The Wingham Times, 1893-01-06, Page 1TIDE WINGIIAM
VOL. XX.'I.---NO. 1092.
Direct Importers.
The BER, Jan. 5th,1893.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PAT1.RSoN, No 23, Vic-
toria street, Windham, Ont. No witness
—Pillow share
niture store, for
— The Citizen
day evening las
the citizens of tl
—The King's
hold their anm
Monday, Januar
at the Rectory.
-Violin's ac
ectacles at cos
—A number
thisp lace inten
vale, to -night,
given by the lc
—Dealers all
Seen Almana
The Salvat
er of Army so
ed the farewell
holders at Hodgson's fur
0ut .
ce s
Band were out on Mon -
serenading a number of
eughters and Sons will i -The TIMES
f, supply of comb
9th, 1893, at 8 o'clockc;.
—Cash for good butter and eggs at R A
Graham's market grocery.
—The Huron b edical Association will
hold their anneal meeting in the Meehan -
los' Institute, S. forth, on Tuesday, Jan,
--Cleaning an
pianos, looking
—The Clinton News -Record entere upon
its fifteenth :ar with the issue of this
week. The cord is a good local paper
andadeserves t success it is meeting with.
For sale, a a very low figure, a good
eproof safe. Apply to
Dn. TowLElt.
last, Mr. Robt. Mclnd
s in the Methodist Sabbath
nd sleigh ride. The boys
very much.t motto for the title page of
k : "Don't Meddle." The
t meddle is liked by his
ted by his enemies.
iscount on watches, clocks
are for the next 15 days
polishing compoeud for
glasses and furniture, at
ure store. 25 cents pec
-On Monde
treated his cla
School to a gr
enjoyed theri.
—An excelle
1893's scrap -bo
man who does
friends and resp
--15 per cent
jewellery, silver
at rlfunshaw's.
al thl meeting, ons alter, of East
r wards of thirty
quantity of hone for sale. f
ordeons, mouthorgans,
for the next 15 days at —My stock of fancy groceries is cam•
plete. i'resh English peel, new nuts. figs.
is indebted to Mr. 5. R.
awanosh, for a generous
ney. Mr. Salt r has up-
lonies of bees nd has a
dstes currents and pure spices, at
of the Good Templars' of grocery.
attendinga social at Blue- —The Women's Christian Temperance
Friday), which is being Union day of univer 1 prayer for the Do-
ge of that place. minion was held on
ver the country are sorely meeting held on the
cause they cannot get the gational church, of
, the demand for which is well attended.
n Army band and a num- Those who came to see us last Saturday
iers of this (lace, attend- night understand what our idea of sell -
place, cheap means. Don't miss Saturday
eeting at the Army bar- night at M. H. McIerpoe;s.
Tuesday last. The
day in the Congre-
his place, was fairly
racks in Brussel on Thursday evening
last. ' -
-Fon LE.—]xtracted hmiey, honey in
cotrib aye beeswax. Prices nn application.
.f. R. Serene
P. O. box 129, Wingham, Out.
—Posters are o,
arnival,which is to
ing rink on Friday
A good time may be
the rink running in
t announcing a grand
take place in the skat-
veuing, January 0th.
petted as Mr.Orr has
od shape now. •
—We beg to remind till indebted, either
by note or book aecnunt, to call and settle,
or remit at.once, and oblige
—Saul. Youbill, Ret Estate Agent, has
sold lots 4 and 5 and d elling house thereon,
situated on the we side of Catharine
street,Wingham, fat owned by D. J. Mc -
Casey, of Newport, entucky, to Sam'$ B.
Fralick, o£'West W vanosh, who has con-
cluded to make his ture home in Win
—Try the Eclipse for cheap confection-
ery. Best royal mixed candy for 10 cents
per pound. T C SPARLIN0.
—The residents • • Gananoque must re-
quire frequent re.. nders of their duty as
citizens, for the c . ef of police of that town
has had printed o . the back of his visiting
cards the foilowi "dent's" for their guid-
ance : "Don't rot . across the bridge.
. Don't use profal language on the streets.
S3on't drive f{ =,er than a walk over the
ssiugs, and, hove all, shovel the snow
ery time it-•rms, without being told."
