HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-20, Page 4Tr A paroling of scant; men when that course WI L l i 14, 9 would tend to their benefit, f, That adoption of cumulative sentences and a of icleutideation of criminals, by whieh second offenders would be punished more than they had been for their flratoffence, -- AN D -- and still more severely for third and sub- sequent offences. The Premier promised DRUGGIST. to give the matter every =sic. erntiou, and to confer with Sir Oliver Motit, ex. pressing the belief that they woull unite in sentiment and notion on all points suggested. iUTUH. H. tf, TELEGRAPH CO opp. Brunswick House gr,7:gb.2am, - - Ont Mintlipir CEtint FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1892. I;DITORIe1L NOTES Tem poor N. P. is getting kicked and uffed at every corner. "Knoxonian" ays ; "The N. P. is getting so old and rail now that it should never bo taken ut in cold weather. It has nursed so may infants industries that it has no rength left. It should be taken to a 'armor alimate," Bluevale The annual meetirg of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company was held in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Tuesday last. The meeting was opened by the president, stating. that although we bad been fairly successful during the past year, still, we had not increased in our make of cheese as we should have done, and taking the large district from which we draw milk •and the ntitnber of our patrons it must be acknowledged that the great majority of our patrons were not taking the interest in dairy farming we should do. We aro all MR, J. D. EDGAR, M. P., in a recent ;eeoei3 in. North Hastings,referred to the laeon charges, saying: "Here, on this :latfurm, inthe presence of the Minister f Trade and Commerce," where he (Mr. idgar) was not protected by the privi- iges of Parliament, he repeated those larges in order that Sir Adolphe Caron. uld, if be would, bring an action of bel egainst him. He would be happy those charges could be tried before a ivy of his fellow citizens." THE London and Port Stanley R. R. •is been leased to a Cleveland syndicate a term of 20 years dating from the nth March, The city of Loudon is to aceive:as a rental the sum of 028,000 a air with an additional 15 per cent of all 'e gross receipts in excess of $100,000 per 13,11111. The syndicate will establish a ce of boats to cross the lake from Port ;,inlay to Cleveland as soon as naviga- n opens in the spring. This will make hart easy transit to a part of the U. S. Crritory that has hitherto been a little ?kward to reoch. aim Provincal convention of the Ep- forth League Societies of the, Methodist o'urch will be held in Toronto on 1leb, (tr,,cSt, 22nci, :73rd. It is confidentially tweeted that the successful, convention 2l1astFebruary will be surpassed in in - amine and iterest by this convention. alorous committees on entertainment, Ntigram, travel, music and the like,bave nappointed, and this is expected to "Yr.tbe most important rally of Young fethodists ever beld in the Dominion. Very Methodist Young Peoples' Society, g'iworth League, Christian Endeaver, dssion Circle. Literary Society or any kefieinvited to appoint two delegates M Every fifty or fraction of fifty mem- t rs. ORONTO GRIP : .As was to be expected, tone of the speeches at the Board of tde banquet, on the 5th inst., was of a idedly optimistic character. The rious future in store for Canada was feted in glowing colors, and the res of speech, which always•do duty fob occasions, were Liberally inter- orl with figures from the blue -books ing tbatthegcountry ought to be ing adltArkable prosperity. The us Enid the actual depression under h the commercial, industrial and ing classes are laboring wore con- ntIy ignored. .It is not difficult to ince gentlemen, who, by reason of leofficial salaries or special le isla- privileges, are placed outside of the ure of the struggle for existence, have partaken of a remarkably good er, that everything is all right. But rage citizen