Wingham Times, 1892-12-30, Page 14t
-..r.+s ao 4
MT frith Brest`` 1`1-11 It
VOL. XXI.---N4. 1091,
\1 A.
-The old relic le Star restaurant is
still taking tbe Iea JAB MoKrrrvls,
Postmaster F' her returned from Itis
tint to Manitoba d the 'Northwest, one
day last week, gre ly improved in health.
-Call and see t e choice new teas at low
prices at MoOlur
- A. good smart bey wanted at once, to
learn the printing business, Apply at the
Trims office.
- Oranges, lgmo s, Layer rait:in',112etlage,
grapes and fruits . f all kinds at the' Star
restaurant. Jas McKelvie.
-Minerva Encampment, No. 47, I. O.
O. F., intend giving a social; in the Tem-
perance Hall, on Tuesday evening, Jan.
nary 17th.
-Will the ge tlemau that borrowed my
satchel a few onths ago, kindly return,
and oblige, - W T YATES'
Ne thank you all for the liberal way
you have patronized us during the past
e<,y.,,year and promise to do our level best to
use you well for the ensuing year.
Everybody treated alike, fairly, equally
and res eotfully. Wishing you the com-
pliments of the season,
we are
Yours truly,
Direct Importers.
The BEAR, Deo. 22nd, 1892.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATr,.RSON, No 23, Vic-
toria e;treet„Wingham, Ont. No witueeses
-Look p1tt.:.f
--'fie are plea
the streets agar
' week's duration
Ruttb's Maple
-The house
gational chug
Alex. McNSY
,ides, etc,at tj
'This so
tf eleighin
for a numb
fifteen to t'
the Eclipse o for 10 cents 12th, 1893, at 1
ery. Best royal nosed . ; crailntxo, a actin
Mrs.. W. H.
last, while
ment in the
progess, was
set of
- Oyster
Bon Ton r
kihds alw
-The e
of the pro
ronto, was
The deceas
resented in
Ile left an
atson, on Friday evening'
e Christmas tree entertain-
ongregational church was in
naCia the recipient of a hand-
xina dishes by her Bible class.
Fet7ed in any style at the
.,, .
ds of
' no
t. g
' au C
s en hand, E. Rnsu,
ate of the late Lawrence Coffee,
ice firm of L. GOffee & Co., To of Wingham for
ntered for probate last week. g
was the head of the firm rep and will .the great]
ingltam by Mr. Burkholder. nese men of the
tate valued at 0128,000. townspeople gener1
-I am prepared to pay the highest cash
price Mr ell kiude of fowl, delivered to me
at my butcher shop; Fowl s U be
and well dressed,
-The Womej's Christian Temperance
. 1leferrneuted
grocery far the hoi'
-The horse fair
week, brought out
but there were fe
prices being eonsid
..First close fl
style at the Star
-The Lake lag
been received, and,
eles of merit on mat
Columbia Political
Ontario's New Salt
Sinclair ; The Trade
Gregory ; Home Ru
T3eigliington, are am
fished by the Lake
'tee wine at :lzcOlure's - My stook of fancy Vroceries is cath- by Wm. Clegg, sewn
ave only. , piece, L'resh klegliHh peel, Dew nuts, dgal ory,
Foe Thome-Reeve:-
was proposed by R. J.
by J. S. Jerome; Wm.
Geo. :S Kenzie, second
Fon Corr
Ward 1 --Wm. John
Anderson, seconded by
Herdsman, by A, Gal
8..B:ent; M• H. Mcln
don, seconded by W.
by Chas. Barber, sem
Be Anderson, by H. G
Hogg. Trustee -A.
Ward 2-W. B. Tow
Campbell, seconded by
Homuth, by W. F. Br
ed by W. Green; O.
MoOlymout, seconded
A. Dawson, by W. F.
ended by Wm. Moo
Morton,elected by aocl
Ward 3 -Peter Dean
Hanna, seconded by
ks by J. =
Hisooc A Clin
Hughes; John McLean
seconded by J. A. Cliir
by john Wilson, second
ling. Trustee -Thos.