—Teeswater News : "We are glad to
ear that Mr. T. A. Reid, formerly princi-
sl of our hool, and who left liero two
ars ago to ccept the principalship of
he Forest I1 .del School, has been appoint -
ea to a simil r position in Barrie, at a stt-'
try of 8100per annum. Mr. Reid is an
enthusiast ' his profession and well merits
the succe - which Ito is achieving." Mr.
Reid's ins y friends in Wingham will be
pleased t. hear of his success.
Lo: --Ou Monday evening,Decerober
19tb,ce ewhere between Blyth and Wing.
ham. a ado's Miuk Boa. The finder will
be rewrded by leaving same at Mr.Buie's,
Blyth, rr S. Gracey's, Wingham.
A' the meeting of Anchor of [rope
lodge, i Tuesday evening last, a number of
viaito • . were present from Bluovale lodge,
and a er the business of the meeting had
'been .one through with, the following pro -
gra.. a was rendered: instrumental
kiy P. Roe and C. Kennedy ; song by
O'ohm'i•r+• : instrumental tango, by
adic lf•; freight ; Harkey farce by P.
and C. Kennedy; recitation by Jas.
; addros:3 by W. 1?, Brockenshire;
by Bev. E. W.1=.ighes.
—The TIMas •carrici
thanks to their nume
liberal manner in wh
last week. They h
treatment et their 1
—Mr. John A. Mc
was appointed agen
Chatham, for the s
shown us a copy of
in the sale of t
saw that there we,
business, and did
this section.
boys desire to return
ous patrons for the
ch they were treated
pe to merit as good'
Tnds all the end of
wen, of Morris, who
by F. W. Wilson, of
e of Spruce trees, has
he blank orders used
se trees. Mr. McEwen
room for fraud in the
not solict any orders in
—I am prepared to pay the highest dash
price for all kinds of fowl, delivered to me
at my butcher shop. Fowl must be drawn
and well dressed. Tnos E WALKER.
Mr. and Mrs. F G. Sperling, on Tues -
ay evening of 1a t week, entertained all
the employes of tin salt block and their
wives. After refre hments, the evening was
pleasantly spent tin music, and games of
of different kinds, and' all repaired to their
homes, well pleas d with the .evedings en-
—G T R trains for Toronto • and east
leave Wingham at 6.35 a m and 11.20 a m.
via W G & B Division. and at 6.45 a m
and 3.50 p rn, via Clinton at,d Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
—The following is .iven in answer to the
question: For what .ems respectively are
silver and copper 1-a1 tenders? In the
"act respecting the c rrency" it is stated
that "silver shall be a legal tender to the
amount of ten dollars • nd copper or bronze
coins to the amount of twenty-five o .nts,
in any one payment."
The Wingham Curl ng Club have ar-
tongecl..rvith Mr, Orr t. curl on the rink,
and the lovers of the "roring game" now
can enjoy themselves to heir heart's con-
tent. The club is in a fl urishing condi-
; ting
io and clubs of surrou. • towns will
have to do fine playing of hey are not left
far behind by the Wingha devotees of the
"stanes and besom,"
--• -Teeswater News : A amity gathering
took place at the residene' of Mr. and Mrs.
illage,on Christ-
ly reunion there '
Harry Hiscocks
nn, Mr. and 14Irs.
r. and Mrs. Wm.
. ,7. Hiscocks, Mr,
and their families,
n rand-
ilclren and
ered in all twenty.
particularly pleas -
hat Mr. and Mrs.
gather round therm
en circle of decen&
IIRobertlliscocks,sr.,of this
i mss. At this happy fam
were present Mr. and Mr
l and family, of Wingh
j Sproal, of Dungannon,
Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. •
and Mrs. It. 'J. Hiscocks
lof Teeswater. The ,c
children present num
The avant was a
ant one, and we trust
Ilis000ks may live to
many times an unbro
—A geed smar boy wanted at ouoe, to
leer,[ the printil • business, Apply at the
Times office. '
—Rev. Mr, S w, of Wroxeter, will con-
duct the services f the Methodist Church,
of this town, on . unday next, the Rev. Mr.
Sollery preachin Missionary sermons on
the Wroxeter cir it on that day.
