HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-23, Page 4THE WINGHAM TIMES, DECEMBER 23, 892s at asa, r . l af pie Thompson and Thence Mins otrsu're'reete trona theToroato, Hem- will do their duty, who can tell hit we may East Wawa4losh., 1,uti Lnuaou Boardsof Tradsv e aited be east out and the other keep posseseioMrWtoMcDowelnd amily, who n. Foster, the other days tO ask for the ge of an Iosolvency law. rfan Dominion Live Stook Association seltirly protest against Canadian cattle ing scheduled by the British Govern - eat, TheY assert tleatplenro-pneumonlit leB not oor paver did est in Canada. x J . one Dimple, Hou, Thoinas Bel- aty sheIc th let LTh m Iha r y ass of the township of Turnborry, in ,ablie meeting assembled, that there is ,sa est need for the Governmental machin - of our country being lessened and the cost e aof,and that equal laws should prevail ; th the view of attaining these endsave the dersigned ratepayers and citizens humbly tlion your Honorable House, ea your ie.st convenience, to take the necessary d proper steps within your sphere to have Y teern t.o uwe beou i1OlIy cost out these years beck, mad some°, themhave been in Dakota for some years past, are visiting relatives in this toWeship.- seho still remain will =eke us believe that Muse Bell Wightman left on Monday for notional suicide is the best thing. Manitobae-A well patronized entertain - At the meeting on nomination day I will went was hold in Stewart's school house not say one word 1noro in support of the on Thursday evening. -The box social resolution and petition, sluices amendments which was laeld at Ka E, MoDow ell's on are suggested which I thought necessary to Friday night was a grend succeee,-Mr. include, or a direct negative is made, that Ed Taylor had a wood bee on Wednesday is, not to petitiou at ell n 'that OW I ne, exGovernor Hoard, Professors =gilt say a word ortwo ; I hope it will rtson, Member. Dean, and others will not he necesery; if not necerory itwill only the Western Dairymen's Convention, be;cluasitli.tig °time, rib you, Mr. Editor, for giving me maga ou ,Tanuary 10th, 11th mai 12th so malt space these three weeks ; could Every (Jai rytnau iii the West should you not give us a, word of cheer? eseut, Bediseed fares ou all rail - Turnery. • e Editor of the Irinaham Times. en Sru,-In accordance with previous nosnientions, I now seed you copy of thatthere will be contests for the other t I would propose as suitable petitions. positions, but sylio the new men are we ha're. re in full the one to the Dominion not learned, -he township finanoial ste,te. lament only : It being the deliberately merit has been issued and distributed accord - weed opinion of the undersigned rate - awl, passed. After assisting to make out, the alumni fiutmoial 'statement required by etatute, the Council adjoisrued. P. POI.tTERVIELD, Clerk. Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery, met at Winghnin, De - comber 12th, Rev, W. H. Geddes, Moderator, The Rev. A., MoLean, clerk of Huron Presbytery, was invitee tonit as corresponding member. It vas agreed that Mr. Malcolm's name be placed on last. -There is considerable excitement the roll for appointing nsoderatora of over municipal ruatters at present. We Presbytery at the date on which, Tees- understend there are quite a number of water congregation was traoeferred aspirants for a seat in the council. to the Presbytery. A communication from the PreshYterY of Huron was read, in- timating its willingness to transfer the congreoation of Leeburn to 'the care of this Presbytery; also, that Rov. A. Mae - Lean and RevoC,Fleteher were appointed to oonfer with this Presbytery or a com- mittee to consider the matter. A reso- lution was adopted, expressing a willing- ness to receive Leequrn into this Presbytery if the transfer can be effected without prejudice to the congregations of our Presbytery adjacent to it. Messrs. Anderson, A. McKay, McLennan and their -Presbytery elders were chosen to co-operate with the committee of the Presbytery of Huron, with a view to uni- ting the congregation at Leeburn with Dungannon and Port Albert. Rev. D. M. Gordon, B. D., of Halifax, N. S., was nominated moderator of the next General Assembly. Rev. John Gray, of Windsor, Ont., was appointed as next moderator of the next meeting • of the Synod of Hamilton and London. A. petition from the congregation of Ku%sx church, Teessvater, was read, asking sanction to the proposed sale of West- ini nis ter chutes's, Teeswater, the proceeds to be devoted to the erection or purchase of a