HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-12-09, Page 8... -.,..0 print- i NOTICE. re the Bones of H= «;;e anti that tbe4r d Aug aaoouut would at out to near aLl`a tld i The aumrat nlcetiu of tun 'a1111x>`C111tttCf; thougut that: the /Vin„ tam 01tFA:i1;RY 0 will bs ltvld in tr.0 l Oltt•;STifiiti` louueil1 were Lotn 1 AI L 1> Il1T&CaTUttOff,ou 1 " fair the hoiidaytt —buy now-•- pay fart .ts the 0'- her to helulrinarters, picia so. ,'Moved by John 1 Count I II. cadent low priced stock e4 Sohn Shier fila° we l; e advantrges of early chap'` iu the expensen a hoover estimated. Now yarn et lienee of Refuge— C', oto the trill assortment, g 'atiost,go home pleased, Later riteltacoche that 0,' sects lib }tirrtbled around in. the crowd, A. Thal! from, broken stetel:s and mnn►aiptti eleotiot on !nerd !lilt. Don't nlalte that lineation—Carried, etrobfete, Gloves, ruse's and wtl- abated that tire logs w reishfngs; a wilderness ot nand- pipes thela would, thought be the t, a forest •ot hteudker0haefs, sue ee t . y r hind fifty dyed ibanal er0hiel's, this winter. Moved b fres by the hundred, Neckwear kind any seconded by St 0 Spars Aire eonfusion, any so Water and £tight Com y just be, tise w did we b.cheap to take up the old eat duet because we got them will buy thent when you hear far as they ase it will Fifty dyed fine hemstitched The Council thou adjo roidered at 5o, and 10e., fineda etvrbroidered at 150. Ourv on for Xmas are Voo mtdo our i9ost ex - ver made by us. season. 1 Wiiaghttna's supreme Furtrso- 1'lt has invited you to many #Tts. But none where the assort - ifs larger, the styles choicer, or or does better thanears and Fur, Caves, Storm Co ons, lined Silk Circulars, at at will unload our steak and duoney. l , 1892, SfttlT.xda3*i Lacexxlbcr 1' th, at 1 o'clock, when the dividends will be paid, Diree• tors elected and other business transacted. All Patrons, Shareholders and others interested are cordially invited to attend, T W. SfIIP iO11, ...,._,. _._._,.._ Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS :a um,. ,seconded by tut t i towatrde tnoet- the -Convention re ried. Moved, by by W 1v Itroekeu- a ken at the next t e Rouge of ltefuge F 1lrockeusbire et,.I the old water oul'3 be taken. up d with logs. again WI? 13rockenRbire, int, that the fire' Mee be instructed r works pipes am ay thele—Carried, rued to Meet on the ding to statute.. 4' kr Va'e are offer - drives sCin this department. driees is Ten at loss than half price.t • at yards of ribbon. bough cents on the do11n . will the unheard of prices. 1 secure Xmas presents this week M. if. elt11)00'S.. tint 16th of December, ace ' t Children icY t1. pleasant flavor, geutls action and sooth- ing effects.of Spr'up ot Figs, when iu nee 'of a laxative ;. and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the ►most ;ratifying results follow its use, so that it ie the beat family medicine kn0tvn and *very family should have a battle. ilA :, DECEMBER, 9, 1892 tl .. Town maned. loggular mot thly nesting of the Muueil was ! end on Monday. eveu- lt The foll. 