HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-30, Page 3THE WI ti aiOKS OF THE MEMORY, '° + *YEAR I 616utlx of Crtpining tAnntcao. i"t4"4 niers 11 1 an d' Wr tteracine S aisle Cen:Nutt i.epo>•ted that the secretary of that un- t1t J,smbarrnsailna' Difficulty. THE GREAT ARRANGEMENTS THAT ; the swito men a tit rtken Qf this year at • ion, ,l"oseph Heimerle, has deolared that 1b1amoar the ueernes$os with which Buffalo and elsewhere .were but re. wer have to contend. is an occasional ARE BEING MADE NOW. , a ludes to the great strike of next spring, 'awl eaaedness over a perfectly well, which is to e a gigantic u rising of know point of orthography Or gram- tudioa►ttons That waren tie Sonne Utah labor all over the country The plans AI word that one has probably for this uprising," the secretary tt tied, seer,at Business Deveiopa a •Olgantie tutor "have been made, and it will be the spelled cprrectly all one's life suddenly greatest thing ever seen in the United swerves/into the doubtful orthography leiovetttent Will bo Nada -» Eastern. State•&" Secretary Heiulerle does not Columb. Is it nor es f,,, "engulf" or Switchmen to �iegiu tree ltoyolt, consider it necessary to indulge in :any ""engulph2 one clauses, with pen pole: conavalment, and some more of his ut- ed.�" Is it "appal" or apail?- "Fantasy "There will be the biggest strike ever terances on the subject have been re, or phantasy t and so or indefinitely, seen us this country neat spring, begin- ceived from his headquarters in Buffalo, To be euro, there is the dictionarhy, but, Hing in Chicago or somewhere else, be- He gave Notice there that, "if the railroad asks the Boston Coni O's over It who fore the World's Fair, covering dozens companies do not come to terms wants tc learn his A 13 C s over again o look up the spelling of everyday words? of scores of unions, and playing the with their men there will be likely ives, curious fact that, left to them -re fingers will generally spell a mischief with some things,"according times for them when the strike is de. It is a to the predictions of a unionist leader Glared, and that their business cannot wowith whom a re word correctly: It is in the hesitation porter of the New York ha carried on at the very period whet it that certainty is lost. • There can be no Sun held communication.. "The pipe- would be most profitable through the doubt that the fingers of, a writer ac- laying for it has begun," he continued, teansportation'of passengers and freight quire t> sort of automatic education. and if there is no break in the lines it, to Cliioago. They can keep out of Even when a doubt as to the right spell- will he heard of when the time comes. trouble," says thesecretary, " by giving ing of a word has crossed the mind the The miners and the ironworkers and the us. what we ask," It is evident from, hand will usually bring the letters intobuilding trades and the railroad switch- IIoimerle's talk, which is rather loud, form ifiven its course. It is as if it ers are not the only men 'who are dissat- that he has: a notion that he can frighten g " isfiod with things nowadays, as the the corporations, The strike, it appears, consciously reasoned, I have alwaysY driven the pen so and so, having begun bosses will find out, and as they found is first to be declared on the Central, the sol" But once hampered b* the spirit out in New Orleans and other places. Erie and' the Reading lines, and is to in - of investigation, theirresolute hand in- We expeot that plans will be set up by dude several branches of railroad em elinels toward the unabridged. . which the trade and labor organizations, ployees, but not President Arthur's The matter is worse •where parts of will work together somehow, so Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. s eeeh entangle themselves.: Rules and that Gompers' American Federa- The new grand master of switchmen, J. p tion of Labor will not be fighting E. Wilson, of La Crosse, Wis., who was onlylations flatten oundel�� res outing Powderly's Knights of Labor, and elected.as Sweeney's successor by