The Wingham Times, 1893-01-13, Page 6THE WIGRANI IMES JANUARY 1. 1893..
••.!.....•••••••••••••,!•••1•••••••4...p.#1ftemearom•r.apnintrk•....../4, r, • _ ••••• _
- . . •-•
YAWN ALL YOU PLEASE. you heave when you pull up the sheets I vogg so,3 a that there is only at 0 SOUGHT THE GIRL He LOVED,
b coluTO am Lupo
about the same sise me bullet you used c'tkre"1", b4 ' Stra»ge Story of Purchased Immunity •.?' . )
"at* as he is concerned, to
ature's Itenualies, to pump out -when you were a little boy rid i tie a t rct tie g horse, From. Maths Vengeance, -IS l'1111141SIIED-
Vaegelt Says it's out, or tho Best ofTile horse's
' and had been fearfully 'homesick, away
kr cording to current ideas yawning for the firet time from home. You can
Rope. society is au improper sign et look back 'et, that time and see with clear
ernwse; according to the teachings eyes a 1045 range through time's mag -
physiology,. it is a long -drawn. form.- Miler that a was not sick for home that
i inepiration followed by a shorter you wore, but just heart -sick for your
ke Aratio; according to Dr. Naegeli, it mother, and when you were once more
one a neture's many remedies, the: with her end bed -time came, how, after
oiler application of which depends, you. were safely tucked in between the
ion good j.ndgment. ; the slicete, she came with soft steps and
In 'yawning, not only the muscles. her thin hand put up before the lamp to
Web. move the lower jaw are used, t shade your fa ee, end gliding up to the
it , also the breathing muscles of the : heti hie stood there looking down --
lest, and he who yawns to his heart's; steadfast, solicitou& wistful faces of
mtent also raises and extends the arms.' i poor work -worn mothers! Moist eyes
i the deepest inspiration the chest re-; , have te see theui, now with memory's
mine extended for a short time, the, help."
yes are almost or entirely closed, the
ars somewhat raised, the nostrils dilat-
E .
d. Inside the mouth, the tongue be.
owes round and arched, the pelate:
and anput your head onto the pillow is just
Way stretched, and the uvula is raised„, licriv Indian Maidens of That Tribe Try to
linostiv entirely closing the space be.; Select Husbands in the Springtime.
Men tile nose and throat. At the be, The Ute In.dianslave some very in-
anniug of the inspiration a crackin,„0-' i teresting oustoms for facilitating niatri-
wise is heard in the ears, a proof that . molly.They believe in much marrying
:he duct leading to the hearing also suc-1 and giving in marriage, and quite often
iambs to this stretching. ! ; the maidens marry for the wealth of
If the yawning has reached the deep- , ponies, blankets, or Government in -
1st point it will require from one to one come
a the suitor, just like their white
end a-h.alf seconds for it to become no- i, sisters for wealth. One of the customs
ticeable to the hearing. In order to peculiar to the Ute tribe is called the
observe this, let one place himself at a ! "tea dance," and is described by the
ufficient distance from a clock, so that ; Galveston News. In the spring, when
ts ticking will not be easily heard, and . nature is beginning to don her new ap-
awn deeply. During this deep breath- , parel and. the leaf is just budding, the
ug the sound of the clock is not percep- ; maiden wanders up and down the Ute
ible to the most careful listening. All ! prairie and hill in search of the sweet -
his simply goes to show that yawning smelling herb that, coming at this time
ts a number of muscles to work, and 1 of the year, called the love season, bears
articularly those which are not directly a name which translated means love
*abject to the will. ; weed. Having found a sufficient quan-
Although one yawning does not pre- 1 tity, she tightens her belt, gathers her
nt a very agreeable appearance, it is • shawl around her, and with a joyful
ery agreeable to himself, for the I face and feet as fleet as the deer of her
tretching of the muscles causes a feel- I own beloved mountains she returns to
rtg•bf comfort; it acts like massage, and : her wickiup. She delivers her treasure
a the most natural gymnastics of the l to the old squaws, who by its power,
ungs imaginable, Dr. Naegeli, there I aided by their incantations, have won
pre, advises people notto concern them- many husbands, and, confident in their
elves with so-called decency, but every match -making ability, the maidemeleave
orning and evening, and as often. as all to them.
