HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-30, Page 60 -feathered 114.1r14eY- winiew Wirt when yortmg maul A ourieug ineideut ocaurrtel Ooee Pil Ltie st. 14MA, Wtth the Meet ein, ioeut law) era of Virginia are intro- tittoed, and their peculteritiee humor. ensly eaeggertered, Aanong S110111 Was tette h.o heel. been Ittlinieter in England rind Wt. re tnerliable for using ewelling 'WWII,: ite teteroiented RS �U s*iUthe county coin% .and in ask TneY ungl tO loRY8 048 tliwitlrcd ing the clerk to call $01130 rate into tnsliGY au ki 'flurry twee deek. They were. bein„,is fired upon. eotirt, thus Addreseeshhn Me. Jones, have the eenigetty to Suddenly, while they were returning t Voeifdreta Peter Jolley into Galli, the enemy's fire, they were surprised The clerk bawled out, Vociferate P, to notiee that the sail was fall of Jolley I Come into court,. feathers. A aloud • pr worn floated r While extunining a oquaciotte fe. about the men et the guns, It looked Inaln witness, the lawyer losses bi 80 ifn new and strange kind of smoke. d • patience and exolei; hove(' over this particular frigate. Thee..wweau onaht, to he eoposited In a little while Una liana' ceased, iuto tecitarnity I and the pet' returned to the Creakfast- 4 .You may go 'to the Tess Eternity ,ta hie. IV yourself, but 1 reckon you'll Wive Badu% that bird been. plutked ? someone inquired, pointing to the turkey There lay the turkey, ns ly covered with suft,white•feetheres US if they werA his natural plumage. Like many other startling phonates eua, this one. had a very simple ex - I pteiietioWih4illts,/stettl Of,' tits.041141,1 flitL.rh room lied the lippeeranue of lin, log been out in a 1I3I snow storm. . what: feitthere ley over eyery team; . A. elven had goter right threti.:h o feather w i t' the of Admiral Farraentigatee when the Ileee entered Mobile 13ey. It le related by au officer who surprised eyes beheld the ornithological pltfiaotti- talon. The men wert iou til d hearty breakfeet, roast turkey and 2thr toot -IMO! things, when. they Were pined to qtIorters. d. nose of my compatiy, 31r retOL'tOl t htt angry woman. ti ROLLOWA.TV,OINTMENT AND PILIA• — Glnadular swinge in the throat, .ly ne,lralgia, tie dolorunx, rheumatism, or gout, lumbago, and other diseases ith affecting the glande, musc'es, and n \roe df sensation vire permanently me- dicated by this healing anti -febrile and soothing preparation, It is • also a perfect remedy for all skin diseases, end every kind of superficial laure- ation, which s0011 lose their angry and to painful chararter under this invaluable Ointment. The Pills have never been s adminiSterOa either by hospital or it private practitioner In dyspepsia or lit i livor complaints without producing the 1 , - I desired INsellit. (Id , Abdul Aziz and the Banker. k- 8 t- A. iempital anecdote is related of the loesefFSultan, Abdul Aziz. Lie was efery fond of gossip, and sent ,fOr the btuiker, Abraham Bey, to learn the small talk of Fern and Stamboul. As Abralnue was being conducted to the Sultan's presence by i.he Master f tho Horse, that functionary begged hiM, the Sultan question him on the subject, •to say that the funds were at thirty, Hie Majesty having been so informed by his Ministers. ii- Poor Abraham consented. Re had not been long, with Abdul Aziz when he was questioned as to the funds, and replied !is had e promised To the horror of the hanker the Sultan expressed himself delighted and hooded Abraham a large bundle of stocks te sell fin- him. Abraham sold ,at twelve, add paid Abdul !hilly, • loeeteence. The proprietor uf, a large in olio of the Iiiest cite which coati:his oeveriti tlete, "or 111/1.41 opm manta nu the upper fi ors, soya dim he nests atiecoected it: vete lug thew. 