the only a helpless Sounds rad amongb pronouns, Antecedents a'"""hnnnd correla- so that the outside bodies will either be convention recently held in Si, Louis, as tives seems for the time pos. 1 brought in or made to stay still. There openly.in favor of this programme, and sibie. In one of , Wilkie Collins' iinay be trouble with some of the social- indeed he got his office as its advocate. publishedu letters he writes: "For ist'leaders, but then they are in favor sof Mr. Wilson is also an advocate of•the the last week, while I was finishing the ,every strike anyhow. The pipes Haven't federation of the various organizations story; I galloped along without feeling been laid yet by anybody in Chicago or of railroad employees in so for as tit(can P'tt b or Buffalo or New Orleans be brought about. The Cause of leltettinstsm. ,Bring An acid. which exists in sour milk bau"i ° eider, called lactic aead, is bUievori y physieiens to be the cause of elleucr,a,tietu. a. !' Aocumulatims in the blood, it cheeks the Hai i flW S ��LI 111w008 tissues iii the joints, and glows agoutaing pains. What is needed is a reared,, to neutralize the acid, and to. so Those remediess hare stood the teas of fifty years a invigorate the kidneys and liver that all Faintly correct all disorders of the LW invaluable in aril complaints1n waste will be- carried off. Hoods :cavae• waxilla is Heartily recommended by many , hom it has ouretl of rheamatiatn. It , i?j ztfi the blood,' possesses just tbe.desired q'•talitiea, wad so it, 1i11:e the old post horses. Do you ro- i s 'ai'g Member how the forelegs of those post • or New York, but the pipe -layers are Among the important measures :fay. ,horses quivered and how their heads around, though they don't show up in ored by the St. Louis convention was a fyiug tonic and taegula.tar extant. drooped when they came to the jour- . the newspapers and can't be got to tell rule that any railroad. companyrefnsingg Baron Rorer, Princeton, out. neva enol? That's me xray dear, that's anything and don't know very much. to settle the grievances of its men should, me. Good GoIs'me'b t bef i f tion 'which I I two Yeats, the aggrieved parties might determine thoroughly entities the blood as to prevent occurrence of rheumatic .attacks. We suggest a trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla by Tom 01 N9 . to 1 all Wile Suffer from rbeumetisrn. bad 1 a,a moon lotha.only reliable Yemedy. for a ego, sur na THROATS, 001301IS, rtOLDS, 0011T, IHTD141UATrs 1'a DddltASES 1T HAS No EQUAL. Manufactured only stair 1311 er---r title ,,ilii all lvorl a olio*,, and sold by ata Medicine Vendors throughout tits world -tat y rocky- v 't lir to sari, Clay friectd, f Puthasers should lural* to the Latbel o.a not 553 Oxford Street. Loudon. three tri a a,put ,,. For it it nllt. De wens Yen utadr of Fitt; k , e a Masi., 14t 7 How often iu church, lecture -room or theatre will ncpice the shoulders of a good looking 'garment plentifully besprinkled with Dandruff, lie a tainsionary told tell the people that. Anti -Dandruff that is guaranteed to remove Dandruff in three aptaiioatious. •-'d' "I was deaf for a year, caused by catarrh in the head, but was perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla," H. Bloss, Roches- ter, Y. Proved Dont Dispute, 1 o one now doubts that 'Burdock Blocd Bitters will cure dyspepsia, biliousua.s, constipation, headache or bad blood, The proof is so thorough and overwbetniing tbwt the doctors lssve been silenced. and 13 Ii B is secured in its place as the best puri - dl ' grammar? The workingmen have beon beaten•in a nc orwarnec o any ac Potty girls are like c0u{ec tiourtry in Ought it to be 'I?' My poor father paid hundred•stri res ofthe past $80 a year for my education, and I give because they weren't united, but per- to take. Committees of the various,mere ways than O11' 'alley etre sweet; ',you my sacred word of honor I am not .haps-they can be got to -join hands next bodies represented in the convention: ;end did,/ err +aoud0clj''e to lieurtburu. inure whether it is 'me' or 'I." Prob- year