The Wingham Times, 1893-01-06, Page 8kV • iteettrill liffr. and Mitie King, of Ned Mr. Kim:. of Wilda° biting friends in Carobs, Mesure J. in, ti A.. G Rile)! College, So mievieli, twe sp ye et their home in Wa The ttne:eee of S. R. . aye mewed the sereic licapeoit es teacher for On We:bleed:1y eve ite a nember of 'stem g people assembled at tate residence of fr. Robert Ring, .whoe they amused euui ti mselves until the "wee see.; hours" of t o morning in dame - ug cieul n'her emesen itts. The t, enual meetin ,• of the Whitech urch Crean (--- Co, was h Id in the Foresters' all. VII it ecim rch, n Saturday. the 17th eeen he-. 1992, at o'clock p. m, Be - /ore ti., '....m.• for unnencing the bust. ess of 11.e meeting trrived,the Treasurer, Or. 11 D. 'tendern,was busily engaged spaying cett the d vidend to the shore- rpoitie•-•. The root ice -was organized by • iIe I'reeitlent f the Company, Ur. C47ratel: Henry. r. ressing a few words to Octet er-eemb)ed nd asking the appoint- *tient or a chairn an to preside. Mr. Robt. urt•i'i,. sr., was t e unanimous choice of Ihe ;tillg ar . ti,e items were then lake: ep in th following order: The thair,ren's e:k1 ves, which was short, 4ractical and t o the point. The minutes If pre...lolls an n al meeting were read by tie efficient sec etaey, Mr. J. W Simpson, Ina approved. The artditors' statement receipts and xpenditures was read by e treasurer, The receipts of the year's ork totalled i to the handsome sum of 4,4(4.64. Th patrons of this live cern- ny received r the butter eold during o year nearl_ 1(22,00(1. The butter was a at the ave age price of 203,c. per and, the pa ons receiving 163.4c. ancl c. per pound. Total number of pounds ade during o year were 67,875. A geg number o the patronSwere present d the way tb i busiuess of the Cream- •ry had been •.ne, and there was not a Fle grurnbh in the large meeting, tells w I fee tho directors and er officials. Tbe appointment of di - tors for the ear 1893 was then taken ' 'anti all the s d directors were re -elect - viz: Frank Henry, John Gillespie, chard Pettyp ece, Gavin Wilson and illiam Martin This closed the prin - al business, ut Other matters that ereeted the 1 trope and shareholders re amicably iscussed. This was one the beat and largest meeting which is company has held and this is ing a good deal. We trust .and" e thatthe farmers of the sur- rd, at the unding conetr_ and others interested Dorl‘ld• 1) D this very imp° taut and lucrative to Mimi Bess in - orereceser--/—gyrr7 — ' - lo• the numbers correspond to agetown, days mit pupil was presen City, Men., are 5th Class—Florence Ge Dey, 79, o Assmopti,,n! 4th Class, Senior—Lorne riding their bo1i Hop Nett"11°W, 103i Mi vanosh. 90 ; Frank I -IW, 92 ; Arne ), 14, Wuwunosl. King, 93 ; May Linkleter, 7 of Mr. jemn,s bell, 50 ; Belle Morrison, 1893. more, 30; Thos. ,Graltana, he year ing, the 28th nit, 22' 4th Class I unior—jeiteie Nellie Beckett, 178 ; ano. Norval Morrison, 190 ; Jj Eddie Groves, 14. 3rd Senior—Jennie Dc Halstead,172 ; Milton Gra Currie, 113 ; Jas. Carr, 6' THE WINGHAM TIMES, JANUARY 6, 1893. the number of I it, 109 ; Rachel Tacdonald, 132; nie Linklater, iug, 98; Luke ; Wm. Gawp. ; Ellen Gil - 7 ; Edith Hill, °Dwain, 204; urdoolt, iii; o. Currie, 08; , 206 ; Nebel an, 152 ; Robt. ; Phoebe Eng- land, 37 ; Lester MOMS, 1 3ril, JuniorNellie M rtin, 189 ; Jas, Lockeridge, 181;. Eadie W Ish, 159; Thos. Stark, 108: Oliver Wete 11, 109 Minnie Prior, 63. 2nd Senior—Minnie ampbell, 194; Birdie Johnston, 206 ; Ida Murdock, 171 Mary Macdonald, 203 ; Nel e Graham, 152; Annie Patterson, 185; Juli• Linklater, 184; Jno. King, 132 ; Jennie Ca npboll, 136. 