The Wingham Times, 1893-01-20, Page 1li . T x -F WIC G 1 VOL. XXI.---NO. 1094. No doubt you have heard that all kinds of cotton goods were expected to advance in pride. Such is the ease, they have. But we were prepared for it and our stook of White Cottons, Grey Cqt- tone, Cotton Sh=rtings, Cottonades and Denims is full and. complete, all bought at the old prices and you aro to have the full benefit, prices just the same as be- before. We have a few odd furs left, they are going at what they cost us. We are Gelling Boys' and Men's Overcoats at nettcost, and wilI1i»ive you underware down low. There deli) ite 44 few remnants different kinds we will ot say what they are worth, wo will make la prime to suit you when you see them.. We still have a big- demand for that 35 cent Toa, 31bs. for one dollar, 5 lbs for one dollar and fifty cents. 20 lbs granulated sugar for the dollar. 22 lbs of coffee sugar for the dollar. 24 lbs ot brown sugar for the dollar. oRR & H ISCOCKS, Direct Iinporters, The BEAD. Jan. 19th, 1893. WINGHAIVI, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1893, —The members o Anchor of hope lodge will bear in mind tl t a lodge meeting will be I Id to -night, (F y.) r. .A, Sebaati n has opened out a arber shop, in th op lately occupied by Mr. W. Martin. Success to you, Alf. —Cash for good utter and eggs at R A Graham's market grocery. —The Wingham undor. It has put becoming quite car Cees Bro. Elliott -- -Tho members on Monday last a pointed the stanclin journed to meet this week. --Mrs. J, of her fur reserve ares' Trues is not snowed a new dress and is lent. Continned suo- lyth Standard. tile new Council met took the oath and ap- committees and , ad - Thursday evening of in Snell, will offer the balance trre for sale at once, without private sale. Apply at her e understa that Mr. D. M rntiek, formerly of the Brunswick house, intends leav ng town far Goderich, where he will to e possession of the Huron hotel. —Try the .Eclipse for cheap confection- ery. Best royal mixed candy for 10 cents per Found, T C SramaNA. —A sleigh load Orangemen, of this place, drove over Lueknow, on Tues- day evening last a d attended the dedi- cation of the ne Orange ball in tha Marriage Licenses place. my CI VVVII -moo- by FRANr PATERSON, No 23, Vic- Is ourself} a week ago td secure a licens toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses{ to exhibit his panorama of Jeritsale required. e and the Holy Land, we told him the requir• • . e_ our people were rather peculiar, ant that he had better arrange to open wit LOCAL NEWS Qoihat fl L uie e, is in town, Rev. R. I preach in the Con: , on Sabbath morning, --A large nu er of Good Templars attended the dist lot meeting held at Bel - grave on Wedne day of this week. —The mornin express on the G. T. R. from Kincardin was cancelled on Mon- day morning I t, —Bananas, first of the season, at Mo Ke vie's Star restaurant. Mr. Thos. Iker, who has bad his teher shop o sed for a couple of weeks, on aeaou of a fellnn on his finger, re -opened n Saturday last. Everybody st ds aghast at the enter - us amount of information -in the Star 'manna of Mout -eel. There is a scram- bleto get copies it. -Wo undersi formerly of Goc livery business will take posses ind that Mr. Eci. Swarts, rich, has purchased the f his father in town and ion next week. .Oysters in the shell, first in LVingh•un, direct from Baltimore, at MoKelvie's Star restaurant. —Mr. W. Lithgw showed us a letter frim a friend of his Mr. John Olarke,whom he has not heard o for over thirty years. Mr. Lithgow will b :ve something to say ill our next issue in rerence to the letter. --The lecture in the Presbyterian church on TuesCay evening last, was fairly well attends d and the lecturer of the evening, Rev. Mr. Jansen, of 'Dur- ban), interested dile audience on the subject, "Experietce ot Life in Holland', —G T 11 trains for Toronto and east lease Wingham at 6.85 a m and 11,20 a m. via W G & B Division, and at 6.48 a m and 0.80 p ro, via Clinton and Guelph. Good connections by all trains. --Clinton News- , Yates; one of the m tress men of Winght lrtecord in Clinton of been in Goderich on attending the funerr wife. ---The Gospel Tei the Temperance Hall fairly well attended, livered by Dr. Macdo and Rev, Wm. McGr to diseontiune the ini ent. icord :—Mr. W. P. at progressive busi- m, met The News - Thursday. Ile had he snd errand of of bis brother's peranec meeting 111 on Sunday last was Addresses