HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-13, Page 4THE WINGHAY11 rnmEs, JANUARY 13,1S9
• 1, .• ^ --K- -4-- Y,
eves only 492. Tide liftles as though ream,lour future destiny. YouMarneela.ng Canada in 1
ing the number umbe o licenses reduces the preesing forward, eager te take 'Part in 1 One of those happy events whitish always
amount of arinleing. That city was a few
years ago completely under the control of
liquor dealers and their friends, but today
1 no man, who is not an avowed temperance
— ANC; — man, need apply to the eleotors for the
1 Mayoralty or any of its civic honors.
DRUGGIST., No mui in Canadian public life ean
I expose the absurdity of protection theor-
ies more clearly than Mr. David Mills,
In an address at Ridgetowii lately he said:
, NNW. TELEGRAPH GO, "The most ardent advocate a protection
in all Canada will not go so far as to
the politieid fray, and there seems to bo
a more general realization among tile
people irrespective of party, that the N.
P has proved a ours° instead of a blessing
and that the shortest out to better times
would be to imitate the electoral revela
tiou in the United States, and unite in
demanding freer trade, lighter taxation
and cleaner men. and methods in the
government of the Dominion. A con-
vention would keep the party und its
1. Brunswick House favor impediments being put in the way
of the free exchange of the products of
I those who constitute the same nation.
- Out They will net even apply the doctrines
reteetee.e of protection to what they require from
Cara .1* • s is only when applied to the wants of
abroad for their own consumption. lt
41.0: tug 2airittvats some other party that it, is held to be for
the good of the state."
A TUE liquor law wheal is to go into
aIDAY, 3ANU.A.BY 13, 1892. force in South Carolina the lst of next
-- —a—a-- duly will be stingent. It will prohibit the
L EDITORIAL NOTES manufacture, sale, barter or exchange or
the keeping and offering, barter or exchange
of any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented,
or other intoxicating liquors, or any com-
pound or mixture thereof. State ageots,
however, will be empowered to sell liquor,
but under such close restrictions as will
put it out of the power of most people to
buy it. Another clause makes it a lease's -
et eveek, by 36 majority over A. meaner, punishable by fine or imprison-
, .
l'the government candidate. Mr; meat, for any club to have liquor iii its pos.
, maises to make lively times in the session, even if it is not sold or given away.
' . Commons. The State Legislature tried to pass the
tntario Government will have a most cast-iron liquor law in the world, and
'1 exhibit of Ontario's minerals it appears to have done so.
Wnian Canadian barley sells in But-
arorld's Fair at Chicago. The
es said, will be particularly good, tale at 82c. per bushel, it only realizes
40o. here. So =oh for protection.
•of gold, silver, copper and niekel
'-',.,sviaole collection *will do credit
There is no room for a pretence that the
farmers are benefitted by the high tariff.
A It simply burdens their industry. If it
Jud. that the vote in the County of
' 'II be against the House of Refuge. I be contended that the tariff protects the
efarmer in the Canadian market from
rent municipalities which gave i
as in favor of it were Tuenberry anal American competition, that amounts to
pith. It is too bad thatthe people an admission that the American farmer
Pithy county like Huron should be
can produce more cheaply than he can.
hotel their duty to the deserving
If our farmers, on their own ground,
cannot hold their own with the Ameri-
cans without a protective tariff, how can
they be expected to compete with tkem
advantageously in the free market of
Great Britain, where the agricultural
products of the world are admitted upon
equal terms, and where no preference,
protection, privilege or aid of any kind
is given to the colonies?
OA, a halo of good, feeling aria pleasure over
the community occurred on the 29th ult.,
at the residence •of Mrs. Mary Bone. The
subject of interest on this occasion was the
xnerriage a her only daughter Annie to Mr.
Elliott Richmond, of Newboro, The care
'peony was performed at 3 o'clock by the
Rev. W. H. Geddes, in the epresence of
about uinoty invited guests. Among those
present from. a distance were Miss Violet
Wightman, Clinton; Misses Hannan Fyfe
Au important legal decision has recently
been =Urea by Chief justice Armour,
Jelin Beaver, of Caledonia, brougllt action
apnea the Grand Trent; for wrongful
ejection from a railway train because he
did not show his tichet. The action was
tried at Cayuga before Judge Bose, Beaver
claiming 01,000 damages. Judge Rose non -
suited the plaintiff on the ground that it is
an implied condition of every contract be-
tween passenger and carrier that the pee-
senger's ticket shall be produced whenever
required. On Saturday the court of Queen's
Bench reversed the decision, it being bald
that in the absence of any regulation of the
corepany, requiring the production of a
ticket, and entailing upon the passenger
who does not produce his ticket the penalty
of ejection, no such penalty can be legally
palely en rapport with those new phases Hattie Little, Martha and Halite Little
of polities, and espeoially with the rising and Mr. Bert Little, of Hespeler, and Mrs.
tide of young Liberalism, making itseff Mary Woods, of Portage la Prairie, Mani -
Manifest in such a hopeful manner in so itoba. The bride was becomingly dressed
many quarters. The day has gone by in in silk, shaded in blue and old gold colors.
