HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-16, Page 8Onus/ psi..7s: --Yes K - its OYerenr•ts - ft al pries --for the next two weeks. ,,.e going iso sell them cheap --the. reason—that's our business—we snow how to htiv•.-•that's ono Town—hero tea rrttirty'--waut to sell --that's another—but yr'o11 don't care about that—what you want to know is the price: -'isn't it. Well the price is=— Sive and term dollars„ ($5 and la1Q.) There eau be no doubt about it being a mighty low price. Its your gain if you accept the lucky chance—so act.atonce, Overcoats 1UMmltons•--Beau• era and Tweeds --in black--gown—blue and grey--siuglal and doublet 'have have trade* -well lined, Kilo yet ',ought your winter Overcoat, this is a seldom amine, indeed. • Element. GWarert Kaley the pleasant dam, gentle action aud Rooth• tug effeots.of iliprupot Figs, wheu in uee'x of a laxative; and if the father or mother bt costive or bilious, fire most gratif*Iiug results follow its use, so that it is the beet family medicine known and /very family slioul•l have. a bottle. Belg ThejievWRW will preach in the 1'p awanodi, on Sul `lQ l, !♦Q. Rao ; SItnshily Ito In and I;elgrltve !. Q 84. t;t'ileutiilna Educational Fund. ve• tIon,of W1f11;haltt, riyl; chnt'u1m. East day fl1or11i11�T next i11 the Rites- the 0401,111g at l behalf of life New Undertaking and 1; urnitt3r a lulstan• 1r 11 husband,, you cailralztt it;':ii;0 a ::a; ;illi .lura -I'14 'itoDGSQ:t was opc .Cd his 'Cake by buying your wife far, Xinas--, sel3aible Iiresent in oar' :Cloak 'and Val' Departntentispeeial prices for the next two weeks;. The big Men's Furnishing•Departnient is ready for you, with goods the best, with prices the lowest, and such a, bewildering variety, everything. is in your favor.. Bargain Counter is tilled with all sorts of goods; at all sorts of prices, Here at M H MoIedoo's, you getthe most thoroughly satisfying combination —the largest assortment to select •from— the . smallest price to pay—almost every- ` thing imagined for 'man, woman and Child—at prices from a few cents to litany dollars. I'ro11t by the early morning 'hours --do your shopping then --it is se >xiuch.easier—so. much more pleaeallt— than in th,e crowed afternoon's at M. H. McMinn. FTtTU A�1', D1EOE;;JB'ER 10, t1i92 4',.„ An Eatrcar ctia; ✓ PIIrYranaa; .. We insve just seen a';opy of the ester" ,Almanac of ttoutre .i It is decidedly a • hitand the public see to know i', for it is in big d,ernaudxsi Publio. Soho .1• ?F4oarc1. The regular • months meeting of the Publictit.liool Board't sheld on Tuesday evening •last. Memb :e present were, Thos Bell, .chairmen b ?,i Gordon; Thos Abraham, War ittoorr ...'Galbraith, E. ,C Clarke and 1 e141orton_ Minutes of last regular meeting and spe'ia1 meetings neve s�Q : .read. i4.oved by Thos .eheat, seeoa ded rfi ley S Galbraith,that th , inutes be adopt- ed as. corrected—Carrie/'- The principal's ofc,txeport of attendance to vember was read as foll DEPT. Wise sums. l I la 22 2: ' 25 26 3 26 . 27 4 85 39 ii 65 33 66 24 7 39 32 8 .35 44 the month of No - I public meeting evil s' Presbyterian c1uirl reran.. • AWL the f,,llo'r;tng•gehtl 51 •84 •'the meeting : 53 '4b 74 68 68 56 56 . 