'appititineete r reled.y until he eilitee ei it very eloquent Ir,sh wornati as jaelte nes or agent for.the pare and I wit% OE theta. SPVeril titne; the graceful blerney of this •xi:441014 %Muni' I.a5eeenreda Customer where a loss gifted agent ‘s, 01.114 1.11'050.61V 'hit ruil /Ad • jItVLVUieII08 is lt ? says she to applicants for the. rinints Sure, hot ail' .conlii wetlier At all honrs• cf the dey au' •noight aglityanle to yer tuelite, au' sot ',00hs that w url make a witelier women o' Qaane of England by pritlertatee 1 Are Cue rooms tendert:Oily wernvedl asked hiquir.r. Aro tle.y wahrtural I wet', s surpris- ededr. Sure, v. i.1 a eloight ,.turn o', yet. W tient ).3 have tinny tlegray timperatlire Eno w n to the therittio- ClUbbing states. The weekly .lilrapire au .1 premium sth Conservative members of the House of Commons, and the Trues from now till the end of 1893. 41.75. The weekly Globe and Truss from -.vow tilt the end of 1803-11.75. The London -Advertiser, weekly and Lams from now till the and of 1803-91,50 The London Free Press, weekly and Tines train now an end of 1893,-91.75. The hiOntreal Weekly Herald mud the Turns front now till end of 1893-41.50. The lilontreid Witness, weekly and Tom; from now till the end. 1803 —31.75. 4 Iteduced rates with all other ,nistre •petition weeklies. This is a grand oppor Welty. teubscribe a own and reeeiye the balaeoe of the year free. The Tineas and the "Family Herald and Weekly Star" and the Star Almanac, from , rounded a LectuAim In England. d 0 1) Dsvis' Pain -Killer —its linkable -peopetties as a epeedy mare for pain ea.nnet fail:AD:be generally appreciated end no family should he without it, in ease of accident, or sudden attack .of etlyeentery, diarelicea or chorera inor- 'bus. Big 25c. Bottle. The physician, says Brown, is the man who tolls you that yen need •ltI gt i;nant tr, —15 SUlGD EVERY FRIDAY tdOilN .A • Txtu-- TIMES OFFIQE,..10SEPHINPSTPIEET es; ONTO =S:SO":74114 esu s when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste,rand acts gently yet promptly on tb.e Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, ,dispels colds, head - hes d Both the method and r It ther I. .But the staircase , diet easy to go u Nov`, .aye the elogneut agent, as if elle were reaching tior, climax 6f all the .‘otiderfal arlsimitages of the building, staircase that eiey Linn, whin ''re gide' opp, ye evouid well belave that ye're ,down 1 .Th. intendiug tenant usually teipi tulatee ket tine point, -aeB." Laurance's, spectacles and eye miasmas ut Hann ituuCti drug store. Salo, faction guaranteed. • ac 9,n fevers and cures laaDitUa I ags is the constipation. S/rup of F. 5 Ind ever 'pro- dueed, pleasing to the taste and ac. e stomach temin its action an.a truly bene n a effects,' prepared only from the most n healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commed it to all and. have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all. leading (:...aggists. Any reliable druggist who ina.y not have it on hand :will nrocure it promptly for any one Nilo wishes to try.% IkEnufactured only by the pt only remedy o it k ceptabl the to 2 PUT THENISELV IN EVIDENCE: "few Three St:awful AmerIcans Con. WINGHA111, ONTA1110. sauseriptiouprice,st per year,in advance ADVERTISING RATES: One3011:17ian I u0 00 I (6°3:10% 11 53202110QQ* 1 1$0111020 li i to ., t 33 00 20 00 1 12 00 5 00 (patter 'f 20 00 12 00 7 90' 4 09 Quo Inch 0 00 0 00 2 00 100 Legal mal other casua advettisoments, So. per line — for lirst insertion, and So, per line for uneh subsequent insertion. lomat notices 100. pee ...tie for fire insertion, and 5o. per line for aach subsequent insettici , No 1°0.1 nonce will be charged lose than 259. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,Situations, and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding ti Utica nonpareil, 51 per month Rouses and Paring for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, 51 for flist month, No, per subsequent month These terms will bestrictlaydavdliered to Spacial retsis owitiltehnotus,t aopreotoete ler:served:Les tor lo accordingly. Transitory advertisements must DC A.dvertisentants and local noti c directions, will be inserted till forbid and chargSti paid in advance , Changes for contract advertisements must be in the °thee by Wednesday noon, In order to appear tisat weak IL ELLIOTT PROPRIBTOR AND peewees - CALIFORM FIG SYRUP CO, 13A14 Z..073EBVII.LE, . 