'rig aneait ars were t1 i4,tayor t, egg ; Herve Hanna; peeve Spa iu' and !loon `=' salon, and on the aril lllley, Clark , Herdsman, 11a:Gean, by Anton Dietrich ; iris the one she'heroes lautheiila.;' , Brooke mntes b; His-; el war moving down t1e view of the cen• Helices. ; he minutes of last Curies in magnificent rimy between ,;hast-: were read : nd app«coed. ;y lanes of naked corp ex, the other nnfor- 11 +1 u be was tett tun.tte 1 mTi Christ. he bad' The Deoetnb r Di view of the ,lrnold will very lilt' Cosmopolitan. ,tract that Sir Edwin ty be the next poet - or' LU LATE JOHN DONS, Notice Ie hereby given, pm:snout to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, and haingiclehre avalneb!the estateors theAlate John Bone of the Townehi4 of ]Cast wawamosh, in the County of Buren, Yeoman. who died Intestate, on or about about tard he lith ot October, enuarY, 1893t' deliver. or semi by post prepaid to !Messrs (farrow da Proud• foot, ot the Town of G ionich. 3tho Adh eCounty ountytof Waren, Solicitors for Mary • their names and addresses and full particulars of baser , aantdsthathafter the daylastmentlh nned the re based, Adnilnlstratrrx will proceed to, dfietrihute the assets li said regard only tothe the claims of which nothertice having ro uircd, and the said shall have been given as above req Adninistrattix edit not ho liable for the ascots to received by her At whose timnotice of isuch disthan trib tion been GAI1 OW R, P1tOUDF00T, Solicitors for the said Adn,inistratrfx, Dated atGodertch, the 23rd day of oYendeer, 1ll9fr, laureate, one turtle %1With interest to Ilan most entertaining, a1itivie in file Dace inber Cosmopolitan on ti.,. Tapuuese, 1Vateriva if Place," The settle umber contains seven portraits of Tenn son and interesting views; of itis late h Thos Gortni'iu bee sea of the silent tra a.pr'ofsue ltodak; sea "Varieties of A Herrmann throws Art" and Theodore Thornpsou each col ticloa. A feature of \i four portraits of Parisian journalists, with sketches of thei cork. A. curios bit is found in the c, ntrtist of the double frontispieces which .orn the magazine— me .tad surroundings•. enotrated the myeter- plRts' monastery with iurat Httlatead diaous- "iericau Jourtlalian, ;" Light on the Black idosevelt and Maurice iibute interesting ar ie number itt twenty' n tLiutiug of m1 one ofd's 'the tr,urveoils (i .'The Conquerors.' b trusted so much atte )T tired, which at-' time at the last Parts r ..The t"otuluered,'' 44 TIMES" $UBSCRIBERS• All parties who have not paid! for the .0e1H8" for the year* 1891 aud 1802 are requested, to re- mit the amount at once. .Ve used money and hope this notice will ` be Sufficient, and that a general response will be the. result. R. ELLIOTT. CUARrtledS of the County itof. 'ar Paton, twenty days from, tom' .fire appoint Naomi, Elbow, et th the comity of Ilaren...opt iienra Shaw had Adeline' infantehildren of James, wtnghtana,-.m Cie Cooney d Solicitor, . 610111 f m 1Y J { hrg irnau, { all times anti lands &t ti g equired oat . Me' Ch aferred to ti ltii power t Lead from he insuraau ,London of Decot atou fro marane° i aaniaatiot 2.05 next 1?:the . hal Unicatiou •Cour mit Pm Mrs ark herself to there ha 8 road in e Couuei unieatiatl following minittee : B. 04; M Deans, c n,vwoo'a rk on sir charity, lies. P1.3 ^; Jae A Ohne is for 1841,.:3.00`; Jas A. Cline fes for 1802, $40.50 ;1.i `lMMoX,eau 1 il• ,3 Cll e & Co, fro all d t ; ;1t 1 Grab r iii,. charity order " ,ea by D. C Cla e, deconfted by( nsbire tliat tri accoet,tabe paid. 1 ' A.report fro the Vire, dater shitnittee',. Ste «1111113 lav" La foundry co in the plea A. vote ce it watt cairn nuts we 1 1 ro on, d f the ov% . mark xts'first —that for January scholatrobips. 