48 71 61 79 5il 1 urniture .and Undertaking establisi- ntent inthe'old furniture store, nearly opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingbaut, and has a full stock of Furniture, itfoul'dings, and Undertaking goods on hand, Call and inspect goods and get prices Pioture,k'ranung done promptly' and well. ; Special attention given to jobbing anti repairing, and guarantee all work done. Having lead -long experience in -the furniture and undertaking bust-: mess,I am sure I can give satisfactions splendid new hearse hire. East av nosh, A l,raush : 1f .th Upper Canada Bible i ,L'el)4 Wrib 0 1':n111ZPd its Ortiv,in Chinch, on t'i`edne;Ptiay evening, ra 411 inst. Rev J ri 1 ''•Its was hlecte,d president,,. W FI ;trdtit-., vice pie .i- deu.t, end J I,,tl' uir'';t, r;eul'etrt:•y-treas- urer. A committt , consisting of Gert Rol1erta,rn and A `'unpsou, was ep pointed, Rev 1)r Joliet, ti.e :tout of the society; was esont and deliver- ed 511 interesting ud. rt'ss.• 73oye, S The publisher of wantsa few live boy Canada to do It tittle school hours at.d tn, kind or, a -boy can tri' besides securing hires elaes time -keepers ieh The Times is givin;g to boys that as ,'st thein. Ne.dapi• tai requited. If you a • it -bt}t,lrier seu 1 your address on 1t p tar ev,rd, and learn bow -to ,get a good wa h free. Addr' sts at; twee. Tho Torouto Dates,'i'oroutsi-Ont, Isere. he T.orouto Times in each town to special work .after ui•,days. The right -e Plenty of money. lf, one of the ' tirst- • ' Btu ale . «.-The.' annual tea-urcetin; of the Pr"sbyte•rian chur t1, of this place, will be given 'by the yc: mng pwnplii of the church in therear ,ra' I-1811, on Friday, Deciethber 2.. rl. Tea ,,will, be served* troll 5 8(jj'to 7 80•-p in • like be held in •then i at 8 o e1oc_1c, When ripen Will ncldr;t'ea. v u' W" •klughr.t, Win„ harts ; Rev •14 r Pring, Blneva1w ; Dr :1Iao,ionald, M� , Winghari;,' ;All 14 (4o Rev Wihi..s, wllttechur•4h. '41'r and Mrs W I-IWil, of Winglaitn, will r.ih' inviL•'d'itnd eve wolconli'; Admits • • •.. 3ioaidsorata Feat/Ires. - Sometimes tinsightly.blotchos, pitnpletto or sallow- opaque skim, destroys the attrao'a 'Total 42. ' . 248 489 416 'T > inc liar's report leo' stated thatthe frlaeter on the walls •o • the 'hall 'needed re- pairing. "Moved by D 1 Gordon, seconded b Wm Amire, that £ be adopted and that t be referredIto the Ma --Carried. Moved b ed by Wm Moore, th 'Chairman be instruct •tYLe payment of the t 'sine eohool, for the In Whenever the priuci they hare concluded year, they be paid member—Carried. seconded. byD M Cil ing accounts be pe supplies, 32.25 ; Blas for 1891 end 1892, $ Co, repairs to i Morton, supplies, $1 it�1, "Gordan, seconded the school open or, stead of the 8rd Abraham, strangle Mr A Irwin befu.gi day daring Miss )$ . tied. Moved by T It M Gordon, that jaunt—Carried. Cot g atixftes. ,. 9.' be weekly latnpfro and premium sth C1onsetVsitiYt pme rtbete,r£ the House of principal'e report e recommendations a gement'admmittee, MGordon second the Secretary and d to issue orders for ohms and officers of th of November an; I shall certify thaa't their work the or the month of De ovedby*Wm Moor:, don, that the follow. Friendship & Co, Cline & Co, supplies 67 ; Jas Murray fnower, $1.25 ; J 5, ),'loved by 1) M Thos Abraham, that e 41h of January, in. arried, Moved by ,a' by A Galbraith, that $1.60 for teaching ane Intyre'6 illness --Cary bralianl, oeconded by he bberfnlb