HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-30, Page 7}STRkIuT at Rdvailne Ile. I rho 00 0 00 QIP400 0 5 0000 100 s, lo. per line :h subsequent nsertien, clod :l. 1'io local ori, Situations, owing 8 litres :edinir 8 linos. : mouth to cents, or tet about specific and charged opts must be tR must be in Frier to appeatt Teat of . n the. Braili. RO*NCE OF HEREDITY. PA Adie alebel, while 1 disg' H. the vital organs, is ea -1 a THESIS THERE ANENT. trimentnl to the bratn,which I L .Bnbetance, with s large lir prti on o T >w l ens ;b !d, the inrluenee of li eredltY—A repeal= of water. Alcohol halt a 1 ltrong ntlinity for water ; and when 1 BOO Inst win create 5 ue1' DIsousatou 1 - II` Literary en. , f. A n Z o a IN v t4 it M I 'its b Q tc 1 Y the stomachs, 7 - i ix o , et 1 6 al. olatila,tt portion of it goes in;;uedlate• 1 The, Daudets, Alphonse and l;rnest, ly towards that 1.ram, and disturht's I are mer( of letters, and Leon Daudet, Q livingproof arranged nerve -fibres and : the son•of one of thQnx, is a the d vola els ao as to impair their' of tris` 'thesis of 1 'editary influence, blood I which ho maintains in his novel ability to nourish this fatty substance. 1 '•Uiaervs," issued recently by the Paris In this way it seeders the brain in- i house of Charpentier. If it is a great capable of contin aour logival thought i advantage to bear an illustrious naive. or aciion, an'l • the t:art1 is said to ho l if by this one can dispense twith l long and trying effort to get n, more or; less drunk. v'hioii ;a Cuatiler heavy charge, bemuse inheritance of ay of saying that tlle'nian's brit;.21 is ! glory;impels the difficult duty of not aralyzed, or paroht•d with Menials.; obs'b1ringthat same brilliancy, andznost len and vongNstion, likely it is the fear of this Which pro- ton so many sons of •writers from fol- - street can be tested by portio; 1 la',viii, in the paternal footsteps. rat 1' • rhiinoh of and i LEON > Om) oars VERY SINGULAR • pc' ed of numerone minute cella, lLiideavP''to Aceountfor Mental rirenowe. Arm PeBLTh0 n— THE W. N 7['� '' :" Vi .d , ter a Wliue, Lttt{7 j tgloA asrA µwk .uo .w,.a, love. The woinfn of his choice soon de- ceives him and the miserable old man poisons her. .Be relates this horrible vengeance to ids disciple Haeres, and then, to console themselves, uncle and nephew descen(llower and lower in their Immoral condilet. Suddenly, however, Haeres becomes. disgusted with such an existence. He pees back to Claire—to poor, deserted Claire, who has never ceased to think of hide and to love him, He is cured; de- livered of pernicious atavism he will live again, now, and be himself ,Duce snore. But he has Hardly said t, inch t to her when Claire, suis e bled',�" solitude, and broken by a powerful emo- tion, falls ill and dies in his arms, , nob, is the novel of Alphonse Don - de, Rs eon, 'iso who married. a grandchild or grandniece of Victor Hugo. As I have already stated it is a remarkable book, but I think the author has giver. too much importance to fatality and not enough to liberty. It is, however, of . rare originality, and is an interesting study of hereditary influences.—Henry CIS n 14 Y 1<+, i M�j4:RS V tf�M1�;� fn cour.t1 +Cr,tsy•• ▪ fa.7,M,I+F^,St:Ok°,,,b7Fitf srn''rley, iL3t wureat. .rS11 .err . v ., S c .• m t e, ZnrP.14i a 1e, :0.1. o t,.,iic WOl'.."4 Uri 1?..,wtc41l hili.%„ "t P .. 3• 2;• 4..61.14,e ' at. r•- .ri . F h lists. YI E72 0 "i.. 7. i ♦.nt T erre rr ix.1' 'r .! 1 t,..afir, d , .r ,171 {rk'.`'4 '• v.L-- n ,sax t, , ,,. 1i a l' 1 h as,.,y k k.n, , t h. ii rrti ti i:nb?4?"i}irs:tt Ikij vqI'M,ltrd1 ,s•tY.!:• 7:1:. e':.r}:`tt '▪ t,•j7'1t ii.vj' lL'Svp'it t .. ."1't1 tN Ii2. . nIC1h3 :''''''‘'.:,..;1-:,r.:-0:::ii °ls)4 Haynie, in Chicago Herald. 