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VOL. XXI --N4?: Q
WES GRAM, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC EMBE [; 10, 18 92.
Christmas will soon be bore we are
preptatred for it corne and see us we will
Use you right,
'tsar t to e
Direct Importe
The Basta. Dec, 8th, 1892;
—Call' and see Tiamilton's Xmas goods,
Celery at Youhill's. Leave your orders
at MoOlure'a grocery store.
—MPatterson, the jewe er, has some -
tidos to nay to our reader in the savor -j
tieing eolumns this week'.
—11, Hill serves oysteta up in any style,
stewed, fried, raw or by tate glass. •
--fatties ,htaviog apple o dispose of
should bring them in at ce as the evap-
orating factory will clo;ie t xt week,
—Qaelt for good butter cid eggs at R :As
Graham's market grocery, . -
-Pillow ahem holder° at fiodesop'e fur
niture store, for 50 cents.
—A meeting pi the Ma1ttai .d Presbytery
was held in the Presbyteri church of
this plane oh iiesrta , lis A full report
of to proceedingswill be wen next week.
Silver case Waltham Movement watch
warranted for 10 dollars, pp' Muushaw's,
-'the Rev J FI Dyke, d • Belgrave, will
reach in the Congregati .tat church on
Sunday next, morning al evening. The
Sabbath Scheel work wil e reviewed at the
close of the morning ser jee.
-The old reliable Star restaurant is
stili taking the lead.. 3,te MCKFLVIE.
I —Remember • the horse f r to be held
n towu on Thursday ne. , December
22nd. A number of buyer 'wi11 be pres-
ent and parties having ho es to dispose
of should attend this fair.' /
ysters served in any. 'style' , at the
Ton restaurant. •Canned goods of all
Inds always on hand. E. Rests.
• Marriage 'licenses
— e'itil and see Hiatniltou'e Xmas goods --The Moutroal Star Alma , after iu-
--R Hill has conversation lozenges, 20 Spectiou by the most competen judges, has
co its per pound or 8 ounds for 50 cents. beet. pronounced the best y produced.
--.:ver Walter Violet ..o. 4« t.tt. lino of Tills -e4thiuu i s lune• rnr' out by tl:c'
Vaustouo Bros, we, ,...in Kincardine last facts. The tient editinu of 0,000 copies
Week erecting four large wouurneuts in twas issued :ram the press est Saturday.
the cemetry of tut place. The mouuFour hundred pages of luf matiou of the
runts were eery a, 'tfatioall3 "Wiled and most absnrbirrg interest rt' six colared
will add greatly t 'the ty of the Kin- maps of the Domie ieu cal }•tituting one of
oar fro cemetery' the nsost valuable works o{'the kind ever
Did you see• those clocks and silver- Published.
Ware, suitable forXntas aud weddiug press —Miss Wrntermute, a return mission
ents at MuushaW's. ary from Japan, delighted a ve y fair uudi-
•apraud ''ruck liway arrtvngementsfor ecce in the Temperance Hall' in Wednes-
Uhristmas bolide will be as follows to day evening teat, with. a ole r lecture on
all pointa. Sin' a fare cm Dec 24th and the experiences of Missions es in the far
261,h, good for r ' urn up till T)ec 27th; fare east,crientel ,mauuers dud atoms so op-
aud one third o 23rd, 24th. end 26th good posit° to ours, the progress of evaugeliza-
for return to J 1 3rd. single fare on 31st tion said the gradual o uiug of the
and Jauy 2nd,, good to return 'Sally 3rd: country to the Western cis lizatiou: Miss
Pare and one ird ou Dee 80th, good to Wiutertnute is a fasoivat 'g speaker, and
return Jauy a. kept her audience thorou' ily poste,..
—1i. Hill as a full stook of pipes and -. R Hill has Florida oranges, 30 newts
cigars. Sto wall Jackson cigars, 6 for per dozen. Fine sweet stook.