now ad- The annual meowU (late, ttF ADfh1Nx Cil ruin be j.flMX, wilITI:C;iltitO11, Saturday, D.i0oem at 1 o'clock, when the dn. code a14. Pine tors elected and other macs, t a Patrons, Shareholders al cordially invited to attend. J , tl, SINIPSON, Secretary. ....._. ,_ �_ - .. �- ., _ Especial attention Ise:Wed to our lady's cold 9111cd Dneber case warranted for 15 years, wathr.elther E• IW. H. WALLAC the WIIITF:CIIIM011 In the FO1tIe,3TF.RS' 17th, ,8$2, ear' ed, All others Were ted are WATCHTVIAKL'3"'t. AND JEWELLER, AA f�. ,r�I�I T�vr FOR �e �y � will offer i��y {ry' rn,DAYS BA �,.Ji AINS FOR .L,H.A.:A .[. F EXT 30- 1 WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELLERY, M,. SILVERWARE and MUSICAL INSTRUgEN h NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ilamtrdc'1i, 'Want= or Elgin movement, ler$lt•7ii, OF THC LATE MIX BONE, BOYS' 1WA. EC.IIES PEON $4 IIT1WARDS, .11 'AHOY GOODS. Notice is 1101013 glean, pursuant to the previsions , Of the Stylised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, and amendments , thereto, that all .creditors and others having clal^•savainst rho estate of the late John County of Huron, Yeoman, who died intestate, oft Call in and inspect goods. . Bone, of the Township of East 11'awanosh, In the lao.0tugams f or about the 3rit day of October, 1805, are required Stand—Next door to the Poet Oilloe. on or about the 15t1 tiay of January, 1803, to dellvol° or Kill by post prepaid to Moira Garrcw 6 Proud. foot of the Town or uo li'rich, to the County of It,tr'ii.:,l,Lnwr, Lir mar} I i i tI.odltrnli:ittatrl:! their n.tnles and attdresies and. Cull particulars of ,their claims, with the vouchers upon which they ,are drawer, and • that after the day last mentioned The •Adniinistrattix will proceed to distribute the assets ,of said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having .'regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above requlrtd, andthe said Administratris willaiotb1 liable- for the assets to any person of whose claim notice Shall not bavaboen' received by her at the time of Filch distribution, GAUS,OW At Pft0UDFOOT, Soiici'tors for the said ndministratilx, Dated at GOderleh, the 23rd day of Noyenber, 1802. : SUBSCRIBERS. All parties who have not pad for the 'tTIJflaB'•' tor .the years 1891 and 1892 are requested to re- mit the amdun,it at once,, - We ueed • money and hope this notice will 'be sufficient, and elms a general 'response will be the result. R. ELLIOTT. AUCTION `' SALE VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY 0 The property of the late• William F. ybaers, being the south halves of lets seven end tight,, in the first concession+of thoaea'rtship' of 11brris, in the county of Huron, will be offered for sale by pu,lie auction at the Branit•ricit,It0use, in titre town of winchalu, on Wednes ay, iSth. Januar , 1.893, at 2 0' ock hi the afternoons. For further'pat'tteu- 1ais- a larg-e•bilis or apply to• • It. VANSTt1I" 8, VondOt'e•Solicitor, il'ingltal0.- Dated at t1'ia;.ghanr, 15th December,1SQ2. .:STRAY STEER. Strayed into tbepremises of Wm. aud Chas.Pinnen• lot 32, conce,stou 12, 3 ant Nurvanosh,-,a r0afesteer, two years c1.3', on or about tits 1st of October. Owner can haver the swine by ptothig property„par- lag expenses o"d tahirg it away. WM. AND CHAS F1 NEN, • Whitechurch P.O. STRAY STEER, 5tra}'od into ^helirainises of the( ttudersi„dedr„lot 1 cone0ssintr 15 f est W'aw mesh, 00 n abontsthis nlddie of Jl .s reel and white spott.d yeartiiig steer. The mere can have the same by provitw pro rty, s y inte.axponses and tr i`in:• him ar:ay, JOKN 11,EI0, -r.