HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-01-06, Page 5Morris. • GONE TO BEST.—Ono by one the early ,: settlers of Morris township are passing over ;.the River of Death into the portals of the rent unknown, where the immortal spirit Inds a home of happiness and peace and ;•.tlre•weary soul is at rest. On Monday night, of last week, (20th ult„) Elizabeth., r 'relict of the late Wm. Anderson, passed to eleer•reward. The deceased was born on the ,i lith of September, 1807, on the banks of the . •Doon, Ayrshire, Scotland, near the town of :•.Ayr, and consequently was in her 86th y year at time of death, On the lat of Au- ,, gust, 1840, she left Scotland for Canada, reaching Hamilton late in the fall of the hsame year, where she was at once married to her late huahand, whose spirit left the elmortal frame on the 28th of April, 1878, at t [the good ago of three score and three. They at once left for Mr. Anderson's farm, situa- : tied one mile south of Ayr,ola the boundary, •;. in South Dumfries. They left the farm in :,Dumfries in April, 1802, accompanied by r:their young family of three boys and three ;•;girls, and took up a farm on the 4tlr cop. of. . Morris, County of Huron, where they oon- fatiaued to reside until death first took one and then the other. The deceased was confired to her room for nine months I b'sfore decease, her principal eomplaint riseeming to be old ago. She was a life-long, :Presbyterian, having joined the church in THE •WINGIAM TIMES, JANUARY 6, 1893. HOwxCii:• I'uBl ro Ex.tiviNA I0N,—A very suo- cesstul examination was held in S. S. No, 1, on Thursday of last week, at 7vhioli over 100 visitors and the following teaoh ers were present, viz: Misses A, Eadie,' Huntingfield; a, Kline, Corrie; Messrs,: J, S. Hall, Carnek; S, A. Bremner, Bel - more; ,f. Darroch, Lakelet; A. Thine.: Gerrie, and O. M. Jones, Wingham. The different classes were interspersed ,with recitations, readings, .dialogues, song, organ, violin and mouth organ music. In the evening, a grand entertainment was given. Tho school House was ,filled .to the outside doors. The programme con- sisted of recitations, reaclings,tdialogues, organ, violin and mouth organ ,nrusic, comic and sentimental >sont s, duets. quartettes, and •eboruses, dumb-bell ex- ercises and ,club swinging. The' teacher, Mr. J. Hartley, who .is leaving, was pre• seated with a beautiful rpresent:as.a•token sof the.eatee2n in which sheds held by .the people ,of the section. liSootland in her girlhood and subsequently. sawas:the first to sign her name on tlae Ilrem- i,bersidip roll of what is now known as 'iThompson's church, Ayr. She was a ifaithful Christian and an upright woman, ..always willing to extend a helping hand to rthose.in need or trouble ' and was always ilooked,np to 'and respected by those who Auld the pleasure of her acquaintance. Of ells falaaily, five ars left to mourn her loss, v viz4.- 4Mrs. P. Forsyth (Ann); Mrs. G. 1Vlieir;.(liate) ; William and James, eiltl,of wllornilive in Sullivan, Grey Q,oant3+., and •Q.uiritiif on the homestead. The .youngest (clatteghter..,Lizzie (Mrs. Donald McDonald) il3idd inAugnst, 1880, aged 29 years. One .brothen'of deceased is also living, .Quintin illcBiieinwwho is 10 years her junier. The ;funexal•.wtts on the Thursday afternoon ane; %WAS 1s44jgly attended, Rev. D. 1T1;1lei, el! d into (:lflluroh, 13russeis, cotanlucthag then : vices. 