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Wingham Times, 1892-12-16, Page 5
1 My heart ,ie ,in ithe ediaise Vlore with .And l innet;pause till .it eadten back; . otr, WO. ti 4 i 1,1 WIT DAR Tz®zxs, ,-lest~ Mo wltray re,, 1 e (Jwear, and you catn'understandl • felt wi1esa •told that my olct, a �I he isa'rtat'reinitins it„.td been laid God's acrewa • mile • or so Irani' tiara Villageto •,wJ.lieli -be •tturve the na4ne. ;l Olds Wliil;eeliaaroh, ,airs tiles tcotiia a w.hrreo. tJ: , 1 CW it b1 'feceing it i • it ti have fp pent sit•'tsan'y '10a1.00y• hDltr4 10134 aS.C.,i,$* .+r 7 _,Ya. 15,F330Dtt 4t. S reMark. the'• ve rahle� Couple. ,`C a r pew would. g?2%-s .'.o.)7,, ,f';4 'rhe empty on •Glee• evening of•WednesdAy last, ,wilien4Dr,llifeffatt ,with his Ilona! vim .urged the .Claims •f• the society, wlloselkiterest8 Ale has ,so Gnueh.kt heart, :.He ,who • 1188 ,iltaft -us needs neithert,tractuter bible, but enjoys -a ,more•divi!lecligi t than•+Yves the bi tlI ,Can . give, „Am old frietw.dli tells rte.11is �", • end -was •peace, tBalaai<la .prayed that Iie.n►ight,die the death rsit:the righteoaas; ourp ,i 1d rlrieuill lived dtbel life of. the righteouo,,,hisiiatter endwrras peaco,atd ...now enjoys the.,reward ,ref a righteous; life. :11-0 vVetlFl tillorn t in the vilisge.of ,Elariekle, t parish of:Walton, and rtllitz fathesr4,tvaaai3l easy azcircunistanees t•he•was alblu tctlive,ihis,een.a.•plaitr,but : ? , sound eiiiucatin %whruh stood hits in 4good steaa,'whepilie . sated •postmaster r,oE,the yi�#tabe. .wile told etnlethat: from 4sar1y boyhood ate gwas esbnund toibena '' 3nitelianic„ and ,•eo :the .eerve,d his 1typ, i.prenticeeitip :,as a ccarpielter iin talo village of..C1acnwaatll. (1,:c {process of time, lie teat tttrEclitiburgh, wllertabe t spent a year getting up .,a working: nifaodel of Jiscottlrltscsoa'l,unfei,t. Mr,Rent,p the architect, •was,his, curtain, and had Already wen:a htgl4place,ie the.Temp4,e• •the Aghhast::lt8Cindforerwe Lb implies J l4 L ttC Of Pt:se 1`forvro,G'tevlri Cod Liver ilia;tlt,:Z nl'JotgsftiosMilitos 11111 ,.trip a Coor,h, r:ure a Cold, and' check7,ZtonStlmptifsn i -i Its d1rlier stages as N'reThcs:• ail forms ofr'Wasting Diseases, `Scr>Rtc. and D1ron�IAAlis, it is almost 3 ,<s palate O res rtalZ? I Prepared only by$con&t Boone, Belleville, 4 5�..sun .•.lala.m.amarei :ARfOR SERVICE IThe,.nsi6 /signed nvillittrep for service o,t(theS proinh;ee,, Earle I.ot, 40, Wit:Wham Town Plot, a Chcs ' ter WhitrfA"iaar, •Terme-.AG�conts at time of servfor• with pri r• i go,ot returulag ter $1.25 at not so paid ,'.Snit. CAIWB$LL, Proarietor, S i .'! g e "1 SMA.il..�'ii HARNESS• COLLARS, am .lr eviarejdnto furnish -r et a publ a Iarnes Business. and withc ev tltiug usuallyurted in kept lli it stand.ha harness shop such asp >kl 4V.V .; LIG-fiat Find :l.'XtAOIK. If'•AR•14"l' SS, •N•E 1•S, :DUSTERS, W HIPS, CURRY 00111.8S, L'RUS-14.ES, SWEAT 0OLLAR.S, TRUNKS, VALISES and T1i,AVELLIN( RAGS, kc., tCc, make all my owls (�.�t'ilatrs and guarantee satisfaction.. ,'Give tno'a'tria1*ud I will use you ritilt. PATTER WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER,T dalitt ra 1"have. just received c frill supply of Christmas goods, cnusisting•of WA.HES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. BIG 'BARGAINS •:rro , Now Till Christmas. All goodi bo iglit for cash and we.. cln sell as cheap at the cheapest and Cheaper. • Berliiitaan i Pronq,tly Done and Satisfaction ' Guaranteed j G •vo me a call. M. PATTERSON, WANTED. r� xo sal.nr aurexoelled ',Nursery Stock, ,.'_ -,y • IT WILL .einpNiyr;etil•,end •control •of the, territory. Hard' soars, Liberal PAY YOU BEST . • .,ofentine, Ahern. i•n.,vanoudl ►•laky•1soLir,,,Iiei CHASM i3R'OTHERS CO., ,stumbled into .the.osaual basinanti %astir, Colhorre,Oa '.+drawned. lt,cnoiKment .vasa ;got up,.to' ;give, lura ft FILl1410 ftW4eritl, and to do-: f halt his i;ody inn 's .