1.T.11:7 ons, N.V now until the let of January 1894. for I Some time since thkee tall Americans $1.75. I —Mr. Robinson, six \ eet, and Bishop Phillips Brooks, six .feet four inches I 'high, both of Boston, nd Rev. Dr. Mc- Vicar, of Philadelphi made in com- pany a trip to Englan , says the Grip- I sack. En route they determined that when they should reach that country they would travel apart, lest three such tall men together might provoke re- mark But arriving at a well-known town in Yorkshire, and learning that a lecture was to be delivered. to working- I men on America, they determined to be present. Entering the hall separately, I they took seats apart. As the lecturer i change, and then teltes' all you have. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley Says : "I had been in a distresse, condition, for three years from Nervoud aerie, Vt/eakuess of the Stomach, Dyspepsia .0,11d Indig,estion until my health was gene. 1 had been doctoriug constantly without lief. 1 bought one bottle of South Am - which done roe more good 850 worth of doctoring,1 ever did 1 would advise every weakly e this valnuble and lovely rem - 1 bottle will convince yon. hisholm's drug store. JOB MMHG, TNCLUDINS Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Rill I Heads, Circulars, &c., dm, executed le the boat style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Timis Office, Wingliam. HOLSTEIN BULLS FOB SALE Th tiers' med has for sale on Leb 10, Con. 4. Turnberry, four thoroughbred Holstein Lulls. rang. ing from 9 to 18 months nid. The above mentioned proceeded, his utter ignorance of Amer - animals aro all well marked and registered iu the ice, soon became manifest to the three Canadian Herd T3ook. They will be sold oheap and are Mart, Valuable than et • What nonsense 1 fact. Every man has idea are given away. nee u.; A DAL- South hewn atm Cure of Rheumatism de, r, iditally cures iu 1 to 3 1 ction uputx the system is re - a my riterious, It removes at o use of tkae diseaie immediately are. The teat dose greatly bane - 5 cents. WItrranted at Chisholm's to a, on easy terms to suit purchasers. Americans. Finally, however, a state -j ment ooucerning the ,size of Americans JAS BiLLIOT, ritanoe i the least dishonest o ttcoire wealth, and generosity only excase, outlay es for Boys and Girls, ho"SunliohO sp Co., ermine oder the fol Owing prizes or y month till further notice, to boys end girls u 16, -residing in the Province'of Ontario, who se the trreatot number of "Sun. I O' wrappers let, 510; 2nd, $6 ; 3rd, $3; 4tho ; fith 5814th Handsome Book; and a pretty ore to thos who send nob lesuthan 12 wrappers.tsI, nd wrappers “tunlightu Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, n later than 28th of each month, end merited "Cen atition" ; also givo full name, ad. *Vet,' age, d number of wrappere. Winners' auburn will be iddished in rho Toronto Mali on first dinkurliv in c h month Breedsr of Holstein Cattle, Bluevalo, Out. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. 