HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-13, Page 1WA
11 E
VOL. X.XL---NO. 1093.
—The new uncils will have their first
meetings on t 10th inst.
— Messrs. C rnyn Bros, have purchased
he updertal ng business of Mr, Relph
— Oy t rs in thet.hell, first in Wiugh•atn,
direct m Baltimore, at Mclielvie's Star
rests nt.
Direct Importers,
The BEAN, Jan. 6th, 1893.
I,?arriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic-
toria street,Wingham, Ont. Nowituessea
/—Bananas, first of the season, at Mo-
Kelvie'sSatar restaurant. .
—Huron Co ty Council will meet in
Goderich on T essay, January 24th. -
Men wanted to out saw logs and wood.
Apply to McLuee & Sox,
—The Huron Spl• ng Assizes will open
at. Goderich on Marcl 13th, before Justice
—The "Battle of the Boyne" will becele-
brated in Blyth, c i July 12th, by the
Orangemen of North Huron.
--Try the Eclipse for cheap confection-
ery. Best royal ,nixed candy for 10 cents
per pound. T C SPARLING.
—If you want to r nt or sell your farm
or house, or buy or ent a farm or house,
advertise in the TI, s and you will not be
Ion in want.
A social will given by Minerva Ln-
ampment, No. 4 , I. 0. 0. F., in the Toxo
perance Hall, on nesday evening next,
17th inst.
—Lon —0n onday eveuiug, Decem'be
19E11,coinewher• between Myth aucl Wing -
ham, it Lady's ink Boa. The finder will
be ewardedb leaviug sale at Mr.Bude's,
B th, or S. acey's, SViegbam.
-The sno storm of the latter .end of
est and ear part of this week delayed
the railway t ffic considerably. A groat
deal of snow as fallen, there being at least
two feet on tl level now.
-.We noti by an exohange•that Mr.
as. M. Hond •son, son of Mr. Thos. Hen-
derson, of th Bluevale Road, will shortly
open a general store at Ethel. We wish
Mr. Henderso: success in mercantile life.
—G T R tr ins for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.35 a m and 11.20 a ria.
viit, iN G & 13 Division, and et 6.45 a Ill
and 3.50 p ni, via Cliuton and Guelph.
;;1 G d connections by all trains.
—On Monday even last, the members
f the Sons of Scotian , of this place, held
an oy ter supper at M elvie's Star restaur-
ant. After the oystei had been served in
M McKelvie's usual good style, a pleasant
evening was spent ins aging, speechmaking,
—A. meeting of le District Lodge of
District No. 24, I. 0. . T., will be held in
the Foresters' hall, • elgrave, on Wednes-
day, 18th inst. A 1 •go representation
from Anchor of Hope age, of thin town,
will attend. It is exp oted that arrange-
ments will be made for an active temper-
ance campaign through ut the district, this
—The County bbath School conven-
tion will be held i the Methodist church,
Blyth, on the 24t and 25t11 insts.
—A geed sma bey wauted at once, to
learn the printi g business. Apply at the
Tines office.
- —Mr. Allan Clarke, proprietor •of the
Erin Advocate f r someears and for the
Y ,
past two years o the Palmerston Reporter,
has purchased tl Morrisburg Courier.
favor if the score
or similar orga
furnish it with
elected at annual,
thing else that w
ould consider it a great
ry of every society, lodge,
ization in town would
complete list of officers
meetings, and with any-
nla prove of interest to
its readers. t •
—We beg to remind all indebte4y either
by cote or book account, to callan l nettle,
or remit at once, and oblige
,7As. MuhRAY & Co.
nt will be held on the
19th, in the Wingham
ler the auspices of the
ea will be served in the
church from 6.30 to 8 p.
interesting programme
xilesion 15 cents, child -
are welcome.
lery,13 It, Pastor. Services every Sabbath
at 11 a ni and 7 p in. Sabbath School and
Bible Class at 2.80 p m. General Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock. Young People's Prayer Meetiug
every Thursday eveniug at 8 o'clock.
—An entertainm
voning of Januar
Baptist church,
Sabbath school.
basement of tl
m., after which an
will be given. A
ren 10 cents. Al:
Suuday,Jauuary, 15th. 1
"Christ's lastsayiug on tl
in "Justification by Fa
A very successful oar
riday evening last. Th
tendance, the ice was in g
all appeared to enjoy •
prizes were awarded a
lady's dress, Miss Flo F
Lizzie Fleuty, and. Bes
man, Robert McGregor.
gentleman, Frank Dinsl
boy under 12 years of
Spectators' prize, Angu
band wa in attendance.
