HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-23, Page 1VOL. . XI. ---NO. 1090.
We thank you all for the liberal way
you have patronized us during the past
year and promise to do our level best to
use you well for the ensuing year,
Everybody treated alike, fairly, equally
And respeoT.fully. Wishing you the com-
pliments of the season, we are �
Yours truly,
Direct Importers.,
The Emu, Dec. 22nd, 189e,
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATnRsON. No 23, Vic-
toria street,Wingham, Ingham, Ont. 1d•o witnesses
—A "Merry C istmes" to all.
—T1 Hill has xiiixed candies 334 pounds
for 25 cents, ti
--Tlie salt blo commenced operation
on. Monday las
—Look out for
week. .
--Mr. A E. Lloy
week from a visit
Falls, etc.
Jimmy's display next
Jit B'IcliELvns.
returned home. this
Hamilton, Niagara
—Oysters mewed; fried ..or raw est 15
Rush's Maple Leaf restaurant,
—The members of nehor of Hope lodge
will btiarin mind t t a meeting of the
gw t
S e w be hal t ni lit l lila
d, rtl g ( Y )
—13e Kure von buy your Christmas Can-
dies, eta, at the Bon Ton restaurant.
E. Ruau.
e --Tho retiring pub e school trustees this
year ars'eMessrs. Ga raith,Morton, Bel --
and Clarke.
—Try the Et:144e for cheap confection-
ery. $est royal tixixed courty for 10 Dents
per onnd. ,T 0 Sretteixe.
—Mrs. D. McPhail,
1.12. Y. McLean, of the
died in Dakota, last w.
ldest sister of Mr.
eafortiz E:tposltor,
ek, shed 71 years..
1.You can'buy the cheapest Christ:nes
• candles at 1) Ensh's Meple Leaf` restaur-
„quite a downfall o snow durin;; the
past ' few days has gi n• its fairly goo
sleighing, and bnsine has greatly im-
proved in consequent
Cleaning and polishing cotupouud far
pianos, looping glasses and furniture; at.
Hodgsou's furtnter° eters. 26 cetits,I{er
W. }L Wat n, oi'the Congrega
tional Church, great eel Educational ser-
mons on the Belgra circuit of the MMIetho.
dist church, on.•Sti ay last, Bev. J. H.
Dyke taking Mr. atson's work.
—X am prepared to pay the highest dash
"pine: toren kinds of fowl, delivered to the
at my budoher shop, Powl mutat be drawn
and well dressed. Tiros F WAreu.n,
—A friend in tow received ° retroe from
1 'r unloved to
L. Jae M 1 'n to Tato e
nl�r cA i e l
Brussels, in whi Mr. McAlpine says he
Ss meeting with oa sucooss in that totyn
This Post says has lately added two new
show cases.te 1 e shop furniture. •
_..For first•etass tailoring and ()heap
gents' fueeishinns, try Webster & Co,
Remember the, place, only two doors north
os book
of the old stand and betweenIt s
store and Halsted d. Soott's bank.
No1ninut'iott or 1Mlttnioipal Council at+
school trustees vi11 be held at the town
hall on Monday Text, 26th inst., at 7.30 p..
sal. The eleoti will take place on Men.
day, January d, the poling place in ward
1. being at Jo Galley's office; hr waren 2,
fti '.lt. H. ROO Shop; in ward 3, at the
}AWit hall, a d In ward 4, at Thos Hennes'
Call an ace Hamilton's Xmas !goods.
—Chief ullard is oollcating the unpaid
taxes of 1 92,
---R Bill has Florida oranges, 30 emits
per dozen, Trioo sweet stook. '
—Last Wein sday was the shortest day
of the year,
-'L'he old reliable Star restaurant is
still tatting the Lead. .TAA McEzroaE,
lufr. T.,E, W her, butcher, has been
nu • lug a felon ring the past week.
Munebaw s still leading them all in
a watch an jewellery business.
- choicestockof new tea and dini.er
set , at McClurg's.
commenced a
ich, on Sundt)l�y
sley and Hunter „evangelists,
eries of meetings in Gelder-
-oranges, lemons, layer: raisiue, 1llalaga.
grapes and fruits of all kinds at the titer
res unlet. Jas McI i avi ,
A good t boy wanted at once, to
re the print t usiness. Apply at the
Ins office.
— Oysters served inany style at the
Tion Ton restaurant. Canned ghods of all
kind° always on hand. E. Ruse.