2nd Junior—Geo, Ansl y, 212; Edgar.' ton Wellwood, 178 ; Geo. °linden, 207 ; Fannie Green, 1119 ; Jim. otter, 191; An- nie Graham, 147 ; Bens u Cruickshank, ; Geo. Elford, 201; Geo Campbell, 193; Hannah England, 180 ; M ud Netterfield, 103. Part Second—Chas. Be tett, 176; Var- I one, Phippen, 159; Lizz e Potter, 201 Annie Nevans, 139 ; Walt r: Welsh, 173 ; Annie Currie, 170; ho4a Elford, 210; Melissa Findlay, 152 ; Jenie Halstead,.135; David Findley, 163 ; jas. jFindley, 157 ; ;Taal Murdock, 190 ; Robt. eyell, 107 ; Thin Ransom, 118 ; Harold Amore, 103; F1os-1 sie Graham, 145 ; Julio King, 100 ; Jessfe 1 England, 126. First Class—Wessle Ansley, 136 ; Cassie Murdock, 68; Gertie Mancer,•52 ; Henry' Watson, 109'; Eva cCracken, 8; 'seise Deyell, 85; Jos. 1indIey, 42 ; Clayton I Phippen, 108 ; Geo. fJarr, 14. The number of da s taught during the year was 218, and the average attends:uce for the year was 49 During the past of 392,033 acres of 1 ed being 81.359,473 ear the C P R disposed lid, the amount relate- CAMPBELL—In wife of Mr D W 1St, the wife of " Jewarr—In wife of Mr M stry will lend helping band and by ding their crea to the factory pu ney in their po kets, and also give a t to an institu ion that is doing so tech to raise ou Canadian butter to proper place n the markets of the rld. We are gl d to know that the icle Made at W itecburch factory is ught after and th se who purchase the tter are never dis ppointed. We wish o Whitechurch c eamery more nine _ 't success (it tha is possible) in the r 1893 than it ha enjoyed in the past. mute it be," • ^Y. E. H. D VER, ertaker and filreb rat class tnulerta shOlni's Drug area to telte cha that may be out in a stock equal t city, both in taste modeMite. Firs arocco. morales opened out g parlor. oprosite e, Wngham, and is of anything in th ted to .Lim, haviu nythiug outside of d quality. Prices c ass hearse ir at E. H. DEVER. Glex4arrow. he following 1•0 rt shows the standin he pupils of S. No. 9, Turnberry, f month of Dece ber, and is based upon JENKINS— ride'S pare the 28th De Traveree Ci Thos Jeuki Miss Chart ham. BRADLEY 30th ult, b Bradley, H Elleu McN MCKEE= the bride's field, by ti Alex. McK to Charlina Beaton. Mcl sus the 14th ul Mr. Neil atm) of Baines he bride's grave, ou Higley, Mi miali Bridg X tree lace Mr e Pri 611.N., • orris, ne the 4th instebe 100)01; a daughter. t Wawanosh‘n, the let r John Elliottt, jr; a son rig. on the and inst. the wett; a daughter. RRIED. ,5eitiortlr, January ry, by the Rev A D MC - 01111 Wilson, newoniller, r, both of Tnriiherry. Auras it the residence of tiee ts, i4ty City, Michigan, ou 1 ernbe , Mr 'BeniJenkin' e of , y, Mi Wean. and son of Mr is, of the Bluevale road, to te Pajiliu, formerly of Wing - MON 7In Ash field. on the , the I ev. McFarlane, Mr. J. A. ' ron t wnship, to Miss Mary nu, Ashfield township. .--ISE0a0N-At the residence of ather, in the 14th eon., of Ash - e Rev. F. A. McLennen, Mr. 1 zie of the and con. of Kiuloss third daughter of Mr. Anglia BEATOX -At S. 111010SS, 00 , by the Rev. F. A.. McLennan, IcInnis, of ICinloes, to Annie uron township. MCCREA-At the residence of other Mr. Wm. McCrea, Bel. • the 21st tilt., by the Rev. T. E. Eliza McCrea to Mr. Jere - s, both of Belgrave. M. IVIcIND00., GLORIOUS FINISH.. Ending a Year's Phenomenal Success bi thm Leading Dry Goods House Watch this space' next week. J. J., I-10 MUTH & SON. - • DEVLIN- OBSIVOUTIII-At Trinity church Rectory, B1• no the 27th ult., by Rev. T. E. Higle_ , Miss Mantie Norsworthy to r. Benjarnui T. Devlin, beth of Hanover. 0' Doun WS0X- On Wednesday. Dec- ember 28th, 992, at the residence of the bride's father Kinloss, by the Rev W H Geddes, Anui daughter of John Dawson, Esq., to Jame O'Dojl, Esq., of Brantford, Outride. act, regularit in attendance and I ICIJEVIOND- 1 E-0 X11 Tuesday, Decem• oral proficiency ber 27th, 1892, t the residence of the & orth sr.