ossible, to exercise the lungs and all The seventh night of the new moon
he muscles of respiration by yawning after the love weed is found an immense
d stretchino, as many chronic lung home-made drum calls the youth of
both sexes to the marriage hall. This
drum was formerly the section of a hol-
low tree with deerskin stretched tightly
over it. Now an empty cheese -box cov-
ered with tight skin takes its place. The
hall itself is some large new wickiup,
but of heavy white ducking. It is
back is alweye einning up when
1 ider is coming down ana ;ping (WWII
when ti. riders coaling up
Echoes, Wiikineon, of Drownevelley
Lod., Bays: "I had been in dietresse,
enuditioll, for three years from Neryoud
nes, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia
and Indigestion until my health wtte gene.
I bad been doctoring constantly without
"I'll tell you a story as strange as it
is true, if you will not use my name,"
said a guest of a St. Louis hotel, as he
led a Globe -Democrat reporter into his
apartments and carefully closed the
door. " Some years ago I lived in a
southern city -it does not matter what
one. It was my good fortune to render
valuable assistance to a beautiful Italian
girl who had, for satisfactory rename,
1 i•un away from her home m New r-
erioau Nenine, Vinton done me niers gooelleulls'
ing in love with me after the most She repaid my kindness by fall -
relief. 1 bought one bottle of South Am.
than any $sel worth of cloctoring.1 ever did proved manner of heroines. Her rela-
iit my hie. 1 would advise every weakly ' twos warned me that if 1 did not send
edy." A trial bottle will convince you.
self in a sadly disfigured state some COM ZMUCrErS
person to use din.) valuable and lovely retti• her back home I was liable to find my -
Warranted at Ohishohn's drug store. stormy Matt, and on this gentle hint 1
roubles may thus be prevented.
Dr,leraegeli orders the patient troubled
Illitoo much wax in the ear, accom-
flied. with. pain, to yawn often and
eeply. The pain will soon disappear.
e- also, in. the case of nasal catarrh,
flammation of tne palate, sore throat
noted. Sometime afterward her mother Both ilae method and. results when
Subscription price, $1 per year, in eeivaneo
One Column effii00 iti5 00 1
Halt 35 00 20 00 12 00 0 OS
Quarter ,8 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 4 00
One inch 5 00 3 00 2 00 Lip
Legal 505 other myna advertisements, Fe. mune
for first Insertion, and 30. per line for each subsequent
insIVInnotlees 10e, for first Msertion, and .
5o. per line for each subsequent instant No local
Yes, my daughter will be ,A, baroness wrote me that the girl had destroyed Syrupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant taw, Aitdiaciiitilsi:bsiise, co%hhtuaioiglooL:oiNilet.liF,ttolh,:!022,0t5steteo.rxaxeyeeev:eri:1788fttitionlin, et
when she is married. Caught a for.. herself, and added the cheerful news and retreating to the taste, and acts I
her intended husband is a member of 1 ray yet promptly on theXidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- 1
l 4n lojiloglutt.rsooeys,t
&finer with a title has she 'I No; but all:ltopithr,r,1111Sto,tirl per asubsequent month 1t
that heri brothers blamed me for her
rash deed and would see me later. . 1
the coal combine, a smcide's grave from the infamous tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
icager periods. .
These tams will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for lo advertisements or tot
.cted that she had sought refuge in
treatment of her relatives rather than aches and fevers and cures habitual
4.. rldc:tlir,,t6i.!isyesn.riloilits;nal::.,,ii,tt.i10.3ce,daitaintireftetriebsstli,,v,ciatxiiiitolutnestitreittee
And Miss Mewl, said young, Linger- from the pangs of pining love, but the constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
long. I want to gay berOre 1 go that tragedy moved me strangely and nearly only remedy of its kind ever pro- 1
yPara to gain your hand. HOW sweet g ceptable to the stomach, ifoTOMyt in.