who shares none of e advantages and whose actual day experience tells hien that it never harder to earn or keep a dollar it ie today, will hardly be disposed re thair enthusiasm. Thursday of last week,a deputation citizens of 'Toronto, composed of n Reform association, waiters iifinister of Justice, find laid 'halt edveSia.l suggestions which n duly considered by the asaoeia- y were as follows: 1. The es - ant of a . Dominion Industrial story for boys. 2. The bestowing e Ontario Government the power to parole, or apprentice br,ys and sentenced to reformatories, re- am: similar institutions wua give of reformation. 3. Tar, adoption i1 of indeterminate sentences aximutnt limit, enabling the THE WI,NGIUNI TyIM�aS,. JANUARY 20. 1893. milk on the average make, The make in January, 1802, was 2,300 lbs., the number of pounds of milk to pounds of butter 20 70/100 and the stake for the first week in January, 1803, was 2,445 lbs., the aver- age pounds milk to pounds butter was 19 80/100. The cows from which this milk was got was the ordinary farm dairy cows, no special breed and no Jerseys, just such cows as are kept by the ordinary farmer here. Mr. Dillon strongly advocated the adoption of this system hero as there is no doubt but that it would largely benefit the Tui aoL •owesu %nn less WAS min:S :el= 10 04192.81, 6810.01 on band to ,Tann 1 Tut; su•Jmens or Tnt. E,urL' W.1wAxoslI Ery account, the report was tiled. AnnxerLetaiet, Somme The Ctortes and Tr4esurer's bonds were "roue Board in preseutiug their awns. examined and fuuud satisfactory. towed 'unmet report,hwviug great pleasure Moved by Mr, Medd, seoouded by Mr, iu eougratulatiug the members of the Gibson, that aeveu copies of the Municipal Society ou the successful results attending World be ordered for the use of .Council the working of the Society duripg the past and officials —Carried,. year. The exhibition held on the 4th wad Moved by Mr, Todd, seoouded by Mr. 5th October, was a most sueoossfel one, Durbin, that .lira following owmpribe the and highly encouraging, Boaid of Health for 1893: Messrs Stuart, Tbe show of grain and roots was die. Miller., Ward, Gibson and Medd, with Dr. tinguiehed for their superior quality, The Case, as Medivel adviser—Carried. The Clerk reported having registered 48 births, 14 marriages and 2.4 deaths during 1892 Moved by Mr. Gibsou, seoouded by Mr. Medd, that the time be er.tended for re- turning lite Collecter's roll unto Feb lit— Carried. Moved by Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Gibson, that a cheque be issued for the amount of Colleotor's e,•tlary, aud held by Treasurer until the roll be returned -- Carried. The following cheques were. issued Municipal World, 7 copies, $5,75 ; S. Kerr; 3E ditch avid piping S. 13., $6.25 ; Jas, Douuilly, damage removing gravel 01 ; Il• K.'.Miller, registration fees, $3.60 ; Alex. Stuart, reports for county on bridges nud •rates, 06 ; Township Clerk, election ex- penses, $35.75; A. D. Cameron, salary us Collector, 065; R. K, Miller, serviees uuder ditches and watercourses got, $2 : Couuoil then adjourned to meet ou Saturday, Feb.. 18th. farmers here and also the more general in. ' display inside the stall was very tine and troduction of the silo and the growing of , very creditable to the lady members, who corn so ►1s to produce a good, low priced '.0 much coutributed to its sucaese. We food for cows in winter and en increased had ou our subsoriptiou list 0190.75, the flow of milk, cheaply produced. A very greatest amount yet attained. The sum hearty vote of thanks was given Mr. Dillon of 0328.50 was offered iu prizes and 9280, - for his able and useful- Address. 