—The union p ayer meetings during the
week have bee largely attended. The
last meeting of t e sermons will be held in
the Presbyteria church to -night. The
Rev. S. Scllery, D., will deliver an ed -
—The Metlnodi t Sabbath School ente
ainment was helc in the church on Thurs-
day evening of last eek. The programme
teas contributed by ie children of the soboo
and consisted of eeitations, dialogueq,
vocal and instrume tal music The or-
chestra also gave sev ell select' ta. There
was a large atteuclan , and all were well
pleased with the eve ing's entertainment.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
emember'the place, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book-
store end Patterson's jewellery shop.
—"Don" in Satur ty Night says :
—While I do not belie o in the transmi-
gration of souls, I am cite confident that
the man who will wet only abuse a horse
cannot be trusted to b kind to a woman.
If the girls who go ou 'buggy riding" re-
member this rule, the can form it very
good estimate of their companion's fitness
for the position of lov r or husband. If he
beats and lashes the 1 ree, never thinks of
slackening speed uph 1 or down, or forgets
that horses get thirst and tired; if he ha
noword of encoura ment for the poor
beast, or if he lacks these qualifications
even in a degree, it n ay be easily under-
stood that he would reat his wife in the
same way. A good an is merciful to his
beast and thoughtful f every animal who
looks,to his he.and for od,
`the yotingmen a a youhgwomen who
asj ire to obtain Acad ' mic or College edu-
cations, and whose parents cannot well `
afford them that ex ense, will be interest-
ed in the•work of tit Cosmopolitan Maga-
zine, which has offs d for the year 1893
one thousand sclnol rships at any of the
leading 'colleges or chools of the United
States, upon the con tion of introducing
the magazine intoece sin neighborhoods.
Yale, Vassar, Harvard, Ann Arbor, • Chi-
cago, the Southern c lieges, the great
schools of art and mad •'ne, ail are alike
open to the ambitious y or girl who is
not afraid of a little ea est work. The
Cosmopolitan sends on from its New
York office, a iiandsomel printed pamph-
let to any applicant, tellijust what is
necessary in order to se urceone of these
scholarships. The schol . rship itself in-
cludes board, lodging, lain dry and tuition,
all free. .
—The Canada Salt ssociation, with
headquarters at Clinton, dissolved last
Saturday. The Secretary upplies the fol-
lowing to the daily press a the cause:—
The Canada Salt associa i on dissolved to-
day, Although the prices charged by the
association have been ex•-edingly moder-
ate, and, notwithstanding he fact that the
large bulk of traders are f ly in sympathy
with arrangement, yet owi g to the new
wells that are coming i to operation at
Mooretown, Windsor, etc., it was felt im-
possible to continue. The . salt manufac-
turers feel especially aggrie ed that a public
institution like the C. P. R. wlnioh owes its
inception and its present e •istence to tho
large sums of money that lave been given
to it by the taxpayers o the Dominion,
should condescend to enter nto a needless
and wasteful. competition n the manufao.
The '
taro of s alt.rrtes a which salt can
now be obtained will be ow enough to
satisfy the most patrioti Patron of In-
dustry. In conversation ith Mr. Spar-
ling, of the Wingham Salt Vorkn, we learn
that their company does 1 t intend to cut
prices below living rates.
New Undertaking and rniturcn b;statt-
sti n out,
Mn IttrAnI HonosoN as opened his
Furniture and Undort 1 ing establish-
ment in the old furniture store; nearly
opposito the Queen's Hot 1. Wingham,
and has a full stuck' . Furniture,
Mouldings, and 1Jnderta ing goods on
hand. Call and inspect ,ods arid get
prices, Pictu re Framing d ne promptly
and well. Special. atten.t n given to
jobbing and repairing, and uarantee all
work done. Raving had lea; •r experience
is the furniture and unde•tni,king busi-
ness,1 and sure I can give ' arslacYaetion.
A splendid new hearse to lane.
RE.r r& Bonasott
Jir.G:: -b •_tet°.,r ..;,i" . /141; . •+W INIMf'rw . r,. •
Reform (invention.
A. Refcrm Conve tiou will be held ie the
Town Hall, Brusse s, for the East Riding
of Huron (Domini sell Local Houses) en
Friday, January. 'Oth, commencing at 1
p m, for the electi n of officers, &c. A fell
e,ttendance ne req ested.