—Send along tl news; it is always wel-
come. When in t wn drop.in at the TIKES
office and tell us e happenings of your
—Will the gentlem that borrowed my
satchel a few mo th ago, kindly return,
and oblige, _ W T YATES,
—Remember t p,
tainment in the Con
night, (Friday.) A
ristmas tree enter-
regr7%tional churoh, to -
.and time is expect-
-R Hill is selling tine, big, fat oysters,
direct from Baltimore, for 35 ceuts per
-Sam'1. Xouhill, r al estate agent, has.
sold the dwelling ho e end lots 19 and 23
Victoria south, ow ed by Wm. Bifid, of
Binghamton, N. Y to Mr. Wm. Gannett,
blacksmith, of th' place. Mr. Gannett,
has two fine lots
-Oranges from 15 to 50ots per dozen
lemons from 20 to 40 Sts per dozen; can-
dies from 8 to dOcts ] r pound; oysters.
from 80 to 50ots pe neat at the Star
restaurant. VV___ JAs McKsavic. •
—Bro. Pelton, o e Atwood Bee,,° liras
opened a bacholor retreat in connection
with his printing Iii•.e.. The young ladies
of that thriving ace•should ask the Coun-
cil to levy a spec 1 tax on all frequenters
of the retreat 1
—Those having Wimples, blackheads,
etc., on the face an impure blood, please
call at Chisholm's rug store for a free
sample package a the D. and L. Sulphur
Loze ges.
—We are pleas d to hear that Mr. John
Fessant, son of 1M r. and Mrs. Wm. Fessant
of our town, wh four years ago, graduated
in the Oatariq oliege of Pharmacy, Tor-
onto, has recei ly received a diploma from
the college.of hal-mazy in Uncle Sam's
domain, Bost n, Mass.
-G T 11 tttains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham et 6.35 a m and 11.20 a m.
via W G alt B Division, and at 6.45 a m
and 3.60 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Go. • connections by all trains..
-On Monday las , lath inst., Martha,
beloved wife of Mr. .ioinas Cornyn, of this
place, passed pose fy11y' away, after an
illness of some dur tion, of cancer, in her
46tlf year. The funeral took plane on
Wednesc ay'ate noon, to the Wingham
cometery and.w s:very largely attended.
—It iTiil'liati 'tlie largest stook in towu
to select from, cnnfectiouery of all kinds,
orange 1, lemons, biscuits. canned geode of
all kinds,, sweet cider. Salmon, 2 cans for
25 tante, ;
•--•A-psenliar fire " occurred in Clinton a
few flays ago, whi 1 it may be well for
merchants to via note of. Tn dressing a'
,wiriclow a innnibe of handkerchiefs were
pinned around t wire of an iucendescent
light. One of t e pins calve
in contact
with file Wire nd conducted the electricity
to the linen, s hi.ch soon caused a flame.
—Look out for cbean bargains at the
Star reritaurant. It is not neeessary to
quote! prides. Call in and I will convince
you that have the cheapest and largest
aid bet stoc in town.
i e k
At the last regularmeeting of L. 0. L.
o, 7 4, held inthe
place the following offs
the ensuing year : W.
—Follow ,the
see some of his
n d 'o Muuslutw's and
g s.
—The Huron ve Stock Imuran
Associatio has cc :ed to do business,
—Ca and see t e choice new teas at low
pine t McClure'tt,
- e are sorry o hear that Mr. Jos.
Youli,ill, son of M , Samuel Y'ouhill, of this
town, to ill with plioid fever, in Winni.
--11 Hill serves oysters up it; any style,
stewed, fried, Eaw or by the glass,
--The eldest s of Rev. Dr. Cornish, of
Mitchell, and fori erly of this town, met
with a severe th ;eh not fatal accident in
Chicago, last w t,
—unfermented grape wine at McClure's
grocery for the holidays only.
— The review o he Sunday school les-
sons of the past tarter was held in the
Methodist Clair Sunday afternoon last.
It took the co se of a song service and
everything pr ent seemed to enjoy the ser-
vice much.
—A large, assortment of canned good(
and fauoy biscuits at the. Star restaurant.
—The closing . ex Ibises in connection
with the public sob. 1 took place on Thurs-
day afternoon. od programmes were
rendered. Sever of the teachers were
made the recipie sof presents at the hands
of their pupils. he schools will reopen on
the 4th of Jan • ry.
La rauce'e spectacles and eye
;skews at •'amiltou'sdrug 'store, Satis-
faction gua nteed.