•saypt ;beneath; tlte.monunlent:, that ,tiliraele,in atone.i ia:ust as the,ino,u:rnrs .were.in waiting gsn.,and arouwd•,the bzumble•dwelling lar: Morningside, word owes -brought that, ctkle burial was3•interdioted,::andi,thus ,happened thatithe lsedy forsud•a rest .','esOuist a picture, "A Yazd of Pansies," =ing:,placeinob;e,oftllennanyt meteries„I,was,painted by the sane noted artist sin,the outskirts of the ,city, All ititt-i ..who dicl:tile"Roses.” Iifis the same size muse crowd was ready to ta:eceive the: f,Y2u•eell, in 1t tn47lser h=allttity;„thea 00, casinn,•when a -scaffolding ;guess with, and I k a r disaster d za el iw e 1 G1t d . Mrs - w 17ti, t. p 1Y:ovrbray and a child mitde:,a ,narrow escape. Work was be'foiretthein is the if artists of Canada, where a shanty had to 'be run tip, and the ee,aplc, then at theirtbsst, had to talin their ,share in ;orocGtua school and church.. Wil tt. linfraue.W. White hurch•• ,MHasrs Alex and Neil ]3,itiloul, of Thirster, Dakota, are vi4t,ing /friends in. this-vicinity;—t,6'l1e Good Ti•,ttplart, of tia,is,p•uce, held in very •ruo.cossfrtl concent .on Mondety night. A very long and well ;selected programme was prepo;l'tteci by the local talent, assisted by several outsiders, ,and at a Tante lour the audience disporaed well ;pleased with the -evening's pea•fortnaxce. /The Good Templars' en tertaiaament in the Foresters' hg1, on Monday' evening, was a grand success. line hall wiser torowded to its utmost 4iiniits. The meeting was presided over ley •bhe Rev W 'fdr(„-+eddes, and tris good tseator and tact make him peifiilruly success- ful as a ,ehairman, in opening the, meeting, briefly deserihoill the prustper ottir conditiwu of the ord,e'r of Good Tempters iia Whitechurch. The 'tens! 0 Our fi lil iSlitneand Vouiol, Boston, ;for yeurtg- / est t•eadors int iron a aud•in school, 81 pet• year. 7 Arthur's Rotas Singable, ahtladeipliia, ono of the best inagmsines;publishcu for,tho many; 01 per IN THE END. NOTHING LESS SHOULD SATISFY YOU. 0,, i©ur•G•ift to'.Every One of OurReadene ever, Energetic Young Men and Women ."A YARD OF:PANSIES. whet int thti,tgqualify for positions in nook•lreeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, should write for catalogues of both departments of Ey special arrangement with the pub fishers, ;we are enabled .to make every, .one ,of our readers a prosent of one of these.ezquisite Oil Pictures 36 inches'i long,a cumpaniou to "A'ard of Roses,'• which all have seen and:admired. This. and is pronounced by •arf critics to be far ••buperiorto the "Roses.". The reprodno-, :r`aion its equal in every respect to the ori- tginal, which cost4300, anal aCoom an in iitt :are ,tu 11. diroctions�fo'.f taming at )some •itt,a eost,of a.few cents, thus forming a beautiful ornament.for .your parlor or a superb G" hr.istraeas,gift, worth itt least 85. ,end your .name and address to the pub- lisher, W. al'EPZNING$ .1106t01tgsT, 15 East Nth St., Now' York, with three two -cent staanps to pay•forthe ,packing: nailing, ete., and mention that you are n reader oftbe•Ttalr$, and you will ieceivel by re- turn mail one.of these ovaluablo Works of Art. BUM BaTil ! 'Boom! Cheap E:oP:iday Literature for ,all the sr.flar round. Co-,rrteraliiontis•the ot0er•of the day. tt pays to gronpyo•ur newspapers and •subscribe for them iu clubs, Look over thodallowing lot of popular pubii• cations and select.what you would like to read . 1 Wises and Daughters, London, le a monthly publishetl by woinenrfor twotnen on superior toned paper, 4wunil:;;$1,per - ;ear - 2 The Alderman •Partner„ Sptin%field, 0, 10 pages monthly, hear,national .Circulation of 50,000; 81 per aear- 3 Tho LV.ertesn Adoeeti5or, ,London, a popular weekly, •rebentl,t ,enlar3ed,82i000given,to subscribers in premiito awards,' a newsy ,paper ;for the hone ; 81 per,•ycar. 4 Pansy, 43oston,60 sparldling pages (every month for Sunday and muck day reading; 81 per year. 5 Canada F.ar,aao•'s $un. 11$ndoi,,the ollicial ot•tran of the Patrons of IIndustryiio Ontario and Quebe., 48 columns weekly:4.4)er year. •Mr Murray, of liinearditaa;, deliveeted! and eexceedinew able addr,A,ls itt flap! ternparence.eauee. He stetted, "thatj the American .nation oonsllitis3 tunualllt ' enough of stre-ng drink to fill two! rows of. barrels ,14t1 side hy aide from New York to Sala Francisco. That lad the United States 'there 18 au average! of one death rtansry fifteen a,uinntes caused by strong kink ; while in Can aria the rate is one ,every three. hours. That the Americana drink mutually sufficient liquor to float t4 navy.' He appealed to the Mid ia nc to cast their votes for theta who tvorll•.1 go to Ottawa arid 'work for prohibition. 