The Wingham Times, 1893-01-06, Page 4THE W INGHAM TIMES., JA.N'T.TARY G. 1893.
Tun mutual convention of the Onti�rio l my regiet and apologize to Dr. Cltiellolttl .duo consideration in arriving at a anal and while they very nicely filled the lar-
for t le wronglonato11i11t at cl
. 9 Creameries Association will bo held et to do all I can to repair the injury thus settlement .t gave duo notice under the der. Before the horses were bitched for
llarriston, an the 11tI1, 12th and 13:h of
January, ] W3. In addition to members of
the Association, addresses will be delivered
by Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agrioul-
--•AND-•- tura; Ex -Governor Hoard, of Wisconsin;
Porfessor Robertson, Dominion Dairy'
Commissioner; Professor Mean, Ontario
Agrieeltural College; Professor Shutt,
Ottawa Experimental Farm ; and others.
THE twenty-fifth annual convention of
the Dairymen's Assooiations of Western
Ontario, will be held in London, on Tues-
day, Wednesday and Thursdae , January 10,
11 and 12, The programme n ill consist of
aciclresses by John Geary, President of the
Association, Hon: John Carling, Hon, John
Dryden ; and papers will be read or ad-
dresses given by the following gentlemeu
D. M. McPherson, Lancaster, Ont. ; Dr.
Van Slyke, Geneva, N. Y. ; And, Pattullo,
President Oxford Dairymen's Association;
`V .D. Hoard, Fort Atkinson, Wis ; C. C.
James, Deputy Minister of Agriculture,
Toronto: J. 0. Pearce, London ; 'Prof.
Fletcher, Dominion Entomologist, Ottawa;
Prof. J. W. Robertson, Dominion Dairy
Commissioner, Ottawa ; E. Casswell, Lon-
don ; Prof. Adam Bell, Tavistook; Prof.
Dean, .Ontario Agricultural College,Guelph;
T. B. Millar, Burgoyne, Ont. ; Hon. Thos.
Ballantyne, Stratford ; J, A. Ruddick,
Winter Dairy Station, Woodstock; J. W.
Wheaton, B. A., London ;. T. J. Dillon,
app. &runswick House
r,,am, - - - Ong:
„,t t inttam xitics
t, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1892.
i ..
eenring the past year, Temperance sen -
'cent has made great advancement.
Massachusetts, a vote was taken in 30
s of that state, and 18 of the 30 de-
Esed against licensing the sale of intox-
binrg liquors, and the remaining. 12
%letter license by decreased ivajorities
(=pared with last year. The total Manager Winter Creamery, Mt. Elgin,Ont;
hibition vote in the 30 cities exceeds E.• Crealy, Ontario Agricultural College,
total license vote by 6,033. Guelph; C. C. Macdonald, Manager Winter
he city of London has made gre at Creamery,,Londou.•
des during the past two years in The council of the township of Howe
ting down the number of licenses Island. which comprises a large agricul-
the sale of liquor, and this year the to al section close to the shores of New
,posal to have all bars closed at seven York state, recently passed the following
lock each evening was defeated by a resolution : "Whereas, our trade and com-
rCow majority. The measure will more moral are depressed, our infant industries
likely carry another year. The languishing, our farms valueless, our young
tletnan elected Mayor of London for men and women, our future hope, fleeing
3 is a well known temperance worker. t from'our shores to seek, under a foreign
n Toronto, Mr. R. J. Fleming, who is flag, the prosperity legislated from them at
;earnest temperance man, was elected home ; therefore, be it resolved that in the
or' by the largest majority ever given opinion of this counoil the future greatness
mai tri that city for that office. Mr. of Canada depends upon the establishing of
such trade relations with the United States
as will secure to her as full and reciprocal
an exchange of all commodities as now
exists between the different states of the
Union, thus giving an impetus to trade, in-
creased vitality to our industries, broaden-
ing commerce, opening up our mines, de-
veloping our natural resources, staying the
tide of immigration which is fast depopulat-
ing our land, making Canada not sullen
and discontented, but loyal and happy, the
brightest gem in the Imperial diadem."