' —L ies, have your garments made by
M . Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
t , Ueeu'a Hotel. Latest styles, good
rk, always itrst•class fit.
—There is solid w sdom in the following
specimen of Texan oetry :
When you've got a thug to say,
-Ii'or first -elites tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, only ttvo doors north
of the old stand aid between Ross' book-
store and Petterson's jewellery shop.
—Tho regular meeting of Ancllo of Hope
Lodge, L O. G. T., on Tuesday evening
last,was fairly well attended. Thi delegates
were appointed to attend the clistri tmeoting
which will be held in Belgrave of Wednes-
day next, After the regular' b inose had
been gone through with, the fol owing pro-
gramme was rendered: I strumenal
mete by members of lodge ; s ng by Ogle
Johnston ; tableau by menthol of lodge ;
dialegne by members of lodge reading by
J. Netteviield dialogue by limbers, of
lodge; song by Miss M. Joh Ston ; stump
epeech by Jas. Deity; rooita on by James
letterfiold; scene, "An Old Plantation,"
by members of lodge•, see " l'xtractmg
Teeth," by eetrabers o '1 dge. The next
Meeting o" the lodge will beta on Friday
evening of next week.
—CAA for', nod butter and egg at R A
Graben* malnec grocery,
cross " E v
rival wile field on
re was a good at-
od condition, and
hemselves, The
follows : Best
euty, 1st; Miss
dressed gentle -
est comic dress,
. Best dressed
age, Roy I lis.
McInnis. The
I—Good Friday fall
—Messrs. T, A
tyre and (See. E.
vertisements thi
Say it 1 Don't
When your talc
Crowd the who
Life is short—
Don't you fill
With a tale wl
Could bo corn
Boil her down
Polish her unt
When you've
Say it! Don'
i ke half a day;
s got little in it
o thing in a minute 1
fleeting vapor—
eight page paper
ch, at a pinch,
'ed in an inch!
until she simmers ;
1 she glimmers,
of a thing to say,
take half a day.
WINGHAar.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. re. and 7 p. tn.
,Sabbath School and Bible class at 12.30.
Christian Endeavor on Friday evenings
in Church vestry. All made welcome,
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
et 8 p. m. Seats,free. Strangers wtl-
--Morning subject'
dealing with sill,"
,achariale" being S.
iary 22nd. Sunday
Bible class at 2,30.
ngaged in attending
ited to come.
come. January 15t
"Two methods of
Evening subject;
S. lesson for Jan
School and pastor's
All not at present
other schools are in
on March 91st this
1 Star Al anao of Montreal that
palm f popularity. It is im-
—An interesting le
in the Presbyterian
evening, the 17th in
Jansen, of Durham,
the Y. P. S. C. l'v.
of Rolland, and his 1h
years, has been spen
He has also during tl.
the mission work am
London, X':ngland.
lure will bo "Experie
land," and he will
audience, act he every.
many amusing fao
Music furnished by t
lection will be taken.
Mills, Gordon & MoIn
Kiug have changes of ad -
—I am prepared to pay the hjghestcash
prine for all kiuda of fowl, delivered to me
at try butcher shop. Fowl must be drawn
and,well dressed, Thos E Weexsu.
-• Mr. John Galb aith has au advertise-
ment in this issue that will profit you to
read it,
—The h o
ion journal, an e'
be making head
ing edition, cOm .
and a weekly
un, the Continental Un-
ping paper, appears to
i ri-
a sella a m It will o
neneing on Monday next,
edition is contemplated
—My stock of fancy groceries is com-
plete. Fresh Lngtish peel, new nuts. figs.
dates, currants and pure spices, at Yate;'
—The Teeswater ' ews entered on its
twentieth year las week. Bro. Stewart
has had uphill wor in Teeswater, and we
are pleased to see tl at the business people
of that village are extending to him the
patronage he is jus y entitled to.
Those who came to see us last Saturday
night understand what our idea of sell-
ing cheap means. Don't miss Saturday
night at M. H. MolNnoo's.
—The Cliuton N ' • Era, with last week's
issue, eutered on it twen ty-eighth year.
The New Era is ge ing up in years, but as
a newspaper, it tak s no second place iu
Western Ontario. The people of Cliutou
and vicinity app eoiate the New Era's
worth and patron' a it accordingly.
