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Wingham Times, 1892-12-16, Page 7
it T y Jay Gon'ad's Wlielth, New Yard, Dec. ,2.—Jay Gcu1d, who died here yesterday, wa;, one of the wealthiest men in the tlountry, No two estimates agree as to the am- ount of Mr (ould'e fortune, Tips most conservative figures place It et about $60,00,000, while some people in Wall street who think they know something shoat his iMenmuleitions figure that he must have gotten togeth er fully . $100,000,000, ails known holdings in seteuriraties are about as follows ;—$22,000,00ti par value of Western Union Telegraph, which at to -say's figures would fetes about $18,000,000 ; $10,000,000 par value of Missouri Pacific which is now worth in the market $5.500,000, He is sup- posed to bold in the neighborhood cf $8,000,000, prohablh mare, of Man- hattan Railway, worth $10,400,000. LB'xcellent informatme in that he holds about one third of the hands issued on the Missouri Pacilie ,system, which would be about $80,Ot10,000, Bis estate holds about $12,000,000 of Wabash Railroad stock which shows a loss of between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000. Aa long ago ria 1884 Mr Gould was know -n to hold about 0,000,000 of first•class railway Lands upon roads other than those controled or innuag'ed by him. itis holdings'of Union ' Pacific and Kansas Pacific bonds, which have never been stated must be large, but it is not believed that he owned of lasts years nlucli, if any, Union Pacific stuck. , From the foregoing figures, which are approximately correct, it is easy to 8gurt' up in rhe neighborhood of $75,- 000,000. Of I.,te ,year,; his fortune has, increased ropily, owing to the enormous holdings of Western Union and llanhattaui stock, to Fay nothing of hie iuvestmebts in bonds. His in- come from these three eeurCvs alone oanuot have fallen cruder $3,000,000 a year, stud hoe probably exceeded that aln5aunt. Tips Vor %Webers, Never brag of your'owu education, ,1\ ever try to undermine your fellow teachers. Never exalt yourself in the prreenct r of members of hoard, Never speak against a predecessor's luethode in the presence of pupils. Never WI the pariinta that their children are very intelligent when they are not. Never try to make 'parents believe that their children Have the beat net- urx1 talents if tlit'y have not. Public Selro0 trustees, Bever em- ploy a teacher merely because lie is re- lated to one or store 'limbers of the board. Neer r employ a teacher merely be- cause he agrees with you iu politics. Never tell a teacher of his faults in presence of the people. Pay your teacher enough. Relit - ember that ti,e, laborer is .worthy of. hie hire. • T«aerli'rs and 1'rlisteee he honest, far yotir dishonesty will never make your life encsessful The Cause of liShounratism. An acid which exists in sour milk and cider, called lactic acid, is believed by physioitins to be the cause of rheumatism. Accumulating hi the blood, it attacks the fibrous tissues in the joints, and causes agonizing pains. What is needed is a remedy to neutralize the acid, and to so invigorate the kidneys n.ni liver that all waste will he carried off. Hood's Sarsa- parilla iii heartily recommended by many whom it has cured of rheumatism. It possesses just the desires' qualities, and so thoroughly purifies the blond as tit prevent occurrence of rheumatic attacks. We suggest a trial of .Hood's Sarsaparilla by all who suffer from rheumatism. Nirortll its weight in gold—A double eagle. Why is a boy having itis tars boxed like a prisoner in i ous:eles 1 Because he is hand -cuffed. Fagged Sn TI -IAT tired, wore: - out feeling, stf which so many women complain afto: a day's washing, 1e done away with by those who use that groat Labor e e o Saving +% Patent medicines differ—One has reasonableness, another hoe not. One has reputation—another has not, One has coutidenee,born of success--auotlier has only "!lopes." .Don't take it fs,rgranted that all patient Medicines for. alike They are not. Let the years of • uninterrupted success and the tens of thousands of cured and happy men