The Wingham Times, 1893-01-06, Page 6Gladstane's 83 BJXthclay. ' Loudest, Dog. 20th. -Queen Victor- ia wawa among tho +'anti&et tG.gnnifrat- nlateHmn, \t iia. p, Sirituistiotte oa the [arrival- of his 1+;Icit l+itthday, ]ler telegratti was unusually gracious in tont'. Hun'ilratl•1 of ether telegratiis and letterehive been received, many at ]]awarded mad other* at Biarritz, where vfr, and ]tire. Gladetoile are eitayrug, Me. etttdetone ie said. to be enjoying excellent health. Sixty years ago a slender, handsome t young Oxford graduate, who had won hie oratorical spurs in the University t 1?ehatine Union by moving and car • tying his resolution that the ('ovaria - Ment of Wellington was unworthy of coatidetace, puthis hat on the bench iii, St. Stephen's [fall and thus pre- empted, the seat in William IV.'s Sec- • Wed Parliament. Some 600 other gentlemen did the saute thing at the ti came time. Every one of theca is gone. The hall it elf is gone, having been t• destroyed by fire only twu year's later. i1 Out c;f that era all that remaine is its .,i,mriost remarkable product, then the Member of Newark, 24 years old - t' High Olturoh, high Tory, built tariff' William Ewart Gladstone. He had tl had a hard fight tit- his seat. it was to pretty nautili ' of a pocket borough, despite the fact that the first Retorrn t' Rill was already a law and young • e Gladstone's party in the tremendous Minority of 130. But he was the no- minee of tho Duke of Newcastle, the it rrlotit unpopular man iu England, the , may nobleman whose seat was burned by a Reform. year mob, and a Berlin! ,barrister, whose name is forgotten, had given him a hard personal tussle on; the hustings With this rxpr'ri Lee and Ins Oxford training there ha iso trout:de about his Maiden speech which was brilliant and successful. Two Years. After that, Reel halving oma iii, made lout a junior Lord of he Treasury. fie has thus held office uteril[ittetntly for 58 years, and the V„premiership intermittently for 26 ie has belonged in his tinhe'to differ- ' rt. ptlrriee, yet nobody but his Wind- kst enemies has ever Realised hits of nrything worse than self deception. ,tilt the, English masses end Liberate P`world over,er, he e baei since 1$6i least the most fixedly popular of i ni,ltsli :tatf";tUt•tt. These facts alone colics his career the most unique if act the greatest in Parliamentary his - a ry. ° The Causo of hiheumatsm. An acid which exists its sour milk and der; called lactic acre, ix believed by ltyawl'enit to be the cause of rheumatism. :cumulating lir the blood, it attacks the cum tissues in the jftints, and otausee niziag patios. What is treaded is a edy to neutralize the acid, tend to so igorate the kidneys and liver that all tete will be a;arried off. Hood's Eaves,- hi arsayfa heartily recommended by wally yin it has cured of r'heutnatiam, It senses ju.st the desired qualities, and so roughly purifies the blood as to prevent urrauce of rheumatic attacks. We s trialof Hood's rasa a ills gestSa p c by who suffer from rheumatism.. The Spruce Tree Game: rank W. Wilson, the owner ofau enaiVe nursery in Ha,rwlek tow n• , near Chatham], was tried in the ut county court lately upon a rge of employing fieiludulent anti Oneet methods to .extort nio.ley Lis customers. He has been in nrlery business for 17 years, and lately been melting a spscielty porting, cultivating and etispos- apruee trees. His agefits have fci menthe travelling . the situ between Owen Sound, and Wind. It is Alleged that fernier* end re were induced to seen an order ,,,' atthe rate , n or roof bo. ens t o i e`t encs a tree, ltelieviug the bolt tit in probably a huudred pietas. when delivered the box was fout:d tain from 6(0 'to 3,000 trete', of which proved to he *bout the of kuittittg needles, and the pur- rs Were tele ireet. to pay for that 'rusts secured a uumht;r of Victims in Huron y, soul they will no doubt he in- tedwith these uatsas up west, .rt of the trial sag's that \Viewu s evidence explained that when gap parking the teees In bout's .d in the neightaurhoo4 of 400 Tl'1•Iltyi'I the eralere were idem. e fret 600 trews in [tone boxes .000 iti'dthot'i. notwithstending e rapacity of tlftr boxes was the This lie explained - woe due to fPretietr Of the size of the • tr es et of til,. It ext -s [sere tirade nttl• ear., it,tai 25 inches lung. His (me to lite etas wee t.i. ,errs• re with snorer awl then tramp n t►tnnnsei the rantt'aettante] for hoe. 