HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-23, Page 29 at,tnu,nphllra , i,y,
oers of the 'P'atagoni were
tteent. At ties othoe of the owners
line the clerks (lid not deny the
MeV!, , but refused to give any iufnr••
Malian A,IU efforts to discover the
w!lasreaboute of the captain; of the
P ttegonia had been utteueceseful
baitherso, and the reporters had been
obliged to tone the pleasure, of cart-
dticting an interview
A little before eight that evening
the streets 'sere sprtuklsd with voci'
#rant, bops who rushed about violent•
ly proclaiming an extra with shrill but
Biot Altogether articulate annunciation
of its eeetsnts. Those who were, be•
gulled into the purchasing• of this
catchpenny read it elrcumstantial
account of the attack on the Patagonia
by a Chiues° dew, :'.Che ingenious
writer gave a tlialling'iaecouut of the
sea ht—au aceouut ‘er Well :teemed
eoutehow familiar to tliese, who had
once read Bard Cash. fee wave pretties
details ns to the crew rind i rinament
of the pirate. He set forth eueehtutly
tlitr pits see appeals of to, purser aN
the heathen Chinee removed the 21110,-
000 specie from the strong•rouut of
the Patagonia to their own light little
settle. He wait eery drenettle in hie
c1 seriptim, of the death e•f the captain
of the Pataegnoi t, whb, sn he declared,
hadbeen forded to Walk the plank—a
' deadly form of 1'odisstrian sexesreiee
,ouch in favor among Pirates, as everj-
l ody knew, This imilginativr, effort
appeared in tee Ooieret, ria new evening
journal, conducted lin'{ Mr. Martin
Terwilliger, wins) was i€4ermerly the
editor of the new Oentijeville (Cali -
fora) Gazette-Standard,?and who waw
now trying to }ntroducel, uta Beaten'
journalism the pneh and t `e go he had
found successful in the W t.
W' i o:sad the Rented
Fte,►rnar ; the eignal liege wore taken.
in. anti .s, float. Kae lattltched pu the
part side, out et sight from the Pata-
gonia, This boat provad to be *Ogg
for it Mint around the bow of the
stranger, and utet the cutter from the.
Patagonia about a quarter of a mile
ewur. A, communication watt passed
ffur our host to the other, and cnsh
pulled for' its own ship, ')n reaching
the Pet:lgonitt, the thirdt} ierr went
at Ince to the captain's room. HR
beers a settled envelope addreseesi to
the captain.. This address, 4iks the
letter within, was written, or rather
printed, ou a type -writer, The letter
was as follows
S, S,'RDere•Dev'il,”
Off the 13aukp,
April 1st, 11382.
Captain Biding,.
S S. ,•Patagoeiit,"
You havaon hoard
ill specie x100,000. I will
accept this as the ransom
of your ship. Bandit tonna,
£20,000 at time, on five
trips of your cutter. if I do
not receivethefirstinstall-
inept within fifteen min-
utes'efter you read this, 1
sllnll sink you with a shot
from my hent; true.
Yonr obedient servalit t,
Commanding Free CrtiAser
'4llare D'e i1."
As the Captain finished reading thia
peremptory letter there was a sudden
commotion oil deck, and one of the
whish held the pl'iice of boner in every
New York Newspaper the morning.
after ththearrival of the Peta};imia..
And this direut statement tree supple..
Minted by numberleee interviews. No
paper rucceedel1 in getting anything
out of auy of the officers, although one
enterprising journal laid beforeits
readers the of iter dicta of the chief
steward. Several reporterssucceeded
in capturing )Jr Cttbla J Dexter ,just
„ ... laoAe e'ter 4ha tulle petite ;got upAn tine* kis big sunburnt pa • 441
ende, inexptio tble recovery of the gold to a !]apt of gloves
il� ocean etPamers earns into pert 'Play hitn a coupieof albino and thea
Tiley were hoarded in the lower bay creep him, whispered tho father.