were Ile - aid, D. M. Gordon ger. It Was decided stings for .the pres- --:For i1rst•e1ass tailoring and cheap IAgents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, • aetasember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book- tore and .1'atterson's jewellery chop. —The January number of he Canadian Hortieuitarist, gives a been fully colored },elate of the Alexander appl , a full page engraving of the Editor, pen and ink tiketeh of his home, and a few of Maple - hunt Fxuit Farm. Full ca 'codons, with illustrations, ere given for making a gold eterage lumen for fruit; s soneble hints for xvomk i.1 fruit and fl eat garden, the Apiary, etc, eta, L. Wool rton, Grimsby, Ir Secretary of the Ontario raft Growers' A.seocfation is the Editor. —We are glad Paster of this pit K. B1aok, and wi gregational chur January 22nd. —The iilustra d lecture on Japan, in the town hall, o Tuesday evening last, by the. Rev. 0. . Cooking, was fairly well attended. he lecturer gave some excellent views n the manners and Aus- tomsof the peo a of that country. —An exchange ays a.man is now tramp- ing through the country with a prepar- ation which he cl ims will prevent lamps from exploding. Of course he is a fraud, and the public s old have nothing to do with him. —SATURDAY NI HT BARGAIN COUNTER..— Those who came o see us last Saturday night understand what our idea of sell- ing cheap means. Don't miss Saturday night at 1i7. H, MOINDoe's. —The next mont ly gospel temperance meeting of the W. . T. U. will be held in the Temperanc hall, on Monday evening, January 3 th, at which the Re S. Sellery will deli er an address. Fur- ther particulars wi 1 be given next week as to the program e. —A. copy of the of Tobtteco by mino the hands of every structions to ma in this way the A incntly to the notic parents, and the more effective in aimed et. ct respecting the use s,!' has been placed in hool teacher, with in - e suitable comments It is thought that will brought prom - of b h scholars and it y thus becorne accomplishing the good —My stock ef fancy groteries is coin plate. Fresh English peel, new nnts, dateer eurrinits and pttre spices, at, Yates', —We are pleased o note the evidence of prosperity shown by he enlargement of the Wingham Trains, wl 'oh now comesto hand weekly a 48 eoluinn• quarto, printed from handsome new ty . Winghare. has the reputation of being good town, and Mr. Elliott, ars his man friends here know is .. man who is Apt to here of the commun- ity prosperity.—Lis —Men wanted to cutsaw logs and wooe. —.Z am prepared to pay the highest cash enent, and each selection q. Apply to , MCLIMN cfc't3ox,. prine for all kende of fowl, delivered to rile tlie admiration of the audfenc Wi h ' —Mr. W. Martis shop to the Meyer have more room a to attend the wanl ug J. , at my butcher Gimp, Fowl mast be drawn has moved his barber i and well dressed. Trios B WALKER. block; where he will d will be better able of his customers. --eleney to load, at a low rate of in- terest, on real estate. Apply to Dn. i'ow> xu, —The I3isbop of uron has appointed Rev. T. R. Davis, of amnia, to the office of rural dean of the col ty of Lambton in- stead of Rev, Dr. Ar strong, of Moore, re- signed. Rev. Mr. vis is a brother of our townsman, Mr, I , Davis, --We beg to rentd all indebted, either by cote or book ac ant, to call and settle, or remit at once, ! cl oblige Jae. MURRAY & 00. The farm in 1 state of the late taining 100 acres, on Tuesday hist at Mr. Chas. Henders road was the puret was &2450. —The Dominion larged to a 10 -page] page midis much mo It isalso improved i now ranks amongst journals in the land. increased prosperity enterprise it has disc orris, belonguag to the es sold by auction, the Brunswick house. n, of the Bluevale ser. The price paid cldfellow has been en - paper, with smaller e handy than formerly. other respects, and he foremost society e wish the Oddfellow s a reward for the ayed, on RAI:E.