Canada, as in most constitutionally gov- After the business part had been dispensed
ernod countries,when even a Beaconsfield with, all settled down to enjoy themselves.
or a Gladstone can dictate the policy iThe first on the list of enjoyments was
of a party without consulting eta mem- I the endeavor to scatter the abundant sup.
bars, and I know nothing better mice- !lib' of good things under which the tables
groaned. When all had done justice to
lated to strengthen and popularize the
Liberal party, to harmonize differencesthemselves and credit to the cooks, the
company spent therernainder ofthe evening
len Taareeeoenof Quebecer answer
lentative Protestant and Roman
temperaeoe deputations, has
p have remedial legislation in -
Soon as possible,
IsitAzt. Team:, the editor of Le
was elected in L'Islet, on Thurs
and unite its efforts for the good
Canada than ample discussion and it wise 1 in lively conversation, music, games, etc.,
1 dispersing about midnight. Not the least
Bdeoision, by a fairly -chosen assemblage , 1 utt._w tub
of representative Liberals in regard to do'ltolls,
1 important feature of the proceedings was
the large array of costly presents, number- Illi'egidtper d coos; a ,
the policy to be inscribed on the party's I
1 ing fifty in all, of which the bride was made Bay per ton,
banuer." 1 the recipient. The couple spent a few days Potatoes,
i visiting friends and left on Mouday Ducks
. — — 1
. Teeswater. ing for Newboro, which is to be their borne nietsee"
zoom -
Lots of snow.
The rink is booming this winter. for the present,followed by the best possible
. Mr. L. Stephens left on Monday last for wishes of a large circle of friends and ea-
gainte,nces. Mrs. Richmond will be greatly
Toronto 'University. 1 missed in this• 1 b ' a -I,
neig 1 or too ,anc eepecially
Mr. "Reg" Stephens,of the Bank of Com. ,
in the oilmen having always taken an at-
merce, Strathroy, is home under the par-
ental roof for his holidays.
January 12, 1893
Corrected ty P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs,• $ 1 75 to
Fall Wheat pnr88 to
Spring 57 to
Oats. • 25 to
Birley 30 to
50 to
18 to
18 to
17 to
1 50 to
6 00 to
40 to
25 to
40 to
9 to
• 5 to
Dressed Hoes . 7 75
.dent therein.
tG. W. Ross, Minister of Educe -
Oho has been on a trip to Europe
teentinent,for his health, and
Wen considerable attention to
lanai matters, gaining what in-
n he could in the different
i•$e visited, will retura this week.
tario Government has appoint-
ity Attorney General Cartwright,
. W. Angl'in, and Mr. Saunders,
tk.ttorriey General's departmennas
minary commission to inquire
a questions that have arisen with
e, direct taxation for municipal
s and its incidence, as well as all
land proposed exemptions.
kin' 011 County Council will meet on
e the 24th instant, end ane of its
Will be to elect a Warden. For
elponsible position the Three has
Sure' in nominating Wm.MaPher-
re, Reeve of Turnberry, a gentleman
Med. to perform the duties of the
one who has been a member of
we believe, for the past. thirteen
itive part in the Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor, Women's Foreign Mis-
Mr. H. B. O'Connor has a pleasing smile ,
denary Society, and all other schemes of
these last few days. He entertains a little
I the church.- Mr. Richmona, who is well
Mr. Miclford Gillies left on Saturday for t and favorably known in this county, as he
taught three years in School Section No. 8,
Toronto 'University, where lie intends corn- '
ing out a full fledgd B. A. in the spring. has secured the lucrative position of princi-
The English Episcopal church congre-
pal of the public school in Newboro, which
gation intend holding services again. Mr. is a few miles north of Kingston. His
E. C. Clarke, of Wingham, is to be the pas-
abilities as a teacher are well known here,
ter. Teeswater should bo an angelic place
and the citizens of Newboro are to be con -
judging by the number of churches.
gratulated in,seouring such suable instruct,
Rev. Mr. MeLacblan and Rev. Mr. Mal- tor for their young people.
colm exchanged pulpits on Sunday evening
last. Tho former delivered an able and Belgrave.
instructive sermon. • Soma-re—Oa Thursday. evening, 5th
Digby Gillies left on Monday last for inst., a social was held at Mr. E. Burk-
Harriston, where he intends brushing up a holders. The night was stormy, but
little on last year's work before entering that did not prevent a select company of
Mr. Harrison, south of inc village, has shine bad baked up plenty of eatables, 1 est
the University next term. friends gathering. Theladies ot Sun- '
• ram Pao of readings by 51r Knechtel paid for orgy clus,utity of
angel unawares.