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac -
the odeeesby
like Jacob of old, I would serve seven d:ittrionoe ci. my trteasolti, While she was
my' lif-no fol. twon oa other
serNiVueiree ttandesaivipinon
. that week
of you' I Suppose )ou stay half an hour a young girl from the paths of iii:. its action and. truly benehcial in its R. Mum'
longer and begin work by cleaning a famy. Two of these interesting would- effects, prepared only from the most PRoimINTOR AND PUBLISHER
prison, long,and leasier, but 11ealthy and agreeable substances, its ! ..
manyexcellentqualitiescommendit ' 1 IR MACDONALD,
, be assassins were rounded up by
...._ ,...,.L._-,,,,,,....... ‘_........ . the mob that breathedstormed the parish
path for the milkman. .1
The weekly .Empire all premium the man it never takes his -name off the list. popular remedy known. .
toall and ave made it the most LI
clubbing /sates. not for When the mafia marks aI JOSEPHINE STREET,
none know where, or dies none know of Figs is for sale in 75c •
Conservative members of the House of WIltoillai. • • • • ONTARIO.
end of 1893- -$1.75. comfort himself ea best he may with boSttYleruspby all. leading (7, ruggista 1 — —
A.ny reliable drugglit who may not w B. eoweeu, N,D.O.M.,
Sooner or later it gets him sure. He goes
Commons, and the Trans from now till the how. Tie only thing he can do is to ---
have it on hand :will ocure it i n'
d earache, orders the patient as often brightly lighted by the moon and stars
nossible during each day. to yawn shining through the open doorway and
oni. six to ten times successively, and by. the large fire in the middle of the
tninediately afterwards to swallow. wickiup, over which is brewing the
"1 tea." No chaperons are needed
here, so the elders .go outside and pro-
ceed with the music. Cupid is danger-
ously near, and the clamor the musi-
cians produce is better appreciated by
them than it would be by most of us.
With these western beauties every year
may be a leap year, and the maiden who
has long admired at a distance some
lithe7limbed, fieet-footed son of the for-
est may now rise from her tailor posi-
tion and dip the tin cup in the love
potion and pass it to her desired one.
Ho may accept or reject. If he does the
latter on account of having. another
sweetheart he of course promises to be
a brother to her. All the rest may
lie result will be surprising. If one
ioks upon yawning as a natural tufts-
ege for certain organs he will reach a
ktisfactory explanation of its curative
roperties.-Translated from the Ger-
ian. of Mr. Julius Stinde, in. the Berlin
fusers Zeit.
Humble Birth of Noted Mon.
History has taught us that no circurn-
ances are too humble for a child born
to them to rise to eminence. It has
so, acerding to the New York Ledger,
right us that poverty is frequently a
"ell) rather than a hindrance, and that
e right kind of a man will make dr -
instances bend to his purposes and
: Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
t'll the end of 1893-01.76. and ward. It is seldom that the mafia promptly for any or,e) w ho wishe..c ,
The weekly Globe and Thins from now Hamlet's philosophy and keep watch
does its deadly work so badly as In poor to try it. E:ar.ufaotured oily by the I -Coroner for County of Huron-
. Hennessy's case. It traps it3 victim or .. . . : 011ie° Up.stairs, next to 11r Morton's office, wing -
TIMES from now till end of 1803-4135. story is yet to come. A month ago wh, , UFOi;RIA IFT, 'SIRUP CO.. . Ont.
