Wingham Times, 1892-12-30, Page 5, ,bras su ular soon as is deljgl Ili; t 0 est we he Mr. A. us. arose a d feats W wise of allowing facie, whiuh .l,iave prepared in accordance with the tion pawned it the meeting held on on Friday-, Des, 2nd, 18921 lire d to show that the present spat •.ring for the indigents of the c is wasteful, extravagant and inefi lent, and that the ostablieb• merit of'; tt House of Refuge with from 'thirty to fifty item of land attached, has become an enlightened nooeseity, even on the law ground of were celouoniy : 1. An average of right vagrants „Ilk are confined in the county gaol at an Average annual expense to the county of $1,200 or $150 each. 2. The county hail in addition eighteen wards maintained out of the county funds and costing annually ,$1,574 or iibuut $80 00 each, In addition, each of the twenty-five ' townships, towns and village which make up the county, annually spend large sums for the relief of the poor, a sum considerable in excess of that expended by the county. 4. Decency, if nothing else, re. quires that we should and must make provision for the very poor. Still standing; on the lowest ground ortnere tt econem,f (for we were not appointed F. to preach a sermon) we say that the County ITorne can be established cheap- ' ly and easily, and, once established, that it would enable our poor people requiring public aid to be properly ,, cared for iu a place and way where ► every penny expended'for them tiould tall, 5 A number of Houses of Refuge have [sen established already, and more soon will be, no doubt, since the Provincial Government is now author- ized by statute to pay one fourth of the cost up to $10,000. It is believed that with frofll thirty to fifty aeres, one sufficient for sixty inmates yen be' established in Heron ..ur about $12,009. Once established, the average . annual expense for initiates, including every- thin;, appy ars to be about $55.00, or in detail : Wellington, $00 013 ; Water- loo, "5330• York, $57.98 ; Middle - soi, Y51 , Elgin, $55.25.rfe average per person for those now maintained ont of county funds, than a of them only in part, and all inefl'i- r de0li's,To provis over $100. ide the principal, or original cost of the establishment • would scarcely cost a serious effort for this large and rich county. 'fake $12,000 as the cost. The Govern- ment will pay $3,000. The Scott Act fines lying idle in the treasury,ainount- in(r to $4 i00, can no doubt be obtain hold on Friday teution with the Tera was served 1 at the letter ; begun ill the me consisted of A, ;ghes, Pri•1.g and the choir; seam( ty Messrs. Icing , by 11'1r, W. H. t er. Souders, Reeve, as also all the old bile School Trus - ID. 1t the residence Rev, W. H, Wa t - Esq., of Blueval e, ter of T. T. Wat- s. tam, on December aged 59 years, L1.KETS. ecensber 29,1892 ce Dealer. 8 1 80 to t 00 53 to 00 57 to 53 25 to 28 30 to 34 48 to 50 18 to 18 18 to 18 El to 18 1 50 to 1 75 a oo to a 25 40 to 40 25 to 30 40 to 50 0 to 10 a to 7 7 35 to 7 50 ITEERr or the undorsigdod,lot anoslt, on or about the whits spotted rearlina the same by proving rd taking him a nt. r t aw•n y. JOHN REID, WIngb•tm P, O. COTT, SBYTERIAN CHURCH of Training, both in Staff Open for engagements ;Ings. Terms moderate. MORROWS, 24 Shuter St, lvinrhant 'MENTORS fi JOHN BONE. ,rsnant to the provisions uteri°, Chapter 110, and ,11 creditors and others •state of the late .loon East 11'awanosh; in • h who died intestate,of A c+t. ober,' 1802, are required' January, 1a03, to deliver dossrs Garrow & Proud. ;icrich, in the County of 3one,the Administratrix, and full particulars of len upon which they ass day Inst mentioned the to distribute the assets parties entitled thereto, e claims of which notice eve requirtd, and the said liable for the assets to iotice shall not have boon of Fuch distribution. & PROUDFOOT, the said Administratrix. 