andwomen, plaae Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr: Pierce's Favorite Prescription on the side of the com- parison to which they belong. And there hut't a state or territory, no — nor hardly, acountry- in the world, whether its people realize it er not, but have. men and wemen in the that're happier because of their dis- covery and their effects. Think of this iu health. Thick o it .iu sickness. And then thin whether you ettu afford to make th trial if the makers 'Can afford to tae the risk to give your looney back, a they do, it they do not benefit or our yeti. • 'Midi nachos thepirt drop out Without Hard Rubbing Without Soiling Without Washing' Powders Try the easy, clean and economical way—the SLlll��ii�1�g 6 y of Washing, and ll �T Wo.y you will not be dis• appointed, f5illrtLIGJIT SOAP having no equal for ltu3ty,yon may waited*. oornfott and delight for every household outposts, 0 0 11 d WORKS: Pr. suNL10HT Leven Hires,, Loots° Niton luloifi NHtMti ' °twyanNTA • For, Swellings and Fellona. G LNT:LEMEN,t y —Mlittle girt, aged 3 had a large swelling on the ueck. used Flagyard's Yellow Oil ou it and it dis appeared ru a short time. It also cured t felon I was troubled with. ]fns. 0 E. \VENnOYER, Maude, Man. Worku,atr on the tramp (to party o gent161nen playing at 0,400,)—Pleas grntivureu, a poor traveller humid; ,begs for a night's lodgings. (Th silts of two marks is collected an handed to the tramp). Perhaps gens' men, you will let rue take a hand wit. you Proved Beyond Dispute. No one How doubts that Burdock Bloo Bitters will cure dyspepsia, biliousuesi constipation, headache or bad blood. Th proof is so thorough and overwhelmin that the doctors have been silenced and B B secured in its place as the best pur fyiug tonic and regulator extant. B1iYON HOLT, Princeton, Out. He Had Registered. Mr. Smith, as an English travels arrived one et•euiug at a hotel in Au tria. On,thia way he had picked up smart German aid hired, him as ll servant, In Austria everyone stayin at a hotel is obliged to register la name and occupation in, a look he for police inspection,so Mr. Smith tot his se'rv'ant to bring the book tar hi to write in. - 1 have already registered milord ran Enttlish ntntlNusan of independe means; said Fritz. But 1 never told you my ixatne. s how do yon know what it is ? I copied it from milord's portant teau, said Fritz. Why, it isn't on tray portmanteat cried Mi.. Smith, Bring the'book an la•t Inc see what yeti have put down. Tile book wee brought, and i i Smith, to his amusement, discovere that his clever servant had describe him thus Monsieur Warranted Solid Loather A Ian ,�tiii leaving a lloepital, wrote o,>'friend : ].tiy�eve Kinn kon- find to fa bedd by a eic spot. Snell a spell as! that ought to cause 4 lean to 'be oou(tjted somewhere. RUM/10218X CURED INA DAx.^South. American ,Rheumatic Cure of Bhournatistn and Neuralgia radically aures in f to 3 days. Its action upon the systeixm is re• markable and mysterious. It reproves at once the cause of the disease nuinediatoly disappears. The first dose greatly bene- fits. 75 ceuts. Wsrrauted at Chisholrn's drug store. What a pity it is that so twiny nice young mon are so poor I amid Unchle James to his lovely and witty niece. Yes, she demusely replied ; so awful poor that they can't even pity their addresses. m f k e s• is is nt n• 7 15} rCURES Y . '''''.e' btet..l Ru For ing or For And DRUG over indulgence Drinking it is a in Eat- Specific Ont. Sale by All Druggists Wholesale by LONDON CO., London HALST Josephine- J. Deposits Money On or at parts Special 1 1 Agents t f D -i d 3, e /3- i L., , d ' o t, d r, d a,..,:, D irFR--.]] SCOTT IR, - Wirham, S_ Ont, Scars, Listowel. Interest and notes bought all charges. to Col - Notes. Davis nt. Agent. A, HALSTRO,J.. long collateral a fair of Office ' Street - W. Mount Forost.