The Raby Case.
To the Editor of the wingham Times.
os. Thompson, one of the license com-
ssionera for Toronto, after a year's ex-
irionee as commissioner, says: (1) That
great _ improvement has been taking
ce in the Toronto hotels is the result
t the policy steadily pursued for many
leers by the license board; (2) that tbere
tetill far too many hotels for the popu_
lion of that city though they have beeu
need to 150; and (3) that selling liquor
11 too profitable to the licensee and
unprofitable to the community. The
dies he proposes by the way of abet -
the evil are (1) reducing the number
licenses one-half; (2) increasing the
e fee to $1000, and (3) providing
s of entertainment for working men
a now regard the saloon as a place of
creation. These are familiar proposals
course, but they come with particular
a•om Mr. Thompson, and there
little., reason to doubt that a move
ill bemade before long to give effect to
to Wingham, there bas been a great
of Temperance work done in the
of moral, suasion, and the effects of
erio>Gis in that line 'are quite notice -
t wee think the time for more
tveeverk against this soul-des-
t''should be commenced.
tke number of licenses
Used and the feesincreas-
rLi.ct't 'liy,-statute. We
for 1805, Mr. D.
tleman known to the
irty years as a sterling
, and one who has al -
furthering every move-
terment of the com-
hie lot ha. been cunt, add
y movement in the direction
tug the liquor `radio will receive
artiest support. It behooves, the
ratios workers to be up eel ?eine
re no stone unturned in furthering,
nteresti of tit) seripera.ne3 et.tae.
caused and to set the matter right as far as
in my power to do so,
(Signed), Gvonos Rani.
The original of this statement is in lay
hinds and is open to yourself or to anyone
who chooses to verify it. I may add that
it was obtained without any procurement
on my part and that although it was placed
in my hands during the progress of the
inquest, I purposely withheld it from the
jury, that they. might have the full benefit
of all that the prosecution could offer in
support of what was probably the moat
baseless charge that was ever made the
subject of a Coroner's inquest.
E. L. Dxcitiesox.
January 4th, 1898.
Berrole's 1Qori.-We willingly• pubilall
Mr Dickiuson's critieisiu aboye of our ace
tions in not publiahiug the evidence of Drs
Cottou and Bethuue, iu our report of the
case, in last issue. The evideuee of all
witnesses who paw the ohild during its ill•
nese, and those who made the post mar •
tem examination, and also the report of
Ditches. and Water Courses Act, R. S. 0., the return journey the men began carry -
Section 4, to the owners of lots 20 and ing bags of oats into the stable until
21, con. 2, to meet at the locality with ; they filled up the bin. Thehappy hours
the objeot of agreeing what would be a were closed with prayer and the friends
just and equable sbttioineut of the nom- left their pastor and his family feeling
hunt trade b the aforesaid John Me- ! lad and encoura ed because there was
p y g g
Allister. The following terms of settle- t a spirit of thoughtful kindness and unity
moat were proposed and read by me to,manifested which stimulates both pastor
both parties who were present: and people in the Master's work,
Culross, Oot. 18, 1802. I Missionary sermons on Belgrave circuit
To vie Muxt mer. Comte or ewe Town- on Sabbath, January 15th, by Rev. W. F,
SHIP on Ovrltoss :
We, the undersigned, John McAllister I J. Campbell, M. A., Ph. B., of Blyth. Rev. II. Dyke will occupy the Blyth pulpit
owner lot 21, con, 2, and Henry McAllister, 1 that day,
owner lot 20, con. 2, Township of Culross, i
enter into an agreement with the corpora-
tion of Culross to have the original Water
course which flowed from lot 21, con 2,
across the 20th sideroad on to lot 20 and
again across the 20th sideroad on to lot 21,
changed to run along the west side of the
road allowance, 20tH sideroad, on the con-
sideration thatthe proposed water course
or ditolt be made as deep as the natural
water run which flowed from lot 21 across
the 20th sideline and made with a level
Prof .Ellis, the Provincial Analyst, were grade to correspond with the outlet on to
(vest in full. We could not Bee the rele-
g , said lot 21, and the said proposed ditch on
valley of the evideuee of Drs Cotton and the road allowance to be made at least 18