'ahs interment was fee Benssods er .. ceemoteey. Bluevale At the last meeting of 'the Blnevale Orange Young Briton :Lodge, No. 243, ,tbe 'following officers were elected.: Henry Robb, W. It.; John .Mathurst, D. .M.,; Prank Higgins, Sec.;; James Peacock, Tress::; Wm. Casomore,2ilin. Sea.,; Alex. McGee, Chap.. ; Silas Johnston;, Dir. of l3er; Conamitte—Men, Ed. Corydon, N. Bolt, D. Johnston, Wm. _Miller, Wm. .Plucker. .Bros. Stewart and Mathurst audited the books and .found everything +correct. Huron Items. The Great .Northwestern Faiir. Assodia ition, of Godeliioh, ion winding tip their busi- ness for +the:aeason,Sound ;that;they were .about .0300 b.ellind on the ,season'•s .opera - ;times. • At tClintoiu,,,ataay or two ago, •ilre'wife of Walter Coats dead.a narrdw.esccepe'froni an S .aediclent that.niight.have atesultetl .fatally. Jmtthe cellar biro:old welts, width ,consider_ ablee,vater in nt,:and covered :eiilyiby;loose. ;boasils. Step/ding•ol onerof tthesendhe fell' tthroclgh into the -water, but managed to, ssuppol:t:herself ;until.Mr. Comte ,canto ,to Ther .rescue. ,7..T., Goldthoilpe, Saltforir'e entorptising nnerdhant, paid out ,about 02ili000 ,last••ftt i for Lappies. ' 1V]iissA. Heibem;,,n 15-yeal'eld .girl, ,and a ip,upilaxlf the Gonuie;public school,tobtained. the 'highest number;of marks iia the county of Blum at the entrance exoammination:m: Jub'i ,last. Ties ,e.-,ectitors eel the estate;: (df the futile Hon. :Ile G. Iloss, ho5Ilers of Pontiac county; bonds ler 'ir100,000 ;and interest ;thereon,: have lancet. all the 'areperty bolongingko; the mmltdioiEpxtl couuciluulder seizntre for :the and Neu/talent leis radically cores IL ir+ 3 ee debt. illniees the count:es creditea's,aocepi • �T t rltaliletut, ltl(rnv mysterion ous. It refit 2K/attat saow dobentares in Menet clef their ?udgment.',,,,,ue•the ceruse of the disease laaartnedi:nttely against epee :minty the ;sheriff eon levy ,disappear«.. The first dose greatly come - taxes ont e,ratepayereelor:full anerenet,aaid alts. :d5 cents. Warranted et LYilistrtcn,lrea s ,snug store. assts. Goclerio1l. The Western Hotel, Edward Swarts, proprietor, was cotnpletely destroyed by 'fire on Mouday, at an early hour. The 'building was a Targe frame structure aud ,burned like tinder. Nothing was saved the iumates losing all their effeete, The re also large stabler adjoining the hotel were e •cousumed with entire contents, two valn- eble horses were burued, The hotel was •covered by insurance ; $1,000 in the Royal 1500 in the Wetiteru, and alse, in the North .British. Cause of fire unknown. Some time ago Mr. W. G. Duff, at Sea. iforth, became a member of, or a subscriber to what was known as The home Know- ledge Association. Tiro membership fee •was $12 and among other things the mem- bers were promised that they could purohase stationery, books, 3cc.,from.the Association for thirty per cent. below regiellar retail prices. Mr, Duff gave his note .for the membership fee. Finding that 'the .Assooia-' tion were unable ter unwilling to owrry out their promises, he refused.: to ;pay the note: on the ground that Ilse had snot reeeived value for it. The Assooiation:brought a suit in the division Court to;recover the amount. Mr. Duffset up the defence that the Association, not being legallyincorpor- ated, are not entitled is sue in: this county.., (rhe matter has been finally decided by Judge Doyle, who sustains the point and ,gives judgment for the,defendant, The nest Offer Slat, We have made Arran gem ante •with.bhe publishers of the "Falnl:l.y Herald aud Weekly Star” that we are ,in •a .position to offer the Tram 'Faintly Herald and Weee- tly Startcgether with .bo esreist'Star Alman- ac from uow until 1st of January .1894 for 51,75, The price of the" Fwnnntly liv:raldaend Weekly Star" is $1.00 per year and the Almanac 25 cents. This is a gtaud offer .and should be taken aduai tugs of by .a larger number of our reacher. T'hitoefler 1t to new subscribers us •wollae•old once. V. H. t. tiler, of Seaforth„ spent New ° iYear7,s males l.is cousin, Wm. Bray, 3rd Hine,-Oall s;;.TJ,bos. Bono and Miss.Basele are tatvey ontoLaholiday trip to Wooclstook and geonflon,••-fitsnuet Farrow,of Asblie1d tewn- :dhi.