�I Received and allowed. Advanced to Farmers Business Men, or short time, on eaidorsed`` security. Salo notes valuation. Money rernitted•to Canada at reasonable Attention Given Accounts and 111 Canada—Tho Merchants' of pomade, Hours—From 9 a. nr. to 5 p. A. E. SMITH, n DR0 WOODS J f ) Yr J 4a/yrs :T 4 Norway Pinel Syrup. - Rich in the lung -healing virtues ofthe Pine •taloned with the soothing and expectorant c4.zties of other pectoral herbs and barks di �ERr=ECT CURE FOR t: t: Fe. cps, �' AND' COLDS . ' .. .rseaoss, Asthma, Bronchitis, SoreThroat, alt• and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and :.;r° VG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which • i ;:art other remedies yield promptly to this , Eicasat:t piny syrup. r"RFCE 2OCr AND COO. PER COTTL.E.. 1, SOLD. WY nLL DRYOGtBTS* t t, (- Cl 0 ' yi f: cs ! ;:i, c,' 45 t•:: . i;, t;. ',• t' HAVE Dpt I•NEYsK P.LLSs a,; LL SURE tl rz r.... "Bac koohe mems the kid- r, v ys are in trouble.. Dodd's kidney Pills give promppt relief." "75 per cent. of disease is first caused by disordered kid- nee's. "Might as well try to have a h ea It h y ,,city without sewer Age, as, good heolth when the Nidneys are 'leed, they are gg YOU _ a D'SDD:, YOU. k the scavengers of, the system. Delay is dangerous. Neg- leeted kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspeppsia, Liner Complaint, and. the most den- gerous of ail, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." "The above diseases cannot exist where d Dodd's Kidner c Pills are used' There is one piing, said Ada to An- geline, that is perfectly sure proven Iti've of had dreams. What is that') eagerly asked Angeline. Sleep] OAS., Soaps ityplied the'provolting Ada. r ly sill dealers or sent by mailon receipt • Ire so cets. per,bex or six for $s.5o. A. Smith 3; Co. Toronto. Write toe 11 LURES ERE AU. lt`•E rets. !lest Cough eyrtin. 'l a tas (Wm!. t;, In time`Sold by aril • tilts n r, ©N S�,V,•ti!r'.i TRADE SE To Genova Merchants and iloot and ,Shoe .Stereo. In connection with, pay Leather Business I keep pall stock of 1latliawav, Eclipse, f31 R DRESSING, Whitmore's, Ganoni, French Pressing, y's, Perfect laid, oto, in 10, 15 and 250 sues, ing bya reGea'orss car dozen, . Jacquot's French t 's olianex waterproof, Iliaek �1 r ' C :.ICJ. S 7' lu Leather Horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, 60.Cotton and Rifle, in alt lengths. Button fasteners and setts, cork 80158, bre, SHOE �Ii;dKld l Hd'JR, Simon Aline, bel and 111 GRA Mezeonia Kip and Calf 1 also native kip ud upper. Spanish and slaughter sols. HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands on hand in oak and hemlock, Specie stock for traces.in.oalt, Patronage semi tee. Prices guaranteed. Apostal card will secure quotations ora call from my travel- ler, 'Al. J. CHAPMAN, Tanner and Leather Merchant, slit WINsrr ex Tl141; TADL.14, LeA 2'raiTI8Ioe arrive and depart ss follow, : 5 86 a, 1nFor Toronto zooi1.ln e • 8:00 p, sal Per • Teesatater 10:56` p. au A. 0, STItATIIDE14, AOa6NT, WIN Through tickets to all points !n Anis i West, Paottle Coast, etc., vle the ahortatlt. t popular rotates. Baggage checked t i destrnnttor., Lowest freight rates to all I - —TIME TABLE.- BLE.--- 1 r,SA�'S wiSGIJAM. Ani'$ tAT WI U•ii a.m..Toronto,Guolph,Palmcraton, sm. S: 11:20 10• 3:60 p In. " '' Cltntorat u 7:15 , ,...., Palmerston, Mixed i0: 0:45 ave........... Loudon lee., , 11:t 3:50 p.m. " 7:5 11:20a.m.,...... ifincardlbc,Ro .. .,eel 3:37 pm ' 11: 10.02 i' 7: Scientific Amer Agency for CAVEATS TRADE MAR DESIGN PATE COPYRIGHTS, �MUNN Information 861 Baono A• NEryr (O Oldest bureau for securing patents in Ara? Every patent taken out by us le brought be the public by a notice given free of charge. gfieatz£xr Attu* Largest circulation of any scientific paper in mandsho should be Splendidly illustrated. _year; 81.60 els months. Address MUNN Qi licanzenroS. 561.Broadway, New York. *71OR THE BEST VALUE j.; 11 1N ORDERED CLOTHING TO BSTIt'S ly {i ,l HATS,`?',, } CAPS, SH RTS,. COLLARS, ' CUFF 3, Cheap for KASF, WEB S i .1-E 1 l,. r Sttires, Stoves, Stove All intending purchasers of 'Stoves for th winter will save money by buying 4.0m ATDs. SUT .L. S Having bought a very large v`riety of . 1 HEATING AND COOK to choose from Every stove guaranteed against breakage a to give complete satisfaction, to. SUTHERLAND. Win flail, Odater Bib Mi.