HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-16, Page 24 :a� 1, a l l ,.: Ini' S.
FRIDAY, T?E01+\MBR10, t692
Half wily np the ttuternit of Magni
There wasthe usual crowd arouod
the little, one -storied hostelry. There
were the canes cat from the glossy
mountain Foods. the t;litering rows of,
minerals, the birch baskets of freshly
gathered berries, the new milk, the
stone bottles of home -brewed root-
beer. The landlord, a bald headed
old mann stood beaming behind his
counter=—the landlady bustled to make
a cup of tea for the Indies in the Meg•,
who were wearied with travel—the
passeneers strolledhither and Inn
with the idle, aimless curiosity of
those who have nothing to de. All
except Gorden Wray. all thisBut, drive>`,, he exclaimed,
seems perfectly idiotic to me. Can't
you understand that people are in a
hurry to go ahead 1 What's the mean-
ing of this unnecessary delay ?
The driver sat calm and undismayed
On the edge of * elilf, where, had he
varied in the slightest degree from hie
equilibrium, hid would have fallen e
hu�t dred feet into a chasm below.
6pinioue differ as to that, squire,
said be, eareles'l3 swinging his )cgs.
Just look at them horses 1 They've
got to have an hour's rest.
But whylcnn't yeu change horses 1
imperiousli demanded Wray, chaffing
with annoyance.
Teams ain't to be had litre black-
berries along this tnouutaile ledge, wag
the curt reply. ° Well, then,to begin at the beginning
13ut there ere horses in the !vara your name is Alma, he said.
back of thlti I saw thew there, per- ' Her dfusky eves flashed. .
sisted Wray• Mere jugglery ! she exclaimed. You
Don't ],rl'ong to this line,' said the saw it on the hem of my handerchiet
driyar, just now.
But I teflyou, man,I'tn in a hurray. You ala e come out her to meet a
Can't he'p that, said the driver.
And Godon Wray,quite well awnre
that no amount of argument or remota
not let nupther question, which thew who live on the other side
Gordon Wray was a man who prided .\ of the Continental Divide know troth
himself on his skill with the feir sex, • iug, Hs insisted on showing all the
He tally made up his Mind not to be fin" views, the bits of tropic scenery,
rebuffed by this slender girl, with the to Mr. Wray ; be asked numberless
raven down on her urper lip, tho coils questions, and finally exclaimed before
of blue -black braids beneath her hat- they could be enswered
bran. She was pretty, t►fter her wild, But dinner is served already, and
se►ni-1 ttdit>,u away. and perhaps this here ie a'ty daughter to do the honors,
helped to spur him on, Alma, this is Mr. Wray, the son of my
Well, if that is not enough, he ,aid, old college chum, Gilhsrt Wray. Wray
pleadingly, 1'11 tall you yi ur fortuue letuse introduce you to,iny daughter,,
while you are taking ale to Climax Wet have met before, said Alum,
Valley, cooly,
with laughing audacity, he I-1 drove down from the Half
.t And, house with Miss Arden, stast-
The girl looked at 7.ifor a second. iprau; lightly into the wagon. leered one discomfited hero.
You must he a man who 18 pretty And hP told nay fortune, mercilessly
well aeuustomed to hate his own way, added thee oung beauty, who, in her
said ;Rho curtly. gsitiu dressewitb a priceless lace scarf
itactly, smiled our hero. Oan I ,cround hereueek and. white rases in
hell you in 1
No. 1 will get in myself. She
milail as she did se. And now for the,
fti�rtune, she added, as they sat side hy.
rive on, then, said be ,
Without toeching the little whip in
tea sock -t, Thr ehirrared softly to the
horses, who cantered obediently down
it windingeelope to the a.ast. Involun-
tarily,'' Wray olung to the side of the
light vehicle.
Is this the way you shoot along tho
edge of precipices in this country ? he
lam driving. oho
Well, if I am going to tell you my
own fortune, .be said, with something
of a f.raed laugh, 1 should say that it
was Hxtretnely likely to land me at the
bottom o£ yonder gorge.'
That shows how little you.'know of
mny,ponies, e•he said, But it was not
ysui•�,fortune that we were talking
about;, it was mine.
ansa erad rock-
strance would avail with this rugged pointed.
lover, he pursued..
You thinkso 1
And you are returning home disap-
son of the 'foil or induce him to start'
She dlnly laughed derisively.
his team oils second before the regula- And, lie added, catching once more
tion time,'strode indignantly away, r at the sidi i, of tho wagon, you certainly
muttering tip himself, and hardly con- ! will break\My neck if you drive at this
ec•.ous where he went. I rote, ray geed girl. No, a truce to all
ITuder a o:p atehway of passion , nonsense hQ resumed, more gravely.