}1,:, pentelis,holidays under the parental emelt on:thakede—Chas Sheriff, of Taranto, liar beelt:kdlidaying, for the peat week, :among-ftiends on the 3rel line.—Iluf;li ]!'fosse, who eevent to Toronto sorsa,tiieae ago die ha v.e Meet -milt benefittted,hasretur - ed. Lilac npetxtien was performed veil, sueeees11il1y.-4t:the annual school meeti ag • in lb, •S .No.,fa, Wm. Bryaiis was appointed taixatoefor therrsnaiang teran,Wm.Cochraue„ 11 the ontegning trustee,refusing to be re-elect- ed.—tin uvminatian;day,the old Conneilwas re-electetai3 b.y .ac,ylamation, as follows Reeve, Henley Mooney ; Deputy -Reeve, C A. Howie.; Couneireous, Geo. Kirkby, Jas. Proctor and Samuel Caldbiok. 'A vote was taktin, by sheer of lands, on a House of Refuge, resulting.in 23 voting for the same and 35 again:at,—X.:. ansl Mrs. A. Jackson spent Christmas ea Detroit, with their ;laughter, Mrs. Leech. Turilbeeriv• DEP UTY-ILEET . NO. 1. NO.2. NO.3- ..NO. 4. TOTAL'. Cruickshank' 61 40 57 55 313 Thomson 50 53 51 33 187 Majority for Cruickshank, 2G COUNOILLOES, Mundell 50 48 69 66 233 Diment . 55 58 69 48 230 Gemtnill 35 48 69 53 205 Maxwell 56 64 50 22 192 The first three elected, . For }lease of Refuge 141 .Against Rouse of Refuge 117 Majority for, 24. The Council tuis year, therefore, wit' be aA follows: iteeve, Win McPliersou, elect -i ed by euolametiou; Deputy -Reeve, Wm' Cruickshank; Councillors, Wm Mundell, John Dnnent nud Win Gernmill. The following is the standing of pupil in S. S. No. 6, Turnberry, fof December. The names are in order of merit: Fourth --J. Johnston S. Johnston, J. Homutiss, E. Wheelans, A. Porter. W. Campbell Third ar—A. Hotnuth, 1:., Homuth, A, Cowden, H. Hotnuth, F. li'yfe, M. Mc- Kinnon. Third jr—N. Blackwell, E. Mitchell, I. Honeuth, E. Johnston, J Foxton, W. Porter, M. Duncan, H. John- ston, '1', Wade, A. Mitchell, N. Cowden. Second—F. McCormick, E. Hawke, W. Mitchell. The average attendance for A000mber wag 40. J. J, W. •StarsoN, Teacher. e resident of Renfrew„ dor •allo.udng•,his soento stay uwuy from co)ort, was brought before the magistrate Last tWodneeday and fiued.85 and 02,95 aunts. iDuriug 1892, 20,016 iarranii;rauts .arri Med 1n H auitobaaccording .tike .tt tob .at the: provincial iuimt„J rati,mu tne,pttrtrnout. ,,The Methodist Youug People's ,Conven- tion for Ontario will be held iti Toteato•ou � f HARNESS AND COLLARS. Having bought Out the Ambler liarnesa leueit,ess fetid hiert,fld in itis old t ta114., am prepared to furnish the public with evet•ytltiiag usually kept, in a'hsree:is situ+ such as HEAVY, LIGHT aud '1'RAC1C HARNESS, NETS, DUS MRS, ,, WHIPS, CURRY C011 b�, k3 RU SF1.ES, SWEAT COLLiARS, 'TRUNKS, VALISES ttind TRRAVELLING BAG'S, ate., art. I make all my own Colleirs and guarantee eutisfaction, Give tcae e, trial and 5 will use you right, �''-_ s,._ _ .. 333 W i CD: PATTERSON WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 7�IONT 0107 -1E -I AL Wit 4Z, IV 1 have just received a full supply of Cbriraanas goo(le, oousietieg of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and Jewellery of all kinds and latest clesidus, BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christmas. All goods bought f,,r uash and we can sa•11 as e n lip at t Ira 'thee met, nu, (then per Itepairkrag Peon:1141g hone and. Satisfaction Guaranteed RarGive me it call February 21, 22 and 3. ,County Crown Atturu.ey Y'.etereton, .of Guelph, bats issued instructione ee'alitthe Welliegtou county constab'len ipneeeuw•te purtieteholding or