manse. The petition was transmit- ted through the session -Granted. Mr. Hartley, convener of the temperance committee, reported that favorable an- swers wore received from inspectors of public schools within the bounds to tbe memorial, re use of temperance .manual in schools, presented to them by a com- mittee. The following were appointed to visit aid -receiving congregations and report at next meetinee Pine River, Messrs Rose and MacQueen, with their Presbytery elders; Dungannon and Port Albert, Messrs. Anaerson, A. McKay, MacLennan and their Presbytery elders; Belgrave, Messrs. . Geddes and Millar, with their Presbytery elders. A OcnnmuniCation was received from Dr Reid rstating that $80 was apportioned to this Presbytery for General Assembly Fund. It was agreed that the treasurer be instructed to apportion the amount asked among the congregations, collect the mune, and remit to Dr. Reid. Mr. Malcolm, A. MacKay and their Presby- tery elders, were appointed a committee on systematic beneficence. The following charges were announced as entitled to send commissioners to the General Assembly: Ministers -Huron, Chalmer's, Knox Church (Kincardine), Pine Rivet; Elders -Win gliain,St.Hel ens, Ashfield, Melville Church, (Brussels), Teeswater, Oran brook. Messrs.Malcolm and Millar were appointed to give mis- sionary addresses in connection with the presentation of the annual report of the W. P. M: Society. The cleric was instruct - ted to communicate with the railway authorities, with a view to reduced rates to members of Presbytery and delegates to the meeting of the W. F. M. S. to be held in Kincardine on March 14th. Next meeting of Presbytery will be held in Knox Cburch, Kincardine. March 14th, at 2 p. m. Jona lalaaNanrs, Pres. Clerk. Lucknow, Dee. 16th, 1892, The Couhoil met at theCouncil room, Yours Truly, December 15th , 1892,pursuant to ad- Turnberry, Dee, 19th, MK journment, Member all present. Min - Bonnier DOUGLAS. As far as we can hear, Reeve McPherson utes of last meeting read and passed Report of Dr, Moldrum, Wingham, Medi - will have a walk over again this year, is a good man, and the township will do °al Health Officer, received and filed. Ordered that he be paid $5 for services; well to retain his services. It is rumored rendered in that capacity for the last two years. Communication received from Wm. Stewart, engineer, regarding the nonfulfilment of work that should ing to law. Copies of it can be had from the have been. clone by Henry Horney, Si lot township Clerk and at the TnIIIS Office, 31, con 0, per award made in 1891; also Wingham. his account for extra services rendered The Council met in McDonald's hall, therewith. Account ordered to be paid. Bluevale, on Thursday, December 15th, Messrs. Archibald Brydgos and John 1892. Members all present. The RieV'e in Cole were present and heard at consider the chair. The minutes of previous meet- able length, regarding the dispute be- ing were read, approved andaigned. Com- tween them about some statute labor munications were read from Messrs Cam- returned last summer by the former eron, Holt se Holmes, re costs in Bryce vs, as pathmaster against the latter and Letitia and the townships of Culross and Duncan Anderson, sr, as undone, when it was moved by Mr. Shiell, seconded by Mr. Patterson, that this Council take no action in respect to the dispute amongst them in this matter of statute labor said to be undone ancl, charged against them un collectors roll -Carried. Moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Shiell, that a vote be taken at the ensuing municipal election on the House of Refuge question -Carried. A com- munication was received from .the Co. Clerk, asking information for the County Council regarding all bridges in the township over 100 foot in length, cost of construction, material used, Joa; also the amount levied for local improvmente-each year for the last ten years. Moved ls Mr. Patterson,' seconded by M. Robert- son, that Messrs. Anderson, Shiell and clerk, meet on a day suitable for them- selves before the ist January next, and Act of Confederation amended as in inr, , -1-UrnUerrY ; also, from the chairmen of r wisdom my seem best, so as to reduce thedrainage commission, re township drain - number of representatives and Houses age; also, from County Couneil of Went - ?ornament, ever keeping in view the ' , worth,re petition for abolishing market fees; met principle of equal representation; I also, from Ed. Jenkins, re repairs on gravel . to frame the laws that we and all citi- ; road. s who are able