150 awarded and paid. We present here•• The chairman then called upon Mr. T.B. with our iluauoial statement by which it Millar, assistant instructor at Tavistook . will be seen that after paying off the prize Dairy School, who gave an address on but- list in full and our ordivary expenses we ter fats and the necessity of paying for milk here a larger balance ou hand than on aecorcling to the actual value as shown by i previous years. the milk fats contained in it and illustra- 1 We have further to state the lease of the ted his subject by the following table of grounds has uow expired and we would experiments trade by them at the dairy recommend that the new board of direc- aware that growing wheat here in Ontario school : ; tors take immediate steps tq renew the successfully is a thing of the past and we as yALrA AT I lease for a term of years, or proeure;some MILK, ]itlTTAa PVC. Cum. T.a. AWG. SAt1A rale A. farmers must apply o(u efforts in other 1.50C1 lbs. 3 20 100 46 12/100 11 5/ 0 100 4,90 I other t+uttable grounds for holding our ex - directions and I believe if we would give 2500 lbs. 3 30/100 40 19/100 10 82/100 5.08 hibitious• more attention to dairying we should be 8500 /be. 3 60/100 48 37/100 10 33/100 5.32 more successful in our operations. We re- 4500 it. 3 80/100 51 9 80/100 5,61 quire to increase our herds of milking cows 5500 lbs. 4 52 62/100 9 50/100 5.72 6500 leis. 4 10/100 52 75/100 9 47/100 5.80 and to extend our season of dairying to at 7500 lbs. 4 30/100 54 90/100 9 10/100 6.03 Donald's hall, Bluevale, Monday, January least ten mc.lths in the year and I believe' 8500 lbs. 5 50/100 50 73/100 $ 81/100 6.24 a good way to do this is to commence win- ter 16th 1$93. The sneinbers of the Council butter making in the factory, commenc- ing about the lst of November in each year and making butter until June, and cheese the balance of the year and having Elmn factory lust year as the most honest The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of your cows calve at any time during the and most just way of paying patrons for last nud special meetings were read, ap- the whole year. It would not matter what their milk, which would also protect honest 'proved and signed. The Reeve reported time instead of allowing them to run far- patrons suffering from dishonest practices, • row as we do now, if wee cannot have them continually practiced by at least a few of that all mortgages due this torvuship,except calve at a certain time, we could by better . the patrons•of every cheese factory. i one of one thousand dollars have been paid. • At d Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr Turnberry. Minutes of Council meeting held in Mc - Thus showing that the butter fats contain- , Mo- od in milk is a just test of the value of milk ' met according to statute, viz: Wm. for cheese snaking purposes and strongly Thorson, Reeve; William Cruickshank, advised the adoption of plan adopted by the d ll land eW William nGennmill,WCounciilliam llors. - feeding and care in winter both help our own pockets and bring our cows. through the winter in better shape than we now do, ' I draw your attention to these facts for your consideration and I have just been handed a telegram from T. J. Dillon, of • Gray, o t se ma ac cry, woo , Gernmill, that a by-law be passed appoint - also gave some illustrations of the tests ing Alex. McEwen and Douglas Fraser, made at their factory during last season, auditors for the current year—Carried. Whenthey paid their patrons by the amount of butter fat contained in their milk and Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. also informing us that their patrons are so Cruickshank, that a by-law be passed ap- f ing for pointing all the members of this Council the Dominion Government Experiment well tatisSect with this way o p y e Station, at Mt. Elgin, which informs us milk that they intebded to continue paying I road cQmmsssionels for the current year— that he will be here by the 3.30 train this in this way during the incoming year and Cartied. afternoon and will tell us what they have that he aid not think their patrons could Moved by Mr. Cruickshank,r seconded by done at winter butter making last year and be induced to go back to the old pooling Mr. Diment, that a 1 by-law be passed sp- as far as they have gon3 this year and as system. pointing James Elliott, Malcolm Lamont and' G Wm.emmill