• Wiirgr am P., Ot.• ��rw 14 PRINTING, : • TNCLUi)7.N(x thioli,s, Pamphtrtse ,. Teeters, 5311' Heads, Circu'Wtrs, ke.,.S,c:, t.xeoutnit•,i,i the treats style of the art, at moderate priros, at&en short notice. Applv or address R. 'ELLIOTT, - 'I'rY$s Office; Winghana s and 1•ir'S ('xreceyr, Iso take part.. Ali yone will be [natio. ;n 25 cents. tiveness 01 handsome features. In ..ea Buell cases Seott'eElbatilsion will build up the system... end .impart fres`llness ttadt beauty. • BOR.. . ra— Turn en Deceinber' Hoar Ips pry, 12th, the•• wife of Mr ati MAR ShayTr,R �"toe,w December 8th, ley t D, Mr Wm Salter, o Miss Frances E da C'oper, of this plat. MoNnvin—ENG at the residence of the Rev S Sellery,. Nevin, to Miss Man of Winghane. eat Howie; a BOM. Fit Wingham, cox e Rev S Sellery,13 East Wawangsh, tai gaster et Mr. John p—Qlxr the Ytb bast, e bride's father, :8y D, :41r John .1tIe Janet England, boil)) SVIItiG1-BAiV1 karttIcETS, Weetanirt, December 15,1892 Corrected by P. Deans, l"roduce'Dea10r. Flour per 100'1he, • ;F 2 00 to Fall Wheat per bushel,, 60 to spring OMB. • Barley Peas, Butter, tub do liens, Eggs per doe Wood per cord, nay per ten, Potatoes, Chickens, ' Ducks Turkeys Geese 67 to 26 to 30 to 60 to 17 10 17 to 16 to' 1 76 to, b 60 to, 40 to 25 to SO. to 8t to Q' to 'PROF.• SCOTT,; MUSICAL LEM1ER PRESBYTERIM. CHUM gives Private Lemons in Vocal Tralnins.g.beth• 171 Staff' and Tonio Sol-F0ulSotation. Open tor:eniragements' for Concerts or Chareb meetings. Tertae moderato.. Apply ata. 'MRS. II. manors, 24 Shu terrSt, Wingkeam TWO KINDS, OF U TOM . S. wrOT8 mutate HIND BUY T'RONL THE } all City Filxit & Confe rater Store,. Because they can get goods that are right Anel up tot the timers. ANOTHER KIND ARH 68 26 3661' 17 2 00 7 00 50 60 Cp nrnons .and the Times from now till the rJ of 1898--$1'.75. iIOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE weekly Globe and '.1 nea8 front now 6 6 the end of 1893—$1.75, Tho undersigned has for sole on Lot 10, Con, 4, et "terniliou Advertiser, weekly guff rurnberry, tour thoroughbred Milstein bulla. tante. as from now till the end of 1898.4/.diit ani ;oi are ati Kmonths it niarkei sod erctr;tt0ted shelve `�1iio the '1'ise Loudon Free Prose, weekly snd Canadian herd Bonk, They will be told Cheap and 1Tttum item now till cud of 1803•- O on easy terns to sett purchasers. The Montreal Weekly Herald .$ the EIAs IMAIOT, • s from doffs' till end of 1893 50. ' Breeder et ldoletefn cattle, me Montreal Witness, weekly. 6.4a Touts eht vale. tlntt naw till the end, 1893—$1,75,•, 'a (weed. rates with all other toetro C3O'i 1`t'T'V T'`CT1 I B TO TtOAI "e tion weeklies. 'This is a+grand oppor• the to urs,. at Cultivattd Farm, Interest tilt y- Subscribe at 0bc6 tout receive the per t, payable xnnunfy, Anv portion of the Asi llitiettum of the year free. prinog d the "Fatally Heraldand Witt, .. at ttigy berepitd tit' ani time the borrower The T1ine.