-'vitteg, past ',it hedge of blessomirg I You are tho 'daughter of the landlord
'f h' and tile Markt pendant: of a' at the Half Way Hours, and If gin very
u0 las i
monster pon egranate tree, he carne I, much obliged to you for forwarding
"into a green rattle nook at the back of I me on my way;, I am .anxious to
the house, where a tall, darkbrowed ,arrive at Climax Valley as : amen as.
;girl was putting a pair of spirited little I possible. Mr. Arden is my father's
V.Intuiting pontos into a light box ; old friend, and I have long been under
S1te had, His 111feasure,
The tramp knocked at the kitchen
door and the lady let him iu, or rath-
er says the Detroit Tree frees, opened
Erre door and blocked his passage.
What do you want 1 she , inquired
A great many things, madam, be
replied, referentially, which I never
expect to get, and in that, respect 1
ata the equal of the millionaire, How-
ever that is another story. To return
to your enquiry, propounded a few sec•
onds age, 1 should reply that I carne
to ask you who the people are residing
in the house adjoining you on the
rig [t ?
Tis compliment to Detroit de tein-
e, li%`.r a moment.
Why do you want to know she vt•n-
1,1 eause, madam, the lady there 1
her new, w oO fl'M l the 'lair I.mazon o_ arizl ire beyond the preadventure of a
his afternoon's advent ore,. 1"gpa' dotibSl, is the very liclal!itvst woman nay
some in to dinner. The tiou� will be eyes .ver rested upon.—or, rather, I
e:poiliug, aid you know holy despair- ta9 say, found only unrest upon---
fnq[y I{erna'dde will eve l e d she dresses in Buell dreadful taste
Wray eaat',,l\an appealing glance to- tla t r +ally it spoiled uiy.appetity and
wards her, ad•�if to say: Do not betray I could not ask of her what 1 so torah
lay idiotic fell,. A little nod of her hungered for,
queenly head Made answer You aro Ho,uo.ved and Broiled exp expectantly.
safe. fie brad worked that gag mala a time
But how came you to be harnessing and o`.,
your horses 1 "castled. You must `Ve l� she replied so gently that he
allow that my blunder had some
could ttltnost taste pie, nobody livtis
foundation of reason. there still haven't for three months.
Do you suppose I would allow those
Being a stranger in the -city, is there
inn bunglers o touch my darlings 1 anything else you would liken to know
she cried, wtth'spirit. 1 had driven :.,
down to'get the'inails, and often do so. ');Macre might hove been, but if there
We California. tuaidens are tree as our was the tramp didn't ask it He no.
native air, • tually' blushed, and, touching his hat.
Well, Wray said, after a brief iu he vviilked out, and taking himself
terval of silence, 1 was wrong about
ipromise to; visit him at his far Westeen
We don't re \wive company at the i home. And when I found myself in
back of the bootee
the said, looking at i gen l+rancisco the tel ssptatiou was too
hie with ditrk,`,1oug•lashed eyes,whicb . strong not to come hither. But if I
sparkled with diaplcalitit'e at his abrupt; had known iu what sort of mountains
appearance " i Climax Valley was nestled away, 1:
'1` 19y did not Love lalusio so,
Thera were two of them, and they
were both extrel'neIy: appreciative and
rather pretty .girls, c'~ lover' of itiausic
$at behind then its the. concert begat
and this is what he haurd:
What's that they're playing 1 1Va
nor 1 ,Oh, l do love' «',roller.
'Oh, 1, think he's perfectly heauti.
fol l y'
Do you 1 So do 1-•--perfeotly'love4
ly l
That's sotnethintk by Chopin, Isn't
it pretty ?
;Don't yon love Chopin 1
Xqs, Don't you 1
Immensely l 1 could just the when .
Direr (:i,opin.
So could 1,
I'm pert+ctly dead with delight
when J hear biro.
So'm I.
Are you ? I'm eta glad, S'uw 1.
It's nice to conte with sotiwoue who
appreciates n4tlsic, ibtl't it 1
Yes, Isn't 11 1
I'n► p,crfeoely'. And I perfectly
adore Gree.
i{a tor,.- antro t perfectly worship
Almost—rue ton,
It was et tI ie place that the music
lover in the retie sent was carried out.
to the arrbulturoe and tate conversa-
tion was unt01•tnuately interrupted.
Chianoo News -Record
But I am an \exception, said 111r , might have thought twice about it.
