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The Wingham Times, 1893-01-13, Page 7
441 - The New Year; The new year to only the old pro.. 1ouged. Good resolutions ought to keep, but they don't. The now year doesn't bring a ratan strength,. All of us: will do leas evil this year than we did lest -because it is Que day shorter. The year is dead -long live the year. Let us resolve that we have done better ; not that we will do better, The uew year ages rapidly. What we were we are ; what, we are we shall be ; what we shall be --is doubtful. • The new year is a sentiment, Each year people try to be better, because each year they come nearer the grave. In my endorsement of Auti-Dandruff I eau say something I could never say be- fore, which is that this preparation is a perfect remover of Dandruff, not only iu the first stages, but even where the plague has become chronic and has merged itself into a disease, ]'.ears of experience as a hair -dresser, during which time I have ex• perieueed with every recommended pre- paration, not one has (nor, I might say, even all put to gether) given the satisfac- tion that Auti•Dandruff has. It positively removes Dandruff. It stops falling of the hair. It cools the bead. It makes an elegant hair -dressing without leaving a trace of its use. I use it daily in my . dressing plane, at Balmoral Hotel, and have yet to find the first customer wlio was not pleased with it. J. T, FONTAIN), Proprietor barber shop, 13aimoral Hotel, Montreal, P. Q. Slae-Will you instruct your daugh- . ter in the different langnages? Great man -No ; one tongue is sufficient for. a woman. Why do these desperadoes like to die with their boots on ? Because they know Jordan is likely to prove a !lard road for them to travel. '•I am convinced of the merit of 1::oed's Sarsaparilla has grown into great favor. It fortitiess the system and purifies the blood. Jib aaneing mucic is the kind that reaches the sole. The trouble is that when a man needs his nerve most he cannot find it. Very Much Pleased, Sias I am very much pleased with the effects of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Our family has been greatly troubled with severe °olds, pains in the cheat, etc., and have been promptly relieved by this valu- able medicine which we willingly reoom• mend, CLARA. A. Mellne'zze, Clarenden Station, N. B. 1592 calendars are out of date. Marie -I am very fond of literature. Jennie -Me, too. Literature and dancing 1 just dote ou. Beware, young man, Lest you spoil the happy holiday season by giving yeurself away to your best girl. There is one thing sure, said the editor, who was reading the new re- porter's long article; you aro in no clanger of being troubled by a shortage 111 your accounts. BRINGS Ease and Comfort 1. 4il�Ci il^ ITIT poor soaps and old fashioned ways of washing, it is cruel and hard upon women of advancing years to attempt iautrdry work. But with the world - famed, labor-saving ural iceht `,,, �os�d ; r� y'body can do a 'Wash with coin- rative ease byfollowleg the simple direatloua th I'S t11Nt(XCfi'l<" there's no hat.' bing, goo knuckles, hot steam, or tired A t e : will ii,stonleb you. * eeee Werke: Pt, sltrr:terht• tower Bros,. Limited Near Itirkeuhea t Toronto LINEN FURNISHINGS.. HISTORY OF LINEN AND SQME OF ITS MODERN USES. THE WINGI AM TIMES, JANUARY .13, 1893. TRADB SALE mit of their being changed two or three times a week. For general use a dinner uapkin is to be preferred, unlessa separ- ate set of table cloths and napkins are desired for breakfast. In that case the napkins should be smaller than for di BS All napkins aye finished with it A. Chapter ell imported Linens -Tame Alain hem, of are hemstitched, cloths and No/dams-Size and (►naitity , Fringe is rarely used, except on fancy doilies, The plain, square napkin comes or Napke's—woe, Carving, and xray t in all sizes, from twenty inches to the Cloths Sonsllil(i Christmasx*iosents. size of the dinner napkins, which mops- ere twenty-seven inelles, and the cost is The manufacture of linen began at a tteywhere from one dollar and a half to remote date. The ancient Egyptians fifty dollars a dozen. At five or six dol made it not only for their own use, but lass a dozen one can get napkins that also for export, In all civilized conimu- toe good enough for ordinary use. The nities, either linen or cotton is an im- cheaper and smaller ones are unsatisfao- portant factor in the comfort and health i tory. 