2o ceuts. • --Next Sunday, the Rev J Bell, B D,
—The many fri cls of lir Joseph Lang, of ;d'auiihuu, ..uperinteudeu t the Royal
formerly of the I rncardiue •Ityview. and Templara of Temperance fo ,°uteric, will
Owen Sound Se will be pleased to learn preach in the Presbyterial churn!' in the
that that gentle au has sufilolently recov, morning aucl in the Meth 1st church in.
erect to unable I m to leave the hospital the eveuiug. Ou Monday,' , vetting, he will
at Chicago and a moved to a private house, deliver a lecture bei Te ,`perauce in the
be being uo entirely out of danger. Temperauce Hall, at 8 'clock. lie will
Hopes are er ertained that his leg will be also address the Gospels` •emparttime meet-
completely os led from any deformity. `lug on unday afterns ,
—Try tate klvlipse=for•eheap confection-
ery. 13gst iiiyal mixed"c'sudy foi.30,cents
p panel. ' T d'Sra ualte,a
I• lead by Pass. Pnritnsori, No 23, Vio-. —The adjourned inquest the heath -On I+riday ev niug,the 28rd of Deeem
othe child, Lizzie Raby, w s continued
via stromt,Wnoham,Ont.• Nowituesses of � ber,a Christmas Tree entertainment wit.
equmred.• on Thursday evening last d as no r•;,; be iven in ti Cou;tegatioaal church";:
—Commercial tr :"Yellers are very nearly port on the analysis of the c tents of the when speeches, wigs and recitations 'will
stomach had been receive ,' the inquest enliven the pr eedings. Some of Wing -
as thick 4,1n hair on dog's beak. ..:
—it Rill llaF'tT1d CalldleF 3 wounds was adjourned for two wee a. s ham's f tun)orators will take the plat -
for 25 cents. --Those having. pimples, blackhotids+,, form. Addr s their' constituents. Ad.
y etc., on the face and impure blood, please miss' n 10 c lits. it ishoped
.—Don't forget the ntertainment in the atcallOhisholm's drag store -fora free # that Saute
U„ � Ciseus ma , e
Baptist Church' ei taroks week. Pull sample package: of the D. and X.,, Sulphur y; parrxuaded to corn° andPg e
Lozenges. the eseu L+'ver d . tvb[come
.prirtieulars twill:bs • ears next weep; g � , �,,, ,„.' f y" .
u cara?bu. the.,..ohea est O
-Look; mit for "Sioamy: . dtsptay,,ntxt' —At the Gospel Temperan ineetiu, on y� p Christmas
'weep.` jse lioKSeviii. Sunday afternoon test t Rev A. M candies ab 1) Rush's Maple Leaf restaur-
_ cut.
. - aTh'o )'ublic Sob of this place will Phillips, of Toronto, delive ''d the address,
—An eutamtaiurn ut; under the auspices
close for the .Ohrist as holidays on Dec- .which was an excellent on , and will be
r of the Wingham v°Wile Temple, Will be
eruber 22tttl wtod,re . eu ou January nth, ' remembered by those pm, one.' The Rev held in the Te erance Hall, ort 1 tteaday
Cratere stewe , .fried or raw, at D J W.Bell will address ne Sunday. 5#
evening Decem r 20th, when air" a°le-
Ituah's e\Iaapte Leaf restaur.aut, —GTsa R trains for Toronto and east bratedcautata- •The Christmas Gift," will
Everybody.buys• 1 iiday presents. To leave Wingham at 6.35 aim and 11•.20 ant. he given by t1 members of;. -the Juvenile
know where to go for' haatryoo want, read via W, G. 6533 Division, and at. 0.45 a m ;
•and o.50 p m, via Clinton and Guelph. Temple, Ail' `recoi•diall attji;ited to enjoy
the advertisements i the Tulsa, *.t
Good connections by all trains. .. • • this elusive; and liteiailjt.� treat. Doors
-R Hill is selling fine, big, fat oysters, open at 7.3 : Entertainment at 8 o'clock,
direct :#ecru Baltimore, lot 36 , cents -pee =On Tuesday last, the R v D Forest, of
quart, 'Walt'stalled on itfr Wei ithgowr at the
• —The next W 0 Ti meeting, which' Me a"tzz , Institute an, presented him
would have bsett held, 'u Monday evening, with "''' .enutiful Chxf 'mss cake.. Mr
December 2Oth, ha been .withdritwri oe Litbgow desires to rel ttru his bear ty
occoent of so many ther entertainments. than. for a same.