13ethuue, neither of whom saw the child inches wide at the bottom and the sides of
before or after death. We never bad and said ditch to have a slope one foot to every
pave not now the least objection to publish foot in depth, and the corporation of Cul-
iug the evideuee of the professional geutle- ross binds and agrees to deepen the said
men, and is was left out pimply because ditch on road allowance as may be quired
we could not see that it ooutaiued any
from time to time fora proper outlet for
facts bearing ou the cause of the death of drainage purpose from said lots, and that
the child. We had only one objeot in view we, the aforesaid parties, bind ourselves,
in i eportiug the ease at all, and that was our heirs and assigns forever to cause no
to give the public the facts of the case. action to be brought against the aforesaid
That clone, our duty was perfertned. We corporation of Culross for so changing the
have no desire now to be drawn into a water course as herein proposed.
coutroversy ou this matter, heuce have Henry McAllister, owner of lot 20, con. 2,
made no comments, being satisfied with was willing to agree to the aforesaid pro -
simply a statement of the facts. posed terms of settlement to have the
Culross• water run changed as proposed, but Mr.
McAllister, owner of lot 21, con. 2; would
Council met at Teeswater, December not agree to have the water course changed
17th, 1892, as per motion of adjournment. without the corporation of Culross would
Minutes of last meeting read and adopt- build a covered box drain with sufficient
ed. capacity to carry oft the water that may
Clark-Welwood -That in absence of accumulate on said lot 21, or receive a sum
the Reeve the Deputy -Reeve take the of $50.from the corporation of Culross on
ohair--Carried. the same terms as proposed to Mr. Wel-
Welwood-Clark-That the minutes as wood, I could not entertain Mr. McAllis-
just read be adopted -Carried. tar's method of arriving at a settlement, as
MoKay-Welwood-That as the Col- a drainage out -let may be demanded for
lector bas not been paid all the taxes
that the time of collecting said taxes be
extended until the 31st day of December,
1892 -Carried.
McKay -Clark -That a cheque be is-
sued for t40 for rent of hall and that it
be handed to the Treasurer of Teeswater
Kuntz -Clark -That by-law No. 11 for
1895 be now introduced and read a first,
Dzie Sm, -As Counsel for Dr. Chisholm second and third time, signed and sealed
in the above case, I cannot allow to pass _ Carried.
unchallenged the one-sided report which Clark-Welwood-That the Reeve's
appeared in your last issue of the evidence report re the culverts on the 20th side -
taken at the Coroner's inquest. You doubt- line be received and printed in the min -
less must be unaware that an Editor is not utas -Carried. •
privileged to report in extenso a portion of
the evidence taken in judicial proceedings Report re the complaint of John Mo -
and at the same time suppress the evidence Allister, owner of lot 21, con. 2, Township
of particular witnesses with the contemptu- of Culross, against the corporation of
ous comment that in his opinion it is ir- Culross, by changing the watercourse
relevant. Apart from the legal aspect of the flowing from said lot 21 across the 20th
matter, it would manifestly have been more sideroad on to lot 20, and again flowing
fair to have let the public judge of the across the 20th sideroad on to lot .21.
relevancy of the evidence suppressed, ie. Said water -course was changed previous
stead of yourself assuming the functions of to 1885 by digging h ditch along the west
both a judge and a reporter. When it is
observed that the whole evidence which was
put in by me on behalf of Dr. Chisholm is on to lot 20 with the consent of Mr. Me -
withheld with a short end misleading refer-
ence, while all of that which was offered by
the prosecution is published word for word,
one cannot help regarding the suppression
as significant. Let me call you attention
to what trust certainly have escaped your
notice, that the evidence of Dr. Cotton
corroborated by Dr. Bethune, and withheld
in your report, was expert evidence, going
to show that the theory of the prosecution
of death by morphia poisoning was upon
the symptoms as detailed by the prosecu-
tion, impossible, and that tho same symp-
toms indicated the correctness of Dr.
