HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-13, Page 5OP - 1 THE l'Y INGUAM TIMES, JANUARY 13. 893, BIG WINTER SAL AT COST, FOR CASH ONLY, Starting on Saturday, Jau 14th and Continue for 30 Days. Dress Goods, Prints, Muslims, Flannels, Shirting, Cottonades, Shawls, Velvets, Corsets, Ladies Furs, Kid Gloves, Mantle Cloths, Hats and Caps, G loves, Tweeds, Underclothing, Overcoats, Men • and Boys Beady Made Clothing. CARPETS, 011 CLOTHS, CURTAINS, ETC, JOHN GA:.:..:rr I• .k ITH. The County Council. 'The County Council, as feeds at present •eau be ascertained, will be 'made up as £ollowe : REEVE. 4 nEerm, .Ashfield, Griffith, ( *rirvitl Chamberq Bayfield, )3Iyth, Brusse is, Clinton, .Oelborue, -Exeter, <Goderfclr, 'Godericli Tp , .Grey :Hay., Howick, • Mullet, !ie:Kiliop, Morris, S'eaforth, Stanley, Stephen, ' Tuckersmith, Turuberry, Usborue, E. Wttwauosh, W. t'Vawanosh, Wingbane, Wroxeter, Woods, Young, . Kerr, Aictlurchie, Kennedy Malloy, Young Eoitius, Spackman Pro urtfoat, Holt latest Atlantic coast blizzard, accompanied Cox Beacom by the heaviest snowfall since that of "the 12iiile 5 Olivergroat blizzard" of March, 1888, was a fit Datiles sequel to last month's boreal weather. The Government weather -crop bulletin is- sued lately states that "December has been colder than usual over the entire country except along the Florida and Gulf coasts," while in New York city its mean tempera- ture was 31 degrees, or 4.8 degrees lower ( Eilber than the average of the past 20 years. The lttttz, 7 Sherritt bitter frosts and snow blizzards reported Shepherd, McKay from various parts of Europe, including 1TcPhorsnu, Cruickshank northern Italy, indicate that the phenom-, Kay, To be chosen Taylor, Sbietl enal "cola wave" that swept over America Stewart, Gibs,u Sperling, Brockeushire Sanders. An OW Time Winter, We are having a real old-fashioned win- The annual meeting of the cheese factory Biuevale ter. We've had about a month of it will be held on Tuesday, 17th inst. The straight and the promise is for a continu following are a few of the particulars of the ante. The New York Herald, which is a annual report :—Total number lbs, milk re - weather prophet, says : ; ceived, 2,862,310 ; total number lbs. cheese cheese for season, 101; average price sold made, 266,260; average lbg milk to 1 lb. The winter of 1893 in both the New and the old World promises to snake almost as at, 10k cents ; average cost of making, per remarkable a record for its icy rigors as the hundred lbs., 57 3/10e.; average cost of summer of 1802 made for its world-wide making, per hundred lbs., 'including draw- andabnormally intense "heat waves." Our ing milk, cheese boxes and insurance, $1.58; average cost of drawing milk, 7 6110 mills per gallon. ( 'Turnbull Mehl wen, ZG Geiger er Ferguson 'Jock, ? (rabani Scott, Macdonald Beuuewehe,To be chosen Mooney, Howe McLean, Watson Torrance, Erratt Blyth, Tbe.auniversaryeervioesof St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, in this, place, will be herd on Smiley next, 15th instant. Rev. Mr. McKay, of Parkd.tle, will preach the anniversary sermons. A colleotion will be taken up at the d'oe's of each aiervtce to aid in defrayiug the cn,b of church repairs. On the following Mouday i evening, an interestiu,g lecture will be given by the Rev. Mr. McKay, entitled, ",Picture Gal levies;' The sudden death of the 1ltta James Me - Gee, sr., cast a gloom over the village. The deceased had just returned from an oyster supper given by Mr. N. H. Young to the employees of the salt ?forks in the village. he having been an employee for upwards of a dozen years, While standing at the stove he fell backwards against the door of the room, never rallying after- wards, Dungannon. The West environ' Partners, Institute regular annual meeting will be held at Dungannon on the 17th and 18th of Jan- uary, 1803, when the following speakers will address the meeting t Prof. Shaw, O. A. C., Guelph ; H. L. ,Tutt, 13. S. A. Southend, Ont ; John Jackson, Abington, Out.; and local talent, A.s the speakers are allpractioal men in their hne of baei- nese, their ideas will be of great benefit to those who attend. A2drris. We are pleased to state that Mr, Chas. Proctor is able to bo around again. At a meeting of the Morris and Grey thoese factory company, to be held on the 27th instant, the question of using the 13abcook Tester and paying according to the amount of buttct fat in the milk, will ba considered and discussed, ord.Wieh. '`Court Howlett, ,Oanadiali Order of Woresters, of this pleoe, will give a grand enttortainmept in their hall on the even- ing of trio 25th instant. Th at talented lady, Sara 1,ord Hailey, has Wen seouted kr the occasion, Whitechurch. A. couple of errors crept into our report of the Whitechurch Creamery.Compauy's annual meetin in last issue. The i;, amount paid out to the patrons was $12, - HARNESS AND GOLLARS, Having bought out the Ambler thtrness Business ni,d ,.tnrtcd in lin, t ld rtl't.tl, am prepared to furnish the public with everything uenully kept in a barites# t ors suchas E1EA VY, LIGHT end ,'RACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, • WHIPS, CURRY COM 8S, 13RUSk1DS, S111?