00 the security of Cultivated Parm, Interest nix per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the principal env be repaid at any time the borrower wishes. All expellees pad by the Constr. .No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money, is loaned, Apply to WM. HOLMES Godoriob, Ang. sth 1102. Co. Treasurer If man did trot gtory in his own, he 0111a rteCtlas the fin,Vil of being ft WO- W. Prepare for aibleya, r‘LEANLIIIESS, care and courage are reeourese 1 CiVilization against *ler*. Keep the body sorupulously 'Orden. Eat hot food. Take Burdock god Bitters to raiintaiu reguler digeee and 'future pure blood which is the beat safeguard against cholera or Any er epidemic. S AL fISM AN WANTED. To sell our unixeolled Nursery Stock. Steady emplOyment and control of the territory. Have done business in Canada 35 yews. Liberal pay to tho right elan, Send for terms. CHASE BROTHERS CO., Colberne,On was too absurd to be endured in silence. The speaker had barely time to conclude a sentence asserting that Americans are proverbially short of stature, never ex- ceeding at the utmost five feet ten inches, when Mr. Robinson arose and I said : "My friends, I am an American, and, as you see, I measure fully six feet. If there is any other American 'who hap, pens just now to be in the house, I re- quest him to stand up." • An expression of surprise was follow- ed by roars of laughter as Rev. Phillips Brooks arose and said: "I am an American, and ray height, 6 feet 4 inches, occasions no particular remark in America. If there is 'any other American in the house, I in turn request hiin to stand up." . After a lapse of a few seconds, in or- der to give the lecturer a little time to recover himself, Dr. MoVicker slowly ZETLAND PUMP WORKS. raisedioigohfis6 fmeNr and began: :to its full san an Am"— 6 But this was too much, and he could wish to intimate to the people of Zetland And j not get any further. The audience had a:mounding country that I hap commenced the manufacture of ail kinda of lost all control of itself, and the speak- er's disappearance from the stage brought the entertainment to a prema- ture close. WOODEN PUMPS can supply them on the shortest notice. Will also bo in a position theappty Iron and Force Pumps to order. Repairing attended to. Prices nutsonable, J01111 PELTON.0 Zen and, May 5t1to Wingham Saw and PlaningitIls. of The undersigned have now on hand a large stock DRY PINE, ItEMLOCX, TIAABA.Olt,ana HARDWOOD LUMBER 'Dressed or undressed sax and ex. xonn Sit0Itt kintxotns, O. 1 C.SDSIt SHINGLES. STAV'ES, nAnantis, woot., fit prices that dety compotition. Parties Intendlig to build will find to their interest to give 13 11 till batons placing their orders, as we are dote/miffed 5*5 Id b* ancloreold. Custom work *Wetted 44 protaptl V and SAtisfaetion guarontSad. Eriii*X4 ON. d el ay Tz; Cl 13 0 'SA I 12.. e,ro Avis' 05, .1N OW Links of Information. Artificial grass far the grounds of sea- side eottages is one of the industries at Manchester, England. An extensive . bed of deep -water oysters has been found: it is said, in the sound, about twelve miles froitieSeattle, Wash, The City of London covers 687 sentare miles of land, and yet there are Anieri- dan tottrists who can "see it all in two days and have lots of time to take the evening mail train foe Paris. • Theloroduction of distilled spirits.of all kinds ie. the United States in 1391 was 117,186,114 gallons,his exceeded the product of any previous year, except 1881, when the aggregate was p.4),(528,- 011. There are chicken factories in New England that are turning out thousands of motherless chickens every week more successfully than by the old method. In the incubator art leaves nature in the roar. A number of retnarkable figuree of hammered silver, representing mei., women and animals, have been exhumed from a peat bog in Jutland, Denmark, and placed. in tho National Museum at Copenhagen, .4 )1'aetory Loa Genius. U. Marinelli, who commenced life ag a factory la& is now chief owner of Le Petit journal, circulating nearly A Mil. lion at4 a quartor copioa daily, and pro. prletor of auroral valuable patents, itt• chiding the famous rotary printing** Woe that boars kis lialiallt. • wick be, rectay osecteic, an a CURE2Y a )P hrom, ASK roR THEW BIG El MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, WINC111A11, IWLER. _ Member College Physicians and Surgeons, uteri.* -Coroner for County ef Huron - Office Ilp.stales, next to Mr 112411,011'd WIRT, .MD4, ham, Ont, ()MCI! IIovas.