—Extracted honey, houey b and beeswax. Prices on application. le. SALTER lery, B D, Pastor. Services every Sabbath -at 11 a, In and 7 p tn. Sabbath School and Bible CIESH at 2.80 p •General Prayer meetiug every Wednesday evening .at 8 o'clock. Young People's Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday, January 15th, Morning subject : "The SW of the Licen System." —For the quarter, en inst., the convictions b the coenty numbered 7 strates 22 of these; Cli others by individual county. Six cases w for treaspass, 2,1 for as liquor laws and the r ether offences. the magistrates of on magistrates 10; magistrates in the re for vagraney,-10 ult, 6- for breach of ainder in various —Ladiee, have your garnish Is made bY NJ iris . Joh ustrin . Gregory block, teepee' te the Queee'ii Hotel. Latest etym.., good Work, always firstadaes fit. —We omitted to n ntion, last week, hat Mr. Nicol, of P t Elgin, had been appointed as GTRIDI HDIt agent here, eq successor to Mr, A C. Strathdee. Nicol arz ivecl on Se urday week -and 4,14. sumed his duties th Monday following Mr. Nicol ie not Ott ether a etranger t Wingbam people, h ng spent a mouth or so beet), HOMO Year ago, while he was filling the position relievieg agent on the road rrior to a appointment to Pert Elgin. The Trues exteede to Ur. Nino' a hearty welcome to ingbatn. WumtrAx.—W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser. viees-each Stuiday at 11 a. it. and 7 p. m Sabbath School and, Bible class at 2.30. Christian Endeavor op Friday evenings in Church vestry. All made Welcome. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 8 le in. Seats free. Strangers wel- yond." To youn 'people, "A young girl Afiesionery." ening subjeot: S. S. Lesson for Jan 29th. —There ar number of busieess men in tighern, wh , whenever they went tette bill heads, • any work requiring a de n, sena to some large city and place ir order. hey do this because they nk it is in ossible to get the work done they WO. d at home and hence orders Whole tl ng elsewhere. there is nether way, however, which will give th in as good eesults at less eost, eta at the eine tijne keep the greater part of the worl in oar awn town. The Grip Printing a a Publishing Co., of Toronto, melte plat from special and original signs, will they furnish, snitable eor any business, a smell cost. These can be printed a he TIMM Officei and used for all eebseque orders until a change is again We ca te your order or you tan write direct he Grip Printing and Publish- ing Co., Oland 203 Young St., Toronto, —The next meeti Institute will be he end and 8rd. The 11 directer of Teach - ors' Institutes, Wrn several addresses on lish and allied ects in the poblic schoole. These addr ses will be practical in thole nature an be very helpful to to teachets. the e ening he will give an artietie analySis Ot tort poem. such as Kingsley's "Three IP hers" or Tennyson's "Droll Ilteak i" 0 ler aadressee on ed. ucetion subjeets will given by the lead - leg teachers of East drop, As these in. stitates are now held it once 4 year, it is to he hoped that all tl teachers of the in,. opectortiee and many the school trustees Will be Invent. or wel Balmer. sig of the East Huron the DA Wieghttm, March thi RE Houston, will give the he teeching of Eng- At the annual m stip of Ternberry held at Swarts' Ifo the following officers i pointed ; President Vice -President, Geo, Anderson ; Auditors, Peter Fowler. Dir D. McKinlay, R. Max Dement, W. Isbister, die and 0, W. Taylor. of the meeting had be the question of new gr and discuss , but no on as . At c look foryetoundsommaIli t it meeting f the board, eting of the Town - Agricultural society I, on Thursday last, nd directors were itp- Wm. Maxwell and tors, Peter Deena, ell, A. Tipling, Bryages, A,. Har - After the business, gone through with, unds was taken up nunds were settled e was appointed to report at the next —An exchange re s to the nasty habit of pitching out of the ok door a pailful or dipperful now and t en of greeoy water, and a handful of par gs and the general avast() of the kitchen hioh breed fever and bilious diseases. Th waste disappears for the most pert of the oil, but that is the key to the mischi f. The soil gets- full After a while and f ients, and the hot gun breeds gases wl oh surround end en- ter the house. Th' is true not only of the cheaper, poorer ho ses and careless famil- ies, but well.to do inteligeut people who have spots behin their houses saturated with slops. In pulous towns no amount of supervision e prevent a great deal of filthy evil, hut i the country towns; slops shouldbe carri out to' trees and poured in small quant ies here and there, as fer- tilizer. Trees vill4take up a large quanti- ty of water an be .greteful for it. —It pays to read , the local paper. It contains mai important notices that the public general are interested in. Aside from the ne s columns there is always matter of into st and importance in the advertising col