The Wingham Times, 1893-01-13, Page 3e 11 ri + - • - • ^ - • , Tho Sense of smell in Dogs. Tho sense of emelt is by uo weans so NI ell developed iu man its in dogs, cats and other animals, but It is often abs; normally keen in individuals deprived' of other senses, Blind, deaf mutes, for example, call recognize their friends arid fornoan. opinion of stran- gers volely Ity meas of their Possibly, however; animate are only eeneitive to certain smells while une couseione of others that affect us. If this be the ease they would naturally be tole to follow up on particular scent more eabily than a men, this »emit te which they are eensitive toeing to them coati:sod with other Doge are able to track their tnatters through crowded streets, wbere recog• nition by eight is •quite impossible, and can fid a hidden biscuit, even when its eau le ,cologtoe. In some •experements Mr. Romaine s lately toads with a dog he found that it could easily trick htjw whieu Ito was far out of eight, elogit no tower than eleven people had followed him, stepped exactly in his foot -panto, ii order to confuse the soent. The deg seemed to track nitn thiefly by the emell of his beuts, for when without thetn, nr with lieW boot- on, it filed.; but followed, though -slowly and hesitatingly, when his master .was without neither shoes or eteolcings. ,ge and elite Geniality get tnoroin formation Isy mewls of their -sense than antacan; they often get. greatly :excited over cPrtaiastnelle and.renteme her them for a long'epertott. t. itIemoowoo's Pe.Lx .—Tliis Medieinc has resisted every east winch time,' preendice, and vestd interest could! :itnpose upon it, and'it atilemeth stands. •fortili.triumphant usthe reliable rem- edy .for those derangements if tha d3y8tviti So cc/Mini:al itt'; the change, of: .setteorte When the air groves cooler, and .thetfunetions of•the skin are .re- tarded, an occasional dose of .11.1elle way"e.Pille will toall.on the liver ;and kidneysifor greater activity, and uoat-' laensate •the .s,yateni or ditniniehod .outaneou-s action. 4s al ter ativoe,. aperients, :and totries these Pills have no equal. To every aged and delioate. person whose appetite is defective, digestton infirm, and rtone of lotolth ilow, tins medicine .will be a precious. boon, .conferring bOth ease to.nd' strength. Couragettens.Acts .for „Young lien.. The Fireside coul eine the following .excellent teohortationieto young nine Have the •courage to discharge a 'debt when .you have •the money in your pocieet. Ilevetlie.cout.age toodo without that which you do not need, thowever nitwit you 41-Ity „admire it. 'Huse, the courage •to speak your .niind when h. is necessary that you shonlitl do tso., and to .hold your toneue silent. &lave the .conrage* to -speak to a: peer iriend ;in ,a ihreettleave coat, evetiij nu the street, owl wheel ti. rich one iso nigh. The offeitt is loss than many. take 'it to be, mad the, act is worthy e thug. %ewe the courage te set .down every peony eyou speed., oidad.i ..t up week Have the courage to admit that you ore inthe wrung, and you will remove the fact frotn the tutind of others, put- ting a .deeirable impression in the place of .an unftvoirable one. Hives tt,he courage to adIeedie to a first revolution when you .cannot change it for a better out), end to al,andorn it Jet the eleventh hour upon eouvittion. Have the courage to iitice a difficulty lest it kiek you harder than you bar- gain for. Difficulties, like thieves, often disappear at a. glance, ' Have the courage to •cut the moot ageeeahl tv acquaintance you posess when he convinces you that he ittelcs princi- ple. A friend should hear with a - friend's infirmities—not his vices. Piave t1ie. courage to wear your old getenente till you can pay for new oues. Have the courage to prefer proprie ety to fashion—one is but the abuse et the other. THE WINGHAM TIMES, JANUARY 13, 1893. Your OW13, Town. Knoxonian, in the Canada Presby. talon, says We hay° sometimes thoogia that we Cl/11W tell the town in Western Ontario that a man comes ftom by his air. The people of some. towns and villages have Et depressed sort of atinoephere about them, whitili seems eay we live in—, but we are ashamed of the place. The typical matt of another wen by his beaming proclaims the fact that ho bolotoge to a Certain town and is proud of it. He never apologizes because he does not live in a larger place, nor explein why he does' not move, Ele thinks be lives in the best place salready,, aud that very fait helps to maim his talace oit of the best. Oivic pride has toady; manfa town prosperous. Without it no place ever amounts to anything,. Tire Highlanduien, who sold the Fen inns might take Toronto .aud Hamil- ton, but they e ould neves. take Zorra, laid his tinge -ton one ef tue elements of Sootland's vreatness. 