'choice N'ew Teas.
Wholesale --Gordon & McIntyre are in a
pesition to supply families or s"ci*tse
with new teas,' at jobbers prices, Now is
elle time to secureyour teas.
Wingham • bunions.
The election in towwas a tams affair
this year, the only cutest being for the
office of Deputy -Ree e. The vote was as
allows : .
w.utns No. 1. N • 2, NO. 3, No. 4. TOTAL.
Brockenshire 73 53 34 57 217
Holmes 31 12 58 68 169
Majority for Brocl, nshire, 481
As hatted itr last sue, the ounoillors
were returned by ac, !lunation in wards 2
•and 3, and before ,:
be r 1
o Mug day,Mr M l t;
rl II
rehired 0 1, and that elected.
the Councillors iu ,bat ward. Iu No 4,
Messrs Geo Sadler .td P 8 Liuklater de-
clined to run, but th • ir uames were ou the
ballot, and a couple .f votes were oast for
eactr. The vote for Ie other Couucillors
was as follows : Ie . ree, 33 ; Elder, 32 ;
Clarke. 26.
'J'he vote for the 11 use of Refuge was an
follows :
For House of Refuge 305
Against House of R:fuge 88
Majority for, 217.
The Couucil for 189 will be composed
as follows : Mayor, tl M Goadon; Reeve,
R 0 Sperling; Deput-Reeve, W FBrock-
eusbil'e. Couucillors No 1 ward—Messrs
Golley, Herdsman s d Johne. No 2—
Messrs Homuth, fowl =r and Dawson. No
3—Mesar McLean, Hi cocks and McKen-
zie. No 4—Messrs 'Ides, Clarke end
An Otd. Friend.
Mr P B Flarnnteam formerly with J
Breauan & Co, tanners, Wingham, now of
Hanover; write., to C IS Williams, saying :
"Please send me by •exprese two bottles
more of Heathfield's Healing Balsam. I
find it the beet cough medicine I can get.
We would not be without it in our family.
It Will cure airy kind of oeugh or cold acid
ghee in ti
g ilediate relief. I recororneud it to
ell my old Wingham friends and caunot
speak too hl
of it."
bilice rely yours, , .
P. 13. FeeeemAN,
For sale at 'Williams' Di ug Store, at 50c
per bottle.
About Ourselves.
msre weans or oui CONTEDIPOILARIES.
The Wingham TI31Es has been enlarg-
ed and improved and some nety type added
to the plant.—Clinton News -Record.
The Wingham TIMES has been enlarged
and is now printed from new type. The
TIMES is a credit to its proprietor—Strat-
ford Herald.
The Wingham Theis has been enlarged
and greatly improved, and now ranks
among the finest in the county.—Gorrie.
The Wingham TIDIES carne to hand last
week in an enlarged form. The paper is
now 48 columns, instead of 40 columns as
formerly: The Tnnrs is a good, local paper
and The Bee wishes it prosperity.—Atwodd
The Wingham 'TIMES celebrated its
twenty-fifth anniversary last week by put-
ting on a fine new dress of type, new head-
ing, and enlarging to a six -column quarto
sheet. Mr. R.. Elliott, the experienced
proprietor, is giving his patrons extra good
value for their money, --Acton Free Press.
The wengla m r.
c comes to handthis
week greatly enlarged and printed mainly
from new type. Always a bright and new.
sy weekly, the Tinos appears determined
to continue on from high to higher. Mr.
Elliott deserves credit for his push and
enterprise. --Guelph Herald.
Broadening Out.—Trip Wingham Truss
came to hand last week, considerably en-'
'urged and printed from new type. Friend
Elliott has stood by the Tons well, and
deserves a better support front the business
men of Wingham than the is getting. A
good clean paper like the Tams is a decid-
ed benefit t ,o any place, e 1 itcannot be
. bt t
maintained on good wishes alone. The
community that helps its local paper is
helping itself, for nothing can do more to
advance the interests 'ef its particular lo-
cality than a well-filled, healthy and robust
.newspaper.—Clinton New Era.
Mr. John Inglis,of this
Walkerton, where he int
Ilia son Walter, for some
Mrs. Samuel Anders(
County, Nebraska, is in
sisters, Mesdames M.