Illustrated Catalogue of Ladies'
ADDREss— •
19 QUEEN sr. EAST,
1 00
1 75
6 25
Mention this paper
Tenders will bo received by the undersigned, up
810 the 1st of February, 1893, for the erection of a
Brick School House, in S. No. 8, Morris. Plans
and specifications can be Seen at the residence of
the undersigned, lot 17, con. 2, Morris. The lowest
or any tender not necessarily accepted,
• SAMWAYS PAUL, Sec -Treas.
Bluevale P. O.
All parties who have not paid
for the ''TIMES" for the years
1891 and 1891 are requested to re.
mit the eaneunt at once. We tined
money and hope tine uotioe will
be eufficient, and that a general
response will be the result.
The undersigned will keep for service on the
premises, Park Lot 46, Winghaus Town Plot, a Ches•
tor White Bear. Terms -75 cents at time of aerviee
with privilege of returning or $1.25 if not so paid,
Pro arietor,
The Annual Meeting of t BLUEVALE CHEESE
in the Foresters Hall, Blue% le, on
Tuesday, Janua y 17th, x893,
at 1.80 o'clock p. tn., for th election of Directors
and the transaction of any o her business that may
bo brought before the meetin
By order'
Jt.)111,1 I
713GESS, Secretary.
2,000,000 Feet of Logs Wanted.
rented a hotel in Walkerton and intends which were enjoyed thoroughly-. Then
moving his family to the county town
and. Mrs. Dyke, a recitation by Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Button celebrated the Ferguson and mouth organ music by HARD AN SOFT WOOD LOISI
24 Muter St, Wingham
Hal and Resell while Mr. elivered at our yard in Winghatn. Ms°,
-6 , • - • - • y ^
The property of the late
the south hair es of lots sot
concession of the townshi
of Huron. will be offered
at the Brunswick Rouse, i
Cash Price
Wednesday, 18
stt 2 o'clock in the after
Jars see large bills or app
R. V
Dated at Wingham, 1588
William F. Roe ere, being
n and eight, in the first
of Warts, in the county
r sale by public auction
the town of Wittatam, on
h January, 1893,
on. For further portion-
• to
ndor's Solleitor, Wingham.
December, 1802.
Strayed Into the men
34, concession 12, East
middle of July, a re(
steer. The owner murropertY,
property, paying expo)
ses of the undersigtied. lot
Vawanosh, on or about the
and white spotted yearling
have the same by proving
es and taking. Isitn away.
Wingham P. O.
gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff
and Tonic -Sol -Fa Notation. Open for engagements
tor Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate,
A 1 at
CAREFULLY drawn statistics ot 4,000
criminals who. have passed through El-
mira Reformatory, New York, shows
drunkenness clearly existing in the
parents.of 38.T per cent., and probably in
11.1 per cent. more. Out of 71 criminals,
whose aucestry Rossi was able to trace,
the father was a drunkard in 20, and the
mother in 11 cases (43.6 per cent.). Maseo
found that on an average 41 per cent, of
the criminals he examined had a drunken
parent. Dr. Laurent, in his valuable
work on the habitues of the Paris prisons,
asserts that drunkenness alone, or com-
bined with some other neurotic condi-
tion, is to be found almost coustautly in
the parents of criminals; and. Dr.' Tar-
nowski, who has made careful inquiry
into the mental and physical condition
Levan MOWAT has won another
AQrw twentieth anniversary of their we mg o
Monday last. A number of their friends Proctor and his cousin gave instrumental
were invited, but those who celebrated the pieces, after which an autograph quilt
"hanging of the crone" cannot on this oc- was sold for six dollars and twenty -live
olden say that they "see the table wider cents, bought by Mr. Jos. Clegg, who
grown." The presents were both numer- handed it to Mrs. Clegg and she made it
ons and useful. a preseut to the pastor's wife, who was
Mr. B. E. Little came very near losing m touchingly serialised. as this is the
valuable horse last week. While watering second evidence of kindness and appro.
the horses in Mr. Little's pond one went ciation since Christmas. Mr. Dyke re -
out on the ice to far and went through. It sponded to the kindly act, believing that
was with great difficulty that it was the unity existing between pastor and
rescued. people would strengthen and continue.