3rr be Cosmopolitan mployed the number asked for the usual pmau's e6trirnunica•• h Executive Com. uexth the gentle huu The (':orntopoll tan tell 1 ditio%) of 100,000 eerie by the r•flrrr of10®tl fr return for imbroducmmg IP NOTICE. Y f A «7'• o J.MIA.L7 .1;J.{,!1 AND •y, 14 p E1 11111 offer NEXT BARGAINS /t•r FOR TSE NEX I, 30:DAYS, IN WATCl1DC1 OLOQ17i.S, JEWELLERY, LL1!aRY,. SILVERWARE and MUSICAL ,INSTR'll"1d,BN .'S. warranted°for15' yeas,. wii3uo' Special attention Is called to our Lady's gold filled Duober ease, 11nail?den, Waltham or Llgin movement, for X14.7---------- . • --- f • BOYS' S 'AT C1»ES EROl4I $4 "HiP•''P1 •AZ . Also bargains in FANCY GOODS, A SP. c Call in and inspect goods. Stand—Neat door to the Post Office. `y: WALLACE, bher OE0 • Big drives in - e D R E S G GD Big eves' in O.:A.-TS Big: drives in ''.Yh4.l,lr 4 •w S91 o the Surrogate CcreV her the expiration off uobliet.tiob hereof, to• Town of wineham. 111' Join,. ster, guardian of *bow. of the said towl'l law. late of the Town of of Caron, cattfo doalran. Si s A1so in ma y.. other lines. ht u k 1.0 w':, haveb ,l;' ceeasad; ti< ',t'3TOir>; vurna,ha •• 1ItA c solicited, Ldtetiratl R'ip'Jhau, t ..31st November 1303. •I, t11, r slam: Shaw, Applicant inch S equirt of the I urro0' S r l , Comity eft Huron. Co FURNITURE- DE ..fi. t,ED n'+os { 11I ttrasses' Chairs, xdbla8t RPt4 In the matter o€ t11e fWxt nz NV abn the inf now, elxbbughtlrrllgrtaMatiesthey.wallbe delivered and set up in your homes+ Erect.anywhere,. Not only canyon hey. Parldt anal T3edrrrMa Suitosr Slitelioards, Lon r .:h lire but tyl'\V.nglianr: deoeasedi , 10 lasts -of ' a PORTRAIT' Er RGEIVIEN' : minion• 1dr doIitl;• Portrait,: Da1Rr .' Notice is inure* gtt'n CAW arpli11 tion will be• widow, flirt mud r,arrangeutentsaatrtiaonoofsthbbesbaatastelntbc Dominion. ta•amyorsogbr,sueltt made on Ce rut Coup le y of Woodrow" o n of rias Iotvnsitlp' 1 have ,Desk of Morris, sfroir of . 1vid ,after their'oanent (anysl.,eb}n' Air•Drush,..tbdir rl W ter COO rs Before imide , y: of this no ice; 'r n ds.fappei ti , thaste said r __. expiration or ttvonty Y l,t1m• trha. rand Jana• call at my stoney, see samples of this notice; Or an fdJap-* -Woodrow. ltobert ♦Yoodroiv p baa, dfin ..-.4j-.--- Woodrow 11'1fiS am w, intact c a r• PIC E;, 1hRAIIIINL . urs: of tae -Woodrow,. len 5100d1•otv,, 11 odrow, .. tib Enen hiId •ento, ottnoge 1f:anm oo1armr,nn1 to of trdaTownehipof 11,rris,.Q • I st lda ott Pidbaneand ,Wreath :kramoe i,sadeto order. Lotbof,.aIq t'Ss' n, I'arn»+r, „°w•'d'e sed. Al y Nr WoOvdttl X'.A-iIORTOd-- y her Soltcit'or, . . 