'rhe witne-s said thnt 1St te him wee ithnttt 8?i veal c a 1 P intpert'rtl lbs tiers from , end teeny +ren• thele eat lea 'for . a ,t'itr or perhaps Ties 1 net here nbont $12 a thousand, while he paid in France $fi to $1 a tttouttnnd for then], the differ. •retied beim; mtidt+ by On co it of line porlatien The jury hrollglBQ in it verdict c for ]Robert Grey itt his shit. (ray re - Meted paylatent for the 7,500 spruce trees which Wilson insisted he rens linhle for, on the ground that the or. der a iisrt•presentetiott, and he further charged that there wee a gPrirrat A01101118 to mislead the public. The jury, after bearing the evidence, came to the cenclttllion that there wins anal,le warrant for these aIle„ atiene. `A'b trial looted five days, ar.a excited a great deal of interest, bo gt'ueret had the sale of spruce trees 'fend made throughout Western Ontario. Eabrtoa Wilkivaou, of 'Brownsvatley Ind., ssya : "1 had beau in a di:tresse, eonditiou, for three years from Nerroud nese, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gene. I had been dootoring constautly without relief. 1 bought oue kettle of South A t- ericau Nervine, v«high doue me snore good than any $50 worth of doctoring 1 ever did in my life. 1 would advise every weakly person to use tbie valuable and lovely rem- edy." A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted at C'hishohn's drug store. THE WIN(' HAM TJM N JANUARY 3, 1:9,3. Presbyterian Missions. The foreign mission committer of the Presbyterian Church, western di- eision, concluded its sitting iu Toron- to on Wednesday. The resignation of Dr Elizabeth l3eattie, of the Central Indian mission, who was greeted fur- lough some time singe on account of ill health, was accepted. Dr. Beattie has opened an office in Brantford, and she hopes to recover her. health and return to the mission work. A report from the Goverment inspector of Schools in India, giving au neeouut of the progress of the mission schoals at Indere, was received. Mrs. Redpath, i of Montreal, in a latter offered to con- tribute on_tribute annually $200 towards the support of a ]Missionary. Her offer was gratefully accepted. Word was reeeivrd from Dr. Webster, who was recently sent out, that he had obtain ed his medical diploma in Ooestantie nopie, acid' was on his way to Pales- tine A report from Mr. Newmark, who is laboring alilong the 6,00 Jew: in Montreal, gites very encouraging prospects, lht'verat applications were rec'ived from youug ladies for ap- pointmeut, on a foreign field. On ac - Cutlet of the great sickness among the enissiauaries of Henan, China. it was resolved to est, the medical miss siunarles to report to the eomn'tittee, thiukini that povsibly the location was unhealthy. The se4siou then ed - journod. Three Practioad Points. Tures practical poiuts : let. Burdock Bloom Bitter: cures dyspepsia by acting promptly on the stomach, liver and bow• els. 2nd Burdock Blood Bitters cures bad blood by the Rama specific aotiou combin• ed with its alterative laud purifying pow- ers. 3rd, Burdock Blood Bitters cures all c'a diseases arisingfrom the two first named such us constiptioa,beadache, biliousness, dizziness, scrofula, etc., by removiug their cause as shown and proved in thousands of indisputably recorded oases. As a preventive of the Grip Hood's Sar- saparilla has grown into great favor. It fortifies the system and purifies the blood. She had Done Her Full Share. lf, he Murmured as he gazed up in• to her eyes (they were sitting on the front stopte,if 1 had 'only a tittle: more [Honey to uount on -then he stop ped. What would von do ? Pita asked. Deem her not bold, reuse reader The summer, site frit, wit,. over , snot; the cold winter would out it top to thyme front step ore.atnr'ntats. No fellow would ever propose in the winter time With lie and alit its the sitting room listening; and she felt elle trust jog hint alittle. He turned a little pale and asked if her pit was doling at the sato feerocery as hist year. Yeti, he is ; what would you do ? 