'He thoteglit his own township was the hub of all.oreation. rhinkinen place is the hub often does a good deal towards making it the hub. The 13.on. Alex. Mackenzie 'used to tell with :great gusto ef •Ftfe elder, who alweys .prayed for the kingdom of Fife and the adjoining islands if Great Britain and Ireland, That elder 110.5i one .quality thet too warily Canediens lack theoght highly of his own corn- teunity. We may talk about political remedies until doomsday, nut neither ,Ganacht woo whole ever any ono part of Iltivo st.fair degree of national and .civie pride. ,Youcon easily t.611 when, the people .11ave no pride of theright kited in their own town. The sidewalks AC's (tempi- dateri,the cow stet d in front of ti/a store and gaze .;thrutigh the windows ,at the spring goods, the geese pasture 011 the•otreets aritthe leadlue citizens use •ttatir shoulders prine3pally fur •Itolcling up the fro» t .walls of tile taverns tine aireis altvays thick with gossip. 'Ti- g,th.dpi-hone ir mean end the 4v:hurt:hes •oibatter, .1:4 any fair :competition, thvehost prizeifor a lirst4 .cja.ds.lurder would always go to a cowl munity of thiselfind. •If•you wantoto have at first•clasii townotalie some, pride imonaking and keeping.it-nice. ..Plont trees, cultivate flowers, :mow coeur Jewel regularly, shovel the -scow off .your stet* voterfor .goodecouncillors and pay yowl taxestregularly. If ,yaur ononscience tel I.e.you that .yoti should :say t every .titeatt4cincl of thing about the town •and coo otry,that _gives you and yours a:home and bleed, perhaps you had ,better paok .yonrduds and go. some - %where e•se. ['Phis world :is a pretty large Iflace. "-Frost ...Bites" areettgly things ; •amose or ..ear .asoollen to twice ire , , :usual size is •no liter° beautiful than it .velivin it is limner that ,vyou should be . , .00rnfortable. -After trying inane "cures" we.comesback and award the pain to Perry ,KILLER, •"the old ,rellable," ..which affords relief ‘guicIter than any other thing,we k,,ow ,of. ;Big Bottle, popular price:25o. Vila is my oretan.? Woman is a inane conscieteeeeetnd it net geodaltiet,;:foe him to leave his zeneciencs always with him. Woman is ta anati's .incentivesto go ,formthrd—the.taraptite4 bait ural the menciless whip. ,Woman is a hu,ndleeof nerveteewitli extra luots lin thm for mind.and latort. Woman is the ,lattppinoss of one Mau and the bane of two. Wonsan is the Ipearleffgreat price ; to eta:obi:her you .iatiet melt your litfe in troulelsesome watera Vonu is a autatiowee, Atending Iris head only to golden caye.. Vvornati is the ether half of man, inentally, morally and physically; without iter he would be ad a tree stripptel of its leaves, withoue orna• tneut or the breath of life. Woman is only a rib of man:, but she is worth all the other bones of his body put together. Woutian is the finishing touch, avian was only 14 II OXpvrinignit. tifoinan ist the leaven and leavetteth the vvitole lump. Wonian is the mother of mankind since Adam. It is the maternal Muscle that has spanked the race into decent Initialers and good behavior. Woman is the index of the family book; froth her You can judge of the olteptee, neat merit. Is the characteristic of Hood's Sareaparille and it ie manifested every day iu the rentl rkable cures this medicine accomplish. OB. Druggists nay Whet we sell a bot- tle of Rood's Sareaparilla, to a new out-. tomer wo are Bute to see hi'n back in a few weeks after more,—proving that tho good results from a alai bottle warrant contining itt uso. This positive merit of Hood's Sarsanarilla possesses by virtue of the Peculiar Cottibination, rt3portiod and Process used itt its proparatiou. and by which all the remedial value of the ingre. &iota used is reteined. Hood's Sarsapar- illa is thus Peculiar to Itself mil absolute. ly unequalled in it. tower as a blood purls iler, and as a tomo for building up the weak and weary, and giving nerve strength. - • - marinate all Others. itt eariug coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, sore throat, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, there is one remedy which is unequalled by way other. We refect to Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup which has effected ratty remarkable cures chits season. Pearls of Thought. Those who have a wilt to learn find the world full of teachers. Bear this1 mind : The road to Heaven never runs down hill.