1. clrop of alcohol on the tongue ; the I M. Leon Daudet saysplainly in hia smarting, stinging sensation proves preface that collateral influence is ad -1 VAST REFORMS iN LONDON. that it is r arched by tate alcohol's 1 mittod to -day without i;uestion. "Open 7 •eaget nese to a 1410th or grit at the 1 he,albud followfamily m lyr .photographs," rvnographs, "f from ' . propORition to Buy All the Street Bail. water in the tongue ; drill i 11aiius babyhood up to ythe present time, your road Lines and LiglhtingPlante. effect is the sane on all the organes of I will observe at which period you have ; series of experiments is going on in London which cannot fail in their de - .geons, ntario uron— 's Olfco, ,SI'ing. ei p. •m.. or at University, and anti surgeons of mire and Patrick ethune. YT the body, besides producing a craving the eyes of your mother and her general thirst. --From the effeot8 of nlcohalit: attitude, and how later on you will be. , the beverages In Demorrst'dalilliy Maga of your father, through whom by iimagnsensible shades you are joined to a zine for December, mber, f grandfather or to a granduncle. Thus the personality which is your own. has For Swoitingta sill. Felons), • suffered the impress of those from whom ki1ITL>,JMEN,—My little girl, aged 3, you have issued: Inheritance is not ab - .2 bad bad a large swelling on the neck. 1 I solute, but is subject to variations, AM! LB To General Korchents and Boot and Shoe Stores In connection with Inv Leather Business 1 keep full stack of Tri,' Imo l'3 ab a. 2;00 p. os) G•0o p.t 10::60 p. . SHOE MUSSING, 1S121'3, minor 1 d a Irl' 6 { t Rtt ',anon!, French A roYsine 3 Whitmore esus, th u }h i A aK � J Eclipse,BtA's, Perfect id, eke, ip 10, 15 and 25e slses,by the gross or oxen taegiet•e French ltacitt F• 1i Gray's Llil % waterproof, LliATil K' 0'86 std 11:;:0 " :10 p.17 0:4 8:10 pa 11120 a.n i:s7 pa in Leather, Horsehide, imlish Kip, Porpoise, Sea 10.02 " Cotton and Rifle, in altieng,he. Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, ,SLG. •e. t': ,•97 .,7 Simon Alma, bal and t}l and ifczzonia Rip and Calf 1 also native kip lid upper: Spanish gad slaughter sole. velopment to attract worldwide atten- For over indulgence in Eat - tion. When the London county council ing or Drinking it is a Specific was organized a few years ago, it was . said that the effect of creating this body would be to give to the radical members For Sale by All Druggists. of society opportunities whioh they had never before enjoyed of practicing their .A.n 1 Who1et aafle by LONDON ipality of London is both the largest DRUG CO., London Ont. • theories upon a broad scale. 1e. Tha muni - tied. Hagyard's Yellow Oil on it and it di'- i abrupt '-elianges, or mild superposition c appeared in a Ebert time. 1t also cured a . of character. • This much stated, I have and richest city in the world, embracing felon I was troubled with. I imagined a young man of the present h' 't 1- 11 1 d condi - Mas. 0 E "Wnanovsn, Mande, Alan. i tune, sufli.ciently marked at the end of the nineteenth century, liable to fall The troubles of the day aro easily , Where the soil is volcanic, and to him borne ; it is the trout,lea we t;uticipnte ; 1 havave esubmittede himte the ent mental which shorte'n lire. . ral name of Haeres. I influence of his mother in the first part; wives shmi.ld always sit up for their in the second part his father takes him husbands. It makes two hours dlllret. • and turns him to the intellectual, and he becomes a logical automaton, a once iu their artiA'il, ' thinking -machine; and M the third part cannot ho Dented, I makes him a satirical debauches, and services and have carried themDeposits Received ' and Interest 'the ver moment when he eminently successful manner. But Lon- allowed. within its confines a classes an c �� tions of society, and wont of politico - social reform undertaken there is played on a stage where, in the opinion of the Boston Herald, it cannot fail to corn- B .A_MT ,f' JR, s _ mond universal attention. A number of the