L a_ thorieed reporters, but neither •As the two squared off Bill acted es nee.
officers or passengers had any iuform> ward as a hay cock on stilts, but for all
ation to give. Tiley had not seven the that the dritlnmer failed to get in on him.
pirate, or hoardof him. Nor has the After a minis, and while we were wonder,
,t)atre•Devil ever been seen again as ing that Bill didn't drop, the Buffalo maze
she appeared to the anxious eye of fell ie. a heap and lay like a log. It took
the Lata'd + nia, Nor have any rn '1'e us ten minutes to bring hint to, It took ,;
orders, written
a typewriter
and him anothero
er 10 minutes to locate is stir•
as that greet operator was checking signed by Lnfitte. been served on Any rounding$ and say;
hi* trunks for Chicago, M and portedsteamer ladeu with, apeoie, Some of you boys help me over to the
in hie eventful career Mr Dexter had ('ro pis CoNTtxtll"•A.). hotel and then get a doctor to set my jaw,
himself been a reporter and he sur.
IX thought you wore going to make Bill
rendered himself to the inquisitiorn IIQLLowAT's O1NTM1t:tT AND Ps1149.— see stars, said the old man ae lie afire up.
witheut false sl'airip Never at fault, —In all irritations of I You go way, you old valiant ,
The editorials of Ole normo} pah4rg. the alpine s gree, ulcexR, bilrt3st atld Uentlexnen,listeil to hint? 4e ;, ivin ei
in Naw Yu!: were dlivoted aluelly to a sorofuloiiii enlargements of the glands,
statement of the strangeness of the Holloway's Ointment preeente a ready
robbery. Piracy on the high seas in and easy means of mire which never
the nineteenth century, and. within a disappoints the most favorable expee•
tatione, It manifests a peculiar Mower,
in restraining inflanunation, retuovtng
stagnation, cooling the heated 'blood
and checking all aenironious or ung
mud the fraudulent bankruptcy, healthy discharges. Whilst thus ache;
proceeding a piracy as bold as any in locally, the Pills are no less remark-
the record* of the Spauish Muiu,called I able for their power in improving the
its able editorial, 'A. Carnival of Cart. general e'inditiou and haeit of bogy,
leesness and Ortrne.' It suggested 1 whish venders the cores complete add
the immediate forznatio 4 of an Inter permanent. Under the general intim-
1national League for the "Patrol of the ence of the potent remedies, the puny
Ocean, ',Phis suggestion was aeoom- infant becomes the robust pita ; the stili Buck 1 If anyof the rest of you
pained by a map, and by a statistical `pale and emaciated regain colour and should feel like
of the water traf6ic.between Great I rotundity : and the •dyspeptic este But we rose and threw chairs atllinl and
Britain and the }Jilited States. ; freely without fear. drove him away.
Another a F. Mild a spa pal dispatch i �d
few hours' aail•of the Flitted States,
seemed like an anacltronisnr, One
paper, referring to 'e the sinking
of the government 4 dispatohtioat,
Olristiail iiit6il, alld a prayhlg man, ht4Vo
the oxen and cart already behind the rink
to load Bill in and take hula home to die,
I didn,t suppose Bill could knack a grass-
hopper of a poste Won't some of the rest
of you gentlemen put on the dukes, as they
call it, and slam him to hash? It's five
dollars to the slammcr.
But William waited in vain. No slam -
mer appeared, and an hour later the old
man passed on his way home and yelled,
to the oxen:
Haw, thar. Nero—gee up. Buck!
Whoa now 1 Gentlemen, I'm mighty sorry
but I was deceived in Bill myself. Stand
pap Wholesome Vegeiablea.
from Washington declani g that the
Secretary of the Navy Al oiild wait for Spinash has e, direct effed't on the kid:
f I d e '1 b f d' t the neys.
