HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-13, Page 8January let, 1893, td have peteeed, north clouds of sar- row, Ire have went through waters deep, tteolie have laid their cherished loved arias Down to ,deep their long, last sleep. Some have entered in their closets, There to speak to God alone, iA,.tad an angel swiftly flying Bore it to the eternal throne. Then the Comforter carne to them And dried every burning tear, Gave fresh hopes and expectations ., To begin another year. 4Some have mourned harsh words spoken, i,. (iatteinl sorrow,. giving pain. 1Many a link of friendship's broken, it Never more to join again. JSonte, ohl let us bless their memory, ;t May their numbers be increased; a They have tried their best endeavor •It For to comfort man and beast. ",, Lifted tap the weak and weary, SpAte the words they knew would cheer, zMad , i}coir pathway seem loss dreary i Through another year. 31Every one then join their number, Keep our conscience ever clear, caPrayiug still that God be near us F6 T-0 guide us through another year. MRs. P. WELLS. 4G4enannaa, Ont. after the work in the meantime. Also askint them to recognize the Courier es the organ for Canada. There will be a Canadian page in all future issxes of the paper, and T, W., Nisbet has been ap- pointed Canadian editor, All who are interested in the Brigade in Canada are requested to communicate with him and send in any items of interest inconneotion with the work, For information about the Boys' Brigade refer to Rev. T. F. Fotheriugham, M. A., St. John, N. B., or to T. W. Nisbet, Sarnia, Ont.—From the Sarnia Canadian. Luc know, The dedication of the new Orange hall in this village Hill take place on Tuesday, IJau. 17th,when addressee will be delivered by the Right Worshipful Grehd M.tster, William Nicholson, of Hatniltou ; Gr.ud Secretary, Robt, I3irniinabam, of Toronto, and Grand Chaplaiu, Rev. W. W. Walsh, of Brampton, and others. From six to eight p. rte. a grand Tupper will be given in the town hall, after which a good pro. gramme of music by the Cadet baed,soti>;e, etc., will be given. The dedication eere• monies will take place at fuer o'elock the afternoon. A Cure for Diphtheria. le""°" °"" ""-�— "a" "'—. There is a good deal of diphtheria in dif- ?dro tin 4:litor of the tvinithawi Times. ferent parts of the country and the follow - 111 SIT, —On the tenth day of lfarch,1882, ing receipt, from the Scientific American, lea statute. was passed by the Ontario I and said to be afficacious, should be pre- `reLegielature abolishing market fees on i served. At first indications of diphtheria itenuch of the Products of the farm, when in the throat of a child, make the room brought to any city, town or village, • close, then take a tin cup, a quantity of tar within the Province of Ontario, for sale. ! and turpentine, equal parts. Then hold 'olSaid Act came into force on the first day ' the cup over the fire so as to fill the room 'sof April. 1882. See 45th Victoria,1 With the fumes. The little patient on in- aohttpter 24, sec. 6, which enacts that no 'haling the fumes will cough and spit out gee shall be ituposed or levied by say ; all the membraneous matter and the diph- ninunicipality for weighing or measuring , theria will pass out. The fumes of the tar treater than as follows: ; and turpentine loosen the matter in the I For weighing a load of fray, 15 Bents ; ; throat and thus afford the relief that has tyior weighing slaughtered meat or grain baffled the skill of the physician. kir other articles exposed for sale, under: Lt the Travelling Dairy report of the ne hundred pounds, 2 cents; over one i , County of Perth ate two items worth not. \liundrep pounps and up to one thousand' ing. Mr. Shgarer has a pair of soalee, a pounds, 5 cents ; over nue thousand notebook, and a Babcock tester, keeps au cpounds, 10 sante; for weighing live accouut with ee.ch, and feeds no droues. ' nimnals, other than sheep or pigs, per Last year his twenty cows gave him $68 ylead, 3 Cents, sheep or pigs, if more in butter. Be calculated the skim milk hair five, per head, 1 cent ; it less than worth $16 per cow, making $84 