'Whenever possible, the napkin of the daily living. In the Old and New should match the cloth. One clout will Testaments there is frequent mention of , outwear two sets of napkins; therefore, fine linen, In olden times the bride it is well to gee two dozen napkins to came to her new home with a generous each cloth. One Cannot err in laying in supply .of linen, the greater part of : a generous stock of plain ones, but the which 'was spun and woven by her own ' stye of the small fancy napkins is con - hands; in many cases, indeed, the flaxstonilychanging, and one should not was reisedand prepared for thespinning ' buy too many of them at a time. wheel by her. In seine parts of Europe Small, square or round doilies are this custom still exists. The bride of used a great deal under finger bowls, to -day takes great pains and pride Roman punch and sherbet glasses. in providing for household linen, many These dainty bits of napery can be ver- mouths being given to dainty sewing chased in all the -stores where elnbroid- and embroidery, Each article has ery and materials for needlework are stitched into it many bright hopes and sold; also in the linen stores, These day dreams. Nothing else in the fur- doilies are either hemstitched or fring- nishing of the home has blended with it ed. The embroidery is usually in wash - so many tender, loving thoughts, and tq able silks, fine flowers or Dresden pat - the woman of sentiment it is more terns being the choice; they also comp sacred than almost any other household possession. Once acquired, this love for fine household linen will cling to a wo- man all her life. Indeed, what material thing can she bring to her new home that will give more pleasure than a gen- erous supply for her linen closet? Knowing the love of nearly every wo- man for dainty napery and other house- hold linens, it is a surprise to me. that more people do not select some of their Christmas and New Yoax's gifts from the linen counters. I hope .some of my readers may think of this when trying to decide what will bo acceptable to .their housekeeping friends. THE IMPORTED LINENS. Irish, French, Scotch and English table linens cover many grades, from the coarsest to the fi„est weaving and the most elaborate patterns. All the new designs are large, but in some of the choicest damasks it is possible to get small patterns, if they be preferred. The damask sold by the yard rarely in.Irish point, Mexican work and vari- ous kinds of lace. Larger doilies for bread, cake, cheese, etc., are embroid- ered in white or colored silks, with ap- propriate mottoes, Ladies whowish to do this kind of work for themselves, or their friends, can send to a stamping and embroidery store for a sample doily, and the materials 'for a dozen or more, One should aim to get as rnucll variety as possible in color and design in the dozen. A very fine linen is the ma- terial generally used. At the oriental stores there can be found a small doily, of a crepe -like ma- terial, thickly embroidered with silk, SH LOWS CURE. silver and gold thread. They come with and without a fringe, the fringed ones costing more than twice as much as those without. I prefer those with- out the fringe for table use. • These doilies can be washed, but it must be with great care. If the housekeeper ' will be careful to wash and iron her doilies herself • they will always look reaches a higher price than two dol- fresh and dainty. Lars and a half. If one wish for es- Make a strong suds with hot water pecially pleasing designs and extreme- and white castile soap; wash the doilies ly fine quality, it will be necessary to in this, and rinse them in several warm buy the set—table cloth and one dozen waters. Squeeze them very dry, and napkins The usual width of the best spread them on a clean towel, and cover table damask is two yards and a 'half, ( another towel over them. Roll up tight,. but it may be three yards in width. and iron immediately. TEA, CARVING AND TRAY CLOTHS. The cloths come from two and a half to four yards in length. In these hand- some cloths the border is deep, and the center frequently perfeetly plain. Floral and conventional designs seem popular. One dinner set, which costs fifteen dol- lars, has a design of sections of bamboo stalks strell,t over the surface, Irl ano- ther the bamboo forms small squares. The irregular one is by far the most pleasing. Another pretty cloth is strewn with a • ribbon scroll and some bell-, shaped flower. This set costa thirteen dollars tend a half. Several pretty sets in flower patterns -snow drops, leaves, etc. -cost nine dollars and a half. TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. The range in quality and price of table linen is greater than that of al- most any other fabric. It is a long step from the • materials that are so coarse, so° loosely woven that they might be used for sieves, to the double damask, so fine that even under 'a magnifying glass it is almost impossible to discern the threads. One can buy three or four yards of the coarse fabric for about a dollar, and it is possible to pay ono hun- dred times as much for a dozen napkins and a table cloth, three or four yards long, of the finer quality. But the average housekeeper does not go to these extremes. It does, however, often hap- pen that a woman with a limited purse, and a thousand calls upon it, makes the mistake of buying table linen of