shall be required to pay 1 The Reeve reported that the committee st is .needful for Government, without 1 ' appointed at last meeting to report to sst compelled to contribute of their sub- ' the County Council on bridges had met and see to others who have no claim ripen it made report, which shows that this town - hat is, just and equal laws given for ono , ship has expended on badges in. the last Call alike as far as it is in, the power of ten years the sum of If 0,600, an average of pan governments to give, and they thus 56,600 a year ; also, that the ,I3oard. . of 'a terror to evil -doers and a praise to Health reports that the Township has been m that do well". Your petitioners as in free from contagious diseases for the past bound will over pray. ' year and recommends as a preventive the lhe One to the Provincial Parliament regular cleaning out of wells from. which dlar in the first pari; "and to cease is- w ter is used and banking around' the top *licenses to manufacture, buy and sell we earth to prevent surfabe water or mg drinks as an article of general oth matter from getting into the wells ; rohandise at the earliest possible moment also, bat ventilation of stables and dwell- ipatible with prudence, and due consid- ings igbt. bo greatly improved., which a collect aid snake out the informa- ion for the present license holders byi wouk not only hsaseove the health of the tion asked fdr-Oarried. ng due notice that such licenses wil peo0s, teat also of Slid stook shut tip in the The folloWina accounts were °adored ' e to be issued after a certain named close slushier; now genaa,s, 7 dy used. • e and date M the near future, and that mi paid, viz: Win. Johnston, licensing of the trade of making,buying epee 0 rods wire 'fence and plank for gelling strong drinks will be confined and. 818 75; Wm Bradnock, T9 yards 11 duly authorized apothecaries. That psy et Jas Potter, pathmaster, $3 95; and equal laws for all alike shall prevail al hnston, jr, repairing. and filling r as possible for huan Government ¥r.ert, sidelines 33 and 34, con 2, 82; aot, and that they thus be "a terror of iry Colles, Blyth, 56 rod 3 wire ihdoers and a praise to them that ao can ot 42, con 2, $9 75; John Jamie - I ". 'Your petitioners as in duty bound Liiiiog on western boundary, con. seco ever pray. be a Treasurer West Wawanosh, pay - view of what I have said, what duty Jen ns, fellow electors, for you and I? Gess. John Rechnoud, gravel and dam - Jas t you will answer for and to your- by M 75; McGee, 110 rods wire a for me 11 18 this, last year I put my emu deline 30 and 31, con 1, $16 50; 1 to the plough ; this year I do not wish owls uty, Acl vane° office, printing, ste- er look back, but if permitted to Move 0 date, 83 75; Win Stewart, ser - nue the good and necessary work of anise engineer to date, $8 25; John lotting our rulers for what we feel we ing , repairing culvert, sideline 30 and for what we will and shall get if we for h 8, 81 50; George Henderson, 52 not. I would fain give a wore of oheer move re fence, lot 37, con 2, 87 80; Wm old. I am not a prophet but I pro- Cruic k, 60 rods wire fence, sideline 33 o be the san of ono ; as such 1 feel be an con 3, 89; Robert Marshall, dig - anted in saying that I believe if each funds eh, lots 40 and 41. con 3, 810 50; Tyou would do your duty in this leave •lter, 30 yards gravel on Eastern er, right away without wavering, that matm y, 51 50; Joseph Golley, Morris, ouderfully short tuna our prayers The gravel, 51 19; Arthur Brooke, abodied in our petitions would be orders g opposite lot 42, con 8 and 9 red even more than we could haveJohn uncan Anderson, jr, gravelling d for. I would go further and say 1 3.0ssaf cons 8 and 9, 81 90a Elam Liv- e if oven ten men amongst us would 'I 56 feet elin plank per James is matter up heartily the thing would sost,1 thinaster, 65 cents; Dutton; mplithed. I appeal to and entreat 'icor, „?, , Sr, planks, spikes, and laying espeeially those of us who aro near. Healtl ridge on river, cons 8 and 9, res score and upwards to take this of Ifs, enry Edwards, plank and laying up; it would not be difficult to do.. Board ridge, lots 36 and 7,cons 6 and Bet an exatnpk to them who are memb lex Parker, cutting hill, lots 36 og up around us and will soon be in Burse oh 2, 82 50; John Anderson, sto oes by doing something at least and post's", selecting jurors, 1802, 82; .P curage them. JohnI . 1, use of hoase for Council ar ;5 30 eaten matter of giving ratepayers arepnerson, report Oh blidges, $2; Pete).