—Reme ber the prayer meeting on Jan-
uary 3rd, ' from 3 to 4. p. m., under the
auspices of the local W. C. T. U. Every
woman n town and vicinity is invited to be
presen and take part in this mooting. As
the p • ce of meeting has not been decided it
will be announced later on.
•—First class oysters done up iu any
style at the Star restaurant.
J&s i1McKEavxE.
—The Canada Gazett of Saturday last
contained the followi in reference to
Militia charges in the Srd Huron Battal-
ion: No. 6 Comp ay, Exeter—Second
Lieut. Herman Le t Bhl Ings, having
left limits, his na emoved from the
list of officers of t e active militia. No. 8
Company, Got-r'e—Second Lieut. William
Hamilton Mac onald retires from the ser-
—illy stock of fancy groceries is cots-
plete. leresh Euglish peel, new nuts, lige,
dates, currants and pure spices, at Mattes'
At the last tneetiu of Caledonia Camp,
zone of ,Scotland, th following were elect-
ed officers -bearers f the ensuing* terra :
Dr J A Meldrum, liief ; Walter. Taylor,
*Chieftain ; R A G ham, Past Chief; Pev.
1 W Hughes, CI plain ; A K 0.tnierou,
Secretary; D M orlon, Financial Secre-
tary ; Jae Lout' , Treasurer; Thee Hen
derson, jr, #far al; L McLean. Standard
Bearer ; Jiis lendereon, Senior Guard ;
Hugh Hamilt u, Junior Guard.
—SATvitt)Ax NIGHT BAIWAIN 0017NTlan.—
Those who came to .sec us last Saturday
night understand what our idea of sell-
ing. cheap means. Don't miss Saturday
night at M. H. Molwnoo's.
—The annual bttsi ese meeting of the
teachers and officers f the Winghem Pres-
byterian Sunday oliool was held at the
ohurah on Thera y evening last. On
motion of Dr Mae nald and Miss Suther-
land, Mr. D. M. ordon was unanimously
re-elected Superi tendant for next year.
The other officers ere.tilso re-elected. After
the transaction routine business, refresh-
ments wort eery d by the ladies and the
meeting was br tight to a close.
—The .residence of the late John Seel',
on the corner of John and Shuter streets,
is offered for sale. The household furni-
ture will also be sold by private solo at the
residence, Terms cash for furniture,
Part of the purchase motley of the resi-
dence, tray remain on mortgage as agreed
upon. Apply to, dins .font Basin, at the
residence, or Ma Jonv Nunr,,n ns.
)range hall of this'
rs were elected for j
, A. IL Musgrove ;1
D. M., Jas. Irvine ; C ap., A. "McManus ;1
B. S., I.I. G. Lee; F S., Jas. Stewart ;
R bt.
C r i a I) of �C . o
Treas., R. Spa n�,r l
(Allan ; Sect., I. 5i, ltebi.tison ; 1st cern , ,
John Davidson; 2n corn., data. Armour;
. $rel nem., Clias, rho; 4th 'conk., Robt. 1
PXill',; 511100M., Re t. Mitchell. ,
The Methodist O'abbath Sohool �vi11
hold a musical and iterary entertainment
on Thursday even g, Dec. 29th, An ex. -
()talent program will be provided, eon -
tasting of reoitat` ns, readings, kfndorgar-
ton songs, solos, riots, class singing and
orchestral taus' , and a Christmas package
for each perso besides. Admission, infant
tnenrbers of a school, 5 cents, interned.
iate, 10 a 'ts, adults, 15 tents. Doors
open at 7. Entertainment to commence
at 8 p. nt.
Oranges, lemons, canned gouda, cou-
feotionery, ate, will be sold escheat, as the
cheapest ab P hush's Maple Leaf restaur
--Call and see Hamilton's limas goods,
—Anot a of of gold and silver framed
spectacle st• arrived et Munshaw's.
—Mr, Roe's so on against the village
of Lucknow, to rec er damages for injury
to his entire horse 'Garfield," said injury
being caused uy 1 e blowing of the corpora-
tion's waterwor whistle, was tried et the
county court at oderioh, last week. judg-
ment was rese ed.
—R 13#11 has conversation lozenges, 20.
conk per pound or 3 pounds for 50 cents.
—The veteran b • t and shoetraveler,'
Mr. Urquhart, et with . an accident in
Brussels, last w •, which detained lxini in
that town for a ew days. A rig which he
was driving came in collision
another, and 2r. Urquhart • was t •ow
out, reeeivi g a couple of severe scalp
—Now '. tl :.time to secure the bargains
in watol s clocks, jewellery, ',silverware
and viol' at Munshaw's.