too inferior a grade. • It is poor economy to purchase a mixture of cotton and linen. Better a coarse all -linen table cloth than a fine one with part cotton, which may look attractive in the store, but cannot be laundered well, whereas the linen will improve with age and wear. In purchasing table linen the questions that the housekeeper should ask herself are: Will it be subject to hard wear, and be laundered by inexperienced hands? Can 7 afford to replenish it fre- quently? Shall it be fine and. beautiful, or durable, with as much beauty as pos- sible ander the circumstances? The finest goods are of Irish and French manufacture; but the German, while coarse, wear wonderfully well, and some of thein have very handsome designs. Nothing in the way of linen lasts longer than the half -bleached da- mask, and if one live in the country, this may be bleached to a snowy white. nese in a few months. In purchasing these German goods it is wise• to get a cloth that costs at least one dollar and a half or two dollars per yard, A cloth of this kind will outwear several of the cheaper cloths that are mixed with cot- ton, and if properly laundered will al- ways look well. Of course, one can get in these goods a fair piece of table linen at seventy-five cents or a dollar per yard, but the better quality will be found to be the cheaper in the end. Dinner, luncheon and tea seats may be had, the cloth costing no more than if bought by the yard, with the advantage of having a border all around it. • SIZE .tND QUALITY OF NAFELES. Fashion has decreed that a napkin shall not be put on the table a second time until it has been washed. row housekeepers, however, have the means to provide themselves with such a sup- ply of napkins, not to speak of the laun- dress to care for them; so the napkin ring is still a necessity in the average household. it is important, however, that the supfllyr be large enough' is ad.' For the small tables that are set for 5 o'clock teas, and card parties, etc., there are many pretty and inexpensive cloths. Plain linen, with a plain or double row of hemstitching, makes a satisfactory cloth. The cost is about one dollar for a cloth measuring a yard square; plain damask, with hemstitching, costs from. one dollar and a half to two dollars a square yard, and one dollar more for a cloth measuring ta'p square yards., Some long damask Cloths, with open work borders and a fringe, cost four of five dollars. Small hijn, stitched cloths of linen and damask *me for carving cloths, tray cloths' gild center pieces. They cost all the way from twenty-five cents upward. These are useful hi pro- tecting the table, and they may be made decorative by embroidery. For•limited purses these make sensible Christmas presents. -Maria Pailoa. O•s..auctoi and. Philosopher. Re was a street ear 6°1;Z:eater and also something of a philosopher, "You see, it was this way,” he said in telling his story. "The woman thought she was insulted, but she wasn't. I had a whole pocketful of pennies and didn't want any more, but she took some nick- els and pennies from her purse and care- fully sorted out the pennies for rue. Well, I asked her if she couldn't give me a nickel instead -that was the fare, you know -and she got mad. She said she never saw such an insulting con- ductor in her life. I told her I intend- ed no offence, ancl she glared at me and said she would report me; she would not stand such insolence." "She did report me, too. . She said that I had refused to take five pennies, and had treated her most insultingly. I was ` hauled up,' given her letter, and told that I must go to her home and apologize." ' ° Humiliating,': suggested the lis- tener. I should say it was humiliating," went on the conductor. " It's the kind of a thing that just makes a main shrivel up, lie feels so small," Of course you didn't go?" " Of course I did go." " I should think a man with any pride-" " 0, yes, pride's all right. I figured that out, and I couldn't see that it 'ud hurt my pride any more to go to her and say I was sorry than it would to go chasing 'round town telling people: " Please, mister, I'in a poor un fortunate man who's out of a job. Can't you give something to do so's I can keep things going at the house?" No, sir. When a man stands on his dignity he wants to sort of look around and see where lie's going to light if he topples over. Sometimes a fellow lights eight on top of his pride and crushes it so he can't recognize it. Better make it knuckle under a little to -day than have to smns'n it itl the eye to -morrow." -De- trop Free Press. Th.. women \%'.m. At, Buchtel college, Ohio, two women and, 'two men 'competed on the law leaiesecnS'were 1 dibj'Equitablem- 'tlit: Their Development and Place in Otic' dbn:isprudoncc." The women won elle 1) i'izes. Cuvoe Consumption, Coaghe,Croup, Elora Throat. Sold by all Druegists on n Guarantee. For a Lame S{de, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great eatis(rct on. -25 eentq, SH �.