Untended for last 15800 :
• Proceeds of social from all sources,a61.40,
We are pleased to hear that Mr. Geo.
•for church repairs. •
Nixon is recovering from his severe ill- .
! Mr. Knechtel is re-engaged for the
Miss Armstropet, from Peel Co. has school on the 5th or Morris.
been engaged by the Schocl Board to teach We understand the concert under the
the fifth departmeut in the Public School. auspices of the A. 0. U. W, Bolgraveavae
,ri tne courts over the Dominion of the prostitutes in her native land,
ent. The title to some land at i found an alcoholic parentage in no less
Was in dispute, both govern- I than 82.66 per cent. of the 150 women of
ing °Min to it. The matter 1 this class wboso family histories she was
in litigation sines 1887, but I able to follow.
usual, Sir Oliver won. The;
not a specially important one 1 Tau London Adveitiser is not dismayed
s one more to the long list of 1 by the failure of the people of that city to
gained by the greatest constitti- I adopt the by-law closing the saloons at seven
: o'clock every evening, which was referred
er in Canada. 1
to them at the mnnioipal elections. It re-
nnuai poultry show of the Ont- 1
'garde en a gratifying font, that no fewer
ltry Association was held in • than 2,767 of the bast ram, and women of
n, last week, There was a very 1 London, out of a total vote of 5,661, ex-
hibit there being nearly 1,500 1pressed their opinion that the early closing
The annual meeting was held of saloorn, and bars would be in the best
a. dee orainations advocatea. the early clos- seam Teeswater eau ill afford to part
ndance of members. The of- !
1803 were elected, and it vvas , ing movement and, within the fortnight wile,.
The meny friends of Miss Lizzie Strach- a failure as to proceeds, but not as to
an regret her iumbility to resume her
duties for the present year. They are Missionary sertnons next. Sabbath on
Belgrave circuit, by Rev. W. F. CamP-
greatly pleased to learn diet tele is slowly
approving. 1boll, M. A.. Ph. B., of Blyth.
Would some one who can Mildly inter.
prct t.he article which appeared in the Gerrie.
Ttdefl% atter Nene last week. The article The new Methodist Chureh, Gerrie, will
rears to "club" end the "members," be opened on Sunday, January 22nd. The
gives a Het of townie mud also refers to an Bev. Thos. Kelly, D. D., of Philadelphia,
"opposition club," etc, We have puzzled U. S. A., will preach at 10.30 a. M. and 7
our tryiug to decipher it, but fail- m. and the Bev. Jas. Livingstone, of
ed. •
We are very sorry to state that Mr, Goo
Nixon is thinking of move; to Walkerton.
nday afterneon, and there was a , interests of the community. Ministers of Mr. Nixon is a very gaod eitizeu, and cue
Heading • •and Shingle Botts, 1 NOTICE TO
hat tho wed exhibition he held • the carnpaign lasted, converted hundreds I Mr. W. F. Merriman pet up the oystere,
Hatehtitg. Mr, Thos. A. Browne, from opponents to supporters of it. With ' for some of the .boys before leaving for his
,y of the Western l'air A.ssocia. undiminished courage, the Advertiser do. holidays. A. good time was spent in Bongs,
Miss Violet Keeler entertained good
belabor of the young people on Monday
evening. Tbe evening wee very plotaana
don was re,•elected wscretary.
dem, the hien& of theForward Movement speeches, reediuge, etc.
thank God, feeling persuaded that they are
Uric> Governtnent le creating It
identified with the most growing movement
oh in eonneetion With the de-
f the day. Inspired by the admirable
t ot agriculture for the purpme
d convinced that they itre
ar,anit bound ty
tang additional municipal statie. sT:merit by all present.pte
All deeted,
o i
r. G. P. Graham, of 1VIon.risburg,, Willie Keeler for the pleeeitut
win in the long ran, the Itotulon teinpethanking r -
been connected with the Ottawatime they had spent and whaling Miss and
ones people are prepared to continue thei
straddle. 1 Mr. Keeler the dompli manta of the
-r some months past, hasbeen
10.3a accepted charge of this . Hoer. JAMEs Yoirso, of Galt, advocates ,I 8018. The close of the year 1802 marked the
Mr. Graham was for many the holding of a Dominion Liberal eon- i 01, 1 happy ii the men who bean death of a former settler and pioneer of 1
manor and afterwards Mayor vention, at which he hopes to see the I Instructionta warning voice.