North Atlantic Squedron. A third
junior officers rushed in to report that
e oted to corporation qnadruple
err siug,and 1
the strangers had raised ;slits $leek a series of brief biographies of the
Flag. The captain stepped ":gin deck, eminent pirates of the past, with
and with his glasses easily male ont outline portraits of.Oaptaiu Kidd, as -
The accouLt of the ti trangeadventure the white skull and. crossbones •ywhiolt he sailed, and of Lafitte, the pirate of
which had befallen the Patagonia adorned the black flat: flying frolu the the Golf. A stalwart organ remarked i
printed in the New York papers of peak of the Dare -Devil. A thrill of that while pirates were at largo, ocean-,
Friday morning was more sok.er then horror ran through the excited paaseu- trave+}lieg conld no longer be considered '
the highly spiced store in IVIr. Ter- gena. Mr. Kilburn headed a depiitae safe, and added that no ph -ate would
williger.'s extra, and the1 details given tion which begged tilt. captain to dared to show his face if the . spirited.
were ampler and more exact. It surrender anything and e'very'thing for foreign policy of Senator Doolittle had
seems that the Patagonia had had an the sake of saving the livgs and liber been followed up. This alldwed its,
uneventful trip,and on Saturday after- tiee of tho passengers, A: Cablo J Indepenrtent afternoon paper to retort
uo In the passengers we're looking for Dexter who had previouslietaken the a at is Senator Doolittle had soot a
d he letter
get tet' ee.a7 6 e ore sett Ills oil 1e
ward to their arrival •early in the week. affair' as a huge juke, res. +t substitute to the war, it might be
Rebecca. Wilkinson, of Browusvelley'
�mor,q the passcewgerst were many from the Dare—Devil, and aasedthe doubted whether euro a one.arr�red Ind.. says: "I had been in a dietres:,e,
uotahi}hies—Judge G111e pte,Alt Ouble •captain if a �ingle shot wool really pirate with the gout would be afraid condition, for three years from Nervoud 66
rf Dexter,the esti: Oh}sago rata sink the Patagonia. The tttLpt4tiunests, Weakness of the Stomach, Dvspeteee 1'ilei'' ,a nntl,iu; Irk, plt)f„4 „r,lty,to
• K +, g to meet Mtn in single combat. operator, lir and Mrs I+,Iltphslet Don- answered that a single shot in the, and indigestion until my health was genet. 1 l,..t...u... beer tl.e i1I. of h ., ba,r tui the
But the afternoon papers contained I Irad been doctoriuJ constantly without
can, hiss Daisy ltustellt and h em p b nil s t relief. ,I bought ue
terprt4ing manager, 111x) Z Ki.,burt. 1
On Saturday ,ifternoon,weteo the Patti.
gonia was in latitude 45°32' and long}-
ttide 50' 28' a steamer It ve in sight
oil the pert bow. It wa a long, low,
rakish craft, all black. t had evident-
ly been waiting for the;;Pat:4gonia, for
a r milt It had time to make sure of
the 1'atngonia's identity it ran across
her course, fired a shot across her
bows, and ran up the signal Q 'H,
The common dandelion, used as greens,
is excellent for the kidneys.
Asparagus purges the blood.
Celery acts admirably on the nervous
system, and is a cure for`•vneuralgia and
Tomatoes act upon the liver.
Beets and turnips aro excellent appetiz-
Lettuce and cucumbers ars cooling in
their effect upon the system.
Onions, garlic, leeks, olives and. sll&llots,
all of which are similar, l]ossess medicinal
virtues of a marked character, stimulating
the circulatory system and promoting di-
° A Philosophical Family. +
Amelia has pimples, anti sores in the
Froin humors internal her nose has grow a
She's a boil on her neck that is big as a
But in other respects sloe is doing quite.