the local you all know Mr. Dillon, we may except to Mr. Dickson, salesman of the EhnElmo,fad-, members. of Board of Health and Dr. Towler, o f the get from him some information on that subject that may be of great benefit to us and in the meantime we will proceed with the general business of the meeting, when the minutes of last meeting were read, ap- proved and signed. Moved by James Elliott, seconded by Wm. J. Johnston,that the next season whey be: sold, to be removed from the premises if possible at no less than the usual upset price—Carried. The auditors report for the past session was read showing the receipts to be 028,- 813.::5 and the expenditure to be f 27,223.28, leaving a balance on hand of 01,500.10,from which a dividend of 10% was paid to share- holders and a reduction of 4e, mills per lb. made on the charge for making cheese, was returned to shareholders. The charge for , last year for making being 2e cents per lb., it by this reduction cost them only 1.07e for making. I Moved by Chas. Henderson, seconded by John W. Walker, that the auditors report be adopted—Carried. Moved by Tom K. Powell, seconded by Geo. Peacock,that the auditors salary be $G each for the incoming year—Carried. Moved by Wm. Henderson, seconded by tory stated that so far thea factory was Town of Wingham, Medical Health Officer.1 possibly best known business man in God• concerned, Mr. Gray had stated the facts 1_ erioh, was stricken down by paralysis and he could simply corrorberate AIr.Gray s I Moved by Mr. Gernmill, seconded by Mr. whI l e engaged in his usual vocatiou of his statement. ; Mundell, that the assessor's salary for the store, The best medical aid was .,urnmon- Mr, ,one of the patrons of Elmo, : current year be 055 and no extras—Car- ed and the best of care obtained, but ol- factory, stated that under the system now . ried. adopted by the Elmo, factory in paying for Moved by 14Ir. Diluent, seconded by Mr. milk according to butter fats, he had in the 1'tundell, that a by-law be passed appoint - month of June last, received. $15 more for ing John S. McTavish, assessor for the his milk than he would have received under Durrant year—Carried. the old system and would not think df going back to the old system of paying for the milk' ; The following accounts were passed and Moved by Mr. Isbister, seconded by Mr. i orders on the treasurer issued : R. Elliot, that a vote of thanks be given to o, 2 Elliott, all the gentlemen for their able addresses—';f16.-o, printing; Geo. Mason, 01._0, book Carriedand clips; John Burgess, $9, registering It being now dark the meeting was ad- births, marriages and deaths ; John Bur- journed to meet in the Foresters' Ball, on , gess, 014.27, election expenses ; Tom. K. Tuesday, January 31st„ at 1 o'clock Powell, 68, electiqn expenses; A. G. Mc - 'Donald, 08, expenses ; Geo. B. Scott, 68. ln' m'- election expenses; Wm.Duncan, $4,eharity; After the adjournment of the public meet- Jas. Floats, 02.50, printing ; Rev. I. B, ing the Directors elect met and appointed John R. Miller, President; John Burgess, Wa lwowed 02,83, refund taxes. Secretary; 'Wm. Messer; Treasurer, and Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by Alex. McEwen Auditor. Mr, Gemmill, that this meeting do now �SAudit PA'rnox. adjourn to meet in McDonald's hall, Blue - vale, oe Monday, Febraary 20111, 1893, at ' 10 o'clook a. in.—Carried. R. K. MILLL*1i, Clerk. East Wawanosia. John Armor, of lot 37, con. 5, is the pos. sessor of a Durham cow 4 years old that has had four calves. On the 24th of De- cember she gave birth to twins. She has taken ten first prizes and three'eecond prizes at fourteen exhibitions. This record is hard to surpass. David Scott, sr., was badly shaken up by a fall on Friday last; he was at the annual meeting of the patrons of the Belgrave cheese nud butter factory, and was at the window marking his ballot when a trap door in the floor gave ,way owing to the hinges breakiug, causing him to fall from the upper story to the ground floor, hurt- ing his