Ward 4 -Thos. Gregor
N. Griffin, seconded by
E. C. Clarke, by John G
date++, currant* and pure spices. at Yates
on Thursday of last
Re a number of horses,
changed bends, the
ed too low.
stars douo up in any
JAS MoKtemx,
zine for December has
esusual, contains arti-
live topics. British
, by Re E. Gosuell;
, Territory, by 0., M.
uestiou, by Douglas
e inEngland, by J.
ng its contents, Pub
abashing Co., Tor-
-Cash for good b#,tter and eggs at R A.
Graham's market grocery.
-Pillow sham holelers at Hodgson's fur
niture store, for 50 cents.
-We are sorry learn that Mr. A. C.
Strathdee, G.T. R. talon Agent, of this
inthe tour
town, proposes leav g town
of a week or so. has been promoted
to the responsible red lucrative position
of station agent i the City of Brant-
ford. Mr. Strathd has been a resident
e years and a half,
missed by the busi-
town, as well as the
17 E•rHoxLMT OMR CH,WING1tADr.-•.Rev S Bel-
let•y, B D, Pastor. Services every Sabbath
at 11 a to stud 7 p tn. Sabbath Scheel and
Bible Class at 2.30 p m, Geueral Prayer
meeting every Wednesday 'evening at 8
iversal prayer for the Do o'clock. Young People's Prayer Meeting
January 3rd. On that every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
the local Union will hold Sunday. •
January 1s -Morning snbjeot,
in the Congregational„A promise for the el w Year.”Evening
Union day of u
date, et 3 p. m.
a prayer meetit
church of this tc
A society of Lo
Endeavor, compose
of the Presbyterian,
al, Episcopalian ant
of this town, was or
diet church on Thur
inst. The following
W. H. Watson, Pre
W. Hughes, Vice -P
See. ; Miss Florilla
presidents of the sev
vice-presidents of th
is for mutual helpfn
defies of this town, at
useful in the service o
committee request t
attend, if possible, eec
'week of prayer and
We can make this wee
ever held in Wingham
power in strengthenin
church of God in this
work 'for it. Let us
1 Union of Christian
of the Y. P. S.C,E's
aptist, Congregation-
Methodist churches,
sFeed in the Metho-
ay evening, the tend
re the officers : Rev.
dent; Mrs. (Rev.) EA
s.; Miss Matheson,
arling, Treas. The
al Societies are also
Union. The Union
es between the sa-
to make them more
God. The executive
t all Endettvorers
meeting during the
oke .!ern active part,
of prayer the beat
We can make it a
and building up the
lace. Let us pray
r it.
vn. All women are-cor- subject,. "Thin year ou shalt die.”
r lj nmJet .:deEeey next diahly invited to tend.
Bvervbody welen a at McOlut;e',e, gro-
Ji lgolikt.rr;.,TLUer; On Monday evening, December 1 eery store to buy their hristm se groceries..
ed to see_ Mr H. Davie on iet'b,r enewhere between Blyth and Wing.'
tinder w!
Boa. The id
rLad sS1i,IliIio!
ltlUn 2 y
after an illness of over a
wed, fried or . raw at D
eaf restaurant,
et the 'rear of the Congr
, having been sold to lr
, is • being removed this
-be. rewarded by lee vine same at 51r,Bms'a,
B alt, or S. Gredey's, 1Vtnghen).
-DIr. Robt. e1 enzie,. of Culross, re-
•cently purchase a valuable stallion frr'om
Mr. John Swart of this town. On Mon-
day night, one Mr. McKenzie's hoses
got loose in the able and kieked the stat-
lion, breaking b h of his bind legs. The
cu buy your Chritrttnas loss to Mr. McK nzie will be
e Bon lou
E. Resit. --For first-ol es tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishit s, try Webster & Co,
on was favored with plenty R,enternbet the l
for Christmas, the first time of the old Man
it of years. The snow is' from store: and riewt
enty inches deep at the present --Tho annual
Agrioulbur al So
for cheap
-Try hotel, \Vinghem
J •
p round. T C pose of ]
x Mr. Richer Kinsman, of this town, the ensuing yea
rag been appoin ed an .Ontario Game and that there be
uty arden, and will see that question of pioc
the law in regal to game and fish is obsAi'v will be brought lit b
ed in this vieiu y..
-You can y the cheapest Cliriettnas
candies at 1) ush s Maple Leaf rotate -
ant. I Goo
-At the G epel Temperance meeting
on Sunday of ernoon next, at 4 o'clock,Dr.