1 day of November, 1803, :INDS MERS, WAKE PROM THE ectionery Store, ;et goods that' are , o the times. -`fit • ,, . _." KIND ARE \ SLEEP up to the fact that goodu that will Full lines of onfectionery,&e, THE BARREL, Dye Works. very' ;description al. y prime aro as low ee, apposite the new )BT. HILL, 4 vein g is a brief 'iltltttttomea4t t ' ee.ale. in favor of the4.0600l14. meet of s liouae of Indus'ry by the County of Huron. That,it will he a step in the interest of somnon bt110411- ity ; that it will be a more satisfactory solution of the poverty problem ; end. that It will be More economical to the taxpayers of this veulrty than the pre+ sent method, has been indubitable spawn, It is, therefore, the bounden duty of every intelligent ratepayer to carefully analyze thefacts presented, and au electionday to record hie or her vote in favor of wiping out the old sy8tetr, wiin:il bus been neither economical icor creditable to the county, and substitntiug ie its stead a snuthod more in accord with the Sermon on the Mount, and whish will also prove to be a great saving to the ratepeyers of the County, W, Paotlwroor, A. H, M.irNNING, • Committee, W, J. R. HorzlEs, ) O air. ASB. The Patrons held a grand entertain- ment in S. S. No. 3, on the 22nd instant, consisting of the usual programme Of readings, recitations, dialogues and music, instrumental and vocal. It won't do to particularize and titne and space forbids a full exposition, but we must say that John McKenzie, as a violinist, and A. McKinnon,us a comic singer, were hard to beat. The McKenzie family, from Langside, are No. 1 singers, Hugh King and R. Tiffin gave some good selec- tions on the mouth organ, but the event of the evening was a song by Jessie Moir a little miss of six years. Mr. Geo, Wilson and Miss M. A. Mar- tin, of Teoswater, in coming hone from the entertainment, met with a. mishap which (night have proved serious. They drove over an embankment into the river pt1 thq 2nd, coneeeei9n and got a bad wetting which Wail anythiughut pleasant! on such a cold stormy night. The pcw- Monthly Prizes ors that be or aro to be should locals after 1 The "sunlight" soap that articular lace as the road takes a I lotvhrg;.rria'1 et•eey mo p place, bo5's and girls ender la, turn and there is nothing to prevent a nrttario, w•hn sent the light cu43.11.118, tat„ rl kms•a FIan ndriving5tlt thebank in 11 r1over stranger n er from o n picture to those who n • a dark night. Send wrappers to '•$111 The Council met in town hall,Toeswater, 8t., Toronto, not later r t'on wtitio e m triad 1 December 15th 189.. as per motion of mess a„P, and nm ,, adjournment. Members all resent. The names wfll be publiaht J p Sntnrtlnv fn each wart Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were then react and adopted. was let, maid to whom, and w •ether t week was doue,aud if ao, at whet amauut, tout to gee au immediate reply, and that the clerk give a cheque for the amount stated by Mr Thompson -Carried, Mc. Kay--Wetwood••--That this (minion clo now adjourn to meet on Saturday, 17th day of Decernber, at 10 o'clock •o. [n-Csr tied, TlelFinance eonrmittee ecosnmend- ed the following paytnente : Alex ltciieu'. zie, grading and gravelling oe boundary. Culross and Kinloss, Culross Aare, `;21.60; Wtn. Caslick, fixing washout, lots 25 and 26, con 3, +111; Jaw, McGregor, building bridge and 46 rods of ditching, lot 30, crier 5, 618,52; iirotclt & Kramer, covering bridge and laying plank and „pikes for same, lot. 26, cone 10 and 11, 1127 ; Robert Lane, plank, cis, for bridge and sidewalk, $17,20; .'i„ N. Thurts:ll, stationery, dm, $5.70; John Greuaohe,builiiug culvert tad gravelling, $20.25; Refund of Municipal equivalent to it, C. U. 8, S. No. 2, $23;; Refund of Municipal equivalent to R, C. U. 8. S. No. 1, 827.25 ; Balance of account of Neil McKinnon for work on cou 2, lot 26, $2; John , ditching ou con 14, opposite lot 4, $5 ; Nichoh's Schintzler, 72 Yards of gravel ou bonudary, Culross and Carrick, Culross share, • 39 yards, $2 52; Robert Lane, repairing approach to bridge opposite lot 3, coil A, Culross share, 50 cents; Robert Laue,cedar plank for bridge opposite lot 3, con A, Culross share, 37 cents : ,7 -r '; ouch, inspecting and re- pairing U7vera; 111.25; Cbas. Button, 'postage to date, N.88. GUAR. BUTTON, Clerk. Brussels. For Reeve -W. H. Kerr and W. F. Van - stone. Councillors -W. H. McCracken, Gen, Thomson, John Grewar, R.Ross, Geo. Baeker, John Wynn and R Leatherdair. School Trustees -Rev. John Rosas, B, A., 1 W. Graham, lig D., T. Furrow•, R. L. I Taylor, Adam Reid and J. J, Gilpin, • Haviug bought etas the [abler kiarueae ,i3usinsee and