Timm from now till the eild of 1898-$1.50 slips a knife into his ba. -.31.: in some lonely — - ! winos novas -9 to 12 a. in., 1 to 2 p. m.. or at
. ham
Tbe Loudon Advertiser, weekly and
The Loudon Free Press, 'weekly and byway. But the strangest part Of ray OAR 11"-.'' P.::::::. ' • •, C.Eiti, Residence, Diagonal Street.
of let circumstances bend him. There choose before she has another chance.
a breed of heroes, which -is never es- But some brave may have been captured
net in any age of the world, who de- by her laughing lips and sparkling eyes,
ht in obstacles, and who make peer- and so. when the time comes for the
e., disadvantages and youthful depri- men to choose, will give her to drink of
tons only serve as the rounds of the the magic liquor. Her love is seldom
'der by which they climb to great- so lasting that she will not accept the
ss. " They do not sit down and whine suitor, and he does not care if he be
cause others are more fortunate than second choice. The music is con inu
ey. They take fortune as it comes, and the dancing consists of keeping
uraturingly, and by a kind of mys- time to it by 1,00Q odd fantastic gyra-
eus alchemy, as it were, transmute tions. graceful yet wearisome. The
rt s into benefits. Thus the dance lasts three days and nights, then
should walk in upon me but the girl 1 k4Msv-1---
1 nit. J. A. NELDRUM,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and
The Montreal Weekly Herald and the had for eighteen months mourned as • Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of
TIMES from now till end of 1.898-01.50. dead. She had recovered from the self- , Ontario.
The Moutrsid Witness. weekly and nuns inflicted wound, but had been kept close oases and Residence -Corner of Centre and Patrick
prisoner in heremother's house. She . streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune.
from now till the end 1803-41.75. finally made her escape and penniless IliNGIIAll • • • osT
Reduced rates with all other metre and friendless started on her journey of ' . •
petition weeklies. This is a grand oppor 100 miles to crave my protection. She 1
tuuity. Subscribe at once and receive the had begged her way, walked and stolen
rides on freights, slept in the woodsBA R RIMER, 'SOLICITOR, Etc.,
balance of the year free. with no covering but thesky,no sentinel ' Private ...nil Company funds to loan at lowest rah I
The Turns and the "Family Herald and but the stars. ' She reached me foot- ron. interest.anficio,,cworpirizi,ociA.c,IT,orfieutkt abiTlaciges, town
Weekly Star" and the Star Almanac, from sore, bedraggled, weary. but hap -
now until the 1st of junuary 1894. for PY as the empress of the world. What OFF10E-Beaver Block Wit:coma
did I do with her? I took her back to
$1.75. New Orleans, called her relatives about
me and bought her any own immunity
• for an annuity. of $260 a year. I have
sfo tine .
t ;men the world has ever lmown all are married.
et born low- Socrates was called by .
placed the girl at school, and if she
doesn't mace her mark in the world of
iNCLUDING Books Pamphlets, Posters, Bill music I miss my guess.
Heads, Circulars. &c., Sm., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short
notice. Apply or address
Timms Office, Wingham.
Thi. undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con. 4.
Turnberry . four thoroughbred Holstein bulls. rang.
ing front 9 to 18 months old. The above mentioned
animals are all well marked and registered in the
Canadian Herd Book. They will be sold cheap and
on easy terms to suit'purchasers.
Breeder Uolstein Cattle,
Bluevcde, Oat.
-------- - --• - .
On the gentility of Cultivated Farin, Interest six
per inti istfttihireeatagaalthit.nvAt:ivniepot.or!
theboof the
InFisreF13.1 111' exopenIc'es pad 'by the County. No
person except the County Auditors allowed to see
mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned.