Macdonald w 11 deriver an .address. Sub y
jest "Arg tents for and against Prohid'
bitten, as he finds them iu the House of
Contmone." All are invited. I tarsus, of Giluevale
--We beg to testi-1,d all indebted, either Wa, Aftert'
note or book steer tut, to call and settle, baa soli et, the bap
r remit at once, aid oblige
thee, only two doors north
k iRST
L ,
WINGE'AM.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a, tr.. and 7 p. ret.
Sabbath School and Bible class at 12.30.
Christian Endeavor on Friday evenings
in Church vestry. All made welcome..
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at S p. m. Seats free. Strangers WO'
come. ,Januarylst.Morning subject:
"All Here." Evenin subject : "Ezra and
His Times." A glen at the next week's
S. S.- lesson.
canned goods, coo -
sold as cheap as the
jMaple Leaf restaur
and between Ross' book--;Oraugee, lemons
i & Soon 's back.
Meeting of the Turnberry
sty will be held at Sweets'
on Thursday, January
Hope Lodge, T. O. G.
clock p. m., for the
par eventing last, there watio
de red directors fee
feenery, eta will
cheapest at D Rush's
-At the regular m
cars a
dance, After the regal
It is specially desired
large attendenee, as the completed, ote
d, rh
o follow
ing new show grounds Tendered Quartette, b
ore the meeting., reading, by D. Tracey;
by S. McCreight ; stun
Sparling ; duet, by
Kr. Sperling; leading;
stramental music, Jas:
speech, Jas. Belden;' f
evening at Home,"
lodge. The next ire
be held on 'Tuesday ,
.••-S7. ATunieve NI0HT ,/
Those whooame to stye us last Saturday
night undet'stand what our idea of sell-
ing cheap means. Don't mics Saturday
night at •
-Qrenges from 15
lemons from 20 to 40
dies from 8 to 50cts
from 30 to 50cie per
restaurant. •
112x.DcAa Trares,-S
dismal weather set in
in littering my wi
eagerly pounced on b
Some bolder than the
their table was empty,
see if their almoner
seemed to give me a c
Psalmist's meaning, w
brute creation seeki
God. We are steward
will -in the scheme of
ing the universe. Thi
I cannot help ruminati
in Christendom in full
good things of this life,
fu1 of their poorer bret
case, I have to state th
morning till Christmas e
rushing in for a garrison
man, whose gratitude w
food and clothing. A few
boy presented him with a
the sight and perusal of 1
the unvarying kindness of
for years gone by, no bette
a tale that is told, but still
the archives of a grateful m
eting of Anchor of
., held on ariday.
a very good atten-
r business had been
g programme was
members of lodge;
p speech, by T. C.
listsMcCreight and
y D. Tracey; in-
oCreight; stump
e, "Mr. Johnston's
y members of the
ng of the lodge will
king next. • 4
-G T R trains for Toronto and east
leave Wiughatn at 6.35 a m and 11.20 a rrt.<
via VV G & B Divisicu, auti et 5.45 a tit
and 3.50 p m, via,d Guelph.
connections by all trains,.
On Wedneed y ntoriting.leet, a happy,
vent took place at tbe residence of Mr.
and Mrs. T. T. ' tsou, of this towtt, when
their second dau iter, Miss Amy WatSvu,
was Ut,ited in we lock to Mr.. J. S. Tito•
by the Rey, W. II,
rtaking of it ttunaptuous
y couple took the train
al and other eastern i opinion on the quests
during prohibited hot
heap bargains at the
,las. Morava dc•Co. I for a trip to Mont
-The LucluroSentinel says some of pqi 11tH.
the townships in
Majorities in fav
A Committee of
prepared a stat
rvhioh lice been
County in regard
--Cleauiug a polishing compound kr
pianos, looking glasses tnd.furelture, at
Uodeeon's furniture More. 25 canto per
-On Friday ev ling last, a Christmase entertainment was given in the Con-
gational ohurol 'Wingham. There was
Y tt, good attendan e, and the progra me,
Consisting of son s, recitations, ole was,
'well rendered by a Sabbath Soho 0111-
area). Prizes were warded to the four flab -
bath school Bella`
est :author of
sfearr Santo ?I'
tit* tree to the
'tended. Rev, NV
A olio3
rice county will give
of the House of refuge.