Be sure you:bu };titer Christmas can. --I% Hill bas the largest stock in town
diens etc, at the Bon Ton restaurant. to select from, confectionery of all kinds,
E. Resta oranges, lemons,• bisouits, caune;.t.goods of
The -quarterly re ew of the Sunday altkinds, sweet eider: Salmon, 2 cans for
Slessons will 'be eld ori Sabbath next '26 cents
in the Methodist•chn h; °omtnenoing at Itt' is ]earned that . d finite instruct -
2.30. All are cordial iuyited'to this ear- tions have been issued to the interested
vice ° employes of the'oivil eery' a that the. Gov-
C?ranes,1°mans, layer reisips, Malaga,ernment intends to strict .enforce-tjie Yule
gapes mud fruits of all kinds Waite Star that no employe shall i1 any -municipal
restaurant, Jas McNstaiir. or other office within ie gift of the peo=
—At the last regular etfug of the offr- Pie. 'a
Dial'board of the Wi hash Methodist
church, the pastor, Rev Sellery, receiver"
a cordialinvltittion•to main (for a third•
Cleauiugand'polishing compound for
pianos, looking glasses and furniture, at
Sodgsou's furoitura otore. 25 cents per
bottle.. -
The girls and boyId men 'and
mevi, for that tnattter,,raving their in-
nings now. Thero isiug so dignifiedbearing as,havinga hold of the side-
walks in these slipper!es.
—I am prepared to pay the highest cash
pries for all kindeof fowl, delivered to me
at My butcher shop. Fowl mast be drawn
and wall dressed. Tilos E `CVAL>teg.
-•-The WC T U all o er the world have
set aside Jttuuary 3rcl a a day of prayer.
The Uuioh ofthis pia will hold: a prayer
meeting from 3 to 4 o leek, ole that date.
The placo of menti will be given next
week. All are iuv't .
'he 1k of *trot Vet.
'We have made arrangdmonts with the
publishers;: of t1 "Family herald and
Weekly Star" that we are in a position to
offer the Toles'Nam:ly Ierald and Wee.-
ly Start ethericwithl' , an
Star Ahn-
ae frotn� ow OW IWTIE .Tunuery 1694 for
18J.,75. The pal of the"Fatnily Herald and.
Weekly Starlit, $1.00 per year and the
Almanac:26,pents. This is a grand offer
sono should• be taken advantage of by a
Iargar °$,umbar of our readers, This offer
is to
Admission cents, children 5 cents. •
—A large assortmeut of canned goods
and fancy biscuits at the Star restaurant.
— `•Worthingtou's ' Iustrated Magazine
and Literary Tress y" is the name of a
new monthly jour.; 1, the initial uumberof
which will make a:: appearance iu Smeary.
Judging from t, a prospectus cud treble of
contents of th rst number, it will be a
popular fa .; y magaziue, Subscription
price $2,50 :'year; 2$ °outs a nunsber.
A D Wort i'Von & Co, of Hartford,Oonn.,
are the p blishers. ;
—My stook of fancy groceries is com-
plete. Fresh .Loglisb peel, uew nuts, figs,
dates,' currauts and pure apices, at Yates'
procery y
—Look cut: far cheap - bargains at the —The Young Peo ='s Guild of St Paul's
Star restaurant. 'It is not cat e church will hold a azar and sale of work
quote prices. Cali in and I will cou'viitae
you that I have the cheapest and largest in the Council ohs, ber of the town hall,
and befit stock in town. opening iu the ternoon of Friday, De-
JAs McKsLVtt. °ember 16th,. a 3 o'clock. Many useful
Mr Wm Irwin, son of Thos Irwin, articles suitab for Christmas gifts will be
o" f thia town, and at prese t one of the offered for ' e. Admissiou 10 cents. A
teaching staff of the Listo el High Sehool, pink bra wi ` be served iu the adjourning•
hats been appointed a me er of the Perth room fro - 6 to 8. o'clock. Charge 10 cents,
county board of Model hoof examinerfi4 Conyers one of music will follow, ciasfudt
Mr %$win's, many friend' >in Wingham and at 10.3 Au invitation is extended to all
vieinity will be glad, to at of title retor• to co : awl have a pleasant time, Pro-
nftfoti of his abilities. ceed• in aid of Organ feud of the new
—For first-class t iloriug and cheap. cbu '`h. •
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, —'•B." Laurance's spectacles and eye artist a
Remember the place, only two doors north glasses at llamiltou's drug store. SatiS- 'the lea
of the old' stand and between floss hook- Lotion a;naratfteed. has`do
store and- Halsted & Scott's bank,
--, o to Munshaw'sfor the best pebble
asses in gold •tailver aod uteel frame:
Mr Jas Cochrane, of lea.'Wawauosh,
est fall while paekts"y, dppl ' for the Pug-
lisfi,marke ,y ut a autuber F•' cards iu the
barrels, asli+jng• the pure ears to notify
him how the attplea tiiiane' out. .Oo Tues.
day he received a la ` Or frotrr Mr Wm
Graham, 'fruit salesm t, North Bay -
market, Liverpool, En ud, in which the
writer Saila barrel of 'Spiiesyepened by
him du tee 22nd o Notrimbrir, were
gout driftirfiTilld' ree, ths,tbe puJd`
sat without flattery 'at they were a 1itye
a sample of fruit,ass uld possibly be'pa.