—Bam'S Horn Ilia only way to make people happy is to first make them good The man who has one talent artd impro'ves it will soon have ten. We must not only look ahead, but most go amid. The man wl;Jo works for God always gets his pay in advance. The brightest prospects titre often ruined by indolent habits. True worth is in being, not eventing; In doingteach day that goes by Some little good, not dreaming Of great things to do by and by ; For whatever men say in their blindness, And itt spite of the fancies of youth, There's nothing so kindly as kindness, And nothing so royal as eruth, We .are in hot haste to,set the world right and to order all affairs; the Lord :hath the leisuoe • of conscious Power and unerring eviedom, and it willebe well for os to ileern to wait.— Spurgeon. I lave ever obsermed it to have beets the.ofileti of it Wlee pa.troit among the greatest affairs of tile:State, to take Care 01 th commoowealth of learninee. Johnstou. •You can not dream yourself itito:u. character ; you must forge youtsoilf One — 011arter 1 Oxe ,ecteL se'df.oisnial,cme actific of inelitiatiou tdtrty, es worth tall ocod thoughts, worm feelings; paseian- site prayers, in othich idle people ,in- g,tulge d -nisei ea -4J. 11, Newman.. if every girl fettro could be teughe to ,es attr a plant and Hoe fui gat it, ,ono of the fundadnental praiciplastof .t .useful life would have lien establined. v --Mrs. WilItas tCj. Choate. .eWhen you're laisgaid and dull in tInkopieing of the year, ,OWlien stomach. :and liver are all taut of gear, e'When you're stulailat mina and leverish at night, • 4lnd nothing givos aelish and nothiatmoes Don't try any aasitum, elixir, or pill— Golden Medical Discovery" just fins. the ! bill. The surest and bust of all remedies for all dis..•rderet of the liver, st-ratach and blood, is Pierce's 44olden Medicril Discovery. • 11' • Nat ,.Enough. ttlFor just one kiss (did he plead 7,1 Beneath the mistletoe— i-"Just onel I like that, sir, indeed 1" Quoth she, indlgnant, "No." Itipans 'I abided : for torpid Enter. W(tere's the awning papor ? asks Ors. 1)t- Pushiest. ‘,Vintt ort etanth do you Wilt • with.the morning paper 1 aske her husband. 1 w1,414 to see it tire opera we heard hat ea cit t.lette good or bad. ttrkwell Bronchir.E dialsam Will cure any etszczh Czralti, Bronchitis or Aabluna. ..N.Stellit— Did !.itt 1 now t 1 tl r. Zippier rune a eiendry7 Flt1111lo—Now did you fled that out ? Si elle —I iiotird Teal say that Mr.. ;Tippler had tiesee shoetsit Lite wind last night. IlaisUMATISH CMISID ,IN A DAY.—?irs$1,11 ‘kinorican Rhournattc(Cure of Rheumatism at ;Neuralgia radically cures iu 1 te:iS day. Its action upon the system is me, And ruyeteano,us, It removes:at oucettbe cause of the tdisease ittimediatelff disacpcars. Thti e ftit ',dose greatly bene- fits. /715 cents. Ws rrratted itt Chisholare, drug acorn. Thattthere boy of mine is liable tel be a girttet tun eotne :day, said old Mr.I Haicecte. tin' that's why inc and thel old woman put him tehrome,11 coPege) All we'lle wititin' ter !now is for his brains to Sketch up wale lis head. Quebec, Nov. 9th, 1891. Dr, L, A. Smith & Co.: G.ENTLEXAlti, —Your As tt.Dandruff should be used by sill troubled with Dandruff and failing of thoeheir. I have treed it only a dew tunes iota it has wrougiat,a wonderful colia»ge. I also am fully comaduced that A,nti-Dandrui . protnotasgrowth of the 'amr. .MICHAEL IIENCHEY, Renchey's Rotel, Que. if you would be successful, said old Futigely to his son, you must be up with the dawn. That's all right, re- plied the young man, but the first thing the dawn does is to get broke. A Cure E'er Dyspops13, itt inveetigating the cause of this prest, fleet complaint it is found to rest princi- pany in wrong action of the stomach and impurity of the blood. These exciting causes are easily removed by the regulat. ing, purify ing tonic eud digestive effects of Beirdook Blood Bitters, hence the success of 13. B 11, itt curing dyspepsia itt any form no mutter of how long standing or how seVere it may be. Mrs. Watte.