©WS3 W Il �'A L.pavG: IR0 Mrs. T. 8. Hawi=lns, Chattanooga. Tenn. eur q "k&1tV.iD hhiloh's Viacaizer 6.Lr111'i+:. I consider gtinbe: 'emedp/erarIs i;c{tat`dsnaterA Zeno. used. 'o. Dyspce is Lit er er'ttdney trouble it exeele, Price .Geta. ' 1' 0 H'S IF,W! AT13i�E4 I. ✓ Wet;li,A.rir CJ1.ia 3 � 1laveyou Cat c ::i, 'icy this Item edv.. )twl4i t) tively raker i+ r : c y Sri Price L"G etc. I.'his Iajecter ; + e• i.• it treatment, is fiuniKtc•r .40 FOL,•. (1 For over indulgence in Eat- ing or Drinking it is a Specific For Sale by All Druggists And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG CO., London Ont. HALSTEDSCOTT �AI\T=h'_ Josephine Street • - W'whani, Ont, J. A. HALSTED, J, W. Scorr, Mount Forest. Listowel. • Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada—Tho Merchants' Savk of Canada Office Hours=Froin'B a. m. to 5 p. m, A., E. SMITH, Anent 1-6-k7 WOOD'S e To Honore' Merchants and Boot and shoe Stores. , In connection with niv Leather liminess 1 keep full stock of Sl l)E DRESSING, Hathaway, 11'hitmore is, Znnon', French Dressing, Eclipse, liixby's, Perfect Bid, etc, in 10, 15 and 25e sires, by the gross or dozen. Jarquot's /french Blacking and Gras's climax waterproof, LAC tom►' in Leather, Horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, d:o. Cotton and Rifle. in all lengths. Sutton fasteners and Betts, cork soles, &c. HOE LEATHER, THER, TIP411 TA13 4';. 6,66.69,46 Treble arrive and depart ae follows: Li;A17Ya Alk 4:35 a, in.,.,,...,.ForTorauto 6fe 0000 lr, p. 'inn !i" 2,For T eesi water i IOW p. ,9 10 .. U. STRATIf/)3R, Aoemr, 11 601Att. 1 Through tickets to all points in Aeierlon--No , West, Pacific °oast etc., via the shortest and popular routes. Baggage ehet•ked through destination, Lowest freight rates to all pointy , ^-TIME TABLE. --- 11110 wixunsn. An&ivic Ar. wrXN[r . 11:35 A,ni.Toronto,Gmelph,Pslmerston, 4 o. 3117 p. 11:10 " " " „ 10.2 60 p.ni. +• '' Curares, „ ,:16 ++ Palmerston, Mixed 0:40 a. m.,,....... London, ,h° .... 430:::::1501;,...1111:,:. :ba p.m, ,� 1120a.ni 14 3;17 ., 13:37 p.a ,r 70.02 • Simon Alma, bat and al and Slezzonla Iiip and Calf ; also native kip lid upper, Spanish and slaughter sole. HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands on band in oak and hemlock. Spec/ a stock for traces in oak. Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed. A posts card will secure quotations ora call from my travel er. W. J. CHAPMAH, Tanner aid Leather Met chant, \ ilvGlI,i.t • 50:40 a ,.11:00 - Op, itmo " Scientific America M Via; ;, ?.,, Agency fol., CAVEATS. . Niz rO TRANDE PATMAERKS.NT/., 6`' DESIOCOPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information and free 13andboOk wr{te to :MUNN Sc 861 BacADWAY, NOW yoEoo. Oldest bureau CO,for seeming patents in America, 70very patent taken outby us is brought bete Hie public by a notice given free of charge to the. gdentiaz alluvium Lamest circulation of any scientific paper bathe t ;am; sh Splendidly be withoutt15. We. kly,ig3.eo a year; 51.50 slx months, Address MUNN f MN RIPPB1111,°., 5Q1 Srostiway, Ne1i Ygr15, FOR ` '. E BEST VALUE IN ORDERED CLOTHING, C=0 TO WEBSTER'S HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, Cheap for KASH. AT- — FL ..L b T j, 1.71 toves, Stoves, Moves • Nor ay Pine ykQmy. 1'iclt in the lung -healing virtues of the Pine ,rnhined with the soothing and expectorant :Forties of other pectoral herbs and barks. A PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Yoarseaess, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat ) Croup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and •l LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which resist alley remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup. PRICE 760. AND GOO. PER EOTTLE. OSLO eV ♦LL O4,0OOISTS. „Qos..om700.-ou..,.�.soaecee,e9aa A , I1 t.. 4r ".',rleliaehe oto ins the kid- , ' dale. are odd s t 1 K,dney Pills gine ,. prompt relief.„ "76 per cent: of disease is , first caused by c'isor•dcred kid- J net's, "Alight as well try to have a t healthy pity • without sewer- age, as good hellth .when the •' kidneys are •.egged, they are • 3 Sold by all dealers or .+t price ;e n9ithC cents, per 1)r. L.A. CCo. hurnl( CS+rr-A Vidriey''' the scavengers of the system. "Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liner Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." "The above diseases cannot exist Where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used.' sentby tuition receipt box or six for $s.ga Toronto. write for a11c. �i 'PelS S4 1— L) ,_Tt)Ijr,r'.tv� ON4.y' CURES WItllt All ELSE ,FAILS. Best Cough syrup.Tastes 000d. t 4t' in time. Fold h,_,lruggists. All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK - S to choose from Eve stove guaranteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction. ieghari5, Oetel pr gbh 1891. D. STITfEfLANf.