-First class nysters dorso up in any
style at the Star restaurant,
JAs alcK•L+i.vi .
—The entertainment eld iu Lower
Wingham school was `. a grand success.
The pieces Riven by e school children
were much appreciate.., While the comic
Irish readings by Mr : 'Tracy Were fun
foi all, The singing' •y llfr 0 Jnhustou
and Jno Stephenson as received with ea.
cores and the Har • :`nice band diocoursed
sweet music, muc to the pleasure of all
all present. M 3 Hughes occupied the
chair and had an emit, task, a more order-
ly crowd couldi; of be found anywhere.
The proceeds a ouuted to 318.50. which
was good cous•dering aiuouut of adfnissiou
and that so 'e sixty school children and
others got u free. The teacher, Wm
Hartley, wi hes to thank all for the kind
help the ve him iu making the arrange-
ments a programme and also those who
gave a 'couragenteut by their presence.
—"13," Laurance's spectacles and eye
glasses. at Hamilton's drug store. .Seais-
factiou guaranteed.
—"Grip" has is; ed thirteen almanacs
during as niauyty= rs and his fourteenth
reached us to -d,!•. The first one was a
good one for 13 `r ears ago and they have
kept on getting £otter ever since, '93 being
haudsorn•r au { funnier •than any of its
predecessors. very handsome cover,
printed in tw• colors from au original de-
sign, coutaiu thirty-two pages of illustra-
ted laphoria j a which are- guaranteed to
knock out the worse came of blues on re-
cord. Th arge earto0u, wbioh as usual,
occupies t 3 pages, illustrates Columbus
discover l'g the mossback politicians of
this pa of America. This gives the
ttpiendid opportunity to work in
ng teen of both parties, and he
full justice to the occasiou• Some
ttalent'itt Canada and the U S
ntriuuted sketches, and , the nuns.
asily worth two or three times the
j10 cents) Which is asked.
—At die regular meeting Anchor o
Hope Lodge, 10 G T, oar 'l' esday avenin
last, four new tnetnbere: ere adtriitte
and rafter the business ad been gone
tltrongh, an eteellentpr' ramme was r'le
dered. This lodge twil meet on li'rid`'
evening, next week, ` the hall will be oc-
cupied on Tuesday yeuhtg.
-Ou Tuesday °venter
lar hustings of the Se
Musgrove, principal,
of the board down
to an oyster suppe
been served in lit
pleasant evenin
and short filmed
Thee Bell, D 11
-The residetiee Of the late ioltn Snell, Clarke and A
en the carter of •loht, and Shuter strectn, stood feelitsg ihieh had existed between t Undertaking i
is offered for sale. The household fund. the staff at .
tare will also be sold by private sale at the ` prepared to take eharg° efanything in that
residence. Terms cash, ler. furniture, •--Sai'ortn.v !shoat Yixttexiaa Commit.— line that may be 'entrusted to him, leaving
1 art'0f the purchase money of the ren.- Those who came to sec no last Saturday put iu a stock equal to anything outside of
dente, may retrain on mortgage as agrear" night understand what aur idea of Bell- tho thy, bout in taate and quality.' Prices
upon. Apply to, M J'ou'r b►rr1Lu, . t the Ing �obenlr means: Don't mists .Saturday veryaltodorate. First Blass hearse in at
ow subscribers ewe Well as old om+ost .¢'reoidaaae, or Mn Zoom Nisar..axnts. ` night at M. IL MoIimoe's. teudan • E.11. I)>Evi ta,
ast after the reg. of the
(ool Board, Mr A. II have
vited the members.. her i
It I•iill's restat rout ori
after the oysters had Oranges, lemons, canned 'goods, coo-
usual good style a feationery, etc, will be sold as cheap rat the
as spent in conversatiO a
cheapest at D hush's lir Leaf restaur
s were made by 'Amon eut. �+
Gordon, J A Merton, L +; D. B, DDVE'> , ,•- r.