* room and selecting jurors, 1802, 815: etrtunity to sign petitions could be meratren, report on bridges, $2; Peter Mo. Huai) McBurney, 45 yards gravel and aeeoniplfshd, if two or three of our Laren, annual statement, 80; Win. Me- damages for three beats drawing from eager workers were set to work in Pherson, annual statements 84; Peter Mc- same pit, 84 25; its R Walter, taxes re. nem:mien the thing could. be clone in ranren, part Ow, 860;. Wm, McPherson, funded for 1892, through error of assess - 11 as week and danelvith a will; they salary,road eommissioners feea, expenses of ment, $7 57; Dr eleldrunn Wingham, the men'whis would rejoice to do loans and postage, $60; Wm. Cruickshank, rk if set to it. The true remark is salary and road. COrrirnieelOherS fees, 845 ; age that we farmers cannot combine , J. A. fortoit, legal expenses, 75tents; John -ray; perhape it is the best way of Diment, salary and road commissioncre ing arid. most effectual, if we will fees, $14; Wm. Mundell, salary and road itinne to petition until suelt time commissioners feet, /al i Geo, ttarrie, preeentatives come again either for salary and road commiasioners fees, 840 ; m• or for the that time and vote for Richard Walter's, refund dog tax, $1; E. 'ho will not do what in hint lies parley, refund taxes, 84.50; John Burgess, et our petitionsnre complied with; accdunt of bridge contracts, 81.50; John didly think is A combination with.. pumas pars enjoy, *so; wna tamales, hand would be a good one; it enmity, $3; John McDonald, rent of hall, hurt levet our city brothers, $7 ; Chas. Mareser, refund deg tax, *1; 4olin o roan. Black, part salary, *22.01; C. A. Jones, cams with the Canaanite are plan Bryan Drain, $15,O; Robert Currie, of a Pt's:aided land, if we dot error in 86401 tax,54.22. Connell ealjonnied se evil Canaanite by filling oar ging ae, ifb good men sad true men Who Jowl Bosoms, Clerk, • •. able row took place en Trioarla,y evening of set week, in front of the township hall. Two young men, who have long held a grudge againet one another, met after lthe enterteiument iu the hail, b4u1 began pounding eaoh other with steel auuckle until their fames were horribly mutilated and the clothes of ane of them was emu- pletely sittoretecl with blood. It is hard to say what alight have been the cense, quenee, if they had not been separated:. These young men (and a number of other's tho tome locality) should know that it is against the law to carry steel knuckles And that they hay themselves open to A heavy flue by doing, so. Spell disgreoeful (minket should not be tolerated in any civilized corn amity, Morris. Mr Jars Athierson, of Peabody, Was visit- ing hie mother en the 8rd line, the fete part of this Week. - aohii Bow Mau, 3rd lino, hal{ aobepted the position 02 salesman for the Chatham Peauitig Mill Oonmany and it busy et work among the farmers of Motile and Grey, We wish bim eueeeae, as he is handlieg a No 1 artiele,-Goo K»ox, wife lam family, Mrs John Items and family, of Gaylord, Miele and Mrs Ferguson, of Manitoba, are visiting at John latuld'es Bra line. The above mentioned services as Medical Health Officer for ladies are sisters of Mrs Budda-Donald the last two years, 85; Sam 'Width. re. Currie, 4th line, has so far recovered from funded dog tax, 1802, 81; Tilos II Taylor, his recent theme that he is once more able attendance at con bell, letting and 'mimeo- to got out of doors, -.Miss Hannah Shurrie, Wig johateleoting juror's, &c,1892, 85080; 4th lise, who lies been poorly mince holt Finlay Andereon, attendabee at Couticil, Spring, is still no better. She took wiry letting and inspooting job, „to. igo, lust winter Kea never regaitieil her (eloper 832 50; Donald, Patterson do, do 1802' strength, -Among tile many big clts, that $29; Robert Schiell, do, do, 1802,528 40; ere to be found us Morrie this year ie. °eel NOTICE TO COEDITORS Ole THE, LATE JOHN DONS, Notice Is hereby' given, pursuant to the provisions of the Itovised Statutes of Ontario'Chapter 110, and amendments thereto, that all creeitors and others having ciaites avainst the estate of the' late John Bone, of the Township of East Wawarloah, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, who died intestate on or about the Srd dav of Oetdber, 180% are requ'lred, on or about the 15th clay of January, 1408, to deliver Or KO by post prepaid to Me.ers Garrove 5 'raud. foot, of the Town of CloderIch, in the County of Hum,, Solicitors for ',vary Done,the AcumIstratite, thehonames an 4 addresses and full partioulara of their claims with the vouchers upon which they are based, and that after the day last mentioned the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets Of said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above requirtd, and the said Admittistratrix will not be liable for the tweets to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of mels distribution. GADROW 214 PROUDFOOT, Solicitors for the said zoinerestratrix, natal at Goderieh, the 23rd day of November, 1882. David Robertson, do, do, 1892, 528. owned b,v Quintitt Antlersou. It tips the 'beam at 740 lbs and is tiiily six menthe I 31V -law No 0, 1$02, aPPthtillg Plac° of and two weeks old. Who can beat tido 110111illati041) places of eleotion and Dep* -Time Cempbell.