—What is it that you no tusking now? Mrs Potts—A smoking jaolret for toy husband 1 if that don't euro him of atnoking around the bens., I don't know what w ill, Stub Ends or Thoughts. Religion is no Sunday affair. Genius drivr, talent is driVcn, Discovery is the y,ain of wroila dr.. ing. Hype) isy is oii wisk pcum'ed gtars in it, You can bet on the wags of a slogte tail. What man can do and hae ,done w0 - man wants to. Each of us, po doubt, is a crank to the man we think i crank. The heart has nothing to do with the making of society laws. The wise man may 'be above his fellow men, but he wail not look down on them. Aware To eteenses.--oseteou msturocci at night and broken of your rest by al:3101C child suffering and crying with min of cutting Teeth? if so send at onoe and got bottle of inrs.uhislow s soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. its value is Meal ml• aide. It will relieve 'the poor little setrcr4r Immediately. Dopendqpon it, mothers; there is no I wil,,cakte about it. It'ouves Dysentery and s'Ti5itteltais grind jItfla!illinenitf:,WillrA eglIt '2n° an entelfg,i°Ihrcu‘14°Ie ow's on E., 5 psystem, " Mrs. Win- tipleasant to the tastazaid Is the prescription oi0 ' 70 forChildren feet 1 i Idhe oldest and best ,ernale physicians and nurses ln 'We United Statesoand is for sale by all druggist Irthroulhout the world,ric°en v -live cents!a ; %bottle. Be sure twit ask fo7•"Mitis Woistme's lioovaiso SYSIM And take no other kiwi Don't your think people's lives erre 'affected tev 'their 3tirroiludingsl said. Of course I do, he a itsWv.ro.l. Every oncevitt tt while ,you heel. .01 man who dies beCiuse hie room ie If of go 8. A Messing to Every Ifouseholi, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND CANT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the hsgS F4,1114 use. 111111-.9 'PILLS Purity the blood,correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND RD invalitable in all complaints incidental to females obeli ages. TIIJ 0I1\1-1111V11\TT Lithe only renable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR IMIONO THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLADULAR SWELLINGS AN' DISEASE TT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 7$, New Oxford. Late NS, Oxforel and sold by all medicine Vendors throughout the world. IF"Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the not 533 Oxford Street, "tandem they are spurious. stireeci Practical P0170i Three practical point.-. 1.t. Tgaindlock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia +115 Mai W.? ' promptly alt the stomach, liver raid !bow el. 2tid larrlock B loud Sitters kenvet•Obad ! Hood byte same specific action monihin ed with its- alterative and purifFite, pow- ; ers 8ttl 4:Burdock Blood Bitters . 11.11 aiR,asesarising f L.:no the two tir4t mamma, such '3%; constipetiougeolaelle, Willioustress, dizziness„,scrofula. etc • by resswing.tilmr ! cause si fh oven and proved in 4.51011iiitildi of indiepoThibly recorded utt,es They eye g one to be is tirmvotY \VI,v , I I did Well, you see, LI. -'r4 r.- 80 'mealy eel Ig,tigetmetfts brOIC011 l55DOK6101syS tilOWInt :they WOlikin'r juet, simply get inerrie.i. 1 Willianisfaloyal Crown Remedy, gneotestveure on tth,Avtteltoctrenesr11NezonsIDObility,IreuLe,ttiroixi.,prmi,ot They 'were telking of blee tenuity of le oineueend tote of the fete, tfiieapres- itt ook 1.admit that VrOVO'011a0Zr+' a • ttele.we. Of course 1111, ;id tem it re not. \ -she 4trided, w i t1 a tffinnee around, ape ,nedlot of ;the wan in tlit ;reale! is even now rip the back of :his col lar. And thee shot smiled—for eeyery nine poristst:eseekt.ead put he, hando aploelnd i zeetogother Disappeared. DEA.It-611-1,b, —About three months ago I was nearly wild with beadituhes. I started salting 13. B. 13add tdic twr. bottles aoll my headaches liawe.elistupialay•r ed altogether now. r think it e grand medicine. LETTIO8 1t31,E, Lantieaboro. He (delitigliredle %sot treed y and trulvenever been ettgaeori before 7. She—Never—that is, not in •-Site winter. Your deters Irtolt tso cellostaiial„ timid it visitar te Iter hostess he Helier .da:y, they re Illyeeetn to beg your goests reel sit down etosilv and chat in comfort] together. (Boom! Boo! Boot Cheap Holideey Literature for all the wear round, eoporetion is tine order of the day. It pays te croup your newspapers and sitharihe for In ohlbs. Look over thetfollowing lot of popular publi• carbons and select vrbakyon would like to read . 