HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-23, Page 6n id Anthem we trg. I think 40 "ell nature is Nellie ess t even, al- r,'hotngh the concert suited veryone else but We that he should be ,a offended. Ile. thinks I Hari, very poor sue in selecting the pieces, Well, that' : only a matter of matrass, If the pieces sui d the majority, or they certainly did,I eni t see why he should object; unless selfrshn==s is the cause. However, if he tit' ks be call train up Went for as Successful an entertainment as he talks .of, I will, if h eau get permission from the trustees, let im have the scholars any et termer' each i -el:, ' and 'see haw Ito performs. IIs talk of the Bdneation Department sanction' • g the use of test books and that they . iauld sanction the ust of books to bo used •t school entertain, meats. Man 1 If lie as Minister of Rau - nation, would not led= be plentiful Whew 1 1 would advi •e him to try for that office and, then there will bo no danger of "vulgar rubbish" bei g authorized for use. in public schools. : ill, I think it would be as well if he did t labor so nluoh under ho eubiance of b cwn verbosity. It trust have been a so rce of pleasure to him when he got his Tian s and carefully perused the fruit of his lab• I guess the first thought was, "well, ie nest school enter- tainment will bea • oriel; and my children will be stars on tit- tage." . Oh I no, ! Mr. Observer, I considot where it came from, and I think people n general pay little attention to the opi ions of such dogmatic cranks. Hoping 1 am not, intruding on your spaetr, Mr. Ed' or, I remain, Yours rr11y, Wnf, :. =Br, teacher, Lower Wingham. Lower Wingham, D o., 22nd, 1892. B.1 - vale A HAPPY EVENT On Wednesday, the 14th fast, at the re-idence of tbe bride's father, Miss Mat Ce McKinney and Mr. John. Messer were iiited in marriage by the Rev. A. Y. H 1 trey, and from the manner in which t e reverend gentleman tiedtbe knot,, it w 1 tike a good divorce bill to unravel the sato. The bride was waited on by Mise Tillie Ross, (cousin of the bride), and the groom by Mn Aleck Messer. About fi y gusts wore assem- bled at tbe cere any and the bride received numerous and costly . presents. An elegant tea was served,. to which all did ample justice, ter which the even- ing was spent in lusic, social chat, <Gc. The young couple sail on life's rough barque with the go d wishes of all pres- ent.and their enei'g will secure for them a profitable future. Bei rave. A strand Christiut - tree entertainment iu connection with Trinity chureh, will be held in the Puree -rie hall, on 'Monday evening nest, 26th fust, when a good ;programme of vii 1 and instrumental rnvstc will berend = ed. All are cordial- ly invited, and a g od time may be ex. fleeted. Mims Isabella Ge es, youngest daughter of 11Ir David Gedd died on ,Svutlay last• of inflatirmatian, ter x' couple, of weeks,' illness. The deco • ed was of a lively and agreeable disposi• an, .and' was a general favorite: She wa in her 6th year. The remains were f. erred in the Brandon cometery on Tue . i ay last,and viers follow. d to their last t -sting. place by a lwrge concourse of pent e:. The relatives of the deceased have th sytnpath y of the . com- mnuity:in their ereaventeet ' ' ' C"T"'"- I" -pawa, Mali; on .Decew- ber..'9th, the wife of :Mr John. Coutts, for - ,y of ,Last `4 awanosh ; a daughter. rinenr—At F eticit'Elvbr, Out., on Dec' 1 ember 7t11,, tho. wife of Dr E H Horsey; the daughters, All well, monor—In Wiflgllam, on the 22nd. ecember, the ife of Dr J A. Meldrum; a $oil.. ARmo). Vrz>sritrst.-11. n-- t the Sa,lvationArtny Bar1st Decern. bei,by the 11.et' •at If on the Watson,2 beiMr George , by 'Valentine, to M ss Rachel J Rill. all of: W' ghana. togs--Scontr .—At the residence of the ritilett brother, i . It. Scharff, • Meuteilh. Mau., on the it inst., by Rev. Mr, Polson, John Ross, fora erly of Laugaide, Out„ to Rebecca Scherformerly of Wicgbaafl. DIED. eigrave, an December14 et daughter of Davit •atiil r, aged 25 years, 2 months I Wish you all a erry Ohristmas and a a a , ear Year. M0 H MCIND00o (1"ristmas aild Groelillgs. none- Tit abella, 'Vann Isabella Gedd at 16 days. Cons//.—InWiugltam,on December 19tb, Martha, beloved wife of Mr Thos Corny*, aged 45 years. WXNGtIA111 MADAMS. S. woonR-' , »ecentber L2,1847 eeted t.y 5'. Dena, Produce Dealer. Y $0 to 1 r tier 100 lite, li rat per barbel, t S to to 26 to 80 t6 • V$ to « it3 to 16 to 1 76 tel $ 00 10 40 26 t0 30 "'*••.