en ehottel makes 1 Goderich district it the person of Mrs. 1
burg. At the last general adoption of a Platfortn upon which "tree I 411Hdivis IlattsIrjas.VOT,ily elloice, . ' Galt, relict of the late john Galt, the firse
1 for the Local Legislature he ran trane with all the v. orkl" shall be in -
by the ciira. Call and get prices, leugths1
to out, am. . Notice is hereb 'given,
of the Revised Statutes of
Dressed and Undressed Lurn.ber, amenclme»ts thereto, that
having clabrs avainst the
Shingles, Lath, &C., Bone, of the Township 5
County of Huron, Yeoma
kept continually on hand. 1 or about the Sol day of 0
' on or about the 15th day
. tvicLE All k SON. 1 or send by post prepaid t
foot, of the TOW11 of
Wiugham, January 48h, 1803. Buren, Solicitors for mar
their names and address
their claims, with the yen
6 6 based, and that after t
551 of said deems
Administratrix proc
ECLIPSE having regursr oan731.°1;t
I shall have been given as
1 Administratrix will not
any person df whose club
received by her at RI.) th
1 have the GARR.)
' Solicitors
Dated at Goderich, the
Confectionery arid fruit
in town.
Give US a call. Prices to suit the
Listowel, will preach at 3 p. m. On Mon- tines.
day night, 23rd inst., Dr. Kelly will deliver
a lecture in the church. Subject, "Winning
Forces of Manhood." Dr. Kelly is one of 1
A.merica's inst popular and eloquent lec- es....angenrnenoranneeredon.nams..........
thrers, and a rare treat may be expected.
On Sunday, January 29111, the Rev. S.
Sellery, B. D., of 'Wingham, will preach at
10.30 a. m. At 3 p. in., a mass meeting of
the Senility school children will bo address-
oa by Rev. W. H. Hineksa L. L. B., of
Owen Sound, who will also preach at 7:80
p. in.. On Monday evening, 30th east, a
grand teoerrieeting will be held in the lee.
ture room of the obereln after which ad-
dresses will be delivered by a number of
ministers and °there. 1
1Registrar of Buren County. She died at i
empty of Dinultis. scribed. Mr. Young says: . A. White, of Winnipeg, recently shipped i Moncton, N. 1.1 , and her body was con- j
the city of Lodon had 69 whiskey ' "The da Political framework on which ' two car loads of 'very goodhortes froin Sea. I veyea to Goderich to rest beside that of her e
eirena there were 044 arrests made Brown iind 'Macdonald toiled so lorig,bas forth to Winnipeg. Mr. White paid his lhusband. At Goderich the remains WM I
, llovaness. In 181i1 only 40 licenees disappeared. New men ath
re to e front first visit to Seaforth in February last and 1 met by the daughter of the deceased,
e I and the numberof arrests was in church and state. New questions since then hellos shipped from that point I P. Haldane, and her grandson. Galt naid. 1
mil only 40 licenses were issued. have itrisen.soine of them of transcendent over 200 horses, for which lie has paid out lane, of Detroit, and a nephew, A. Within- .
of arrests for 11a Months importance, involving, as they do, even over $29,000. son, of Windsor,
Of P PO Norwegian Cod Livor 01/
and Nypophoophites.
Impoverished and mpure blood is of.
loop effectively restored to vigorous con -
di( Mobil thiSugratterfiti remedy. Curegi
Coughs, Colds and all Wasting DiSeases.
Almost as pith:MIAs -a ii4Uk.
Prepared only by Stott A Pawn°, Belleville.
mrsnant to the provisions
ntario, Chapter 110, and
all creditors and others
estate of the late John
East Wawanosh, in the
, who died intestate'on
ttober, 1192, are required
January, 1803, to deliver
Messrs Garrow & Proud.
oderich, in the County of
Bone,the Administratrix,
a and full 'Armenian; of
chers upon which they are
e day last mentioned the
ed to distribute the assets
e parties entitled thereto,
he claims of which notice
eve requirtd, and the said
s liable Inc the assets te
notice shall not have been
e of ftlell diatribution.
r the said Administratrtx.
dud day:of November, 1892.
City Fruit & Confectionery Store
Because they ma get goods that are
right and up to the times.
LAINIVEITMR21,7111, LW VS .1.12
loan Asramr
But they aro Waking up to the foot that
I can give them peels that will
please them. Pull lines of
Fruits, Oysters,Coniectiollery*,
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
Canned goods a every description al-
ways on hand and ray prices are as lore
as the lowest.
Dont forget the place, opposite the. new
Bank of Hamilton.
11013T. HILL,
.os,u be
W. W
held I
lir. a
in de
to tl