nea.4 Aeroen assigns; you may be aacredt r; the local notice of the assignee tells k on when to pet in your claim. A not. is lost it is advertised in the papers; wh it turns up in the hands of the wrong ho der yon .are saved by buy- ing it by the ruing. Horses or cattle stray from Gel]. owner. An advertisement is seen by the fi der and the lost is restor- ed. Theie is so iething you want to boy; s merchant's ad ertisement tells you where , to. get it; and s. the chain of usefulnees continues link liuk. As a medium of communication t is valuable and conven- ient alikeeto ose who have announce. ments to melte tad those who are interest- ed in hearing hem, and it is above all, cheap. Don't e without the local paper. it may save y.• its price over and , .ever again prodigy, Agantreia by LW execution, as was else Carnival (le Venice, by P gern of the evening, howeve venir de Haydn. Each nu ously encored and respon violinist. During tee ren was so intense that the b jets could aistinctly be pianissimo parts. The Ethel ,Asmstrong, and 11 a beautiful though diffic prodigy is a pupil of Re he is justly proud of h Scott has engaged the A give a concert in the tow evening, January 31st. —The members of to the number of about a very pleasant evenin ance hall, on Tuesday was some euique featur with; which tended to ' ibility of those present of the seats, so aiff custom, struck one on afforded opportunity sired to oliaoge his 1 cominoding any on part of the program ection of Mr. Mort any apparent cha pearance of the var ems performers with out being annouric , deprived the naafi: o which such social e ants to otfen bear, an it was more like a evening at honnei tha anything we have er attended in a publi hall. Between t different musical acts opportunity was g en to etigaere in eonver enjoyment. .A. du tt with Miss F. Sparl L. Sperling, was ell executed.• Mrs. W• rendered. Prof. Scott, was in splendid form and added t songs to a programme altogether excelle t. Mr. W. H. Willis' contribution was I, ell reeeived, he sang a solo with good e at. Intersperced with these were four n mbers by the Winghaan chestra' An overture, 'The Grenadiers,' two °ratio selections, one from The Be vox Student, the other from Olivette and orne back to Erin. The improvement the the orchestra has lately made is very m •ked and its rendition of he difficult mu le attempted was very fine, and could n t be easily improved. Mr. Morton and his rehestra are to be con - night. Si A YEAR IN ADVANC increased for the lit tie as faultless old popular garanni, The ber was vigor - ea to by the ring the silence ruing of the gas eard during the violin duet by .r Telgeman was t selection, The 'Pelgernan, and seholae. Prof., OVe Company to. hall, on Tuesday , and their friends WO hundred, spent in the Temper.. ening last, Their 1 ease the social - he arrengement eht from the usual entering the hall, or anyone who de - play, without ie, the absence of A4 else. The musical vas er the dir- n, with the ap- School Board we ing last; Meath Gordon, X, M A, Galbraith, th pointed chairma suing term—Car Moved by D. Galbraith, that chairman pro te leloved by D. Abraham, that ed Secretary for delved by D. Abraham, that ed Treasurer for Moved by A.. Abraham, that t mittees, be app Gorden, Abraha The following Sutherland, tin 51.85 ; Died Moved by D, Galbraith, that field & Son, be .Cqtrimittee, to f Moved by D. Abrahaea, that ,NEoved by D. Galbraith, that t received and. ad , guested be referr s imittee, with pow g The Board thei ening Booed, meeting of the held on Wedneaday s preeent, Messrs. D. ton, Thos. Abrehaete. m. Button. Abraham, secoreled of the beard for the Gordon, seconded by A, Morton, be appoint(' —Carried, Gordon, seconded. by he ensuing term,— . Gordon, seconded by'T. B. Ferguson, be appoint- ;1 the ensuing term,—Car- albraith, seconded by T. rton, iititten and Moore. and Meyer. mounts were read : 1 postage and stationary, , Pardon, seconded by A. he account of jas. Duf,. referred to the Finance ort at next meeting.— the accounts of Messrs. obertson be paid.