left arm, side and ankle; he struck on a stair, breakiug his fall, or it night have been more serious; as it in he trill feel soils for a few days. Thursday last C. -Crabb, the oldest and The above by-laws were all read three times and passed. Belgrave. I ' Jo n.t Bunosss, Clerk. Alex. Robertson, that Peter McLaren be . Miss Sharpe, of Whitechurch, was the West Wawa nosh. appointed auditor. Mr. McLaren refused ;,nest of the Aliases Meiklejohn, list week. to act and was withdrawn. Theyoung people of tae Presbyterian Moved by A. Shaw, seconded by S. Cal- p 1 y Council met according to statute, on back, that Samwaw, Paul, bappointed church have orgr:uized a Christian En- January 10th: The followiug took the deavor Society. ' declaration of qualification and office : auditor. Mr. Paul refused to .act and was •11,e annual congregational meeting was Reeve, Alex Stuart; Deputy -Reeve, Jas. withdrawn. held iu the Presbyterian church, ou Tues Moved by Andrew Gray, seconded by Gibson ; Gouoillois, Thos. Todd, Robt. day of Iasi weak. Medd au 1 Thos. Duman. The minutes, of Thos. Jenkins,that Paul Powell be appoint. The annual meeting of the members former meeting were read and adopted. ed auditor—Carried. of the East Wawanosti Agricultural The following gentlemen were nominated ' g Movsd by Ur, Medd, secourled by Mr. c n Thursdaylast octet was held here �, for Directors for the ensuing year: John S y' Todd, that the official salaries for 1893 be Diment, Wm. Jas. Johnston,.John R.Miller, number of uioinbors were in attend- as follows : Cies k, $120 ; Treasurer, 080 ; James Elliot, Robt. Maxwell, Win. Isbis- ter, James Wylie and Tom X. Powell. The following gentleman were appointed scrut- ineers: Peter McLaren, John A. McEwen, Hugh Ross, Hugh McDonald and Arthur Shaw, The vote by ballot for Directors the Treasurer's .sands of 9143.26. The Treasurer ; W. A. Wilson, inAdssor ; .l was: John R. Miller,112; Wm.J. Johnston, 103 ; John Diment, 75; James ElIiot, 70 ; Tom K.Powell, 66; llobt, Maxwell, 58; Win, a1ce, The President, Chas. Procter Assessor, 060 ; Colleotor 065 ; Auditors. tools the chair and opened the meeting.$; each; road commissioners, $2 per day The minutes of the last %nneal meeting —Carried. were read and adopted. The auditor's The following officers were thea appoint. report was read; showing a balance in ed: L. K. Miller, Clerk; J. S. Ward, a:loption of the report was moved by dr. D. Cameron, Collector ; John Webster and Harrison and seconded by Mr. Scott,and J. B. Weetherhead, Anditot•u ; the mem- carried unanimously. The following of-' ber' cf Council were appointed road corn- ve ticers were elected ; President, Charles, missieuers. I having r�tliti67 � highest livote were e, 47. ie ere efirst leoProctor; Vice President, James Owens ; Moved by Mr. :t.o, 1, seconded by air. elected. Directors, W. Scott, John Coultes, John Medd, that it by-law be prepared confering The cliilitniwu then called on :fir. Dillon Anderson, jr., Robert Acott, Phomas � the forgoing appointment at the salaries to e,duress the meeting on winter butter Forbes. Thomas Bridges, Ins: Harrison, ! agree 1 upon, their duties to be ooeordiud making. Mr. Dillon responded by a very Robert Currie and Richard Corley ;1 to statute and to by-laws of the mantel - eloquent mid abla ad dress, shoeing what Secretary. Finlay Anderson ; Treasurer, I pality—.Carried. had been done at tha Mt. Elgin creamery Chiles. McClelland; Auditors, Jas. Proctor, Moved by Mr. Told. secondee by lir. during the last winter and the two months and Wm. Wray. President Proctor re- Medd, that a, by be prepared authoriz- of this season that they have run, showing turned thanks for the honor conferred ing the Clark to charge for ell copies of that their success lies leoli almost phenom- by electing him the third time. liobt, awards and documents iu his posse cion, end, having increased over four fold this, Currie, Esq:, congratulated the Soeiety other than these which his duties roe wire the second sear of their operations nna .ileo on