--An interesti g curling match took
lace in the rink •n Tuesday of this week,
between a rink . young and old nien,
which resulted in ' grand victory for the
old men. The f lowing are the names
of the gentlemen omposing the two rinks,.
and the score :
Jas. Taylor, W. MoQuarrie,
Geo. Hughes, G. Duffield,
And. Mitchell, W. Vanstone,
F. Patterson --22: Dr. J. R. Macdonald -6.
—In addition t. the many. residents of
ld join the Mechanics'
i't would be a benefit
sons and daughters in
ome members for the
ast. They would then
library of well chosen
avel, history and fiction,
which the long winter
leasantly and profitably
turn will bo delivered
this town who sh
Institute, we thin
also•to the farmer
the vicinity to be
winter months at 1
have access to
works of science, t
in the perusal of
evenings could be
—Rev. 0. T. Co.- ting, returned Mission-
ary from Japan, w 1 deliver an illustrated
lecture on Japan, i the Town Hall, next
Tuesday evening, . t 8 o'clock. Mr. Cock-
ing gave an ente ainment in Wingham
last winter, which vas declared to be the
finest of the kind e er given here. Ho will
show a different so of views, and in the
Town Hall will be . ble to show them on
full sized canvass. Dor't miss this treat.
Admission 15 cents nd 10 cents for child-
ren. See bills and rosters.
Card f Thanks.
To Cone MArrI,n, o. 25, CANADIAN Onnint
or Foiuisvrns.
Gi.Nral mese—I he eby acknowledge re-
ceipt of cheque N 423, for $1000 being
amount in full of Pol oy No. 12815, on the
life of my late husba d, R. M. Robinson,
and have much plea Ire in bearing testi-
mony to your prom payment of this
claim. Wishing your rder continued sue-
-Yours I aux Yours truly,
is. R. M. RonXNSON.
Wingham, Jan, 10, 18 3.
hurch, on Tuesday
1,, by the Rev. Mr.
nder the auspices of
Jansen is a native
e, until the past few
in his native land.
t period labored ill
ig the Hollanders In
le subject of his lec-
ce of Life in Hol-
tlonbtless interest his
here has done, with
All are welcome.
to choir. Silversol-
-Pots eAL%,... Extracted honey, hohey in
comb dad beeswax. Prices en application.
J. 3t. SALTit1
P. 0. holt 129, Wingleatn, Ont.
--The green goo
tine to ply their
victims hereabout
—We aro pleas
of Huron has be
E. C. Clarke, o£
Teeswater and
—Tho Qoepe
Sunday nftorn
Rev. E. W. H
attendance, no
ency of the we
East Huron
'Tile (annual Conve.
Association of .Bast H
total) rill bo held in
sols, on Friday, Janna
nencing at 1 p, m.
and other business m
fore the Convention,
P., and T, Gibson, M.
to be present and
' There should be a 1
all sections of the Ili
tion of the Reform
ron (Dominion and
the Town Ilall, Brus-
y 20th, 1893, com-
lection of officers
tars will come be -
Dr. Macdonald, M.
P. P., are expected
ddress the meeting.
ige attendance from
—Mr. Peter
quite extensiv
Last year he h
now he
2000 pounds o
shipped a co
the Western
a higher pric
—An editor
dignant sub
want your pa
the editor
right. I wo
you did, for
buy a new
just suits nn
It is hoped
away wrat
s men of New York con -
einem among possible
d to learn that the Bishop
pleased to appoint Mr.
nghain, to the parish of
Temperance meeting, on
on last, was addressed by
ghee. There was a fair
withstanding the inelem-
,.Miller, of this town, is
y engaged in apiculture,
d about 25 colonies and
8. Ile extracted,about
honey last year, and has
iderable quantity of it to
tates, being able to realize
for it there than here.
received a letter from an in-
riber, who said : "I don't
er any longer." To which
ildly replied : "That is all
ldn't make it any longer if
that case I should • have to
achine. The present length
, and I ant glad it suits you."
at this "soft• answer turned
Choice New Tens.
Wholesale—Gordon & McIntyre are in a
position to supply families or aocietse
with new teas, at jobbara prices: Now ie tal Stations. "Injurious In
the time to secureyour teas. scribed by Mr. James Fletc
orrespondent of the Entomologist. The Poultry
ohmmeter in his way. inary, have each a departme
stated that our Chief those of our readers who ar
if paid for the duties he bers to send for a sample
l.tement was sheer non- The Wm. WeldCo., London,
knows it better than copies are free. Subscriptio
last week's issue he tells year.
ent to Wingham" to fa-
lse many readers of the Parsenals.
flat to the Marines, Mr. • Mr. Geo. Jenkins, of Blyth,
as Wingham people will on Thursday.
lob Moon(ey)shine: In the amiss Lille Kinsman return
issue in -reference to the week from visiting friends in
ppears to have got beyond Mr. W, G. Strong, of Gor
does he mean when he ler at the Trims office on Fri
he interest of the child Mrs. R. Hill was visiti
-. Mcuey to loan, a low rate of in,
terest, on real estat Apply to
Do. Tow eau.