[A'T' COLLARS,. TRUNKS, VALISES ttnfl TRAVELLING ]3At S, ,v e„ ire. I make all my own Colliers and guarantee satisfaction. Oa$ finished and lenthet GOODS -J, Give me a trial feud .I will use you rightori ,■ M. PATTERSON, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, effa°r. 1 have just received ft full supply of Ohristmas goods, coneintiug of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. AT !HAMILTON' BIG B A.RGAINSPr From Now 'fill Christmas.' DRUG STORE, Alt goods bought Eur uttsh and \vs: soli sell to chap at the ellvnl'est sur', I cheaper Central Telephone Repairing Promptly Done and Satisfaction ixuara'ute ed ,t-i'Give me a call M ! IT WILL PAY YOU BEST IN THE END. NOTHING LESS SHOULD SATISFY YOU. Clever, Energetic Young Men and Women who intend to qualify, for positions in Bonit-kee oing, Shorthand land Typewriter;, should write for i .analogues of both departments of of CUATl-AIL, ONT., established 187e, This institution is the peer et nay busses college or shorthand school in .tteerica, and vastly superior to any other school of the Ivied in Canada. These ,.re the advantages we otter: The two best pennten la Ctutrlda, the beat and largest stat of teacher's, the best coarse in shorthand land typewriting, the hest course et bit9111ess training the bust suite of rooms, the best equipments in every respect. the best record for placing in students in the te, st j,ayfu positions in the business world. Our college rooms occupy over 8000 square feet of space, We pay the railway fare OL stndnnts eeninr from a distance to the limit of :.,8.00. :ood board in pleasant homes for ladies at 82, gents 82 all. For catalogues of either department, address, D. t\Lola CILI AIS, Principal. 000 not $22.000 In remarking on the eebNo,'N conduct of the business. the re- port should have said that the affairs of the company bad been so sn.tir.factorily looked- after by the officers of the Com- c- ptet y, that in the Targe meeting not a rutubler was to be found Seeforth's debentures, to the amount of at the close of last month is travelling 614,000, raised for ,the purpose of erecting around the whole northern hemisphere. market buildings, hitve been sold at V150 premium—a good showing„ • 1 YL OF FOR 'I' H 1J ext i hearty r e7 S MRS. HERDSMAN, In order to reduce her large Stock, will sell the same at and below cost for the next thirty days. COME AND GET BARGAINS. NOTIOE,—All book accounts not settled before the 15th of February, w111 be uhuti d in other hands for collection. MRS. HERDSMAN. WI N G HAM MARBLE WORKS MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS., of Kincardine have bought' the Marble Business of hfr T Wagon, formerly carried on by W Smyth, Parties regnidng work in their line rVlit do tre11by calling on them or geeing ono of their agents beton§ purchasing, You will find our prices are away down, i\ur workmanship it unsurpassed. We will use none but the very best ttoeic dud by square dealine. hope to Aeenro a liberal share el the public plati mire. Mr T T Watson, who has been running the business for the past ,year, will represent ea oh the road. Gall ani see our stook and pricer. VArtsToXt 13X OS. a z ants iere)e ow. LrItJ1� 13i.t evtelsl'ot's likes to buy' in the ellea,pi st nia.rl:s t, it will ;iaj.you to visit ue tills Month, The season of stock tak- ing is at hand, \vilI•it there is very little bnsir.eis going except that, 'which is forced, The jingleof' ,lol- lars i move pltlasttnt to ijs than looking over a splendid stock. Wilt we iia\'e the pleasure of heal'ill;,'' some of your dollars jingle? ke 0 istake. We have the - 1 i I Exchang.a Inside track and Can give you Every line we se For lT4s than Our conmetltors, you do not Ilsook at our i [Dinner st; M� Tea Se t bah , rf l ., aaina, Tea P tt'39 Salad Bowls, Fruit Setts, Cusndoires, Biscuit Jars, Plower Pots, - Cups and Saucers, Fancy Plates, Wine Glasses, Tea Bo t Stands, Cake Pates, Celery d'lasss, $tic., Youwill be The loser. 1','r• will if you i'i\•e wisdom .1 cilattce ter tett'(' ill Mid 11 t1tieltUt you. 11'e won't, �'s�,priIig that oldt'Itr' ,111.11, 011 you,''J.�i:,'' reduction to re'luce st.tck." t1'u siwi,l� otter you 11. chalice. to ;het .1110 1'81 t: hex - gains it v„11 want, [.hell,, l,'r\v 'mens on everyth:n'r, l3ie sure ti, eintIN.:ti"1 .wd \VI'lit we can. leu 1,',i' yon, Social. hip of g VQ' qt., (,1111' prides alt' lower than ;titV other house in the trade. Visit us and we wilt convince you of this fact. We give you a reduction of ten per cent, off all your cash pur- chases in all lines except groceries. We give you 20 lbs. White Sugar for $1 ; 25 lbs. nice Brown Sugar for $1, and several. other drives. \V,-. are tihuw'1,t•! Ainet'icait 1`a1 - pets in beautiful patterns ;1t:31) per cent. less then you can hitt• (aliii- dian roods. You remember how we cornered up the print market last season, Since the raw cotton has advanced fl'orn Oe. to 13c, a pound, but we bought early and we can give you the saul'e quality of goods as we gave yiiu iast year at the same 'trice. ','lie patterns are a'1 new, +ve can't replace. then[ when they're gone. Courteous Treatment, Lowest Prices, Nobbiest Goods, at T. A. MILLS, W. Ta i ATE The China House; `r. iu li ard _ME PEOPLE OF PE 'A. IiIiNE Abi'iE 0,1, CANADIAN O O , HAIZLTONt Coal in Car Iota sold dues colonisers. Pro interlraedtrtlte proiltit, Write for ?Atom. Spacial Att 'anent a'ss't t tiritighton. 444/4111%14 tyftlhli