4th November. rm. ,$e o sot. Uomwuulea- into certain tmeigltbortto a the Crip:flep0h-'and Matthew „Aimee Too : Mau or women or William worod1OW r Sarni Youhill, stat- t tan offers ' tee :my l ,we ,and laundry tut 1 to the County of 'DI on the town hall t le union C. i xrt+arrb, rsr anv o •u tree 118151011, bo 1ri1 f of the iead- o opauy would expire l Yale, ak colleges, sahsols of art. music, limdl bar. '„eTier° was also a eine. or Reiance. Tllely a91'f 0115 '1 poon,pb- lel or tapplicati01Ate1litr-he {mar to obtaisntone' of these free schrolia.%shitne.i Addri ms, The Cosmopolitan, Ntsty 'York,. Y. New"Undeartakilig tmd gt• item Pisi1C► '-I isrsite0a1• were referred to the I Mg RELPI1 UolitisONw fee oe ited ib e. Colnmunleatiou 1•ur Lheand o d fur thiws'iteg es needle nut stating that she t the (Zueets s'a• R Davis to the Hama the Royal flompauY. stated that th e rate ear on account of the stage and scenery ; > h men it Hatel4 Win halal, opposite justified In paying:' and has a full siteer& et nFuDods tea, been sawlog,iplated MouldiTT , and i3ndbrtladlti ., K out ,ef her property hand. Call and inspet, goods and get to refund. her taxes, prices. P1eture Fraraintw'dbta'e pr yen t,, d eidt lf Special attenitittn g „ltd Dated at 1'n, nit 'ane. WAS ordered to be s the report of the. ,john Galbraith'• il'Icludoo, supr*. clutyre, charity' arity orders, 75ets;, for hall, ft15; Wm to, 51.76; i. Dlo• 3.12 ; L Jjf oTJeali, an w 7obbiieg and repairing. anal! guarantee a' work dome. Having had lbegr'exp in thefhlrniture and •iand'ertakingbuelq et atrsl nese, I ale sure 1 can g1've" satista. A splendid new hearse; fig' ham. NCLIJ lleads,Cirrtr style of the art;,, pedes•. Apply o J •°,: PRIN Rer • DI`7G P.00ks, Pa,npTiiwts rasters, 1311P t$ "n thin besill' UNDERf` 'AILING:: Totwithatendinmall'the,al'tpositibndnrchieiines.311so 13111 here in WIligAm'4xepered'to, de' as.; TI Mace bben doing fos'sh'e peetrten Sears'. May 13, 111021. E21:. G. ,-,U-fes` Uudartak>er,osea1Purnitu eMealur at moderate iPricos,, wed on shorts _ MARBLE t+raddR. a r r R. ELTdODT: f 1 Tluas Ofilce. Wingham. !' 1 1it a' ■?J If PROP. SCOT„ MU• SICAL LE,iOER PRESBI4'TERI C 1 CHURN SOTtt r Br?,e,dart--ToFordvicel..4ni1J ce'tnber31 , he. wife of Mr las beak ni a o i. . 1.VLaInnocr—In Kinlos , n` 3r , the wile of Mr Mc- doh: b$A$TIlab Ii12:'2"dr.'rs--M•otv'itu :1t` •Winghanee .c • uarrm►. b 1,intonl: tee . Mr Henxy , Owes Private lessons in Vocal Theron egi. both in ,;,ANS loath Tonic•Sol.taallotation.. Open, foe aswagetuants' ftnurConcerts or Church meetings*. Tams moderate. Apply ae.f MRS 111-1110114110W13, ' 21rlronterSt, wiot5ar ' i TWO KINDS - f 0 e Y, a i 1 ST O M E Rai- \ -.--' , -I- d li WIDE . A%Aitn • E T"Qi 'D BIi'ri " FROM aY z 11 the Vat, ult,by they Q Margaret. lsaid I. wed 1802, 120, baler* 'Co, hide tuppliea ld Or berf8 work 011 supplies, 85: Imire, atone tit of the paid—Ca n , was reed that' ,, ¢ lace the gear; ` do Jaya, . ""","' City 3 tit Clf teotW '" r ore atb y, both of Wawa rr le.- DIED) dial sus; In Wing' , .on Dee-. tib, t3aughtemoff elnl ey 8th, Holter, young . Mr Andrew McMonmei anted! 20 yew's: l ` n FTR S• VAI STONN OS. MESSRS xY Smyth. 