Th officer of Lebanon Chapter, No,
84, Royal Arc for the ensuing, term, are:
Comp. C. Williams, 1st . principal ;
Comp. W. M sser, 2nd principal ; Comp.
J. McGuire rd principal; Comp. 3. A. Mor-
ton,Soribe ; Conip. Thos. Gregory, Scribe
N; Comp. r. Tamlyn, Treasurer; Comp. T.
Bell, pri ipal sojourner. a
— Am retiring from business. Stook
must b sold at and under cost during
Januar 1893.
Mee. R. HxunsauN.
—The cantata "The Christmas Gift"
was given in e Temperance hall, on
Tuesday even' g last, as announced, and
was fairly at nded. The children who
took part in ' done their part in an excel-
lent mann Miss Houghton deserves
credit for ving the children trained in
such a ni .ner as she lard.• Those wlio
were not resent missed a grand treat.
—Everybody welcome at MoClure's gro-
cery store to buy their. Christmas groceries.
—Next Sunday orning, in the Metho-
dist church, the Astor will preach a. Christ-
mas sermon to a young people. Let all
the young p e be out. In the evening,,
Mr. Wm. Llo so well known in town,
who has been iroaching during the past::
year in Ens aginaw, will occupy the pul-
pit. His -. uy friends in Wingham will be
glad to he • him.
— R Hill has a full stock of pipes and
cigars. Stonewall Jackson cigars.0 for
25 cents.
— The shooting seas in Ontario has
closed for alikinds, s is and conditions of
game, and as "Yen ee rabbits" are now
metamorphosed in "woodland hares" by
our game laws, here will be no excuse
from this time f ward for being found in
the woods witl a gun. So, Olean and oil
them up, and . t them away until the first
of next Septe bar enables them once more
to be brough into use.
•—"13." urauce's spectacles and eye
glasses, at amiltcu's drug store. Satis-
faction gu. an teed.
=--All persons li to see their names in a
respectable paper ike the Teems, and the
local editor is al ; ays thankful when any-
one sends in for ublication the names of
visitors to our 1 vely town, or of our citi-
zens who go a y on a visit or`otherwise.
We desire to t at all alike and as we can-
not always s nd at the station to get the
names of tray iters, we would like them
sent to the o co,
--Celery a Xoubill's. Leave your orders
et McClure's • roc - v.
Fran • GREohriONAI Uirunou,
WxNoxsAer.— W. H. , ., Pastor. Ser-
vices each and u.. and 7 p. nk.
Sabbath S 'f : ible class at 12.30.
. i
Christianc ndoavouron lyridtty evenings
in Church vestry. All made welcome,
Prayer Mooting every Wednesday
at 8 p. M. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come. Sunday, Dec mbar 25th, Morn-
ing servicer: A. C ristmas service for
yotteg peoplo;''A st nga place for a baby."
Evening subject: Genes in the life of
.Now Unciettaking and Furniture'Satan-
Mn flaunt Honosorf usa opeeed his
Furniture and Undertaking establish -
merit in the old furniture store, nearly
opposite the Queen's Hotel, Winghaui+:
and has a full stook of Furniture,
Mouldings, and Undertaking goods on
hand. Call and inspect goods and get
prices. 1 ietero Framing done promptly
and well. Special attention given to
lobbing and repairing, and guarantee all
work done. Having had long exporionoe
in the furniture land undertaking busi.
ness, I am sure I can give satisfaction.
A. splendid new hearse for hire.
Iter irri I/outaw
1 A
Cash for good butter andeggs et R A
Graham's market grocery,
—The Gospel T xnllerance meeting in
the Temperance then Sunday afternoon,
was very well att ded and the address by
the Rev, J. W, 13 1 was an excellent one.
Dr. Macdonald 'ill give an acldxdss at the
meeting to be 17 d on Sunday afternoon
next. Subject "Arguments for and
against Prohibi on, as lis finds them in the
House of Co one." Meeting to com-
mence at o'c qt, All are cordially in-
—Pillo sham holders at Hodeson's fur
nittt • "ore, for 50 cents.