Cltisholm's diagnosis, that the child died
13DITOIi,IAL NOTES from an attack of internal convulsions -a
A M erase of the East Huron Farmers' malady not uncommon to infants during
lstitute will be held in Brusscls,on Thurs• the period of•dentition, and then let me ask
t,y and Fri lay, January 12th and 13th any of your readers how such evidence
he meetings will be addressed by Prof. could by any possibility be deemed irrelo-
, H. L. Hutt, 13. S. A., and John vont. To enter into the details of this
aokren, as well as local talent, evidence would take up more of your space
Tee annual meeting of the Ontario Bee than i care to ask, but in defence of my
lepsis' Association will be held in the client I am driven to entering into the mat -
several hundred acres at any time. I there-
fore let a contract by public competition to
have two culverts built for the sum of
$36.75 to Henry McAllister, which is com-
pleted according to agreement.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
, J. Mont, Reeve.
Dated the 15th day of December,' A. D.,
Kuntz -McKay -That as M. Moir,our
respected. Reeve, has informed us that he
does not intend to allow himself to be
nominated for Reevefor the year 1893,
this Council cannot allow this opportun-
ity to pass without expressing and ten-
dering to him our sincere thanks for his
kindness, courtesy and amiability during
the many years he has acted tie Reeve
for the Township of Culross, and• while
regretting lois retirement, we sincerely
wish fol him health and prosperity for
the future -Carried,
Finance report: J Thotnpson, employ-
ing men and teams gravelling, 25th side -
.1. have the
line and eons 12 and 13,340; A G Stewart,
Mr. and Miss Orvis, of Pickering, are
visiting their brother, Mr. E. W. Orvis,
of this place.
Wtaannr. JR/Miry 5, 1803
Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs, • 9 1 75 to
Fall Wheat per bushel, 58 to
oats, •
Butter, tub
do .tells,
Eggs per dos.
Wood per cord,
Hay per ton,
Pressed hops
57 to
25 to
30 to
48 to
18 to
18 to
17 to
1 50 to
6 00 to
40 to
25 to
40 to
9 to
6 to
7 4
1 00
1 75
6 25
7 75
Tenders will be eceised by the undersigned, up
till the 1st of Fe ruary, 1893, for the erection of a
Brick School H tse, in S. 5 No. 8, Morris. Plans
and speoiflcat ns can be seen at the residence of
the unders ed, lot 17, eon. 2, Morris. The lowest
or any ten •r not necessarily accepted,
SAMWAY S PAUL, Sec -Treas.
Bitterish) P. 0.
The Annual Meeting of the BLUEVALE CHEESE
in tho Foresters Ha , Bluetale, on
Tuesday, :� anuary x7th, 1893,
at 1.30 o'clock . i m., for the election of Directors
and the trans_; tion of any other business that may
be brought afore the meeting.
By order
JOHN BURGESS, Secretary.
2,000,000 Feet of Logs Wanted.
illustrated Catalogue of Ladies'
Mention this paper
All parties who have not paid
for the "TIMES" for the years
1891 and 1892 are requested to re-
mit the amount at once, We need
money and hope this notice will
be dufficieut, and that a general
response will be the result.
Tho undersigned will keep for service ou the
premises, Park Lot 46, wingham Town Plot, a Ches.
tar white Haar. _Terms -75 cents at time of service
with privilege of return ig or $L25 tf not so paid.