Wray with his taut insinuating voice 'Look at the dj'ing splendors of the
and smile: My.,'good girl, eon I Mite 1 sunset ; surely it is getting late.
this team to take the to Climax. Vtslleyl ! Ah, said the +girl with a scarcely
and at the same time he slipped a gold I perceptible shrug,of her shoulders. 1
Fein into her hand• I see that you dietr°ist me. Here we,
She frowned at him, but she halt I are now. Do you see the chimneys•
laughed Kt the same moment. I of Climax Valley risi ig out from among
But it's my team, said she. I'tn I theeouoalyptus trees? And there is the.
around into the alley, he administered
the items of'your fortune. thereto a kicking, interspersed with
Explain yourself, if you please, said realarks deogatory to blame' fools and
Miss Arden, composedly. complimentary to sharp Detroit w' -
You did not come out to meet a mein
to 1
1Vionthy Prises 2or Bays and Girls..
She nodded daily. t 1 ht' soap co oleate,
No, said she, 1 did nut. <o•
And you did not; return home disap-
pointed ? 1,
Tliat istima may show, slue said,
scarcely kn' wing whether to smile. or
frown, • "
J shall wait expectantly. he said.
And this,tiri,t\e Alna.a Arden smile&!.
When Wray we et eas4 he took ber
with hien. Thei , wedidiug was long'
remembered in Climax Malley.
Positive Compareitiee,. Superlative•.
She was going ovir the jail with a
What is that? she -asked, pointing
Lel one ofthi apartments cis the second
That's a cell, miss, replied the de-
puty politely,' though he silreatly had
answered about' t thousaudtas simple
' questions.
And the one below it ?
That's a cell two.
And what's that down stairs?
That"B a cellar, and ' the deputy al-
most gagged on his own joile•„ but the
„girl didn't notice it.
What's that . man in theetriped
going to use it. f' :front porch itself. dump out quickly.
Wray looked at her. Was he in the 1 The horses are in a hurry to reach,
country of Amazon?? Did the bright -1 their stable.
eyed rustic lassie ltupplant•the Helen 1 But,you 1 Oh, 1 see, he said, alightly
of the stage-eoech(Iine ? i chagrined to think of the confidences
'Why can't I usdit, too? he asked,: rte had made. You are a teametretas,
' I
c 1
or perhaps one of the nnaid ?
Everybody Suffers Paint:—It
is the. result or ,i„I+tiititl of nature's
laws, Perry Dail t,es tiunri much to
allay tbt, ht'fttdrttlr of the people. by tar
giving theut eat of n+ttuetet's storehouse ,J11
a "balm for e, err wont,x:,"' Such is
the Pain K1. ler;; is: ,tr,l,4 hitt; uhnoet
instantly, is ust•ti blah l+,ter lly and
externally, lied is t;f• other pend; refine -
dies the ,,Iiltfi, and hod. New sise Big
Bottle. 25e it
The Paper Ilicirs't Circulate Fake
offer the fol '
Tho' Sun s' ,wont" ill fgrther notice, to Stories.
lowing prizes, every
boys and girls +mdse le, residinz in the Provioce of The ttnalS\ v us n_ lint the city
d realest natnber of Sutt••
editor of ti'�,� Western Wind Alma lain .
up in two Minutes.
Is this th,' t„+wapa+,l,er Wheel' inq;uir-
est the ca le►.
It ia, retitled tote man at the. desk,
Didn't trite pr 1.+••r t.:ty that I Ives a
Hee 1 and h,• `l,e;t:,i' t+p;rltcln !.
It did me. ,
Didn't if ;s„ v 111,:t. t was 5 thief I
It did nt{t\
Didn't it ',gee 1 µ„H ,Y esoilndrel
It die not.
Well some paper said it.
Possibl3t with one contemporary
down the elks et, •.nrruenrert the editor,
as•he picked tt1 a ;, spP1 But
tlyas paper ptl'rll;,.+t..� ,,..1v n•!rftt iS OOWS.
Ontario, who sen the R
light" wrappers 1st, $10; 2nd, $6 ; 3rd, $3 ; 4th,
$1; 6th to 14th, a Handsome Bock ; and a pretty
picture to those who send not 1ess•than 12 wrappers.
Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 Scott
St:, Toronto, .not Tater than 29th or each month, and
marled "Competition"; also give lull n`nie, a -
dress fi1'•e, and number of wrapp
names*ill be published in rho Toronto Mail on first
Saturd 1z in each month.
Then Outspoke the Heathen.
The tell, thin missionary with a
bald and red nose was•impressed
'with the looks of the two Indians who
bad been sitting motionless in the
sun for three hours.
He?e, declaredi the missionary, is
the raivtmaterial of useful manhood.
1!t sim ty needs to he reeltrimed by
the band',of religion.
Viith te`itriumpltant and, ineffably
svtreet smiier as if the victory was al-
ready Ills, he turned to the aborigin-
\How 1 be observed.