-Jant Weir, Willie Campbell, bride's mother. 'met Wawastosh, by the ou th Vanstone, thud° Higgins, Thos. I liev. W. 11. Gea s, A.nnie. only daughter of the late John Bone, Esq.. to Elliott ell, Jessie Hig ins. Richmond, Esq., o Newborn, Cutario. oath jr.—Ne udis Higgins, ens, Melia G hird sr. ell, Willie Hi Wright, Jo hirdjr.-Clar Mackerel nd sr.—C al, Clicker / wend. jr.—Wil eaCe'emmill chfil. Part Robt. 13.1 e, Noina ie Wilson, Robert Weir, Seilena Tracy, Louisa enaill. ssie McDonald, Frank gins, George Geremill, n Parish. Vanstone, Effie Higgins, Irne Itiggine, Priscilla "ggins. e Balfour,Lena Gemmil Mary Churchill, Id dith Vanstone, M ay ur, Sarah Balfour, Roy Hennings, Catherine Iiggins, Oliver Gim- e, Wile Msg. • COVIC1.:8, Teaoher. itigharn, Nxerion-Heesie t Brussels, on the 2litt ult.. by the Pet D. Miller, Mr. Alex• ander Nichol, to ss Eliza Mena, both of the 6th concession sf Morris, Airev•-Hosicres-- I& the residence of the bride's parents, on t e 98th ult., by the Rev. A, L. 'Ruesell, oses Atney, of Stephen, to Miss Lizzi second daughter oJ William Hoekie, Esq DIED Neeenerreie - In Lo January 1st, 1833, Elizeb of Mr, Thomas Netterfi and 10 mouths. tarisAcmgesneesmair*.remerAmervh., Grootings. To the People of Wingham and sur- rounding country. We wish you each and all a very !MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy 'and prosperous NEW YEAR. May our business relations in the future be more mutually pleasant and profitable, if that be possible, than in the past, is the sincere desire of th, beloved vvife Yours, faithfully r Wingiram, a, aged 81 years REFORM CONVENTION. A Reform Convention will be held in the RUSSELS, Huron (Deininion ARV 20th, 1893,1 o me for the election of f uli titteuclande ie request - W. It ram, . Secretary. TOWN HALL, for the taut Aiding o and Loci Houses), ritIDAY, JA elmtneueing • tho p.p.) t "f Lowet officero, &c. A at 1.49.:. The I ed, e order of merit end GO 1 nt, ONT 9 oweeasseeeseo eer Win.ghani. In .consequehce of the' very large trade we have had during the past twelve months . we have concluded to make the first month of '93 a stunner and start the year, break- ing the record of all others. And,therefore, will sell our very large stock of Furs,Dress Goods, Suits, Overcoats, Carpets and Lace Curtains at unheard of pfices, making specially easy terms. In short, everything 111 the way. of prices and terms will be the buyers' favor and to a generous public,. to whom we are very grateful for our great success, we tender this opportunity. M. H. MCINDOO„ GEO. E. KI Big drives in DRESS GOODS Big drives in Big drives in BOY'S SUITS Also in many other lines. Ask those who have bought as to their value. A call solicited. • 0-E' 0_ RI_ The Popular Book $tor IS HEADQUARTERS FOR noliday Presents! A lar,ge stock of Christmas Goods has just been received, suitable for all patties, old or young, consisting of TOYS, PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITING DESKS, TOILET SETS, PLUSH- 000DS, CHINA VALSES, XMAS CARDS, LADIES COMPANIONS (in plush or. wood), VIOLINS, MOUTH. ORGANS, CELLULOID MOUTH ORGANS, TOY BOOKS, HAND SLEIGHS, PORRIDGE SETS, BLANK NOTES, BIBLES, FANCY MIRRORS (hand painted). A Large Assortment of ANNUALS, Consisting of Leisure Flours, Sunday a1 lionie, Boys' Own, ftc„ 1il'ivthanbefore and desire the public to a11andsitefilc)rethipsYureeabla' eelvseel‘'v bore, as it is no trouble to Show good.. ?moms AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. arilernember the Plnee-13O Josephine street, Wingbam, ALEX„ ROSS. Agent for Dominion Express Company and C. P. R. Telegraph Company.