% ati °r AU 'expen0ct pard by the County. No Weekly Star” and the Star Almanac, from/ 'Orson eiccopithe County Auditors allowed to tet sustil the let of ;,axtinety 1804. for m0rlytYed or to know to whom'1 K.11OY.ti1f nod, la* rrtehc bar,.6t1i 1862. Co. rrdaettrcr } 17. VAST ASI.Et P Bob they aro waking tap to the foot that I clan give them goods that will 1410E80 tlierif. Full lines of Fruits, Oysters,Confectionery,&ca APPLES BY THE BARREL. W. H. WALLACE. En KING Big drives in DRESS.GOODS Big drives in .,. 10 B3ig drives- in 9 Also, in many other lines. Ask those who have bought ' its to their va1u- .� A ea, I solicited. ited. a.w FURNITURE • DELIVERED FREE. Netot:ly canlvou liar Parlor an& Bedroom' Suites, S deboardsi. Lounges, Brattrasseo, Chairs Txble$,: ire„ olio, „hut when boughtin•gtiantitibs•they will be dt:livered and set up itt your houses free, anywhere within 10 milts of Wingliam PORTRAIT' ENLARGE ETS . I hate inade arr•enbemebts witit 000 01 the beat artists in the Dontlinod tot d09135 Portrait+ •Eizlirg's,• .�+. c menta (:ny size) in trim#.fetish,. Indic/411k and water Colors I`•hfbre•g<isiinh! YAW, order to anyonete. suoh call at ray smote, sed erimptes• and get prices for the very best. ,PICTURN UR•••t s R.CAM 7'.73". All ot}:lee'andsizes•ofspibtureand Wreath • Frames. snadb•tu•ot'd ag 'Lots of 110oitltlimgetea elhoost+front. , UNDERTAKING AKINGi iotuithttanding r'il'tfic. oppoait5bn,iti shisdtne,.I a,b.ebiif`liaterlu Wit,gllaiwptepared to alio been doircg,.fortli0 past tun years._ ,• . `�, at May 1S, 1850 > have U1111001s24 tsrand+ Nrternibtare: Dealer W1.NQ f,AM MARBLE WORKS. Z MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS., of Iiaahcardihe ham bouglltctita•Marhle Busfhess.oftMrrti1 Wataonl, f tuners •esertied on by W Smyth, . ,. Partite requifibgeworik ih.ifleirnnewir7ldo•rtoi2h} oaJlbh4 on them oit seef'ati atm of their agents betort purchasitig. You,willilittclf our prices aro away down:, Oma'' 'orkmanafl*s is unsarpgiassed. We will use none. but the -very -bot -steak and bp square dentine hope•toiseeusts a Hoorah share of ale: public patrotia te. Mr T Watson„who-has lreoierunning the busitloss.fon.bile•poedyear, wilt re eesent.nrs on the road. Callrani,see oun-stoak.andtprices. ” VANSTONE 13R0S. e popultqr Booat o ..: IS HEADQUARTERS Volt ' Chi'istmas,_Presents! A large stock of Cl brats Cas Goods has just been received, suitable for all parties, old oi' young.,, consisting of TOYS, PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP. ALBUMS, WRITING DESK. TOILET SETS, PLUSH 0001)S, CIIIINA V ASE S, XMA$` CARDS;. LA DIES COMPANIONS (in plush of wood), VIOLINS, MOUTH. ORGANS, CELLULOID MOUTH. OR.OAN S, TOY BOOKS, HAND SLEIGHS, PORRIDGE r ,.SETS, BLANK NOTES, BIBLES, I`ANCT MIRRORS (hand painted). it r h tt Tl 01 e! • t A Large . Assortment of ANNUALS, Consisting of Leisure flours, Sunday at tiottne, Nye' Otyu« bio,, 4e. I have a larger stock this year than ever before and desire the public to call and see it, before pllrchavintt "elsewhere, as it is no troubles to show goods, Agent for Park'er'e nye Works. ” ! VICES AS LOW AS TM LbW'.n s1'. p *10140 thanddand my prictso ora log• ' Ratnefnlrel> the I'.lttce-�•1 t3(i Josephine street, VC�irlgbtrrn, as the lowest. + e Pont forget Mb place, opposite the stew "gin s+ Blink of liatnrltoti. ROBT. HILL. et>11lr,arnY, 1 Agent for Doinin on Ext Coronary and 0. x`,11;, Telegraph