in honor of Christopher Columbus were appointed, with full power. to act. a Ably Wilkie Collins could have made a . of Chicago. Look out for a squall when :But' many of the provisions made • by the tvmlian,a'itoyal•orown i4elnea,r, greatest care on the wind blows I' new railroad federation are .not yet earth, guaranteed to cure general Nervous Debility, apretty straight guess on this point, butItheunsattam, Neuralgia, Paralysis. etc. :those little aberrations come upon us I The.individual who talked in this way known to outsiders or to the .companies. . sometimes when we should be slow to : to the reporter had the style of a "gut- 'There was recently an illustration of the ' Ripens ¶f abulee : foe torpid livor. stake anything upon our ,correetiiess; i fee,"•and he has been a sorehead ever coperation of the secretivepoligyan Col- 'i'he more ,cipher: ssitarheai tri n though another person, blundering in i since the strike of the Buffalo switch •umbus, the capital of Ohio. .All the widows mute, the meet• aialel'urs siiw the same way, would be instantly ar-' men, in which he took part, by the fail 'lines of the street railway (company reigned before the bar of our correct I mre:of which he was left in the cold. there were suddenly tied tap, and the , eeerv' s, and scandalized judgment ,just as we I .As .the reporter was unable to get any .fact that this procedure hadbeen resole• T,.t1J:w,ars ileodtiial Balsam Will stroppy Cough serve merited condemnation upon fel- facts from him about the schemes of the ted upon by the conductors and motor- cop aigro' ehltaa nmer asthma. low mortals who display the identical Pipe -layers he sought information else- men was kept a profound :secret until it , faults -of 'Bich we. are ourselves guilty. 1 where. had been carried out, to :the .surprise of He :vier, e1j *ilea it roll eadu grail; 011- Voluble speakers and voluminous Neither Samuel Gompers, the presi- ,thesomfiany. tains but another pniitt of view, the writers probably ,experience little of dent.ofthe American Federation of La- The big strike in NOW Orleans is an value of wlnoh is known be the rthe this trouble. The spouting geyser of box, nor Peter J. McGuire, its secre- ,.example of the kind of thing ,which the he livN6 in ,alae v(,fley, words never fails them, and for this . tary, has anything to communicate pipe layers expect to see next year all • the are to be con ratulated.; yet it is a' about pipe -laying or about any big :over the country. It was not only the , . _trhose baying pimples, blackheads, consolation to those of less oratorical ,strike in prospect. Mr. Gompers .is freight handlers who struck',there un- 'etc., on the face and impure blood, please ability to ltnow that great writers and ! preparing the business for the twelfth .der orders from the amalgamated conn- ' eall at Che face 's drug store fora free speakers learn to curb their flowing II' anneal ,.convention of the federation, cil, but also the street railroaders and sample package of the D. and L. Sulphur speech' rather than give vent to it..l which es•to be hold in Philadelphia in ,carriage drivers, the bakers, the gas- • Lozenges. - Prof. Shedd. states that in the last half I December, and he xacently issued a oir- .men, the engineers, printers, eelegraph- • • .ofrWebvs public life he _ ome learned to b fullr y res unions esent d yidelegem tlaem to a es, as im- majority indeed, Ball the industries of the reject the vague words that .come thick I i s by J q d ,and thronging when the mind is aroused. portant business would be presented to •city. The amalgamated :.aauncil took ,- n d n Ile grew more select and precise,th b t meanwhile the public is not control of the unions meanly all of It BC in I 'presently, -as one said, me . , weighed apound." T1?is style�.of peaking ' business, though assurance is given that •any order officially issued. e s ri • t' ill be far the largest ors have not gained the .ends they ; and + em;:. u • a e r d "every .word , to be informed of the naturea,ef that •,which expressed their readiness to obey If th t k 0 