks he strongly eas-
.•commendod winter +dtairyin, to be es-
: tablished.
The financial repent, which ,was adept-
1•,ed„showed the total receipts to,be S3.77.,-
:tfl7r.08, of which 1131,5348 were paid ;to
,.patrons for milk, $2.500.27 were paid to
i.uii1k drawers, S2.943;& for •man,ttfaotur-
:lag, SI9G 17 for boxes, $120.17 for .testing
.and acids, 5037.23 to patrons for whey..
'+The following direetora •were+elected::
l:Fa Parker, Geo. Mutne, Wm. Dick -sops ,
J.1. Turnbull and Joshua Challenger ,
Was. Lobhhead having resigned, Jdr.'
Challenger was elected. to fill .the sosi-
ti(n.. .
Motions euro grade and .cai'rieicl to
enlarge the presoi t factory, sed dto.al-
low arto turnips to 114 fed to cattle from
whirs: milk is sent to this factory.
Two or three delegates from the Binee-
vale factory being present. one of them
etatedlithat he wished to know if tlhe.
new system of paying for milk aeeoading ;
•to quality was giving, eeneral satifaction.
'The chelirrnan then called for a show of
:hands from all who were satisfied. The
wore was unanimously is favor of the
,new system ; there was not a dissenting
,voice. o
Prof. Dean, of the Ontario Agrielalt-
feral College, Guelph, addressed the
meeting atlsome length, and is a man-
lier that wan both interesting and in -
etre dive.
•Te�eswater ha.s a daily freight train, now
M . D. Ferguson is nicely settled in his
;mew lyame.
A carnival is to be held in the rink about
taro last Friday in January.
A.number of the young people were in.
vited in to spend the evening at Mr. J. J.
Stephens, on Tuesday last. A. very sociable
and pleasant time was spent.
\Vo believe that it is the intention of the
council to remove the lights opposite the
hall and at the corner ooposite (Gillies cC
Martin's foundry. Wo cannot see why
those lights are not as aerviceable as any in
the village and morose than some. The
one over the mill pond is more ornamental
than useful.
The "orphans retreat” is not proving so
delicious a place as first, anticipated. The
atmosphere appears very cloudy and
"lynch' laid moo have to bo proclaimed,
but still in the face of Mi this, the barbers
keep on shaving.
Wo notice by the Grey correspondent of
the Ilrussola l.'ost, that Mr. and Mies Lizzie
Streams, (the latter teacher in the t>th de-
partment here last year) are improving
nicely and will soon be themselves -again. j
Miss Strachan has hada.severe eiiigo+df it.
Her many friends here will be pleased to
learn of her recovery.
Mr. E. Clarke, formerly ,express messen-
ger between stere .aaatl Tor.anto,now running i
to the Soo, met with,auaccident last "week.
The train starting before .he -was on, he
tried to get in on the side door .of the ox -
,press car, but .hiring unable to open the ;
door he was compelled to tide to the .next
stopping place on the step,.l acing -ahold of
.the door with his stands. His lands were
,badly frozen,
We are pleased to :state that the rumor
.in circulation of removing the C. T. R. 1
;families to Toronto by the C. P.11. Co.,
bas fallen through. Lt is clefmitely settled
now that it will be done. Some of the
'hands on other runs thought it would he to
their advantage to be in Toronto. ;netters
being looked into, it was found advisiblai to
a'omaiu as located at pa•ese>at.
On Sunday last. the Itit+v. T.. fiienueu.'
who has renal vel a tinetrimout tali fr>aa
'the flowlek and Turoberriy Congregational
.churches, cotuweueed kis ai;iaaastry,ain.en4;
"Iliad. a patient once who by no pro -
•cess of reasoning could be made to be-
lieve that he had any disturbance of the
digestive apparatus. As long as I call-
ed it by any of the ordinary names he
was as irritable and disagreeable.about
it as a really amiable ancl,good-natured
man could be. One. clay he stumbled
:across a term in somethinghe was read-
ing, and when next he came to me his
;face was beaming with delight, He
had just found out what ailed :liini, and
when I agreed with him he was simply
overjoyed. He had a goocl.deal,of sharp
pain in the region of the .ciigestive ap-
paratus, and *hen he made up his mind
that he had pneumogastric neuralgia
he was perfectly willing to be treated
for that or any .other disease I saw fit
'.to give him medicine for, provided I
called his trouble by that name
"So it is with . quantities of these
heart disease patients. They will take
.anything, just as long as they think it
is absolutely necessary on account of
•the condition of their heart; and so.,
while it goes very much against :the
grain to do it, I sometimes indulge
these whimsical people in the idea that
their hearts are out of gear. it is ;the
,only way I can help them; and it really
; :doesn't seem to matter after all. I sup-
pose we all have our weaknesses; and, ,
whether we think it heart disease or 1
anything else, we all like to be in-
The •Seafurth Catedoodai .Society tl:n-
,nouuce their iutentioa to oel•ebrate Bir rtis'
'anniversary by a grand Soottdtili concert,
'to 'be held in Carving's hall +.o tbe.evendng,
,af.lTauuary 23rd, when Afaw- lfeArthur, of
;Hamilton. and Mee,rr,. J:si•taes Fax and
;Harry liltie.h will h,., preneut.