cities of the United Kingdom, Josephine Street - - V't'i°�hani, Ont, notably Birmingham and Glasgow, have made a decided progress in the path of A. IIA social reform, by means of which the A HARNESS 1EATIER Best brands on hand in ons. and hemlock. Specie stook for traces in oait. 3ti Patronage solicited, Priacaguaranteed. A postal nerd will secure quotations 4ir a call from my travel- ler, La1'ND, J. W. Scorr, Mount Forest. I I,istolvel, municipal ,government have taken con- ! the predominance of his granduncle trol of a number of the semi-public on in an The eurativs influence of the pine iu , he dies atY lung diseases is everywhere admitted, and feels himself ceasing to be a hereditary don has hitherto made small pro- when combined with ether effective pec whirlpool." grecs in this di.reotion, chiefly be- Money Advanced to Farmers and toral remedies an in De Wood's Norway "Haeres" is a very interesting novel, cause the municipality was until Business Men,. Pine Syrup the effect in doubly beuolioiat. but it is not a romance; it is rather a recently divided into a number On long or short time, on endorsed notes of semi-independent political commui- or collateral security. tittle notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and 'Notes. W. s)9. CHAPMAN, Tanner and Leatlser Metobant, WINGnA Etc., Eta • ' at lowest rate Mortgages, town, and Roid No, cans of could, cold, asthma, broubhitis scientific thesis of a high order. From or hoarseness can resist the healing power the beginning of the book to the end of of Dr Wood's Norway tine Syrup. 23 and it, it is a question of chemistry, of ma- Oo. atldruggiets. thematics. of astronomy, of anatomy, of that taste which comes from experi- The trail who rafuars to pay his perimental philosophy, of love and pas- st debts is too cowardly to steal' ill cion, and of debauchery, Rest assured, toththough, that these 300 pages present a Y r't' way. powerful attraction, and on the whole• T I can't see, said Jimmie, why fish consider it one of the most remarkable ve to be cleaned. Tltrr'rn in bat long books that has been • published for some 11 the time, time. Of course to justify its sub title ----- of novel there had �to.be some sort of For the past year i. have been troubled plot, and Leon Daudet has imagined a very year It tivell been troubled bled one, but this in his story is very much dullness great colt,r e my hair, and Dandruff, t like bait in a mouse trap; rand 'takes up ver little space in the book before me. 0 advice of rt friend (who spoke from ex-. On. entering into active life Haeres erieuce) I trir7 vont, Anti -Dandruff, andruff, unites in his person all the conditions of hick, upon the upi,litu-Lion -of lean than a social happiness. Ho is fine looking; ettte of your liquid T find my head not rich, .well-educated and is animated with my cleanser' but it vast improvement in noble instincts. All this would be for the Elie osier and growth. best if, at a -very early age, he bad not I have aux do recommend it highly belie. foundhmslf bound. by the mysterious to the arefe0siou an d public general- law of atavism, and so we see hien Li agreeable and welcome inuovp • subjected to. three vile transform- rem ransform- remedias3 IOU forth for public tains, neitlie.• of which is he able ;444'n.,WMPWO. + . rilcial ON, Q. d4 0, Etc., Etc., So 'otnnllseie110t's 101 Farn>, Town and 3loucy (private ty at 51 per cent IP ns, upon the belt ,y expense to the ,ba and the Forth- , Uttio lAht, ' f Celluloid Plates, A the best material can be got in the . 