-We are authorize
Al. Gordon is a Sand:
alty, and that Mr. 1
decided to run for
instead of the May
any one's name
with the L eevesh'
We have beard I
Geo, McKenzie t
didates for tits
heard of any nes
Council board f
Next -Monday
to abate that Mr. D.
ate for the Meyer-
, F. Brockenshire bas
le Deputy-Reeveship,
ratty. We do not bear
entioned in 'connection
, except R. C. Sperling,
ream. J. A. Mortop and t
untion as probable can- re
tayoralty, We. have not t�
ee i' pts for eats et th
p t s o e<I
om the different wards.
11 reveal the true state of ,px
',2 else New Teas.
Wholesale -Gordon & McIntyre are itrk a 0,13
position to supply families or societse, sh
with new teas, "at jobbers prices. Now is •
the time to secureyour teas.
—The morning
terian church, last
ed es announced,
Superintendent o
The key note of lir
on the words o
the world that he
Son." During t
Odd that love an
linund together a
purity of love wit
when justice was
rifice were also i
it was not pose
love is until a sa
the object of one's
fice. His conelud
ervices in the Presby-
unday, were conduct -
Rev J W Bell, 13 D,
the Royal Templars. pgiu^
sermon was love, based off
the verse, "God so loved lY
gave his only begotten r31.
course of his remarks he ' we
justice were inseparably Al
d that the strength and 1 r
never better shown than Itatt
satisfied. Love and sac-
tterchangeable terms and
able for one to know what
rifice had been made for vlsi
love, for love was sayri- wee
ng remarks were on the Gox
ons of love: , tow
Children iSajoy ape
the pleasant flavor, gentle action and Booth- ileus
ing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need and'
of a laxative ; and if the father -or mother 'AY'
be. costive or bilious, the most gratifying "M
results follow its use, so that itis the best tM°ur
family medicine known and Every fa-cily
should have a. bottle.
—The Rev. J. W.
tendent of the Roya
Board, western Div'
trated lecture "Sal
and State," in the
Monday evening of
•house, many havi
able to got in the
man is an bile s
the best we hay
trations with t
very hija+hly app.
He also stated .
pliers Society is
having increafed
inthelast eight ye
pertinent the gro
In the last five m
increased by 815,
per head in'that
ly not an idler; h
Tuesday night, a
day night, Lake
Clifford on Pride
county B
The following
1l passed y pa sed the
have been Awa
certificates by t
Education: Kat
man .ilia Cas
a J
Cooper, Eva
Martha En ler
g ,
Alice G Hawiti
Keefe, Nellie
Annie McGreg
11ScLeod, Annie
terfioid, Maggi
ordain, Martha
Scott, Emma
Thompson, M
Whiteside, Rol
mond, James
dry, Thomas
sol. Itamilton,
.Lawrence, A.lb
1MTitcl.eil, Jam
Richard Sntil
ell, B. D., Superin-
Templars Missionary
ion, delivered his illus -
n, vis. Citizen, Home
Temperance hall, • on
this week, to a packed
to go away not being
tall. The rev gentle-
eaker and his lecture is
ever heard. His illus-
magio lantern were
ciated by all present.
hat the Royal Tem-' Mr
gaining very rapidly, Brea
rem 2000 to over 26,00011,413:
rs. In thebenefioiary de- -
th is equally setisfaetary else i
nths the surplus has been ' We
4S.04, or equal to 83.50 Tell
ime. Mr. Bell is evident- g'� es
spoke at Kincardine on , epeak
Cranbrook on Wednes-'
1 cdi'Thursday night and p,
night of this week. - eper
r4 .Erainitations;
andidates having success- `
prescribed examinations 1 1 M
ded third-class teachers'to Do
� ;v1
Huron County Board of Y01106e Brawn, Emily 0. Bach-! Instep
, Minnie Cooper, Victoria : cut hl
idloy, Lydia CaxnpbeIl, isatatul
ary Fee, Birdie Graliarn, I put th
s, Clara Jenkins, Maggie; vii''01
Tedd, Minnie W Mackey, ` dreau
Annie . Marshall, tiara shall
ay Ouelette, lMlaggie 1?or- , way d
Bo r', ,Vet It )hal 11ieh- { "1'he"d
it'll its mi In Bertha a .of SI
r� t , er i
M. Stevenson, Vida E.1 who t
gie M. Willson, Violet V. tiny
on Dunlop, Janmes Drain.,and p
sten, William Henry Gun• morin
lmore, Edward Ilill', Ben. Aldo
ouhen W. Jewitt, lierbert atlbjel
•1 E Moore, 'William John df
McEwin, Nell Reid Smith, , Sl
Joseph Smillie, David S. ai b
S. P. Them, M. A., 1t Illa
Sea. of hoard, 'i
is ho