And pa has dyspepsia, malaria and gout,
His hands with salt -rheum are all broken
Ho is prone to rheumatic that makes his
lege swell,
But in otner respepts ho is doing quite
And ma has right -sweats and a, trouble-
some cough,
That all of our doctors can't eeetu to drive
-otl ;
She wakes every night and aoughs•quite
a spell,
But in other respects she is doing, quite
compartment t tnidships might Fink the w of more importance then this o bottle of South Arri-
ahtp, and that two or titres allots }]illnorons c+xpression of independent erica): Nervine, which done Me more• good
would do it unfailingly. Th"'said opinion. They contained the alto»'id- than any 05O worth of doctoring l ever did
Mr Dexter, you had better hand over i,ig declaration that ti ioo,000` Li, rn my life, 1 would advise every weakly
the gold. I have on en ,'ement lirperson to use this valuable and lovely rem
specie which the pirate, had taken eke:, A trial bottle' will convince you:•
Chicago on Saturdsy uta '►1111, and 1 front the Patagonia ti d beet:. returned, Warranted at Vhisholr•n's drug store.
shalt rte late for it if I hacile to smini and was now in the _je`esssesiou of the,
r:shore from here. Alt hitugtl lir • a++cots of the lin'.
Having Fun h Bill.
Dexter Berm+ed enol euougls •to jest, i lo colnliainy with the captain, the Gentlemen, said the old farmer, as he
most of the passengers were in a suite
I chief officer,. and the third officer, the cameenp.to the steps of the hotel verandah,
of. intense excitement, and this was
emelt iuttreased by th.t announcement
• is Llhe er morn t at toonthethe Piarad oiiiec of the and may the Lord forgive me rafor whgone early rm. a. Cheistian man and a pgmani
k f
which tnaaus stop ; 1 have some'lting th41t the long gun 0,1 tate upper dee a : agents of theBowling
line in Grotto. i ilio aboLtt to do.
to communicate. The firing of this the lbare••Devil had, just beret loadeid, ;
cher by the strange ship caused the and was HOW trained. on the Patap, re::. 'Jere each of the officeretold his story 1 What are you about to do? asked one of
Lvhlch was. token dawn ley a steno-:the+crowd..
snots intense ext iteinent and alarm on By this time stn ,nu, ares had elapsed;;t apla •r. As the purser was shunt tot I'm about. to ask if there is anybody
board of the Patagonia, which was not since the boat had returned, and and.' .return to rhe. dock, one of the clerks among,you. kin put on the bxin' gloves and
allayed when the meshing of the signal fierily ,t third shot front the Dare -y knookm, son Bill into the middle of ilexii.
Devil ploughed the vatic,, just ahead l we have received thti a suers for out � • y
p1 What cases 1 asked ;the purser. week.. Bill is 20 years old, and he has got,
of the Patagonia were;it eonsn tatiou of the Patagonia and third signal The 1`aBee; $nom Elul}fttx, answered aliton, to•be a, prize fighter..., I've talked
the stranger fired a second shot across I was run up, 3. L.—You lire standing the clerk. and talked, but it doesn't do go good. He
her bows, and ran up a second signal, into danger, Then the captain yield- But 1001 net expecting any nets" 1 is as sot.as a. mule, and nothing,Will change
was made known. While the officer;
P I''—I want a boat immediately. The
firing of this eecond shot increased the
o anxiety and doubt on beer•d the Pata-
gonia. The excited passengers be -
o, sought the officers to explain what this
meant. Experienced passengers, ae
euatomed to. cross the i cean twice a
t , year, declared that the firing of a shot bottom of the curter, Fortunately
e was a thing absolutely' unheard of there was only a light breez',and there
t except in time or war. There was e.n was n0 Asa on at all, only, the loi.g
, immediate discussion at to whether swell always to be ex reed off the
f war could have broken Out since the Banks. The boat pulled for')the Dare
_`- Patagonia left Livetpooi. An Irish Devil, and, as before, the ugie came
k, gentleman on board declared that these around the bow. The transfer'of the
were the first shots fired! by thenew" precious boxes was made at quickly
dynamite cruiser of the now navy of and its carefully as possible; When
of the new Irish Repub'ic. While the
n passengers were thus seeking the truth
d the captilin of the Patagonia ' had
e ordered her eogir.esslowed down. By
et this time the strange ship was barely
td a mile from them, and ill was then
as easy ,to set' many suspicious eirotim
e stances, For one thing, ;not a single
member of the crew was ;visible: To
n those with any kttowiedgeit was plain
at once that the stranger was 1leavily,
d armed, rind that the single4huge gait it
n carried at]lidshipsi easily to be seen
f from the deck of the Pat gonia, lied
e range and weight enougi to sink the
Patagonia by a single tot, The
e extreme speed of the straw r was alert
+1 apparent as it had turned, . td without
difficulty it was keeping al ad of the
Patagonia,. and at the sat distance
e front her. A deputation o he passen-
h . gore at once waited on "tit captain to
t beg him to Band a boat at ee, before
the stranger fired a third tate. The
s tea Iain had already given orders to
Ik re tet p the engines and to 1 or at heat.