Apply to WM. HOLMES
Goderich, Aug. fith 1502. Co. Treasurer,
I Are o mided. A..L7 c)MIU\
almost unconditionally sanctioned ; Comparatively few persons have both ! j
to "thewisest of inen, and poste y Most Peon e
to's vieW. Yet Socrates was the son . sides of the body of perfectly dmilar ' WANTED.
day laborer. Epictetus, one of the proportions. One leg or oi.,e a. -in is
foamiest of the sages of antiquity, shorter than the other. The ter() %ides To sell our unexcell—ecl Nursery Stock. Steady
is the son of a day laborer and was of the head are often of unequal size. emPlovnient and control of the territory. ave
• done business in Canada 25 yew 0. Liberal pay to
Lal 2150
elf a slave. Few persons have ears o eq
prithana Lincoln and Sir Isaac New- and symmetrically placed, The size and
who made, perhaps, the most start- 1 position of the eyes vary. In the mouth
discovery -the law of gravitation- ; and throat also we find inequality, and
t has scar been voucnsafed to humancartilage separating the two
letigation, wore the sons of poorc.; , avities is oftener deflected than vertical.
ers. When Newton was born he ' Those who have observed the effects of
SO small he was washed in a quart school life on bodily development must
and his youth wag puny and ' have noticed the influence of habitual
The great Roman Em
! posture on the symmetry and habit of s,..
letiau as the son of aslave. Virgil, 1 the body. There is a tendency among
eatest of the Roman poets,
was , school children, says the Youth's Coul-
son of a porter. Henry Wilson, , panion, and especially among school girls,
ard vice-president of the United , to assume habitual postures both in sit-
tes, was the son of a poor and shift- : tittg and standing. The habit of throw -
farmer. Benjamin Franklin was ing all the weight of the body On
, PiOn of a soap boiler. The father of one leg produces a corresponding throw-
nosthenee, the greatest orator of an- ing of the upper part of the body to -
'Ay and probably of all time, was a ward the opposite side in order to estab-
4.sinitla. Sohn Keats, ono of the lisle the necessary equilibrium. This
+st delicately tuned poets England tends of course to curve the spinal col -
produced, was the son of a stebler. uran, on which the upper part of the
:hit few great/nett have been (level- body is supported. In this position the
t.d from among the poor of cities. The body and all the internal organs are
ellers in the wretched tenements of thrown out of their normal vertical
large dues do not train children to position, and the force of gravity still
itnees. The fresh air, the healthy ?
urther exaggerates this result. Thus
rotunlings, the wholesome influences the muscles of the neck areis unevenly
country are lacking. The crowd- exercised in the unconscious balancing
moments of thee city -astally train of the head upon the vertebral column.
he children born under their evil in- Even the muscles of the face tend to be-
ce to lives of crime, degradation come unevenly contracted, and this, in
depravity. The germs of greatness time, develops a noncondition of sym-
ly flourish there. ---...-----. metry of the face. The growing age is
The lied Of a Rfirtitleaged Man. more subject than any other to Bitch in-
fluences, btit every age is directly and
t's funny when a man gets to be powerfully influenced by any occupation
40 how he always longs for his own
or habit which tends to the exclusive
if Itel happens to be separated from use of certain =soles or to the habitual
odd a returned summer sojourner
New York Recorder 'nen, "When taking of a certain posture,
art toward, home 1 always begin to instead Of Feathers,
rrIn-to my hitherto restrained de- The women who are tired of feathers,
pa get:keine, and the main idea in
le tget into It
which it must be confessed are very
I o my own bed.
Wee Wee T have boon 0O0npy. POpnlar, replace them With cuticle
$15 were or one. or became quills. or wings. The great vogue givea
.rior, but there's a Some- to plaid quills, which are realty in goo 1
Ida ahle when pee landyour style and to be commended, not only for
lei it. oniehovr it me
the soft walking hat, but also for tie)
Selt. it6deCOrdieti with velvet
ea le world was not snite so 111.0re arcs*" nns
or eatin ribbon rosettee.
in i,fe., harb:esinente. „The . nigh
the right man Send for tonne.
Story of an Engineer Who Stood by Ms
Post in the Pace of Death.