Pro arietor,
The propertey of the late Wiliiam F. Rogers, being
tho south hal, es of lets seven and tight in the first
concession of the township of Mr.i,ls, in the county
of Huron, will beoffcred for Palo by public auction
at the Brunswick House, in 1 he town of winghotu, on
Wednesday, =8th January, x893,
at 2 o'clock In the after�r,on. For further particu-
lars see large bills or aplli ' to
Vendor's Solicitor, Windham.
Dated at Wingham,15th December, 1802.
Strayed into the premises or the undersigded, lot
34, concession 12, East wawanosh, on or about the
middle of July, a red and whits spotted yearling
steer. The owner can have the sante by proving
rroperty, paying expenses and taking hint away..
wingham P. O.
ighest Price g•ivos Private Lessons in Vocal Training, 1 +
both e Staff
and Tordo•Sol•Fa Notation, Open for epengements
paid for any quantity of for Concerts or Church meetings. Terris moderate.
Apply at
HARD AND SOFT WOOD L0 'S • 11118, lx. MORRO •S,
24 shoes st, Meehan,
delivered at our yard in Wiugham. Also, -�-_
Heading and Shingle Bolts,
by the cord. Call and get prices, lengths
to out, &c.
Dressed and Undressed Lumber,
Shingles, Lath, &o.,
kept continually an hand.
' Notice Is her* given, pursuant to the provisions
of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, and
amendments thereto, that all creditors and others
havingclat^•s against the estate of the lido John
Bone, of the Township of East wawanosh, In the
County of Huron, Yeoman. who died intestate, on
or about the 3rd day of October, 1892, are required
on or about the 15th day of January, 1893, to deliver
or sang by post prepaid to Mono`s Garrow do Proud-
bieL1aAN & :SON. 2oot, of the •Town of Ooderleh, in tlto Oouhty o2
�Viugham, January 4th, 1893. Ilurun, Solicitors for Mary Bone,tho Adnnnistratrix,
their names and addresses and full particulars of
their claims, with the vouchers upon which they are
based, and that atter the day last mentioned the
Admhtistrnt•rix will proceed to distribute the assets
T E L i p E i i snit. duceused among the parties entitled thereto,
irnving re•rnrd only to the claims o[ which notice
shall have been given as above regnlrsd, and the said
Adthinistrntrix will not be liable for the assets be
any person Al whose claim notice shall not have been
received by her et the time of retch distribution.
Solicitors fur the said Adntinistratrix,
Dated at Goderk:h, the 23rd day of November, 1802.
side of the road allowance and filling the
advertising and printing Collector's re-
BIGGEST ANDoriginal course across the 20th sideline MIAs, $5; J Sprual, 1 day statute labor
for more tuny elsewhere. lis the 011001 Ox
'minty Council Chamber, Waikerton, on . water course. Mr. Welwood reported to
10th, lair and 12th of January, 1893. your report is to convey the impression the board Mr. McAllister'e proposed
lterscnls interested in bee keeping are that notwithstanding the verdict of the terms of settlement. But the board
deadly invited to be present. jury, it was simply a case of „11ot,proven;' after giving Mr. Welwood's report do
I would ask you,hi justice to Dr. 'Chisholm, consideratinn, thought it unwise to elite
Orr, rtr.fignres chow that Canada's foreign to publish the following statement of Mr,
for the fiscal year ending June 30-: Itaby, that the bane aucl t110 antidote may into settlement proposed by owner av
, is tits greatest inher history. Imports be taken together:
spiel lot 21. Mr. McAllister then
d exports eggregated$241,369,443,egainst notice to the board in writting,Septembe
lS,bdl4,tlt, in l t;il. Inx Torts wore 8127,- „ . Wngham, Dee,12th,1891. 1 loth, 1801, requesting that he was deepl
` n s, ,- , ainet 1111,1,937,638 in 1891; ex- , in the matter wledbetween myself ttnd 17r. interested in the aforesaid ditches an
aK ` Ghisbollu,1 acknowledge that 1 have unin-
lt• *11a,rnia,375, against in •417,296 in teutionaily wronged Dr. Chisholm by culverts and nstred tient immediate action