'ork '"•arranted. the use of Electrni- teeth for 25 cents >ck, opposite the d, L. D. ties, and it was impossible for any one of them—even for the corporation of the City of London, as it is called—to carry on public work on a comprehen- sive scale. Apparently the County Coun- cil proposes to make amends for past de- ficiencies by proceeding upon the work of politico -social evolution in a decidedly rapid�manner. One step that is now proposed is to obtain possession by purchase of all of the existing tramway lines in the city, and to extend and improve these as the public needs may require. Besides this, the County Council has in view the lay- ing out of several broad thoroughfares through certain congested parts of the metropolis as a means of relieving the pressure of travel put upon existing streets. Another change likely to be made is the acquisition of the gas and electric companies that supply the city with light. It will be noticed that these proposed improvements are quite simi- lar to changes that have. been suggested FOR ° : l 1N 0 R .] .EP F:�sv Mos Lars; work :than 5Num . o.3ar. Es (10 TO ST HATS, Agents in Canaaa--Frhe Morehacits• sank of Canada Office Hoare—From a. in. to 6 p. rill SON'S BLOCK it, ll'inghoin. d 3rd. Mondays IE AGENT O,tTAiiuo )R TIE COUNTY, of the Co. Chargrrs 1At1, ONT., Tin COVICTi; Cr lice promptly attend OUaTllte Ii11n(:41 cess y and on tbti Shortet8 :teflon Guaranteed. can be made at its oS. itepe Physicians an tario. Vtrifiea the existence of this phe motion, that a striking kesemblan tion—in the same family, of course visa. Bitch a way. as to show, for instanc nephevr the perfect copy of his tine I Our idler cannot escape this des Being by nature a passive rsort, he a relative and becomes the eeeen on for the third time the personal! 1 tion ef his own f.crandtincle. And an uncle! He Was the avoist of one of the excremente of mir ci tion, a blackguard of the Haeres again. change I role, heeoutes a, bully, goes I one orgy to another and lives debauchery. ror his uncle is a modern raust, WIte resigned his the Academy of Sciences at 60 acre to become dissipated, lie . osumo S on Notes. counted. RATEIS nates x 5 per rent with id of any year. .]`rotes Mt. MoINDOO. Citi and intt ?HE WtAR 11 y of neh liza- west his from Ife of art of elit in 11 of geskit rifyinfloolliticks is uphill work, irservis reform. gathers no mos& nie statesmen air small pertaters m hill. main qualifikashun of a candidate n lie gib thar? s purty hard job to tell political y when yet see it. ,„AV: pattriot may die for his country,but ez a rule, he'd. rather not. When the offis wates fel' the ina,n in this Dominion somethin' ain't rite. 'Winn:nen that air well. treated at home mostly ain't hankerin' for votes. The candidate that got 'ero ain't pin' to worry about, hovt satin votes wuz got, of nobody elet don't. Cheap for K ves -Id vitt] the soothing and expectorant • 1.:t.r, of other pectoral herbs and barks. Para-wor CURE Fos? ' AND COLDS Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, • nn THP.OAT, BRONCHIAL and r.• 1 C..; n ASES. Obstinate coughs which ..*c•-•eclies yield promptly to this g:10. COO, AER 150311.E4 HAVE YOU oldest Manuscript of the Weida. The oldest Bast Indian inannseript in the world, and one of the oldest existing intinuseripts of any kind, has recently been dug up Just outside of it stibter. ratean city near -Htichar. /t is written on birch bark, and contains two Medical sections, two collections ,of proverbial sayings and one irivalwthle churn against snake.bite given by the Lord Buddha himself to Anode,. efA All intending purehaseil winter will sive money D. SUTHEI means the kid - trouble. Dodd's ;:idney Pills give hrompt 0 of disectse is. Xsordered kid - healthy ,eity without setuer7 age, as good health- when the • kidneys are the scavengers of the system. "Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Diabetes and Dropsy." "rho above diseases cannot 6,1 Pills are used." tcP,1 Bold by all riotilets or senthy mall on receipt price so &Ma. per box or six for $2.4o. !Jr. L.A. Smith to Co. Teresa& Write tor 851.41 iCidnev Talk. HEATING \A S — ria — to ORES,Vigla. AL LS AILS. On 13est (mein arm. Tastes Good. rise lo time. WO hr druggists. •