*of Miehigien is visiting uty Morning Officers for the ensuiag his brother. (Nivel Campbell, on the 8141 Municipal eleetions; and b Haw Ne 10, line. -Thee Warwick has bought the Thos 1802, fixing the aloOnnt to be paid each Campbell property, on the 3rd line. This councillor for attendance courteil . form ie *lose to the home Le ul and ia meetings for the current yettit both rend (.4o17 desirable proyarrl7,,-4-vwry '•••;. 4.ea • 14 TIMES" SUBSCRIBERS. All parties who have not paid for the "TIMES" for the years 1891 and 1892 are requested to re- mit the amount at once, We need money and hope this notice will be suffieient; and that a general response will be the result. R. ELLIOTT. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY The property of the late William P. Itoears, being the south halves of iDts seven and eight, in the first concession of the township of Idcrris, in the county of 'Huron, will be offered forsale by public auction at the Brunswick Hous, in the town of Whigharn, on Wednesday, x8th jsrnuary, x893, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. For further particu- lare,sce large bills or apply to R. VANSTOME," Vendor's Solicitor, Wingham. Dated at Wingham, 15th December, 180.,i, STRAY STEER. Strayed into the premises of Wm. and Chas.Finnen, lot 32, concession 12, East Wawanosh, a roan steer, two yeas ohl, on or about the 1st, of October. Owner Op) hove the same by pi ra ing property, pay. ing expenses and tukit g it away. "M. AND OHAS: FINNEN, Whitechurch P. 0, STRAY STEER. Strayed into the premises of the undersigded, lot 81, concession 12, East Wawanosh, on or about the middle of July, a red and whits spotted yearling , steer. Tho owner can have the same by proving rroperty, paying expenses and taking him away. JOHN REID, Wingham 1'. 0. PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER RESBYTERIP (URCH gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training., both in Staff and Tonie•Sni.Pa Notation. Open for engagements for Concerts or Church bleeting,s. Terms moderate. Apply at MRS. II. MORROW'S, 24 Minter St, Wingham TWO KINDS of CUSTOMER S. .•••••••• 1•11••••=1=121,01111411Morw WIDE AWA/CA KIND BUY mow: THE City Fruit & Confectionery Store, Because they can get goods that are right and up to the times, ANOTHER KIND ARE FAST AStOREP Etat they aro waking up to the fact that ban give them goods that will please them. Poll lines of Fruits, Oysters,Confectionerylk APPLES BY THE BARREL Agent for Parker's Dye Works, danned goods of every desoription al. ways on hand and my prices AN as low as the lovvest. Dontfovet the place, opposite the new Bak of Hamilton. " .111NVewSc Storbes Aboard No gre scot free vhiott tls note ;e131:::alYailtfailtietsi8e:silrPaf;:lf: hours the sink with not knoll were pra wsuedrdeeaurnh perate ru extremity sort to bo ntoewne,,obstiiat hours of stout hes ec ut edmneoti are eloasith which dr onoto: affirms ti lurP°8 prayersii ship's con "Did s men pay more ear these 700 sinking el evening., implore 1, ed us, as a reseuini so that fa it is in tl te,stornis a] est test of hcwoaaslvl college sg:eni tsal goodu;pesrod adrii hethreera rest as if way. fast drift: and ells.] he came come on an occas that shoo rolled he; olligustar ourh' light rtahy e4 wwaasthet vesw hushed b were dm his afas 8 e arteatrYtiv" The w tlee n eo whee t- not very j cabin pm peri: epnacsse: firte lee:aemoed flood vasaarixt :13) clothes tS that the s Several la useless. we oemrlieani: i and it t third. T splendid]; demonsti to help a thunedmeritnd htl exciterne; foolish ti Inadti e sse en and cons Neither 3 is travelli had thri unreason; all escape c n dem e' eethaIdl dmaa; exchange ewnheo juin se nrcoaamonlmettawaital that ahr begged ti is," sn ci as t faorgtoe shuct GC "Xt. 34 lieaeltr dent.i three hot body was Dome don aMnrd. Mtie e, o' offered 01 ers / has , 91et peal olthose too, 16o,raelf;')