Robertson an'1 Robt. 11It
Mrs. A. McLean, of
daughter Maggie, was
relatives in leucknnow, 1
Mr. Geo, Mitoliell, of
ing friends and rely
Mr. Wm. Irwin, and
spent the holidays unde
in town.
Miss Maggie Moore, h
where she intends resi
Miss Minnie Snell, 1
Monday last, after ap
with her mother, Mrs..
Mr. J. A, Mortotr spe
under the parental roof
Mr.vBuri .s
Reva h
visitor in town this wee
ham property owner an
success of the town.
Mr. H. B. Elliott, of
visiting friends in Torol
Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
were visiting Mr. Holm
this week.
Dr. J. R. Macdonald
lace, has gone to'
nets residing with
, of Washington
nvn visiting ]ser
Rolm ts111, WM.
lis place, aucl lnpr
isiting friends and
et week.
Listowel, wa3visit-
ve3 in town this
wife . of Listowel,
the parental roof
s gone to Toronto,
ing for some time.,
t for Toronto, on
[ding the holidays
ohn Snell.
t his. New„ Year's
in Brampton.
of Staffa, was a
He is a Wing -
d interested in the
e Theis staff', is
to this week.
olmes, of Toronto,
parents in town,
urned from his
visit to French Itiver, 0'rt., on Thursday
of last week.
Messrs. H. B., John an • Will. Elliott, of
the Times staff, spent Ne Year's with re..
httives in Atwood.
Listowel Standard: B. .. C. J. Frank,
from. Wingham, was in t.wn spending his
Xmas with his parents, a , d left for Ches.
ley intending to spend th rest of his holi-
days there with Mrs. Free 's parents.
Messrs. John and Willi Allenby were
visiting relatives in Kinc 'dine last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Papst and family, of Sea-
forth, were visitiug in tow this , week, the
guests of Mr, and°Mrs. F. .. Sperling;
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sills . nd two child-
ren, spent New Year's i Listowel with
Mr. Geo. Sills spent so
with friends in Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Year's with Mr. and Mrs.
in' Listowel.
Mr. Frank McLauchlin
troit, on Thursday last.
Mrs. Helps and Miss M
days last week visiting
Miss Louise Ferguso was visiting re-
latives near Gerrie, this • eek, •
Mr. and Mrs. R. J Swan spent New
Year's with relatives in 1. istowel. •
Miss Aggie McKellar, ,f Morris, is visit-
ing at the residence of 'Inc. A. McLean,
this week.
Mr. Joe. McPherson, f Bletevale, is visit-
ing friends in town this week.
Mr and Mrs J C M • Math, of Cliutou.
were visitiug•at R J III IM.ath's Last week.
Mrs L Maiu warning and Mrs a JPoole,
of St George, mother and sister of Mrs It
J MoMath were visite ▪ her last week.
e of his holidays
reen spent New
eo. McTavish,
returned to-De-
ud spent a few
friends in East
Not Crude aterfal.
Scott's Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil . per-
tacted and is prepareupon the principle
of its digestion and ssihmilation in the
human system ; hent: it is given without
disturbing the stoma tn.
Elections • lsewhese. •
Hui oh—Deputy -r: eve— Robert Smith,
Councillors—R. Rob eon, John MoCharles
and Geo. Daniels.
Brussels --[Reeve W. H. Ketr. l ouncil..
ors—W. H. MoOr .,ken, R. Ross, Geo.
Thomson, J. W u o
ih Trustees—Rev. 5.
y r
Ross, Dr. W. Grains , Adam Reed.
Harriston—Mayo —A. Yule. Reeve— J
Smith. Councilor: elected by, aoolama
Clifford Council .rc —R. M. Hazlewood,
Thomas Johnston, P. ldollinger and W.
lliteirell--Mayor W. 1R, Davis. Reeve
--Jas, Dougherty. ieputy-reeve--A, Debt
(acclamation). Coir cillort—North ward—
Dr. Iiurlburt,. C. ebath, Jos. Coppin,
South ward—J. W its, jr., Dr. Wood, W.