The third officer took his At in this
bat and the men rushed' o
ed. The purser had already, opened fro
m 14 alifrax. was the purser's hasty i him, till somebody comes along 'and knocks,
the etrong-roo111,and the tightly sealed reply. Ihis chins off.
iron -strapped, eard-w ood hbxeta of
specie were et once carriers one, deck. There are two cases here for you. 'Wlhere�is•your son? asked theiman who
Eaeh box hold £5,000, and ei•eigl►ed aclyresserl tniyen, s they this lied. r polkl oro n in foaeplace they call the ring..
ab.,ut a hundred peruuds. Four of morning,. inti they are very heavy He'a,even blowing arouse that he's going,
them were carefully placed in the
as though they had machinery tri to open al boxing school. Connell hien, but,
theta. he think I don't know putty 1
The thoatth.t Bashed in several Andy= want someone,to put on the
minds at once that these cases alight gloves and crank his jaw?
,content infernal ntachiues intended I dew, and I'll give the exaciter $,5• Etas
to destroy the office of the line, the his. work. Do you scrap as'$they call }t.
records of the company, and the chief eTust a little—just enougli\to make your
witnesses agarnst th+ pirate, The son Bill see a thousand stare,when, he is
police were notified, and in their Pres falling. I'm feeling pretty wellythiernorn-
ing;, and I will go over and tinkle Willem
on the chin.
Good 1 The five is yours if you do it.
1 in't you a drummer?
Yes, I travel for a Buffalo house, but
that's no reason why I ean''t have some fun
with your son Bill.
Not a bit of it. Don't break his neck et
anything, but put hitt to sleek as they call
it. You know how to do it. 'Let
The drummer looked like an 'i�thlote and
from the confident smile ,on hire face we
had no doubt es his proevoss as a boxer,
The whole crowd went over to the ring,
and Bill was found mending a rip in an
old glove. He was long And lanky. Ile
had white eyebrows and A vacant oxpres-
eases he serfs for, The police of New sion in his turnip oolored oyes. A number
Yorlt now became as mysteriouses of the villagers droppod in, and pretty soon
the delegates of the Dyeatnite faction the drttmmerpicked 'up a glove and said:
had been the day before, They con• Wonder is there i!d anyone around here
case of stet•• foetid' \Lurie 1, inset nee+lee'
ire a supply of Dr, Pie tree's (aiulelre
: ilNrhr."al I)15CUY.+1'V. It '�Qlll[l 411�14::f'
, Atm -He's hill blot 1, curt' Vied atll•11t Hsps.
!,tnd cheek ma's remelt. >'i'1I "`Goltk'i:
1lerlieai Di,c,,vert " V es ,retina Dir
the itver, elern)Mts the :vote P ter•
purities. It carte I i�iirors, Ulcers,
boils, scrofnla, salt -t heel`til, erysipelas,
,tied 4111 ktUIIs of sores ,,lilt swellings.