►lo County Council has
ent' of facts and figures and best etoclt to t
iistributed through the
o the house of refuge, -The Christmas
Saturday Night is
The literary eonteu
ard,and include sto
Edmund 11. Sheppe
and others. The r
Saturday Night has
larged to sixteen pal
interesting features playa been added to its
former attraction#.
The reeidenee of the lett) ,John Suctil,
rs nsworitrg tiro great- on the corner of John an Sltuter stt sets,
is offert)d for tale. The household Iurul.
estione during the past tura will aIso.,be sold by private Salo at the
int• res encs. e
ret were rn tie iris deface, may remain on mortgage Its agreed
for •whom they were in on, , 1 to, Mfts .fatYN SNrsi;r,, at the
-Look out for
Star restaurant,
quote priees, Call
you thatl have tl
fl0cts per dozen ;
Is per dozen ; can.
per pound ; oysters
quart at the Star
JAs McKit vre.
me time before this
hal much pleasure
ow sill with scraps
hungry sparrows.
st, when they found.
ade a long neck to
was w ithin. This
earer insight of the
en he speiaks of the
their meat from
almoners, if you
rovidence embrac-
Monday afternoon,
on the myriads
onjoyment•of the
it still not forget -
en. Iu my own
t from Sa y
e, supplies came
containing one
11 outlast both
minutes ago, a
German Bible,
ich will recall
high= folks,
it may be than
reasured up in
r. LiixIGow.
NT ow Undertatctng anti rr urtatture ];stab'
win ent.
i4IR REW'Ii Honasoer uas oneaed his
Furniture and Undertaking establish-
ment in the old furniture store, nearly
opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham,
and has a full stook of.Furniture,
Mouldings, and Undertaking goods on
hand. Call and inspect goods and get
prices. Picture Framing done promptly
and well. Special attention given to
jobbing and repairing, and guarantee all
work done. Having had long experience
in the furniture and undertaking busi-
ness, I am sure I can give satisfaction.
A splendid now .hoarse for hire.
Itsr.2>3 HonGsart
M. H. MoIr:noo's.
-There is considerable difference of
tea liquor drinking
.s. Itr ce note on sec-
Licerse Aot, Judge
authority on the Act,
r supposed that sup-
Members of the ocou-
ers in his house, is not
is expressly provided
rer disposal shall be
bited hours "to any
moaner, except for me-
even then the liquor
d by Thos. Greg -
F, Brockensltie
oMath, seconded;
olmes, proposedby
d by Thos. Bell..
, proposed by It.
oho Galbraith; R.
raith, seconded by
o, by D. M. Goe-
Yates ;. Jos, Golley,
led by H. G. Lee;
ee, seconded by P.
lbraitb, elected by
t ie net necetealy to
11 and 1 will con':iueo
cheapest and largest
,Tee a1 cR r vias. ' pant's family, or hod;
lumber of the Toronto prohibited," but "it
work of artistic merit. that no sale or of
made" during prof
pereon 0r' polo; oho
dicinal purposes, an
shall not be drunk 0
tion 54 of tit_ Liquo
Sinolair,a recognized
says : "It is general
plying liquor to the
s aro of a high stand -
es by John Habberton,
d, Julien Hay/theme
filar weekly issue of
een permanently en- by the occupant, or
s and a nutnber of i family, or lodgers in
not even the handler
ter thio barroom dui;
:'except for some
r, proposed by D.
Heenilton ; J. J.
ckensliiro, secoud-
N. • Griffin, by Wm.
y R. J. MoMatit;
rookenshire, sec-
. Trustee -J. A.
proposed by Jolla
lin Wilson; J. IL
seconded. e
by Geo, Hughes,
; Geo, McKenzie,
by R. C. Spar-'
1, elected by ac -
proposed by 0.
mes McCreight;
ay, seconded by
by Wm. Moore,
S. Jerome, by
o, seconded by
Idater, by J. R.
en. Trustee-
essrs. R. Deans
and 3, respse-
the COuneillors
Mims, Mr. R.