orwriting.cannottedriventhroughwith the .conuen ion v the velocity enjoyed when .one is more ; en held vertha y state federation, illtsend de egates meat the at in the ey city e andprodigized itelin- I Cheap Holiday h.,"l., Fe indre for all chosenareless of results. The word fitly i ,that: sacs will be maintained with .dustrhes at the busiest season of the Oa.o lerntion fl.,- rho say. It aye to is the perversity to be striven for, and, i P such is the pexvorsity of inanimate Mi. Powderiy's order and that an effort veer. "All the strikes of this fall," says alabat�o x: . '. tau jot of popular pubriee for *hem : - things, it is precisely the 'word that will be made to secure the adoption of .Secretary Heimerle aro but preludes vto ca 1)11. n would like to popular tiAanetiines fails to ceme et call. a policy :under Which organized labor -the uprising which is to take place be- i wire r ers, London, is a 'monthly can.act as a unit in any emergency that :fore May of the coining year " i•nbliahed ai.ur or women on superior toned r + How Noted People Have ivied. I may arise. If Mr. Powderly could be As for the socialist pipe layers, they Pa The merican Farmer, Springfield. 0,16 pages King David died of old age, says the 1 induced to,make conciliatory overtures .are, of course, agreed in snppor.ting the monthly, lase notional chontation of ,60,000; el Si, Louis Globe -Democrat ; Louis XVI, to the ,convention, they would be wet ;general strike which is supposed to be pa rear. died on the scaffold; Richard III. was , comed and .the long strife between the .impending, and it is their pnrpose to try 3 The western Advertiser. London, a popular 'killed in battle:, Abraham Lincoln was } two laodies,'which has been the cause of to. turn it in favor of the universal adop- i;, preiu c awards-, aa a cue newsy 11peri for the home y assassinated ; J' 3 A. Garfield was ' the failure of many strikes in past :tion.of the eight-hour systema :of labor. si per year. assassinated; 0 s I. of England was times, world be brought to an end. They have determined to begin an agita- for Sunday .andweek (la areadingp 3glopor year. n'ontti beheaded; Lor... . was poisoned by 1 The ;pipe layers and agitators who are ,tion along this line at once, and they 6 ; a,aa(ia l atra,ter$tstin. Lando", the official omen his ueen; Mw s II. was strangled i looking.forevaxd to the big strike have boast that they have representatives in of rho patrons 0f industry in Ontario and Quebe , 46 q.notyet fixed upon anyspecific or direct all :•industrial organizations, including eetutnus t.eeI ly; wa per yeatr. in''battle : t e Hun was killed a ' 1?. li5 Otto Little 51eat anti Woman, Boston. for young - drunken in prisonbattle ; Ati he Hun died in a I object to be.gamed by it, so far as could t Several aamblit of the knights of labor. est readers ao home wenn 5011001, Slier year. bascertained.; but it is probable that 'Several of the union organizations de- renders 5 uo t i spree;i some of .some union will first tcltire.that 3 year. died of paralysis at ii7; Achmet III. was be taken up, such, example, s Two Standard Books bound 3n apo 01ath out strangled by his guards ; Chester A. ; yof tyle .switchmen, and afterward other peered .by the pipe layers. When ;asked Uosycd ht gold and punted In large cleat type, fiction Arthur died of apoplexy at 56; Louis I. , gr dv'anees of other unions will be about the prospect of, violence an.tho ;a„d 0lasitcA, 81. died of a fever during :a campaign ; brought to the front ander the stimu event of .the strike taking place they re- ., James IL died in exile of gluttonous lbs of the excitementthat ththereat c i s to plied with Wilson and the others W old O U R O R A N D .0 L U B B I I� O OFFER habits ; Nerve was Supp 'i •e the Chicago certainly do all they c!tulcl to proven been poisons 1 exhibition of the Columbia year, but law breaking and preserve peace an the ari merely that X118 opportunity ran 9, as save 3 per cep . William of Germany died of old age; P Tiberius was smothered by one of his c by that era•'nr?iition Will - be seized to re- believe in .seeldng' their .ends by turbid 4c The ccnea and any foerifor o itv $8, worth $6; save f res • Louis V was poisoned by f cover the losses .that have recently been' ence and ,azexeady to join the militia ill The Texas and any Broder only $3 50, worth 56; t dthat if' hand- sunnressin discrdei' s p d murdered I reds of thousands of workmen, inolud- &hard Fillmore died a e tae 11a •azinu Ohne of this, one o of paralysis at 74 ; Andrew Johnson !,grievancethe • know nothingwhatever the best mngaziues talehlish0u for the m0noy; si per, for exam le as that about the projected stiko to be :engi• ye osed to have raised. Itis .said a t The TOMS land any two af-th0 above for only �E 25, d,General Grant died of mous purpose to inane to worth 53; S an2,anvtw .o C cep of the throat at 03 Emperor Tho Ttaiss orad any throe for only $2 66, worth $4 ; furnished k American workingmen do not 6 t avorr his mother and .his wife ; • Solyman ' incurred. Itis expec e are 42 er cent. The Tams and any I was dethroned an inur ere' 1n A 3.5 -fear Old 1' i ,bler. 43 per cent. prison ; Henry VI. of England was ing railroaders, should. ton strike „arc, 44 per h [ in the spring when Chicago is to the The lueltiest and most persistent .. g fear road era, s ou go out Tho emus aha any murdered in prison; M prise a was c`"t' and strangled in prison; Charles 1 fore, it may be possible for them to gambler in Creeds, Col., is a 15 -year old Tim 4 per a0a au deposed1.,who goes by the name save 45 pop coast,. prison; George was deposed anda died in gain advantages htime and to notnter- of Lucky ytKid: and claims to be the son o c Gni sholiday prison; George IV. died from a compli• i gained at any other of one the wealthiest secure them ingood cation of disorders; Feodor II. of Rus- ' fere with business in such a to that the city, of9aye a :writer in therNewtsOr- e°"10 shoves assassinated in church; Jolene ' theb gilled s bosses will a compp mb. Even local atrilme are often leans Picayune. He was tftken to Cando Adams passed away at 91 from senile cu debility; Queen Anne died of dropsy, : damaging to the, great corporations •from Denver by throe of the. biggest bwerful in the Indus- sports who look upon him as a vent - brought on by brandy; died n was that arenow s0 p able mascot and who consult with him dpi on from Ronal and died in .wile; ;trial world. • t the i e la in as an oracle. Bnt it is tem: ting the , ties o g ,_, .Ch i A the par p P Y is Napoleon disci in exile Germanyat ase . 1 some e f those who have een de- fates too far for him to p ay their Tyler died at 72 from a mysterious.dis- - and it can. easily a earn order • Richard, II. is sup osed to have the men ready to join them are those hien side during' the cons anti si has ts at who are chronic Itickers or malcontox , those who want less work with more etch abiding confidence in his luck and pay, those who are constantly making judgment that she has him carry her all sorts 02 a ` demands, those who say purse all the time, never questioning that labor unionism would be st'rongth- him as to the drafts ho makes upon it. ened by a successful demonstration of Lucky Kid has a decided penchant for its power, and behind all others, those faro, but when: the cards don't .run to fiocialist or semi -socialist leaders, who suit him he switches to craps and plays are ready to do anything to promote the them so highly that the doleful mono- interests ono- t t f the' ''cause ' and whose tone of the sleepy genius who presides fell t, England; Adolphus of are some o fell at the battle of Gelheim; John feared in the fierce strikes of this year, 'money, and he leads the trio in all play s b learned that among y us ng y L been starved to death; Jehoabaz. Icing of Jude, died in captivity in Egypt; Lothaire of France, was poisoned by fe- xuale apo- plexy, induced byedriinkingorge I. l Pope Landoed from Was supposed to have been poisoned; Feodor I. of Russia was deposed and, died in prison; Gustavus Adolphus was killed in the battle of Lutzena Sultan lvtusa-Chelebi-.was deposed and strap- gled; Pope noires IT. died . suddenl , presunnably by poison; Pope John X. :died in prison, it is believed by poison; Solomon died of weariness at the vanity of human life, and Josiah, kind! of Judah, was killed in battle at Megiddo' by an arrow, in eres s o it , underground workings are oteK visible over the nribbe semY •chrCutable to as in the,Central Labor union and other he drawls "All down, is changed trade organizations. The strength of livelier measure and he dreads the boy these loose dements will be variously• tt he does no other two -score plungers estimated by people who have observed in the camp. Lucky 11d won $850 at it'k manifestations within redone years; craps in less than an hour one night and but whatever opinion May be entertain- was in . a fair swing to brat the game ed of it, there Is no doubt that Messrs, when the banker shut hip off. At slit• other time lie won $1,100 at faro for a A Great Itoetetertnent. - 1 Gompers and 7?ove erly Could nnake it Left -Wooled 1:iolho and as hilarious did n ney1 rat e ins . 0 The romaine of allo the 1 h and , subserve theist endsg y sere soldiersnd who int dduringithe gni recent issue of Mr, hint of t a oimpend $200aMee het a that rill and banquet to the sea - e of ce and a%' interred in the organ blthere was which the members of gang." Lucky ria never takes .a drink different Cemeteries to tend around ens, order W re quiet old earnest as a litronend de werea inua 1 sd els ll* his lest ofent fb i to hede niioit reus gtia'her. :Fite { pias i1► a buoinese Way lost slid deposied a eixgle tomb in ,k at 1 „ it to bo made by the and handles hit chips witk seat ninth are t ``: the cemetery of St, tfrban a Strftaliay. . stri e 31411144 iivittiime111,A liln1ol>r j it to at .a bulk rek oaslsl.r hit: Dais. tiviil olltt'i."atloy, six for only $4, worth $i; save seven for only •t 50: worth $3; the above for only $5, worth $3; presents eau bo 'selected limo order prOnl1tiy by number and time. Address an orders to TIMES Ol FICIE, \Vtneham, Out. eekly FARM A .~. FO $1.00 troth ENLARGED A ee Press 4 w REGULAT STOMACH, LIST AND PURIFY .T A RELIABLE R Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Complexion, Dysentery, 0 disorders of the Stomach, Ripens Tabules contain nothing injuri tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual, druggists. A trial bottle sent by mai THE RIPANS C 10 Spruce Street, TRY IT iD — D HOME 18113 Pers for $1.00 lq.tt .y g� g l• .d .ri 3 au,l 1P 0011% treed 111,i Absth- 11 Is tin- ::deli W1l i li i11141t 1+1+•-w:., IMPROVED A HIGH DI S FAMILY PAPER. :Each Nn ;' . or Will Cantata r 1teJ. On,'TAt1.t.tott'$ Ratios delivered the Sunday previnitaly. ter ARa,kAit'a wA%nRtt as. AsnlettLI 1RAG SPAY ad lllaratrated. t„tnnlu” 1'Aol-•11111 ated. 1.46 iiT TALn, nttd hertntoaesiaingreadinirinntttr. 61$TB, l IBIFI 1• RUBBER P141 is the hest in the world. J. A. CLINE CO, STONE BLOCK, Winehsun, ?rine; ,0Wae 1501!' a ,reair in advance fee the WI1,ItLY'rtart: 1SSy end 1'A1t51 AND 1fO3tt+: to alt 16 pages. as,, •e 0 1$93 . to nett subscribers t leant. trantcd to ' arj unrepresented dtelilet to eolith tatbseriipti0n 'Pant r >Ipe resew/ea CO., ot, **St, 13&e n. .1. nhnve 1 WINGHA1VL STEAM PUMP VIOHKSI Nvntol non PROPR,Ir l°U1tS. i. at We wish to inform the people of Wing- i era. hem and surronnding country, that, as we have purchased the Steam Putnp 1 Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, we f , are prepared to supply all kinds of 1 Wooden, Lift, Force & Iron Pumps And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. As we have a long expe•rieatce in the business we guarantee all our *oak, and , if not satisfactory will refund the mist eye We also deal in ALL FINDS OF WIND MILLS..1 Sott water cisterns nnade mi :bort 1, notice. 11 Orders by mall promptly attende1'to. ;; CROWSTON & SIIOWERS, Winghom.'' , POE SAL, I Lot Ile. 3, and the .1 .3 of Lot Ile. ,7 , i lith Con. T'urnberty—l50 acres; 00 wet ,' cleared; well f need; frame house lead other buildings good orchard; cltettpt,'on II tin*. A ] t y , M. 0. CA:IM0 tit lint 1 WM, Meil'f N " iJ a ' 1 Fie 'r_liltepb'!.- P 0 i'