'Thee old). 1 uareilteee blond pnritlerf
Lee's 1:r', V.)l1 rain Ayr +tit t)(lice, a
w.•elt ,nitre. clidu'r, you 'I ''''No ; T weieed.
aarkweir. to :ieal0 Balsam IA ill corona)! Gaeah.
Cold, bronchitis of Ast:lun,
A mesa w'.n i, 1.. s,'c-,•ty and wants '.
to here: in he most '.,,e ceurinanlly
ttr)ueg t•oL.;
c encs the cases were opene<k with the
tits sateen returned fo:xsec�ud load, s
the officer reported thaatt the three Wren greatest circumspection. The case
}u the gig were all"unasked, lit that were found to be almost empty, except,
be took them for.trientels of seine in one corner of each case, when*
sort, as their hands 'ititl wriits were there was a strong compartment. With
daik. Five times the cutter carried redubled care these compart:nents were
away four boxes, containing each forced open • They onntained the
£5000, and five times the gig came out 0100,000 in specie, in the original
to receive the ransom. Before the fifth tightly sealed, iren•strapped, hard
trip was completed, ttight' was falling, wood boxes, as addressed in Ragland
When the third oflietr reached the to the American consignees, whose
deck after the delivery's, of the final in. initials and numhers they bore.
atallinent of the £100,040, he tome two The police of 'Halifax were at once
sealed communications tit the caotttiu, telegraphed to; but the only infanta.
Both were printed ea if t,'ypa'writt•r, tine they conld give that the express
p charges had been paid by an unknown
doe was a: receipt . for the gold, signed
Lufitte.- The other was an order to woman, who had requested that the
the captain of the Patagonia to 'titre
on her course and to sail hack towards.
Ireland until midnight, 'viten she
might turn end proceed again to New
York. Untilnightntatleittrtlpe:ssihlelsulte+d together, and allowed
editt tobe
to seleeclearly, ytlta paeseefigers of thee• believed that they had a w
'there the hatter rested.
the I`�are+iinvil '
steaming iti their wake,apt midnight The arrival of the netet ateantar Was
precisely, Captain Priding ohauged his now awaited anxiously, to see whether
enures tend heit.lyd for N'rw York, it had been stopped also, or if at lariat
at once arriving without farther Adventure. been any trace of the pirate. Within
who can box ?
I believe my son Bill' ever there ,'does e.
leetle boxin, replied the old reran as lit hap,
paned in just then.
Does he? 1tere-e..y'ott ee sant is pitt en
the gloves?
1 don't, Meer, replied' Bill; and he slowly
Mr. Harvey Heed.
Laceyville, •t).•
Catarrh, Heart FaihAre, Pa-
ralysis of the 'throat
uY Thankgod and XIood'e Sri?'8ttet....o-
paMtlia j'or Perfect Health.'
"Gentlemen: For the benefit of suffering hu-
frailty 1 wish to state a few facts: Vol` several'
Tears I have suffered from catarrh and heart
failure, getting so bad 1 coup. not work a$3.
Could Scarcely Valk
I had a very bad spell of paralys s of the throat
some time ago, My throat seemed closed anti
1 could not swallow. The dQetors safer it
was caused by heart rallttre and gaa'lte medicine
which I took according to direet[ons, but it did
not seem to de me any good. My wife urged
mete twhaeelling mo ofMr.
dsen bSmih, o hd bei
At Death'S Door
but was entirely cured by flood's Sarsaparilla.
After talking with Mr. smith, I concluded to
try Hood's Sarsaparilla. WitenI had taken
two bottles 1 felt very much better. T have
eontlnued taithigit, and ant noW feeling exeel4
lent. Itbank fled, and
Hold's arsaparilia
and my tile for my restoration to perfect
ke ilib,» lIa tV Ev tiniest, Laoeyville, O.
*Dam's PIttS 49 hot verge, painter gripi,
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