"The sight of Tom Shaunsey," said
an old miner last evening, "recalls to
my mind an incident which occurred in
a Nevada mining down a good many
years ago. and which, I think, was the
finest display of cool courage and a
seeming disregard for physical suffering '
on record. Tom was running a hoisting
engine at' a mine where about three 1
hundred miners were employed, myself
included, and one night, just after the
12 o'clock shift had gone down the shaft
and were well away from the main 1
shaft at work it wap suddenly discover-
ed that the hoisting works Were on fire,
The building was old and dry and
burned. like tinder, and, notwithstand-
ing all efforts to quench the fire, it I
burned so fast that before the men
could all be brought up it was thought
by many that they were doomed to
Suffocation. Tho heat in the hoist-
ing works became so intense that
every one was driven out,
as it
was thought, but the last man, as he
looked hack through the door, saw Tom
Shaunsey standing by the engine with
the lever in his right hand steadily
watching the cable as it ran through the
pulleys with a speed nev
forb. 'The man called to Toni to come
out, but the only reply he got was a
wave of the disengaged hand, and then
ZETLPUMP WORKS. a Portion of the roof fell in and everyone
— thought that the fate of the engineer
I wish to intimate to the people of &Mend and aItnaN\t'llaesnl'ats,t tchaogueg-lhoa, d of men was sealed.
unding country that I have commenced the thanks to Tom's
urroure of all kinds of bravery. We reached the surface, and
as the cage stopped I happened to look
towards the engine, and through the
s smoke I just caught a glimpse of Tom
and can supply then) °lithe shortest notice. as he let go the lever and slipped to the
floor insensible. Well, we got out some
way, I don't know just how, and we
Will also be in a position teem ly Iron and Fordo carried Tom with its, you may be sure.
pumps to order. And within five minutes after we had
Repairing attended to. Prices reasonable, ! collapsed. Tom was terribly burned,
reached the open. air the whole building
and his right arm will always be useless,
JOIN PELTON. ' but, as far as work is concerned, he will
Zetland, May 5th, hort, never need it, as, between the boys and
_____ the company, Tom will always be pro-
. vided for." -San Francisco Call.
`1,4411tia• '1
W ngham Saw and PlanmgMdls.
Wingham Ont
0 H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. 1 E. L. CICKIKSCA, B. A
bhthe ri6 I lieiton for Ba
Bela: of Hamilton, Commissioners for
1 talcing affidavits Jur 1)11)11, Tema and
r , Village property Lought and sold. Money (private
funn m
ds) loaned ooitgage security at 54 per cent.
Money invested for ptiratt 1011401)5, upon the beet
mortgage sLeuritits without any expense to the
lender. Lands for sale h, Manitoba DIM the North-
, west.
Office -Kent's Illuc:k, '11 1151)1111.
Is manufacturing Celluloid Platee,
Vulcanite dates of the bestinaterial
4 .i. as cheap as the) eau be got in the
Dominion. All tsork warranted.
ityPaoirnNle,es:uetxatbillotet‘i,aciploorf. teeth by the USO of Electric.
y; c... ICI 0--0! DO ears /NOTION. -1 will extract teeth for 25 coda
" / Brunswick Rouse.
OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the
.4.* W rn. H. Macdonald, L. D. S.,
---, •,:•„,
al ri) A;T:6 6 ler-
Opposite the Queen's Dotal, Winghon.
a .
Unlocks all the °Iona. ammo of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying
tiff gradhally 'without weakening the sys-
tem, all .tho impurities and foul humors
ot the scoretions; at the same time Cor-
recting Acidity of the Stomach,
ring Bilionsnosa, Dyspepsia,
Female Sanitary Imigincer.
Headaches, Dizziness' Heartburn,
A woman sanitary engineer has been Constipation, Drynessof the Skin,
The undersigned have now 00 hand a largo stock chosen to represent the 'English women Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun-
of at the congress of hygiene, She is a dice, Salt Miami Errsipelas, Sero-
-71 1rt Ner-
woman of versatile genius, a possessor fula, Hut em
of certificates for art, music, hygiene, vousness, and eteneral Debility ;all
• divinity, physiology and sanitary these and many other hm1ar Complaints
science She visits professionally 1yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK
TA.MA.RA.CK, SISIl slaughter -houses, workshops and dairies, LOOD
HARDWOOD LUMBER, and understands all about the laying of i Pat Buts t.IJ rii Declare.