1 Easiness of 3tr T T watoon4 formerly. °scribal enbe of 1.t es requiri ma's lark its heir line rb a on nr ono, oft ire will use none • wend! its their lino wilt) aim well. by (inrntbt 'orlar n hip is ens pa` n5' their t eu to before Alr T Panties requiring: are away down, aro•ofr tha•p„bli¢p . but haeme. eSfr 'Zemt ook an oby spuare dealime• hope to secure a Basial ah but t son..w o h s heft asst by sq T tvateona.wllo hasbeotarunning the bal8it ,.ansfor the past year, ta511•reprosmnbus•omt>bra•toa ' • C.lilt:antsee.outrstoekaOAprices. T ,i illsiNS ONL'i BROS'... \T e Popular Evo tor IS f3EADQU'AR "RS !FOR ter further west• WINGWIN° '1kf'ATi a T.s'iati2 liocaut they Cam get goon that ars where the Couu> l Cerrectcd by P. bewails' Pro&Uoafir•' . c bight and ?tip to the tines. 115 xt.o, 314 00 to woo e taken on the 1 Riowrpa' bushel, by 8 to 4. The -Pau earner received arta Or- l Oats, betties Institute, • snaky 200, rent or 78'Jl. i Ate?, tub ` duo $00, XVfui- fitgtteprrdof. laughtered sole yia pPricnYrt' • , printing, $5.10; f'.1 :,,kens, $2.25 ; 11 Elliott, : maks 6y, toilet stand Tur eys ids of KraYel, S2; ets, $7 ; l7uf Moved by W • d by lilannar Strayed Into wne•nnosH,. m roan a ee . iugbarnHlectrio E,052Ye raroid"ontrr About the ]pts of Ortobur. thorns by paottn# proyerti',1i'a7` i" e• t w1t, Aero C1tAS. 321 Td . seconded bY 13 < l;ptarliusi, whiteoberch r, 0. i• 5, tli*t le account of the 4F.rf6 Lig ^ t Co, be paid, leets 001,71 9"i' I't)'1110S 9 O LOAN'. light deo 7 to 5 ANOTB F RIND ARE 2R to 28 30 to 35 60 51 11 to 17 1s to.. i7t1 1 78 to, 2 00 8 50 to. 7 00 40 to, 40 231th 30 40 to. 10 ars, a fa bo, STRAY STEER. i. e t t the011uuises of Witt, aatt 'ir08.1 nftet. tied. Moved by Avner can htr e o rn 15 ytt•ny. c ret5tes a N tt . foundry carnet...- rttnn of the Os the eeemrlty et Cultivated pkrm, ,mita!! x t Fiparltoll, ,yfrron percent pat'eble annually. Antime Y tb 4iq, : two months of Dire wt€)'V.aibjla pen'neadlra;dnrblr {be CmanttY, Neo ieet'e pjnaim except :rat Auditors ,allowed to ace s ofd4 Carried, r c% or to kda1Y is w hoar TOM la tti i been Jw 170. •ra+tox h nr money is loaned. down to ter itiniren litldit y las* etSga, Aug .10 ristmas resents I A large stock of Ohristnias Goods. has just been received, suitAble for:' all parties, old. or ,ynun,.consisting, of WRITING DESKS, TON'S, 'PHOTO ALBUMS, SC,Ii.AP OWN A V ASL++' , X.l!'l S CARPS, Sin GOODS,C • t SCAB bTLET SETS,PLl1," ' L:3 DIES' C1 111.2ANIONS (in plush or wood), a• 3101.1T 11. 0RGANS, CELLO' Loir) M.OUT'li. ORGANS! ` TOY BOOKS,BOOKS,T-CArIl7 3I,LIG14 S, 'PORRIDGE SETS, BLAND NOTES, $ISL1i S, WAN CY 'i1 t RRORS (Band painted). , PAST AST.,l'. e1tS. i o .f.." ' J .4 .S tI. li flint ' ,sirg 4 sir can give: !lend ;mode that x1+111 please them. Pulllines at 0y aro Ynkiiia> ptc the toot - Congiiiting of Leisure attire. Sandals tit l orntf , alts' Own, &a.r &a. Fruits, 5. rS, ►on nntrY & have n, larger ;r soe1this year than ever beforaan(desire tl8luhlie to call and neo it before puraila, .ing elsewhere, es it is no trouble in APPLES ' Y THE DARREL s dice g00 Agent Cor Parker's Dye 'Works,pi Id B1S AS LOW AS Plat LOWS ST. • , 1 n Josephine street,'' 'Vi»einem. Calitled.glloda every' desorfptloli nil- `"T tlrTetnbret the terse-- L i r est w ways on hand and my 'prices at"+ps l0'iv; AE X. rite lowest " tlfe'ttle tree DoAtfargb5lhe plaee, opp Agent trot Dominion It/cPr Company O. P. Tt.'T!t Telegraph tt11k o! Hallxfitrazl. ' `' ''4en•,rvet'is+a. . . , a . • ,, . Bair BIF g -tit f;•• f 1,e T IP