-0 to 12,a. in., 1 to 6, p. m.. or at Itrusidence, Diagonal Street. nit. J. A. MELIBLUM, L..? Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and. Member of the College of Physicians :Ind Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Reeldence--Cornerof Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINOILAR • • Itt VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc ' Private end Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. .No eon:mission charged. Mortgages, towe. and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block Wisenutt -ME MU TO LTC J. A. MORTON BARRISTER ITA, WIngham Out ,,) BYER DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. I E. L. Dicam.s.otv, 13. A BARRISTERS AND soiecrrous, Ere, etc„ So lititors for Bank of, Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Mailitobn. Yarn., Town and Village property bought and sold. 3ioney (Private uodt) loaned on mortgage security at 61 per cent. 11011ey invested for private persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in blanitoba and the North. west. 00Ico-Kent's DENTISTRY,- .1 S. JEit0/1E, '1 IZSUIIAM, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, -"•-• lapil Vulcanite plates of the bestaiateriai • as cheap as they Can be got in the . Dominion. All work warranted. rainless extraction of teeth by the use of Electrur ity or Vegetable Vapor. TARR NOTICR.L1 will extract teeth for 25 cents each. OFFICE: Itt the Beaver Block, opposite the, - Brunswick House. Unlocks all the clogged Venues of lith BOwels, Kidneys and Liar, Gaming nif gradually withotit weakening tho eye - tom, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same tine Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaehes, Dizziness, Heartburn, CortStipation, Dryness Of the Elfin, DrOpsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sera - Ada, Fluttering Of the -Heart, Her- Vottsnt3aS, and General Debility tall those and many -other eiviailat Complaints Yield to the heppyiniluotiosiof BUIIDOGIC LOOD BITTERS. FOr Hr.lo bv Dosams. & C PotorS3 Tata W m. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. • OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, VV111 visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of eaoh month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Woman, Oesame 1 D DEANS, JR., WINGDAM, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COURVE, OF lit/RON. Salo attended 1zi any part of the Co. Charge* Moderate. JOHN CUEBIE, Wmonatt, °sr., mcansro Ar,JOTIONlititt FOB THE COUNT05 Ali Were left at the 'gnats office promptly attend ed to.° Tenus reasonable. NERVa IthO:sittee et BEAISIS Peatriasetat tralael5461Vaii eletteedt" Nersoutt Debility Lola V :sad j b7 inerwrerk. or the eeros or tau wog or youtls. Tide Rettedy eb. redidely owes the name *Waste ow* Wpgs 4.a1 sr asaavnitsra /Ave Wed wiailte Niteroi hydrae. este $9. /33 134330, Of at* CO/ 33. 0/ sons by_pwia ors notelpt et price by addroselai THIS JABnii buIDICINY CO. Tomato. Ges. Visits fee osesiam. , sew hp. lifteglisie lay A.1., itiAmitirOif .AithIS HENDERSON, • . 1.teuxitan AUOTIONIIISR 5051 001110158 111:114,41 533 Timmy, An :sales attended to promptly anti On VA Sliortetc 'lotted. Chargta Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary arrangements can be made at 61.c Timm' eince %Yucatan GODFREY & McASII, M. 11, Toronto, Members College Physicians an Surgeons. Ontario. flutinavu • • • 039311.10 • Money to Loan On Notes, Rotes Discounted REAZOITABlit RATES 1 %limey Motored or literigariesiinser rent with privilege at payliat it di. end ot any eine Notes feet moven., loollelatsl. 314113kt. Me/N000. sr, via•e. Bit it,lit!l'4•14aa:, Ova • prop( Itroa akei olal ly to the Mock bili 173 tl Cape or a( more ay ra ton T dr MIS that oago wat effec the thin bent sine aPP felo bor whi 1 hus env 7 lun wit tor rIsli Tc or of Ot