ti,e progres+ they had made in the past him to do grates, at a rate not exceeding showing 4; t by the centrifugal process, i and hoped they would have the sante eight colics per nimere9 words --Carried. which t1 '.l Ivo in use, they are making I success in the i'titure. The meeting The treagrrer'a report '3howod balanee one r y4x rk good butter from 20 lbs. of then adjourned. awl receipts of $1:112.7.; an] e!tpenlitare LAME S SEND Iron llustrated. Catalogue of Lad ies'. Specialties.. ADDRESS — THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO,, 19 QUEEN ST. EAST, TORONTO, ON's'. though the patient is still alive little hope is entertained of his ultimate recovery, his age—in the vicinity of 84—being much against him. Mr. Crabb has been o. resi• dent of the town for nearly sixty years and his many friends will regret to leaiu that he has thus been stricken down. Those of his children who reside at outside pniuts were sumrnoued, and they are now at his bedside anxiously awaiting the result, Confirmed. The favorable impression produced on the first appearance of, the agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago has been more than confirmed by the pleas- ant experience of all who have used it, and the success of the proprietors and manu- facturers the California Fig Syrup Com- pany. WIN GIIAM MAR•ILET:,. W1:rouan, January 1.0, 1303 Corrected Ly P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs, • i? 1 75 to Fall Wheat per bushel, 60 to 57 to 36 eco 30 to 54 to 18 to 18 to 17 to I755to 0 00 to 40 to •25 to 40 to 0 to 5 to r 8 ..r to Spring Oats, • Pixley Peas, Butter, tub do Rolls, Eggs per doz. Wood per mord, flay per ton, Potatoes, Chickens, Ducks Turkeys Geese Dressed how 1 00 65 68 24 56 18 18 17 2 00 6 25 40 30 50 10 6 8 50 Weak Children will derive strength and acquire robust health by a persevering use of thegreat Food Mellcne SCOTT'S EMULSION "CAM v ea$ti Genuine dbScot.substitutes. bsol1and01,00. e. Sooldbyalldeagaists. Mentiou this paper "f TIMES' SUBSCRIBERS All parties who have not paid for the "TIMEiS" for the years 1891 and 1892 are requested to re- mit the arneuut at once. We need money and hope this notice will be aufficieut, and that a general response will be the sult. R. ELLIreOTT. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for servlce on the premises, Park Let 46, Winyham Town Plot, a Ches- ter White Hear. Terms -75 cents at time of service with privllcge of returning WM. CAMPBELL, If not so paid. Pro Motor, TWO KINDS G 1? CUSTOERS. WIDE AWAIE KIND BUY FROM TRE City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can get goods that are • right and up to the times. ANOTHER KIND ARE 14 FAST ASLEEP But they are waking tip to the fact that I can give thein goons that will , please thein. Full lines of Fruits, Oysters,Confectionery,&c. APPLES BY THE BARREL. Agent for Parker's Dyo Works. Canned goods of every description al- ways on hand and my prices are as low as the lowest. Dontforget the place, opposite the new Bank of Hamilton. ROBT.. HILL. HOT L. Tie' Cow:cilnfthe Cori oration of the County of Huron will moot in the 5,, ret House in the Town of Gode ich, on TUESDAY, ?ANUARY 24th, at 3 o'c ock p. m. WM. LANE, Clerk. Ooderich, January ;t11, 1803. • TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned, up till the .1st of February, 1803, for the erection of a Brick School House, in S. 8 No, 8, Morris, Plans and specifications can be seen at the residence of the undersigned, lot 17, con. 2, Morris. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. SASL.WAY8 PAUL, Sec -Treas. Bluevale P. 0. PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN gives Private Lessons in Vocal evenings rasing, bo,h In Stats and Tonic•Sol•1 a Notation. Open for eniragements for concerts or church meetings. Terms moderato. Apply at MRS. H. MORROW'S, 24 8huter St, tt'inghasi "THE ECLIPSE" 1 have the BIGGEST AND CHEAPEST AS- SORTMENT. Oh' } Confectioner aid Frolt In town, GiYe us a oall. Prices to suit thio tinier. T. C. SPARLIIIG.