1-e believed prohibitory legislation was prac• ble and in the near future the 'or-tr.1ic would be a thing of the stn The Rev lir Crowle's address as very practical, He gave a eheani=, ttl, moral tin:tivsts of a liquor ' barrsl. Ir II D' Uertdnrson also addressed the uefience. ,Musical, vocal and inotrn-. ental, recitations a ild readings, forma. an itllptrrtant part of the entertain. ant said all repaired to their reapec- vn homes apparently well satisfied jtti'the proceedings of the evening.. A Vislxoit VIAND PUMP WORKS. wish to intimate to the people of Zetland and dundinp country that 1 have Commenced the nufactnro of all kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, Can supply them On the aborted not'oe, tit also be in s poeitiest tori /ply iron end toot sips to order. ep g rang attended to, Prime raabonable, 'TOXIN PinTOo+. , bluer 60h, ibS t, wear. 8 Two Stan/bud Books bound in fine (kith, ent- ibassud in gold and Id latge.dlea, type„ fiction ,gild classics, 51. OUR GRAND CLUBBING OFFER WdtoTntits and any ,two of.the,above for only 4225, mouth 83; save 05 user cent. Tito TIMES and ams tb.re,e for only 8204, wort104 ; scale 05 per cent. Tire Tni8s end ea tear tot o400, worth 85; reeve '.4P per Cent 'The TIMES and at4yttl etor,ouly 43 50 worth illi; 4atte)42 per cont. The Trains and any elk dor only .$4, north 47; dame 43.percent. Tdaer miss anti our' Wel iae only 4 00, worth $Y pyre •on per cont, The 1halies and all the inose for only $5, worth 40; HM's 411 tpor cent. No ohdtcor holiday presents can be 40100ted than some of the above. Order promptly by number and 850nr8 Awn in Rood time. Address all alders to mugs OFFICE, SVin liam, Ont. • TN PEOPLE'S - mitliaat• (OF: PEHN'l1. M1NTc OWNER9,1 CHADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, 011% Coal In Car lots sold direct t0 consumers. Na intermediate ;rants, `•rite for 1I'rices. Special .{intention litrtln R0 *to ttottos anti Clubs. of CHAT! 1 1M,, ONT., established 1870, This institutioi is the peer of any business college or shorthand school in Amor c u advastly su uertot to npanaten school of the kind in Canada. These .re utie ndvmtGt es ace Circe; The two best p,manen is Ctinnda, the Lest and largest stuff of tteaehets, : durabest course in shorthand and typewriting, the hesteourseiof business training the best suite , the br_�sl• equipments An every •respoet, the best eaoord for placing its students in the best paying apositions i w ahr. businoss at geld, of rooms Our et Uwe rooms occulay nor 8000 square feet a: speer_ We the ,railway fare et students coming arm a dist ,wncvrro the limitol K00. ,:ood board in pleasant lamas for Indies at 42, gents 82.50. For ccatalogues addrijf erdrpattttzen•t,,addrees, D. fiicLt4Oi3LADi, Principal BI IL I win&ham Saw and PIaningMlills, of The,undersianed have now on had a large sttcick Dn. PINE, :l!A'.VIARACI``, hurl HARDWOOD Ll:l T13 1; Dressed or undressed xxx and ax. NORTI3 SHORE bHIN( LL S, NO. 1 C.34DAR SHINGLES, STAV>S, HEADINGS, BARRELS; WOOD . ,• at prices that defy competition. Parties intending to build will find it to their interest to give us a all before placing their orders, as we are determined not to be undersold. custom work attended to Promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. ' McLEAN & SON. PLUSH Oak finished and leather,. GOODS Perfumes, Cut Gass ott!es. Aad Sti�dri�s, AT HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. Central Telephone Exchange Make 0 ake. 'Wil ower for the next Staling inducements in Go Many lines at 50c. on the dollar. 314ANTLE CLOTHS and SEALET,TES, All must be cleaned, out if prices will do it. FLANNELS Best makes in the market. Prices be- low the lowest. Real) Mad Stock complete. Prices rim fat. wee havethe Long Boot ata short price. If you see them you'll buy them. Call and see us. T. A, MILLS. We have the • Inside track and Can give you Every line we sell For less than Our; conapeti L=", If you do not Look at our Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Toilet Setts, Table Chia, Tea Pots, . Salad Bowls, - Fruit Setts, pCuspdoires, Biscuit Jars, Flower Pots, Cups and,* Saucers, Fancy Plates, Wire Glasses, Tea Pot Stands, Cake Plates, Celery Glasses, $&C., You will be The loser. W. T. YATES, The China flotAser Wingham. 1