started In hie, oldi kfollst am prepared to fureimlx the public with everything usually inept so a berets,* rte ouch as IIEAVY, LIGHT' and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUS MRS, W1i.IPS, CURRY C0.510S, t1RUSRES, SW'1!;AT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS,'fs&c;, .4e. 1 make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction, Give. me e trial and I will use you right. G_ A_ NMWTC]",.. PATTERSON, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, TITT arIALZ4.1V1, 4:7401411-7r. 1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consisting of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. BIG BARGAINS From NoW Till ChristmaE. All goods bought f•,r cash and we ens sill as clifan at the cheapest and cheaper. Repairing 'Y'ioinptly none and Satisfaction Gatalranteed tar Give me a call Ir Boys and Girls. Taranto, otter the fol h till further no' lee, to siding in the Province of J ,. bur o' ••Sun• M, PATTERSON. IT WILL PAY YOU BEST IN THE END. NOTHING LESS SHOULD SATISFY YOU. Clever, Energetic Young Men and Women who intend to qualify fcr positions in Book -keening. Shorthand and Typewriting, should write for eataiogces of both departments of teat0St emu 2utl, ;a ; 3rd, 3 ; 4th, iue Book ; and a pretty n i .. era t crH. not lea than l 1a p 1 •ht" Soap UtHce, 43 Scott to 20th of each month, and also give full name, Lul- l. of wrappers. w'inunrs' In rho Toronto 5.t+tel on 'lest •ell • etib • h:ud n• n•tae, c _ or shorthand , 'n thy .Der 01 any b e Sa a07 institution t 1 n t 1870.This t slit I ONT.,establi ho a[ CHATHAM, t ti I y kindIn anud . h (chm,lef the C school in America, and costly superior to any of n Those ..ro the advantages we olfc••: The two host ponnie, a Cantata, the bent and lei est stoc of teachers, the bent course in shorthand and typewriting, the be •cour.elnt bnsineas training, the best suite of rooms the bast equipments in every respect, the best reeoif /for placing iia studcnte in the b •nt pa, in, positions in the business world, Our collegc,rooius occupy over 8000 square feet of space. We pay the railway fare of students coining from a distance to Oho lin,180f 5;8.00. 'io I board in pleasant hones for ladies at 80, gents 82 50. Por catalogues of either department, address. D. 1VIcLACIiLAbI, Principal. Clark -Kuntz -That the Howick council L 1 ECLIPSE 1 has sent all account to this corporation THE g' j for work done on the boundary, Howick and Culross, amounting to $11.50. Culross 1 have 1.1,eamount of $10, as certified by James Kirk- • Council has repaired said • boundary to the ed for file purpose with the consent of by, pathnnaster; that a cheque be issued the Dominion Governtue rtt, leavingfor 75 cents and sent to Howick Treasurer. only about $4,500 more for the tu.balanee the account -Carried, Report county to pay, or with interest, about of Heurey McKey,re petition of Mr. Hunter $300 a year fur twenty years, a sum and others to have the road repaired ep- so small es to be practically inapprs, clttblp. with a glht lty assessment of ,-over $32,000,000. 7. The oonuty, as before show n, is paying ab.,ut $2,974 out of county funds (in addition to what 1s spent by the local municipalities) for the care ,and inatinteuauro0 of twenty-six persons, At $55 per linad, the average cost of house of refile., maintenance, this; sum would mailttill fifty persons or posits lot 16. cons 8 and 9. I put up notices that I would let the repairing by contract but owing to the lateness of the season, I could not get it done for a reasonable price and it was supposed that. the distance the gravel would have to be hauled would damage the read couliderttbly, so I did not let it, but would recommend that it be let in the spring before the ground gets hard -Carried. McKay -Kuntz -That as two petitions hn,v3 been received regarding probably all that the whole county polling sub .division No, 0 and the majority would serol for many years to come. being in laver of the polling being held in 8. And note the, difference in Mr.Olheiser's house, as formerly, and another respect. Our only House of there being no apparent cause of change Refuge at the present time is the gaol. it is hereby resolved that no change by There the unfortunate --Usually atgod made -Carried. McKay - Clark -That inusttated Catalogue of Ladies and broken down -whose only crime is his poverty, has to consort with criminals, feed on prison fare, exercise in a;prison yard without nihade or ,4,',lelter, mad sleep in a prison cell, without any of the care or attention which age and infirmity unquestion- ably call for. If by thus keeping its agnid and infirm indigents the county saved money the argument of "eooU- only" might be advanced by those who oppose the erection of a House of Refuge But when, in addition to the inferioraccommodation acporded the Unfortunates by the present syst'':n, it is shown that the cost. reaches up to regular hotel rates for each inmate, Without corresponding benefi:e, the r the dollar and• cents Bile BIGGEST AND CHEAPEST AS -,i SORTMENT. • j OF Confectionery arid Frult in town. Give us a call. Prices to suit the tinges. T. C. SPARING. G. LA DIE SEND POR gainent on ell,-tt l[Qafter Itll, is the only argn ment that opponents of the scheme attetnpt to advance - falls to the ground. tthe condition of the 9. Contras gaol "ward" with that or the inmate of a House of Refuge. In the latter there would be work for all-= indoor and out • no weary hours aimlessly Barbara Wolff, an indigent en destitute circumstances, be allowed a grant of ten dollars, and that the same be paid to Philip Ernesvine for her use -Carried McKay-Wetwood.-That the caretaker be paid the customary allowance of two dol- lars, and that a cheque be issued for the same -Carried. Clark -Wal worid-That as the road opposite lots 34 and 35, cons 14 and 15, is reported in a bad condition and tnuch in need of repair, that the Reeve H be authorized to have the same repaired, but not to expend more than forty dollars -Carried. Wetwood-McKay-That as by.law No. 10 of 1892, being a by law ar- pointing rebutting and deputy returning officers, ete, be now read a first, second and third time, passed, signed and sealed -Carried. McKay-Wetwood-That as the Pathmaster for lots 23 and 24, con 18, employed e. man and team half a day to work statue labor for said lots, that on ae- cortaining that there is a sufficient atm uu8 to pay the same, that James Thompson bo paid oue dollar aiid fifty cents for the work done -Carried. Welwooti -McKay - That as the County Council has requeste i Eliot a vote be taken at the municipal spent ; useful avocation and employ- election iu the matter of the County Poor , went for both Bevis ; pleasant social intercourse between the inmates of the i Bouts, that a by-law be passed for that' ur ose and that the returning officer and 1 everyfive division s in the home + i ne tlt returningofficers be requested to every ppportunityor froth ayir and I take the acme,. they being supplied with ,ixeraise' and in coo of anywho Specialties. aDDBESS • THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLUANTr. CO,, papers suitable for amine by • said County Council, and that the Clerk distribute the papers when received--Osrriied. • Mousy -Clark-That the Clerk 'write 1fr Janata Thompson and ascertain if the job at the might hnvo.got beyond the a.ativlt►es of life by age or disease, a careful attention full humane treatment that ooulcl be exceeded in no other institu- tion, public or private, 19 QUEEN ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT. erttintt this paper • At the Baulk. ..7(,,iss This is to notify 11 count timet you that your ac- III i ..'v count at the bank -_. k of health is over- drawn; at this rate you will soon be bankrupt, unless you take SCOTT'S ULSION Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and iiypophosphites to build you up. it will STOP A COUGH, CURE A. COZI) and check CONSUMPTION and afi forme of WASTING (MSI J4SRS,A1- most as palatable as Milk. Prepared by Scott tawno, Tie11011110. For sale by all druggists. aviroaraleaviarwlvilftwearniirosetwalmarririmiestim . A. 1 c Will offer for the next 80 ,ID A.., Startling inducements in DRESS FOODS. Many lines at 50c. on the dollar. FURS, MANTLE CLOTHS and SEA.L3E All must be cleaned out if pri do it. FLANNEL Best makes in the market. P ices low the lowest. Ready Made OLOthi Stock complete. Prices pi -0 We have the Long Boot at a -'a ort price. If you see them you'll buy theme Call and see us. T. A MILLS.