—The January numb. • of the Farmer's.
Advocate has come toll nd, and a hand-
some one it is. This ion ,= established and
ably conducted agricultu 1 paper deserves'.
the hearty support of ev ry Canadian far-
mer. Tho copy now to h nd is illustrated
by a very Handsome ongr ving of a bend of
typical Ayrshire cattle, the property of
David Morton & Sons, Haxnilton, Ont.
The contents of the pap are all that a
farmer could desire. Th editorials in this
issue are devoted largely • live stook mat-
ters. The Provincial Fat Stock Show, re-
cently held at Guelph, is err ably report-
ed by the editors, and eh. Id be of great
interest to the farmers gel rally. Another
article of more than use 1 interest is en-
titled "The Value of ' • ncy Points in.
Breeding Stock." _ A rep rt of a speech
recently delivered by the i on. John Dry-
den follows. The Tamwo ths, a recently
iutroduoecl breed of swine, re particularly
described, after which come, a series of ar-
ticles on the"Winter Care o Sheep." "How
Best to Overcome the Pres t Agricultural
Depression" is discussed b James Elder,
who handles the subject in fearless man-
ner. Mr. John Hobson wri =s of "Agricul-
tural Exhibitions" with u loved hands.
Other articles are by Prof Craig, of the
University of Wisconsin ; ' . H. Hilborn,
late horticulturist of Domini u Experimen-
ects" are de-
er, Dominion
Dairy, Veter-
t. We advise
not subscri-
py. Address
nt. Sample
price, Si per
—The Wingham
Clinton New Era is
A few weeks ago h
of Police was not 11
perforins. Such sj
sense, and no max
Chief Bullard. I
us that ho was "
nisli the news to
New Era. Tell
not believe any,
•paragraph in lar,
Baby child, he
his depth. W
says : "We, in
that fsfair to al
Confirmed.. -
' The favorable impression produced on
the first appearance of the agreeable liquid
fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago
has been more than confirmed by the pleas -
,ant experience of all who have used it, and
the success of the proprietors and manu-
facturers the California Fig Syrup Com-
Not Crude Material.
I Scott'c Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil per-
feoted and is proparod upon the principle
. of its digestion and eseilmilittion in the
• hllnnai1 system; hence it is given without
1 disturbing the stomach.
—Presideut Vau I
Pacific, deuies that 1
coufectiou with the •
Ile sii : heu
so far as to close til
the only salt works
Canadian Pacific,
a radical remedy, in
the company and co
railroad company
gage in such an en
took hold of it a
works at Windsor
Canadian Ps cilia C
with these works,',
started thein tucd i'
view." lie adds tilt
nothing to do with a
Mr. Van fiorue's
combine closed the
aceordiug to fact.
who occapied the t'
the late Canada Sal
ewer to that %assn
Association, in the
the works tat Wu
therefrom not may
ducted, but have got
freight on melt tixan1
point to Wiugham,
to and shipped ou•t,
ter the action off
salt cotnbill6.
brae, of the Cauadiau
Iia company has any
alt works at Windsor.
ie salt combiue went
works at Wingham,
ou the line of the
e determined to try
the interests of both
sewers, and since the
ould not properly en••
erprise, some of us
it private (natter, sed
are the result. The
has nothing to do
although those who
s benefit chiefly in
t the works will have
ly cotribinatien.
tatouleut that the salt
alt works here is not
Ir. John Ratieford,
sition of secretary of
Association, in au-
tlt, says : The Salt
law of shu•tiug. down
'rain, have shipped
all the salt they pro -
so far ani to pity the
relatives in Toronto last we
I Mr. A. H. Cochrane, of t
Morris, was in town on Sat
The Misses Brawn, of
visiting friends in town thi
Mr. E. Swarts, of Goderi
this week.
Mr. H. Hodgson, is visiti
town at present.
Mr. Wes. Lawrence,
visiting friends and relat
Mr. Jas. Wilson, V. S.,
Neb., is visiting friends
town at present.
Mrs. A. Tremain, of
her parents, Mr. and
to n at present.
r. P. Macdonald sp
Sunday last in Clifford,
in-law, Dr. Ross, of th
Mr. A. Galbraith, of
ness College, spent son
in Wingham and vicin
ness with pleasure.