Ryan (alt aeclamat .n.) West ward—Sas
Wilson, Fred Davi: Fred Dutton,
Ilowiek--Reeve .13, 13. Cook, Deputy•
reeve —A. 0. Sonne an and S. Ferguson,
1 supposed to bo a ie. f;ouncilnSe—John
l Gregg and A. Doig
183eve—A. llloltfur
11. MoTaggar I
sputy.reere—D. ( its. l't
r, ,
B. Kennedy, uuoilors--S•t;
ward—Thos, Me zie, John 11f
John's ward— nor:, 0, Over
George's ward— . C. Searle, S
mer. St. Andrew 4 ward—J.
Reeve—A, B,Klei'
St relh Counoi
k{ tv, Clark and
H. A. S. Rennie
—Ritchie, Cousi
Grey township
and deputy-reev
or—Win, Rite
Deputy ree
lers—West vit
rscott, Cent
nd Taylor. ?9e,:
Albert Dae
unit; and Jam
Seaforth--May r—D. D. Witso, lr
Reeve—M. Y. i• Lean, (excl.)
reeve—Jas. Wile n. Couuciller:
ward—John Lyo 8, ""'4V`m..5t+leteiv>'
Scott. North we, d^' --B 1i Gann 1,fr
Beattie and J t reran, Eaet w'•: +r
Coleman, J Darw u and J' Ward.
Listowel—May —S Bricker. 11
lliacking. D.pupy-reeve—R:,:';
Couucillors—Glad tone ward -W
J Seaberger. B smark ward—re
ctone,Bowtnan.L. ndsdowne ward ;
Donald, J Brick r. Victoria
Heppler, M t11cGi1 ary. Dufferii
11 Woods, Wm Pel ,•u.
Kincardine—Mal or—Jos Barkef.
tyereeve—E Sut• in. Couneili
Johm's ward—Hob rt Michael, i,
Ira S Fisher. St A drew's ward-
worth, it Roes. St Patrick's we,
Rostra, W Henry.
Goderich-lfyya• ,;Juln Bti
—W Proudfoot, eputsereeve
Couucillors—St Da vid'a ward
Goode, W H Mune R Tbomps
Patrick's ward --W rodha,uf .J
J Yates. St Georg s ward ---R
M Nicholson,' F, -Se, love 1St'
ward — 7) dautelon P Naf
btracIlan- _ achool 'tr asses—Ale
tel, J 13 Cooper, J $ olilte;cu,, •
Mouut Forest— . yor—W C4
Reeve—J A. Isalste• (acel.) Deem;
—Wm Gruer. ('on oiliers—Soul/
Geo Scott, W G S att, T Gregor
ward—Win Crab,, Dan .Murphy ; a'
Brownlee. Wes ward—J 1' Noon 4L'y
Jamieson, John oos. North wtt
Jones, ktobt 13r• lvn, F McCuilocle
Palmer t
s cn t a, or -
1R alit»tr
y Jz
—.1 Keane.; _> '.onneillore—Nortll.
A Borthwick, : Gounlay,W Iliep.
ward --Jacob .ettecbeu, V Wear.
East ward— K Scott, Jalnes.
Anderson, S.•hant board--l,nt'tll wit
Walden, We.t syard—T Best, Feet
—E R Scott. 4
The favorable impression pro
the first appearance of the agrees
fruit remedy. Syrup of Figs a
has been more than confir
ant experience of all who'
the succepa.of.
factkr'srs the Califor
hool Enter
To the &11 or of the TrMes.
DEAR in,—Kindly al
this my st reply to
must say that I am shoots
and only onsider it wastin
when rep yiug to such nonsen
ever, I w Id not have written '8
if it had at been that several
asked Inc o do so. I can't see#"
to be gain by complying with•
position h makes. If a major'
me to de a , it would be aurae
but under le present oiroumsta,
cline to do o. Think or it: "
resit a copy f the dialogue rp wi'
others, not upile, took }fart, to'
ministers o Wittgl'iatn and req
to deride i it be proper or not;" •
Satisfy one religious crank.
Observer a (trendy wants me tot
him up, .l lave the opinions 6
that there as nothin'g out of
entertaium nt, and that ougJ
enough. tv, if Mr. Obeorvvc
thing mor to say, I would pr
come and ay it to tee, 1 tlri
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