Musgrove, expressing the Utdertakor and Erobaimer,has opened out
a hast ORBS un errs rug par or, opxesite
Cliiebolin's Drug Store, Wnghani, and is
---The anniversa , services of th
thodist church we = held on Sunday
when the Rev
`Toronto, preached' o largeeungregt
both morning an evening Them
gentleman is an a f'le, earnest and 11
speaker and his !discourses were
effective and appi priate to the aeras
His sermon in th •t ovenian was °spec
good and much apreoiated by the 1
audience present. On Monday eve
the musical and iterary entertainr,
was held, there b sing a very large itt
dance. Rev S Sal -ry occupied the eh
The programme consisted of ad -dr
by the Revs W 1 Campbell, I t A, P
of Blyth, G P S lton, of Brusseis,
W H Watson, of j Vingham, all of wi
were: very higty appreciated by
audience. The taste wag provided
the church choi and Sunday school
chests and so. every excellent
were provide;l. The services as a
were a .decided access. The collect
on Sunday and onday and the sulist
tions amounte pato a trifle over $200,
^uh.; co New Teas,
Wholesale —G'•rdou & McIntyre are
pvsitfon to supply families or soei
with new teas, at jobbers prices. hTo
the time to secureyour teas.
Fors • 0433,
Miss Adams, of 7 :'aerater, was vi
ing friends in.. tow last , week. ,Mr
Geddes, V *, of', L " ' know, wan in t
last week. ,Miss I+ Kerr, who has b
residing in Waterl for thepast
months, returned .rite last week.y
and tots W F Brock .nthhsre of this
are in Buffalo this week attending_
wedding of their n =co. Mrs
shire intends reneai "ng there se
,to visit friends.: M .John Lint, ,
Blenheim, was visi• pg friendsin t
this week..Messra S C .r$•lirong and i
kor, ottxoi'rie;ietp t tui 1. 'on Wedii
day last:.Miss Sarah atterson, of Br
eels, spent Sunday It the eparien
roof in town ..Brusse a Post': ---Miss
Reid has boea.Visitin ger sister,
Longman. • Miss Can : Ritdd,of Marla
Mich, is visiting in to n at present,
A Sutherlaa da of Carle . ie Plaoeds visiti
his brother, Mr D S herland, in to
this week• -•Miss RR - McKellar, of
third line of Morris, • as visiting frie
its town this weelct : rs John McCool,
this place, was visitig }n Belgrave a
vioinity this week..:i r and Mrs Geo
Knox and Mrs JK .. s and families,
Gaylord, Mieb, aro :: present visiting'•
the residence of 11]. L McLean.
Woman's Union issionary society,,
The fourth guar erly meeting of t
Woman's Union 1,issiouary • Societies
Wingham was held' a the lecture -room;
the Presbyterian - huroh ou Wednesd
Afternoon of last •eek. wit' rs MoQua)r,
presided, 'Thetendauce was fair
large, rerresentati'., es being present fro
the fcur different societies. After de
tonal exercises, Ira Morton, in thea
settee of the Se • etary, read the minor
of last meeting, titch were adopted. T
meetiug was t en thrown • open for t•
reading of pa ;'rs dud discussion. Ur
Towler,: repress ting the Methodist a
iliary, read an uteresting and profitab
paper on "Gi - ng". While money w
being expended iu the way of presents
Christmas ou :tfriendsand relatives,
would be well, he said, to reinember tho
who never ha heard the Gospel. .al
also read au e; tract from a letter by 1111
Phelps on the crease of the Afissionai
spirit among mediae), students. Afti
some discussio on the subject raised b
Mrs Towler, a ,, iter from a lady ffirsteel
ary in Mexico as• toad by Mrs „Ritchie
the Congregati nal • Society. • The lett
dealt with the ate of the work in Dieitit
and the progre that is being trade until
adverse circum' antes. The work rotor
the rreuoli Cat : Mans was the subject
the next paper,,•ead by Mrs Ohaptnau,
he Baptist oh eh; it was stated that ft:
Colportage woe had received quite aches
this fall, owin: to the notion of the A.teJ
bishop, who at ugly deuouaced the amt
and forbade p buts to purchase the,
books, as they ;ere impure. Some till
cussieu follows ouithe'advisaability of ani
tinning the 'Un n meetings, but as it wl
thought that ! tuab benefit was aerial
from them, i . was decided to eontlt>
thorn, mid 'a ;'+s Cargill was tippel
Secretary .: T' to nest meetiu i I
ed l ;;s will 1
held is the h ptist thurch an the arae
Friday of Aj 11.