1-1 would have a home of my own, I would there! This seemed lilcebuei•. nese. How ]ouch have you got 7 site said, and het voice sounded firm. Fifteen dollars it week. He lin ige Itis head Hoa. touch do you give a week stow fakir yoer 100nt, Five aollur . Stuff; we can get a room plenty good eunutfh far both of us rind a pan try to c,.oit in for that. How much do your iueets cost 1 Fi*. d1luvs a week, Pooh ; we tele tenth live fur that, ci.,kitttt at home, What do you do with the other 'is, 7 Well, t-•1 itnio,p, gait know. \volt. you chit ,nit that right off, anyhow yr:11 d.tn t ppanrl $ti a week rite amtoking. Vt+; 0h1 no. Of course there: are ex- ltrtows; 1 tiOtt't spend :i5 a Week lits amok ing *ell,• et clot tt'nv these, too. What oleo :+ 1 tt'y ttt nava, U 1leilre. That is to lift g. . ]logit touch have you sae- d 7 „le e• en (1,111uts au•l a half. `l'11.tt.'s plebe for the tllinistttl• and n10'111l , all Path. thing to ttptlr0 1. r s it: Olt tit, or at. In till III g for you to steed op in i1'tll, )fiat,' ? Go Ahead; 1 can't do ev'enytlling yon know, You 'lase eel to ask the ]]'illi#nu' Rorai Crown Remedy, [;tautest tura en cath, guarantcecl to cure genorat i'sr{wns Debtltey, itheutuhtloet, A'euralgla, i'aralysts, etc. It is never necessary to tell the motley h'itler to take a little mere in, tercet in his tiusiness, Ripens Tabules t for sour stomach. When the boy starts early for the pantry it isn't to avoid the jam. Talk is cheap This is partly due to the feet that so innth of it needs to be cliseortoed, narkwtdrs'Bronchial Balsam Will cnreany Cough Cold, Bronchitis or Asthma. Clubbing states. The weekly klinpire and prerraium the Conservative meanbet's of the House of Oommons, and the Tuns from now till the end of 1893- -$1.75, The weekly Globe and Tunas from bow till the end of 1503-91,7:}. The Loudon Advertiser, weekly and i.trus from now till the end of 1893-11L50 The Loudon Free Prams, weekly and Tzuxs trorn now till end of 1893-$1.75. The Montreal Weekly Herald and the 'guiles from now till end of 1893-81.60. The Montreal Witness. weekly and Truss frotn now till the end 1893-$1.75. Reduced rates with all other metre petition weeklies. '!'hitt is a grand oppor tunity. Subscribe at once awl reneive the balance of the year free. ' The TIMES and the "Family Herald and Weekly Star" and the Star Almanac, from now until the 1st of January 1891. for $1.7'5. JOB HINTING 9 INCLUDIY,: 'coke, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, sac.. kc., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Tom Office, Wingham. HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE The undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con. 4. Turnberr)•, fot;r thoroughbred Holstein bulls. tau', inn; from 0 to IS months old, The above mentioned animals are all well marked and registered ht the Canadian led Hook. They will be sold cheap and on. easy terms to suit purchasers. JAS ELLiOT, Breeder of biotetein Cattle. 8lttevalu, Ont. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. Ou the security of Cultivated Item, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion ' of the principal may be rsta.ld at any time the borrower wishes All expenses pa.d by the County. No person except the Comity Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to WM. HOLMES Godorioh, Aug. 8th Mt. Co. Treasurer. WANTED. TO sell aur uttoxeellerl Nurser? Stook. Steady employment and control of the territory. Ilan: done business 1» Cseada 5 yeas. Liberal pay to the right rata Send far forms. CHASE 131a0THY85 CO., Colberoe,011 ZETLMII PUMP WORKS. I wish to intimate to the people of Zetland and surrounding country that 1 have commenced the manufacture of all kind. of WoolAN PUMPS, And can supply them on the shortest notice, Will also be Its a posilinn tosupply Iron and Fora, Pumps to order. Repairing attended to. Prices reasonable, ,701i1t PEI,TON. Zetlama, Nay 5t11, 1[,92. Wingham Saw and PlaningMills. The undersigned have now on hand at large eto••k of DRY PINE, HEMLOCK, TAMARACK, and rX4U t WOO» LTJ1TBEli, Wattled or undraeled xxi and z x . NORTH SHOAL' tII11+TGL1C8, NO. 1 OE [)AIL SHINGLE:4, STAVES, 1EADIl1G8, BARRELS, - WOOD, (toe at tricetthat dtty eouhpstitioa. Partial i»tatrct:us re hued wil end it to their interest to giro feet can before placing their ordure, as we are d,taro h:4d not to be utaderrnid. Custom work iNetaibi ke cerostptly ands ttietaatioa kttarkatioi.Y' ♦ ,yl,N EN TRE EARTH'S BOWELS SLICKED INTO A WHIRLPOOL AND FOUND 250 MiLES AWAY, A strange Northwest Tale or a iteinarb, able