participa.tiaai,+ia„ ;ridiles er •other fames of chance, gawauhle•u;,> of tide lase ri pti on 11ai ug become ,a evi:desplteatel evil. ill nomiTISnt Ounce IN A Das. -••Bradt 4inorinau ,ltheuInahe Care of lerloeues wtiesn IT -WILL PAY YOU BEST IN THE END. Mr. George McMillan, of i Iorrisburg, is the owner of one of the largest pigs in Ca- nada, yes, in the world. Only 18 months old, weighs 065 pounds, 11 feet 11 inches from tip to tip, girths 6 feet Si inches, stands 9 hands high. Ile eats well, but. is still poor in flesh. His . footprints in the sand are like those of a cow. Five hundred dollars were offered for hint. IIS or 1 FOR THE E ext Thirty Days. MRS. HERDSMAN, M PATTERSON. NOTHING LESS SHOULD S •1,'1! NF1 YOU. Clever, Energetic Young Men and Women wbo intend to quality for positions in Bonk•koening, Shorthand and Typewriting. should mite for catalogues of both departments of of CI-ATfIAll, ONT., established 1870. This institution is the peer 01 any busieess eoll•;;o nr shorthn,•d leis I iu L'anadst. toanyother• school of tht.. t vastly superior r Au:crioa and est uU school i t Y These ..re the advantages ewe offer: The two best penmen to U:utnda, the hest nud largest star, ,. teachers, the best course in shorthand and typewriting, the best Cour.+u,n+ business training the best *sir, of.roouts, the hest equipments itt every respect the best recon. for placing Its students in the h 1st pa,. t , positrons in the business world. - Our college rooms occupy over 8000 square feet of space. We U Lythe railway Ltrr, of stmicnts coati, ,front a distance to the Iludt of ;8.00, ,hood board in pleasant homes for ladies at tell, gents 52 00. catalogues of either department, address, D. McLACb1:a AN, Principal. Will offer for the next € t ID _A S Startling Inducements in In order to reduce her large Stock, will sell the same at and below cost for the next thirty days. DOME AND: GET BARGAINS. NOTICE.—All book accounts not settled before the 15th of February, will he placed in other hands for collection. MRS. HERDSMAN. IMCCOMINON WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS. NM -W- FIRM MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS., of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T tVateoe, formerly harried en by W Smyth. Parties requiring Work in their line will do well by culling on them or seeing. Enc of their agents before prtroltasing. Y6u will find our prices are away down, oar workmanship it unsurpassed. We will use none but the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a liberal share of the public patronage. lir T T Watson, Who has beth running thelmeitaeee ter the past year, wilt represent us on the road. gall .to see our stock and prices. VANSTONE 1 EO5. S GOOD Jany lines at 50c. cin the dollar. Oak drilled and I.Mher GOOD Porhos, but plass Bt1:' Aad Suiri; am HAMILTON . DRUG STORE. Central Telephone Exchange Made MANTLE CLOTHS and SEALETTES, All must be cleaned out if prices will do it. FLANNELS Best makes in the market. Prices be- low the lowest. ea Made 01 Stock complete. Prices i _ ht. 0 iStakeo We have the Inside track and Can give you Every line we s For less than �'u➢.4 Our c®�.pet�. If you d® not Look at our. Dinner Se1t3, Tea Se'.ts, Toilet Setts, Table China, Tea Pots, Salad Bowls, Fruit Set yrs, Cuspdoir ens Biscuit' Jars, Flower Pots, Cups and Saucers, Fancy Pati8, Wine Gxa s 9 i, Tea Pot Stand Cake Pate.; Celery Glasse,. &c» You will be The loser. We have the Long Boot at a short price. If you see them you'll buy them. Call and see us. T. A. MILLS. _7 W. T. YAT The China Hous CANADIAN OFFICE, HAiNIL Coal in . C ioMd coni imera. , No intermediate >¢Iro Write for' lioettt • Special Aar , r.ntio4 I Ues atx