chair. After
n Mayor Clegg
e Mayor gay
e done by the
R. Kinsman ; Geo. Sadie
seconded by John Gray;
R. J. McMath,eeconded b3
John Elder, by R. ManGeo. McKenzie ; P. S. 'Li
Woods, seconded. by L. Pe
Wm. Button, elected by a
Since nomination day,
and C. N. Griffinein wards
tively, have retired, leavin
for those vt'Ards elected by
At the close of the nomi
Mclndoo was called to th
a few remarks, he called up
to address the meeting. T
a full account of the bushue
Council during the past yea
Mr. Robt. Currie, of Ea
addressed the meeting brie
weigh scales, and read an A
reference to the weigh sea
;lir. D. M. Gordon thanke
for placing him in the high
their gift -the Mayoralty --b
He said if there was no
would make him take a de
rhe town's affairs, the honor
on him by the ratepayers at
time would do so. He sa
should have a High School, a
bspleasedto see the ratepayers
ter up in earnest andhopecithe,
suit in plaeing the town in its
tion educationally. The only p
he would snake was that be wou
the same carefulness as Mayor t
in other positions which, have be
ed ltim in the town. -
Reeve Hanna said that he hitt
best he could for the town durin
of office. At the County Comics
to get a bridge placed across t
the salt block, but was unsuecessf
year or some ether year he mig
ratepayers for their suffrages.
Mr. R. C. Sperling thanked th
ars for electing him Reeve by en
appettted and present-
rase id T rms each for furutture.
l Christ- t Part of the purchase mosey of the rest-
1 p residence, o't 1.41 3.64 Nextolte.
I. Watson occupied the up pp y
-A large gAsortn it, of canned geode
a 1c oi" paw tt)a creel dinner
and fagot' bfpo4iin a/the StarestaJtcHe vricmnt• .` should hos s boat's
t Wawanosh,
re the town
past in 1889,
the electors
st position in
ling else that
interest in
onferred up-
obinspn, well and avorably known in
Wingham and vicinit for Many years,
paid the debt of natu e. Mr. Robinson
had been a sufferer fro hing trouble for
many years, but had n t been confined to
hit bed contintiously f
time. Infaot, he had b
death. ',The deceased h
foundry business in to
and retired from okay
years ago.
those wh. were intim
several years, and at tl
was a member of the Q
the Methodist church,
ima been m consistent an
for a great many years.
the promisee, except i Thursday, was conduet
eome member of the I Order of Vereetere, of w
ng prohibited hours, I the eiricere sympethy
tecessery domestio generally le their tad be
eeee the town hall, on Monde
tight 1 '7.30 o'olock,'*hen the
'tying , talons were made ;
up the clay of his
d conducted the
n for many yeartt,
He was man of a retiring
and was gr atly esteemed bye
with him. He
e town eouneil for
time of bie`death
arteriy Board of
hid' church he
zeelous member
The funeral, on
by the Canadian
ich society he was
ife ana one son
tees. They have
the townpeople
Chidren Enjoy
the plettaant flavor, gentle action and
ing effeots of Sprup of 11104 when i
of a laxative ; and if the father or
be costive or bilious, the mod gra
reaults follow its use, so that it ie
ons wore hela
evening last, at
flowing nomin.
On WAS prOpoSed
ea by Tito& Boll.
ing 'was proposed
done the
.his term,
he tried
river at
1. NeXt
ask the
for the ensuing yeer. As in the
would ever be found lookmg aft
tenets of the town.
Mr. W. V. Brockenstire Bad appear -1
ea before the electors its a canal te for the,
office of Depaty-Reeve, He lad served'
the town as Councillor for man years, and
his record was before the rat payers. If
"elected, he would work for the interests,
at the past.
Mr. Wm.Holmee Said. he La represented
ward Re. 4 for the past seven r eightyears.
light pieced at the caner Iffirmie end
Victorie streets. Ile hope the electore
would place him tut the hes,. of the poll.
Mr. Geo, McKenzie addr,:sed the meet.
ing in reference to tbe e abliehinent
Mae manufacturing indt tries in towle
and proposed that a join stock compel:II
be organized.
Dr. Mandonald else e dressed the meek
ittg, pointieg out the ep pm position on
cupied by Wingliam fin tidally and othnt
the in -
Wholesale—Gordon McIntyre etc is
ith ns* teas, at jobbers priors. NOW