• drains, water mains, connections and mlintdi & CO trs
mil MO
I ra. j
nrcural or undressed xxX and kx. • SO &Mi.
An Ungiucering rent.
NO. 1 CEDAR SHINGLES, 1 A Scotch engineer is said to have
STAVES, solved the problem of malting the mill NERvt,
HEA.DXNGS, " t - that has eased It
is reported by a Glasgow par that a BEANs r..w., Manhood; restore. the
ment by which 141 the steam mai erobeS Of ?oath. Tbli Remedy ab,
Will visit Gorrie let and 3rd Mondays
of each month.
OF 1.11;;RON.
Saks attended in any part of the Co. Charges
All orders left at the Tim office promptly attend
ed to. Terms reasonable.
LIONS/MD AtieTIONIIIM roe Coussms lintion
All sales attended to promptly and on tile Shorter
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guarantecd.
All necessary arrangements ran be made at the
M. D. Toronto, Meinbers College Physicians and
SurgeonS. Ontario.
Itsiavn hEAINS are 5 now du.
coney, dug cure the worst eases of
T II Nervous DeWitt Load Visor Ind
13AURELS, resident engineer has devise( an a,r- ' weakness of body or Hard asttimiod
UT mar -work. Or the mos er ils.
WOOD, &Co llulge aici tioumay auras the =A obstinate eases whoa all ether
by an engine is returned to the oi er. iii,,,, :7,04 by dtsIaI ecti
rat prices diet flav eotepetition. Parties Intending As it result it is esid that as much en.- iik4 f.tei per petelo, e_ee„e4j2flify !attett.)1,„_.
to build will ilbei it io their intetest 20 giro us a, call orgy oral be gotten out of one ton of , "004,1:1,41:: gi, . . 1-7".rilia:„:,04-47,-, ,,,.-1.-aat--
„..0. to be undereold. Cesteht work at,toodad to coal As IS now Socarta by the consump. tee by A. iitg1.,,ItAkilifroA
borer° placing their OHMS, Off We Ire deter/oil/8cl
promptly kuid satisfaction guaranteed. tion of seven tone
BEI.GRAVa • • ONTAttle
Mousy to Loaii on Notes.
notes Discounted
iloney Avanted en Vortgages a Si per event With
privilege et pitying at Cu octal of any year. Notes
toed asetnitits eellestei.
11,015% 1/01141106.
eirrots,-laaver Mork, Witalheat, Onto
The flew yea
Qood resol ut*
they don't,
The now yea]
All of us wtl
than we did las
day shorter.
The year is
Let us resale
better; not tha
The new yea
What we we
are we shall be
The new yea
Each year 1
because each y
the grave.
In my endors
I eau say soinet1
fore, which is
perfect remove/
the first stages; 1
has become chro
into a disease,
hair -dresser, dut
perieuced with 4
paration, not of
even all put to
tiou that Au ti -
It positively r
falling of the bit
makes an eleg
leaving a trace
in my dressing
and have yet to
was not pleased
Proprietor barba
. y
ter in the diffe
man -No ; one
a woman.
Why do the
die with their
know Jordan i
road for them
"I am convitu
Sarsaparilla ha
It fortifiess tiis
reaches the so
The troubl
needs his new
Sme,-I am Vi
effects of 114
Our family has 1
severe colds, pal
have been prom1
able mediciue w
mend, CLA1
1892 calend
Marie—I a
Jennie -Me,
daneing I just
Beware, yo'
the happy he]
yourself away
There is (
editor, who
porter's long
danger of bein
in your aceout
ITS poor
of wash:
stbodv ofl
ativo two by
ith "SOX;
bing, Oro
etas 1 rt. Su'
Near 111