'The quarterly board of ltetteeb,ury e,treet
Methodist church, Clinton, has extended
an.i.tavitation to the Rev. G. F. Sal.•u», of
Brussels, to becoine its pastor for next
year, providing the official board, of Brus-
sels will consent to his removal, he having
been there hut two yem,ra-.
Are Probably Suffering From Dys-
• nol>sia, and NoLliing More Serious.
•`•'There are few' things in life," said
:a;nexperienced physician to a writer for
:the New York Ledger, "to which many
men and women cling more persistent-
ly than to the idea that there is some-
thing the matter witch ;tthe heart. They
have a little palpitation, a little flutter-
ing or ,a little . distress, and straightway
they have some form of heart disease,
and in ninety-nine cases out of a hund-
red there ,is no more nese in reasoning
with them than there is in whistling at
the wind. Tell them that they simply
have dyspepsia or some form of indi-
gestion and they are as indignant as you
can imagine. The idea that they should
have anything so common as dyspepsia!
And do you know, it took me a good
many years to make up my mind why
it is that people are so unwilling to ad-
mit that thoy have indigestion, and the
most unwilling are those who aro very
fond of the good things of life. It is
the good feeders who think they have
heart disease and are angry when they
are contradicted. Indigestion suggests
cutting off of some of the delicacies of
which they are fond, and, of whatever
else you deprive them, never meddle
with their diet. I think it perfectly
safe to assert that out of 1,000 persons
who are certain that they have en or-
ganic disease of the heart HO have some
form of gastric difficulty. It may be
more or less obscure—indeod, it often :s
--but all the same it's there, and that is
the cause of the trouble. Indigestion
or dyspepsia, with its many variations,
is an awfully common, ordinary disease.
There isn't anything very high sounding
or rhic;n;fled snout i .
How to Cure a Cold.
The following is the advice given by
s prominent doctor for getting rid of a
cold.: When the first symptoms mani-
•feat themselves is the time for action,
and this should consist of a hot mustard
foot bath before going to bed and a hot
draught of milk. The covering of the
body should be linen and wool, the for -
mei. :in the way of the sheet and the
batter in the blanket. No attempt to
get Asp an active sweating should be
made. Tho foot hath and the warm
drink will give a sense of warmth and
and facilitate the natural excretion of
materials which should pass away by
the skin. and any effort to aggravate
this will he not only superfluous but
iiarlutnl.. The blanket should never be
worn next to the night robe, and should
not be so thick as to confine the air next
to the body. It is, indeed, often advis-
e able to lighten the covering of the feet,
and to preserve a certain amount of
weight over the loins, and to have the
shoulders protected from the external
surroundings in general. The last mea-
sure is not to be underrated. A'sensi-
tive lung carries with it susceptibility to
take to itself everything that could possi •
bly affect it to its detriment. Lung dis
eases belong to sensitive persons, and
may or may not be the sequence of a cold.
The majority of then;, however, can be
traced to imprudence in dress and ex-
posure. Pneumonia, pleurisy and con-
sumption are partners of carelessness in
the dressing of the chest and back, and
"colds," which might stop at the throat
by a little prudence, are their appren-
tices. If you have unconsciously con-
tracted a cold and want to get relief
front it, you must, in the first place,
avoid too much medication. " -A proper-
ly clad skin and a clear digestion ought
to shorten the life of the "cold." If a
little comfort can be secured by wear-
ing a light coveringon the head during
indoor hours, it sould be respected.