—Car. Methodist 8, S. 0 —The Cong try on Monde well attended exits, laa very pleasantl feature was ,ntroduced in the shape of a lunch, which . he ladies were kind enough to provide, wi ich added to the social plea sure of those resent. The Christian En- deavor, in c action with the chtireh, sent ia a rase donee the meeting by their Seeretary, k Idly offering to 4ake upon themselves th ceretttking of the church for the e /ling six months. The offer was e which it feels 'highly, are endeeiecir egational church - this a,nnual meeting in the ves— the Oth, inst., which was the members and eau', 2 amount of business was ° got through. with. .A. new 8 Not that Kind. Scott's Emulsion does not debilitate tbe mach as other cough inedichies do; but u the contrary, it improves digestioe and Free to Girls. Our Girls Own Paper, a handsome 16 - page illustrated journal devoted to the en- tertainment .of Canadian young ladies, will be sent free for three months on trial to everyone . forwarding us at onee with the names and address of live Canadian young ladies or misses in different families, and ur three-oent stamps to cover expenses of The next issue of Our Girls OW11 Paper 11 explain how you can secure one of the lowing elegant prizes without expense:— genuine $200.00 setteskin jacket, made to °opted +tin the spirit in 10 as made. The church In eased that the young folks fol lug eolleotie in aclaitione opportenity their regard I—The for ered by ability, am needs to co son, the co the twevag lighted the 1 a heavy pi iBut if WIL expeotetie : and eerie' I With the Iquo nit k be 1111100 eeese to thepastor his stipend, eleile giving an his many awes and well e of the meinbership to show na sympathy Ivith his work. wing is from the Owen Sound " Which WAS excelleetly ren - .r Telgeman, pianist, whose ng the citizens of this place milt. In Miss Allan V. jack - pony hes au eloeutionist above and each of het entunbers de- udience. Her Allay was best n the scene erom "Leah" in ortraval of the injurea Jewess, ee, ,wits extremely well done. n Little Ethel. Arinetrolig the a of the audienee wore centred, ly there Was nodisappointmeot, Me of a 'Veteran and the techni. oftener she handled her inatrue order, a email gold watch with Catakine olutin and elieent, a silk dress pattern, five ofelook silver tea service, a gentile° diamond peael or turquoise ring, an elegant work box, a jewelry basket, metal and plush ease, ent glass mid silver ink stand, silk lined glove and hnnakerchief boxes, hand mirrors in silver with bevelled edge glass, and many other articles suitable for otie yonng lady friends, We want the names of young ladies now, to whom ie can send sample eopies of Ws elegant publicatien, You will be delighted with it, Send to -day and addrese Our Girls Own Paper, Toronto, Out. Perpetli *AWL Paper in es money, Money IT' keg banks, Banks na tes poverty, rovettee ekes rags, Rep in Oft paper, Paper keg. money, Motley eke§ banks. Gordon, seconded by A.• , Principal.'s report be ted and the matters re - to the Finance Cora - to act,—Carried. The Best Offer Yet. We have nutde arraugements with the publishers of tbe "Family Herald and. ly Startcgether with .he great Star Aimee ao from now until 1st of January 1894 for 61.75. The price of the''Farnily Eferald ape Weekly Star" is 31.00 per yeer and the Almanac 25 cents. This is a grand offer , and ebould be taken advantaae -of targer number of our readers. This'effer 11 to new eubscribers es ae old ones. • ' piece are at pre ;relatives in Durhaa = Miss Annie See , of Elluevale, is visit - Pe Blyth Standard : visiting friends in Wiuchester Pres and bride, of Blue friends in 'Winches from their weddin Mr. Arthur Coo Miss E. G Young w mghana this week. : Mr. jos. Timnaina ale, Ont., were visiting er en their way home and family, of thi nb visiting friends and Mrs. A. McLean couple of days in Blyth for th a couple of days 11 ars. Jas. Me friends in Iiiueval were visiting at t McLean, kit wee Mr. Geo. Andel. Miss Eqehart, friends in town t Mr. L. Runter day in town, Mr. jerry 71 Mise Jennie L of this place,, spent a uevale this Week. r, who has been re%d past few month% spen this week.' e Geddes, of tinetnew, e residence of Mrs, A. on, has returned. to town of Exeter, it visiting is week. of Forawich, spent Sun.- nnagat, left town en' tion. ng, of Detroit is isiting her parents in, Miss Clara CI panne of Detroit levisit. Mr, los. And non, of Winnipeg, Men., is in town this w , shaking heeds with old Mr. A. Same te was in Walkerton on Tuesday last. Mrs. Alex. Li lis, was visiting friends in Miss EftleM ellar, of the 3ra of Morris, Was f iends and relatives iti town this week. Dollie hes been couple of wee aceompaniea town it few Mr. Wm Elliott, of this place, vt g in Atwood for the , raved home on To y her muslin Mies lsten, of Walkerton, vraa this week,