0 Wives and Damehters, London, is a nioottilv published by women for W0111011 on superior toned paper, bound; el per pear. el The American Pantmtr, Springfield, 0, Id pages monSibly, lima national .eironlation of 50,000; $1. per War, 3 'Thc Western Advertiser, London, a popular weekly,. recently ettiarges&,o00ptiV011 tO Oscribers in premium awards, a nessev paper for the home; 51 per y.ear. 4 Pansy, Boston, 40 sparksirsr pars every month for Sunday and week day re41E111..4 $1 per year. 6 rondo. Partner's Sun, London, the official °Ivan of the Patoons of Industry in 011E:trio and QuebV, 48 columns weekly; $1 per year. 6 our Mode Men and Itioinem, Boston, for 5.oung. est readers Sr home and in school, at per year. 7 Arthur's Nome Magazine, chiladelphia, one the best Magazines publishes for the money; $1 per year, 9 Two Standard 'nooks bound 10 fine cloth, ein. bossed In gold and printed In large cleat type, notion rum classics, 51. OUR GRAND CLUBBING OFFER The TIMMS and any two of the Above for only:is 25, worth $3; SONO 25 percent. The TOMS and any three for only 5360, Worth $4 ; save 15 per cent. The Tullis find any font for 0 dy 53, wOrth 55; MVO to per cent Tho TWA atul any five far on!y $3 50, worth 53; Save 42 per cent. The Tanis and any six for only $4, worth $7; Bare 43 per cent. The Touts and any seven toe only ai 50, worth 58; save 44 per colt, The /UM and an the above for only 55, worth 10; We 45 per tent. No choicer holiday presents' can be selected than onto of the above, order promptly hy number and cenre them in semi time. Address all Orders to TIMES 014140E, Wingbam, Ont, ,eaoreeeeseetioetAieekee REGULATE THE - STOMACH, LIVER BOWEL AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR 1 Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Ba Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and al disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Ripens Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of xs cents. Address THE RtPANS CHEMICAL CO., so Spruce Street, - • - New York City oeteleolee'eveneere,'OelereOretee-te rrRY ist. • -"* . . 11011 it CeOl%11,(..(i rt 1, II- ewes:. attn ‘S: RUBBER Itnykr, FTr.Amonkrs REDUCT1C7: Steamers vac sitmIi ft- In PORTLAND trio HALIFAX 70 P00 L tee tetelendene , loose Tee wore: eeoreel1j -ebbe eee rl upW:Cd,' •OiO4 at to rotes. ];.ta Catt,,e earl^ S T AT ff; 4 .TDAMSLIII;$,! N e '."7' "" ' ;. ' via Londonderry. every N.,:rtiMfht. Cabiri, upwarns. Sev 'elid Cabin, *;.:25. eteeratre at P 1 T Apri,. to ti..3,,,,,,..,A 1.1, llT, Montreal, or, 1 1 is the nest in the world. J. A. CLINE & STONE BLOCK, Win all am, Sole Agents for above. STEArvriRKS, Crottol &Lom, 1)110 P 1111r. !'ORS 'we wish to inform the people of Wing. ham .atsd surrounding country, that, as we ;have purchased 'the Steam Pump Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, wo are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, I Lift Force & Iron Pumps And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. As we have a long experience in the business we guarantee all our work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money, We also deal in ALL KINDS OF WIND MILLS. RrSoft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by mall promptly attended to, CROWSTON St SHOWERS, Winghant, FOR SALE, Lot No. 3, and the E. ?4, of Lot No.1 11111 Coh, Turnberry-150 acres; 90 gores cleared; well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orcliard; cheep, on time, Appiy to M. C. ,DAMERON, Or Goderiols, WM. ligot'BERSON. Olenfarrow O. JOSEPH COWAN, CLERK 9TH Div. Comm Co. H AUCTIONE ER, ISSUER OP RUB -FM (ITt COMMISSIONER Di 1.1.. Witoxrran. ' BANK OF HAMIL W1NGHAM. Capital, $1.'250,000. Rest, President —J mix P.:VAR-C. Vice-President—A, 13. Raman. DIRECTORS IODN PROOTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, ORO HO. WOOD, A. B. Lag (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank—Nours,10 to 3 ; Satur. 1. Deposits of 01 and upwards received and allowed. special Deposits at# received at' rates of interest. Drafts os Great Britain lid the Unit bought and sold B. 'WILLSON,I MEYER & DICKINSON, Solicitors. ZETLAND SAW X GEORGE THOMSON, Propri Lumber of all kinds, • Firsit-class Shim and Cedar 1' Car Load Orders a Spool V:tit delivered to any Wingbain, iteOrderebtomell ptereetie etfitented Memo* to