Ventilation of apartments comes in for
a slight amount of attention, and it
should be simply sufficient to furnish
fresh air and not to produce currents
which can bo appreciated, Nothing is
more fallacious than the belief that
health is promoted and life prolonged
by air in excess, and this is proved by
tombstones. There are a fe•ty good
remedies which appeal to us as Matters
Of tradition. Our grandparents used
them with effect, and we might follow
their example without injury. One of
these is sassafras tea, another is boneset
tea and another is senna tea. Bach has
its office, end each is of value in its
pecti1iar lino, and at the sanro time is
1ipans Tabules cure indigestion„
Having Nought out the Asubler 1larnees linsiuel-8 t.t.d >.:nrit li O. 11, ' 11. r+> 1 +
am prepared to furnish ilio 11111410 with etre i tl,i1:g n,.nttll;i ki title It hnt'nt na > h(q
suc:il 50
HEAVY, LIGHT and 'l'liACK .11ARNEhS,
T 1YAY ELI/1N.a AUS, }Gar's, 411.
I make all my owu Collars and guarantee satisfaction.
trial and I will use you right.
G_ _ .LYT]3JWTC»' _
1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, cousistiug of
and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs,
BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christma '.
All goods bought f'.r cash and we can
Repairing Plironnllitly bone and
J' 'Give Use a call
sell as cheap at the cheapest and
Satisfaction Guar.'; tit ed
Clever, Energetic Young Men and Women
who ;131031* to quality for positions in BeoI .kee•lini, Sho,•thaed ani Typea•i;tig, should W11t0 fet I
catalogues of both departments of
of (MAT/IAN', ONT., cstablidied 1870, This institntiou i, tilt: 1.001' 01 au,v bran*,* (011,150 or ,hnrth,uh+:
school in Ae•erieu, and vastly superior to +u;\ outer school of rho kind in eauadu.
Thoso „re the advantages we (dim': The two best pvuulel. iu Uluuuln, thu best anti largest owe „
teacher), the best course in shortiauld anal typewriting, thu hest course 0t business tl:dnin , the hest std.,
61 rooms, the best equipments in every respect. the bust record for placing its students in the h,•st pati r
positions in the business world.
Our college morns occupy orm• 8000 square feet of space. the n tp• the railway fare of stmlents cumin%
from a 11141010u to the 'inlaid si.0n .40° ,1 bused iu pleasant Mimes for ladies at 82, gents ,y2 50. le.,
catalogues of either deportment, addres . D. 11ic:,AL"FILA i rinc1prt.
ti B»'
HE4rE. BeIow
But ever) body like, to buy in the cheapest market.
It will flay you to visit us this
month. The season c+f stock tah-
ines is at hand, when there is very
little bitsir,o,s going except that
which is forced. The jingle of dol-
lars i, more pleasant to us than
looking over a splendid stock. Will
we have the pleasure of hearing
scone of your dollars jingle?
s.e +'iI if' you sire wisdom a
chalice to titer, in aril influence
you. We won't spt ink that old
l'he,lltlt UIt VuU, ''Big reduction to
reduce stook." We silnl1ly lo'd'e;
you a. chance to get :seine 1•att' bar-
gains if you want theta. Lee
price, 011 everything. lie sure 1.,
conte anti tee what we east do I'+11
;nial.Rarga of Al! Wool Lek ee . tli,
(.huprices ate lower than any
other house in the trade. Visit us
and we will convince you of this
Fact. We give you a reduction of
tell per cent. (111 all your cath pnr-
rrhases its all lines except groceries.
1� e give you 20 lbs, White Sugar
for $1. ; 25 lbs. nice Brown Su;;ar
for $1, and several other drives.
We are'.howio,t American (;a •
pets in ben util'u1 pattern; nt:301,er
cent. less then you can boy Cana-
dian goods.
You remember how we cornerc(I
up the print market last season..
Since the raw cotton has advanced
from Gc. to 1:30. a pound, but we
bought early and we can give \ou
• the same quality of goods as we
gave volt last year at the sa.ine
price. The patterns are all new,
Ise can't replace them when they're
Courteous Treatment, Lowest Prices,
Nobbiest Goods, at
Wittg flan,
CA 1ini, bbd 1tr, :I*.
�.t J
Centrad Telephone Exch
We have the
Inside track an
Can give you
Every line we
Por less than
!Our competitor
;If If you do not
!Look k
�Q at our
;)inner Sect
Tea Setts,
Toilet " 9J t4/S,
Table China,
Tea Pot 3,
Salad Bowls,
Fruit Setts,
Biscuit jars,
Flower Pots,
Cups and
Fancy slates,
Wine Glasses,
Tea Pot Stands,.
Cake Pates,
Celery Glasse,
You will be
The loser.
The China House.
Coad in Car pots sold dire
No Intermediate protits,
Write for Prices.
Special Attention 11{4.ren itr
data and Clubs..