Thin noble redtnen opened., their eyes,,
but, made no reply..
Come ye who are weary„ urged the:
m iesiOn aV.
Slug ! 1 t,
The binning seemed quite content–
ed, with their present. position. The
suit ? she asked neat. inducements held out lty the bald
That's a cellist, replied the deputy, heeded party with a roti nose were
and this time the p
Ile stn enditu of his wit noe sufficiently powerful to arouse
'was so enormous he was compelled to within their breasts any commie:to;
.inform the visitor;tl►at he didn't get I desird'efor a change.
that way very often?, lie 'Joien, eaelaitt edi the .
l years I eve* persistently an- \t
i ,Jz novo.
inoyea with an excessavetiace/notation•of
Dandruff and although using; various pre-
; parattons recommended anal shampooing
'replevy once a week, no rrinterial relief
was realized until thy atteutign was called
to Anti -Dandruff, which has•pkodueed un-
1 lc0d for results in ray ease, four app!i-
oaxin: y.
Because, said the Amazon, leaning At your service, she returned, with I
up against the neck
,veno turned his ve
lar grid made a so _
cif lie liked it, 1 doh, not knew whether
I want to take a p ssenser or not.
Is's it enough ? lv, he asked; glancing
at the gold place rich stili lay in her
It's enough *0 p
Aare say, said ti
-whotllelr I shall eht
tut with you
The denizens of the forest evident
ty preferteo ;to he Indians. P'eassiitly
it was mor'tun. but they didn't say.
Before y are two roads, exclaims
cations removing every particle of Dan- ed the mist,ionary. The one leads to
are, and as a specific for this trouble it
urian of
cellar=nly has no equal. in and usefttlttess the other to salve -
Yours truly, W. T. ROBINSON, tion and glory.
Can, I'ao.T,ya.Telegraph.b.,non tee
al,P,t: Tllenatives looked puzzeled.
tt r how honest and upright Instantly the Indians were upon
f tN
of the nigh horse, a slight mocking int1 inatiro tt ohe
o mo tt
nostrils towards ( hemi, as he sprang lightly `tut ;. and I a ratan a earpehtter relay be,, he is aPI�• their fes•), their eyes kindled with in.
et n ( ut ati earnt one vice. teligence : The missionary was almost
overcome t ith delight.
1 say, thuii4ered be hi his deepest
ardente? tones, which will you take 1
that causes falling. He listened eagerly, rapt;uouely for
hair, in fact,death
e 1 half laughing, the twain and the reply.
j I causes scales and (tate
two eruptions•-- A little of the same, they cortltally
tillage a teatnster,I i better of me, after all, raduces haleness. ale in mind that
Amazonia, But ;t r Arden rias delighted to (receive iAu i.Dtuidetlff iremovers
e o er Drieq ire tete opetarrrost before they know it the
so to over burden this young friend with that wide, gene fad n1;'alair to its original color. Sold by inissfotsary before
extra weight or i erous, Western hospitality concerning druggtete at 75 gents per bottle• g
whinning noise,as 1 driving her horses around towards the I cloth witho
stable, she Called merrily ; Many Don't say a ctowd of swells, but a
thanks for your fortutie 1 The gold flock of Armpits. ,,
o ketl I aNaat Lt
piece you will find its you coat p e e, of the soi,
gypsyA disea9
The little 1 he exclaimed, half of the hair, lading of t_,
vexed, hi. , she has got the of the ltair. it irritae
4 .t
of p,
,be s
di. a
Ms's, ,diary E. O'.Fallon
t�riqua, o., says the I'hy-
s inns are .Astonished,
an,4 look at her like ono
Raised from the Dead
Long and Terrible Illness
from Blood Poisoning
CottvDl teZy Cured by Hood's
Tars. Mary . O',Palion, a very intelligent
lady of PieuaeOlito, was poisoned while as-
sisting physiei is at an autopsy 5 years ago,
and soots tern to Ulcers broke out nn her
head, arms, to c and throat. Her Bair 1111
anis. sa
came out. .,h sighed but 78 lbs., and
no prospect of e111, At last she began to
take hood's Sarsaparilla and at once lm.
proved; soma soon get out of bed and walk.
She says: "t Ueesme perfectly cured by
Flood's SOrsapprrillal
and= now a well womatl. Its weigh 1281bs.,
eat welt and do the WON, fora large faintly.
My ease seems a "wandrful recovery and
physicians look at lee astonishment, as
almost like One retied t lt(rt the dead,lf
Hdoo's PILO Should beiht every amt
liisdlotue'dflait. .xlisd7i,kiet always ipretirr&d,