a year for ve, for the lot, 1 cents ; for measuring a • each cow, making $1,680 for the twenty. odd of wood, 5 cents. ; In illustration of the folly of payiug for The Revised Statutes of Ontario,1887,' tnilk only b3 weight. Mr. Bell. the head $,o, 497 of the Municipal Act, sub -sec. 8 ! of the Tavistock cheese factory, said that igives the scale of fees for weighing or he filled two five hundred and ten pouud :ameatsuringas above. See also Statutes vats with milk. one testing 3.3per eent. fat tof Ontario,Canada, 55th Victoria,cbapter and the other 4.3. T'urttued into cheese the SOeec.497, sub. sec. 8, consolidated Muni- oue gave tifty pounds stud thti other fifty- •.tpal Act, which rives the same fees as nine pounds, being nine 'pounds more for above for weighing or measuring charge- • the richer milk, with It •bighar price be- ble by any municipality, and no more. i Bides, thus plainly shearing that the tett a Many people who patronize the weigh : milk is the truest plan,. peeing that the cafes in Wingham are not sure what' better the milk the. better the cheese, and the fee ie, or what should be charged, { the grea'er the quantity. nd some of the Wingham council for' is year claim to be in the same position i uncertainty,wh- ichis very unfortunate, i ty allowing much irregularity in prices gid for weighing on the town scales for any years past. Often double the rate llowed.by law is charged and sometimes i 1' orgi,thara double. It is desired by , fitt4 Who use thetown weigh scales,that 1 he council will see their way clear wheal 4iting the scales for another year to the lessen to charge no more than , he aW allows for his services as weigh - ter. A copy of theStatutes showing he tariff of fees should be posted up on he house covering the scales, so that strops could see the rate for themselves not be overcharged by anyone. R,ona='r Curtain. MARRIIED. MAinteur--lavtsz--At the residence of the bride's brother, ;kir. T.Iryine, Winghant,on the 10th Met., by the Rey. S. Sellery, B. Adeline LY. liirvi Marriott. Toronto. Are to Mita Are determined to clear out the bal- SMYTH—STA:MInti—tit the Metbodiet parsonage, Enniskillen, on Dec. 21, 1892, by .Rev. A. Scratch. Wesley, A. Smyth, to Mies Clara Standishall of Culross. > Ki—.Roisa—At tlhe residence of the bride's father, Culross township, on Dec,' 28th, 1802, by Rev, gas, Malcolm, Robert 1 111. \ i { t King, of Brook township, to Mutilda, I t I { daughter, of Mr. Richard Roane. BALLAien—CDLvie—At the resitleuee of 1 1j1 -•-r -'a' the bride's father, so Dec. 23, 1892, by Rev. Jas. Malcolm, David Ballagb to Re- becca , e-hecca, daughter of Mr. William Colvin, • Culross 1 111ci ert—LAmsr n—At the residence of the bride's mother. by the Rev. S. Cl. Ed - 1 muude, B. 1)., on Dec. 28th Mr. Archibald THE WING -HAM TIMES, JANUARY 13, 1893, Watch this space next week. 0 J. J. HOMUTH 8z SON. B ei & AGIN H, McINDOO. GLORIOUS FINISH. Ending a fear's Phenomenal Success the Leading Dry Goods House ante of their McNeil, of Grey, to Miss Julia Auu Lamb• I kin, of Hawick. GlenannAll• I Stmtsas—ELLrot —At the residence of (Intended for last issue,) , Mrs. Elliot, Elizabeth street, Brues,-ls. on Weduesday, 4th inst., by Rev. D. Millar, The following ofiiicers were installed Mr. William Sinners to Miss Mary Elliot t a fate meeting of Clover Leaf Lodge, both of Brussels. 110.^327, Patrons of Industry : Robert dei Cee eftthe bnde'rCf,tiier,l:.tt tt ttie oeb, Armstrong, president; Richard rma , D 21 b tl . McLean J li l• Before stock taking, and -in order to effect a speedy clearance, will give a , CASH DISCOUNT OF Dustings, preset , on, ec. st. y ie- Yri:ae"president; Robert Mu}r, secretary ; ky, McI'tt,-lana, of ;`feGilhrary, to i\4iss �t,� 'as Ferguson treasurer; W. Gray, ` Maggie L., daughter of Gregor McCowan, t" el The lodge bas lately addal • DIM). several new 'members, and has good prospects of being a success. , .Snaroo,oy.---I11 Lower Wingbatn, on January 6th, Richard Shrigley, aged iiia • years. tcDosAa» -In Wingham, on January Boys' Brigade. 