Sabterr{[]coat; Waterway Near the Canadian„:°'rootlet--A Story, Teo, that is Probably True, • Albert Monson, who liar reached 'Coot. enay from Montana, tells a wonderful story, which is probably true. Hs says: Two prospectors, teamed respectively Phil Barnes and Pierre Leger, a Flat. head Indian guide named Klikat and myself, left Bonner's11'erry on the 7111 day of August, and struck out in a northeasterly direction, headed, for the peaks and canyons in the extreme north- ern rouge of the main divide of the Rockies. On the 28th of August, said Monson, according to the observations Wren, by zee, we were within 25 or 80 miles of the Canadian line and at an al- titude of 7,000 feet. Our ears wero filled with a sound like the roaring of a waterfall, which the Indian guide said came from "Big Hole in the Water,” He piloted us to the edge of a precipice, and looking over we saw straight down below us a deep pool or lake, about a quarte:' of an acre in area, and inclosed on three sides by high walls of eternal rock, thus forzning a perpetual and in- surmountable barrier to the passage of the water beyond. this spot. A GRAND SIGHT. In the very center of tho deep water was a large circular cavity, or depres- sion, funnel shaped -a great "suck hole," ill Pact -fully eight feet across at the surface, the water spinning round and round, rushing downward with lightning speed. ' A tremendous force of gravity was at work in that awful pit of ttaricness. In the center.:of this funnel was a great masa of snow white foam, Glancing and whirling and scattering flakes of itself around the dark blue rim of the vortex, At intervals of fif- teen or twenty seconds there Would be a greater downwltrd. rush Of writer, the pillar of foam would form, only to dis- appear a few moments later as the pre- vious one had done. It was a grand, a terrible sight. TERRIBLE CATASTROPHE. While we wero gazing at this wonder. ful phenomenon a mass of shelving rock right ander Klikat broke loose and he fell 'with a fearful crash into the edge of the whirling pool. After a few seconds he came to the surface. Barnes rushed to one of the pack mules for a rope, but it it was too late, Three, four, five times did KIikat swing around in the spiral course that gradually drew nearer to the centre of the great funnel, at the same time making frantic efforts to swim out of it. But it was labor lost. With a movement that looked like a sudden twist he shot into the very centre • of the vortex. ,For one brief moment he spun around like a top, and then - down he went with the pillar of foam, out of sight into the bowels of the earth and the darkness of death. SURPRISING SEQUEL. • We at last reached the south shore of Lake Kootenay. Just before sundown we anchored on the west shore and pull- ed the canoe out of the water. We at once began preparations for a camp fire and it was while in the act of gathering dry driftwood along the shore that Leger discovered a very ghastly object lying in the water within six feet of land. It of a man -an radian ilia corpse was 'p , which on examination proved to be that of Klikat, who had fallen into the fun- nel of that awful subterranean river, fully 250 Miles away, far up in the Rook- ies of Northern Montana. And yet there was his corpse, drifted 'ashore' oa this lake, between which and the "big bole in the water" there is not the slightest connection, so fax as mortal eyes can see. How came he to Lake Kootenay, and how bong had he been there? • miss Taylor, the Arctic Explorer. Travel in the far) north has hitherto been attempted only by men, but the year 1802 has witnessed the breaking up of this monopoly. Mrs. Peary accom- panied her husband to a point'farther north than any white woman had ever before penetrated, and early last sum - mm' Miss Elizabeth Taylor started from Winnipeg for the McKenzie river delta, and from this expedition she has just returned. Miss Taylor is by nature a traveler, and by education an artist, and is greatly interested in natural his- tory. She started on her trip alone, and made it alone, successful to the end, She is the first woman. explorer that has ever ventured into the polar regions on her own account, and with an amount of pluck and steadfastness that would have done credit to a strong mall she has curried out her program and com- pleted her round trip to the far