- 40 to 60 sw d arta r, tub do Bolls, � ee doe. W-�y► r treed, paggqsfp�+ton. a.a-.iglFeny, tile. 6A' 28 58 85 48 18 20 200 6 26 Yea • _ r ALLACE, . 'WATCHMAKER AND 3 WELLER, Will offer BARGAINS .FOE THE NEXT 30 'DAYS JN 11'TURE8, e'LUQK$, JEWELLERY, R ', • SILVERWAREnlnl 141,USIOAL LiN81'UUME14TS, Sptelal attention is relied to our lady's gold tilled Iluct•et cm, warranted for 15 years, with either Ilatnpden, ll'althant or Elgin,ntortutent, for .814• 0, • BOYS'. WATO1iES 1110111 b 'UPWARDS, Also bargaina•in FANCY GOODS, .E1.1E0 ? "., G SP -F' QI41.L.LT ' t. Call in and :inspect goods, • Stand—Next door to the Ik'at Otl3he, au .e 4 VI H. WALLACE, GEO. E. KIN Bik drives in DRESS GOO S Big drives in 8f J ; Big drives in 89 A 9:2 C-11 Also so i n many other lines. Ask, those who have bought as to their value. A call solicited. c3-TEi (L _ Vii _ _INT'. FURNITURE DELIVERED RED FREE. r, Not olds can you buy Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Lounges, mattresses. Chairs, Tables, kc„ cheap. but whet( bought in quantities they H911 be delivered aneset up in your homes free,. ,uwwhere ,FIthin 10 miles of N'tnghant. PORTRAIT ENLARGEMENTS. 1 have inade arrongemeuts with one of the bast artiste in the Dominion for doing Portrait Milan:: :taunts (any eine) in Air•Brtsh, Indio ink and Water Colors llefore giving your order to' anyone for euth. coast wy skore, sue samples and get prices for the very best. PICTURE FRAMING. All styles and sizoe of Piotnre a,,d Wreath Frames made to order. Lots of Mouldings to choose frOne UNDERTAKING. Notwithstanding all the opposition inthis line, 1 am still here In Wingham prepared to do es 1 have, beem doing fur the pest ten years, Mayi3, 1902, S. sem- , _ A_OT_r Y-, Undortokerand t'ur,dture Dealer I\AfINGHAM MARBLE To the People of Win.gham and sur- rounding country. We wish you each and all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy and prosperous NEW YEAR. May our business relations in the future be more mutually pleasant and profitable, if that be possible, than in the past,is the sincere desire of Yours, faithfully, at ON WORK MESSRS. ITANSTONE BROS., • Smyth. of Ii:incardine dicta bought the MarbleI:aeiitess of alt T 'r Watson, formerly carried an by W $ } t Parties requiring, work in their line will do well h, calling on them er seeing one of their agents before purchasing. You will find oar prices areaway down, Bur workmanship is unsurpassed. Wo will use none but the very hest stock and by square dealing hope 1•o secure a liocral share of the public. patronage. Mr T T Watson, who has been running therbusiuess for the past yea, will represent us on the•road. Call nn I see our stock and prices. VOL,X VANSTONE BROS. POPTEliOk btorie _s __� IS HEADQUARTERS FOR hristmas crew [} ts'! A.large stocit of Christttia5'Gnrnls has just been•resleived, suitable for all pet ti.•*, olid or young, consisting of T0'V'S, PH1)Tt) A.LI3UMS, SCRAP :A Lt3Uli1.S. WRITING DESISS0,,.• . Tt->11J3+aT SITS, PLUSH 0001)S, CHINA. VASES, XMAS CARDS, i.t 1)I ES CO MPAN:1O 'S (in ]flush of wood), V:IO.LI;NS, bi+)11TIl ()ROA CELLULOID hl.OIYI'H ORGANS, TOY. 13()OKS, HAND) SLl+:R0IIS, PORRIDGE SETS, S1+a'l'S, BLAN1 NOTES, BIBLES, FANCY M1 ltR.ORS (hand painted), A Large Assortment of ANNUALS, Consisting of Le141flN Utiiirs. Sunday al I`Iotnt', Bev,' Own, &C., &o. I have a largo' HI tick this year than neer before and .desire the public tt, still Mid :tel: it before 1)urc1utt;inu eleewiiei'e,as it iS no tl'ollble tri show goods. - PrIOES AS i OW AS 'rime LOWEST. `•Iteinernl.vr the Pince-180 Josephine street, Wingham. Agent for Dominion Express Ut,tIII a2t,y ;ti;txt1 G.‘i t.`tl'iiig.ii liI Company. . 43' 7, y11ou80 heayantovhdeuanpr]awoalaylolontl Everybody tree and retitieottull plilnents of the The BIeAR, Di 11fasI Issued by PRA9, .toric street,Wi .re.... , y.. >rc0( — Look . Alt Week. . We are pies the streets 04.154 week's duratiotl .-Oysterpsl µl RciFh's 141ap1e --The house gational churl Alex. 11ob7ey week. 7-13e sure ,dies, etc, at t This so i f sleigbtn for a numb r fifteen to. en tinge. —Try the l ery. Best ro p pound, __Mr. Rich duns been app' Fish Depute the law in re€ ea in this vie —You can candies at 1)' ant. —At the (' on Sunday a Macdonald µI ject l "Argo Intim, as lief Commons." jI —We beg " itnote or remit atb( —The Dui the towneh; majorities A Committe prepared a which has j county in r(. --CleaniI L ioc' I odaeon's bole. - o ..,..Ott fi't txee enterttl gi egational' t t�. goon ai consisting Well mule' diel,• Vrirt Mardi soll00 co fl-ttn1R yew. 'Star fad the Brei WO tree tended. 1 Chair. .A. orris .at.)!lg •