2th, George McDonald, aged 22' years, 5 menthe and 27 days. Dr. MSS. B. Morrell, editor of the ., The funeral will ldave his late residence, Bossy Brigade Courier, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1t rancis street, on Saturday, January 14th, M. C. Hull, l sq.,of Detroit, and T. Frank att22.bii'pp tit... for the \Viugham cemetery.,i .r;rrald, Esq., oP 13oston, Eastern Sec iretary of the Boys' Brigade in the Corporation of the County of Y ease with T. W. Nisbet for himself flume will inset 'nthe Court Rouse in the Town of Goderit,t, , JANUARY 24th, at 3 o'aloek p. tn. watt LANE,, County clerk. NOTICE. United Statet, Visited Sarnia Dee, 30, to R 'L' The Connell of the d es representing the Rev. F I" P. ' o t1 '-, TUESD ngham, 1V'. A., St. John E. B„ provis- tial Taresident of the Boys' Brigade in ads, the better organization of the w °aderial,, .ianuary lath, 13113. IltriVade in both countries and the pub- I of the Courier as the organ of on of the Courier the of. he Brigade in the United States and ail d s ng them the REFORM CONVENTION. ads, ItWAS deeifiedtoissue acircular1 A listiorrb Con vas tir,tu will t�attadiatr companies,a vii 'rO�IV`I�T HALL, $R1 utaetIng would be called as soon for the East HALIticling ,oI3R 1bte to gleet Brigade officers for and Local Houses), on and asking theta to recognizeHum y IIiAY, JgUUABY Marina► ► its provisional prosi- ;, his appointment from Scot- U r w, acs Male t I tf for 'Old t h Dominion or Provincial . "VIP Ili Eery may .appoint to look e held in SSELS, (Dominion Oth, 1893, the election of nes it requrrt• Serrate*. 4117, In consequence of the very large trade we have had during the past twelve months we have concluded to make the first month of'93 a stunner and start the year, break- ing the /teeord of all others. And,therefore, will sell our very large stock of Furs,Dress Goods, Suits, Overcoats, Carpets and Lace Curtains at unheard of prices, making specially easy terms. In short, everything in the way of prices and terms will be in the buyers'favor and to a generous public, to whom we are very grateful for bur great. success, we tender this opportunity. M. H. MBINDOO. GEO. E. SING. IRM SSGOOS38 We submit to yore this week the. greatest• value ever Obred as buying public. 25 pieces Dress Goods worth 15c. ab yard,, for 8c. Think of it. Ten cents returned to you out of every dollar. Every ar- ticle in our shop is marked in plain figures, and owing to the low prices prevailing for all kinds of grain, our prices are correspondingly low so, with the above big discount, you may have the cheapest goods in Canada. Call early and get first choice. GORDON 13v McINT`l, 10 pieces Dress Goods worth 50c.. a yard, for 30e. 7 pieces Dress Goods worth 85c. a yard, for 50e. Thes(tGust. two 1Mmee are double width, high class Suitings. Just consider for a moment : Goods of tlai,: class beiing offered" to you at, 15e. and 25a. per yard, osdinaty width. Do, n4 nti-- seeing them. These prices will move tlion quick. Yours truly, Popular IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Holiday Presents A large stock of Ohi•i4mas Goads has just been received, silitable for all pat tier., old or young, consisting of TOYS, 11 HOD/ ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITI,N i, DESKS, TO) LET SETS, PLUS H 00015, 01.1 IN A V &SES, XM AI ,Q„rlRDS, L DIES COMPAN.IO.NS (in plush or wood), VIOLINS, illi 111TH. ORGANS, CELLULOIi) MOUTH. ORGANS, 'I'UY BOOKS, HAND) SLEIGHS, POR RIDGE SETS, BLANK NO'PES, BIBLES, FANCY 1111. IIRORS (band painted). A Large Assortment of ANNUALS Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at }Lome, Boys' Own, &e., &Cc, have a larger stock this year than ever before and tlesite the public to ea and see it before purcha,hin<t a eewhere, as it is no trouble to ti iow goods. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Retkember the Place -1.30 Josephine street, Wingham. ALEX,. ROSS. The Anchor House. Agent for Dominion Express Company and 0. P. R. Telegraph �+OIYlpeltt�. 9 17 kit ad ha ou to De at ful be th ar- ne do di are yol 35 for 22 lbs Ise tor. req at gra fro da) /giver Rai ble for liv wil dir res fr? he Mt OU' ch fai th ba au Yea vi an Gc Ya yet i:te bet att wi tli fai liv an to en