Mr. Thos. White,
Secretary of the Can
esters, was the guest
a couple of days, last
was in town
d borne last
e, was a cal -
ay last.
g friends and
e 3rd line of
•day last.
roister, were
1, was in town
g his parents in
f Harriston, is
es in town this
t South Omaka,
nd relatives in
stowel, is visiting
s. W. Bond, fn
the many ways in w
the material intere
Wingham. Suffice
observed the fact,
ever honestly - guts
the Company whic
oh you
of t
it to
hat wit
led :the ,
1 you rot
have never lost an • opportnet
every information t nd ativatt
to the patrons of
these interests clael
will ever be found o
daring to do the rigl
quences, We hope,
possible measure of
in whatever enterpr se you r
let both yo
onxfplts ai
the roach;
, we bell
the side
1, regal•dl
ir, that
u0Cees w
nt Saturday and
halting his brother -
he Chatham Btisi-
o of the holidays
ty, combining busi-
be identified, and
your if
ofl estimable a bl wife
enjoy in health the
which wealth propel y directed
of bestowing, and th
you will ever retain
heart's affections fox
have left liehind in
Mr. Stratlidee reps
thanking the busin•e
half as well as aha
Railway Company, hi
kindness shown him
resident of Winglfam.
retain kindly recollect
The address will
grossed and illnnnin
dee left on Monday to
tion as Station Agent
Strathclee and the fan sly will
Winghamfor a time.
tin them
warm eon
the old fri
d in fit
a Merl en iT
of the Gra
since lie
He wo
e band
tea. 11
ssume hi
t Bran
f Brantford, High
dian Order of For -
Mr. John Neelands
Dlr. A. C. StrathdaoAdl
On T urclay eve
large number of the
town niet Mr. A. C.
the G. T. It, at the
presented him with
dress. Mayor Oleg
The following is the
factored On a G. T. To A. C. STIINTIIDEE,
whet ktiovvn its the beitryhamessArgeettiioetirstvivi
-- way Company nt
An Old Friend. this opportunity of
Mr P 13 Plannagan, formerly with ,I ed tegret et you
Remover, writee te 0 IS Williams, 8t11,3711$41 from this town, anr
"Please send me by express two bottlee est expression of th
more of Ileathfield's 'Healing Balsam. 1 are held, both its it f
find it the beet cough 'indictee I cite get. of the Company wi
We walla not be without it in our family. n
It will eure any kind of cough or cola and . ed. While we de
gives immediate relief. I recommendit to MIA taw we rsisies
all my old Wingham friende and edema. itiet ere being Yeco
" Sinceeely yours,. feera the fact that
itpeek too highly of it."
per bottle. your many virtues
. resented With an
ing of last week, a
business men of the
trathclee, Agent of
ouricil Chamber, and
kindly worded ad -
occupied. the chair.
alf of a very large
ids, and those having
th you in your core
Grand Trunk Bell-
ingham, we now take
contemplated removal
convoy to you an earn -
esteem in which you
tend end representative
1 'which you are Monti -
regret your remoYal
o know that your obit,
ized by the Compaoy,
on are now promoted
ponsihle and lucrative
ovary to enunterate
s they appear to Us, or
The Best 0 er Yet
We have made arra,r,sernent
publishers of the "Family PI
Weekly Star" that we are in a
offer the TlnEs'"Family Herald
ly Starteget,Her with .he greats
ac from now until let of Januar
S1,75. The price of the"Family
Weekly Star" is $1.00 per ye
Almanac 25 cents:. This is a
and should betaken advantsg
larger number et our•readers.
It to new subscribers_ s v►ellaty
The Wingham T
me nevr
has bee
has b
m new
has b
:5 came t
is a go
The Wingharn Ines c
twenty-fifth anniv sary IAA
ting on a fine new ese of t
ing, and enlarging o a six -co
value for their nio1 ey.—Auton
week greatly enla
from new type. A
sy weekly, the Trei
to eontinue on fr
Elliott deserves
Mr. Robert Ellie
and prieted it froi
as might be expec
ana beet local pis
deservem the slim orty et the
Pen and Scissors.
ea and pr
S appear
tie high tie
'edit for h
t with the
, the Win
new type,
a, is one of
re in the p
cerne to hand las l'week eon
Elliott has stood', y the Trzn
men of Wingfitt than he is
good clean parir ke the
ed benefit to an place, b
tommunity at helps its
helping hoe' o nothing
layette° the'finte of its
neerspapers—Clin On New