northern forts of the Hudson's Bay Company. Of the results of her trip we can as yet know only in it general way. This much may be said, however. Her sketch book is full of drawings, whit:: aro not only of great historical and typo: graphical interest, but also of a very thigh order of artistic merit. In spite of great disadvantages and continual suf• tering from coarse foot:, incessant at- tacks of insects, ill -health and sleepless- ness, induced by the perpetual daylight, she has averaged over a drawing per day. Ilei sketches are only a small part of the results achieved by this inde- fatigable girl Greely. Her diary is as full as her aketch book, and her notes en the different aspects of nature are flail and of great value. They are, more- over, admirably corroborated and am- plified by some hundreds of photo- graphs taken by herself. In addition to all this Miss Taylor has made a conga - enable collection of natural history spe- cimens, and 'when her results are in 11u i shape for publication an unusually 1n. t works on the great lone lution andur willist l have been made. ss; O T o ►St Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and aota gently yet promptlyon theXidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the onlyremed of its kind ever pro- ducd, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. tiyrup of Figs is for sato in 750 Mottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand mein procure ii promptly for any one.who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO,, $air a• r _A_S or;FI 1O. $aOTJ$$'VILL.• . _. '1, C HIL. LAINS Po ROSI and PA1? S y0 i I g V Qd +at f)l1 e_e ��Y��tAtVQS Also otA,os s 6 ht4ic16,7A earn(''' 44)4 fiCAYak g tr cis k for The J �l e ,t BIG 25(ZoTfLE ,:.sty fru' esScF".;,see i ® • ` i F t1 i tae , 'Heat!! sites the Stomach, Liver and•Bowels, unlocks the SecretiorisMu rifiesthe Blood and removes all irn- purtties from a 'Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. MIle 4ri En i, .r•- -=• CURE:., ° bYSPEIoSIA. BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION. HEAbACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINE.SS. IDROPSY. RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES ,• v r rr 1.; t y r ad•.,i �.; 1 s ,. t tt h NERVI BEANS ti 1n 11l 111)& ' -is PUBLISHED, EVERY FIi1D4.X fdORNINGi -AT VIE - TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET NyINGHAAI, ANTAitIO. Sabsortptfon prioe, $i per yf nr,151 t141VSfOCe ADVE1ITISING RATES: Space I 1 a too. 1 11 mo, hi mo Una Column 510:0:00.00 *62130:100°00' il5 00 l 1120 00 *t6 q0 llati " 2m as 12 00 5 oe Quarter'" 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 os one inch 0 G 0 '8 0 a 2 � 00 100 I Legal anti other oaeuni ndt'ortisemonts, tic, per line for first insertion, and 8c. per lite for each subsequent blsortion. Loon] notices 10e. pee ..ne for first ineortioa, and to. per line for each subsequent Lusortter. local Hence will be charged lose than 26c. Ad vertisentonts of Lost, $'owed, Strayed, tituetlone. and Businoas 0hances Wanted, not exceeding' 8 lino, nonpareil, 41 poi month Eousce and Farnts for $ale, not exceeding 8 nasi, 81 for nisi utonth, 600, per subsequent month. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for lo advertisements, or fat tenger periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific diectiotts, will ho inserted till forbid and char accordingly. Trio *Rory ndrertietments mut be , pard in at Tante Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to apptt.t that week R. ELLIOTT Paerala7ea-AND Pv»Ltasaa NE'Rvv:: BEANS aro a n,•a:• riw. coecty that cure the w.,,' ,.... bf Nan13 bDailoi;LaVf. td the weakness of body or :c. a a o •d by over -work. or a WI',. VV. besian of yotah 7I s i' al, - Elute, MOW titerlhoMA obstinate cs..e t..;"a , .•her 'natant ANTs hsra fake over W talent. ,,r" i r dra.l;• sista et 01 per package, b,' six for su, v, 0,,„s reo.'iptof prieehyn,ldrrnsk'vTilt 3A'. N'." _CO., 'furoate. Dian. :dale footear•, . ..r•., ,w -• xtkast by A. 1.. )tA31LL.