`i•.: The exports to Great Br Olin reached making the statement 1 diid to tho Corohol• be taken. The board then moved that
rntting tiro hh of Amy child, thus should take such action tie 1 though
t , . , ,:p, compared with 54'Jr280,1a8 in plac1ug bins at :tett advanta*g�e ttnd at the g
,`t^iath exports to and itnpores from mercy of his opponents, both professional. best to have a final sott1otnent and pre
+: ,, .1 Halt., fell off. ,, Iy and personally. And 1 haroby express vent !itiaation. After giving the matte
for C P R, 81; P Manley, putting railing
Allister,owner of said lot 21, iu considers- un sinkhole. eon 12, 519; Hawick, for
tion that the said ditch would be made balance of work on boundary Howick and
to carry off the surface water from said Culross, 65 cents; H McAllister, 2 cell-
21 and in the event of such ditch not verts 20th sideline, con 2, $3f1' 75; Care -
being trade sufficient to carry off the taker of hall, 62; J Moir,services as reeve
accumulating on lot 21, that the and letting jobs, 861.10; H McKay, ser-
waterorisrinal water course would again be vices as 'deputy -reeve and letting jobs,
opened across the 20th sideline. The 5160; P Clark, services as councillor t
board is aware that the township engineer and letting jobs,$50.75; P Kuntz, services
wits called for advice in the matter and as councillors and letting jobs, 340.60; J
after viewing the locality advised the Welwood, services as councillor and -let -
corporation to again open the old water ting jobs, $35; 9 Kirkland, pact payment
course. Councillor Welwood was then of salary for this year,835; Chas Button,
ordered to have the old course opened part payment of salary for this year,385;
but after letting a contract to have two Treasurer of Teeswater, rent of town
culverts built, Mr. McAllister proposed hall, 640; The treasurer was authorized
to Mr. Welwood to relieve the corpora• to pay Mrs Tougher in seven monthly
tion from all damage in changing the ,installments, in
water course for, a reasonable sum of Moir -Kuntz -That the Council do
money and he (Mr. McAllister) would now arfjoutn-Carried.
make such improvement as would pre-
Cues. BUTTON. Clerk.
vent any further damage to lot 21 and
relieve the corporation from any further
responsibility in changing the original
pA G1aseter SURPalar.-On Tuesday
night last the residents of Belgrave .ate-
thodist parsonage were completely sur-
prised by most of, the members of the
o Brick church coming and taking possos-
✓ sion of the parsonage. The pastor hap -
of posed to bo away at a meeting, but
e returned in due time and found the
✓ house full of friends,enjoying themselves
y and showing he and his wife had a place
d in their hearts. Everyone was happy
and showed it, The friends did not come
I empty handed, for in a littlrl while there
t was quite a social, provisions were ample
and served in good style: 'Tho evening
✓ was spent very pleasantly and profitably
Confectionery arid Fruit
in town.
Give us a call. Prices to suit the
n MY, 12
a He
if;ill it by feeding it with
Scott's Emulsion. It is remark-
able how
Of Puree Norwegian Oot! Liver
Oil and Hyoor'►hosphites
Will stop a Cough, euro a Cold, and
check Consumption itt its earlier stages CJ
as well as all forme of Wetting Disea:;os,
Scrofua and Bronchitis. .tt xa xfmo:rt
as palatable ire 4nll2.
Preps ted only by Scott & Bovine, Belleville.
City Fruit & Confectionery Store.
Because they can get goods that are
right and up to the times.
But they aro waking up to the fact tlutt
I esti give them goods that will
please them. IouIl lines of
Fruits, Oysters,Confectionery,&c.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works,
Canned goods of every dercription al-
ways on hand and my Trios are as low ;
as the lowest.
Dontforget the place, opposite the new
Bank of Hamilton.
11013T. RILL. '
u M1 .1S.1
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