+ttle DR MACUONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, ONTAa:o. 1'X7'. B. TOWLEE. M,D,C.M„ MYeymber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Buren - Office ilp•stairs,next to Mr Morton's otfire, Wing. ham, Ont. Oreton Ilouns -a to 12 A. in., 1 to 6 p. en., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. nit. J. A. MLLIYItUM, Ilonor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surtremne of Ontario. Otliceaad Residence -Cornerot Centre end Patrick streets, foruaerb occupied by Dr. Bethune. Ma GUAM - ovr VANSTONE, lot . BARRISTER, SULIC1T01:, Ete., private •.nd Company funds to Ionn at lowest rat,, interest. aro commission charged. Mortgagee, town and farm propertl bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver• Block %%'tson.u: J, A. MORTON BARRISTER kc , II/Ingham oat a i1)j EYER k DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. O. i E. L. CICHnl.tch, B. A BAitRISTE1RS AND SOLICITORS, Etc„ Etc., - lioitors for Bank of Hamilton, Cotnniesiuners for taking ankle%its for Manitoba. Balm, login and VLtlage propertl bought teal sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage neurit) at 6;1 per cant. Money invested for pt irate persons, upon the beet mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for+ale Ln Manitoba aim the North. west. uflice-Bent's Block, 1i intihan:. !-DENTISTRY.-J S. JEROME, ntnonAn, Is manufacturing Celluloid Places, °? Vulcanite plates of the. bestmaterial as cheap us the) can be got its the Dominion. A w • • 1f work warranted. ttd. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TA:stt NOTtos,-I will extract teeth for 26 cents emelt, OFFICE: In the ]Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Ileus', Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST, oreicE, " - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, {I Ingham. Will visit Gerrie lst and 8rd Mondays of each month. J CIH» RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT tYll,atiA}I, Orosewn DEA1iS. 4a., tremas], LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TILE COUI't'jY OF 11U13uN. MSales attended in any part of this Co. Chores dera JOHN CT3BIi1B, WlsonAsi, ().,z4, LICEINSED AtIOTIONlialt 1.OIt THE COUNTY Or ]:veer. All orders left at the Toms office prcanptly attend ed to. Terrns reasonable. AMES NI1NIIERSON, Llosxsnn Aucrrosn.a ton commits Minion Acro • Ifxcut, Ali taloa attemied to promptly and on the Shortest Notice, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed,. All net'essnty Arrangements can be made at tete Tats' etfice 1i't:e0{tAtl ONr eJ VS. GODFREY s MctiSll, M. II. Toronto, Mambos Coliege Physleishs .r5i4 sitrgeena. Ontario. Bkt.t+ltActl-GstAttlo Money to Loa.n ayt 14ptileg. ° Notes . i'_ �SCQlilillitaetat AT J .a ItI.'r p L E :tcATES Money Adeemed ai Mart ket t privilege el pitying. At cite endetAtte !Peak. Needs krliaeerWttese1)eeteel, r I UrM9M,- &alar Mink, Wiltakes. twin.�i'1>t1QQ. IJ 1 A.. Good Ms Now, sir, retnn ly. euelosiing in cur's applicatio ..in ranee policy, t as done, You ha 1 Medical examinati tho questions aro go through with a isn't there SOW th for you ? Not that I caul the roan. Hum, Were ye In the army i ber of a 100 -day but -- Aha 1 exctaime ing him by the ar application for ape 415 )iter. 13y1 Of the Cincinnati M. a good point when he years used hood's family of five, and all that is claimed f0 prejudiced against 1 bow the patent can 1 not a machine is a a to rpe. HOOP'S P1Los cures Sow to A As the sold went colds, sore throats attendant evils of are fairly with us, that their children res to the use of threat and chest. ' ing and scrubbing eyery morning, fo with a course targe prevent any throe s A child should els gie the throat wel every limp it brush E6oep it MILS; I always k yard's Yellor 0 ;bruises. Mho folks a almost everything. Medicine, it is an e cracked or chapped. Boone for One 0 " I - of to do you think -Lov. Bu your othelyer hand. Inmy endor:em leer' say something fore, which is the perfect remover of the first stages, but has become chromic into a disease, Yea hair -dresser, (luring perieuced with ever paration, not one even all put to•getl tion that Anti-Dand It positively romp falling of the hair. makes an elegant leaving a trace of it in my dressing pia and have yet to find was not pleased wit J' Proprietor barber s �.,A piano. -toner lily other piano -t Job would be a cu a good look at. V leSee A The it will save y It will bring it will cave yo It does not rec will It yr . 1 wash wales It cannot inj skin of fabric Ito purity and it the largest sal SSWARS Or ra.` serrA'fl4'° t Yat:[:,. one trOos Yui.).:• ::"r. 6t7EL10I nata4 Yuitur